Drudge Report? What Drudge Report?


I've never heard of this so-called "Trudge Report," goy. Why don't you try the Washington Post or the YidYork Times instead?


Other urls found in this thread:


We really REALLY need to create alternative social networking sites predicated on free speech.

Holy fuck Thiel get to work.

Peter Thiel is a literal faggot and a kike. Fuck off back to cuckchan you fucking nigger.

The "drudge" accounts on facebook were fake. Matt Drudge called facebook out on this on twitter last week.

minds, gab, voat, bitchute, bittube, any Tor social network mirrors

He is a faggot but he's not Jewish.

Pure Bavarian Phenotype.

Yeah, Autism

They were deleted because Drudge himself said on Twitter that they weren't his, they were somebody pretending to be him.

This. But I do appreciate the concern OP. Gotta run drills every now and then so that we're ready for maximum emergency shitposting when necessary



They managed to make something sound more faggoty than twitter. Maybe it will catch on.

Drudge had them removed because he thinks Facebook is cancer and he doesn't want his name anywhere near it

Kike on Kike violence. This is interesting.

we have gab.ai

none of these will work though, it depends on perception of normies and those guys are going to remain in power possibly for the next decade if not two decades.

there will be no mass exodus, most people are comfortable where they are and play by the rules. Don't be naive about this.

Should edit the OP with this, tbh.

All faggots are kikes, you weak pieces of shit. Stop excusing degenerates because they fit into your fantasy worldview.


Gab.ai is a jewish honeypot. Look up the hebrew definition of the word "gabbai'. I want cuckchan to go.

Those were fake Drudge Report facebook profiles. Drudge was complaining about them on Twitter the other day. He doesn't have a facebook account.

fuck off rabbi

Matt Drudge recently posted a msg on Twitter that he doesn't have a Facebook page


so the 'Matt Drudge' page and the 'Drudge Report' page on Facebook were both impersonators, perhaps the same guy too. Which means OP is a massive faggot who made a slide thread about a fake news: Facebook simply took down the pages of the impersonators. That's it.


By that reasoning all degenerates are kikes too. Why don't we just call everyone we don't like "kikes"?
The faggot is not a kike and user pointed it out. Unless you have contrary evidence, shut the fuck up.

Hahah yep this won't backfire at all no sir, we have always been at war with eastasia!

Wow. Fucking gigakike pricing structure there goyim.

the internets as a whole is a kike honeypot. one big ghetto to cram us all in and control us through

The shills strategy of the week is pretending to be "one of us" in order to attempt to push consensus in a more kosher direction.

Its one of the fallback strategies they use when theres either not much else going on or so much going on that they arent sure how to handle it.

It never works and just winds up being annoying.

yea. I admin a gun group on goybook. Whenever a new post is made Ill get a notification "this post has reached x people pay $5 to reach more"

Go look up "Polarization Shill" in the Intelligence Primer in the sticky. They've been pushing it hard for the past few weeks.

all reddit's content without the reddit.

I say run with both stories, say that it was taken down and censored by facebook, then, use the backlash to spread the Dice video explaining that its actually Drudge saying dont use facebook. Win win.

That kike Matt Drudge was kvatching about fake faceberg pages, I guess he got them removed.

How come this thread hasn't been anchored yet?? It's fake news: the Facebook pages were impersonators, Matt Drudge refuses to be on Facebook. So Faceberg took down fake Matt Drudge pages.