Trump wants to use "private public partnerships" to rebuild America's infrastructure. This means toll roads and higher prices on everything that private money touches. Also, foreign money will be allowed into the country to build this infrastructure. We already pay gasoline taxes to help maintain the roads, our internet services are effective monopolies, but they want more. This is taking privatization too far. In the video the secretary of transportation gives the game away.
Trump's Infastructure "Bill"
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How do you want to build the roads user?
Also, America spent something like 3-4 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The military has a budget around 600 billion dollars officially. We can pay for our own infrastructure without private or foreign money. Slash the defense budget and use that money. It's "revenue neutral" to use a republicuck term.
Ask the Europeans to build their own armies first, unless they want to complain about the US reneging on NATO promises.
Upon the bodies of dead jewish bankers.
OP doesn't say that though, he seems to be using some Democrat criticism even though they're controlled by (((them))).
No, it's not. This is exactly where privatization shines in a nation as large as the U.S., and guarantees continuous repairs in the future.
NATO is obsolete according to the God "I will sell out America to the Chinese" Emperor.
that would leave far too many speedbumps
You got some 'splainin to do there shillboi
What is the point of such truck?
It only guarantees continuous road repairs if people use the toll roads. The only way I see them using the toll roads in great numbers is if all of the major routes are turned into toll roads, otherwise people will pick the free public road option.
Going offroad.
The basic principle of tracked vehicles yes. are you suggesting everyone will use milsurp apvs and tanks to go where they want to?
An user doxed a bunch of Holla Forums a couple days ago. They've been kvetching and shitting themselves all over the board.
Toll roads are cancer. Toll equipment is a net drain on our infrastructure. A bunch of useless rent seeking equipment that could be matched simply by not wasting taxpayer dollars in the first place.
And ctr/shareblue shills. Kill them all.
Go look at how shit the roads are in russia. People can't drive across most of the country for months at a time. Road infrastructure is of utmost importance. installing rent-seeking equipment and tollbooth fatasses is a complete drain on our economy. If roads are that expensive, raise taxes in an appropriate manner.
Toll equipment is a waste of resources
Let's dispense with the jew agitprop that Nigmerica is "protecting" Europe. America is a nigger delivery vehicle and muscle for Kosovar heroin rings.
>>>Holla Forums
Funny, cucks said privatization of the internet meant paying for each email you sent. Then the internet was privatized and that didn't happen.
OP is a marxist shill
Toll roads are a scam, just like everything else government touches. We all get taxed exorbitantly, in any number of ways, to pay for muh roads. Yet, somehow, there's never enough money to pay for their upkeep and maintenance.
How can this be? It's because a rather significant amount of all government monies at every level go to packing niggers full of fried meat. If we could do away with the cradle-to-grave gibs programs (and possibly stop starting wars in every corner of the globe for no good reason), we would have more than enough money to maintain our infrastructure.
i live in the south where toll roads = no trucks, no tacos, no basketball americans
What do you think happens with the money that goes overseas due to our massive trade deficit? They can't pay with chink slaves in american dollars.
yeah, it's the private money doing that, not the bottomless public money that's going to be getting dumped into these projects
>>>Holla Forums
You nigger, the ones built by federal funding obviously aren't receiving tolls, and not even all of the ones built by private entities will have tolls.
The Interstate System was built by Eisenhower as a military asset. Every facet of it's construction was geared towards mobilization of military units. I'd say make the Pentagon spend some of their 600 gorillion dollar budget towards it's maintenance. Pull an Autobahn on it.
You don't want to go camping in armored luxury?
Shareblue bait thread. We need to see other sources before we can take OP seriously. If someone can post links to articles go ahead.
Are you stupid? The video I posted is an interview from the Sean Hannity show.
kek… 88D meta chessmaster Trump
Jesus fuck is this your first day at the job
Tell Mr. Brock this isn't your gig maybe he'll reassign you to rebbit
PPP is generally confirmed way to make shit cheaper and more competitive since (unlike the state) the owner has interests in providing quality and actually making profits.
He isn't claiming we like Sean Hannity. He's saying that's where the interview is coming from in response to another user asking for another source and casting aspersions on the particular source he provided.
A quarter of Trump's campaign was
Sean Hannity was interviewing the Secretary of Transportation. This is straight from the horses mouth.
Or we could slash the military budget by 100 billion dollars and pay for the infrastructure improvements without toll roads. This is just another scheme by the parasites called the elite to give themselves money without working.
OP is cancer but I've gotta say I'm not a fan of PPP. I trust Trump to negotiate given what he's done for us but given America's past experiences at "negotiating" with the private sector, forgive me if I'm going into this with the expectation that I'll get billed three dollars every time I use the highway.
I mean if there's actual competition for the gig that'd be great but most public-private services are effectively a monopoly.
Thanks user. OP, you're less of a shill, but still a faggot - next time post asking for a discussion on public-private partnerships instead of "it's all ogre drumpf is already betraying you are you readyforher yet?"
Competition with the chinese, not regarding them as our mortal enemies like cuckservatives do with Russia because muh ussr
I think the argument is very straightforward and obvious. We already pay more than enough money under already existing taxes to support a robust and modernized highway system. Having those funds redirected, siphoned off, whatever, isn't a legitimate excuse for Taiwanese, or Korean, or Bruneian money to slither in here and slap a toll on our roads.
There is nothing wrong with toll roads so long as the government taxes any possible profits from tolls and reinvests that money into the nation. "Rent-seeking" by allowing private parties to extract wealth without increased production hurts the economy.
The Chinese aren't White. This board doesn't support conflict or confrontation with Russia on explicitly RACIAL grounds. Neo-cons work for the jews so they want White Russians and White Americans to kill each other to open up their nations to Central Asian and Mexican plunder.
Yeah, situation with all those laid off soldiers would be great for him right now.
bridge tolls usually cost $15 per visit
I am not a Hillary fan. I just think it is becoming time to dump Trump. His true colors are coming out now that he is settling into office. He throws us a few bones like slowing down the H1B process or he wants to build a nice big wall, but he still wants to implement cancerous neo-liberal policies that do not work. Ask Greece. They took Germoney and are now owned by the Germans.
Toll roads are rent seeking and we already pay "tolls" called taxes. Gasoline taxes for starters.
September 10th, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announces 2.2 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon. The next day….The Pentagon can handle 100 billion dollars less and still kick the rest of the world's ass.
Not so much the source but the spin OP puts on it: "This means toll roads and higher prices on everything that private money touches. Also, foreign money will be allowed into the country to build this infrastructure. We already pay gasoline taxes to help maintain the roads, our internet services are effective monopolies, but they want more." ← Sorry if OP is sincere but that to me sounds like a Shareblue talking point because I've seen similar messages posted on Reddit.
Nobody wants more taxes but until I can see an article that explains what's wrong with their plans I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon.
It sounds like common sense. We already DO pay more than enough in already existing taxes to fund a highway overhaul.
Right. So maybe stop shilling for them.
Yeah okay Brock, way to #Resist calling him Drumpf, kike shill.
That's a standard ploy of the military. Cut things that generate the most outcry to the public so that the cuts won't go through. They'll target items like cutting soldier's pay but you can be damn sure they will never cut protection payments to Pakistani warlords and diversity programs.
What do you call Britain's rail system? They have a great partnership, socialize the costs and privatize the profits.
I want details but all I get is generalities. When is that plan supposed to be published?
" Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao on Tuesday said the federal government could not assume the entire cost of the rebuilding, and told Fox News' host Sean Hannity that "new and innovative ways" would be used to find funding, with public-private partnerships "a very important part of a new way of financing our roads."
Asked whether imposing new tolls was a possibility, Chao said yes.
"That is certainly one example of how that would work," she said. "Now, I have to say, there are some people that may not support toll roads, but we had to take a look at all of these financing mechanisms because come up once again, the needs of our infrastructure are so great that the federal government cannot and should not be the only source of funding to repair our bridges, our roads, or energy grid. Or to install new aspects of the infrastructure for a new America of the future." "
We're not dumping him just based on words. If he totally fucks us we'll dump him come 2020.
I lived by a major road undergoing repairs once. Watching them work, I realized how much of a scam this all is. They laze about, chat, smoke, and the whole ordeal took months. And I don't blame the workers, when you're so divorced from the product of your labor, and your boss tells you take as long as you want because he's lining his pockets with taxpayer's dime in the meantime, what's the point of working hard?
Somehow the retard who designed this never heard of tanks, tank threads, or half-tracks?
probably providing a instant road to other vehicles that are coming behind it.
As what it have is just some massive caterpillar track if it collects itself on the way back (which it does not seem to do)