I don't like this cartoon. It makes me upset

I don't like this cartoon. It makes me upset.

This needs to stop

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It's like they purposefully went for the most generic calarts style they could slap together. I can already hear the furious typing on macbook keyboards as a dozen hipster journos prepare articles for how this show is so progressive for making it's nigger protagonist 'gender nonconforming' or some shit.

You see this is where I want to stop you with "nigger" protagonist there is no way in hell black kids will relate to this suburban fuck boy who goes in the forest and acts like a nerdy anti social white kid. There is a reason why Static Shock which had a popular black protagonist since he actually connected with the demographic of black kids.

This is the most baffling. Like every single child has their own bookbag, and most of the time it's one they've personally picked out. Why the bloody fuck would a boy opt for a purse instead of their own bag?

He looks like Gondola.

Not only does he talk "white" and engage in vague nerdy shit like playing fantasy make-believe, but he does faggy shit and can't stop acting like a retarded spaz. Not only is he not cool and not at all relatable to the audience they're trying to target with such an important act of representation but they failed to even make a remotely charming or likable character.

lol, niggers aren't cool either, what's the problem?

>What's behind your back?
I'll admit this got me a smirk.

Don't forget the girlfriend is clearly trying to pander to the girls in stem crowd.

Not one bit, but if they want the nigger audience, they have to think he's cool, and some faggy kid running around with a purse won't sell to an audience that too busy watching Naruto to care about this shit.


Talking about blasphemy.

So I take it the black kid from stranger things probably isn't relatable then.

There's a spurdo under him

Why does it look so much like Steven Universe?

1: He's the token black character with hardly any characterization in the first place. 2: Stranger Things is, I hate to say, not really geared toward the black audience

Pic related is your answer

Would be kind of interesting if the two tied together without them overtly referencing the other show. Wouldn't make the show good, in any way, but it would be interesting from a creative standpoint.

Love how they are just recycling Steven Universe now.

Also Curtis Lelash

This kid has a moue and a double chin. YOU CANNOT UNSEE THIS.

Normally I don't care, but fuck that purse. Tell me there's reason other than "challenging gender norms," and really I don't even care if that's the real reason, but give me a reason because fuck that purse. What are you doing? What kid? A purse, FOR GOING INTO THE FUCKING WOODS? WHY?

I did dumb shit like that when i was a kid. It's not a purse then, it's a six demon bag.

To be unbalanced and burdened of course.

Then why doesn't he use a backpack?

Yeah, and that works, but is that just his normal purse that he regularly uses to carry things? His reaction to the mirror makes me think the purse and its contents are probably an old hand-me-down thing, but is that just his make-up mirror because he likes make-up stuff, and purses. I can live with this kid being a geeky autist who loves his purse, along with his magic scepter, again normally I don't even care and I usually find it tiring when people complain about progressive agenda pushing in cartoons, but god I can't help but feel like that was something slapped on for bonus points with no other thought put to it.

It reminds me of when I saw Steven from SU come out on stage in a dress and sing a girly pop song, a part of me inside couldn't help but ask if the writers just wanted cut this fucking boy's nuts off.

Is he going to dress up as a girl?

best I can figure

I totally understand. These days something that any other time would have been taken as an innocent gag just becomes tainted by the current retarded political climate. Can't even enjoy killing nazis in videogames anymore..sad

If someone doesn't push back, they'll push harder.

reposting; changed embed video to something better, as that is in the playlist; deleted other post

So what you're saying is videogames cause violence.

never realised how true this was until i came to yurop. all these frenchies with purses some of which pretend they are gangsters. also a thing in the uk all the troublemaking black kids who have them are called highwaymen


Go back to Cuckchan, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

Hey Holla Forums

Just watched the pilot… It's trying way too hard to be Nigger Clarence. I'm getting major Cleveland Shitshow vibes from it.

I'm sure your retarded boogeymanning will totally convince those evil shitposters to never post something you don't like ever again.

Will you be defending it 10 years from now when these kikes start introducing kid characters in relationships with grown men 3 or 4 times older? Don't tell me they won't, they're already adding fag propaganda to kids shows right now.

>>>Holla Forums

Who's voicing this nigga, 'cause he sure as hell doesn't sound black at all

This is him

We can only hope

Nigger must be voiced by a literal potential gangster

Uncle Remus is also an acceptable vocal style.


He was still into things like hip hop, and other ""black"" stuff. Probably would relate more to the sort of black kid who'd watch a show like static shock.

Another thing I really dislike. I just hate how these days I can't take it serious if there's a gay person in a TV show, or an ethnic minority. It always feels like the writer is putting one in to make a political point, or to shove in move 'queer' characters into tv shows (or in the case of someone from steven universe, putting peridot and lapis together to make their own queer pairing), rather than putting one in just because it'll make the character cool

No kid ever carried a purse into the woods
The only reason to have a pocket mirror as a kid is to pretend it's a flip phone jesus I'm getting old or other kind of high tech bauble

Millenials are so sheltered from reality that when trying to do their propaganda they can't even think of good ways to do it, instead come up with the stupidiest shit

Before you roast the trendy art style or anything else, can we just appreciate that the MAIN CHARACTER and his family are black???? Not a side character or the main character's best friend or even adopted!!! This made me feel so good!! Give it a chance!

Are you referring to these?

I'll give it a chance but also go fuck yourself.

I would if it was the first time it ever happened. It isnt

Why is a boy carrying a purse? Are they trying to turn blacks into fags too? Oh wait, yes they are.

if it was that, it wouldn't be trianguar when viewed from the side

hooktube or gtfo



Wait, I thought he had a tiny frown and a triple chin?


It's the Moonlight of Cartoon Network.

What's that?

They wont, they promote blacks because kikes strive for ultimate musclebound warriors with megacocks, pedophiles are meek men, pedophilia is nature's way of telling less than adequate males to search for easier mates.

Kikes WORSHIP blacks because of their PRODIGIOUS genetic traits.

Hey Holla Forums

You sure showed him retard, I'm sure he'll never post something that goes against your extremely vague standards ever again.

Hey Holla Forums

literally BLACKED

It would've been easy for him to grab the purse, call it a satchel or bag of holding, and have someone call him out on it later on.

It's an easy set up for a simple joke. And if they wanted to SJW it up later, just have him ignore people calling him out on it.


Fuck, you could even make a whole episode with moral lessons about that.

Hey Holla Forums


Hey Holla Forums

I wouldn't go that far.