After controlled opposition kike (((Ezra Levant))) put out his diversity nigger hire to shill hardcore against white nationalism (despite constantly shilling for Israel and Zionism) Lauren Southern decided to go independent.


Daily reminder that all "right-wing" kikes are controlled opposition: Milo Yiannopoulos, Ezra Levant, Dave Rubin. Mike Cernovich, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good to see more e-celebs leaving the kosher right.

At the same time, this isn't worthy of a thread, let alone a non-bumplocked one.

I'd give my left testicle to put it in her ass. Also, great news.

Lauren Southern is jewish.

That's why it's called Alt-Kike.

Good. Fuck that kike and his pet nigger.

Yeah, but it's nice to see her leaving right after that new nigger put out that retarded video. Makes me think she might be one of us after-all.

She is, but to her credit she doesn't have any visible kike traits.
And yes, I'd fuck her right in the pussy.

No she fucking isn…

Oh. Every fucking time..

Just a white night stand. :p Don't tell my comrades.

(((Lauren Southern))) leaves (Ezra Levant's))) news network because some feral porch monkey signaled against the (((alt-right)))? Pull the other one, OP. It's got bells on it.


That may be a dealbreaker. Even if you believe in the Holohoax, you surely can't still believe they're 'still recovering.'
That's the sentiment that breeds cultural Marxism.
Sorry, Lauren. You're now dead to me. Might as well have fucked 50 niggers.

Hilarious how (((they))) instantly try to hijack every movement.
Is there an e-celeb that isn't jewish/gay or Pewdiepie and isn't a complete mouth breading retard?

I dig Murdoch Murdoch. Many dont, but so think they're pretty amusing

She's not Jewish though. She's even defended the idea of a white ethnostate.

She can be a civic nationalist and a kike. She may be a bit more new right / alt right but she's still a kike. She's not a natsoc that's for certain and she takes pics with niggers

Forgot the pic

Yeah, they're funny. Maybe everyone won't like them but it's ok to have fun sometimes

Maybe they were targeted for other reasons? I don't know, she doesn't look like a kike at all. Anyway, that Jay Fayza nigger is probably the reason why she left. He's saying "all identity politics are bad fuck people concerned about white genocide you don't deserve your own nation" but posts shit like image related

You're missing the point. All kikes on the right are gatekeepers. They can defend lynching niggers but they will NEVER lead people to the truth. They will always deflect any blame away from the Jews, keeping hardcore conservatives and nationalists from becoming anti-semites. That is their purpose. There is no such thing as a based Jew.

She fucked a pajeet.

Check their latest yt videos.Full of pissrael asskissing

Just wanted to bring up the irrelevant fact that she's 21.

Good find, user. What a disgusting nigger.

She looks pretty young here. You really think they had sex together?

Not as bad as fucking a nigger, but that "people are still recovering from the Holohoax" thing is enough to say no thanks.
It's a damn shame. She could have been an honorary Aryan. Now she just gets ovened the only good-looking kike genes on a woman I've ever seen are destroyed forever. Oh well. C'est la vie. Kikes are natural born racemixers. It's actually evolution. For long periods of time, they had to mix races to blend into their host societies. Consider miscegenation a evolutionary adaptation for kikes. Without mixing with Euros, they would surely be extinct.

If she really is 21, she said that when she was 19. I think she's on the reich track; back when I was her age when she said that, I was a full-blown commie.

Lauren a good girl. She didn't do nuffin.

yes: because a woman does not let you touch her face/ears (and keep smiling..)


Kill yourself op

Good luck with that, Jay.



To her credit, I believed a lot of dumb shit when I was 19. We'll see how it goes. If she proves to be a voice for a white ethnostate and starts to show that she understands why she should hate her fellow kikes, I can respect that.
There are a few "honorary Aryan" cards to hand out, but so far every fucking kike except Bobby Fisher and a few others has eventually cucked for Israel or the 6 gorillion.
I root for her. She's a pretty girl, but the racemixing shit has to go. Though I'm conflicted because she's a kike. Maybe she can find another honorary Aryan kike or after Israel is glassed, she can be the new Israeli Prime Minister in a situation where the kikes do our dirty work instead of vice versa.

Burn all kikes and like lovers, like you

Does anyone know if these are real?



So…. something "went down" at the ((( rebel ))) and the management wanted her opinions to be "censored". It sounds like Lauren Southern may have finally stood up to the kike.

Now we just have to encourage Ezra's pet monkey to grow a spine and do the same.

Yes they did. Lauren Southern is unclean.

Kill yourself

I don't mind seeing her face nor do I mind the story about (((Rebel Media))) falling apart.

just wait a sec, we will come for you

Without archive there is a 0% chance of them being real.

But Lauren Southern is white genocide denier as well.

Kill yourself.

If real, I can forgive that she may have sucked off some Pajeet when she was young. I'm not going to marry her, but she can be the female Tucker Carlson.
If true, she will be a million times more effective than almost any right wing youtuber except maybe PewDiePie. And probably more effective because PDP doesn't even drop real redpills. All he does is hint at it, which is all he can realistically do. But Lauren has the freedom, with all those viewers, to actually redpill women and men. Evalion was a whore and women could see right through her slutty little act. But Lauren is mostly respectable and didn't/doesn't take off her clothes for money and wears nice clothing (yes, women are so shallow that this is important to them). That's something white women can relate to.
Anyway, if this is true, she could be the one figure to tip the scales and bring women and men over in droves. I'm not saying Holla Forums should promote her. But I will watch from afar.

tbf, there's nothing shallow about judging a woman for being a whore

Hitler had honoraries. Not saying he's the end-all be-all, but he did. They were few, but they existed.


No, I mean women will see Lauren Southern and if she's dressed in a designer dress and she's pretty, that means a lot to women.
God forbid they'd listen to some scummy camwhore who wears shitty clothes.
But Lauren looks like she's got her shit together. They care about what kind of dress she's wearing and what kind of purse she carries and shit like that.
There hasn't been a figure yet that was anti-semitic that has appealed to women. If she's really anti-kike, it would bring a lot of women over.

All kikes are unnecessary and must burn, its a simple fucking concept

Oh look another manufacturer drama from the altkike. Didn't watch the video and have no plan to but I'm sure she'll find a new way to separate neets from their video game money.
Also when will kikes stop appropriating our blonde hair?

Is it ok if I report him? I came from cuckchan and I need a punching bag.


That's the goal, yes. But if you can use some kikes to get other kikes into the oven, that's just efficiency.

Not sure if popular enough to be called an e-celeb, but "Blonde in the Belly of the Beast" is basically the White man's (((Lauren Southern))).

Note that when she says "us" in this video she's talking exclusively about White Europeans.


The list of video titles alone should tell you what to expect.

You have to go back.

Oh shit… I've seen some of her stuff. She's really good and quite attractive.


Fuck off to your cuck civnat board.

No Archive and Tweetsafe = most likely bullshit.

That said, Gavin McInnes is a coked up alcoholic piece of hipster shit who recently totaled his car the second time in a DUI and who wears diapers because he pisses himself when blackout drunk.

The only non-kosher option is a mad woman who believes the earth is flat.
Stop posting camsluts.
Isn't she trans?

I was checking for life signs, idiots. It's not looking good.

Kill yourself you stupid heeb loving fucking queer

John Browning check.

It's like you don't even know why we left. Go away, and stay gone, scum.

Bombard's Body Language is also great. The people and events she covers lately overlap very well with Holla Forums. Teaches you to pick up on things you'd otherwise miss when watching people, in general.


Forgot sage and link break last time, my bad.


Is this bitch on test? Tren? She has 5 o clock shadow in that clip.

Seriously, it could be for a medical condition or something. You must be a cuck if you want to fuck her, she's not feminine at all.

I also lurk on reddit. I go where I want.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure sex with niggers disgusted you.

She's a kike eceleb, the end. She'll always shill for muh 6 gorillions. She'll say what you want to hear for a while and then go back to niggers and disavowing the 1488ers.

Okay I'm reporting the whole thread now.

You're right. I'm not crowning her Queen or anything, but I will watch from a safe distance. If a few people come to understand the Jewish problem from her, then great. If not, I never paid much attention to her anyway aside from thinking she was somewhat attractive. No big deal.

Nah, they're most likely fake.

Holla Forums is fucking useless

join the >>>/88th/

Kill yourself, cuck.

Who wants to bet that the (((agency))) told the niggers they could have the woman to (((enrich))) as an incentive?

I called them out a long time ago, (((she)))is good at this shit also hot.

Is this some sort of double-triple jewing going on here.

Sounds like a tranny.

>>>Holla Forums

You have to go back.

So… just normal Jewing?


once you go black, you may never come back. That being said, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Say what you will about Lauren but this will hurt Rebel Media bigly. I've looked at the view counts on all their videos and the ones featuring tits and a pretty face are far and above the most viewed (potentially chuck McInnes aside).

chuck = cuck. Fucking autocorrect


The rules are clear. Sorry.

This why we need to monitor halfchan.

Isn't that brunette MILFy broad wise to the Jews? I don't think Faith Goldy is a kike or a racemixer.

Reported :^)



Kill all kikes and kike defenders

She is the hottest skeleton I've ever seen.

That's close enough to a jew I guess


I seriously doubt you have anything original to say, lad.

I'm sure you do.

I think she's rather sexy.

Fuck off with your board shilling.

muh dik


Just watched the video and it all makes sense now. It's all staged. Rebel becomes pro Jew mainstream and their new Jew proxy keeps the connections and credibility among 4chan plebs.

Defending kikes aren't original

To keep it on-topic. None of you faggots know what really happened. The alt-lite is collapsing rapidly. She got wind of that.

Domain is taken, who would've thunk.


Hitler dubs confirm, kill all kikes

check this shit out

Chew shit kike

Too hard for you faggot


I wonder if the Jews wanted Southern to do some diversity project with a bunch of blacks and she declined.

btw, this board is fully infested with kikes, from the top down

What a waste of trips

She needs to eat

If she goes all the way, we can let her and Stephen Miller have a fiefdom in the ruins of Tel Aviv when this is over.

And ppl who bump kike defending threads. Gas yourself.

nd this was it ofc….. I had forgot why haven't watched her in 6 million days

It's honestly embarrassing. The reason e-celebs are actually a thing on Holla Forums is because most of the people here are young. Teens or just barely over. The real OG right wingers don't have fucking jewtube channels. They write books, do seminars, and are all mostly dead.

Mind you im not complaining, young blood is vital, but this has to stop.

Was Miller ever confirmed Jewish? Not like it really matters too much at this point, he doesn't have much influence in the Trump cabinet.

Burn all heebs

Yeah, what a bunch of faggots. It's not like she left right before Rebel's trip to Israel.

Vid related.


See 3:10 in OP video, she basically gives away what happened.
does Trump Fingers'

Gavin is so progressive with his non-white wife and strange possible homosexual background.

Havn't you read his book, what do you think of the cover?

right before faggot

Yeah the good ol days when rebel was… Wait nothing changed.

That's not what I was implying nigger.

Its "a thing" because kikes are pumping out controlled opposition 24/7, like this thread for example. Ppl are waking up to what rebel media really is, now kikes are sweating and trying to salvage themselves. Bet your ass you're going to see "muh based Jew is better than your based Jew" all over social media to push further d&c and derailments.

I think it should go further rather than stopping. Idols are necessary, but the current problem is that none are truly worthy of attention. Of course, there must also be those writing books and presenting at conferences. The only avenue for victory is total cultural warfare. A culture of hundreds of years must be excised and replaced with the restored traditions of the Europoids who first began civilization tens of thousands of years ago.


She wants to have lots of white children. She hates that Canada is pissing away all the tax money on niggers and mudslimes, because it's making it impossible for whites to afford to have their own families.

In most of her interviews, she always comes short of naming the jew, but she never backs down from saying that lefties are destroying the West and trying to rip traditionalism apart by forcefully injecting savage shitskins.

Pretty decent/10 waifu material.

Look guys, the shills are arguing

What's the story behind the left pic?

Just waiting for thread to get deleted.

I agree. Lauren Southern, a kike, is controlled opposition.

Never heard the term before?

Fuck this board is retarded. Or maybe I'm just moving on… I feel like looking back to cuckchan as a fullchanner right now.

A kike is not able to have white children.

So she's your run of the mill kike? Got it.

You're not going to leave because you're a kike loving faggot here to shill. Kill yourself tho plz

yep, cuckchan nigger

I suppose you have a point. And going by some of the stuff posted in the thread, she'd sooner coal-burn than pick out a white husband. Still, I'm all for jews accidentally breeding themselves out of existence because of all their own race-mixing propaganda. Remember a few months ago when they were calling it a "silent holocaust"?

Yup, you're a kike lover

I can see you are a hardened veteran. We'll be sorry to see you leave.

Yeah, it'll hurt. It's not like I've been banned for 5 weeks straight.

Kill yourself.

The best thing to do is shill for open borders for is real, because its win-win. Kikes who try to look white and fit in with red-pilled ppl like the one op is white-knighting for is only good for poisoning the well either now or later.

Jesus that girl on the right looks 1000% semitic.

Maybe you should take a hint.

That's gonna be pretty hard since she isn't even white.

He really serves as a valuable cautionary tale of what kind of life you can expect to live as a mindless contrarian edgelord

You even bitch like a heeb

Yeah probably. Maybe I'm not cool enough for le ebin Holla Forums.

Kill all kikes

kill em, but until then, you've just proposed political violence on a public forum

Yep. You end up sticking a dildo up your butt because your Jewish boss told you to. Guy is a disgrace and will be killed on the day of the rope.

Advocating genocide is not illegal

wew, nu/pol/ everyone

check the sticky faggot


Oh no. We've gain so much credibility.

If it was, then there would be more jews in prison than blacks.



That's some grade A kikery or useful idiocy.

Sure thing Shlomo.

was meant for

No what I'm advocating for is ethnic cleansing with violence on a public forum. This is because kikes need to die. Very simple.

You fucking retard.

Fucking nu/pol/, I swear.

God dammit

Keep advocating it. The dog that barks the loudest doesn't bite. But it might go to prison.

I've assaulted several kikes, and yet, here I am.

Kill all kikes

CIA please go

fuck off fbi

Kill all kikes

I wonder who this could be

Kill all kikes

It's funny how the number of active users went down significantly, but the number of retards rose.

Really makes me think.

To repeat, advocating genocide is not illegal. Only advocating specific acts of violence is illegal (e.g. "go kill this specific guy in this specific manner on this specific date"). That's why we can say stuff like "gas the kikes" because it is fine.

She's a white nationalist!
actually she's a Jewish Pajeet.

Stop trying to use logic with kike defenders. Let them waste time pestering the fbi with thier meme reports.

On that note, kill all likes.

Good to see, after her recent appearance on Rubin and defense of European countries staying European Lauren seems to be embracing identitarian politics. I know a lot here disagree but I quite like her.

I guess you're right.

Mr. CIA Nigger seems to have replaced his PTSD meds with Super Male Vitality.

It's from the film nymphomaniac, notable for the real sex scenes, they cgi actors faces over whores

Fucking auto correct

lol go ban more people for asking you straightforward questions on your hugbox board.

Carefull hating kikes is illegal now too, FBI is coming fam

sup faggot, you'll never get dubs on my board

You mean Holla Forums right?

Kill all kikes

yeah, whatever


by the way, wanna hear a story?

You "b-b-but Holla Forums isn't really r-r-raycist" kike lovers are a persistent bunch.

In any case, kill all kikes

Is it the one about the based nigger and about how we need more redditors?

He was the most dominating chess player ever. Its difficult to accept but sometimes raw brilliance can overcome genetic predispositions.



Is she on Backpage now?

kind of

Went to /hwndu/ to get them onboard. I might not have the best recruitment skills, but there's no talking to those faggots.

Judging by how the recruitment efforts went here, there might be something wrong with the propaganda. I don't know.

Anons are already aware of what CIAniggers do in their Faraday cages.

Makes me wonder what Jews were even doing in Denmark in the first place. Blood ritual sacrifice on children much?



This is like a WWE script. Which one will turn heel? Maybe she'll smash that nigger over the head with a chair.

Kek shows the Irony of this post in that,

(((Laura Southern))) IS ALSO A FILTHY JEW

Makes me think. Now that Mr. Canadian Kike Zionist Faggot (((Ezra Levant))) and his little puppet Gavin lost one of their main reporters, I want them to lose Faith Goldy.

If this happens, it means they just lost two of their main virgin/loser baits in their controlled opposition bullshit media. This is huge.

You shouldn't care if (((Lauren))) goes independent and is successful or not, she has good looks and certainly with minimal competency can become a good reporter using her kikess charm. This is about dismantling controlled opposition. Get together and start pushing for Faith Goldy to either join Lauren in their own media or tell her to do the same and go independent. The narrative can be used in our advance, too: "THEY ARE THE REAL FEMINISTS, THEY ARE DOING MEDIA BY THEMSELVES AS STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMEN".

Go do it, Holla Forums. This can be the start of the end of these fuckers and we get two attractive women to go even further into the direction of our own narrative by BTFO'ing the kike and his pet.

It would be insanely easy to take down Rebel with the focused effort.

Jesus Christ
you are dumb as fuck

Let me explain to you what happened:

I mean, literally Jesus Fucking Christ, how can you watch the Jews to the point you must as a Holla Forumsack, and still think you can trust these fucking kikes in ANY regard?
They're Jewing you again, you stupid fucker.


southern is the best cryptokike name i've heard since jon stewart

I will never understand civic "nationalists".

Didn't he insist that he wasn't jewish as well?

not that hard to understand

They're garbage. Like the Ashkenazi.
Human fucking garbage.

pretty sure he kiked the chessboard and went out with 1 horse, the queen and 1 tower in his pocket too

You're completely right, except you didn't read what I wrote, you fuck.

It is not about them succeeding or not like you're saying. It's about hurting them by enforcing splits in their ranks.

The fact you don't even support them losing another reporter, done by proposal or not, makes me think you're just another Milo/Gavin lover who needs to be ranked amongst the TRS sodomites in the day of the rope, user.

And please, use more red text to tell me how dumb I am to propose the destruction of our infiltrated enemies.

Do you even know who Bobby Fischer is?

Every single goddamn movement they always try to pull shit like this. Too bad we've learned now. This is why we're not the alt-kike.

You didn't watch the video, because the opening to that video explains EXACTLY what this is, and it continues to either be totally over your head (Suggesting you're an idiot) or you ignored it (Suggesting you're an idiot or a nefarious shill) or you purposefully didn't address it (Suggesting you're a nefarious shill).
I mean, since you're slinging accusations around, figured I'd get in on it.

You're celebrating this 'split' as though its the equivalent of a man's arm running away from him, while in reality is the equivalent of that fucking head-spider from The Thing scurrying off into the darkness…
IOW: This split does not harm the whole - it is a reaction to an attack, designed to ensure some of the shekel-grubbers might continue to ply their trade to the bad goyim, now that (((Ezra))) went full Grabbler and screwed the shekel goose.
… So: Are you stupid, and just don't get that to hire another dyed-blonde shiksa to spew this rhetoric for ol' (((Ezra))) will take about 10 minutes in any Hollywood/Jew York talent agency, or are you a shill trying to pretend this wasn't internally orchestrated to send (((Southern))) off like The Thing's spider-head to keep running her faux-shiksa performance for the slower amongst the bad goys?

He was a heeb who talked shit on other heebs and got trouble for it. That's it. That's literally it - he was good at a strategy game and didn't like Jews (despite being a Jew himself).

yes, they exist to make white nationalism safe for kikes

(((Ezra)))'s exposed-as-kike-filth civ-nat shithole is the body.
(((Southern))) is the head, sent scrambling away in the face of an emergency which is harming the whole, an attempt to salvage something in the context which the body once served.
MacReady handles both how we should be handling the situation.

LOL Regardless, the only reason people cared about RM is because they liked watching her tail, so this is basically a death sentence for Buttplug and Bulbhead (as well as (((Ezra))).


laura is hot though, and she left so good for her

Girl on the right has endured YT takedowns and moved to escape hate speech laws, pull her out of the oven.

Wait, he has niglets or something?

Worse than Ashkenazi, really. Far higher rates on inbreeding and zero redeeming qualities.

Ashkenazi have a strong tendency towards deviancy and deceitfulness, which makes them poisonous and untrustworthy as a group. And yes, they have higher rates of genetic disorders due to inbreeding. But not as bad as Muslims. And it's hard to deny that many of them are extremely capable. They're just on their own side and not on ours. Which, really, we should be able to relate to. We're on our own side too (and think all our people should think this way). The key difference is that we don't pretend to be on theirs. It's their chronic duplicitous scheming that is the problem.

But then you get the occasional Bobby Fischer, who completely denounces Jewishness. I think in cases like this it's important to remember that Ashkenazi are on average 80% European. Many of them more. Some of them are even descendants of converts and purely European genetically.

If a nigger said he was White because he had a White great-great-great-grandmother and is therefore 1/32nd European, you'd tell him to go fuck himself.
If a 31/32nd European who is 1/32nd Japanese went to Japan and proclaimed that their long lost son had returned home, they'd laugh him out of the country.
If a 31/32nd European who is 1/32nd Jewish says "fuck kikes and their shit" and is consistently loyal to European interests, especially when it is also at a detriment to Jewish interests, I think I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. But I'd still watch my back. Can't ever fully trust them.

She looks like a female version of Corey Feldman. Who is also jewish. They are both jewish and she's probably a tranny.

You are gay.

I gotta ask. What is the proof that she is Jewish? She doesn't look Jewish and I haven't seen anything to prove to me she is Jewish. She has denied being Jewish on multiple occasions.

Is there something I'm missing?

They're liberals who like things as they stand (i.e. "conservatives" in the worst sense of the term) but realize the self-devouring beast that they so laud requires a firm hand if it isn't going to internally collapse. Liberals with enough introspection and foresight to see their bullshit isn't sustainable on its current track.

Do you think Gavin Mcucks even thinks that far? He's just some braindead hipster who wants to be on the coolkid nationalist train but doesn't want his cool black friends to think he's totally lame brah.

It's either implied her grandparents are kikes (which is what I think she referred to) or that she is a jew-lover by saying the good ol' "REMEMBER THE SHOAH, GOY".

If the first is true, she is either full or half kike.

If the second is true, she is a jew-lover, and it makes (((Ezra))) and Gavin even more of zionist fucks because even this amount of nutgrabbing is enough to make them shut up about it.

None of the situations puts her in a good stance.

Hold your semen daemons! She's hot, grant her that. But coal burner and shiska. I don't even remember, but I think her blood is from Denmark, if I recall right.

No, she doesn't look like that kike, but watch out. To say I wouldn't give her the metal if she wasn't a kike and coal burner, would be a lie.

A ) she was 19 when she wrote that. I was a pot smoking Venus project commie when I was 19.

B ) she could have been referring to non Jews fleeing Europe ahead or during the war. Many civilians from many nations fled to Canada to avoid the war. Danes included.

I can't take it on your word and the evidence presented that she is inflated fact a kike. It is possible that she is part kike but I reserve judgement

Motherfucker, this is two years ago. If you're using age as an excuse, you don't get much smarter/wiser in two years. Let go of the charm spell.

Think about this for a second. The owner of the media is a zionist jew. You think he'd let non-jew lovers or non-jews in?

I'd cheer for Goldy, since she has more experience in her baggage, but she sucks even more kike cock without kike blood in her veins.

I vaguely remember her addressing exactly this in a video. She claimed to be as White as can be, and outright denied being Jewish. Basically said that's exactly what she meant, that her non-jewish Grandparents fled Denmark. Wish I could find it now, but it was quite a while back and just a side note in a longer video. Maybe some other user knows where it is.

Regardless, I think you're being too generous here. Even if we assume she's not at all Jewish, she did use "think of the poor Jews" unironically. Could it be simply because she was young and foolish? Sure. But now it's on her to show that she thinks differently today. And I haven't seen any evidence of that.

So "possible kike / kosher goy at best" has to be the default assumption until she proves otherwise.


I was almost fully redpilled from commie in two years. Get your hateboner glasses off. I'm not saying she is perfect and I dont even watch her shit but I do see that she reaches alot of idiots and is useful. I see no evidence of her being a kike but I do see evidence of naivety on her part that may be getting cured by the fact that her kike boss hired a nigger to tell us all that whites are raysis.

She is ripe for heavy redpills and a possible useful tool for us.

She's not a kike, Goyos, her Danish grandparents migrated because the Nazi Germany kept confiscating their trucks, which ruined their business.

Shills claim everyone is a jew.

Denmark, I haven't checked her linage, but is she a
fucking kike or not?
Fucks kikes, fucks niggers…. meh.. sorry.. go elsewhere lauren,
Burn the coal pay the toll
Burn the kike, you get a tail and crocked big nose
Fuck the kike, gas your self

Errr drinking time here
Burn the kike, get a medal
Fuck the kike, you get a big nose


$$$ezra levant$$$ is a major sex addict his pleb gavin mccinnes was on joe rogans podcast and talked about how he is fucking all these crazy women and they have dirt on him and are taking over his company basically

False. Genetic research shows they are at most 40% European, the remainder being sandnigger. Average is more like 25-30% Euro. This is pretty obvious from their appearance, since they just look like paler versions of typical sandniggers.

She had her DNA tested and it said she is a Sephardic Jew. She definitely looks Jewish too. Also there is a picture of her and her dad and the guy looks like Larry King or something. You just don't have a good enough jewdar.

Only communists and/or Jews. Real Danes fought.

that's the joke

[citation needed]

Latest large scale study I am aware of showed that (at least matrilinearly) their DNA is 80+% European. Even if paternal DNA is less, this makes your claim of 40% impossible. Especially considering Jews themselves consider "Jewishness" to be inherited matrilinearly.

See pic related.

Source: nature.com/articles/ncomms3543

Are you thinking of Sephardi Jews?

She doesn't look Jewish to me.
I'm not sure this vidya can be trusted 100%, but here it is anyway.
Her DNA test results.

(embedding didn't work so here is a link.)
youtube.com /watch?v=iGJkf4BLxTw&feature=youtu.be



Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

You thought trap music was cool 2 years ago.

Yes being born black is a joke. A rather cruel one at that

What about her features are Jewish u say.
I would consider myself to have a pretty good Jewdar, but she looks pretty European to me.

You called it

Her skull-shape is robust rather than oblong, not characteristic of northern Europeans (claims to be descendant of Danes), same with her body frame and stature. Putting aside the bottle-blonde hair, she looks southern French or Spanish tbh.

God I hope so!

Good for her.

Faggits, Alt-Fags, kekistani, Lend me your ears.

I come to bury Thernobitch, not praise him
The sheckling that jews do live after them
The chosen people is oft interred with their bones
So let it be with Thernobitch. The noble Spencer
Hath told you Thernobitch was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a jewish fault
And grievously will Thernobitch answer’d it
Here, under leave of Spencer and the rest
For Spencer is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men
Come I to speak in Thernobitch ShekelChannel

Thernobitch Shekel Channel
Call In - 866 438 1487
Streaming Times - everyday for a hour to push gorilla mindset

Damnit Lauren
I still want to fill you up, come back to you homelands, to meet a haxor

Yeye fuck you all,
chaps nightmare, anyways….
find some title for report
come here
and I will show you some things, not all, but part anti ISIS operations and kike tools for them

You better not have fucked that nigger, but I don't care…. Guess you got sad when that dingdong wasn't so big ass the (((commercials))) said.

Mah nuff with me CIANIGGER

me sit down and shill now for first time in 3-4-5 weeks. fucking nonstop with our shit. I should paste moar here

what that face do to you, and you haven fucking lit fucked in almost 2 years

It would be false to say, I wouldn't ravage you, Lauren…. If it's true that you are kike (should be gassed) I don't care

I know it's you or some proxy for you

I lost both my ISIS contacts, but i will find them soon, if they have not fled to Sweden.

Somethings I can show you, something not.

Since they came, we infiltrated them, a shitloads of us. To come into their minds and circles, accepted, I can go anywhere…

I need a few days, maybe weeks to track them down and infiltrate up the ranks again…. spamming like a kike…

Funny story though
Not so many shitskin in there now, seems so many have fled
But the niggers as always…..

Pfff let them stay inside.

Sven where are you in this shit?
Here niggers don't dare to go outside
In Svenistan, they fickificki, rape 14 year old girls in group rapes
killings and shooting each day
And you let this FLY

That's exactly why she doesn't belong on Cukin MQueerus's network. You can't last there and be a race realist.

literally wat?

I'd give her something to eat, if you know what I mean.

When will people learn including our own shabbos goys (ramzpaul, jared taylor types) that any goodwill toward jews or attempt to allow them into our EXPLICIT in-group is doomed to fail?

It's so annoying having to watch every single person go through this same process before they finally realize: fuck the non-white group interests and fuck the jews who attach themselves to us.

maybe I'll care when she does something useful.

I'd fuck her till my balls dry up to be honest.
She looks like she has heavy white admixture, though. The kike shilling is just window dressing.

Kike tactics,really. They'll pretend to understand in order to save their own asses.

Arabs only follow those Islamic teachings that appeal to their egos. So they take every opportunity to enslave others and fuck little girls.

Donald Trump is a civic nationalist. Are you going to turn on him, too?

He's a holy roller faggot. I'd punch his face in if i ever saw him in person.

Still hot, though.

she's not even white, she did an ancestry DNA test awhile back. She's actually SPANISH, which some say is because she's a Spanish jew.
I don't care though, she's pretty enough and seems to be a good person (especially after parting from the (((rebel media))). Would happily have bb's with.

its because they have "good" non-white friends or know good non-white people that they don't want to sweep under the rug because the rest of their race is shit.

Which I can sort of sympathize with. Not that I have non-white friends but I see people like sheriff David clark on Fox News who's mixed black/white and he seems like a good dude. I understand though at the same time that race and behavioral characteristics are genetic and that it would be best if these people stayed out of our gene-pool.

She is not Jewish, is an obvious racial nationalist, and obviously left Rebel Media over white nationalism.

she's milquetoast, she was attacking men on her side for not being nice to the enemy just a few months ago

she's shit regardless