Dindu Rapist Sentenced to 65 Years Begs For Reduction, Gets Increase to Life Imprisonment Instead
http:// www.wtsp.com/news/crime/convicted-rapist-kendrick-morris-resentencing-hearing/421052203
Dindu Rapist Sentenced to 65 Years Begs For Reduction, Gets Increase to Life Imprisonment Instead
http:// www.wtsp.com/news/crime/convicted-rapist-kendrick-morris-resentencing-hearing/421052203
I don't understand what the fuck this article is trying to explain. The Law should have just gassed them all at the outset.
Summary executions. Now they have to be fed and housed for the remainder of their natural lives. What a waste.
Supreme Court BTFO
https ://archive.fo/ac5tz
This nigger doesn't deserve to breathe free air even inside a cell.
Life in prison is too good for this man. Imagine being the guy defending him. Or the guy preparing food for him. He does not deserve to live. I only wish they videotaped the verdict being read so I could see his nigger face react to this. Here is to hoping he get's hisbshit pushed in by Jamal in the big house.
If he made any attempt at rehabilitation, I guarantee that he'd get an easy reduction to time served. But he won't, because he's an idiot.
Rapist (actual rapist, not a drunk dude fucking some college harlot) deserve to hang.
life imprisonment is just wasting money when this nog just needs to get leaded.
That's what i hate about these rape laws, they lump "drunk rape" in with actual pre-meditated rape. Fucking disgusting. How does one work up the mental capacity to go out and find a woman smack her around, get her screaming, kicking, crying, and proceed to force their dick into them? How have women let that become the same thing as regretful & hindsight sex?
The tide is turning.
I don't understand the mindset of 'He's not going to rehabilitate, so let's lock him up forever until he dies.'
Why not just shoot him? It'd save hundreds of thousands of dollars and the end result is the same, you just get it decades sooner.
The logic centers of my brain cannot understand why this isn't what's practiced.
I am.
I would prepare food for him.
Heh heh.
Heh heh heh.
This is the aftermath of his actions. Truly an animal.
Cheaper to shoot the nigger.
whew, thought the victim was white for a minute.
This makes me think of all the UC Asian bitches in California who consider themselves POC and hate whitey. Damn, I fucking hate the slants.
With the name Phu?
I glossed over that bit it seems.
I feel like this ravenous hatred of this slant chick in particular is related somehow to our unfortunate predicament. Like not wanting to be over run by foreigners is not solved by being a sociopathic clown. But hey what do I know.
Fuck off ching chong, I don't give a shit that you have yellow fever. Non-whites are filth, all of them. Go eat a dog and make some Elliot Rodgers.
It wasn't enough to rape her, the fucking nog also had to put her in a fucking wheelchair? I hope he's the prison fleshlight for the next 50 years.
I see someone started their summer vacation early.
Thank god that Holla Forums has desensitized me to the point that these things only upset me when they happen to white women, or I'd lose sleep in anger over this. Apathy aside, this is objectively abhorrent. My only condolence in this is the knowledge that this scrawny chicken necked little steve urkel looking niggerfaggot is going to have his neghole gaped into the consistency of a pulpy tomato on a daily basis until the day satan lays him down into his grave..
Empathizing with some poor asian girl beaten/raped into a wheelchair by some nigger is hardly signalling solidarity with the post ww2 shitlib project. But then again, I'm not an autistic sociopath.
ms nbc.com/documentaries/watch/lockup-extended-stay-tampa-you-feel-me-42227267742
Mom within 4 seconds of talking "Dindu nuffin!"
Kek, the judge even told him he would have given him life if he were able to at the original sentencing. What a dumb nigger.
fuck I needed to create a whole board just for this to stick
Guess what cuck, if this was a white girl the nig nog wouldn't have gotten 65 years. All non-whites are a cancer, they come into out lands and try to take over, they demand representation. a nigger raping a gook is like a rat eating spider, they're both pests.
Lets agree to disagree :^)
Don't drag the memes into this, they are art and make glorious use of autism and sociopathy as well as nonsense and fun etc. I'm talking about dry sociopathic dregs of stormfront all dark skinned human life is akin to lice talk. Humorless and stupid.
We fundamentally disagree. What's wrong with the west is the people and what is in their hearts and in their minds via the controlled media apparatus. The immediate solution to identify all human non white life as pests is the ramblings of an insane person. A person who in no way understands the nature of life or the problem itself. Rantings of a child.
Pretty good, had a chuckle, 5/10.
She described her grandson as gentle, despite his big frame. He was a lineman on Bloomingdale's junior varsity football team.
"He didn't do it," she said. "He would not hurt no girl."
ok that was pretty funny but still, my point stands
Don't meme police me, nigger.
Just a fatherless nig nog bookworm linebacker who dindu
Fair enough
We really, really, really really have to start stringing these no good filthy niggers up again, like in more sensible times.
Morris is the rapist
His lawyers wanted his sentence reduced like in the case of LaFountain who was a model citizen behind bars and so was set free.
Morris got life instead with judge citing behavioral issues.
Morris is the rapist
LaFountain is another case who got free for being a model citizen which Morris' lawyers hoped the same would happen for Morris
Phu is the rape victim
Damn, this chick didn't just get raped, he beat her fucking retarded. He doesn't belong in a cell. He belongs at the end of a rope.
Ropes are far more cost effective than bullets. A bullet is one-time use. A good rope is like a diamond: Forever!
quit putting spaces in links you retard, use spoilers or completely ommit http:// instead
topkek. This isn't like the other websites you frequent, you don't need to virtue signal so hard here.
You don't belong here. Now is not the time to feel sympathy for non-whites, they'll do just fine without your whining.
Good thing the victim isn't white.
Legally he cannot be executed for being a brutal rapist. The legal process for excutee patients are very long and expensive.
Even when we win a legal battle the nigger still gets his gibs for life.
It's because the judges have a deal with the private prisons to steal taxpayer money. All the most profitable businesses in America steal tax money in some way.
Even if she's a slant, she didn't deserve to get raped and beaten literally retarded. From a mongoloid to a literal mongoloid.
Fucking subhuman niggers.
Wait this fucker didnt take into account that his sperging could get into the way of a reduced sentence?
Well maybe after this he can plea retardness and try it that way.
Its always the exact same lines those fuckers bring.
Bad that it isnt a spic or another nig nog.
Since when the fuck do we give rapists a life sentence?
I feel this is going to set a bad precedent.
The problem is taxation and murder. Does the state have the right to take funding from a religious pacifist and exicute that person? Probably not. I'm all for spending 10¢ and blowing his brains out. Unfortunately it's not going to happen because of " cruel and unusual punishment"
We need to make exicutuon usual again!
You give rapists a life sentence when they are caught kiddy-diddling or when the evidence is conclusive and he raped and beat a woman until she was put in the wheelchair for the rest of her life.
Some bitch accusing you of rape after the fact… Decided to report it to cops a month later? Not so much.
Did you beat her until she was hospitalized? No life sentence. Most of the false rape cases only serve to smear your name and are quickly dismissed when there is no evidence.
But what I got out your your post was:
You can fuck right off. I will give the benefit of doubt to an Asian or white woman over a nigger any day of the week. If you don't feel the same way…
I bet those are prop glasses.
Spiderbros are not pests lad. Spiders are based as fuck and keep pest populations like flies down. The spiders watch you while you sleep lad.
this tbh, speyders are good its the fucking flies and mosquitos that are cancer
We fundamentally disagree. Having empathy for a group of people that would just as soon kill you is weakness. You're clearly a civ-nat cuck so get out before you spread your cancer.
Boy oh boy, that nigger sure would have caused a lot of trouble had he gotten out of prison when he turned 81. Thank God the taxpayer can now pay to wipe his ass until he dies instead.
Did you see her face? One of the worst looking gook specimen, uglier than most spics and nogs. If she won't procreate, the nog did humanity a favor. He won't have kids either.
Ideally, he should be forced to work till he dies or slaughtered for organs, whichever is more profitable.
Welp, I'm convinced. Not guilty.
Did this guy rape a retarded woman?
Fuck dude. I've spent so much time away from the chans this actually hit me right in the feels. So fucked up.
This made me sick. If someone did this to my sister, or friend. I don't know if I could stop myself. They probably wouldn't make it to sentencing.
You need to understand that what this nigger did was more than just 'a rape'.
Fuck niggers.
This is kampfy. He's non-white so he's afraid when people talk about killing non-whites, kek.
I doubt many people in prison realize that their behavior could affect sentencing and parole hearings. They go around being assholes to people that are guards or other inmates, as though people aren't going to take it into account.
Not a big fan of viets tbh. Not total locust people like chinks but they need whitey to live a functioning life and most fresh of the boat ones are dodgy as fuck.
That nigger turned her into a state worse than cripplekike though (see vid).
Rape is one thing, but crippling her for life is death penalty worthy.
They have to obey zoning requirements. Live in my ceiling corners or get on my person and you're fucking dead. Live in the garden and you can build whatever.
Hah, I bet you're right. I could also see him pushing the "honorary Aryan" meme.
Wow that's living hell,it would have been better if she died,that nigger scum literally deserves to be tortured every day she is alive.
user, I just don't know you anymore….
I figured there was more to the story than was being reported. Turns out, it's just the goddamned (((media))) engaging in race-baiting again.
I'd give him the good old peepee poopoo if I were that person.
They're lucky. I'm an arachnaphobe. They send me into spergouts. So we have zoning requirements.
You never knew me in the first place, user.
Prison as a form of criminal punishment was a mistake. People don't realize in older societies that prisons used to be temporary holding facilities while the actual punishment was decided upon, which was always financial or corporal. Unfortunately the plague of Christianity once again interfered with the rational process and punishment of criminals, and the idea came in that rather than harshly punishing criminals, they should be redeemed.
There's a reason it's called the penitentiary system, you are supposed to do penance and get "right with God" by enduring it. It stands in direct opposition to logical processes regarding dealing with a criminal perpetrator, and has created an insane prison industrial complex that costs taxpayers inordinate amounts of money for no benefit to anyone including the prisoners themselves.
We put people in prison which fucks them up for life mentally and emotionally due to the terrible conditions and other prisoners, then further penalize them when they leave prison making it virtually impossible to find a good job or be of productive value to society in any way. Not to mention the fact that a car thief or someone who commits credit card fraud essentially has to deal with virtually the same punishment as a rapist or murderer. It's a gigantic drain on all of society, and it's almost impossible to get rid of due to how imbedded it is in our current system. Once again, we need a fascistic system to be able to solve this problem, as it will linger on forever in a bureaucratic democracy.
From her name, I had assumed her to be a nigger as well.
The judge should have escalated the sentence to the death penalty.
For you.
Did he bash her head in with a brick or something? How the fuck do you reduce someone to that state when trying to rape them?
All (((feminists))) have succeeded in doing is trivializing a crime that has, historically, been treated only slightly less heinous than murder and treason. A case like this is real rape. A girl violently assaulted by a stranger and beaten into a state so horrifying it would have been better if she had died. And (((feminists))) attempt to claim the emotional trauma from an event like that is what they go through when they have after sex regret. Reprehensible.
Spinal damage and head trauma.
Human beings, especially women, are fragile. You can easily reduce someone to this state by hitting them in the head repeatedly with fist or heel. Real life isn't a John Wayne movie, you should treat any violent confrontation as a threat to your life, because becoming a vegetable is a very real possibility even in a "simple brawl".
Jews pushed this because whites don't commit as many assault rapes as blacks and they want to equalize the statistics
Look up the rape scene from the movie Irreversible. Something like that probably happened.
Looks like he beat the shit out of her before or after the rape.
Nigs gonna nig…
Kinda worse than death in my opinion.
Glad I told my family to pull the plug if I someday find myself in such position
Anything with bad feels = rape according to women.
They're so used to pussyfied white guys that are afraid to even talk to women because of big daddy government that they can't even comprehend what real rape done by a nigger looks like (permanent physical damage).
The only "rape" they ever come across is regretting sex with a guy when they were drunk or when the guy quickly ditched her.
They can't pull the plug, she's cognizant and is not on life support. They'd get charged with murder.
It doesn`t have to be by legal means dummy, I would gladly do it for someone in my family who is suffering too.
He should be freed because he was only 16 at the time and therefore couldn't possibly know the implications of having sex with someone. You either agree with me or are a pedophile.
Yeah, that's not "pulling the plug". If good guys won WWII, euthanasia would be legal.
Keep up the good work
TOR fag. The nigger should've gotten the rope. Or just been given a punishment that the gooks family wanted.
I'm glad the judge decided to give him life at least. The kid looks scrawny as fuck. Hopefully he gets his ass kicked daily.
You sure showed him, champ.
She is correct in this regard atleast
you're just putting off a problem until it gets worse. asians do not see white people as allies, they're just not as fucking stupid as nigs or muds so they don't go around raping random people and (typically, although some Chinese and SE asians do this) don't believe Jewish media which tells you that being a criminal is cool. if you don't see them as competition then you're simply lying to yourself, ignoring the deepest part of our instincts which make us what we are. not saying that we need to genocide them all (although, who knows, maybe some time in the distant future that will need to be what happens anyway) but we definitely shouldn't welcome them into our countries like we are spics, muds and nogs.
You can say this for 90% of niggers. Unfortunately, we live in a perverse system that rewards these animals for breathing.
I'm off to shit in it.
What will happen when they find our you're autistic?
Flips love the Virgin Mary. A lot of them have "Queen" names in reference to the Queen of Heaven.
That cracker got what she deserved!
niggers are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet
Read the thread, faggot, she was asian.
I didn't have to read the thread to know she was an Asian.
An innocent human getting mauled by a rabid beast is always a tragedy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't prisons get more money with the amount of prisoners they have?
Then why did you call her a cracker? Not a native speaker, I thought cracker was used exclusively for whites?
The Bible way of doing things is the way you praised in your first sentence, not what we're currently doing.
because our society has this strange twisted notion of empathy and morality that grants the same level of value to lives that are objectively not the same.
it finds it's basis in the good old phrase "all men were created equal", even though i can guarantee you that AT LEAST 95%, if not more, of the founding fathers didn't even view niggers as human, and probably never expected this idea to apply to most non-whites in general.
it's the same reason we keep retards and people in vegetative comas alive. it's the same reason the life of a stupid sheboon living off welfare with 15 niglets is assigned the same value as the generation's greatest scientist/artist/etc.
not all lives are valuable, and the ones that are differ in their value. this isn't just talking along racial lines either. a white man in a vegetative coma is just as worthless as a black man with the same condition.
nevertheless, i think we can all agree that white lives are, on average, much more valuable than black ones.
this has just as much to do with what a person is CAPABLE of achieving and contributing, as well as what they're currently doing.
the core of the issue here is that libshits see niggers as some vast untapped well of potential. they genuinely believe that niggers could be productive and useful under the right circumstances. only the most brainwashed among them things the niggers are valuable AT THE MOMENT. it's this blind hopefulness that is the root of the issue. maybe one day jamal will get out of the hood and turn his life around, maybe one day the man in the coma will wake up, maybe one day the murderer will stop killing and the rapist will stop raping. maybe one day our "protests" and SJW slacktivism will cause positive real world change.
but what will jamal do once he gets out of the hood? become a rapper? a basketball player? very productive.
Not only that, because rope is reusable, it will drive the libtards nuts. Sustainable executions, salt mine there fam.
Asians are honorary whites. Especially the intelligent ones like the Japanese and South Koreans.
Reported for jew.
He won't live till 81, user. If anything, he'll get killed in prison or stroke at 60 for being a shitty nigger with shitty arteries filled with chicken grease
That's not "the Bible" way of doing things, it's the way every civilization did things up until Western nations, due to Christian influence, created the penitentiary system. Which has been an utter disaster that should've been abandoned long ago. To this day, half the time I hear people argue against the death penalty outright, it is a Southern Baptist Christian, who is so convinced of the sanctity of all life that they would have their societies feed, clothes, and take care of the most vile filth on the planet.
If you are a Christian why don't you own up to this fact? But wait, that's not "real Christianity" just like all the churches that house, feed, and place refugees across the globe, being the best of goyim for the globalists, aren't real Christians either, right?
Sure, Christianity as a cultural force has utterly failed to stop liberal degeneracy in any appreciable form, and actively assisted it in many cases, and is the gigantic political force that shills for "muh greatest ally" rendering Israel virtually untouchable by any politician, but that's not REAL Christianity, either, right? Give me a break.
What a fucking name.
Cracker is a derogatory term for whites, he's trolling.
Though some consider Asians honorary whites (me, on a case by case basis) they are never referred to as crackers.
Asian American is the preferred nomenclature, Donnie.
You mean the part of the Bible written by Jews? I thought Christians keep saying that Jesus made the Old Testament null and void.
Honorary white is just a joking way of saying that, they will be exterminated last. Lurk more, newfag.
Holy fuck if I was this nigger I would beg the judge to kill me and waive all my appeals. I'd kill myself if they didnt. How can you ask for mercy after putting some innocent chink bitch in a wheelchair for life. Fuck
Almost like you're exactly like the niggers you keep shitting on.
Maybe you look in the mirror and take a DNA test to see for sure if you're not jewish because you certainly don't act like a human.
The audacity of these fucking groids. My god, they really are soulless filthy animals, personal responsibility is foreign to them.
If chinks and gooks used their actual names here no one can pronounce them so they name their kids random shit. I worked with a Vietnamese girl whose parents named her Chernobyl. Still not as bad as the niggers though.
Hyphenated Americans aren't Americans.
Haven't you learned by now? Blacks don't have empathy. Look at what they do to animals, cats in particular. That's behavior that would immediately label a white kid as a fucked up piece of shit, and for them, it's normal.
I read a case in a book I bought about child prostitution, which is virtually entirely black pimps running teenaged girls, and in this particular case the black pimp beat the shit out of a girl he had turned into a whore (teenaged runaway) black and blue, used a cigarette to burn her face and arms, then broke a piece of cement off a statue he had and shoved it up her vagina, then ass. Then he whipped her with a cord he until she had massive welts, and then he had has (black) girlfriend tie her up and throw her in the closet, where they left her for three days. She almost died of exposure.
This nigger gets caught because he sends her out to whore again, she gets picked up and all the physical abuse gets noticed, and they arrest him. The nigger then talks about how it was all her fault, he dindu nuffin, and he can't believe he's being charged over this. That entire book was eye opening, that case in particular was brutal, but black pimps by and large keep their whores in line with absolutely vicious physical abuse. And of course they hook them on drugs too, and they do all this by snagging teenage runaways or girls in the foster system, who have no parents or family to look out for them.
A lot of times these girls were victims of abuse at home already and the niggers snatch them up to fuck guys 12-14 hours a day seven days a week and give all the money they make to the nigger. Absolutely disgusting.
What you have to realize is that when niggers see someone who they perceive as weak, or vulnerable, or hurt, their response is to take advantage of that person. It's like a jackal looking at a wounded animal, that is their response. Whereas a white person will see the same situation and try to help, the nigger will try to harm them. Getting this basic truth through white peoples heads is one of the biggest redpills you can provide, and man is it hard, since the idea that "we're all the same race, the human race" is so heavily drilled into them that they can't even conceive of how different we really are.
Wait what the fuck??? I thought this was the whole point of fucking nigger obamacare?
You are unfortunately right, and because of this we are going to have to kill a lot of people very soon. They will not leave our country peacefully, and it is better that we do it than our children be forced to from a less advantageous standpoint.
Friends and family will be casualties
It's bad enough what niggers do to harmless animals for no reason (at least I can justify killing an animal for food or pelt), but when you look at how they treat their own spawn it dawns upon you that these creatures are not human.
There is no stronger bond in nature than that between mother and child, and virtually all mammals share this trait, and especially humans, but not niggers. They're perfectly willing to abandon their child and pray he chimps out so they can win the nigger lottery.
Are you me user?
Yeah. Read up on how welfare queens spend their checks. Their children would literally starve to death if it wasn't for the schools, and meanwhile their mother buys a shit ton of luxuries for having kids she could care less about. The way nigger mothers get up and pretend to care about their offspring once they inevitably nig out and commit crimes like the guy in this topic, is one of the most vile things about them.
If you take most of the basic premises of a Holla Forumsack to be true, this is the logical conclusion. Having seen the white race be cut from 25% to 12% of the world's population in just a couple hundred years, and looking at the projected growth of africa, how can one not conclude that this is a genetic struggle for survival? There's no reason we couldn't genocide those fucking apes tomorrow if we wanted to. Why shouldn't we? I'd say that, in fact, we should. Start giving africa food in exchange for sterilization. Or just stop giving them food at all and engage the flamethrowers, either way is fine with me. This shit has to stop with us. We have to be the monsters and the heroes. That's if you care about the white race, of course.
Before and after pics.
Someone should put BLACKED on the tard picture.
Niggers also don't have ANY Shame at all, they will always do the action that harms an outsider race and then deny it to their deaths even with video proof. Vid in point.
Was she a coal burner? I need to know if I should care about this or not.
Lel did those pajeets really think they stop niggers with bats? They fight like girls.
What happened?
They should have coordinated. One distract the dindu while the other one bashes his skull in with the stick.
I'm glad someone finally put Tay Zonday away.
Frankly poo in the loos are spic tier when it comes to fighting.
Read the thread you monkey, it's the girl that the animal in the OP beat and raped into a vegetable.
Spics seem to be doing a fairly efficient job of ethnically cleansing niggers from any neighborhood they take over.
Oy vey.
Well the last dick she had before ending up n that state was black, so technically yes.
Asians are notoriously racist and square though so she was probably a virgin.
Do you even know any Southern Baptists? I've been a Southern Baptist all my life and not once have I heard a preacher denounce the death penalty and never heard it denounced by any of the members I have known. Lighten up, Frances.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
What the fuck is that picture you posted, are there dead white children out in the street?
Did a quick google search. A life sentence is not a just punishment for this monster. The fact that he can still speak, walk and eat solid foods is proof our courts don't believe in justice.
hopefully someone will fuck him up in prison, nobody likes rapists inside
i just stepped in a massive dogshit on my way to enjoy the weekend, so now i'm home shitposting with you autists, if the dog who made that turd was in sight i would be in jail right now because i would have run up and drop kicked it full force and then fucked up it's owner, so everytime an asian butchers and eats one of those filthy shit factories i say good for you, i wish i could join you for dinner
Well, this isn't entirely true. Yes, prisons before 1800ish were largely temporary holding, but the old dungeon cell was also a form of long term punishment. It wasn't unheard of for someone to be thrown in the clank even in the Middle Ages for months, perhaps years on end depending on how badly they fucked up. Fair, this was often for political crimes or cases where a weregild, fine, or simple corporal punishment couldn't be quickly decided.
For those with agency, prison can work to unfuck them. The problem is several though; since we have a multiethnic society, prisons are not, in fact, intended to rework or allow 'penance' and reflection but to simply contain shit heels. A better, more homogeneous society could deal with most crime with a combination of fines and weregilden where financial damage is done, as well as corporal punishment for small things; for larger things, still invoke fines and weregilden, but also require prison sentences that are not nearly as long as they are now. Execution, life sentences, exile, and outlaw status should be reserved for the worst crimes and offenders.
After all, for someone with a job, three months in the slammer for misdemeanor battery is probably going to fuck their life up good (the sentence doesn't fit). There's the secondary problems like if you're stuffing that many people into the justice system as we do now, shit fills up quick and then the system quickly fails to achieve its initial role (reform) and takes on something altogether different (containment), and also long prison sentences and the baggage that goes with them tend to make irreparable criminals. Both because of the types of people who repeatedly visit the pens in the first place, and because of how it is inside and dealing with all the restrictions even when you're a parolee or ex-con, the recidivism rate for whites as well as for niggers is through the roof albeit a bit lower for whites because there is some agency.
still rapeable tbqh
Sage for blogposting: A girl I cared for was given a similar treatment by a feral nigger. He didn't beat her retarded, but he unsuccessfully tried to make her drink chloroform, amongst other things, and in the aftermath it took eight surgeries and three months before she could walk again. Thankfully she was a wealthy girl, so after top of the line treatment her only long term physical damage is lactose intolerance. That of course and her permanently fractured and infected soul. From everything I learned she was 100% 1488 material too.
As savvy as I am to the Jewish question, if given a choice I would purge the niggers first without a second thought. Feels > Reals I guess.
he a gud boi
he wuz goin to church, gettin his life back on track
he dindu nuffin
God, I'm in the same boat, bro. I don't have a direct experience as horrific as yours, thank goodness, but on this topic my feels sadly overpower my reals. Logically, I know who the bigger societal threat is, but on an emotional level my fight or flight response kicks up a lot stronger around a feral pack of africans than a group of hand-wringing jews. I take it as proof that I have a lot of self improvement to achieve. Blacks are the flapping red cape the jewish matadors wave in front of us as a distraction so they can pierce our flesh when we make a mistake and try to gore the wrong target.
hmmm, Christianity was dominant in Europe for about 1500 years before the rise of carceral punishment. I think it has more to do with modernity than Christianity.
Pajeets are naturally phisically weak, there is no way a Pajeet can will a street fight against a nigger.
or a mudslime, which in the end is the same thing.
I don't even
You know what makes great rope? Hemp! It's not only sustainable, but hippy friendly as well.
People would be far more outraged if you were to kall this nigger a nigger than they would be over what he did.
You don't even need the flamethrowers. Want yes, but not need. Stop sending food and the problem resolves itself. Cut off their EBT and blockade the cities. Sucks for the whites still inside but they made their bed.
I wish you were exaggerating but I know far too many normalfags to debate this.
The thing to remember is once we remove the Jews dealing with the niggers shall be no problem at all. If it wasn't for the Jewish control of the media and legal systems we could awaken people to the truth of what niggers are, and then deal with them. To me niggers are yet another example of Jewish malevolence, they deliberately promote and protect them specifically because of how much damage they cause to whites, and white civilization.
there's only one way to deal with a spider
From potato to potato.
He raped her so hard, she needs a caretaker now?
The best thing white men could do for nigger women is to start hanging nigger men.
Kill all niggers. This includes shitskins like you kampfy.
did youfags watch this video? The nigger is in solitary, gives the facility few problems, and claims he didndu nuffin. It's boon mama thinks it dindu nuffin. The nigger is not being assaulted sexually or in any other way. It is just bored, and gets to relive the rape in its pea brain for the rest of its life. On our dime. Day of the rope.
Your almost trips show you're almost onto something.
One of the things I miss most about old halfchan is that we had a bit more humor to add spice to things. It's like the migration split Holla Forums, where the stupid funny autistic shit remained on halfchan and became a festering tumor of retardation, and Holla Forums started to become too hardened and grizzled. I cannot bear to see what halfchan has become, but I'm getting worried about Holla Forums for the opposite reason.
Dour and morose is how I remember stormfront type communities. The alt right wins because its still racist, but it's generally not like that.
Nah, this place still makes me laugh everyday.
That nigger should have been happy with the sentence he originally got. Personally I feel the death penalty should be on the table for cases like this. Yes, she is physically alive; but the original 18 girl was murdered that night. What exists is a shell perpetually trapped in an infantile stage. What that dindu did was nothing less than murder.
hahahaha I fucking remember that campaign.
How the fuck did they think that was a good idea ?
thanks user
lol that is so wrong
Nigger cut the cucks balls off, I got it from a Tumblr blog, he fucking ate them.
Sounds like a kike jerkoff fantasy tbh.
I just did so. Good lord, if we all left for the deep woods these creatures would mass starve to death.
two at a stroke
Everyone involved in that picture needs to be thrown into a pit, and bull-baited to death by pitbulls.
Fucking shocking if the backstory is true.
My friends wife got attacked by feral nigs. Thankfully they only robbed her instead of raping her. It's imperative that you train your wife/girlfriend with a gun.
This, I can only imagine what kind of hell being a vegetable would be
And THIS is obligatory
Health insurance would be around $10 per month if we could move all niggers back to Africa.
Around Blacks, Never Relax.
Real 'bound, gagged, and beaten' rape or 'omg I can't tell the girls I willing had sex with him maybe I can say he made me do it and get sympathy points'?
You know the place called the most dangerous place in the world for women? The Congo. Millions of women raped and mangled in the quickest most extensive of its kind in human history but it barely gets reported on because they are niggers.
That's just really fucked up. Like they have to create a new word to describe that kind of rape.
This. If Trump really wants to save money he should cut a lot of the shekel stream to the Prison Industrial Complex with rapid justice. If you can't reform, you're gonna wish you weren't born.
Any video of him getting blown the fuck out by the judge?
Want to see him cry and chimp out, etc.
The feminist agitation here is getting really transparent.
The kid literally dindu nothing.
We need to do what China does, shoot them in the head and then use the protein in their bodies to feed the cattle.
nigs are nigs, who cares. Probably did do it.
nigger, look how she ended up. evidence is overwhelming too and wow is a normalfag game. in fact, all world of nigger players should be jail for being a blight and cancer on gaming.
A little insensitive to be making Ching Chong Flied Lice jokes when she's just been put in a chair, no?
How the fuck did he make her a potato?
Gook whores vote 80% democrat I bet they all secretly want to be raped by niggers. Nothing of value was lost
strangling maby?
If you get marked with being brain dead, you'll have your organs harvested while you're alive.
There used to be more humor here, but the board changed after the /int*/ faggotry around this time a two years ago. Too many newfags couldn't keep their cool and the mods had to crackdown pretty hard to put an end to it. The board was never really the same after that unfortunately. I haven't seen a wtwyfwdyhk thread in over a year. This is how /polpol/ came to be, if they're even still around.