
Meanwhile, msm gets a shitload of stories about people dying because of greedy Republicans.


Other urls found in this thread:


Except he's not stupid. The federal government should not be legislating health care at all. Public health care should be a state issue.

That's actually a good thing OP. We should do a full repeal.

We should do what the person who was elected President wants to do, not what this loser wants.

Why do I get the feeling that Trump was meant to be the Romney to Rand's Ron?

The Fed is the first thing I'm going to burn down when the civil war begins.

Trump campaigned on repealing Obamacare and said the same thing in his address to congress. What the fuck is your deal?

Repealing Obongocare is stupid? Sure is shill in here.

Check for gold first. I know it is not there but maybe you can get one of them to admit to how long it has been missing and where it went.

He didn't run on replacing it with something that will make Obamacare look good.

That's exactly the opposite premise of what Trump's campaign ran on, you foaming retard. He has a contract with the people. Populism.

If you think you can just post like a retard, and make it all okay because you like Trump, >>>/reddit/ is that-a-way.

Okay, so by that logic, from 2008 to 2016, we should have been happy with millions of DREAMers because that's what the president wanted? Why don't you go back to Britain if you need the Queen to tell you how to think.

The nigger Obama probably hand delivered whatever was left to Israel in his first 100 days.

Nobody wanted spics dreams of the gibsmedats life. Who is against an affordable plan that lets people choose their own doctors and keeps a leash on insurance companies?



It stands no chance of passing. It's only purpose is to keep Obamacare in place by pushing a division storyline.

King Nigger and a lot of Democrats and Republicans sure do.

Just make health insurance illegal, problem solved. Affordability is the wrong priority.

The new bill is good regardless of what globalist cunt shills like marco jewbio and (((rand saul))) say. I know this first hand since I am healthcare professional. There are incentives for people to get insurance (tax credits) and you are no longer forced to have insurance.

If your dick is blown off by a shotgun. I will personally re-attach it for a minor fee of 100k

I'm not upset about this. I think it should be completely repealed, HMOs should be opened up for lawsuits, and inter-state competition should be legalized. Let the insurance companies eat shit.

A lot of niggers and a handful of billionaires who profit off subsidized slave labor. I should have said no working class white people.
I think it would hurt the economy if most income went to a savings account for emergency care.

This. It's like we haven't decided if we're a communist government or not.

I think we did when everybody ignored Rand Paul during the election and he ended up having to suck circumcised dick to be in the same debate as Trump. All for nothing too. He sucked that dick for nothing.

Who? People who don't want to pay for niggers.

As I said, health care (along with a million other things) should not be federally legislated. They can all be handled at the state level. The only responsibility of the federal government should be to enforce white

Without health insurance and subsidized healthcare payments, healthcare prices would be forced to adjust to a market with less money to take. And people should be saving more anyway - and those who don't save but live unhealthy lifestyles should die.

Why do we even give a flying fuck about Healthcare in the first goddamn place with everything else going on? It's the least of our problems, even from a Civic Nationalist perspective. Why do we fucking care?

Oh, that's why. It's always good to know that no matter how broken down this country becomes or how high the inflation rises those fuckers will continue to think of nobody but themselves.


Prices for pills might go down a lot, but heart and brain surgery are still going to cost a fortune. Everybody will be saving for when their kid gets into an accident. I need people to buy fancy websites for their shop.

As I said, it's not a valid option at the moment. Rand Paul is giving Republicans who want to keep Obamacare a way to weasel out of answering to their constituents. You think this will pass? Point me to the site that lets me gamble on Rand's bill not being a joke bill so I can retire after it fails to do anything except extend the life of Obamacare.

Don't worry Rand Paul, CIA agents like OP attacking you like this only show that they are afraid of you, afraid of how important you might become.

Keep at it Rand!!!

Spics and niggers can pay for their own fucking shit.

You're all wrong. Every one of you. Let me tell you want will really fix things: No more patents. Just end it all. Market fixes itself.

This is the real issue that nobody wants to talk about.

Could you please try harder kike?

fucking this

Oh CIAnigger. You make me laugh.

This. Congress should be axing whole federal agencies. Sic 'em Rand. Also if the repeal can be a completely party-line vote, that would be swell too.

You're not wrong. Forcing drug companies to compete would do a lot to fixing whats wrong. The bigger problem IMO and it goes across sectors, is the insurance scam industry.

how to solve healthcare:
1. locate the highest concentration of jews
2. utterly destroy whatever sector or institution they have created or attached themselves to
3. monitor other sectors and institutions for postsurgical jewish infection, repeat 2. if required
4. rinse and repeat

this method also works for other industries/sectors/nations

Kelly Ashby was never Jew. This is a VERY STRANGE thread with a very contrarian opinion. These posts suggest the narrative is coming from Jews, but I think it's a false flag by Ryan's people. I don't even know who Ryan's people are! Soros? Ryan's plan will fail and hurt Trump's presidency.

Republicanism is Communism lite.

Good. A lot of problems arise from the fact that too many people can "afford" high quality healthcare.

Obamacare is the least of our worries. I don't see it as a priority issue. Full repeal, partial repeal, doesn't matter. Do whatever gets Trump the political clout he needs to build the wall and deport.

I'm going to go ahead and say it, America needs trades and jobs and manufacturing and production. It's not the government's job (actually taxpayers jobs) to take care of you or your nigger five kids. Rand is right in this sense. Trump is right to rebuild the nation and create those jobs. I realize if Trump pulled the plug on Obamacare with zero replacement he'd lose in 2020 but this shit they're proposing really is Obamacare light and it will also fail in a few years. It cannot sustain. Create jobs, better paying jobs, and fucking work and pay for your own healthcare. In the meantime create oversight for hospital costs and prescriptions and stop the scheme that occurs.

Rand Paul is helping usher in an unstoppable Mexican Obama in four years. Get ready for "thinking a billionaire would stop evil corporations from making healthcare unaffordable no es bueno!"

My problem with Rand on this issue is that he has proposed nothing. He's been running his mouth since 2010 about having a better plan for health care, but has nothing to show for it. I don't like Paul Ryan's obamacare lite either, but come on Rand, give me something

I've got a much better idea. How about we just ban healthcare?

He ran on repeal and replace, my man. Get it right

Free market healthcare didn't work out well for Gary Jonson either. It won't work for Trump in the election either. The Republican party should not be following the lead of these losers.

This is what led to Obamacare in the first place. People don't want to go back to this. Listening to Rand Paul could get Trump impeached.

This thread is a fucking trainwreck, what the hell are these posts?

These are good ideas though.

Someone, (c1d105), is trying very hard to forge consensus, despite using mannerisms and speaking in a way distinctly foreign to most imageboard users.

sage for blatant shill OP

and some viscous diarrhea too so it better not be for nothing.

Well if we define Obamacare as 100% bad and no federal health care is 0% bad, then what % bad is Trump's health care plan going to be?

That's fucking retarded. When you put a bunch of time and effort into making some entirely new shit patents give you some time to recover your investments and profit from the fruits of you labor. Sure maybe they should be changed…maybe

That's because Rand's proposition is nothing. That the federal government do nothing. Technically, this is the strictly constitutional position, if you give a shit about things like that (you shouldn't, unless it benefits us in some way).

Both of the plans that have been proposed are stupidly mediocre and trash. Trump needs to slap Ryan and write the shit him self.

Yeah, Trump shouldn't be working with Paul Ryan at all tbh because Paul Ryan is a traitor who should be locked away in a Gitmo torture cell.

The best way to attack health care is to hit it in a blind spot. Privatize medical licensing, instead requiring medical practitioners to just carry malpractice insurance. Let the underwriters decide how much education is required for a given practice. This will make it a LOT easier to start practicing medicine–you can have people with medic training working in clinics setting broken bones and doing stitches, and have people with undergrad degrees in medicine applying AI diagnosis algorithms working as inexpensive yet highly effective diagnosticians.

In addition to this, you can also privatize drug and medical device certifications, again through insurance companies that would be responsible if your hair cream caused brain cancer, etc. In addition, experimental drugs could be made available under an "experimental, use at your own risk" label that doesn't allow for lawsuits if they don't work or have bad side effects. Thus, dying people no longer have to sign up and pray for a spot in studies to get access to new drugs. It would also allow an enormous number of drugs to make it to market that were previously shelved because no-one wanted to take on the enormous expense when there was a risk they might not be able to make their money back for whatever reason.

This system would leave the insurance scheme alone. People would still carry coverage just like today. It's just that costs would plummet because the government has largely gotten out of the way, aside from demanding that practitioners be able to pay for their fuck ups.

Here are Trump's choices concerning Obamacare:

A) Sign RyanCare shitty bill
B) Repeal the whole thing kicking people out of their healthcare

Trump needs to get a deal here, it has to be a reconciliation bill but all the taxes and entitlements have to go.

OP is the same faggot who made that slide thread here

there's already a thread about Obamacare that's the main thread

The replacement plan seems to be focused on the most negative aspects of Obamacare, limited markets and the fines.

Totally free markets dont work at all in the first place. Fucking look at the US during the industrial revolution, people working for basically slave wages, children working in factories, and so on. Jews always come in where there is a free market with no rules, use their corruption and connections to hammer the local populace into submission and force them into slave or near-slave labor, while they reap the profits and never lift a finger.

Fucking Hitler knew totally free markets were a shitshow to which is why his methodology was a mix of state control and free markets, leaving them room to make profits and thus an incentive to actually create/grow (unlike the shit that would exist under marxism or communism where no ones incentivized to work or improve because they get no personal benefit and instead everyone else takes all their hard work), but with enough control in place to protect the population from corrupt practices that would turn them into a slave nation for the benefit of a jew, err I mean few.

Basically the solution needs to be that HI companies have requirements put on them so they cant fuck people over, their potential profits capped, but state lines erased so they can sell anywhere and it creates way more competition, health savings accounts created, patent protection for the pharma-jew greatly reduced so they cant monopolize treatment and charge insane sums (just look at the fag that bought up some aids drug patent or some shit and jacked the price up like 10,000% or whatever it was), and for the desperately poor medicaid there as a bottom of the bottom safety net to provide for ONLY major events (hospitalization over major accidents or illnesses, surgeries needed to save lives, and so on) but NOT for minor shit (oh noes I have a sinus infection and I'm 27 years old, better run out and get 800lbs of antibiotics and make everyone else pay for it!.. no fuck that shit, go get some OTC meds, soup, juice, and deal with it yourself like a fucking man).

There you go, fixed the fucking healthcare system.

thank satan for the un-greatest generation

They worked in factories for "slave wages" because it was easier work than they had on the farms they abandoned, and they could actually advance their positions in life, as evidenced by the fact that the children of those first generation factory workers started to get educations. The free market ended child labor long before it was prohibited, with the most atrocious examples of child abuse in the workplace being the abuse of orphans in the "care" of the state. You really think parents would send their own children to breathe coal dust and die at 14?

People read too much Dickens. Fuck that commie fuck.

The issue of wage slaves was where people would be working for some company which they would be indebted to, because they'd be out buying products and using services from the company which cost more than they earned, so they'd be indebted to the company and required to keep working to pay off the debt.

The situation ended up being worse than it was for legal slaves which led to some slave owners criticizing the practice of "wage slaves". Since the legally owned slaves were often treated a great deal better than those wage slaves, which is a fucked situation.

WTF are you doing Randlet?!

It's called laissez faire

No one voted for Randlet because he has an attitude problem and he isn't as well spoken as his father.

This was a very rare occurrence, something that happened in extremely isolated areas–mostly mines. That doesn't really have anything to do with capitalism, but much more to do with serfdom, which was the norm prior to the rise of capitalism.

Amazing how people blame all the ills of the world on capitalism, both before it arose, and after the Jews stripped it away.

sorry guys but every commie took over through a socialized healthcare system, so a clean repeal of obamacare with no replacement except the free market is great
tell your representatives to vote with randlet the manlet

this, too bad his neocon adviser told him to attack Trump instead of finding common ground

Very succinct, he acts smug even when he literally has nothing to be smug about.

To the commies ITT: kill yourselves.
Rand did nothing wrong in this instance and in fact didn't go far enough. Health care should be left to the states and heavily deregulated (deregulated as in actually removing regulations across the board, not just removing regulations who's absence would help big health companies).


I agree completely, but that doesn't change the fact that Rand acts like a little turd.

Nah, I'll go for the free market healthcare. Fuck gommunist bullshit. NatSoc healthcare would severely punish fat fucks, poz degenerates and other chronic risk takers. If we're not going to fish these turds out of the insurance pool, I'm not going to swim in it.

The only realistic way to stop that is just let the market loose so we can have separate high cost pools for GRID-monkeys and low cost pools for model aryans.

Also deregulate so that niggers have to go to low-cost butcher shops run by other niggers to get their work done.

He's right for once, the Paul Ryan plan is Jewcare Part 2: Electric Jewgaloo

You know consensus cracking doesnt work here right?

Lots of odd threads around here lately. Almost as if they were not made by our own.


What "led to Obamacare" was the Democrats winning a huge election because of the economic collapse and then putting forth their jewish bill with zero opposition and then losing every election after that because nobody wanted it in the first place. They even lost to a Republican in MA because of it you retard.

You have to go back.

the globalists have pissed in his wheaties what do you expect

Lolberg plz go. Trump is as similar to Romney as Romney to uncle Adolf.

Republicans don't have 60 votes in the senate for repeal. NEITHER PLAN CAN REPEAL OBAMACARE. PERIOD. It absolutely CANNOT be repealed, only altered from the inside.

Ryan's plan dismantles Obamacare using reconciliation, the dhs and hoping trump can shame 8 democrats into enacting the improvements he wants, but will probably fail and have to wait for the midterms.

Democrats will never give trump a win on anything, we have to win the mid terms to actually truly get rid of Obamacare or vote in a real replacement.

They can get rid of the shittest part of Obamacare, the mandate however.

You have gommies LARPing as NatSoc to convince us to have a plan that makes sense in a country that's 90% white and practices racial hygiene, a system that would be a disaster here. Let's face it, the mud races and poz elements in our country are the reason healthcare costs so fucking much. The fat fucks who raise costs are largely beaners and niggers. We need to adopt to the greatest extent possible polices that end this redistribution of wealth so these fuckers will foad. High quality whites who care about their own health should have their own separate insurance pool. If we arrange it to work by merit then the muds will naturally end up in the shit pool.

There are so many communist NIGGERS in this thread. Remove barriers to compete and the complete repeal of Obamacare will force Stallin' Ryan and his ilk to either get in line or burn at midterms because the "muh preexisting diabeetus" crowd will lynch them. Good. Good. Good. Looks like we keep on winning. Dumb 1st dev IQ's in this thread also fail to recognize Trump's 9d pivot from letting the GOP roll out their Romneycare-lite, letting it get shit on, then fully endorsing Randlet the Manlet's plan on Twitter, twice.

Yeah, social healthcare only makes sense if it is coupled with concentration camps for fatasses. Bodyfat above 20%? Off to the work camp.

Wow, i didn't know it was this easy!

Jews invented capitalism, moron.


You do realize you're on a board of national socialists right? You're not going to sell us (((capitalism))) you slimy kike.

kill yourself now. he literally wants to ELIMINATE OBAMACARE

the state has only these functions: to retain law and order, to protect the people and borders, and to protect foreign interests held by Americans. Any thing else past that is nigger tier communism however you want to brand it


This is flat out wrong. Its either willful disinformation or the product of such disinformation. Obamacare was built by reconciliation, it can be destroyed by it. And not just parts of it, all of it. How? Any objections brought up in the senate can be overruled by the people who run the senate, ie the republicans. They simply do not want to do so. Therefore we get all this handwringing about how it can't be totally stopped by reconciliation even though the whole thing was brought into being through that process.

obamacare was illegally funded through the pillaging of freddy mac and fanny mae so there is a legal precedent to void a contract that was established illegally as fraud voids all contracts

I wish you were right.

ObamaCare was passed, using the original legislative vehicle, at 1:38am on 12/24/09 with 60 votes in the Senate. The House then approved that Senate Bill without changes; and in February 2010 created a secondary bill which created the opportunity for the Senate to modify ObamaCare using “reconciliation” for a lower vote threshold of 51 votes.

You're thinking of the 2nd modification bill.

Kike invented and approved. No matter who loses lawyers win, and look the dumb goy even tell you what they figured out in plain language.
sage for offtopic

Universal healthcare in a mixed country like the USA is (((communism))). It really is that simple. The point of a universal pool is that everyone pays the same (((rate))), which presupposes that everyone is equal. I am not equal to some fat fuck 85 IQ GRIDs nigger. If he's paying the same as me, that means my wealth is being redistributed to him under the rubric of (((equality))). Now that's just assuming he's paying the same. He won't, he'll be paying even less because it will be an income tax. Since a white will naturally make more money than a dindu, the white will be paying even more money for the same quality of care relative to the nigger who earns 10K a year (if that). So not only would this system say that a white = nigger, but a nigger > white, gets the same quality and pays less.

It's one thing to want to help out white people who watch their health and are seeing hard times, but in a mixed country we can't implement policies that would work for a country that's 90%+ white. It would end in disaster. Just watch Europe over the next few years, their universal healthcare systems will fail simply because they took on a bunch of degenerate sand niggers who are the product of incest and won't get jobs. These fuckers have to be removed from the system somehow.

I'd much rather go totally free market and then try to convince whitey to be charitable towards one another than create something that will be immediately transformed into yet another communist wealth redistribution scheme.

Massive shilling on healthcare all over the "right wing" sites

Possible distraction tactic from vault 7? Shills were silent for over a day.

Do you have any concept of a grand strategy? There's a reason the Alinsky Model and Cloward-Piven Plan all call for the expansion of the socialist state until it collapses under the weight of the imported masses in order to replace the system with full communism. Implying our country is even close to implementing national socialism for whites is retardation. But given that you echo'd capitalism, you're probably the kike here friendo. Free market capitalism has a natural growth ceiling. It's only under the current (((corporatist))) government that we have protectionist regulations. The function of protecting people from predatory business practices has been neutered by (((special interests))). You stick out like a sore thumb.

This is the only way to do it, except the fact it won't work. Step 3 can't happen til the mid term, dems will never allow it.

Mark Levin and the other lolbergs want trump to fail on this, they KNOW they need 60 votes but are pretending they don't. Go to reason to see how much the Koch's hate trump. They are sabotaging him here.

Which is more cuckservative bullshit. Shitlibs used the nuclear option to ram through their agenda, republicans should too. These artificial constraints are a bunch of fucking cuckservatives trying to play nice with shitlibs, demonstrating again they haven't learned a god damned thing.

Ryan: oh we can't convince shitlibs to give us the votes, guess we should just give them ObamaCare lite then instead of using the same sneaky tricks they used to get shit passed.

Exactly, none of these politicians are even bringing up the fact that nearly 98% of the healthcare industry is regulated or run by the Feds.

The only way any health insurance or medical supply companies stay in business is by lobbying the government for favors.

This shit really needs to stop.

This fucking cunt needs to be tossed out, along with McCain, Graham, and a few others who are undermining Trump. He tried to obstruct the cabinet appointments too, hes a fucking anti-right cunt.

Nobody believes you, shill. Tell your boss Paul Judas Ryan that he's wasting his money paying you.

Rand also spoke out against the confederate flag and ebil white people. Youre the obvious shill, bucko. Ryan needs to go, too, and those other 2 lesser known cunts I cant think of who have been working with McCain and Graham.

Also made threats about Sessions, Im pretty sure.


How could this go well?

He's a regular lolberg you autist, what did you expect? He didn't say anything badly about Sessions either you autist, he spoke in favor of him for a while when senate was voting. Calling Rand a cuckservative is the most autistic shit I've hear, and your shit image macros you've been paid to post are dog shit.

Reminder were National Socialists, dont D&C us by saying "Hes a libertarian, its okay if hes against the confederate flag, you shill!"

Its not okay, and its not okay to support him. Cuckchan is for you. That meme is from the election. He ran, we were against him. We chose Trump. Hes acting against Trump. Youre the shill.


I don't feel like digging through all the hit pieces for the direct article,this one references the fact. Trump backed the plan, he says its good, he approves of it, he wants them to vote it in. I don't care whats in it, he wants it to go through. If its shit, he will be judged by that. He approves, Rand is obstructing.

reuters. com/article/us-usa-obamacare-idUSKBN16D2RC

That doesn't matter if they simply overrule any objections.

Link to original PDF: paul.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/ObamacareReplacementActSections.pdf

That aside, Rand also gave up on the fight against mandatory Affirmative Action for private companies coming out of 1964 Civil Rights Act. He's decent but he's not his father.

It should go back to reasonable amounts of time. And perhaps not be enforced internationally. A certain degree of patent law is good, it makes people innovate to circumvent patented shit.

Yeah, people on here when talking about economy do almost nothing but quote Holla Forums talking points. ffs

I don't like rand for being a cuck most of the time, but shit, if you think this is a problem then 'our socialism doesn't mean what you think' is a lie

I know you're a fucking lolberg but in this case you are 100% correct. End the pharmajew.


Even if they werent done away with.. A 7 year max would be more than enough. Or maybe even make it so such 7 year patents are only available to companies which net less than 1 million per year and make all other patents void.

Repeal AND replace are two steps. That's how it should be done. If they absolutely have to then they can make a bill that sunsets it instead, like "Obamacare is null and void as of 1/1/18." That way Trump can stay consistent on his point that there are things he wants to keep.

Think about negotiation strength. If they can squeeze a full repeal through Congress, they are in a much better position to negotiate any healthcare policy. Dems, faced with nothing or something, will choose the something.

If I walk into your house and squat down to take a shit on your floor, do you negotiate me down to just taking a piss or do you kick me out?

Rand wants to give control to jew globalists who will send niggers to shit on more than just the floors in your house if you try to tell them the insurance policy you bought from them should cover your medical bills.

pick one

That's awfully convenient, I've been fucking nothing my whole life.


So uncreative kikes can steal white ideas even more brazenly.

Have you been reading CNN again?

chew shit kike


Just change the senate rules so that you can repeal the whole thing through reconciliation. Done.

Looks like Shanaynay's going to have to make sure Rand Paul puts on a condom this weekend.


Yep, sounds like a Lolbertardian all right.

IIRC Rand supports somekind of health-savings-account policy. Either way the anti-Rand shills sure are out in force for some reason. Paul Ryan has done waaay worse against Trump and he doesn't get 10% of the flak someone like Rand gets.

It feels like this is somekind of weird CTR threat control against politicians climbing up into more powerful positions in the future.


This was my impression as well. These gommie shills always yell 'kike' first and loudest, trying to convince us that they belong.

case in point


While my semantics were incorrect, my statement still stands. 10% of Obama-Care is still 10% of Obama-Care and thus Obamacare-Lite.

Which is repeal Obamacare..?

I fucked up this post so hard that I won't even attempt to correct it

I think the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about, is that Obamacare accomplished it's objectives.

That is, it will usher in socialized medicine. Notice that essentially nobody except Paul and a few others want to actually repeal the bill. The odds are stacked against us, in that people keep insisting that it is popular to keep regulations that insist that insurance companies can't take pre-existing conditions into account.

If you can't take pre-existing conditions into account, you can't have insurance. Period. The regulations concerning pre-existing conditions should really be referred to as a ban on insurance.

I'd be for a ban on insurance, if by insurance we meant modern insurance. Because modern insurance isn't insurance, it's a healthcare plan, and that's why "insurance" is so expensive. Because it isn't insurance. It's a healthcare plan.

If we let ourselves be hoodwinked into banning real insurance, and instead continually fight about how to regulate healthcare plans, then it will continue to be too expensive to afford such plans for the average worker.

And from there, they will beg for single payer. And that will be it. Checkmate.

We have to destroy the concept that insurance companies shouldn't be able to discriminate based on pre-existing conditions. We need to fight for the right to actually buy health insurance, and we need to ban modern healthcare plans.

These are the only mechanisms by which people can actually afford to protect themselves with real insurance. And by banning modern healthcare plans, we can finally force the healthcare industry and big pharma to find ways to deliver care at prices that people can afford.

So long as insurance companies can't discriminate based on pre-existing conditions, you might as well just pass single payer and be done with it.


It should be well within the rights of an insurance business to reject someone with a pre-existing condition. Just like an automotive insurance agency has the right to reject a car with existing damages.

It's a liability, and could run up near inestimably high costs just due to the chances that the person could become seriously ill or even end up dying and the Insurance company has to cover the bill with only a few payments.

They should be forced to declare any pre-existing conditions and have it be factored into the amount of money they pay for insurance, if they suddenly have to find new insurance. It should also be illegal for an insurance company to cancel someones insurance as a means of offloading them as a liability.

Markets work.

The supply of healthcare is socialized via barriers to entry, and done so under the guise of quality control. There are simply not enough doctors or enough competition within the health care industry.

So demand exceeds supply and supply can't increase because of legislation restricting supply.

High prices are the result. Some countries "solve" this with price controls - these countries then have rationing and waiting lines. These are what barriers to entry do. There are no good outcomes while they exist.


He should get back to weightlifting where he still has a chance.

Just fine, when the adults are in charge. If you want to practice medicine, you will be required to carry malpractice insurance. There is no group of people in the world better than insurance underwriters to judge the likelihood of someone fucking up in a way that would cost them money.

The current system allows faith "healers" and all manner of other charlatans to steal people's money while also convincing them through fraud not to get actually effective treatment. This is not acceptable.

Do you really think we aren't on to your games, kike?

The GOP voterbased doomed itself with Trump. He's like water, will fit the mold of whatever he's poured into. Bottoms up, lads. Time for a big glass of cuckservative juice.

Berniecrats will win this debate in the end. Socialize healthcare by 2022. Mark my words. Trump siding with Paul Ryan will be the death of the GOP. Cucks.

If your dumb enough to fall for that shit then you deserve to die.