106 antifa facing arrest after battle of Sacramento


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I would simply call them anti-white thugs, despite their silly self-descriptions.

Are you sure they're not also targeting the Sacramento Spartans?

also I'll just leave this antifa btfo comp from Berkeley here:


They might be, but it was pretty clearly self-defense.

At least 76 have to be antifa.

Is that what this picture is from?

No that was Berkley recently.


Try this video.


And this.

Still those 30 Spartans are worth more than 76 commies.

Thats the Battle of Berkeley

this is the Battle of Sacramento:


Let the games begin.



Looks like a bunch of fags found their dad's SCA gear.

Nice pics user, haven't seen them before

are they charging the WN?

there were 30 WN vs 300 antifa, so the 100 are gunna be majority Antifa. 1 Nationalist was stabbed and had to be hospitalised, while 9 commies had to be hospitalised. The WN who did the stabbing stole his knife off a commie.

Its clear cut self defence but the jewdiciary might still convict them.

Bumping. How is Heimbach anyway? Has any consensus been reached on the guy?

He's a true nationalist, kinda dorky but he has a wife and is starting a family.

Good on him, having a wife and kids makes him years ahead of the curve of the other up-and-coming leaders. last bump for the night, its always nice to have good news

Also doing a lot of IRL behind the scenes work trying to get the old school up with the times and working together it seems. Most people seem to nag on him mostly for appearances and being stuck in the old school street activism, both valid critics.

Wonder what he's been up to I liked his daily shows but he seems to have disappeared for the past couple months.

He had a flash demo in Chicago after the white kid got tortured:


He's going to lead a march in Pikeville Kentucky on the 29th of April, they're expecting a couple hundred antifa to be bussed in and it'll probably be a huge brawl:


I think he's a great example of how nationalism can turn a dorky contrarian kid like he was into a real man, with his own family, community and organisation.


Misclicked on the Henry Ford one but good for anyone who's never seen it in any case.

Heimbach used to just be a contrarian dork frankly, all those pictures are of when he had just left University or before that. Now he identifies as a national socialis, talks about the jews and isnt a tubby nerd anymore.

Nobody was born a national socialist, we all went on our own journey to the truth. Heimbach is now married and has a white son. Attacking him now is silly, I remember making fun of him on 4chon /new/ when he just started but he's really developed since then.


Bro check this goy out. He's all over the place in the photos, and the police pay super-special attention to him, tending his wounds and forming a phalanx around him for protection like he's some VIP. Also his head wound appears, to be fake, also fake acting as seen, odd coloured 'blood' pouring from his (unseen) 'wound'

You really think that the police gets briefed on which antifascist to protect the most?
Take your meds

theres a video of him getting hit by Kilt, you can hear the crack its not a fake wound.

Blood irl looks different than movies, it looks different if it comes from different parts of the body.


Holy kek

lmao you can tell he's trying his best not to punch his comrade.

I just noticed that shit.

Wait, I know that Pitchfork Gear Symbol:

Is that Yvette Felarca, jogging away from the fighting then walking away to avoid it?

I thought she was supposed to be a militant leader, seems a bit of a pussy move considering her rethoric.

just to clarify I am speaking about what's happening in the webm.


Holla Forums on suicide watch

Can't wait to see them beat the shit out of the 20 commies that get bused in at their rally. Commies are always awe struck when you actually do something.

This bitch is not arrested because she's fed

BAMN is a cult-


How many of the guys in that first picture do you think are FBI and ATF?


Yvette Felarca kidnapped this guy when he was a teenager.


https:// www.facebook.com/confessionsucberkeley/posts/882903461742282

antiwhites getting BTFO


Are there 106 Sacramento spartans?

He's the poster boy for dorky racists

yes actually, leftists mayors dictate to the infiltrated pd's

Do you think it is possible that we could get the Wesearch guy to help these guys out after it goes down? We have never had a group to bail us out of legal trouble like that until now. What are the chances they are willing to work with some Nazis?

Bring guns. Open Fire on everyone who has a problem with it.

This comp is fucking gold.



Holy fuck this is good

Holy shit, antifa actually being prosecuted by the justice system? Are we finally going to see some sense?

i like this idea.

we should just call them

Call them what they are. Bolsheviks

Absolutely top

I was already calling them bolsheviks at a Trump rally last year and they didn't even know what it meant.

It had to happen eventually. Even the kids of a bunch of rich kikes and cucks aren't completely immune to the law if they keep offending enough or get violent enough.

jej yea i know they are fucking morons. Its not important that they know what it is in the long run.. Its important that we get normalfag plebs to start calling them bolsheviks. A very simple meme would get the job done "Benjamin the Butthurt Bolshevik" idk something like that

Trump as president is going to encourage the justice system to prosecute Antifa. Hopefully he will do it with zero tolerance and beat them the fuck down for their crimes against society and American citizens. Both Hillary and Bernie would have given them the same kind of immunity that the brownshirts got.

Self defense is illegal in commiefornia. Those heroes need to go into hiding now.

Why are misandrists using a symbol with arrows? Arrows are a male symbol.

Can't waste that brainpower on making sense

None, TWP is too small but I've caught potential feds over the last three months.

TWP usually don't allow people with prison time nor security clearances (exmilitary, police, etc) into their ranks without tons of social connections and due to "Eric Stryker" (Daily Stormer, Social Nationalist, Dr Duke) and his NazBol/Dugin-ish ideology you have to come from "white working class" stock (lower class, lower middle class, farm or ranch family, etc), the only other LEOs involved (aside from me) joined their respective police departments after joining TWP.

I vet and investigate potential members in my spare time, I'm basically the groups main PI but lately they've been tightening admissions standards every other week.

If it's CHP, probably not.

CHP has had to deal with BLM shutting down highways many times. They've infiltrated antifa. I've got no idea why CHP was were involved here, but we should be glad.

No he's a retard. This guy is their leader. You can see he gives a hand signal right before they start.
screenshots from

tattoos on him

lol every time

This video is fucking stupid. Leftists (or anyone) are always the winners every time they fight the state no matter how messed up the situation is or if they all get arrested.

People that fight the state are the real bravest winners in my eyes.

The confrontations and antagonising of police is itself the demonstration. It's shaking up and scaring the state. It's like in TDKR when batman gets chased around the whole city by the entire police force.

We should be the ones doing that not them.

lol what?

You heard me faggot


Explain it again, but this time use your fucking brain

Fuck the state

You wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for the state you ungrateful little punk

People organized gave us what we have not the state. People can organize into tribes (white tribes) and do as much if not more than the state without the need for cops/fbi and cia niggers.

You anarchist faggot.

The "State" is "people organized" you autistic nigger.

Obvious that you have never worked in your life

No it's not. The state is cops, FBI, CIA, surveillance cameras and designated protest zones.

I'm not saying let's smash the state. I'm saying at least don't suck off the nearest biggest blackest boot you see.

Which is "people organized" you autistic lolberg cuckchan trash.

Bitch, we are the state and those are our boots. Now get on your knees and start licking.

saved image thnx


That's got to count for something. I wish him the best of luck.

Is that why they arrested Based Stick lad? Is that why most WNs are afraid to meet because of FBI infiltrators?

Based Stick Man has been released. No charges filed. In Berkeley, the heart of the enemy territory.

There's still enemies in high places. Fewer by the day. We're patient. This has been a long time coming. You lefties know which way the wind is blowing, otherwise you wouldn't be so desperate in your attempts to make it stop.

These people WERE the state for at least the past 8 years and have controlled entire institutions for generations.. They fucked us at every opportunity.

Now we return the favor until they submit, leave, or die. Considering how hard the 'deep state' is trying to remove trump or prevent him from imprisoning them and their pedo conspirators, this is looking like Victory or Death.


Heimbach's improved a bit and developed a proper aesthetic aince that pic. He looks a lot more mature now. Plus, as far as I can determine, the TWP is entirely above-board.

I think recognize that tattoo behind his ear. If I'm not mistaken is kid is deaf and he got a tattoo of the implant the kid needs to hear, he posted pictures of it for good goy points on some social media with his name.

Looks like an outline of california to me. Do you remember the video? The guy might be a cop too.

I dunno why I haven't done this with their banner yet. Here's a present for everyone in this thread.

No, I would say they are agents of the state.

It doesn't work that way because antifa has editors that will crop out everything that makes them look bad and only keep the material of them bravely attacking police.

Also the nationalists never start shit with the police anyway so most of the time CNN just has to organize a "counter protest"

Antifa is the grassrootsmovement branch of the deep state.


This is like music to me

antiwhites are vile, vile people. I have more sympathy to a nigger than to a traitor of his own race

Is Yvette Felarca still teaching? How's Shanta by the way?

Can some American confirm if Yvette felarca ia still at large?

yes, she was at the berkeley trump rally last weekend.

when will she be arrested for inciting violence, property destruction and the death of the guy she led into fighting twp?


Someone post that "was Hitler a Nazi" image.

All this shit reminds me of the shit I've seen from the hippie age

Either way, people got fed up off that shit fast, and even faster by these SJW cucks

now that's scary AF

Yvette Felarca is a terrorist

Never. In California, the government is 100% behind groups like antifa and Yvetto Felatio.

Antifa is just a parallel police force. Freemasons run the police, freemasons run the antifa/ This is why antifa get 'arrested' (just a show for the camera) but they are quickly released, and you can tell the antifa (in every state, not just CA) you can tell antifa have zero fear of the police, or any serious legal sanction. Just wearing their masks, is a crime, likewise combining one crime with carrying weapons like mace, etc, yet they never get any jailtime.

Antifa are a new police force. (Black and white checkerboard = Freemasons)

I hope beating up those racist trash cans was worth it.

Of course, not all self-defense situations occur inside your home. Even though there is not a specific statute for standing your ground, California law does recognize your right to defend yourself with deadly force. California Jury Instructions (CALCRIM #505 and #506) describe this as “justifiable homicide.”

You reasonably believed that you needed to use force to prevent this from happening; and
You used no more force than was necessary to stop the threat.4
If you are facing a reasonable threat of being injured or killed, you do not have to run away under California law. As long as you did not make the first strike, a skilled criminal defense attorney can argue that you were acting in self-defense.

according to these guys:
www wklaw com/california-self-defense-laws/

Most states have a State level police force, Like the Maryland State Police or Georgia State Patrol for crimes that are state level jurisdiction (i.e. Highways, cross county stuff, etc) The California State Police merged with the CHP in 1995, so the CHP serves that function today.

I didn't know that about CHP. I figured they were involved in BLM since they were stopping highways, but maybe it was since antifa was traveling between cities (counties?). Guess they were involved in sacramento since it was on the state capitol.


anarchist fucking faggot get off this board

How do they determine if you used excessive force or not?
