Does anyone agree that D.W deserved it?
Does anyone agree that D.W deserved it?
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Yes. That episode pissed me off when it made Arthur the bad guy.
Shoulda been called "Dumbass little shit learns about consequences" instead of "Arthur's big hit."
I got angry when his parents and everyone was saying D.W DINDU NUFFIN SHE'S ONLY A LITTLE GIRL.
Youtube poop thread?
DW needed to be hit and Arthur needed to be punished.
t. Patrician
You think he could have just snapped its neck with a quick twist of the head and tossed it in a bush, rather than stuff it down his toga where it's blatantly obvious to all but the stupidest people, and allow it to gouge into his organs which due to comparatively poor medical knowledge and treatments back then would most likely result in infection followed by death. Some role model. Weren't Spartans supposed to be both quick witted and stoic, rather than just idiots who can't express pain?
Spartans confirmed retarded.
It not just this one time, D.W constantly annoys Arthur and never gets any punishment or faces consequences for her actions, shit like this is what makes me hate this fucking cartoon.
Why did he need to be punished? Because it was not his place, and because he did so out of anger? But it was righteous anger? The only way I can see that he should've been punished was because it was not his place.
*but wasn't he just in his anger?
What was the difference?
Also Cyber 8 is a pussy faggot for censoring "racial slurs" on his shitty JewTube stream. It's upsetting because he tries to be so edgy but then pulls back over "muh racism". Sure, it could be because of YouTube, but I smell bull on that.
Also, I bet he's afraid of his government if he's privatizing his videos "for his own safety", as he's a pollack.
He'd fit right in here.
They were men who were so used to fucking each other to help encourage group cohesion that on their wedding nights they needed their wives to dress like men so they would have an idea of what to do.
Spartans were retarded as all hell.
Maybe not if she'd apologized, but the writers made her so unrepentant that it was really confusing when you were all of a sudden expect to sympathize with her and think of Arthur as the bad guy.
Cartoons with confusing or downright wrong moral lessons like this one don't do anyone any good. The lesson should've been to respect other people's property an that every action has a consequence.
What she deserved was a good hard dicking.
Hey Holla Forums
I'd giver her my D.W. if you know what I mean.
She deserves the D
It's almost like cartoon producers think women shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.
Which shows how cucked they are since (attractive) women women find men who put them in their place more desired than cucks who submit to them.
Hey Holla Forums
Go look at Obongo's wife against Donald Trump.
Arthur had every right to hit her.
Tell me boogeyman sperg, what did that post have to do with Holla Forums at all?
Because that retarded little rant you went on trying to explain your sperg logic doesn't seem to apply here.
Seek help, you are legitimately mentally ill.
"she" deserved a big fat dick in the ass
now that's edgy
D.W. is voiced by a boy
I think he's false flagging. Holla Forums leaking here is a problem and it's probably some faggot trying to make us look like paranoid retards.
It says that they were encouraged. The soldiers probably knew and just let the kid off for at least trying to hide it. I dunno, think about it as if it's alcohol. Most college kids get punished if they're caught drinking since they're usually below the age limit, but let's be real, they're encouraged, and chances are if you at least try to pretend to be sober a cop is gonna shrug it off and let you keep being a kid.
Not necessarily true. It's just that girls weren't supposed to hang out in the barracks where the men were, so if couples wanted to get together the girl would have to sneak in dressed as a guy. Then they'd fuck, she'd get pregnant, and he'd get to see and live with his family once he finished his military duties.
…The Greeks were all still gay as hell, though.
It was never socially acceptable in Greece for a man to never marry and only fuck men. Greeks have little to zip evidence of being as faggy as Niggers (see the HIV/AIDS in Niggerland and America).
Oh, sure. The Greeks married. They were just of the opinion, the same as the Vikings, that their relationship with women were lesser.
I think it was Plato specifically who talked about how there's no deeper relationship than two men being together romantically.
You're an idiot, nothing has changed, you're crying about the kind of shitposts that were being made on Holla Forums since long before the exodus.
You're a spastic little control freak that doesn't like certain things not going his way and you're willing to go out of your way and shit up a board when anons don't post the way you'd like them to.
Plato's Symposium has Socrates refuse the advances of another man and tell a tale that more or less confirmed reproduction as a good for society. His Laws also more or less called having sex with women and getting children as "following nature." Plato also derided being the passive partner during sodomy and effeminate males in Phaedrus.
Greek sexuality isn't modern sexuality. The Greeks, like the Japanese, really had no notion of a homosexual identity and didn't separate who you have sex with from your position and role in society. All of the alleged faggotry in Greeks is post-Mycenaean anyway.
TBH this could be solved if we had poster ID's
I don't think that would happen today
underrated post
I'm not sure what I did to spark so many synapses in your brain, but keep it up. You're making me look good, tismo.
He should have raped her, like in "Fire Cracker", chapter 9 of "One Hot Minute", a 2005 manga by Naoshi Onizuka, when the guy's sister stole his CD and sold it to buy a CD she wanted and wasn't apologetic and then cut him with scissors when he wouldn't back down.
Post the chapter, user. For great justice.
You're not fooling anybody, salty little control freak.
Your smug posting isn't going to get anyone banned over whatever vague standards you have for a board you have no power over.
This is amateur hour. Cry some more.
fucking christ
Hey Holla Forums
Meiko and DW are similar
I'm not going to post the rest since it'd probably violate Holla Forums rules or something. DW is obviously a coward though. Meiko never backs down.
That little shit needs to be drowned.
Oh she will, don't worry.
why not m8
let me guess, in semen?
Hercules had husbands you know
You know you've basically just agreed that the Greeks were fucking men, right? You're just coming up with excuses as to why it's not gay.
Post the rest spoilered.
Maybe Greek balls never touched.
Am part greek, cannot confirm. The sheer amount of hair would intertwine, binding the testicular areas until balls touching becomes an inevitability.
Then again, the traditional style of bathing back then involved lathering yourself with oil then scraping it off with a razor, so Greeks back then may have been shaved smooth like hardened olive-wood.
Too lazy to download pics. I'm not the original guy btw
Go back to tumblr.
Sure, tumblr.
My friend, you don't even know the half of it. You know how Dark-Skinned anime girls look good, but not in real life? The art style depicts women that are closer to either Indian descent, or our finely tanned Greek women that caramelize beautifully under the sun.
You know a lot about getting your rocks off to a man in your ass, huh?