Trump Tower Protester 'Smoking Crack' to Protest
Trump Tower Protester 'Smoking Crack' to Protest POTUS
So maybe this could be a solution to stopping these Marches/Protests? Call local PD or DEA and report the people we can see in the streams? Great chance they'll have drugs. Or warrants. Who knows.
Vidya Related


So close to trips. Hopefully Samantha Bee and Lena Dunham commit suicide on a Periscope. Then I can die in peace.

Axl Rose really let himself go.

Can't somebody sell them crack spiced with something deadly ?

How do we even know this person is in front of Trump tower? How do we know this person is "protesting" and not just, you know, smoking crack. Shit OP tbh.

She just looks like another everyday run of the mill crack whore that doesn't have the wits to even think about protesting anything besides running out of crack.

More crack? That cuts into profit.

I fail to see how this is any different from any of the other Trump protesters we've seen over the past several months.

You'll cowards don't even smoke crack.

Was the good goy arrested?

Fuck her OP

actually that would be an improvement for axl.


Upped to YouTube with appropriate title.

who wins?

pretty fat for being a crackhead.

You had eight years of Obama. Nobody cares about your bitching. Protest by shooting yourself.

Can´t they light themselves on fire in the streets like Buddhist monks in Tibet? That would get a good laugh out of me

why is smoking crack in quotes?

I don't so much about that crack of yours, but I'm pretty sure she/he don't need anymore of that stuff.

I protest, see I smoke smoke crack!

Like kids, but they are adult!

One of them tried to light himself on fire and somehow failed.

How will Trump ever recover from this?

Zombies! It's like a fucking movie
I can't understand this shit, this MKUltra/Commie subversion shit, is fucking real.

damn son

I fully support the left smoking crack anytime they feel slighted by America
Smoke crack until you rot from the inside you commie fucks!

No, it's just mental illness and mental illness can take you a long way. If you're suicidal, screwed up and you voted Hillary, it's easy to believe that a nutcase let this would set themselves on fire. Sit back and bathe in the desolation of the these people.

I forgot adult swim could be funny

They should do it in public too. Preferably near police stations in open view, maybe with a large sign indicating that they are smoking crack as well.

You know how to one of them burning a star & stripes or stealing a trump hat is a right of passage?

Burning stolen pussy hats should be our right of passage. Burning it in situ without stealing it should be regarded as hard level.

need to start manufacturing krokodil

Speak English you dumb kike.


Sex, drugs and rock & roll™

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Good way to get the message across there libtard. God these people are so retarded they don't understand that them protesting helps our cause more than theirs.