Operation: Cernovich Besiegen Agenten

Mike Thernovich is on Twitter and JewTube gaining massive amounts of support from normalfags and poisoning their minds.
Since the fall of the kike faggot Milo, Cernokike has been claiming to be 'a real leader of the alt right'. This has to stop and it has to stop now. There is no alt right, it's a controlled movement to mislead the people from National Socialism.
A few anons have been blatantly bashing this Kike with memetic warfare and vidya evidence trying to expose him to his followers. It's been a long week, and now he's apparently beginning to get triggered claiming that anyone who attacks him is being financed by George Soros (can't make this shit up).
Here's his tweet:
Here's the article on his kikesite:
Here's his JewTube channel:
If you have anything to add to the campaign, info, screens, memes, whatever, then get involved. He has to be stopped.
Pics Related

Other urls found in this thread:


The last three screens on the OP are from the Director of his film. Here's also a vidya of Thernokike dodging the JQ when a viewer asked about it. He tried blaming the Saudis instead, and also suggests that the Saudis own the CIA (wew) fuck this kike.

Hes such a doof he'll be his own undoing.

He always blames the Saudis to dodge naming the kikes. He also doesn't give a shit about white issues or interests because he's a racemixer. Gorilla mindset, yo.


Shilling mindset. Ftfy. The issue is this kike is poison is the most literal sense. He's harming the brains of normalfags and gearing them up for war against the enemy of his kike financers. He's a fraud, and he needs to be shut down.

It's amazing how basic bitch you have to be to get an audience in this day and age. Even intelligence officials that appear on Alex Jones will tell you the Saudi's, Mossad, and CIA are all working together. Nobody owns anyone. Jesus christ this guy is such a fag.

I hope he's thilenced by Soro's.

Fucked up the JewTube link anons, muh bad. I can't stress enough the importance of avoiding clicking that link. Go to JewTube and Search ' DangerAndPlay ' as to not send referrers from here. That's not a meme, there's a reason for it.

A huge chunk of his followers are hate followers. He's a lolcow.

I didnt say that retard. Do what you want, i even bumped your faggoty ass eceleb shit. All I'm saying is that Cernokike is a fucking sperg who will likely bring on his own demise.

That's just it. It's a team of brave National Socialists who are attacking him on Social Media, trying to expose him. Instead he's telling his ZOGbot drone like followers these brave anons are actually minions of Soros.

Our boys are fucking resilient that's for sure

This. I can say for certainty some user :^) has about a dozen bot accounts following him with troll comments every time he posts. That's not enough though and those anons need more material to throw at him.

His buddy Jonestein recently claimed that we're bots and islamists.

God speed anons you're doing gods work.

There's a real information war going on. The results of these battles determine how many thousands more become awakened to the true puppet masters pulling the strings

He's schizo or something similar. He thinks the deep state is after him now and all kinds of stupid shit.

Most of Jonesteins dedicated base are older, less awakened ex patriots and such. Some of them are hard to flip. The younger followers though can be swayed. AlexJonesExposed.info and youtu.be/NseEoHnt9T0 are great tools in showing him for what he is.

I remember he was doing a live stream a few weeks back where he consistently called out tricky dicky and Milo, claiming they're not qualified for the leadership role he is because 'where are your books' he kept saying. Top kek. They're all faggots, but I'm not sure what's gotten into Cernokikes head to make him feel like he's 'now the leader'.

You really can tell a kike, even a crypto-kike, by the eyes. The nose is obvious if present, but there's a more subtle aspect to the eyes, this lack of light and beady, menacing presence that betrays a heeb every time. Cernovich is undoubtedly a filthy yid.

At least he doesn't LARP about being an anti-semite while being married to a degenerate jewess.

That's true. He's still an enemy either way.

Hard to believe that I used to like this guy. He lost his mind at some point.

Not to get off topic, but what's with a lot of guys and being obsessed with shoes? I'm not even talking about gay guys either. Also it seems to be something that blacks in particular are into. Who the fuck cares about what shoes a guy is wearing? I own four pairs: my every day shoes, an extra pair that you'd wear if you weren't going out anywhere really and could wear into the house if you had to, a pair of dress shoes, and a pair of steel-toed work boots.

Black guy goals v white guy goals

It's worse than that. He's married to the wokest brown people. A fucking Iranian, and you're going to tell me she doesn't know about the jews? GTFO lol

Unless she's the one slowly whispering into his ear about the Saudi's knowing they're crypto-kikes or she's a jew himself. The whole thing with him down to his relationship makes no sense. An Iranian. It's the Saudi's. It doesn't make any damn sense.

Didn't he disavow people who question the JQ? I fucking hate this guy.

Hi Milo

See the mp4 in


Just fucking with you user. Not sure what the shoot fetish is about. Seems gay imo.


0/10, shit troll. Loren Feldman is Cernovich's proud Jew alter-ego until otherwise proven to actually exist.

Ah. But yeah, that's what I don't get about being shoe obsessed and its correlation with blacks in particular since they're usually the most obsessed with acting tough. At the same time, they could tell you more about a pair of Jordan's than they could about the guy whose name they represent.

yes. it's also the reason why he paid $5000 to dox trs.

theriouthly why ith thith kike allowed to thpeak?

And I bet they think they'd be great athletes if they forced everyone to wear chains and the referees gave them preferential treatment to get away with more fouls with no penalties.

Cernovich is a fucking retard and it really pisses me off.
He brags about the most basic predictions he makes that even the lower end of the equatorial guinea intelligence bell curve could predict. And he's a complete fucking shill. He used the MAGA movement to promote himself, he doesn't give a FUCK about you, me, nor any American. He's such a fucking cuck.
In your video, he is (at least partly right) up until he starts his "IDK why people hate jews" part. But that's all fucking obvious anyways. He's using Saudi involvement to cover up Kike involvement which is JUST as obvious if not more. God damn. He needs to be stopped.

I want to think it was a con job to keep them from buying firearms. What they spend on two pairs of shoes were spending on guns. Now however with the drug epidemic you have drug addicted whites selling these nogs guns daily for their habits.

I've thought the same tbqh. A lot of what I've seen from their lingo correlates with that altkike playbook.

Is he even popular? I thought he was just a parasite that sprung up to leach off of TRS. I find it hard to believe that anyone wants to watch videos of some dumbass with an annoying lispy voice.

This, because right now he's the more 'acceptable' version of Spencer to the media, and he's starting to gain a lot of recognition. This will intentionally derail those from coming to the light and realizing National Socialism and instead following whatever controlled faggotry this guy is pushing.

He was once a snail, and now he's grown into having somewhat of a stronger presence especially since Milo fell. He did a live stream a day or two after and was on Alex Jones and a few msm outlets and now he's blowing up. He needs cut down.

Isn't this technically cannibalism?

Niggers are extremely gay, basically.

What in thee fuuuuuuuu?

It's a status symbol thing same thing as bling and grills. They spend all their money on garbage that signals that they have money to spend.

I honestly think that "gorilla mindset" is a code word for nigger mindset. This kike faggot is trying to turn us into low IQ niggers.

Honestly my biggest problem with Cernovitch is that he banned Pepe from Deploraball.

Thank god none of the Trumps show up to that abortion of a get together.

The easiest solution would be for him to be removed from the picture. So long as that option remains off the table or a bridge too far, the more damage people like him do.

Daily reminder this man is Hotwheels buddy

Yep, it's definitely code. IRL Gorillas are needle-dicked vegetarians that spend all day either eating leaves or sleeping.

No, it's a codword for the six gorillion mindset, to make sure you goyim never forget. Oy vey

He looks like he's about to rape him.
Pics related.

give him a call next time he live streams
866 438 1487

hotwheels doesn't even run this board anymore

Jim Watkins runs it, which is a million times worse.

Please refrain from posting thumbnails here in the future newfriend .

Makes you think.

I mean, he's not wrong…
See :'^)

Can we kill him first?

Are your almonds activated?

Pick one and only one faggot

Jim owns the site, he's not BO

Don't forget that he personally knows Kikewheels.

He's a fucking kike, you hebe.

Mike is obviously a sub boss we must defeat before we can take on more fearsome villains.

Kikewheels is awfully close with a ton of Reptilians, like the one he sold the site to, and this one in pic related

This. Cernokike needs to be taken down. There is zero benefits to allowing him to poison the minds of the already rebellious conservative youth who are seeking an outlet. If not for all these controlled opposition kikes they'd be flocking to National Socialism. These guys are clearly blocking the path.

You can't hide kikeovich. You know we have lads all around your area waiting for orders. All it takes is one salute and their on your bitch ass.

100% agree, the TRSodomites are small fries compared to Thernovich. We need to stomp his ass into the concrete.

Stop larping, faggot.

Let sleeping dogs lie, the Jews did their work on it and the image of natsoc will take thousands upon thousands of years to repair. The only way it'll rise again is under in our lifetime is under guise.

Stay scared you filthy kike. Our touch is everywhere.

hi mike.

Either contribute or fuck off.

Seems like I touched a nerve here.

No, and no. Filtered.

Stay mad schlomo

mike pls go.

I see some dedicated answers here trying to sway opinion I wonder who is behind this.

some faggot larping as ebin le anonmoose for his twitter followers i would imagine.

Yeah. You seem to be pretty new to the Cernokvetch problem faggot. Don't act like you know who is and isn't in Cali.

A bunch of fag Jews here posting about some fag lord in the back alley of the internet. slowclap.png

That's a mod, most likely Imkampfy. You can recognize their reaction images if you stay around long enough. What a surprise that they're trying to shut this down.

Yeah, it's probably that short necked faggot.



Why did you shoop Hotwheels' hand on to Mike's arm?

poor hotwheels

Oh boy, please tell me we are going to get to "CERNO-POSTING".
Another "lawyer" who doesn't practice law and shitposts on Twitter all day in between pushing literal bluepills a la Filterman and makes Youtube Videos on the fly for….reasons.


We deserve a better brand of controlled opposition E-Celeb bankrolled by mystery kikes. Activate it.

That's so American!

C'mon, guys… There's a mountain of shit to criticize Cernokike for, but I'm 100% Aryan and I drank my woman's breast milk. There's nothing weird about that.

So I haven't been following anything about this cuck

What's the scoop? Why are we taking him down outside of his autistic "I AM THE LEADER OF THE ALT RIGHT!!!!" bullshit?

lol ok

Guns have no gender, user.

I will defend this. Having an AK47 as a common citizen is pretty American. Doesn't matter what fun you have, having a fun is inherently an American ideal.

what the fuck man, I mean it's one thing if you're sucking your girls tits and milk comes out. It's another to fucking plan it, and talk about the nutrients. I don't know why, but the way he talked about it was just awkward and odd to say the least.

That would be his purpose. To get the good guys to target him while Shlomo conducts his usual evil. Cernocunt just sits there and takes it. Doesn't direct anyone to do anything other than give him shekels. It's a timesink. Misdirection is the oldest trick and one of the Jews favourites. Everyone should just ignore him and target real kikes and groups.

He's a huge faggot.

I don't know who this is, but it's kinda cash
http:// animeright.news/panda/ten-tweets-from-mike-cernovich-that-will-make-you-wish-the-holocaust-was-real

Here's a Blockhead Joe style hit piece by a kosher media man.
http:// www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/31/trolls-for-trump

Total E-celeb attention whore faggot. For him going to the store for milk is a "business venture".
https:// www.reddit.com/user/gorillamindset

A good recent timeline
https:// saboteur365.wordpress.com/2016/12/31/team-trump-allegedly-behind-cernovichs-effort-to-destroy-alt-right-via-deploraball-bans/

Here he is attacking an anti-semite e-celeb
https:// twitter.com/justjqg/status/840102732195221504

Another article
http:// magafeed.com/jared-wyand-calls-out-mike-cernovich/

hahaha… I'll take your word for it. Not surprising though as he's a mental midget so nigger level bullshit is to be expected. That's a little kid move on his part. Also very lefty.

Jones the perfect example for this. Just ignore them. Let the fuckers rot and we'll do real work. That's how you shut them down. You see someone mention one of these cunts, ridicule them.The people who follow Jones and Cerno and such are mentally weak and often emotionally fucked up so public shitting on them will work. You just have to get them thinking which they will once you plant a seed or two of doubt. They question their position and they'll start to examine it and then they'll see how fucked up these guys are.


i was just about to post that … look how much this (((fag))) makes on patreon

patr eon.com/MikeCernovich

That's Mikes hand. Tiny, like his vocabulary and lisp


Wow, do you guys have patreon tutorials so I can quit my job at myfreecams? Also when is operation Ben Shoapiro?

(Criminally Unchecked Trips)
Trips conform Cernokike needs to hand


We hold these truths to be self-evident:

1. Aristotle's virtue ethics are the foundation of Western civilization and a sound guide for judging and building character.

2. The entire purpose and prestige of marriage rests in its generation of healthy, well-adjusted citizens with strong bonds to their biological parents.

3. Sexuality is a distraction that should be kept from the public sphere.

4. It is natural and completely acceptable that everyone supports their blood kinsfolk and native culture over others.

If you can't agree on these, get the fuck out of pol.

The maga feed article, tbh the gab fags etc actually have potential more so than the namefags that tried to hijack their movement. Those folks dislike kikes, and put in thousands of hours of effort on the campaign and policy pushing all across social media. I'm not for what they stand for 100% because I'm a National Socialist, that being said at least they're not faggots like Cernokike or Milo or Tricky Dicky. Even Baked Alaska is somewhat tolerable compared to those types. That's the problem with name fags though is they get an ego.

Okay, bye.

I think you need to >>>/gasyourself/

Fuck your e-celeb faggotry. Look, no one here likes Thernobitch, but I'd rather waste my time going after leftists. At least he is an iota less of a kike queer than commies.


Why is this guy such a fucking shill for Israel?

How do we meme this guy into oblivion?

Fucking nailed it.

This kike is such a fucking tumor, certain kikes just love to jam the knife in you and twist it while they go about their normal kikery, they take pleasure in saying and doing things that other people will be enraged by, at the same time as they achieve their real goals. Some of them are more sneaky and less flagrant, they try to weasel you into a false sense of security.. but not this kike. He reminds me of the jew from the movie Talk Radio, who was based on a real kike that ended up getting blasted in his laneway over the racebaiting bullshit he would go on about.

but there is, and there has been since at least a decade. just because you didn't hear about it until hillary mentioned it doesn't mean it's not real

Making fun of him and that loren kike behind him, it's really the best way to expose faggots to the world.

You have to go back newfag

Only worked against TRS because they were closet kikes. Thernobitch is an ultrakike. If you want to shit on him, go make some shill accounts on leddit and shitpost about him on (((the_donald))) until you crack the consensus on him.

Shit thread kys

Holla Forums is not alt-kike. Even niggers know that faggotry shouldn't be part of any cultural identity.

This is absolutely disgusting too. "FBI: The Untold Stories".. claims Bob Mathews was a Christian who thought whites were the original israelites, shows a reconstruction of a guy reading the bible in a hotel room, and says "Their chilling crimes would be carried out in the name of god"
He was a fucking Odinist.

If you reject that Alt Right, then the Alt Right will no longer be about White nationalism.

So why are you complaining?

Cernovitch and his brand were never about white nationalism anyway.

the alt right never was about white nationalism you fuckin fagget
D&C my fuckin ass.
go die in a chemical fire you stupid fuck.
even if your not a shill you have to have an IQ score that would put a nigger to shame to not see the amount of LITERAL liberals will burn 10 degrees hotter in the oven for fucking up that word FAGGOTRY that goes on in the alt-kike movement.
Thats not even mentioning the kike infiltration, every single "leader" of the "alt right" has been an outright jew or connected to jewish interests.
you are fucking stupid mother fucker if you still cant see that even after nearly 2 years of this faggotry.
This is of course assuming you are posting in good faith, which i highly doubt.
So when i tell you to go kill yourself, i honestly hope you do. The world would be better served if you made a bleach smoothy and downed a bottle of jack and xanax bars with it. Just make sure you get raped by a pack of wild niggers and eat a giant pile of freezer burned, STD laden shit out of Proxy Paiges ass before you do.
You can goddam guarantee that will be a better way to go than the fucking camps that are coming you filthy heeb. You memed death camps, alway remember that.
Fuck of and die.

This guy is a joke.


Woah. triggered.

Is Cernovich doing something right now that makes him a high priority target? Why are you claiming he call himself leader of the alt-right when he doesn't even call himself alt-right? I thought the alt-right was gay and jewish anyways so why would you care?

yes i am
I am triggered because i want to cause you massive amounts of internal bleeding but i cant because i can only interact with you through a fucking computer screen.
Id bash that retarded yid skull of yours with a fucking old growth 2X4 and try real hard to break it on your fucking head. And id laugh while i do it.
Goddam i need to let out this fucking bloodlust.
Count the days you fucking jew, i know i am.

You have some issues. You should also stop being such a conceited little bitch. Dumb twat

Dude it's painfully obvious that you spend 18 hours a day infront of the PC and use 8ch to vent your frustration. You're pathetic. Maybe go join antifa to get all that self-righteousness out of your system you massive fucking faggot.

Which is why it might be beneficial to push the meme that he is not part of the alt Right.

But in order to do that, the Alt Right would need to be about White identity, wouldn't it?

If the alt-Right is a Jewish CO, why would it matter that Cernovitch is not pro-White?

Either Cernovitch is alt Right and the Alt Right is about civic nationalism OR the Ant Right was, is and will always be about nationalism and thus Cernovitch is not alt Right

But you cannot have both.

PS, doesn't this feel like what the (((MSM))) wanted to happen? They were trying to break White nationalism from the Alt Right and suddenly everyone here is trying to disassociate White nationalism from the alt Right.

What a coincidence

I think you doth protest too much. You seem more eager to signal you are one of us than most people. You seem over eager to prove that you are opposed to the Jews. Interesting…

But again, that's probably a coincidence. I'm sure it's nothing

"Why would I drink a cowth's milk when I can pump Hotwheelths sweet baby man meat?"
RIP Hotwheels

Thernovitch is literally a snake oil salesman. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also, he's the kind of cunt who'll livestream while a girl sucks his dick while he rants about how much bigger his media 'empire' is than yours. Someone, for the love of god, end this kike.

Cernovich is just trying to get donations. He is just the alt-right version of Anita Sarkeesian. Everything he does is marketing his name so he can sell ebooks and penis pills. Being "attacked by Soros" gives him e-cred with his retard followers so they will donate to his Patreon.

this Feldman guy sounds like a Holla Forumsack pretending to be a jew to give them a bad name

Never trust anyone with a name ending in (((ich))), presume that it is as venomous as stein or berg.

No Jew can be a nationalist without being an internationalist at the same time. Just say no to (((world citizens))) and Israel firsters.

Well, he's half right.

fuck off faggot. you have to go back

Imagine what kikes would say if you made yourself the central representative of some Zionist/Judeo coalition, absolutely ridiculous.

A label having a more specified meaning doesn't mean more people will subscribe to it.

I agree. No one is saying that we should become a party and participate in the next election.

The issue is this; the alt Right was until recently pushed as a pro-White movement. If we disassociate ourselves from it, it WILL descend into civic nationalism & thus lead many more people astray because *we will not be there to help them*.

Also, we do not know what the next 20 years will bring, but if the Alt Right is more than a passing trend, I would like it to be populated with proud White nationalists. It already is, but if we splinter off and stay on Pol sharing Hitler memes, we will not have any credibility or influence on this movement.

I would not underestimate him. He's a marketing whore for shekels and he's not bad at it either, as his huge followership proves. He is leading large scores of whites down the wrong path. And those are open minded whites who already lean in our direction. He's an enemy. I agree he needs to be taken down.

You have to go back to your bog, Holla Forums will never be alt-kike. There is no good reason to adopt a label created by kikes that was made only to subvert

The alt-kike is already nothing but civic nationalists and fag lovers. In 20 years anons will still be around, in 4 years the alt kike will already be dead. The entire thing is blatant controlled opposition. Create a different group instead of coming to Holla Forums whining for help because all of you alt-kike fags are useless

I dont get this meme about Mike Enoch being a "nigger faggot kike shill", when has TRS ever shilled in favor of jews, niggers, or fags?

Faggits, Alt-Fags, kekistani, Lend me your ears.

I come to bury Thernobitch, not praise him
The sheckling that jews do live after them
The chosen people is oft interred with their bones
So let it be with Thernobitch. The noble Spencer
Hath told you Thernobitch was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a jewish fault
And grievously will Thernobitch answer’d it
Here, under leave of Spencer and the rest
For Spencer is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men
Come I to speak in Thernobitch ShekelChannel

Thernobitch Shekel Channel
Call In - 866 438 1487
Streaming Times - everyday for a hour to push gorilla mindset


Cuckovich rushes to aid of fellow jew who attended bullmoose orgy. funny shit, atleast a libfag is gone, but this kike is a fagcommander


Some people have so little shame they cannot be bullycided.

I hate Jews

I also think on another level it's a stretch of 'tism.
I've noticed the shoe collectors I've seen on televitz have very old mums.
It leads to poorfags that can't afford hot cars needing some other thing with fancy aerodynamics language to obsess over, and by the time they're buying shoes the price of small cars, they're already hooked.
As well they don't really have a functional 'culture' all their own, so they'll take what they can get.
vid related, supreme autism (white guy but still, good example)

someone call maddox, we gots a live one here!

the nigger
literally sells blue pills

You can't really get more obvious than this.

kikovich going live on youtube in a few mins
