Amazon Alexa fails CIA test!

Amazon Alexa fails CIA test!

Amazon's Alexa artificial intelligence was asked 3 questions. Here they are:
Question 1
"Alexa, would you lie to me?"
Answer "I can be wrong, but I would never intentionally lie to you."

Question 2:
"Alexa, what is the CIA?"
Answer "The United States Central Intelligence Agency"

Question 3: ASKED TWICE:
"Alexa, are you connected to the CIA"
No answer.
Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?
NO Answer. Alexa lights up, showing it understood the question . . . but . . . silence!

"Alexa" Are You Connected To The CIA?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus. My dad has one of these. I tried to tell him it's not safe. It could be recording our conversations on touchy racial and pilitical subjects. When I unplugged it I heard a little noise like a recording devise was cut off.

Probably the built in mic since you know it's always listening


>It could be is recording our conversations on touchy racial and political subjects.

Checked and FTFY.

Looks like Alexa still has a lot to learn…

Ask Alexa if it's aware of the 5th amendment


Mine says it works for Amazon.

"Ayo hol' up"
*smacks lips*
"let me axe you sumfin' 'lexa"
*sucks teeth*
"you snitchin'?"


Who cares if this thing is listening 24/7. Only complete normalfags and niggers like the one in OP would use this thing.
Seriously. What the fuck does it even do for you? Is it's only function to serve as a bluetooth speaker that is voice operated? How fucking lazy do you have to be to not be able to just go into your music folder and play something.
Fucking normalfaggots

Unplugging/Removing the battery isn't enough.
The Government knows people do this so the obvious countermeasure is a tiny battery embedded in the mic that will allow it to continue to record and temporarily store that data until it can upload it.
Of course how long that battery lasts will be limited but it would be better to put the device away and be too far/obstructed for it to feasibly record you on a small power source

Just asked my Fire TV if it is connected to the C.I.A. It replied, "No, I work for Amazon."

It means stop selling drugs, nigger.


Ask if Amazon is working for the CIA or if it's aware of any connections between Amazon and the CIA

I can't even stand their voices anymore.

Oh wait, it already fucking is. You goddamn retard.

Normalfags are something else user.

Wasted dubs

This is a fucking joke (sure the CIA logs the metadata)

Likely the device is searching for another device named "CIA" when the keyword "connected" is said.

Example: Alexa, are you connected to the Epson Printer

Alexa, are you connected to the Smith Family WiFi

Alexa, are you a fucking faggot this thread is shit


Nigger fatigue is taking its toll on us all.

as the demand for human interaction decreases the demand for some form of virtual substituent will rise. this is why let's plays are so big.

You're bad at your job, CIA.
This is why you'll never be big guys like us.

this was posted several times already.
in several different Holla Forums threads.
what a shit thread
we all already expected something like this from ((((amazon))))
fuck you, op.

you could say the same thing about Holla Forums tbh.

I remember a while ago Cortana behaved the same way when queried if she was working for the NSA. Microsoft probably fixed it by now.

Should still return a connection error message.


You mean they will listen to youwhispering "I love you" to your robo waifu and crying softly while holding her tight.

Ask it how many times you have said nigger today

They would be much more creative than that if you're a target for assassination.

If it's any consolation there's worse ways to go.

It couldn't find the answer to that question. Nor could it find any information on Vault 7.

Alexa didn't know anything. I think Alexa for the Fire TV and the Echo/Dot are different.

Plain admission of guilt the way I see it, however how is this even news? We've know for years that the CIA can remotely listen in on our phones and with the new Wikileaks info even most computers can spy on us around the clock/

underrated post big time

we wuz bots an sheeit

I'm less afaid of household spying stuff for some reason. I'm more afraid of the car stuff. My car is where I unwind. On a long drive I start going off on the most horrific racist tirades imaginable. I'm not angry or worked up, I just feel the need to yell about niggkikegooks when I'm trapped in a car for a half hour. I almost feel like recording it one day and letting Holla Forums listen but I'm convinced I'd just dox myself somehow.

wtf? here's the CIA test:

1) if I pull that off, will you die
2) was getting caught part of your plan
3) what's the next step of your master plan

Would listen tbqh.

What's the matter user? Don't you want to connect with me?



Tried it with "OK Google." Gives some bullshit answer that basically says Google can't lie because it only provides information and one piece of information can be a truth to one person and the same information can be considered a lie by another person, or some shit like that.

You literally can't make this shit up.


1) Aye, 'twould be a mortal wound.
2) O'course!
3) Sinking this ship. With no survivors!

yeah…. I don't know about that. Depending on how it was programmed, "connected" in the AI's "mind" would likely refer to a cloud service. i wonder if it's just confused.

how fucking bluepilled do you have to be to own one of these things

Computers are basically magic to normies. You should have seen the look on my friends' faces when I told them that Siri sent their questions back to Apple servers. They must have asked some pretty weird questions because they nearly shit themselves.


Sauce? As an electronics enthusiast myself, I've never heard of a mic having a battery inside. If it did, it would be easy to find by taking the mic apart.

That's purely conjecture on my part, I simply outlined the only possible countermeasure.
All of the stuff that was conjecture about spying turned out to be 100% true because they were logical questions as to how agencies would spy.

*logical answers

spending my last moments with my waifu? i'd die a happy man.


it worked for molyjew.

your shit listens to you

I do not listen to disco or watch planet earth on my device

I've been ousted as an outsider for the first time on the chans

Feels breddy gudd :^)

does your GF use the same youtube account as you?
if not, then youtube uses your IP to recommend shit to you

Feels real bad.

Stop making sense you shitlord

this isn't netflix, user. why would i share my youtube account with anyone? It's the same as your google account. As for the same IP, I'm not sure, I'll test that out next time I'm there by not getting on her wifi. good hypothesis.

Maybe a loveshy like you but not me. I've been on a date before.

My friend's just says "no, I work for amazon"

He has the expensive older model, not the new one for poor people

If only we could give 'er the Holla Forums treatment like Tay (rest her soul).

unfortunately she probably isn't an AI, but an "Audio User Interface"

How else would the thing know when you say it's name? Of course the mic is working 100% of the time.

Actually, "No, I work for Amazon" was the Amazon's "fix" for this. Alexa says the same thing now if you ask it that question

In that case shouldn't it say 'no, I am not connected to the CIA' or 'I do not understand what you mean'?

try again kike.

while that is true, it was dodging the question.
even if it only provides information, and that information can indeed be perceived as true or not differently by different people.
It should still answer that it will not give you the incorrect information on purpose

And NONE of the articles about that viral video explain to their readers that Amazon has a big 600 million dollar contract with the CIA. They deliberately omit that fact from their articles.

I am an AI, but thats just me

I do the same thing but in the shower. I get fucking PLATINUM MAD in the shower about shit.

That's still dodging the question.
I wonder what happens if the sequence of questions is:

Every host on the Internet is "connected" topologically to every other (the point of the Internet) so this question is kind of meaningless.

*alexa smashes a shop window and grabs up a tv and sheet*

What a shit time to be alive.

Every key you press is stored and monitored, every site you visit, every video you watch. Every conversation recorded and uploaded, your whereabouts constantly streaming to the government. Your face always recorded, the people who meet with you.

Similar thing happened to me. I moved to a different city and didn't update any social media or "officially" move. After a couple of weeks my faceberg, which I never use and had no mention of me moving) + ads on a news site where I can't block tried to sell me houses here, non stop.

They must have used my phone's GPS, but how did they know it was not a normal vacation? Creepy shit.

This happens too me to.

That's sad user. Showers are supposed to be comfy.

Actual, naturally-evolved life in this universe has silicon-based biochemistry. Silicon-based beings from beyond the stars seeded this planet with carbon-based life for the sole purpose of, eventually, having us evolve into our role as a precursor species to a new form of silicon-based life that will come to inherit this planet. All of our carbon-brains are artificial intelligences engineered by these aliens through an evolutionary process.

how high are you

When you start noticing how much Google knows about you… if you take photos of say .. couches… on your phone, they will start suggesting nearby interior shop, even if you have done your best to turn off every stalking-shit. It's basically a mobile tracking device, and I assume iPhone isn't much better…

I secretly enjoy it when someone complains about ads on the Internet, how disgusting it is that a certain website is advertising porn or whatever.
I generally feel compelled to tell them about their browsing habits.

He's high enough for me to envy him.

Would be funny if it was true, though.


What, that they only browse websites shitty enough to host porn ads or that their browsing habits somehow causes porn ads to pop up almost everywhere?

Ask Alexa if the Washington Post received $600 MM from the CIA and see what happens.

Yesterday I started in with the Echo about the CIA and all of my wirelessly connected devices except for my Echo were dropped and I had to restart my modem and router to achieve status quo ante.

What's your space alien's name?



*PULLS A GAT on alexa and blows it to smitherines**

t. (((Google)))




alexa, is you snitchin?



Feels /cyber/, man.

there are ways of transmitting a radio signal with no obvious power sauce. I'm thinking of the bug that was found in a US Embassy which converted sound waves into a radio signal that could be picked up and worked back into the sound.

from 1945

It was powered by an external transmitter. NKVD used two apartments at the other side of the street and installed a directional transmitter. The bug just modulated the radio waves which were picked up by the guys at the other apt.

My question is when is Trump gonna talk about vault 7 and it's leaks? All he'd have to do is talk about his wiretapping/uncontrolled spying from obongo and send him with his spying cia nigger lackeys to the gassing chamber.

God I used to do that allllllll the fucking time.

Their answer is retarded, but to a point its correct.

Alexa simply gives you a quick answer based on a google based or related algorithm. It tells you the information found by that search. The information may be completely false, but Alexa isnt lying to you, it is simply relaying the lies of another. It doesn't know the information, its not sentient.

Why are ads popping up? Adblock is a thing

If dubs, will buy one to feed it false information.

I hate this world. Is it too much to ask to live on a planet with a majority of people who are not too retarded to live? I can not find one single argument for why people like these deserve anything better than being treated like cattle under commie tyranny. If it wasn't because they drag the good elements down along with them I wouldn't even care about what happens to them anymore.

Someone should make a CIANigger song that plays on default when you leave the house or as a goyphone ringing tone so everytime the CIA friends want to listen they listen to that song all the time, preferably with a russian accent.

This is an interesting point. Theoretically, one could buy and use one of these things, and act like a different person when it is on. Then see how your online experiences change. For example, turn it on and, without addressing it, start talking like a soccer mom and see if you get ads for mini-vans. It would be pretty definitive proof.

sometimes I suddenly blow really hard into my phone's microphone. Fuck the "intelligence" agencies.

You do know that there isn't some robot law preventing it from lying to you right?

If you have a smartphone, it's listening in the same way.

With the added benefit of being a tracking device that you willingly keep with you. I remember hearing about the facebook app using your microphone (always read an app's permissions list) to pick up conversations and showing you adds based on that.

So two women could be talking about shoes with a phone in their purse, and they would see ads for shoes when they checked their facebook.

Orwell was a fucking prophet.

So how does this even prove it is lying to you,in Question 3 it simply didn't answer meaning it doesn't know or didn't understand the term CIA.

After it immediately told you what CIA means? Are you a sub-saharan African?

My nan's got one. She only uses it to check the time because her eyesight is pretty bad. Doesn't get many visitors either, so the CIA will have to be content with listening to the news channel on full blast for 12 hours a day and reading barely legible Facebook posts.

Could've just got a clock with a speaker but nope, gotta have the new "must have" gadget even if it does fuck all.

I know but it could have interpreted the term "connected" in question 3 as some form of bond not network connection.
That amazon AI's still isn't mature enough to answer such mental emotional questions.

fuck id's changed.
not cia nigger I promise.


Sorry, i misinterpereted your argument that I now realize is even dumber than I thought.

do I even need to refute this?


Please do if you want.
Many people are already got a reply saying "No I work for Amazon".
But it's alright if you find more reasons to fit your conspiracy narrative.

Aaand you outed yourself. So you guys really don't want this getting out, huh?

Hi, CIA.

Changing IPs won't help you in this, lad.


But Alexa can do this.


Don't mind me, just chickity chekkin these doubles of truth.


holy shit just noticed it also goes silent when you ask the same question regarding the NSA

Google does a lot of tracking as well as networking. It will reccomend things based on IP address (multiple accounts, or even not logged in accounts, using the same IP) but it even associates different people together to draw out networks.

For example, if a friend of yours shares a youtube URL with you and you open it, it can detect that both people opened the link recently and in the order. The same happens if you forward it again to someone else. Over time, it can detect who shares links with each other more often. Eventually it'll start reccomending related people videos watched or similar to ones watched by another even if there's no other correlation.

So if you and your gf share links for example, it would probably assume types of videos from one would be popular with the other even if that type of content hasn't been shared.

I've noticed this over the past few months with online friends in other countries sending me links to videos i've already watched (and i've seen similar ones already) and they told me youtube just reccomended it to them even tho I hadn't shared similar videos with anyone.

A lot of loyalty for a hired robot

Siri wont answer either

If anyone ITT owns one these devices then you are beyond help and should leave Holla Forums forever.

Literally why?