Joining The Intelligence Community

I’ve decided on joining the Army, did the ASVAB and got a high enough score to qualify for Military Intelligence as my primary MOS. With Trump at the helm of the country and Mad Dog Mattis at his side I know my time in the service will be great.
I’ll get to serve my country and be proud of it now that Obummer is gone.

Any FBI, CIA or Army intelligence officers care to fill me in on what to expect? I know you guys spend your free time browsing Holla Forums so whatever tips you can offer before hindsight kicks me in the face would be great.

Should I go with 35F or 35N?
Signals or Human Intelligence?

Any other Holla Forumsacks who happen to be service members please feel free to chime in

Other urls found in this thread: korea millile launch&oq=north korea millile launch&gs_l=img.3...1755.7318.0.7635.

Stop this.
Anyway, make sure you're ready for when you get your security clearance. For example, you need to record everywhere you've been for the past 10 years. Since you just did the ASVAB, I guessing that goes back to when you were a little kid.

my friend is in army intelligence. seems to be liking it, but he can't really talk about what he does. id recommend against going military if you're actually smart enough to do shit like intel, but that's just my opinion. some people are really into the military and what it can offer, and a lot of friends and family have served, but it's not for everyone, and if you've got brain power I think it'd be wasted on the military. you can have a lot more freedom and income doing what you're capable of in the private sector. would be cool to have more anons in intelligence though

21 now, so everywhere I've been since I was 11 ok.

my big worry is my internet browsing history, I've used a vpn only on the latter stages of my time spent on the chans.

So it's a safe bet that the NSA will know that I hate niggers?

enjoy having your soul destroyed , being from Holla Forums you'll be able to instantaneously recognize subversive objectives pushed down from your superiors to serve israel and the jews

also, don't ever let anyone know the real you, because military intelligence is pozzed with mossad and cia agents and they'll destroy your career

I need a source of income and I need it quick

The military can offer me that and then some, plus deep down inside I knew that I had to serve at one point or the other. Most of my family has served; i.e dad and his dad before his etc.

Also, I have very little to no job experience and am a cis white man. No pajeet loving tech company is going to hire a run of the mill white with no practical experience.

So, I see the military as my way out or should I say my way up. It'll open so many doors for my future

If you can handle this then you should do it, it might be interesting to be inside the beating heart of the Zionist's goy meatshield and you can always betray them in the end

I love playing mind games, if anything I'll have fun figuring out whois a mossad mole. The reality is I've had my soul crushed enough by PC culture so the military will be a breeze.

I'll be Machiavellian as hell when am in and no one, I mean no one will ever suspect am redpilled.

i'll serve, meet new places, peoples and further my myself and career prospectives all on the government dime.

GO 35N
Are you Active or Reserve?
After that is where things get more interesting

Accountants and Auditors (guaranteed to hit six figures by the time you're 30)
Median pay (annual): 67,190 USD (2015)

Electricians (stable union job, salary steadily increases)
Median pay (annual): 51,880 USD (2015)

Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers (Welding is not going away, and I know some career guys who are in their 30's making six figures)
Median pay (annual): 38,150 USD (2015)

I seriously considered the military too user, scored 94 on the ASVAB, navy recruiter was hounding me to sign on as a nuke, nice signing bonus and all. the military hypes up their image a lot, and that's not to say there isn't a lot to be gained from doing service, especially the nepotism if you're smart about making connections, but remember you're in your youngest and probably most energetic years. would you rather do your apprenticeship now and have a union job by 25 that's gonna take care of you for the rest of your life or get your degree in a nonshit field like accounting or (some) STEM degrees, or join the military and do the same shitty work as above, but afterwards you have no degree and your only marketable skills narrow your career opportunities to more government work that you're probably going to get edged out on because, again, you have no degree?

there will always be people telling you to join the military, and you should take their advice seriously, I'm just trying to give you the opinioni of someone who was in your place and chose to stick to the private sector

the moles start just like you, they go through boot camp with you… they just try not to talk about their trip to israel or virginia etc

Something about the posts in this thread seem really off for some reason.

Either yall are newfriends or feds.

On topic though, the security clearences are a bitch. Have fun with those.

Thanks spookbro! for your input, awesome advice That sounds high speed

Is their anything else you'd like to add?

I'll keep it in mind when I see a dude with a large nose

Do you have any idea how many international intelligence agencies come to full/halfchan's Holla Forums?

We're actually spreading international cooperation and brotherhood

Through memes

No. It's not the NSA that does the vetting. The vetting procedures of high level clearances aren't even that good. The most they do is: (a) interview people you know from the last 10 years and see if you have any recruitable weaknesses like weird sex shit, money problems, or an uncle who works at a mosque; (b) do a bunch of database checks across law enforcement from local to national level; (c) interview you and ask you a bunch of questions to make sure you are telling the truth about things they may have discovered.

What doors? It's a particular skillset that really doesn't have any good consequences for when you leave. 35F is basically a glorified type writer as you sit with earphones in front of computers listening to military HF radio networks. Or if you are in the field, doing DF triangulations so you can tip off artillery or air support for locations.

You may think it is easy to transfer from mil intelligence community to civilian, but it isn't. It's actually way more competitive. For civilian intelligence gov agencies, you need a degree as well. Most competitive and financial intelligence companies want you to have not just a degree, but something that is useful for them in the financial intelligence sphere. Then there is private intelligence companies (non-financial), most of these companies are made up of old boys networks from civilian HUMINT.

Because FEDS do monitor Holla Forums, it isn't just a meme.
So I figure I'd ask them for advice considering am interested in pursing a similar career field.

So shallow that pill user, cause that's a fact

Not really unless you have some questions

Go for humint, all signals does is analysis which is combing and preparing raw data…very boring unless you like that stuff. humint will give you better options to going out in the field and interrogating people. A lot more cool stuff involved, but some of it is grunt work. You will likely not have a choice where you'll be placed, both geographically and your job. Believe it or not you'll likely learn both jobs incase you have to do it, but your focus is your mos. There's some cool shit you'll learn in the Intel field. Just keep your mouth shut or you'll disappear.

Again hindsight is 20/20, this is why I ask. I personally know individuals with clearances that have stable jobs and families as a result of such clearances. From what I've heard from them, their worth their fair share in gold.

I do intend on pursuing my degree and also becoming in officer in the field as well so that isn't a problem. If the heat is too much in the civilian world I'll just stick to the military as long as I can.

I know for sure that I can make my own connections along the way.

Thanks for your input, stay spooky

are spooks on here just looking for actionable data (i.e. some of you are alright, don't go to ___ tomorrow) and to what extent do they try to direct us?

accidental sage

I doubt any of the actual feds here are gonna help you out but whatever.

My last bit of advice is to absolutely never lie when they are doing your interviews for security clearences. Even if your answer may seem really bad, don't fucking lie, because they will know without a doubt that you are.

Also, if you are really serious about making a career out of working in the intelligence agencies, you're gonna need to compete with civilians as some other user had said earlier. You're gonna need a bacheleors degree to stay up to speed with the civilians. Cyber security is one of the big degrees that the NSA hires for. If you have a little bit of computer knowledge then it's a great career path that is in demand and gives you the option to easily work for the governemnt or private sector.

Just do it because you are interested in it. If you really want to do something after the career, then you would do what you are already have an intent on doing: (1) get a degree (something that is useful across a spectrum of intelligence positions, e.g. languages, geosciences, accounting/finance, or STEM); (2) get operational experience (that is, a deployment somewhere), and; (3) try to apply for a commission.

When you get out, you'll have intelligence experience, a degree, and were an officer. That'll look way better on paper.

You'll more than likely do nothing but liability and paper work
Go Warrent. They get paid more than NCOs (albiet less than officers), do awesome stuff, and get to do intel work

Yep, they will probably ping pong my ass half way across the globe but it'll be better than what am doing now.

Stuff like this reminds me why I should invest in a little blackmail and a bugout bag.

Maybe half of the threads are spooks? Whose to know really, that's the beauty or horror of internet anonymity.
Whichever way you look at it

Thanks for all the advice

I wish I could write you a better repose but I got to get to work.
I'll be back later to continue the conversation

Am I even going the right path, though? I'm honestly considering just being a monk for Catholics because of how handicapped I am due to my life situation. I mean I'm going to try and salvage what's left of my dreams but I can't waste any more time and I'm tired of being BTFO by shit outside of my control.

You are on the right path, if Intel/Military is what you want to do
Shed the weight, get in, then you can try to make your dreams come true.

If you feel a stronger conviction to the Catholic Church, by all means take the path of the monk

OR, you could become an army Chaplin! the perfect compromise

You could always consider a career as a 400 lb hacker.

There are ways around these issues. One way is to get skills that the intelligence agencies need but don't have. That means you won't be competing with that many people. Accounting and forensic accounting is a big one. Accountants get paid way more working for the big four agencies, but get paid jackshit in intelligence and government. That means there aren't many of them. When I got out of the military in SIGINT, I couldn't find a job, because I didn't have a degree at the time. I finally got one working for state cops doing something similar to electronic surveillance. It was boring doing shifts listening to biker gangs brag about banging strippers or what parts go best with their bikes. But one thing I did notice is how integral accountants were to the investigation. These guys were at the center of intelligence led ops. Tracking cash flows, mapping out networks of individuals and organizations. They were also overworked, as there weren't many of them (for the reasons above). That might be a step in the door to move sideways into an organization.

Another way is to apply for agencies that aren't prestigious, get experience, then move up into more prestigious organizations. Forget about applying straight up for the CIA, NSA, or NRO. Apply for something like the coast guard, air force, or ICE. Try to maneuver yourself into intelligence areas. Sure, people may think you are a pussy for going into the air force, but it is a step in the door.

Thanks for the advice. I've made life decisions that have inadvertently held me back, including getting a degree I thought would be useful. You know options for people interested in making government propaganda by any chance? Otherwise I'll try to go for SIGINT for the Air Force.

Probably something like a psyops officer in one of the mil branches. Otherwise, you could check out foreign service officers in the state dept who sometimes do something known as "public diplomacy".

just be a patriot op, do whats necessary to protect this country

It looks like one person talking to himself in this thread. Same pace and spacing.



I finally have a name for the area I wanted to go into. Thanks much.

YFT it's actually the other way around, but trump/pol/ teenage Republitards are too stupid to figure it out.


The U.S. Govt. military spooks who control 8ch/pol/ talk shop.

It would not be surprising if many of the people on 8pol float into the intelligence community.

Spook here. Can confirm. Just because I'm intel doesn't mean I'm not redpilled.

18b option 40. Put some time in let them build you up with a solid foundation then switch to Intel.

Will you whistleblow and siphon important info to us, secretly?

You will be literally selling your soul to the Mafia, once you're in the IC, you will NEVER leave Intelligence, you are in bondage to it til the day you die, just like being in a Secret Society. Make absolutely certain if you make a career in it that you collect together your "Insurance File," because stuff happens, and you will powerful need leverage against disappearing.
Enjoy working for Uncle Sam, you'll hate every minute of it!!!

Any jobs for those with a criminal record and highly questionable background/spilled spaghetti is literally recorded in court records/diagnosed with a severe mental illness?


You should go SOF in a medical position so you're privy to insider information and learn a valuable skill, rather than just being an aspiring CIAnigger.

Or just go to college and apply to the agencies since you don't need to be a ZOGbot to be a Big Guy at the CIA/FBI.

I have been pursuing a marine flight contract. Haven't gone to OCS yet. Still getting medically qualified. I had to get PRK done because my eyesight was just bad enough with a really high astigmatism. But now I might have a go at the 2020 olympics in my sport. Either way, I'll be in the military eventually flying planes.

They're gonna find out you post here. Nobody will give a shit until some way higher up hears about it. They do deep fucking personal searching before you can be admitted to an intelligence agency. IIRC

I tried to get imto Army Intel as my MOS after I passed my ASVAB test with flying colors. But I failed this secondary intelligence service test they gave me later, which has nothing to do with intelligence incidentally.

If you get into Military Intelligence, you will have sold your soul to the Devil, it is a very nefarious and diabolical treasonous MOS to work in, actively working against the American people in planning and working this big public crackdown coming soon from the Gov't and Military, and the FEMA camp incarceration of up to 9 million Americans. The U.S. Military has been totally subverted by the evil NWO crowd, and they are actively training now for Martial Law operation on the Army and Marine bases. The traitors are in control now, and the laws and principles of the U.S. Constitution have been eliminated in all present and future policy decisions. enjoy having a very guilty conscience, if you have a conscience, you will be used to destroy Americans here in just about every way possible.

Take advantage of the college courses offered on post when you get to your PDS. You can knock out most of your lower division stuff on your first hitch, and it will get you promoted faster. Languages, languages, languages, if you don't already speak another one, learn one. Running is more important than lifting, and you will run a lot more than you realize. Don't trust your officers until you know they aren't going to fuck you over, and listen to your NCOs. In AIT if they ask if anyone wants to go to jump school, DO IT. Jumping out of a plane on a static line takes no skill at all, and it makes you look badass to civilians (even if you keep your eyes closed). Don't get discouraged by the meat heads in basic, it's only 9 weeks. Save that for you duty station when you're the FNG pulling shit details.

The CIA takes something like 1% of applicants or less, its a field where they call you, don't call them! If you excel in the Military, they may recruit you at the time of your discharge.

However in Russia if you willingly volunteer to work in a security service there, guess what they do to you? They put you inside a natural gas furnace and turn it on until your body is consumed into ashes. That method insures that there are no double agents attempting to worm their way into their security services.

Am Back

I might have a different ID so ignore that for now, am using a proxy.

A WORD TO THE WISE: you will have much more fun and joy working for God and the American public as an Anonymous leaker, instead of working for the traitors in the USG actively destroying the public. There will be a Civil War here in the U.S. choose your side well. We will all hang together, or we will all hang individually.

You need to bone up on your Open Source Intel to know the current basics of the NWO conspiracy and ongoing power struggle in Washginton, as especially in Langley, which controls the USG and the Media.

Yes you are, place your faith in whatever deity you believe in and push forward, do not under any circumstances give up. Bro you have enough time, what are you in, your 20's like me?

Run at least 2 miles everyday 4 times a week with one rest day in between and rinse and repeat until you have lost the required weight. do like me and research what your going to do with your life, take your time cause that's all you got.

Do not give up

Zionists and the like, same old story

I don't know, depends on the circumstances. If my neck ever ends up on the chopping block, I might be forced to.

With regards to "leverage', believe me, I am the sort of person that won't have any problems with that.

Better than rotting away as a worthless NEET, at least am making something of my life, can you say the same for yourself?

Here is your first Open Source Intelligence Briefing:

CIA Hides Nukes Underneath NYC And DC, False Flags Planned To Kickoff WW3

"…as yet another very, very large weapon is being placed under New York City and Washington DC."

It seem like the Russians are always announcing they are preparing for Nuclear War. This time with good reason. A huge Annual Military Drill in Eastern Europe just concluded. The problem with this exercise is that it was very, very large. What has the Russians all would up is two things:

1) First - the Deployment I Poland of 70 Medium Ranged AGM-158 Nuclear Tipped Cruise Missiles with a range not of 600 miles but around 1,000 miles. In response the Russians are deploying their SS-26 Nuclear Armed Missiles with similar capabilities. Remember - these War Games were all designed under the last Presidency - whose name we not allowed to say, but it rhymes with O-Vomit. President Trump has only been in office for 43 days. The other things that got the Russian’s riled up was a few comments by insane American Generals stating the US can win a Limited Nuclear War.

2) For the first time in many years the US has deployed the Pentomic Division - which is trained to fight in a radioactive battle field. Its name is derived from the fact that it revolves around 5 Infantry Battalions and a heavy armor Battalion. In the Combat Engineers we were trained to fight in Radioactive Battle Fields over and over again - but we all knew this was insane unsustainable, and suicidal. Well - apparently many US Generals feel this is reality and something we should work towards. So as the Past President’s War Plans are moved forward Russia prepares to stop them.

Please keep in mind two things: - President Trump did not plan this and the past Administration will be the First Target as yet another very, very large weapon is being placed under New York City and Washington DC. Please pray that these war plans initiated by the past President are stopped immediately.

Medical isn't for me

Not sure if I'll be going that route later on, honestly I choose intelligence because of the varied career opportunities after am out; see

However If I do like the field enough, I'll stick with it.
But it's a warm feeling knowing that when am out, my resume will be decent enough to land me just about any job I'll want by then.

Your next Open Source Intelligence Briefing:

North Korea is launching Minuteman II missiles, which were sold to them by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry (who was shot to death by a French double agent in a French military bunker). The State Department has sold HUNDREDS of nuclear bombs to North Korea– the main purpose of the State Dept. is weapons sales to any dictator who has the cash!!! See the Minuteman Missile there, that is the ONLY missile in the world that has that specific 3-stage tier shape!!! korea millile launch&oq=north korea millile launch&gs_l=img.3...1755.7318.0.7635.

And, oh, Saddam Hussein had 12 warehouses full of Chemical & Biological Weapons sold to them by George H.W. Bush!!! Special Forces had to go in and clean up all of that treasonous mess in Iraq!!!

In that case, I can only pray that my OPSEC is good enough.Believe me, I've done worse things then posting on a Mongolian rice patty image board.

If I fail to get in to intelligence, then I'll become a flyboy and with my high ASVAB that shouldn't be a problem.

Good for your brother, hope it works out in the end. You sound like you have your shit together.

What was it about? Do you remember what they asked you? Also your spooky, posting though TOR and all.

Saddam had lots of NBC from Russia and China and France. I heard on Seal tell me a Seal Team at one time went into Iraq on a covert mission and recovered 3 French nukes!!!

That intel test I failed at the Des Moines MEPS Station had to do with emotions and psychology, which I failed miserably back then in 1990.

The NCO asked me a lot about of questions which had to do about abuse and blackmail-type psychological question, which disqualified me from service in the Army Intelligence MOS.

You've watched too much Jewllywood. You're not the main character in a show, you autist.

heres a tip
don't join anything until trump is finished cleaning house

Holy shit, you're not kidding. I wonder how long he'll go?

I'll keep that in mind, figured they would ask those sorts of questions, thanks for the input TORanon

and I don't give a flying fuck about your unnecessary opinion asshole, so be a good boy and go be a worthless troll somewhere else ok?

If you bothered reading the thread, you would know whats going on.




pic related it's the linguist master race laughing at inferior analyst scum

Do you honestly fucking believe I would make a thread about joining military intelligence and not fucking use a proxy to protect myself?

I didn't need to say that , but I did cause I wanted to reply to older posters advice.

Jesus Christ, not everyone is a shill you motherfucking retard!

MI Guy, here is your future:

You argue like a kike. That's not the point. The point is you're samefagging like a maniac. Even here you can't help but give yourself away with your diction and spacing. It's fairly noticeable.

but if you go military you will have a marketable skill and a TS clearance also, which in this day and age is HUGE! Also you will have a GI bill and VA home loan zero down. Military looks awesome on a resume, and it will teach you some self discipline at the very least.
Keep in mind that its going to suck as a private. Your basically going to be a janitor at first, but put in your time earn your stripes and it wont be that bad

You are probably lusting after NOC work. There are about 10 men (CIA spies) working under Non-Offical Cover. The fun, James Bond stuff. Deep Cover CIA agents are often American businessmen working in foreign countries.

The main part of the IC are portly middle-aged analysts sitting in offices looking at computers.

You need to get up to speed on the current state of the Deep State.

Black Ops Commander Reveals Deep State Secrets


Robert D. Steele on CIA, NATO, Turkey etc.

Former CIA Operative: Trump Is Battling Pedophile Network

THE RECRUIT - Spy School: Inside the CIA Training Program

wtf I love OP as Bourne now

If i would be really evil i would make you write a thousand words starting with)/( caveman fence runes as an assessment test in a fixed time interval.

Wise man– there is going to be a BIG PURGE in the U.S. Security Services, and many long-term, seasoned employees and officers are retiring-quitting NOW, before they get caught up in the dragnet and treason prosecutions.

Like I say, get to know what you are getting in to first.

The Recruit / Full Movie

do you even transcribe

Former CIA Case Officer Robert David Steele - A Message to Donald Trump on The Hagmann Report 2/7/17

Deep State - Robert David Steele on The Hagmann Report Updated 2/25/17

Expert: The CIA Has Gone Rogue And Out Of Control

BREAKING: CIA Documents Admit They Spy On Everyone

High-level CIA: Elite are Satanists

It is very hard to get into the National Clandestine Service. It is best to say out of such an evil-rogue system.

fuck this shit. Holla Forums wasn't always like this….

I would also make you use a wedge and stone tablets to increase your pityful musclemass, and since you got back pain from sitting in front of your precious books i ll hire a beaner woman in her 40s with a a higher muscle density than what you call a male body minus the body hair.

Hahaha CIA so buttmad they post fake recruitment threads.

Army generally goes NSA, at least the skilled technical types. Door-kickers contract for the agency but don't do anything 'real', they want Yalies with pedigrees. All service branches think the CIAniggers are fucking clowns.



Hating shitskins will dq you from some agency departments
but guarantee you a position in others
No on HumINT based on this

many shills on here will tell you .mil is ran by Israel
anyone who's served will prove the shills wrong
being this politically active/woke makes you a target
serving declares your allegiance that would otherwise be in question
Mattis was dismissed because a muslim and Clinton
had the white house, but no more

feds and shills

Kill yourself

It is good that this Holla Forumsack is telling you the truth about what to expect in terms of becoming demoralized while you are in there. But remember that the (((bad guys))) intelligence communities would have easier lives without Holla Forumsack-minded people to contend with.

Life is hard, and it was always supposed to be hard. We were fed a progressive lie.

Carry out your mission Holla Forumsack and join the intelligence community. When times get tough remember that you are not alone, and your greatest strength is the ability to endure without end. Godspeed.


It isn't 2012 anymore bro, shit has changed.

This intent will cause you to fail.
And you will be labeled a shit bag.

knowledge is relative to time

Broken people do not belong in Intel.

subversion occurs during times of chaos
If you join now, your co may be gone within the year.
The flip side is exposure to more experience.

it's multiple anons posting

Get ready for this to be your daily life.
Intel is like groundhogs day with /b.

This is hilarious.

Well i think that julian assange is a pretty good Ambassador, as an interface between intel and civil rights activists. And i think that is what is needed, instead of soley relying on greendooring of the goyim. And by that julian can extend this comfort zone for a bit since that is what is advocated so often in these "chaotic" times.




This one's my favorite






Look at these fags apporprating our culture and using tha lingo


Wait a second. is this thread a fucking recruiting thread?????????

That's it. It's a recruitment thread. I have seen it all.