How do I into Ethics from a left-wing perspective?
How do I into Ethics from a left-wing perspective?
nice spooks nerd
2500 years of thought < me
There is no unified "left-wing perspective".
Anarchists have Bakunin and Kropotkin.
Marxists (predictably) have Marx, who says all morality is relative and depends on circumstances.
Christian slave morality > my own will to power
plebs gon pleb
I typically think Marx was right in his analysis. I don't draw my "ethics", from that, though.
In a completely unrelated (different layer of abstraction) from economic systems value, type of 'value', which happens to coincide heavily from an emotional perspective (separated from the structural logic behind it), with typically socialist -> communist thought; as the only thing which can give any sort of (again, not speaking of economic theory here) 'value' to anything, in the entire universe, is sentience, life, then the only thing which has inherent value - is life, sentient creatures.
If one is looking for meaning, in anything whatsoever - or at least, something to pass the time, what would make more sense than insisting upon that which would give the only 'thing' which has inherent value, a good experience? What gives a good experience? Better material conditions, more equal superstructure, happiness (or lack of despair, I guess, would be a better way to put it).
That's where I draw my "ethics", from. I don't depend on Marx, for that.
What concept? Ethics isn't a single thing, it has varying and opposing systems of thought.
webm very related
You start with the Greeks…
Your use of a comma there is unethical.
Well, I don't depend on Marx period. So I guess the comma has an adversary. I appreciate Marx and agree with his analysis and critique of Capitalism.
Ladies and gentlemen, mutualists.
what did he mean by this???
Why would you do that to yourself?
Because ethics are spooks unless I make them my property
Really, Lpol? Are you really this poor in theory?
All one needs for leftist ethics is: is it freedom? If yes, it's good. If not, it's bad.
Freedom is the only end which is in and for itself, the ultimate good.
Spinoza is all about that freedom, good choice.
You are wrong tho and cant refute me.
Subjectivity wins again!
Weak negative preference utilitarianism tbqh fam.
Ethics != morality dumbass
Read Nietzsche
Subjectivity wins again!
You're an idiot.
You are too.
What? I can't hear you over my intercourse
On the marxist archive the first thing that comes up when you look up ethics is Belford Bax. Anyone read his stuff on those matters?
This triggers the deontologists.
Kantian ethics go really well with Marxism.