
The explosion was said to have shaken nearby buildings, and there were several people in the area. No one was injured.

“We heard something that sounded like an explosion. It happens so much these days, so you do not really care… apart from the sound, it passed unnoticed,” they said.

Jesus Christ. "Yeah, that's Ingrid. She's busy now. She's getting raped. She'll call you back later"

Other urls found in this thread:


Add this to the long list of grenade/ied events.

I wouldn't care either

Sweden need to be annexed into finland or norway to wipe the degeneracy out but if they are not willing to do that then who will? Sweden is a danger to Europe.

Europe is a danger to Europe when you have the EUSSR still going on asking with Soros etc dumping cash to keep it that way.

What will it take for Swedes to rise up? I swear, most countries would've had a military coup by now. With each passing year, I feel more convinced that, like Israel, we should just build a wall around their country and wait for them to kill themselves or starve them to death.

I mean, fuck the rapefugees, it's SWEDES that are traumatized.


Ooof coarse, didn't you know it's racist to be against car bombs? It's their culture OP, stop being so intolerent and take some shrapnel to the face. They have socialized medicine after all.

And the worst about this is that they do not even count this as Islamic or Muslim terror.

It's just counted as insurance fraud or some fights amongst tribes as if that was normal.

In Germany the refugees burn down entire camps because of some argument between groups that live there and nobody sees that as problematic in the media.

The way the European people are portrayed is horrible.

Why do you think they call it Stockholm Syndrome?


Btw what I mean by insurance fraud is this

Stockholm syndrome hit them ironically harder than anyone imagined. These are the final stages of degeneracy, where even the most common sense instincts that make one human go out the door.

fucking hell
sweden is truly, truly fucked
not even a revolution can save them

One might say they have dehumanized and faced to bloodshed. Their own, without so much as a whimper.

poor jewden

This is what the Jews wanted: the dissolution of boundaries and borders. "We all sam."
Sweden, what's left of it, is just being compliant in doing what the higher-morality Jews wanted: it's dying to make room for other people. Swedes love to be good.

car bombs are now apart of their vibrant culture, in order to achieve multiculturalism in a country, you have to have these things, that goes for sexual assaults too. I can't seem to figure though the benefits of multiculturalism in Sweden though. Wait I know, all the scientists and engineers that are coming over from the middle east make it worth it.

Europe is truly fucked, stop repeating the Sweden meme as they can move into any country and have automatic carte blanche to move around the entire EU and legally claim benefits in any country in the eco zone upon getting residence. All those leaving Sweden because it's too cold are just going to another Euro city. Do not ever forget they have freedom of movement within all EU borders and can legally bring family once registered as an EU citizen, the future is only going to get worse.

If my daughter was getting gang raped by mudslim niggers at school as a extracurricular, I wouldn't give a shit about car bombs either.

~Leader of the leafs

What about African atheist violence and crime, or doesn't that count as alien invader terror anymore?

Why is every immigrant classed as muslim only, it sounds as if we have a massive contingent of kike-jews on this board, presenting every ethnic crime as that of muslims, it almost paints a rosey multicultural nirvana apart from the one ethnic alien that jews allow us to talk about.

We'll live to see Sweden become a part of Africa.

I can't wait for it to happen frankly, watching a whole population of leftist cucks get chased down by packs of rabid, raping niggers is gonna be fun.

Narcissists that love rubbing their status as a humanitarian "superpower" in everyone's face can virtue signal just how tolerant and accepting they are.

You actually could benefit from importing really talented people (and not just the ones with the paper that says they are) if you were really committed to this retarded idea of a diverse society, but all they're doing is flooding the country with niggers and mudshits for no discernible material benefit.

I would bet 10,000 dollars and your life it was a mudslim that did the bombing.

Ever heard of Mossad?

Ever heard of any non-white creating mayhem and Hell in white countries through various shootings and bombings?

Just wondered why every so-called nationalist board these days is simply an extension of Pam Gellers GatesOfVienna

I tell you whut, I thin it's getting real close to time we send some white space marines over there and establish white sharia while the women left haven't been spoiled. I mean why give it to mudslime niggers???

I see that a lot among redpilled communities. They'll say Muslim in lieu of black or brown subhuman.

Not that I disagree with the fact that 99.9% of Muslims in the world are savages, but repeatedly focusing on Muslims and blaming all the rape and murder on them leads to a rhetorical inability to challenge the importation of spics and Christian niggers.

It must be understood that the issue is not religious, or at least not for the most part, but a racial one.

I bet you double that that the perpetrator was brown.

Because it's the only way Swedes will ever learn. If you were to go in and rescue them from themselves they wouldn't thank you for it, they'd call you a racist Nazi mass murderer that discriminates against poor black and brown people for no good reason.

Swedes need to experience multiculturalism in such a way not even leftist programming can deny the truth of what is going on.


Stop shilling so hard for kebab, Mr. Duke. Believe it or not, we don't have to choose between hating kebab or kikes, because they aren't mutually exclusive positions. I don't want either in my country, or anywhere near it.

War Room White Sharia aka kill everything, impregnate the women, take the land.

Fuck you faggot.

No you misunderstand Moishe, the point is the movement has clearly been co-opted by kikes, thus it makes me suspicious of users devoting all their energies to promoting the agenda that only serves kikes.

The user below has it clearly understood.

Our problem is the mass flooding and open borders legal invasion of various tribes of 3rd world muds from all corners of the Earth into our white homelands, the entire islamic caliphate bollocks is simply playing along with the kike counter-jihad narrative.

Why can't we just simply say that we don't want vibrants in white countries?

It's far less ambiguous and vulnerable to "loopholes" like simply switching to importation of Christian mudshits, niggers and spics.

I'll let you in on a little secret, TRS. You people shilled this board to hell and back during the elections, so it's a bad idea to use your memes here. That is, if you don't want to get filtered/banned.

That's retarded and you know it. Go back to TRS and stay there. Every last one of your ideas has sucked.

Tell Heinrich he's a hooker murdering half turk.

We can, and I do. The point is, he's taking the side of Muslims because kikes hate them, just like David Duke. It's a retarded position to have, because they're both equally shit.

Okay, Muhammad. Whatever you say. Jews bad, Islam isn't an issue. Got it.

They never learn. They can't. It's not in their nature. Even I learned what they did not.

I'm not trs,I listen to their podcast at work. The war room is great.

Whites that have a will to live should just fucken invade Sweden, and take it over rather than let it fall to shitskin invading hordes .

Jews are bad, they are the ones responsible for bringing over all these millions of non-whites of every denomination and creed into our homelands to displace the native Europeans.

Not all murders, rapes and muggings are done by just one specific distinct ethnic group, they are all invaders.

All of this was only ever possible because of the jewish centuries long game plan to destroy the West.
Muslims are just one of the very many biological weapons sent to destroy us.


I don't know who that is, and I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, he's killing degenerate whores, but on the other hand, he's a filthy turkroach. That's a hell of a tough call, man.

Quite frankly, nobody here cares. Holla Forums rejects the alt-right and the audience of TRS because they shilled here.

Again, all I'm saying is that hating Muslims, Jews and shitskins aren't mutually exclusive positions, nor should you consider them as such. You outright called me a D&C JIDF agent for saying that, which leads me to think it's nothing but projection.

No. War Room is shit, they're the same network as TRS. They're fucking retarded. That meme is retarded. You are retarded.


He's one of their inner circle who lives in Germany.

I'm right and you know it.

Go back to TRS

I've been here since 1st exodus, you sound like a fag and your shits all retarded.

I agree with you. I am in the same thought pattern as yourself on this matter.
I diverge though. I say why go in and save them when we can go in and conquer them. It is evident that they lack the courage, skill at arms and WILL to even defend themselves against shitskin muslims that they secretly hate but are not man enough to do anything about.

Sweden could be taken in 8 hours. They lack the WILL TO SURVIVE.

Para drop a few company over their Cap -
take the government without even a shot fired.
Take over all media backbones and do an information black out.

At this point it doesn't matter that they would think you are evil nazis.

I literally have never bee on their forum,please kill yourself.

You seem to think it's just a minor matter of semantics, it isn't, it's a carefully calculated and crafted scheme that has enabled the jews to co-opt every nationalist movement in Western Europe.

This short 2 minute clip from Nick griffin (shortly before the jews managed to push him out of his own party, and since then they became full fledged counter-jihadist pro-isrealis, with kikes in every key top position now) should help you understand my point better.

Zionist Neocons Offered BNP Bribe to Ignore Zionist Power & Attack Islam

kosher nationalism is completely neutered and deactivated nationalism. It offers zero resistance to international jewry and their scheme to destroy us through forced mass immigration

You don't need to pretend, newfriend. If you've been here for years, you should know that nobody likes TRS. I'm just trying to help you fit in, which you clearly don't want to do, which is why nobody likes TRS. See a pattern?


I was actually absent for the whole trs debacle,like I said I'm not a neet like yourself and
didn't read the board for a while because of work.

what do you mean by shilling exactly? how did trs shill?

I don't know why, but you seem to think that people can't hold multiple, non-exclusive positions at the same time. I'll simplify this for you:
These things do not contradict one another, as they are two separate positions on two separate issues. In context:
These are three positions which are not related, but we both agree must be followed. I'm glad we agree.

Jews are the problem
All the various non-whites running rampage in our European ancestral homelands are the symptoms.
None of the symptoms, including usury slavery, feminism, media brainwashing etc will ever go unless we directly tackle the root source of the problem.

Misdirecting focus tio the one sole enemy the jews are determined we fight for them will only lead to a world war like WWII were the only victors will be international jewry.

You may see the laboured point as a matter of silly semantics, I'm trying to demonstrate that it isn;t and the jews haven;t spent millions of dollars and countless teams of hasbara making sure we all lose focus from the true problem for nothing.

If they don´t acknowledge it, it never happened.
Ostrich style, then raped. Literally.

Good would be to have them stay in countries the Middle East neighbouring Europe and give them humanitary aid. They are safe there and none of them work anyways.

kys shill

People adapt to extreme circumstances. It's basic human nature. A all out race war, revolution, or civil war could literally break out and you can beat that 60-75% of the population at least will adjust, and then carry on with their daily life just trying to ignore their shitty life and circumstances.

It doesn't matter how bad it gets, the majority will just tolerate it. It's up to the radicals. Always has been. Always will be.

That's a nigger area, is anyone really surprised?

Very true, but I think many posters on here need to realize that we are the vanguard, if we don't start the fire noone will.

This needs to go further then just meme magic. We need to step up for our families, society and future.

Don't they already have grenade attacks twice a month? This is all part of the conditioning, eventually there will be literal war in Sweden and the locals will just go "it's always been this way"


All I can find on expressen is they've found a car with explosives in it??
What's your game?

There will be no new Police station in immigrant suburb of Rinkeby in Stockholm. Not for now anyhow. The reason: no construction company dares to build it.

The old police station in Rinkeby closed the spring of 2014 but already a year later a decision was made to build a new station for a total of 240 police officers.

The new station would have opened this summer, but it will not, reports Swedish Television News. There has not been any bids. Construction companies dare not take the job because they are afraid of immigrant violence in Rinkeby.



He's right though, toughen up and get out there and do something about it.

If a car bomb or whatever goes off in some shitty immigrant suburb far removed from your average Sven where it does not affect his daily life it's obviously gonna be met with a "meh". Same thing when the muds chimp in Paris. It's bad of course but it's not a war zone (yet).

It shows that both the French and the Swedes have basically lost control of their countries.

There has to be a tipping point, right? What the fuck is it going to take for Swedes to wake the fuck up? This shit is not normal in western society.

Swedes aren't used to this at all, Sweden used to be so fucking safe like you wouldn't imagine when I grew up. That people would act like this is so far removed from the swedish psyche that it comes like a total shock.

Same thing in America, Britain, Netherlands and ofcourse Germany. Atleast the tide is turning all over the place now. Praise kek and trust in his divine will. Not a fucking inch of Europe will be surrendered.

You know how I know you're a lukewarm IQ faggot?

Not unless things go really bad really quickly. Things will just keep slowly getting worse and worse, but Sven will keep brushing it off and adapting, each year more savage and violent, but the country around him changing at such a pace he can adapt to it until one morning he wakes up and Jamal guts him like a goat.

It's too early to say. This might as well be the dying spasms of Western civilization. Hopefully we'll have a talk about this ten years down the line.

fuck off kike

Yea true. But it's all relative. Did the US lose control of their country when the first negro slum took form? In a sense, absolutely, but then again it's all so very concentrated in small areas so people can just move away. But it's an awful development no matter how you look at it of course.

You know I have been a nationalist in Sweden now for 9 years, when I started it was fucking hard to be a nationalist, the social repression was extreme. But never have I lost hope or stopped believing we are gonna get through this.

To lose this fight is not an acceptable option, I refuse to yield, I most certainly refuse to yield against small dicked manlet cowards who attack women. If we are gonna lose, I'm gonna fight believing in victory till the day I die, atleast I would die with my back unbent. We have just begun to organize and effect change in the world, RWDS and more happenings is coming, we just need to praise kek and have faith in his divine will.

In less than 50 years the US went from a 90% white country to a 60% white country. That's pretty fucking terrifying.

The US is still better than most of the West, because at least the police still can and does enforce the law. When law enforcement wants to pacify a bunch of rabid niggers they do so with extreme prejudice, but lately we've borne witness to nigger and leftist officials ordering the police to stand down and let subhumans and Marxists run amok.

I'm not saying to give up the fight, I'm just saying not to jump the gun too soon. Yes, positive things are happening everywhere in the West, but that is no guarantee the pendulum is swinging.

But what I'm saying is this: If you want to win, you need to believe in victory. Ofcourse I sometimes feel despair and doubt that it will happen, but I refuse to let it take over, I believe in this fight, I believe in our victory.

Why do you think nazis greeted eachother with heil victory?

They didn't win though.

They gave the jews a hell of a rubbing and they were damn close.

Aren't tonnes of whites literally murdered by blacks in the USA?
Why do you Americans care more about Swedes than your own?
I mean, I appreciate it..

This. We burgers are lucky that we've bought ourselves some time to stock up and prepare with this election, but whether it's four years or eight, the commies will have learned from this and will mobilize in numbers we've never seen before. It's going to get ugly, real ugly, and a lot of good people are going to get hurt, locked up, and maybe even killed before any of us do a fucking thing about it.

Can't let it stop you, be ready to face this shit when it comes. The revolutionary war was won with only something like 15% of the population, if we can redpill at least some of the fence sitting conservatives we can actually do this.

The biggest problem we have right now, is the total lack of fanaticism. The commies have it, and their numbers will continue to swell because of that. While we're much more tepid in our general support. And before someone calls me out on that, look at it the commies are out there stabbing people and burning shit, what are we doing? Until we've got the same level energy going on RWDS can't happen. We need to get people passionate about this shit, which is a good use of time during this political lull.

You also have the right to bear arms and assemble an armed militira.

If you had spoiler'd the punchline you'd have made a great post

Assembling a militia generally doesn't turn out too well in practice, but fair point.

That said, it's like you don't even know how to nog. Find some hash smoking low level shitskin, buy some garbage drugs from him a few times. Once he lowers his guard some ask if his cousins can hook you up with some artillery. You'd be surprised how many guns the cia send isis puppets all over the place, they can be acquired from those puppets fairly cheaply.

then now is the time to fight back since you will be ignored

Not a single person gave a shit about the nordic resistance movement arsons in Göteborg.

We are gullible. It is our own failing. When the Jews tell us that doing this thing or that is morally right, we believe them because… they have 'god' on their side. Either ethnic Swedes learn to question (imported…) authority figures, esp. the Jews, or our species will disappear entirely. That's it.

The question we oughta be asking is this: How can we reduce the obstinate gullibility of Nordic folks, before there aren't any anymore.

Oh nigger no.

First of all, Arab Christians exist, or at least used to. They allied with Byzantium against the muslim arab invaders. From its inception, taqiyya, the jizya, and conquest and forced conversion have been tenets of islam. It is a cult of conquest with the paint of religion on its surface. Second, the MUSLIMS LITERALLY SAY THEY ARE HERE TO KILL/RAPE/CONVERT US. Seriously it's in their fucking book, their leaders say it, their "scholars" write it, their "philosophers" teach it, their footsoldiers will tell you to your face. There are chill as fuark arabs who just sit around eating lizards in desertistan, mostly nonreligious or of another religion. Look at zoroastrians. When was the last time a zoroastrian iranian bombed anyone? Never. Muslim iranians? Or the christian coptic egyptians, verses the muslim egyptians.

Let's name the elephant. Islam is a war cult whose aim is to dominate all other lands and peoples, to convert them or to kill them, to rape their women, to collect the jizya tax, to pillage their lands, to spread the reach of islam further like a virus.

From Indonesia to Pakistan to Saudi Arapeia and North Apefrica, every last mudslime needs to die.

How dense are you? There's a reason they all scream aloha snackbar before exploding. They're literally telling you their motive was jihad. What kikery, you're denying reality at this point. Islam is a cult of war.

Good thing we got this guy to tell us what pol is and isnt. Get fucked you pretentious faggot

There is enough hatred in my heart for both jews and muslims.

First we remove the ones blowing up shit in our streets and stabbing us with knives, and THEN we target the shadow infection. If you were in a warfield with a broken leg and a guy shooting at you, do you set your rifle down to brace your leg during incoming fire?

We also have our Zimmermans.

I am all for the violent resistance. When does it start? The cucks that fell for the brainwashing are the ones to blame.
Spreading material over the internet, voting right, going out on the street to protest for the moderate right-wing causes (not go full 14/88 just yet)


You'll find the same shit occurring in the US.
People will deny reality up and after it comes in and shoots them for their pills.
The only thing to hope for is that enough of them learn while this is happening, jump ship, and breed a large enough population in the US or someplace else to eventually act as a colonising force during reconquista.

So I imagine you're fine with the US becoming an extension of Mexico then? And how do you explain the behavior of Christian niggers in the US?

Let's not pretend that screeching about Islam is anything but an evasive tactic of cowards too afraid to voice racial truths.

All religions are war cults, especially Semitic ones. The only reason Christianity isn't nearly as shit as the other two is that whites beat the stupid out of it for centuries until it became compatible with civilized humans.

I could give less of a shit what excuse they use to nig, all I care is that they don't do it in white lands. You go die to free Jerusalem or whatever the fuck you LARPers like to masturbate to, I just want them out and left alone, because Arabs are great at killing other Arabs.

The entire premise of "culture/religion causes someone to commit violence, not genetics" is bullshit. If arabs created Islam, and Islam attracts and resonates with arabs, then obviously they must be genetically inclined to love this violent ideology, and love violence in general.

Culture (and thus, religion) doesn't just fall out of the sky. Culture comes when a bunch of people (of a particular race) behave in a certain way, and people behave the way they do because of their genetics, the psychological traits they've inherited.

As for the types of non-muslim arabs (of which there are few in number, as the vast majority of arabs ARE muslim), who commit less violence than the muslim arabs (though surely they still commit far more violence than whites do, so you can't blame it all on their religion), I would also argue that the arabs who are non-muslim are genetically different from muslims, in most cases, and probably have inherited their less violent behavior, which is also why they don't practice the muslim religion.

So, in the end, it's still a matter of genetics that causes them to commit violence, not the religious teachings. Saying that the way muslims commit so much violence is because of religious teachings, is the same as saying blacks commit more violence because of their upbringing. It implies that, if they weren't brought up in this "bad environment", they would be peaceful, so it's entirely the fault of environment, not their genetics.
But they inherit these psychological traits, just as all psychological traits and behaviors are inherited. If they commit more violence, then it's because they inherited it. So it's still a matter of race and genetics, and it's just side-tracking and missing the point to act like it's a problem of their culture, not their genes.

I'd argue that non-Muslim Arabs are only so mellow because they know them chimping out would get them killed.

It's how niggers behave when they are a minority among a different group/gang, but turn right around and sucker punch you in the back of the head the very moment they feel they have superior numbers.

If muh culcha were a factor in the behavior of races then you'd see a stark difference between Muslim niggers and Christian niggers, yet there is none to be had. They all nig at the same rate and will chimp out at the drop of a hat.

It will have to come to full-on 1488, because anything short of deadly violence won't stop them. The Left has a religious belief that, regardless of reality, we are all the same, and when we aren't it's the people's job to make it so. They would equalize all people through coerced inter-species breeding, and otherwise mixing cultures and societies, effected through the ubiquitous superficial moral imperatives that 'good' folks are so susceptible to. The Left cannot, is incapable of, letting well enough alone. They must convert everyone else or die. For them, it is a religious mandate rooted in a valid (if short-sighted) spiritual understanding. And the only way to stop such a closely-held cultural conflict is by carrying the conflict all the way to the grave, the winner being whoever's left alive. It will come to full on 1488, or else there will be no Sweden for future generations. Either Swedes fight the 'moral superiority of the Jew', or it will be turned into an Islamic caliphate.

Personally, I expect Sweden ito be a lost cause, the second european Nation destroyed after France. Most of the the beautiful Swedish women will be sold into sex-slavery in (((Saudi Arabia))), and the men killed. The only Swedes that survive will colonize some other part of the world.


France may still save itself, Le Pen is their last chance.
Sweden has no more chances.

Yeah, I agree. The non-muslim arabs probably only seem much less violent by comparison to their muslim neighbors. I was already kinda skeptical about the claim of non-muslim arabs being so much better than muslim ones. Like you said, a big factor is that muslim arabs

Also, an important factor is that the only arabs that have been imported en masse into white countries are muslim arabs. I'd bet that, if a shitload of non-muslim arabs were brought into Europe, they would have many incidents of raping and murdering, MAYBE with fewer bombings and large-scale attacks than muslim arabs. And, again, that difference in violence could still easily be explained by genetic differences between the different kinds of arabs. And also to reiterate an earlier point I mentioned, these non-muslim arabs are in such small numbers that they're not really a significant factor overall, they're just a minor exception to the rule that "arabs = muslims = bad news". As a general rule of thumb, arab and muslim are basically synonymous. And the few non-muslim arabs are irrelevant anyway, because those aren't the ones being imported into white countries.

Accidentally cut that line off. Meant to say:
A big factor is that muslim arabs are the dominant ones over non-muslim arabs, so the non-muslim arabs only seem less violent because the muslim arabs completely run the show, so the non-muslim arabs would get completely rekt if they tried to commit any violence themselves. Doesn't mean that non-muslim arabs will be completely peaceful, stand-up citizens if we brought them into white countries en-masse. They'd probably be only slightly less violent, if not equally as violent, as muslim arabs.

I imagine if you had a bunch of different Arabs together in a place, regardless of their religious leanings, they'd very quickly descend into tribal warfare and a cycle of blood vengeance.

What people need to understand is that mudshits lack the concept of a nation. It's why Iraqis ran away from ISIS, leaving all their weapons and equipment behind, they had no loyalty to the nation of Iraq, it's why Afghanistan is a perpetual shithole, it's why every Middle Eastern nation very quickly degenerates into a totalitarian cesspit, because only a strongman can keep all the warring tribes under control. To note is that whenever said strongman comes to power he only ever places other members of his tribe in sensitive positions (an example being Saddam that relied on his hometown as a base of power and source of trusted underlings).

Arabs do not posses the genetic makeup to form cohesive societies, the basis of their culture is the tribe/extended family, their whole worldview is projected through their tribal ties, hence why close proximity of all these different mudshit people in the Western melting pot leads to such vicious violence. They are outside their social framework, rubbing shoulders with other tribes and trying to murder each other until they've subjugated or exterminated everyone else.

To note is that this was the same behavior of Israelite tribes.

That'll be my fiance in a few years. She fucking loves cows.

You better make sure she doesn't love fucking cows or you're gonna have a problem

It's the sweet Nordic temperment that is most threatened by the Jew.

Nice digits.

Turk/Arab/Jewish DNA is completely cancerous and needs to be purged from the planet since they are a pestilence and a cancer. Nigger DNA is just brutish and dangerous but they need to be wrangled like the wild animals they are.
Gooks and Nips are fine. Chinks need to be kept under strict observation.
Irrelevant other third worlders can continue to be irrelevant and get sent back to their countries, where they should stay.

Its called Stockholm syndrome for a reason

This, semites shitskins and turkroaches are too dangerous to let live, but the rest are fit to be let be. Maybe not chinamen, though that's more to do with them polluting the rock we're trapped on than cultural cancer or crime.

Sure m8. Fuck her right in the pussy given that you are aryan. Also less LARPing.

I've never had trouble wrangling a nigger. Once you establish dominance they never give you a problem. Jews will always be subversive no matter what.


No, they're industrializing at such a rate they're making the land uninhabitable due to pollutants.

There is no place for the nigger in this world, just ship hapas into africa if you don't feel like dealing with the climate.

Not warmist, but look at the way they handle their fucking waste, not to mention the fucking smog cities they've got where they just burn old computers for the copper. Chinamans may actually make the oceans unusable. Don't really give a shit about the climate, I'm talking about total disregard for what they're putting into the white man's air.

Alright i get that. Walking outside in Peking for a day can be as harmful to the lungs as smoking a pack of cigarettes

I think you're just a cuck who isn't strong enough to wrangle a nigger.
I bet you own a purse dog.

Is wrestling niggers a hobby of yours user?
Anything else you want to come clean with?

I´d rather kill a nigger than wrangle him.

I can smell the weakness lol.

You like looking at niggers?

You like having to look down at the sidewalk when they cross your path?

I want the niggers gone, you're the one that wants to (((wrangle them))) whatever the hell that means. I suspect you're either mixed or hoping to copulate with them. Possibly both.

Here is a fresh gem:

New police station / fort in the the sharia no go zone al rinkbah delayed for over 1 year because the regime cant find a single contractor willing to work in the zone.

state propaganda tv channel:

larpy mcspicington right here

Are you afraid of dogs and cats too?

What do you want a nigger for? You just said you want to domesticate them, for what?

kys, coalburning faggot. Go watch based Milo, he likes to suck black cocks as well. Fucking weak ass beta

Please no more….

back to out of the US back to Africa. ==Whatever you get the point. White nationalist or die. We don´t need a zoo of blacks, cucked later generations might soften up and free them again.==


wow if only the could find a bunch of police officers to protect their dudes while they were working


Yes, I know. As a Scandinavian, it worries me greatly that the Swedish Government has the power to decide who gets to live and work in ALL of Scandinavia/Europe.

I think neighboring countries should put diplomatic pressure on Sweden to fix their shit somehow. Maybe aid in this endeavor ourselves if necessary.

Actually EU citizens do not have freedom of movement this is a propagated lie.

There is "hidden" legislation officially to ban football hooligans, that gives each country the right to deny entry or detain and deport any EU citizen without judge or jury.

In case anyone is wondering, that guy was a Lebanese Christian.


yeah dude I used to like the war room and then the mike enoch thing happened, fash the nation bailed, bulby quit… they showed themselves for the cowards they are, war room might be alright but they're on a network of cowards and liars

Blacks generally aren't smart enough to deal with bombs and shit like that.

A lot of the african invaders are mudslime too.