Marine Le Pen enters the stage at a rally. Look at the public!
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a Trump rally with French flags
Looking good, baguettes. Is she doing lots of rallies like Trump?
It's a step in the right direction, but women should not be in politics. Although the salt generated by a stronk right wing conservative woman might be worth it. Just this once.
Yeah, she's holding rallies like these all over France.
At this stage, she has already garnered a following and is recognizable as a leader of the right-wing politics in France. It would be hard to being out someone new, not to mention, she inherited her post and party from her father, who was The Right Wing in France for most of the second half of the century.
Yet this one is, and doing better than you.
year of the fire coq
Lately the macron fans staged a 50,000 man protest to what they correctly perceived to be an establishment coordinated effort to remove their chosen candidate through targeted harassment.
What is interesting about this is that apart from the far right in France, until this year barely any french people wave French flags. This Fillion protest looked just like the audience in OP's vid. I think the French are waking up to their identity as a people again.
I'm not saying that what she is doing isn't great for France. She is 6 million times better than any alternative. My only concern with women in politics is that they are led by emotion rather than logic. And no fucking shit she is doing better than me, but I'm not running. You sound either like a white knight or a girl and I really don't care which one you are.
Whereas you sound like an SJW rejecting reality to suit your opinion. This woman is doing great in politics and should be in it.
It will be incredible if she wins. Pretty much ensures the end of the eu.
This. Her based pirate dad will be able to drop in at Élysée Palace whenever he pleases and will likely have a significant voice in the direction of the country. The press would like nothing more than to write him out of history like they did with Rockwell. Marine winning is almost too good to be true.
There hasn't been that many women in these very high positions, which means they ultimately aren't to blame for terrible political decisions thus far.
Pretty much this. If identity politics trumps policy then your opinion is worthless. The leader of a country should be the one who best serves its people.
Remember what the dago said, "If Le Pen wins, it’s ‘game over’ for EU."
I hope so. It's about fucking time they take back Europe from the jew.
The Trump effect will kick in. If she payed any attention to the US election she should have a good idea of how to motivate her base
she has to be better than the jew they had b4
Oh she's paid attention. She even visited Trump Tower earlier this month.
Madame President
She's just a flag, can't do it without men carrying her
Are you fucking retarded? I said what she is doing is great for france. I said she is their best option right now. She could potentially crumble the EU and that would be glorious. But ultimately, women should be at home raising children, while standing behind and supporting their husbands.
I forgot all about that thanks for reminding me user.
And Europe and Asia has had women leaders for a long time we just don't want to do it in burger land.
I'll agree in general they shouldn't but not as the absolute you put forth.
You seem a bit triggered faggot.
Let's be honest: that clip showed about as much of a crowd as a sitcom studio audience has. I know the lugenpresse repeatedly tried to lie about the size of trump rally attendance, but would it kill /ourguys/ to defend against that by taking wider angle shots to show more people?
Either way, I hope she gains office and drives a stake in the heart of the EU.
Our female politicians are always emotion-driven shitlibs. If we have an American LePen I have no idea who she is.
It was about as big as the Trump rally I saw in Denver.
I'm worried about the way she steps on stage and presents herself to the public. She seems to think she's a gift to the people. Concern.
If she drives the shitskin invaders into the sea who cares.
No, im alright.
For the sake of not further derailing this thread im going kindly stfu. I hope her and the people of france the best. Her movement really does have the potential to drastically improve the political landscape of europe and open the eyes of the world.
Tulsi Gabbard but I still don't want her for prez.
Cynthia McKinney majorly triggered the jews but same as Tulsi.
The list as you describe them
Is too long to even begin to generate.
This is a meme that needs to stop. She's a female Bernie in brown face with a better body. Fucking hell.
Duh, but we can't deprogressify society once we take power, that would be a good way to lose it immediately. Give it another generation or two before that can happen. For now we have to begrudgingly allow them in politics, just as we have to allow gay marriage and legal dudeweedlmao. As terrible as they are, we will have to become an established political force before things will go back to their natural logical state.
hopefully she'll cause the public to reject the Jew and burn them in ovens.
Wow… This reminds me of something.
I never thought I'd say this, but Kek bless France!
Viva la Francais!
Cynthia McKinney is the only of those two names I know. I haven't kept track of her since the Bush years. Looking at her twitter now she still seems pretty based. Unfortunately my politics has moved beyond tokenism and as much as her tweets are making me grin I still want segregation.
And looks like she's still a blackfrican-first shitlib on some issues.
That was a very logical and well thought out response. Thank you. I agree with you and I realized almost immediately that this is not the time to debate women's roles. This should be a time of positive meme energy towards le penn.
Look at how well that's worked out for them. For whatever reason, women who get into politics in this country only do so to promote meaningless womens' issues. In the case of Hillary, she was actually just all about acquiring more wealth which is worse.
I think Asian women who get into politics may do it for the right reasons. European women are in it just to promote muh vagina. Le Pen is a unicorn and a treasure.
If there were a right-wing female candidate and she lined up with Holla Forums ideology, I'd have no choice but to vote for her. Generally, women are best left while caring for children and nurturing, but Le Pen is all France has. I support her. Along with Hungary, Switzerland and Macedonia, the French should form a union of European countries dedicated to preserving ethnic Europeans.
Hungary could benefit from a France/Switzerland/Hungary/Macedonia/??? union financially and perhaps militarily?
There needs to be a new union since the EU is basically obsolete. A union that puts the interests of the native European above all else.
Oh, you were actually in attendance? That's cool, because the tight angle from that clip only showed a "hillary number of people" in frame, though I hoped there was a trump sized crowd outside the shot.
She probably is I have not payed any attention to her thanx for the info user.
At this point we can never remove women from politics all we can hope to do is point out the truly discusting ones and work towards their demise.
aka the lizard queen
She totally is everything you wrote
After 911 she was the only one in congress that smelled a rat and was making some noise about it. I found it highly suspect when she got primaried and a shit ton of money flowed in from JYC to get her ass booted out. She was majorly calling out the jews and it looks like she still is.
w..where am i?
Did the timeline shift again?
the burgers are asleep silly, this is Euro-neet zone
Oh yeah. No. Agreed. She was the best thing in American electoral politics circa 2002.
The ride ended for the passengers when the planes hit, but it's been white knuckle for the rest of us for 16 crazy years.
Hey fuck you i'm awake.
No. Getting women out of politics is a luxury-tier priority and almost every Holla Forumsack recognizes this fact. All of our work and all that drives us is centered around two primary goals:
1. Remove kikes
2. Deport shitskins
Everything else is tertiary until those two imperatives are met, meaning compromises will have to be made.
(checked trips)
I agree with all of you anons on the women in politics issue but in the Le Pen case anyone got any better candidate?
Also women in business and engineering are just plain fucked as well but fucking companies will almost resort to a bidding war to get a woman into engineering.
It is just plain fucking retarded.
That particular Pepe is very effective
Burger here.
We are always awake.
better shill
For whatever reason, women just can't thrive in competitive settings. They are much too sensitive and you can not criticize them the way they need to be criticized to achieve long term success.
If you criticize a male scientist on his work, he will take the criticism and find a way to make his ideas work better. You criticize a female scientist and she cries about how unfair men are and ragequits.
I can't imagine how Hillary would have dealt with the criticism from half of America. I just don't think she could handle that type of pressure. She would literally be a figurehead like the Queen of England or something. People would be pulling strings behind the scenes.
Women in positions like that are like a man who wants to fight, but is scared to death of being punched.
Oh. I'm not usually up this late.
Preaching to the choir, friend. I just wish the Holla Forumsacks awake at 13:00 GMT could see things as clearly.
I'm willing to wager that at this stage in the emasculation of western civilization, women are the only ones who can get away with right wing politics in continental Europe. And LePen does it just barely.
Here's your (((you)))
No time for sleep, this game of cat and mouse with the international jew is coming to a close.
On another note this is some Joan of Arc shit and I love it
Those are some spicy digits. Kek confirms: Le Pen is a unicorn and they need a union that puts native European interests above all else.
It is a lot easier to have an actual discussion without a bunch of fuckface shills shitting the place up.
Burger here. I work midnights and i do my shitposting latenight.
I was thinking the exact same thing user.
This is where Germany is going to be after France leaves the EU. Too bad the result is going to an insane SJW chancellor with a sand nigger army destroying Europe again. Its like this time line we win but Germany is shit and will have to reroll stats.
She can't even get Trump-size crowds.
Such low energy.
Your feckless agreeableness and compromising nature is what got Yurope into this mess in the first place.
Just when you thought the board would be shill-free for a few hours, Shlomo shows up.
What time is it in Tel Aviv?
the ProjectMurphy bot on Skype is great for this
you forgot your
Aaaaaand out come the shills. Goodnight. It was nice while it lasted.
Even Bridgette Bardot likes Mdme Le Pen
no real surprise there fam
Are you insinuating Macron isn't the establishment candidate? Actual French leftists want Hamon. Macron is pushed hard by the "intellectuals", the media (French and international) and Google/Facebook, because he's a globalist wet dream.
So now every blatant sarcastic post has to have le ebin shitpost emoticon?
Is it really to discern what's humor and what's not?
Trips confirm nothing really.
I wish it was shills, but I'm convinced 95% of this kind of shit is just edgy faggots having a pissing contest.
Trips confirm. The shills came out, but we had fun before the afternoon JIDF shift punched in.
Are you really so new to this place that you can't see that shills invade this place daily?
Usually shitposts are funny. But yeah, you just sounded like a shill… the same kind that shit up the board and make actual conversations with other Holla Forumsacks difficult.
God she was the sexiest woman alive before she turned 30.
Can you just not shitpost in every thread you load?
Fine, I disavow my initial comment.
Happy? Fucking autists.
If it wasnt for the frog flags you could think its a Trump rally.
Things are looking bad for Bruessels,lets see how the Lügenpresse try to spin the french Trump effect.
I hope too see the same effect in Dutchcounty and Krautland this year.
Yes but they can fuck up the pile of shit even more, just look at Merkel.
You also have to consider the fact that European people have been brainwashed by the media a lot. You need to adapt your strategy to fight in a hostile system.
I think that Le Pen and Petry are there becouse the leaders of the true conservative parties realized that they can't run a charismatic white male. Especially since they can be labeled as literally Hitler instantly. It's similar to Trump marrying his daughter to the kikes. It's a safeguard against the media.
You should also consider that she isn't a dictator or an aplha like Trump. And as a woman WILL take heed from stronger men. One of these is her father. The other is Trump.
tl;dr Le Pen and Petry are both eye candy battering rams that will help to retake control and dismantle the current system. Then we can have male leaders again.
P.S. I'm still not sure of the English wench.
No apology necessary. Just try not to feed the spergs who don't get sarcasm in the future. It's a weakness this board has now. It's lost its ability to pee pee poo poo without going full reeeeeeee.
beautiful, can someone tell me the name of it?
It used to be "behind every great man there is a great woman…"
Oh how times have changed.
Oldfag here we had way better hot ass movie stars when I was a kid. Plus they never showed their tits or ass so there was always that little mystique about them. I feel sorry for the youth these days nothing left to the imagination
Here's one of /ourguys/ (((BareNakedIslam's))) take on it
>It’s about time! An increasing number of French Jews are turning to Marine Le Pen’s Front National, despite the party’s past reputation for anti-Semitism, as jews now see Muslims as a bigger threat and Le Pen as their best ally against Islamic Jew hatred running rampant in France.
>She has shifted the focus of the party onto the danger of Muslim immigration.
Zionist Neocons Offered BNP Bribe to Ignore Zionist Power & Attack Islam
That's still true. Women are there to give support, soften him up and pull the best things out of a man. If they're proper women and smart. Since they profit in turn.
But generally they can't lead for shit becouse they're weaker and literally have no balls.
Whenever you see a woman leading, there are men pulling strings closely behind her.
With jews, we lose
I'm not the user you're replying to, but I am also an oldfag. Youngfags don't understand.
When we wanted to fap in my day, you had to steal the Sears catalog and go right to the lingerie section. And yes, women were real. Real tits and ass. The authentic shit. Not these cunts with fake tits and liposuction.
No siree.
Porn has ruined the imagination of men and has really devalued women. Movie stars were uniquely hot. A woman with hips like a brick shithouse could be thought of as beautiful. Not anymore.
shills gon shill
Waste of trips.
Wouldn't the shills be the ones promoting jewish kosher nationalismé on here?
Your statement suggests that any criticism of jewish neo-con politics constitutes shilling, which doesn't make much sense when you look at it from a non-jewish perspective.
Do you see?
Trés logik
Well then user who should we vote for? Right now you are saying the exact lines that CTR made about Trump
Also your memes are shit
Trump did the same thing, you never called him a jew.
Don't use #ImWithHer when memeing le Pen, normies will get their wires crossed. Shitlibs will associate it with losing, rather than funny irony, and the average fed up frog will associate it with leftist globalism. It's best to just use FN's slogans and the Jeanne d'Arc imagery.
Oh they absolutely called him a Jew. You can say one good thing about the mods: that kind of D&C isn't tolerated anymore.
I read that a little while back all I could think of was
Brilliant. This is how you shoah the kikes. If given the choice, they can't give up their Israeli citizenship so I guess they'll have to leave France. No cattle cars necessary.
Oy vey, don;t criticise jewish neo-cons, here's a new mantra "Oy vey, wait for Hitler" in a piss poor attempt to shame you into silence so that you now will agree we must vote for the jews to save us from the er… jews
Anyone who is anti-zionist/jew, one that does not pander to the enemy that is bringing our nations to its knees
Like "Parti Anti Sioniste", for but one example.
Yup, no more can any user criticise the jewish power structure of any their favoured zog-friendly politicians being shilled for on Holla Forums.
Indeed that is the best thing from her team to stop dual nationalities, in fact it's leaps and bounds better than every other jewish neo-con zionist globalist kosher nationalist being heavily promoted on Holla Forums lately.
Still doesn't mitigate the fact that isreal has sanctified and allied with France Nationale.
Nor her sibling's Marion's father being a Mossad spy/agent.
jews dictating your policies, what could possibly go wrong?
Not losing hope. We need to start becoming objective based on how we want to get her the win. I havn't seen any French Holla Forums posters making French threads like we did for Brexit.
I'm not French by 2 generations but as April approaches one of you Frenchies better start marshaling what needs to be done or dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Oh wow, she is literally Trump
bell curve is a thing, you shill
It sounds good but it's a pointless gesture. If a jew needs to flee to Israel it's going to be because they have done something…..jewish. It's always in Israels interest to cover up jewish deeds.
Yes yes you see Jewish influence at all levels. Congratulations. You want a fucking cookie now?
If you can't see the need for supporting imperfect allies when battles are in motion you're a useless sperg. This is where some might call you a shill. But really you're just a validation-seeking child.
Ah man, i can't wait. Either or, either or.
Looks like an auditorium in a University. Anyone know how many they were?
It was not Macron it was François Fillon.
Mind your your own business, I hope Bruno Gollnish will be prime minister.
user, the US has over 5 times the population size France has. Of course her rallies won't necessarily be as big.
We burgers isolated by oceans tend to never think about anything else and project what we conceive as normal to be what has to be normal elsewhere.
Imperfect allies… they are jewish, that's not just imperfect but the diametric opposite to "our" side
Somewhat illogical when I'm selling nothing, but pointing out the 'product' you're selling is in fact a jewish neo-con crafted and compromised steam vent.
For telling the absolute truth, on a supposedly jew-wise forum, I'm a child that doesn't want to champion jewish politics?
Is it very manly to compromise all your principles for finding favour with jews?
That's quite heroic, goy
European nations have about double our population density, though. I don't know if that means the crowds should be equivalent. There's all sorts of other factors, like willingness to travel.
Even so, I said upthread one of the Trump rallies I went to in a major American city was about the same size. This is seriously impressive turnout.
What are the chances the electoral process will be rigged?
make france great again
Have you not read the newest Wikileaks?
kek, i see what you did there
This appeasement policy is over. We will banish ritual slaughter and end kosher and halal taxes.
You can't rig a land slide last november proved that.
that's portugal
A sad to state of affairs.
In this regard both France and Germany basically have to deal with it until we get proper leaders in power.
As said, these women would be nowhere without the men behind the scenes.
CIAniggers are actively working to sabotage the French elections.
100 points to Trump if he calls them out for it on Twitter and says they're not allowed to interfere with the French election.
Trump REALLY needs to reign in the CIA, the NSA, the State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy. They're the ones constantly rigging shit in Europe and causing trouble whenever, wherever.
We'll see - I seem to recall them having a falling out a few years ago over differing views of the (((Chosen))) and a certain National Socialist summer camp program that's a popular plot device with Hollywood directors.
Pic related.
You mean her dad that was kicked out of the party for being (((anti-Semitic))) and has since disowned Marine for having a Jewish boyfriend?
Uh, yeah, "Based Marine."
Jean has said, he hopes she marries her Jew boyfriend soon, so that she will lose the "let Pen" name and stop bringing it into dishonour.
She is controlled opposition.
The election is already rigged by design with the 2 turns ballot.
One only needs to look at last year's regional elections to see how this works :
- FN ends up ahead in 6 of the 18 elctoral districts after the 1st round
- in those district, everyone calls for their voters to defect to whoever ended second, even if they were (supposedly) former political antagonists, in order to barrage FN
- FN doesn"t win a single region after the second round
Like clockwork.
Their only chance is to get 50.1% in the first round, which never happened in french presidential elections (closest were De gaulle Pompidou with ~44% in 1965 and 1969). Overall, no matter the elections, FN never broke past 35 - 37%, so even a totally unprecedented 49% record wouldn't be enough for them.
Like many here, I'm praying for a Brexit/Trump unexpected twist, but all I'm saying is, it's a much, MUCH bigger twist than those two examples.
Don't take the kike version seriously for a second.
I swear to fuck If Le Pen wins and shit starts turning around for the french I might join the foreign legion if our emperor hasn't drained the swamp.
Bonne chance Le Pen!
Did you see the article yesterday where liberals had actors recreate the deabate with a female trump and a male hilary?
I think in the current feminized climate, hard truths sometimes come across better and are accepted by more people if delivered by a woman
Did you see the article yesterday where liberals had actors recreate the deabate with a female trump and a male hilary?
I think in the current feminized climate, hard truths sometimes come across better and are accepted by more people if delivered by a woman
You are correct when you say it is a step in the right direction
The first step
Not her so stop whining.
I feel this image is relevant to this thread.
American European Alliance
Some OC from a few months ago
I would like to thank you burgers for returning the favor and helping.
You're great people
Please more shilling for zionist neo-con kikes, this will truly make Le Francé great again via virtue of the jews that run that kosher nationalisté shit.
Nah she's just one of those broads who don't know how to walk in heels without looking like a peasant.
I love her tho.
I'm not French though. y so mad, bro?
Europeans are all liberals. Even their 'right-wingers'.
(double dubs)
You are most welcome Le frog user
Is it worth putting a cheeky short on any of the EUR pairs? Maybe wait until a poll unfavourable to Le Pen comes out so the EUR strengthens?
Looking at the way surveys and the actual vote worked out for Brexit and Trump there's a good chance a lot of Le Pen voters are lying about their vote/declining to participate in surveys.
http s://
no it's not
You shouldn't trust a woman to do this job.
She might look like the right person, but in the end she stills a woman and she will fuck it up.
Woman represents the degeneration and the evil.
There is no conservative woman.
Yet duplicitous pretend Le Pept Le Frog,now it transpires, isn't actually French
France should just start another revolution.
It's on its Fifth Republic already and it needs to fulfill a prophesy.
Make Charlemagne proud and bash the moors and mooselambs.
All the men opposing her are globalist sellouts who want to flood the country with africans.
Even the antizionist party that literally not one user is even talking about called "Parti Anti Sioniste"?
Surely zionist neo-con jewish globalists (male or female) are in fact globalists, not sellouts though, as they are openly campaigning for their jewish tribal interests.
You cant unironically support revolutions in the 21th century as the world has become so connected that the moment people do it 24 secret services of other states sink their theeth and men into your country.
Isis is a multicultural fighting force recruited from literally everywhere.
Conflict nowadays must be firm and slow to take over a country in the right way for good.
Could as well have a muslim voterbase lol
Was her ousting her father from the party and him trying to sabotage her every way he could a false flag to appease the media?
As opposed to the jewish voterbase of zog-friendly France nationale [now deactivated to to its kosher nationalist ideals] ?
So you want to ally with the jews to overthrow their jewish overlords.
Sounds promising…
I feel historically things don't shift gradually one way or another. There wasn't three pseudo-fascistic leaders before Hitler or Mussolini that were resulted by them.
Shit just hit the fan and they took control. I feel this new idea of clawing our way back from the brink and "buying time" is on par with accelerationism as prone to failure. Things don't get gradually radical. They just go fcking radical. It's always been a very few people who have shaped history. I don't think leaders elected by popular support will be what we want.
Events that led to 1933 was indeed a slow gradual process
Hitler was simply a culmination of a European awakening to jewish tyranny
here's a jewish websites take on the igniter to jewish resistance in the last century
September 11: The First International Anti-Semitic Conference
Here's the manifesto in full
It's France nigger. They have a tradition of stronk females stepping in to correct the course
Lol that was so High Energy it looked like a Wrestling Entrance.
France about to be made Great Again.
You are correct. Unfortunately this board has been overrun by low IQ 4cucks and dumbshit redditors who think that they are the "real progressives".
What exactly have you done for the cause aside from shitposting here?
It's not exactly a first for the frogs
Trips confirm France WILL be made great again. Praise Kek! Blessed be his his holy name!
Nice thumbnail faggot.
==Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!==
Arise children of the fatherland, the day of glory had arrived!
Please meme responsibly. France doesn't need another martyr, it needs a heroine.
Already had thought about that and accounted for it.
Stop burgersplaining. I quickly estimated there were ~500 people included in that shot. I doubt that's huge for a popular national candidate's rally anywhere. inb4 the effect of lack of voter enthusiasm for shillary or the guac merchant
Let's not neglect my original point: hoping that there were significantly more in attendance that were out of frame of this shot.
Get the fuck out, women should never be in politics period. It might be a step in the right direction maybe not, but women in positions of power are a dangerous liability that should never be tolerated.
Burgers don't sleep user.
Wonderfull to see, slowly but steady things are moving in the right direction again.
Ah well; 'slowly', going pretty fast with things/happenings lately considering the last 8-9 years were fucking depressing to no end.
Compare her rallies to the ones her opponents do. Also take into consideration how many rallies she's doing.
This isn't neo-con politics, and if you can't read between the lines, I pity you. It's the "I'll tell the liberals she is Hitler, and the Nazi's - she is Jewish" argument. The shills ITT are just like the Zio-Trump shills. The facts are that Le Pen is the best chance the French have got, and every liberal, neo-con, leftist, jewish media is against her. And that tells a lot.
I rest my case.
We are meming the heroine part the dead martyr part comes when they go to war.
Is Jeanne D'Arc being reincarnated as Le Pen a meme already?
Cynthia McKinney is more redpilled on the JQ than all of those faggots in the aut right.
She not only named the jew but outed them in their involvement in 9/11.
why the fuck did the lady in red feel the need to shove her at 10 seconds as if she was struggling to approach the stage?
The salt and cognitive dissonance when a stronk nationalist woman is winning against some cucked anti-white numale will drive these leftists crazy. Especially when their bottoms still haven't recovered from Brexit and God Emperor Trump.
Praise Kek for the year of the Fire Cock. To add insult to cuckoldry we even re-purposed their pepe (plagiarized) memes.
Alright frogs, time to get hype as fuck. It's your turn to do this thing.
Until you're running for office, shut the fuck up, shill.
To me this seems like the most logical and most important and most easily-argued step any first world nation could make. It makes no sense whatsoever for any nation to allow someone to be a citizen if they are an equal citizen with equal loyalty to some other nation. It's absurd. What if you've got two soccer teams, and it turns out your goalie is not just a part of your team, he's also a part of the team you're playing against? How could you trust him in that position, how could you play with him without second guessing every single point scored and whether he meant to let it through?
In my opinion, it's crazy for my nation to allow such a thing as dual-citizenship to exist at all, but especially egregious is the fact that our elected leaders at the federal level can also be dual citizens. It makes my blood boil.
Much smaller, and with a characteristic European Jingle music.
I'd like the alt-right to leave.
The mossad jew boyfriend is dead btw
Made me laff user.
people don't realize her father was a special forces commando that literally helped take frances nuclear weapons back
no wonder that dude is dead
*leans into mic*
Now i need to play age of empires
I want to play the original now
sage for off topic
I like it, she reminds me of trump.
she seems like she'll be a strong leader.
what the fuck are they saying lmao
Lemme drink some more beer, i can actually translate from french when pissed: ayyy
Really makes you wonder…
Eurocucks have a long way to go
This. It's unfortunate that we don't have the luxury of solving all of our problems within one generation, but priorities have to be made. Our treatment of white women has to be damn gentle, they cannot be allowed too much leeway but neither can we risk alienating them into an SJW spiral of self-hatred.
Those pictures are fantastic. Who's the painter of the last two?
This. It's great that the best candidate for France is making success, but women in politics is what got us into this mess in the first place.
And don't forget what all fallen empires had in common before their fall: giving power to women. I don't hate women but we owe to it our descendants to not fuck their future up.
I didn't know a black woman could be this paranoid.
I can't even paint on mobile, so here are some pics to go with that caption.
I don't speak frog so I hope jewgle translate conjugates properly.
That means
you want
t. frog
I guess that works. But it's a little different that the original phrasing of "get".
As much as I'd like to see a white man lead France, if she's a white woman then leftist cucks can't play the "le ebil whyte boogyman" card. Imagine if Trump were a woman. Would the (((liberal))) media be trying to slam Trump as hard as they are?
That's fucking music to my ears Pepe.
That's playing by the rules of your enemy, don't do it. Stand by your own beliefs at all costs.
Get the fuck out, no one wants you here. This is a NATSOC board and women don't hold fucking positions in leadership. GET THE FUCK OUT.
You quoted the wrong guy.
Well you can also just say
The nominal form has a more imperative tense to it, so it works too.
Le pen literally threw her father out of her party when he denied the holohoax.
She banned party members of known "racists" "anti-Semites" and "Fascists".
She even went so far as to remove stopping abortion from her party platform, and the death penalty, both of which france is known for.
You are literally voting for an anti-racist, and not a nationalist.
Your ignorance of realpoitik is so vast it could engulf the enitre universe with it's sheer lack of common sense, study or logical thinking.
Do we have any native French fags here? Very curious to know, WHAT IS YOUR ONLINE OPERATION LIKE, AND ARE YOU TAKING THE LESSONS FROM BREXIT AND TRUMP?
That greasy kike Schultz sure is. He already has a leddit forum, has shills out on cuckchan making awful memes (the SPLC did us SUCH a fucking favor by declaring pepe a "hate symbol," since it means kikes like Schultz and his goons can't touch it.
They're to make memes of the kike. One of the funniest I saw was the Jew in a Crusader (!!!) outfit on a Crusader horse. Any member of any Order involved in the crusades would have beheaded the fucking Jew demon.
What did you expect? Her to make her holohoax denier father the leader of railways? Yeah I bet she'd get elected on that by normies.
If true this is probably actually a dog whistle, similar to Trump and the red six pointed star on Hillary's picture.
When CIA gets desperate and is in fear of his job after Vault 7. Yeah I run a myspace group advertising for Le Pen, look for frogs.
Can you English? Or does the CIA export its shills to non-whiteistan, that'd make sense by how many fuck ups they've been having.
Because dumbfuck, in France all these are literally CRIMES. You really think she "disavows" her father's thinking after she learned everything she knows from him? The Jews are going to come at her with everything they have, she is simply covering her ass. I, personally, think France is too far gone and it's going to cone to civil war. For fuck's sake, we now have MW 3 IRL in Paris:
I used to believe in "it has to get worse before it gets better" myself. But at this point, what's next? How much "worse" can it get? And yes, no "real" progress is going to be made until the Jew is removed, who is orchestrating the entire thing. But right now, just to hopefully keep a major cultural landmark from being ruined, maybe Le Pen can make something of a start removing them…
Want proof? Literally every single Jewish/rabbinical association in France and everywhere else in Europe is calling for MORE muslim mass immigration.
I have no fucking clue what you're on about, but you probably need to take your schizo meds. If the CIA was fucking all-powerful as you suggest, we never would have gotten Brexit or Trump.
Funny enough, looking rough the files the CIA NOW has an actual document on "memetic warfare." A bunch of shitposters on a Nepalese Numismatic Forum literally beat the fucking CIA/MI 6. Take your fucking meds friend.
Completely agree. I'm stoked that Le Pen's dad is a holocaust denier. user doesn't get the game these politicians play.
Where we're going in a few years there won't be any meds strong enough to escape reality.
The post your replied to didn't even mention CIA?
yeah, can't wait.
You know Sam Hyde?
Ever see the type of people he retweets or the shit he says on Hyde Wars compared to his more public stuff?
Le Pen is like that. She had to keep her public and personal opinions completely separate. If her father doesn't believe the holocaust happen, do you really think she does? She just can't allow the kikes any chance to snatch this away from her.
you are correct. Post was meant for this asshole.
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA. You don't get to bring friends.
The more I've seen things unfold in Europe, the more Breivik was 100% correct. I'm not going to get into whether what he did was "moral" or argue with the Alex "Israel First" Jonesers who think every time someone takes a piss it's a "false flag" and haven't yet gotten it that Jones is adept of the Jews. But has anything–FUCKING ANYTHING– Breivik said in summer 2001 been incorrect?
(for retards who don't know, in addition to his manifesto he made a video, where he predicts essentially everything that has happened. and, no, he DID NOT name the Jew because he didn't want to MSMS to be able to paint him as a "neo-Nazi." His apparent goal was to start a Christian (specifically Catholic) resistance against the animals invading at the behest of the Jews.
found this
WTF I hate Le Pen now
Truly the most trustworthy source of information.
every time
Again with wikepedia dude? You must be really stupid. Here, i'll give you some perspective, lookup the development of gamergate there, and then compare it to what atualy happened.
This. I don't think there is a better redpill on wikipedia than their coverage of gamergate.
holy fuck this thread filled with shitty CTR style shills fast. They aren't even good at what they do, when will they get new shilling material. Its literally the
all over again
How brazen are the jewish kike shills here that they even try to mitigate of deny her father was a fucking isreali Mossad spy, by his own admission.
"In The Secret Service", in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.
"The Israelis, Auque reveals in a sensational autobiography released after his death, had asked to be introduced to a French businessman of Lebanese descent Iskandar Safa known as "Sandy," and in return promised Auque an interview with Sheikh Obeid, the spiritual leader of the Amal militant group based in Lebanon.
Auque accepted the request and came to Israel, where Amos was waiting for him along with the Mossad agent "Tony" and Israeli diplomat Uri Lubrani.
The interview with Sheikh Obeid never took place, but Auque ended up with a different story in his lap. When he returned to Paris, Auque fulfilled his part of the deal and introduced Lubani to the French businessman.
"During that time I established very close ties with Israel," Auque wrote in his biography. "I would travel there a lot. I wasn't just a journalist.
"The Israeli intelligence services paid me to complete certain missions, such as secret missions in Syria under the cover of a reporter. These missions were at times very dangerous, and I risked the worst, including death in the case of failure. I traveled to Damascus a number of time in order to make contact with the local elite, doctors, researchers and others – all of whom wanted to emigrate to the United States. Every time I would get the equivalent to a month's wage."
Roger Auque passed away in early September as a journalist and France's Ambassador to Eritrea. He was 58 years old at the time of his death – he fought cancer, which stuck him at the beginning of his career as a diplomat in the service of the French Foreign Ministry, during the last two years of his life.
Auque, a veteran combat war reporter who survived 391 days in Hezbollah captivity, decided in the last days of his life to write up his secrets, his adventures and the mysterious missions that he took part in.
His services, he claimed, were not limited to the Mossad."
kill yourself
Because I present incontrovertible evidence that you're wrong or a liar, I should kill myself?
Surely it should be you, who at best, is a moronic low-IQ gullible drone goy, or most likely and at worst a lying deceptive kike shill, who shouldn't even be breathing in the first place.
Don;t worry, we'll be able to find plenty of people who can arrange that for you.
This guy has already been BTFO'd from the French/pol/ general.
Filter and report.
no please do go on
No, what happened was you and your team of professional paid jewish hasbara, mass reported the facts I presented, namely that Marion's father was a self-admitted jewish isreali Mossad spy, and for that fact you gloat and taunt me about it.
It's more testimony to how much power lying jewish shills have on Holla Forums than anything else.
Have you a solitary word to say in respect of the evidence I've kindly presented here.
If not kindly fuck off you verminous hasbara kike.
The evidence has been repeatedly posted like here
and all you kikes do is say,
someone else posts proof, and again you all post either
Then ask yourself why are you kikes so brazen that you feel you can attack those presenting the incontrovertible evidence as laid out in this thread?
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
I don't deny the Israeli spy story. I called you out as a shill because you're posting from the shill's script.
Was posted fucking constantly before the end of the election. No one cares. Everyone knows he's not Hitler 2.0. He is simply a nationalist, and a step in the right direction for this country. Now fuck off with your tired shill rhetoric.
Then why are you then denying the fact her father was an isreali Mossad spy, you know one of the principle conditions of disqualification for those in positions of power to trust?
By presenting clear evidence that what I say is true?
That's in no hasbara shills handbook, what is in the hasbara handbook is repeated lies promoting jews in advanced positions in governments, astroturfing and non-stop spamming of lies to prop up your jewish lying agenda.
A shill would lie on behalf of the tribe in protecting the tribe and agents of the tribe.
The only people doing that is you and your astroturfing pack of jewish shills.
I am exposing the jews and their lies.
You are protecting the jews and their lies.
Only one of those two groups can be considered a shill here.
Do you see?
Learn how to read IDs you fucking tard.
- Marine Le Pen
Sorry all you kikes kvetching about others reporting on her proven islreali Mossad father, blur into one mass of jewish hasbara.
im not even sure hes that
he certainly knows how to use it efficiently in propaganda but I voted for Trump because he only represents himself
you can trust someone alot more when theres no shadowy cabal in the background holding the strings like with all the fucking others
And now you're back to calling me a kike. Why, because I point out your tired rhetoric? Okay, Goldberg.
I'm European… I don't assume to speak for all Europeans, but having kikes, sand niggers and didndus living next to humans is intolerable.
The purge is unavoidable at this point.
You are literally kvetching that I am presenting clear evidence that someone you are promoting is the spawn of a self-admitted isreali Mossad spy.
You are calling my clear identification of the Mossad isreali spy links (which was requested by several anons here) and presentation of these facts, as "shilling".
Then you go onto say,
Not that he once ate a bagel or likes dreidels, but an fucking isreali Mossad spy!
This is Holla Forums, such facts should surely be of interest and serious consequence to every single non-jewish poster on here,
you are so painfully obvious its cringe worthy
how much do you get paid per post?
What is obvious is that you are complaining, non-stop how I am presenting evidence of jewish malpractice and shilling on this board.
Somehow, you are attempting to say that my exposing on jewish shills on this board is somehow shilling for A.N. Other.
Who would I be shilling for, by exposing kikes and their lies?
Why aren;t you attacking those same kikes ITT promoting jews and their jewish agents?
I like how much confusion is caused by simple denial of the fact that Jews side is right wing and everybody knows that
even Holla Forums's hatred towards Jews is actually hatred towards liberals, due to their belief in "liberal-jewish conspiracy".
So you still dont know how IDs work? I should report you, but you're so incompetent at shilling I just feel pity instead of scorn.
because you use wiki as a source, just fuck off already. you arent convincing anyone here with that low effort shilling. get a new script and try again later.
Goddamit, stop apending this retarded meme to LePen. It already failed in spectacular fashion. It also unduly ties her campaign to the stink of shrillary. The meme basically says, "She has a vagina. She gets my vote." This is not the message we want to send.
How about #ImWithLePen. Gets the same message across, plus you're not irresponsibly meme'ing that you're only supporting her because she has a snatch.
Nah, it's great
Your initial posts
Reported for what?
Uou called me a shill for pointing out your shilling for jews.
You are complaining about me presenting facts about Marion's father being an isreali Mossad spy and backing up every word I say.
You stated that I must stop providing evidence of her fathers jewish isreali Mossad spying.
You even call me a shill, somehow.
Yet all you;ve done is kvetch I am exposing jewish malfeasance in her family background and here on this board.
Then one of your spastic jewish shill pals posts again this shit.
I never used Wiki, somobody else did, though that is no consequence because her father wrote a book about his days working as an isreali spy, it's still available on Amazon.
See post
Nothing from wiki in that post.
you'll hang kike
Literally none of what you said happened. I don't know if you're trolling or truly delusional, but you've thoroughly confused the shit out of me. Congratulations, I'm done.
Every conflicting post made was done by you under your same ID, you are the one who complained about me telling the truth about Marion's father.
This was done alongside several other jewish shills complaining about the same thing, now you try and slip off pretending you never once complained about me providing clear evidence of Marion's father being an isreali Mossad spy.
Glad you're done, is it free gefilte at the Tel Aviv lunchroom?
OY vey, Mordechai, the goyim are waking up left and right. What can we do to turn these alt right nazi shitlords against that shiksa LePen. I know, she's a woman, they're all misogynerds who hate women. Oh, and she's dating a jew, that'll do the trick.
And this is why your movement failed and will continue to fail. You never address reality, you address the echo chamber. You're batting at shadows, fighting demons of your own design, and inside your chamber it feels like you're winning, while outside people are only watching you flail around like an idiot and laughing at you. You think people demure your passing because they respect you and your fight when in actuality it's because we don't want to get caught by one of your wild retard slaps.
The same post in every thread about France and Le Pen.
When told that no one here learned anything from his post, that Le Pen is at best the lesser evil, that France is so far gone that we can't miss a chance to sort this shit out politically and reasonably, the guy resorts to calling everyone a kike.
This kills the thread, because too many newfags here are biting the bait.
Even lesser evil than anti-zionist parties?
Interesting, you also insist that I am a shill for pointing out her isreali Mossad familial connections, whereas you are promoting kosher false nationalists as the lesser evil.
How about you go fuck yourself kike.
I am simply defending the position against an organised team of jewish hasbara kikes shilling for neo-con zionist jews.
You're simply surprised that i simply never folded and ran off like other anons your teams of organised kikes try and bully off these boards.
Filter all you want (yet no doubt you'll reply to me insisting you're going to filter me again…), I would be interested what you want me banned for, seeing as I'm plainly one of the few here not cheering on and championing jews as you have been doing.
Let me guess : I'm a hasbarat kike upholding a zionist jewess.
Does his reply contain any fucking real life suggestion instead of just keeping his ass on his greasy chair and screeching against everyone else's efforts ?
I bet his long-lost foreskin not.
But don't blame the mods : they just don't know how to recognize French shills yet.
Fuck. Mordecai isn't a jewish name, right?
as jewish as shekels and matzo.
Tulsi is basically based in the way lefties like 'counterpunch' and 'common dreams' are based. It's likely that military experience going for it. Will fight whoever we're fighting til it's time to turn the guns to each other.
She's seen too much of the beast up close so won't go to bat for it on its most pressing issues.
Also about half of her dumbassery is because she's from frickin' hawaii, which gets industrious nips and flips as their primary immigrants. She's naive as hell, in other words, despite knowing shit stinks about the CIA and Syria and other important stuff.
Her open borders policies work for Hawaii because they don't have fleets of mad bombers and gibs trying to get in.
One of those ones that will need to see an enriching in progress before going full-out Iron Anne, she's semi-dangerous until then.
Nice pick with using Leelee. Quit (((Hollywood))) after seeing (((producers))) hovering around her then-Temple-aged daughter. Realised those "rumours" were 100% true and if she wanted her daughter to be famous too, she'd have to 'pay up.'
She's a halfie but I still have to commend going against her own nature that hard.
fuck I'm kekked out today.
The only one with literal balls I can think of is Festerling, but she has too many I think to actually be an effective politician. She wants to remove kebab as badly as Karadzic. There's no hiding that power level.
Frederick's of Hollywood here, double-edged sword though.
Got them frequently because mom was a ho.
… also fat and ugly. Good thing she also had no taste so the best ones were safe to look at. Aged beauty queens that 'lost it all' before 40 are a sad, sad thing.
semi-ironic it actually looks better that way. Just gotta paint the halves… :^] altho the tulip is actually holland's but we'll reich-wing it
no, it's good. The first Jeanne posted in this thread IS A SURVIVOR of Pedowood (shunts into appropriate tunage)
kikes killed the actual song I wanted. Disco really is dead. :[
how about….
I doubt they knew what that word meant.
Klebold did have Jewish ancestors, but he was only 17.
Dunno, but there's a dozen of them on here throwing out all kinds of jewish propaganda and utilising the same old jewy mantras.
You've chimed in to chide me along with them.
You tell me how and why promoting jewish zionist politics is a good thing for the goy?
Then onto your next mate
You mean the jew, Dylan Klebold, who wanted to “shoot the Christian girls in the head.” [INCOG]
The pair also wore makeup and held hands in school. In their own writings they described themselves as “anti-racists” and that they “hate racists.”
Yeah it probably was just a coincidence they targeted Christian girls holding bibles etc.
His non-jewish mate, like those 'non-shills' above who are shilling for isreal… Eric Harris he just wanted to “rip the arms off racists, and Neo Nazis.”.
I'm sure there was no anti-Christian, anti-white agenda behind these "two innocent childrenZ".
Lots more regarding their hatred towards Christians and the jew kids family's observance and study of the Talmud.
Observe how much the frogs love this woman.
Watch the first couple of minutes, the crowd goes wild. Reminds me of God Emperor Trump. These are what real movements look like. Not like the astroturf "change" bullshit the lying press colatorates with to manufacture the impression that people like those puppets.
You can guage how good a politician is based on how much the lying press gets triggered by them.
Nice controlled OP source there. It's worse than fucking (((Smoloko))), especially the comments.
Incogman used to be the number 1 anti-jew website from the American side of the net prior to the jews completely astroturfing all movements into championing neo-con kikes, sadly like most anti-jew nationalist boards, it's taken a turn for the worse with the blind faith in Trump's neo-con love in.
RE: smoloko, you suggest is jewish yet they've been the most consistent counter-propaganda instrument against the jewish lies for years.
What a strange assessment of incogman and smoloko you make…
Can't wait to see what they do when the EU inevitably rigs the election against her
There's historic precedent.
Not so sure that Joan of Arc's family members were blood related to isreali Mossad agents.
Joan was legit anti-jew.
I was answering the woman thing while making light of the situation.
If you want a serious reply you shill faggot, I don't give half a crap she's a woman or that she's married to mossad agents. She wants to remove Muslims. She wants to remove EU. She isn't promising to send the French military to the ME or against Russia. That's all I need out of her. I have zero fucks to give, I will not wait for Hitler, piss off to CTR HQ.
lol and its french language shills. speak english or die.
Ah yes, I seem to see the problem here and it's not that she's a woman.
Ah yes, she and her jewish boyfriend want to fight the Clash of Civilisations that the jews demand we fight.
Yet nothing about the tens of millions of non-muslim Africans with full French citizenship.
She wants to serve isreali interests, as you appear to do.
Leaving the EU would be good, however so far Britain has had a vote to leave the EU, they still aren't actually out with every key member of the movement having run off and left the move to be arranged by zionist kikes on our behalf, who wont allow the goy to leave the EU.
How kind of them.
There is a rather worrying trend of jewish zionist neo-con steam vents now adopting a pose to step out of the EU, only the jews don;t give up their centuries long plans for full control that easily, have you asked what these zionist neo-con fake nationalists are looking to replace the current EU with?
Why not vote for any of the anti-zionist parties in operation in France instead?
Or are the only options worth considering here those that are put forward by isreali neo-con jews?
Perhaps that option (to side with jews at every opportunity) is easy for you, however those that are aligned against the forces of zog would beg to differ.
Because that is wasting a vote and none of those parties has a shred of a chance.
France does not have years to wait to build a base. It either pushes back now or it's over.
If you're advocating for that, just skip the electoral process and jump straight to the guillotines.
Again, I have zero fucks to give for your shill tactics. You did the same shit with Trump. You did the same thing with UKIP. With AfD, with the Swedish Democrats.
Every time a group comes along and reaches mainstream exposure, you label them as far right fascists with the normalfags and try to paint them as ZOG puppets with Holla Forums types.
So let's get this straight.
You are championing known neo-con zionists, fake nationalists and proven liars who have no interest in defending Europe against the onslaught of international jewry, only serving their interests.
Yet I'm the shill for rejecting jewish solutions to the problems they created.
A list of zionist frauds
Eventually even those with the most severe cases of cognitive dissonance will collapse in on itself.
Interesting, as discussed before the metrical devices employed by those attempting to shame, embarrass others into silence are so transparently flawed I wonder how they continue to think they can get away with it.
You suggest we align with jewry, someone inevitably explains how that is never such a good idea for the goy.
The moron/shill/jew-tool responds with knee-jerk reflex
If you even spent a second considering what that means, you'd realise your suggestion of voting jew, is the literal equivalent of waiting four years and hoping beyond all hope that they (the jewish controlled steam vent) will somehow materialise into Hitler.
Here's the thing.
You can champion kikes and their false opposition kosher nationlist parties all you want, in Breibart you'll get 100% backing from all the jewish hasbara on those boards, on Holla Forums at least expect some criticism for your championing of jews.
but you don't have any criticism. Just that she is associated with jews.
So is anyone else important it seems.
I want Le Pen because otherwise civil war breaks out in France and millions would die. I love the French people, assholes they may be, I don't want people to suffer. But things are very unstable right now, even a jewish controlled steam vent would avoid a lot of bloodshed.
Though i suppose voting LePen is but delaying the inevitable, whites and kikes can not coexist. Jews seek to exterminate whites, so whites have to defend themselves from extinction by genociding kikes. Even though whites, uniquely amongst the races, find this a very unpleasant thing to do.
A Trump presidency has bought us time.
A LePen presidency would do likewise.
Fuck off Mike
That is criticism, justly so too.
Evidence of this time bought, better hurry up as the kikes are pushing us to WWIII for international jewry's sole gain and Trump seems to be just another vehicle to bring that about, not prevent it.
So hopey change then
Are we not allowed to point out that voting for jews is a bad idea, or are we to leave this board and let jews promote other jews without critique?
You can promote kosher nationalism all you want, just don;t be surprised when non-jews pull you up on this.
muslims are the problem. Le Pen is the solution, and you sir are an obvious muslim. She has my vote. Explode yourself.
Typical goatfucker.
A good wife with sons will typically be more conservative. When my daughter got an ankle tattoo my wife made her move back home from the dorm! Conservative enough for you?
And yet all the men are pushing globalist EU open borders, and the woman is a nationalist
Gee, her voice is so unbelievable annoying.
No I'm calling a daughter of an actual ISREALI MOSSAD SPY a kike
I am calling openly jewish controlled opposition kike-controlled
I am calling all the blatant isreali hasbara kikes on this board kikes.
Marine has a kike boyfriend and attempted to kick out her own father for his antisemitism, despite the fact he was the founding father of the party.
Marion's father is Roger Auque, who was a self-admitted Mossad spy and journalist who died in September 2014
He wrote about it in a book "In The Secret Service", in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel.
"The Israelis, Auque reveals in a sensational autobiography released after his death, had asked to be introduced to a French businessman of Lebanese descent Iskandar Safa known as "Sandy," and in return promised Auque an interview with Sheikh Obeid, the spiritual leader of the Amal militant group based in Lebanon.
Auque accepted the request and came to Israel, where Amos was waiting for him along with the Mossad agent "Tony" and Israeli diplomat Uri Lubrani.
The interview with Sheikh Obeid never took place, but Auque ended up with a different story in his lap. When he returned to Paris, Auque fulfilled his part of the deal and introduced Lubani to the French businessman.
"During that time I established very close ties with Israel," Auque wrote in his biography. "I would travel there a lot. I wasn't just a journalist.
"The Israeli intelligence services paid me to complete certain missions, such as secret missions in Syria under the cover of a reporter. These missions were at times very dangerous, and I risked the worst, including death in the case of failure. I traveled to Damascus a number of time in order to make contact with the local elite, doctors, researchers and others – all of whom wanted to emigrate to the United States. Every time I would get the equivalent to a month's wage."
Roger Auque passed away in early September as a journalist and France's Ambassador to Eritrea. He was 58 years old at the time of his death – he fought cancer, which stuck him at the beginning of his career as a diplomat in the service of the French Foreign Ministry, during the last two years of his life.
Auque, a veteran combat war reporter who survived 391 days in Hezbollah captivity, decided in the last days of his life to write up his secrets, his adventures and the mysterious missions that he took part in.
His services, he claimed, were not limited to the Mossad."
That's not blanket name calling that's presenting the facts and direct familial connections to isreal Mossad spies.