
Anyone else playing grand strategy games?

I decided to make this for shits and giggles.

Other urls found in this thread:

stellaris.smods.ru/?s=ID: 724943755

Seems about right

top wew


Needs more geek culture, don't you thank?

channel it into constructive shit m8



It's a great game but the
meme is unforgivable.

Yes. I must say traits had annoyingly small impact and the whole gameplay was bland. I've decided to wait until some good mods arrive.

And my Soviet Union was obviously Individualist.

I'm sort of making fun of pic related.

It's annoying, but I just think of it as authoritarianism vs egalitarianism

Anyway, the "weight of evidence" shows that enslaved pops produce more minerals and food than free pops, so…


Repost from last time someone posted a "make-your-own-race" website.

How did you play a space Soviet Union without purges or gulags?

Did someone try to play with high Ethos Divergence?

I put it somewhere around +100% with some modding. Things got out of hand pretty fast. IIRC I didn't have a single pop with original ethos left within 30 years.

Initial Ethos choice shouldn't have included pop bonuses.

The game has a nice style to it, has been horribly buggy and is being driven down the usual paradox "dlcs and monies before patches", but from what I can tell there's been some improvement, at least.

All the society and politcal, and economic system categories and descriptions are obviously written by someone on the dev team who is 100% capitalist born-again. Ayn-randian style of retardation. That's what ticked me off, even more so than the bugs, about that game.

I expected we had a literal plebs on Holla Forums, but I didn't know it was that bad

that game is dogshit

try victoria 2 and hearts of iron 3

There are mods to fix it
stellaris.smods.ru/?s=ID: 724943755
How's the gameplay? I hate giving Paradox monis but I love the fuck out of grand strat, space and games designed to be modded.

smh tbh fam

Well, yeah. It needs 2-3 years to get mature.

Choose one and only one.

You can't make your own civ in Vicky2 or HoI3

Paradox is kind of shit, though. They really are just a little money hungry studio, some of the on release bugs that stayed in it forever (given how bad they were), and imbalances, were so obvious it seemed quite clear they had not even bothered to play their own game through any sort of testing.

The responses were even worse, when they started pushing cosmetic DLCs. They have some good artists hidden away in there, that's about it. It's a den of greedy, money grubbing tools.

Welcome to Capitalism. What bunker have you been hiding in all those years?

How many open-source/free(ish) games, do we even have? Of those that are playable.

Anything not on Steam is pirated? Shit, is that how bad DLC has gotten? Steam's model of access to the games you paid for being held hostage against your good behavior is intense Porky cuckery.

Have they fixed Stellaris yet? I haven't played it since it launched.

I don't disagree, but Paradox is pretty far out there. And again (referring to my previous post: ), it's clear there's some born-again randian pieces of shit in their team. It wasn't just some sort of ideological 'echo' of capitalism that made almost word for word propaganda versions of US style lolbert descriptions for political systems, economic and social relations, etc. within their racial traits settings. Considering Paradox core, isn't even US, and includes Scandis.

There's at least one core head designer in there, that is clearly a full blown Ayn Rand mindblown retard.

Well, that's the assumption Steam is ready to enforce via lawyers. Why do you think mods are hosted in Russia?

What exactly did you want fixed? It's still uninspiring as it was before.

Imo, galaxy should be mostly empty. Relics of extinct civs, DeathMurderPlague sealed in ruins, decadent (what were they called?) ancient civs going through the motions. Maybe one or two advanced civs doing their thing.

I thought more along the lines of post-trotskyism. Need to look at it again, though.

You can, but you have to mod it in and it usually runs like a pile of shit of it runs at all.

Wesnoth, OpenTTD, 0 A.D, Supertux, SuperTuxKart…

FreeCiv and NetHack then.

Why opensource games aren't being modded as often as commercial? Granted, TES games are too expensive/labour heavy, but stuff like Minecraft is hardly impossible.


Well, they give you the option to adjust the number of starting empires, but right now I don't think there's enough exploration content to sustain the game on exploration alone.

One of the nice things they're doing in the next patch is fleshing out the Fallen Empires a bit, though it revolves around them awakening and trying to conquer the galaxy or getting into a war with another fallen empire (of the opposite ethos) in what is supposed to be a galaxy spanning "world war" type event called "The War in Heaven"

Too bad half of the content is going to be locked away in the "story pack"…

Yeah, I know.

who the fuck is Mao

Fun little fact: did you know that in hoi4 there can be two Maos at the same time? One Mao is leading PRC from the start, the other one can lead ROC after a communist coup.

hearts of iron 4 is pretty gud

wew that's pretty bad

Porky loves you. Congratulations on wasting time and energy doing shit that doesn't matter at all. Perhaps you could direct that energy and time to doing something important and useful to the cause?

Video games do absolutely nothing for you.


This is what losers who waste their lives away on stupid shit say. Do something productive for your community instead. It's more rewarded, and it actually changes something. How does playing a video game do anything? If you like history, you can read a book.

Why don't you post what your hobbies are, and we'll see if you're being "productive" enough with your life.

If you really think like this, get the fuck off of Holla Forums. Posting here sure as hell isn't changing jack shit.

It's nice and cute that you're defending your waste of time, manchild. Meanwhile, your community suffers and you squander what little time you have here looking at a map and painting it different colours. Wow.

Congrats, Holla Forumsyps are more self aware than you.


It makes the game unnecessarily hard but I love this setup

-person telling someone to do something productive on Holla Forums

What did Paradox mean by this?

That they should get jobs making booze and clipper ships, I think.



I used to be pretty big into modding Vicky 2… well I know how to do it at least, and I was trying to get into modding DH too, but I basically lost the drive because no one would probably ever play them.

Fuck off, we need more cement factories.

Does total war count?

I love gsg. Those are pretty much the only video games I ever play. I often become the opposite of what I am ideologically speaking.



nah genuinely want to know,
I assume its a hearts of iron, but it doesn't look like the HOI4 screenshots i've seen

It's Darkest Hour


Anyone have any mod ideas/wishes/what have you?

Please lads I want to make a mod for you

/gsg/ is full of literally autistic Nazis now

Flesh out the CSA's events and unit names more in Kaiser Reich.

Make a Holla Forums mod for stellaris which properly represents leftist governments, societies, and economies all the way up to FALC

Is it possible to make communist and socialist goverments in vicky II not shit?


This too.

Maybe when it goes on sale

I was actually working on a mod to make politics in Victoria II somewhat historically accurate, I put it on hold because:
1. I wasn't sure if I should build it on top of HPM or not
2. I was kinda at a loss for what to do with regards to socialist governments
I had already made some changes to fascist and liberal ideologies (fascists would now support political and economic reforms while out of power and revoke political and economic reforms while in power, and liberals would only support minor political reforms, such as voting for wealthy and school reforms). I also planned to get rid of anarcho-liberals altogether and replace them with "radicals" who were something of a combination of Chartists and French republicans, supporting full expansion of political rights as well as some economic reforms, as well as perhaps a "Radical Republic" government type to go along with the new ideology.

But I have no idea what to do about socialists. I'm not sure 2 is enough, since right now they're basically social democrats and bad strawmen of Stalinists. I mean, I kinda feel like anarchism should be represented to some extent. But then there's the question of modeling the governments. It's really just an incredibly limited system that was obviously designed by liberals.

I've actually yet to play as the CSA, what needs to be fleshed out?
The only real modding of DH I've done was an attempt at porting over the Armageddon/Abyss scenarios to DH proper, and a few localization changes to fit the alternate timeline.

What this game doesnt take into account is that half of the games timeframe is a very formative period for the anti-capitalist left. A more fair representation of the left during this period would have to be event driven.

I installed Stellaris to try it out but the government ethics part made me fucking mad. Such a horrible misunderstanding of collectivism.

Not grand strategy but I've been playing the original Red Faction and Fallout New Vegas a bit.

They're just a way to model republican (non monarchist), capitalist dictatorships. I think the best thing is just to rename them.

How so?

Like what? That seems to be something more fitting of the Cold War period.


Anarkiddies really don't understand theory do they

Caesar got it all wrong, thining he could enforce dialectics.

In fact, the anarchy ending IS syntheses.

I'm fairly certain that Independent Vegas being the most appealing choice is the point. Everyone wants to make their dream come true, but the other three provide more realistic opportunities to establish yourself as a pioneer of future civilization.

If anyone's familiar with Dosbox, I'd definitely recommend this gem.

The tl;dr is that you're the post-revolutionary leader of a fictional Central/South American state called Chimerica, after the previous ridiculously-corrupt dictator was overthrown. Decisions are made by consulting 1. your cabinet and 2. various people that represent certain groups/factions in Chimerican society (i.e. the Church, smallholding peasants, even the previous regime's death squad). Your cabinet is appointed at the start of the game, and there are three "factions" you can appoint from - the Marxist-Leninist group that overthrew the previous dictator, the oligarchs that abandoned the leader, or development-economist-libertarian types that think FREE MARKETS will solve everything

You've got ~3 years to sort the country's shit out (relatively, speaking) although some stuff is railroaded (spoiler alert: there's an inevitable right-wing paramilitary bloodbath in the countryside). It's a bit lacking in content, but I'd definitely say its up Holla Forums's alley

feels good man

I just want my ethnically pure huwhyte nation, is that too much to ask?
Fucking Guyanese REEEEEEEEEEE

You can ethnic cleanse in most V2 mods. In HPM you need to be either absolute monarchy with reactionaries in power, or a fascist dictatorship, or the tankies, and have discovered Rhetoric of Hate under the R&C tech.

Make sure you close the border first otherwise whiny anti-genocide pops will emigrate from your country and you'll have less workers.

In all honesty the unmodded assimilation does most of the legwork if you wait long enough - in one game by 1890 South Africa was something like ~50% Afrikaner (without using the "piss the natives off and genocide their pops via suppressing uprisings" that I did with France in Algeria)

Vanilla's garbage in general though, compared to HPM or /gsg/vickymod.


How is reverting to a slave society "accelerationism"? He's literally reversing history.


Understanding Individualism as empowering the individual, and Collectivism as empowering the collective. As its core, Communism is about empowering individuals (those of the working class).

Sofia did nothing wrong

Yes. Game effects should be switched.

Individualism is about elevating specific Individual over the masses. For majority this means conformism (and preconditioning towards slavery).

On the other hand, Collectivism is about freedom for the general population.

You've got it backwards. Communism is about empowering the working class (which is constituted by individuals). Communism is a collectivist ideology. This is not debatable.

(But ultimately the individualism – collectivism distinction is idiotic.)

So is this the game that no one plays?

It's the well-being of individuals we are trying to improve, though. We are not encouraging sacrifice for the greater cause. Look at the picture of collectivism - to me it represents a hierarchy.

I think Paradox wanted to use "alien" versions of those terms, with collectivism as 'they is no such this as an individual, "we are all pawns to the species" and individualism as the rights and diginity of the individual is key.

"Ruthless Capitalists" AI are militaristic + collectivist.

Paradox redefined the terms to suit the needs of the game, plain and simple.

Nah. You can roll with it, as long as you redefine Individualism as Private Property (and add slavery tolerance - people think of themselves as "potential millionaires" rather than wage slaves they are).

No. You are talking about a moralistic non-mainstream tendency within Marxism: humanism. Maybe start your inquiry here before trying to tell us what _we are_ while knowing jack shit: marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/

You realize we are talking about communism (as in real life politics) and not an RPG moral system, right?

Yes, and this is why one can declare them idiotic liberals gurgling the American narrative of history and politics without much hesitation.

Ending up as the next useful idiot regurgitating the "Enlightened Individualistic Free-Market Race vs. Barbarians Without Laws or Rights" meme.

fucking americans, i swear

There's a problem at the heart of the distinction from a philosophical POV that is pretty much unsolvable (individual and society, the relationship of the two, their mutual dependence, etc.). The distinction is highly undialectical, even obscurantist, and as such as you might have guessed: ideological.

Not even an American. No need to be rude. No need to be triggered by me using "we" rather liberally. But what is exactly wrong with humanism ? Geniualy curious.

Lot of things.

Essentialism, inherited from idealism. The idea that (in this case) the individual in itself is a positive entity, naturally bearing identifying qualities. A religious example would be "soul," a political one: the "human" in "human rights". The essentialist claim in humanism would be: "Everyone has this human-ness inside him/her which makes him/her worthy of X treatment." People who argue for a "human nature" are essentialists.

Abstraction: the idea that you can just take out the individual from its defining surroundings and analyze it in itself. Marxism has a completely different methodology that does not allow for you to take out at will bits from the whole and talk about it because it leads to incorrect results. An example would be modern economists focusing on only one aspect of capitalism as the remedy to all our problems: "the free market will fix it!" or "raising the minimum wage does the trick." Marxism on the other hand does not allow for such operations because it identifies the system as a whole, each process in it and each contradiction being connected.

There are other political/ethical consequences of humanism. One can easilly detect the different attitudes of a Marxist revolutionary and a "humanist Marxist." When it comes to organization communists tend to be militants, humanists not so much.

You can find good critiques of human rights from a Marxist POV online. If you want to understand the method (dialectical materialism), read Althusser's For Marx.

Interesting. I will look further into it.
