"Back to Africa"

"Just send the niggers back to Africa" is a retarded ideal to hold:

It would be a total waste of the beautiful land and resources of Africa, which could be tamed, shaped, and populated by whites.

Also, It's a million times easier to kill non-whites outside of the US than inside. The middle-eastern interventions by America are evidence of this: people will flip their shit at a white killing a muslim in the US, but when a hundred thousand of them die in the middle-east, no one bats an eye-lid. So it would be more efficient on a global scale to focus on removing niggers in Africa rather than in the US.

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The Black Israelite will lead this negro exodus.
We wuz kangs would be memed into reality, as we see the negro Muh dik all of those cultures into Moordom

not about to hold my breff until this happens

If you are a bit of a moralfag like I am, the sufferings of a negro-populated Africa is also a problem. The rape, poverty, conflict… all would cease immediately if the only inhabitants were whites.

A world with significantly less human suffering would exist in this idea that seems "extremist" and "evil" on the surface to a normalfag! Quite ironic isn't it!

It's actually true that African-Americans are Shoahing the native African tribes and culture, funnily enough. Liberia is where it happens.

Soon, Yakub nigga.

Here's what you wanna do.
Africa has a lot of untapped resources because niggers don't into industrialization. White colonies will take care of that. If they break off down the road that will kind of suck, but at least they won't be nogs.

Interesting scenario! However, If we are to think of the current situation in the US right now, how can there be an effective way for Trump to send all the blacks back to Liberia, to even start this scenario? The US can always fabricate bullshit to massacre civilians on the other side of the planet very easily. Domestic cleansing however, is very difficult. How is Trump supposed to pass nigger-removal laws, without at least purging the cuckservatives? With all the cuckservatives in America, who want to babysit their pet niggers?

What if we move them all to africa and then bomb them into extinction?

That's the best scenario, although something less messy than bombs are preferable.

How to do it realistically though in the current and near future political situations?

Dude, you're talking about genocide of millions right now. Get off the computer and go outside, your plump sugary flouridated ass wouldn't pull the trigger

heres an idea
how about instead of putting them in africa, you put them in india?


Perhaps you are insinuating that I am edgy. Actually I am more motivated by the desire to put an end to a large source of human suffering (starvation, tribal warfare, rape, etc), than simple ethnic hatred.

Just leave Africa alone and they will kill each other. When the survivors go full chimp then and attack us, we have a reason to kill them. Away from the moral question that doesnt seem to matter to you, if you just genocide the niggers, normies will forever whine about white guilt and rebel against us and weaken us.

Fuck off newshit. Maybe cuckchan is suited for your tastes where you can meme about killing kikes ironically and sucking off BASED niggers.

okay okay heres how to do it:

first, you put all the blacks back in africa, many of them willingly
then, you cut off all financial aid to africa
then, you wait for the EU to do the same, so the blacks starve to death
then, after the UN is dissolved, you go in and start shipping them to india
then, the remaining blacks compete with indians for resources, and they get rid of some of them for you
after the indians have nearly all been killed, you put the rest of the indians in china and kill the blacks except for a small stock that can be put in zoos

I am actually quite interested in the moral side of the question.

Niggers regenerate faster than the ridiculous amount that they kill each other (much like chinks), so I'm not so sure about that idea. As for normies, they will simply follow the mainstream narrative, so if it could be set by Holla Forumsacks through memes or through internet fact-sharing, they wont give a fuck.

I don't see how India has to be brought into this place. India is it's own problem where it needs Eugenics so the whiter Indians become the majority.

make a pro-north indian case then

Yeah but this OP is unique, you can tell he's a little bitch

Why not both?

The question is then, are some races just failures and cancer from the core or are there positive aspects of them and their primitive cultures if they stay in their place. I find these cultures quite fascinating and its not all negative, like white culture is not all positive today since we brainlessly waste resources for trash products all the time. I think all cultures perverted and degenerated more or less the last 100 years.
Thats the situation now, because we feed them. That needs to stop first like I said.
I dont think so, memes work if they spread undeniable truth and show the absurdity of the opposite. Thats not the case when its about genocide.

I dunno, Im starting to wonder if the (((globalists))) already had this idea, started this and already have some bio-weapon to wipe out all subhuman nigs from earth. Like some form of super aids. Bill Gates was already trying to tell normies of the coming (((plague))). Their plan isnt complete until multiculturalism is done.

Sendin'em back to Africa wouldn't populate the whole continent, dumbass AND we still need to expell them in the first place.

Reminder that Nationalism and colonialism aren't compatible. Nationalism is about uniting your race in their ancestral homeland, not settling your people in others' homelands.

Where do you think you are?

Back to Africa and then we genocide (most of) them. I don't believe in full genocide because I don't believe in killing off any species, but Africans should be population controlled sustainably like all wildlife. Ideally they would have all technology taken and be kept in stone age tribal conditions, which is honestly how they are happiest anyway. The white man is the steward of the earth, and if he doesn't do his job in this capacity then everything goes to shit, like a parent who neglects his children.

Oh, hello there, Holla Forums. You seem to be lost, but that's okay. If you haven't picked it up, we aren't interested in the hidden Marxist dialectic in MLP, so if it's all the same to you, please return to your revolutionary dragon dildo threads.

Its philosophical, are we empathic nice guys or warriors with a natural right to occupy land as superior race like it was the last thousands of years

Trigger? We'll just lock them up without water for a week. It's what the Nazis would've done if the holocaust was real.

Also, they're not people.

That's true, but the idea of lebensraum is about utilizing territory that is poorly used or not used at all, and for the most part, vacant or sparsely populated. When it comes to Europeans, other Europeans can be educated and so on, but when it comes to Africans and a lot of other nonwhites: you can't simply teach them and then expect them to be able to run things smoothly afterwards on their own.

Some ventures into Africa like the Boers and what not were not really colonialism like what the "British" and "French" (jews and white traitors) have done for their economic hegemony as well as importing nonwhites into their countries like blacks going to France and Indians into the UK.

Just like MGS2 with the CIA's meme program, I'll put money on Deus Ex being proven right again.

How about a targeted virus?

Understood. Commit genocide upon Blacks in Africa while giving them a homeland in the southern US


Personally, I have no problem with allowing Africans nationalism in their countries. All I want is the 14.

All that is really necessary is for first world nations to cut off aid to Africa and let nature take its course.
No death squads are needed to burn down entire villages when Africans will do it themselves and kill other for the scraps of food they manage to actually harvest themselves, if at all.

Loser faggot known as OP, Hitler wanted to send the Jews to Madagascar among other places.

Canada just sent a Dutch guy back to Holland after spending the past 60 YEARS in Canada because he was a criminal piece of shit.

A retarded idea, is imagining you're going to kill 13% of the population, most of which is armed and violent. The number of WHITE PEOPLE who would be lost… YOU, motherfucker are a total waste. YOU, have never been anywhere in Africa. YOU do not know what the fuck you're talking about. So YOU go the fuck back to cuckchan or Reddit or whatever toilet you emerged from.

To those people saying 'let Africans have Africa', why? Imagine a continent the size of Africa full of Rhodesias. Imagine the economic boon that would come from the proper utilization of land and resources on top of the beauty that would be harnessed rather than squandered. Killing Africans is almost our duty at this point. They are waste who can only survive at the trough of our goodwill. Nature itself would sentence them to death, but because we keep shouldering their struggling existence they haven't been wiped out yet. I was reading somewhere that niggers in Zimbabwe have completely run out of food now that they have completely hunted all the field mice that inhabit the fields that once grew crops that were owned by whites. Is this how the Earth should be utilized? Even spics have a tiny modicum of an ability to maintain some sort of civilization, Africans do not. I can't think of a single reason to keep niggers alive other than the possibility of their having a genetic mutation that would be beneficial to harvest, but even then that could be done with a zoo-sized population and not a quarter of the earth's land mass.

low effort

The race war will never happen…not until a total collapse of the west (and with it, the world)

If Africans cannot survive without White ppl, how did they survive the 40000 years before colonialism?

It feels weird to defend Blacks when they will almost never defend me, but Blacks did indeed create their own civilizations on their own. Mali, Great Zembabwe (Yes, there was a time before Robert Mugabe), Angola, ect.

Minus globalism, Africans live as nature ordained them to live. They should leave our countries & we should leave theirs. I do not hate Blacks.

Shhhh, no tears now Shlomo, only rope and gas.

South African here. I'd totally help with the removal. First nigs fucked up my families milk farm in Rhodesia and Genocided my people, and now they want to do it yet again. It's time to accept that they'll always feel hatred towards us because they're not us.

You dumb nigger.
I want it to happen, but there's too many brainwashed retards in the world, and too many countries and powers that will actively work against it.
The entire world needs to be set ablaze before it can burn properly.

Off yourself.

You're right with that. We'd either need to radicalize people under religion or get Hitler v2.0. However, America could trigger the Race war. BLM is a blessing to us, when they are radicalized further whites will have no choice but to defend themselves and wipe them out.

If it were easier to exterminate niggers in Africa, the Afrikaners would have already done it.

You fail to grasp the underlying issue. Kikes have a stranglehold on all of our information distribution systems, preventing the European race from organizing against our racial enemies. Only after eliminating the kikes will we be able to start exterminating non-Europeans and colonizing new lebensraum.

Ah, Africa
here's how it should be, and here's how it is
and yet they will scream archive.is/VKRTT

and here's how it is, I say
in all its glorious unfiltered reality

I don't know which one I like better, from afar

Reminder that you can use immunocontraception to make infertile all the peoples of Africa. You just have to put a plasmid that expresses proteins found on human eggs into an e. coli and grow a bazillion of them in a bio reactor and dump the bacteria in the rivers and wells. The females immune system will latch onto the proprieties on her own eggs at the spots sperm usually connect to making conception impossible. Should a white accidentally get infected they can still conceive if they take imuno suppressants just before conception.

There was someone using such a plasmid to control cat populations with salmonella, you could extract that plasmid and move it to e. coli very easily.

>pls no bully

When the first world economies collapse under the weight of the welfare state, blacks will die off in droves anyway, as the US can't afford to keep feeding its niggers, and neither the US or EU will be able to keep feeding Africa. They'll be China's problem, and knowing China, they'll probably just let them starve since they see them as wastes of space anyway. Not that China will have the food stores or money to aid them anyway.

Ironically, all their "great" civilisations were based on slavery

You don't even need to build anything to wipe out the nogs in africa. You can use anything laying around, something very deadly but easily curable, garden variety smallpox for example. There's simply nothing they can do about it without the west sending aid, no super engineered strains or anything, lest it turn into something we can't control. Ship them back during a financial collapse, infect a few on the boats, and claim impotency when they start screaming for help.

A solid 40% of the white mans's problems would disappear for the cost of a boat trip.

All great civilisations were based on some sort of slavery.

"Back to Africa" is effective because it moves the Overton Window. It makes normies more comfortable with the idea of removing all Blacks.

Should we at some point eradicate the Blacks and make use of Africa's abundant resources? Of course. But we have abundant resources and farmable land closer to home. Mexico and Central America. America conquered Mexico. We were foolish to give it back. That land is ours. We built the Panama Canal. That land is ours. Americans, after purging their nation of subhumans and traitors, should take all lands up to the Panama-Columbia border. Easier to defend that border. Gives us control of the Canal. Lots of land and resources for White pioneers. Perhaps Europe could take care of Africa while we take care of Latin America.

Long term this entire planet must belong to White people. So too must the stars.

Having them over there also makes it a lot easier to see them gone. Nogs from detroit have no idea how to suvive back in the homeland, the tribals will eat them alive once the ammo runs out. And in the scenerio we dindu nuffin, completely black on black.


isnt the ultimate goal to just have a great purge of the nonwhites all over the world and at least sterilize any whites with subhuman dna?

There is no reason whatsoever we should be limited to our ancestral homelands. Whites are explorers by nature, denying us that is insane.

Turner Diaries needs to be reality, just with less radiation (Pierce went full retard with nukes in his book unfortunately)

No, we genocide them with bullets.

Explorers ^= settlers

The next unexplored space is up, and there are no monkeys there.

Actually, monkeys made it first.

What did Indians ever do to deserve Africans?

It has a shit ton of diseases because it's populated by niggers, moron.

Doesn't bacteriological warfare always contain the risk of mutation and going out of control? I think bullets are a much safer option.

This is exactly what I'm talking about!

These "great African KANGdomz" were nothing more than pathetic medieval kingdoms with mud structures as their great works of architecture.

Besides, if you do not hate blacks, why would you put them into the massive suffering of great starvation, tribal warfare, rape, etc?

I'm talking about the overall number of niggers on the PLANET. Focusing on America is inefficient, is the OP.

No lebensraum for that 14, though?

Not at all this is a bacteria already in your micro biome. It does not cause disease. All you are doing is giving it a skin that looks like an egg cell. It was safe and effective in animal trials.