White nationalism and neonazism

Why are most white nationalists racist and national socialists or at least self proclaimed ones? Do they not realize majority of people have a stigma about that ideology where it will never work for the majority of the population EVER?

What is with this? Please explain because that is what the average person sees when they think of white nationalist. A fumbling neonazi retard.

inb4 hate. Just want to discuss this bad image.

pic unrelated(>muh pr)

I'm not against other races, I'm for my own above all others


I would have asked that question last year but I wasn't a faggot. I fucking lurked and now I know. Lurk more faggot.

That path is only viable when your entire nation hasn't been subverted and invaded by massive numbers of non-Europeans leaving conflict as the only ostensible option for extrication from the ensuing multicultural hellscape. There are also very good reasons for whites to be unhappy with their ancestral homes being raped and butchered by savages who could not in 1000 years have conquered them by the sword, yet due to the actions of traitors and ethnic aliens acting in their own self interests this came to pass.

First post, best post.

The nice thing about national socialism and other right wing ideologies is that they recognize hierarchy and reject the construct of equality. It is not democracy, anarchy, libertarianism, or communism where the majority has to believe in the ideology for it to even begin to work. It is a system for the spiritual elite to benevolently guide the masses kicking and screaming to a better future. PR isn't a concern because ours is an exclusionary worldview that would be diluted with the addition of the unwashed masses (ie normies) Lurk moar.

How do you know what will or won't be accepted in 20 years? How many people 20 years ago could imagine President Trump, a Cray Supercomputer in every pocket courtesy of iPhone, or the mainstreaming of LGBT and fags kissing on prime-time TV?

Just keep pushing us, kike. Few patterns in history are as relable as the cycle of Yid overreach followed by extremely painful (for Jews) smackdowns.

How the fuck did I mess up sage fuck drunk phone posting I will go commit sudoku now in penance

I'm not a racist I'm a eugenicist.

I think only the most intelligent, fit, creative and attractive people should be allowed to breed.

It just happens that over 90% of those people are white.

Have you seen white women?

who cares im only here for anime like you

I've been on Holla Forums for several years now. You do you Holla Forums has never been a board for just natsocs right?

But not every white thinks like that. I for one don't consider Russians or Greeks or Portuguese the same as me. In culture, language etc. Maybe closer genetically to me than lets say a Saharan African but in reality that's pretty much irrelevant. White identity seems to have been created in the Americas where the people had no identity so they created one based on race. Not saying there are not differences but the whole muh white race thing seems fullblown retarded to me.

A few thousand national socialists vs tens of millions of non national socialists is not going to work though. There is a stigma about it that literally nobody wants anything to do with it. Even if you take that stigma away majority of people don't want totalitarianism. It is just an unrealistic goal to achieve if you're looking to get a national socialist government.

Trump is not far right. LGBT people are a minority. A loud minority. However annoying they are they still don't pose a threat to others. Natsocs on the other hand pose a violent threat to anyone who disagrees with them and they are pretty much open about that.

See that is your problem. Anyone who disagrees with you is a kike. Go outside your house for once.

We hold these truths to be self-evident:

1. Aristotle's virtue ethics are the foundation of Western civilization and a sound guide for judging and building character.

2. The entire purpose and prestige of marriage rests in its generation of healthy, well-adjusted citizens with strong bonds to their biological parents.

3. Sexuality is a distraction that should be kept from the public sphere.

4. It is natural and completely acceptable that everyone supports their blood kinsfolk and native culture over others.

If you can't agree on these, get the fuck out of pol.


Nationalism is the only way
Socialism in one region ,in every region , is the only good end

Everything else is just exploiting the people that care for the people that hate themselves.


another weebtrash fetish thread.

sage and kill yourself.

Why are you not?

watch out, you might get banned for being a "goon" according to our hijacked shill mods.

This isn't 30's Germany we live in anymore. Overt racism wasn't a thing since there was only white people.

Ever study National Socialist Economics? It makes a metric fuckton of sense and may be the only thing to pull us out of the accelerating global financial shitstorm we are currently thigh-high in.

Watch vid related and edumacate yourself.

the problem is these policies wouldn't work in the multicult hellholes we inhabit

Millions don't have to identify as NatSocs, the policies speak for themselves. It's just an ideology that has their best interests in mind. Most Germans didn't know or care about the esoteric or philosophical core that the SS believed in, all they knew was the government wanted to help them and made their lives much better. You'll find most genuine NatSocs that aren't 2edgy4u autists are people with lots of empathy that were depressed with the current apathetic and broken system.

Straight out lie. You're asking questions like someone who has just been exposed to natsoc ideology in the last few months.

Memes will fix it over time. What was once impossible is now just a slow trek of redpills away. We won't be a copy of nazi germany. Our past is different and the spirit of our peoples are different. We'll have to forge a new political outlook that uses the truth of natsoc as a bedrock.

The door-to-door villainy you're probably imagining is just a leftover from WW2 propaganda. We're Americans. Just race-aware Americans who understand democracy has inherent risks (mob rule, lack of accountability) which our country has been in the throes of.

Holla Forums is hyperbolic at times, yes. But, we're in a culture war (memes, ideas, content creation, narrative control). We understand what kind of actors are in play and we grew thick skin from the sheer amount of shills present. (look at the first reply of almost any given thread for an example of shilling)

all-in-all, please don't waste time asking to be spoonfed. LURK


Yes, they are genetically recessive to the point that there is no point in them even being on this planet. Plus, they age like milk!

All women age like milk you fucking retard

Nope. Women of African decent age like wine.

There's nothing there to deteriorate since their ugly regardless of age.

That'd be neat if black women weren't the most obese group on the planet




image related

this is a fake narrative quit asking start lurking. sage

Genetically recessive doesn't mean genetically inferior you retard. I hope this is b8 for your own sake.