Can I be a moderate leftist ultra ethnonationalist and still be welcome on Holla Forums
Can I be a moderate leftist ultra ethnonationalist and still be welcome on Holla Forums
Can your dick touch your ass?
No thats degenerate
Im lefty not in social views but in economics because I think every white/european citizen should have a chance to enjoy a nice non degen lifestyle away from poverty.
I want a race war first tho, social democracy doesnt work with millions of niggers leeching your system
Pure normie cancer, go all in or go home.
Im not gonna be a communist because theres a need for markets and trade
Not gonna go full right wing because thats retarded and jewish exploitation of white people
How do you feel about the jews?
shit thread tbh
The kike is the biggest enemy of white civilisation, more then the negro
If you feel the need to label yourself with inane -isms to believe you have any position or belief, then you are too retarded to understand what Holla Forums is about
Can you be a selfless, generous Jew?
Mixed markets are the worst of both worlds. Market forces shit up socialism, socialism shits up market forces.
Either eliminate market forces entirely, or embrace market forces completely.
Any system with both is necessarily shit.
What are you, North Korean?
dubs of truth
This is the most retarded analysis of post Keynesian economic theory since retards like ron paul gained popularity.
No the market is only efficient in certain circumstances such as in the manufacturing of cheap, competitive industries such as fast food whereas government is more efficient in healthcare/roads/police etc.
A mixed market is the logical conclusions due to the failures of socialism and the failures of full on capitalist market forces with the huge booms/troughs
Id take right wing fascism over current kike neoliberalism tho just to remove kebab/kike
Pick 1
Lefty just means I believe in government intervention into the economy to benefit a white ethnostate.
No the first step is to oven the kikes.
They win under any economic system to exploit the white working people and thus require removal/deportation
Theres kikes on both sides, look at ben shapiro on the right
There has never been a truly totalitarian economic system, nor has there been a truly free market.
Both always get kiked up.
Shlomo, please. You're terrible at shilling. Go away.
OP is an autistic NatSoc
Yeah but neither full left socialism/communism or right free markets work in theory or practice. Both just allow for exploitation although if done correctly both could work out as long as it's whites only to be quiet honest.
European Democrat here who came with the first 4pol exodus when the board was new.
Just stop giving a fuck about what people think or if they welcome you, sinply argue without getting hysteric and see if your views get btfod or if they seem more reasonable.
Yeah thats the gist I'm getting I used to browse 4pol but its so cancerous lately, literal 'shit'posting if you look in the catalog rn
Ill just delete thread, was good to see a small consensus
Leave now!! You are unequivocally not welcome here under any circumstances. Lurk for 5 years if you are a leftist and 2 years if you are from t_d. Reported for being a faggot who thought they'd be welcomed with open arms. We don't need or want you!
At its core, government involvement in the economy is disruptive and unstable as it is not holistic.
Doing a job halfway is always worse than doing nothing at all. A mixed market is a half-assed market.
The government needs to take responsibility, or stay out of it.
Lurk for two more years before posting >>>/4cuck/
This pretty much.
You could have simply said you're mentally ill.