Makin' it Rahne

BEST GRIL confirmed as Wolfsbane.

Well, since they've already cast Raven, me gusta.

Bitch is fugly.

Don't tell Holla Forums that or maisieposter will flip his shit.

Wrong board kid.

Reported for board wars faggetry.

Obviously OP is Maisiefag, treating Holla Forums like Holla Forums has gotten too boring and repetitive so he came here to shit up this board with his low effort bait.

Give her a hairdye and some colored contacts, and she'll pass nicely.

Get back to Holla Forums munterfag. We don't take kindly to your types around here.

I just threw up in my mouth

OK not that great, but can easily pass as a much younger teenager which is important for someone in the cast of x-men who are all…

There's exactly that one photo she looks anything other than butt ugly.

Hey Holla Forums

If best gril is playing best gril, that means I only have to buy one waifu box. ECONOMICAL!

Stop talking to yourself OP

I've posted exactly twice in this thread, counting the OP. Three times, counting this post.

Being this obvious

Did I stutter?

Drop dead, faggot.



fucking lol
I'm still lolling

I cant wait for this bitch to become 18 so we can post her nudes every time she is brought up just to show how unattractive she is

oh wait she's 20

Does she transform into a wereguppie?

Nope. Nope nope nope. And she appears to be wearing a cup or something.

Why is her pussy so fluffy? It not a regular cameltoe. You don’t see her bottom lips.

Told you. It's a cup or an extra set of undies or something. That, or a bush the likes of which have not been seen since the 70s. I tried doing the X-ray bit on it and it just showed a dark area.

I don't know who this is, but if Rahne is actually going to be in a movie I'm excited.

Criminally misused character. I swear if they have her vomit up a baby I'll scream.


90's Rahne was cute

Hey Holla Forums

Giving a character a very strict traditional upbringing and then giving them a mutation that basically put their 'get preggers' hormones to superhuman levels was a neat idea. With the trauma she experienced on top of that, she had a wild ride.

Sadly while there were more obstacles thrown at her, they never really took her anywhere. Like a lot of characters in the Marvel-verse the inability to move time forward or actually progress as a person means you just kind of spin your wheels if you aren't directly dealing with drama.

Though I think her biggest problem is being put onto books that start off strong, then fall into nothingness. I actually followed X Factor when it relaunched with her in it when it was a detective firm, but I think at about issue 14 or something it suddenly stopped having predictable releases and the plot split into a dozen or so crazy bullshit things by a tie in.

Last I heard she gave birth to an Asgardian god that blew up satan or something? Can't she just settle down with someone and try to have a normal life?

Hold up, now that I think about it, has there ever been a mutant book focused on mutants trying to lead normal lives but constantly having it interrupted by super power bullshit? Aside from District X, which was awesome, I can't think of one.

Nice. I miss that.

She'd be cute if she wasn't so furry.
Actually, isn't there someone with bio-manipulation powers in the marvel-verse, or is the X-gene some sort of magic that can't be adjusted by something like a competent biomancer?

she was cute because she was so furry.
can't handle girls with sideburns, low test?

this is x-men we're talking about. x-men are made to suffer.

That's like asking why Rogue didn't get a hold of an inhibitor collar years ago and just take it off when she needs to use her powers.

Seems like they cast it perfectly.

Rahne isn't ugly. She just tends to have bad hair.

It just seems like plot-convenience to keep characters from using the obvious solutions.

her nose could use a bit of work, too.

Hey Holla Forums


There was that one kid mutant who's power was to negate all mutant powers around him.

the fuck are you talking about?
that's quality artwork, when quality artwork was sorely lacking in the 90's

I wish quesada could have stayed as an artist

holy shit what is your fucking mental problem?
also point me to one fucking issue that says Rahne is ugly


is this legit?

Holla Forums will shitpost and insult her to oblivion if they actually show her with hairy arms and sideburns

wonder if this is just concept art, or if she'll have that "Transition" form in the movie. (because I find it hard to believe any girl wants to play a role that gives her facial hair) I would assume they'd just do the wolf. But then again, she wouldn't have much screentime in action scenes, so maybe they will.

no way that costume will be used though, right?

On the one hand they seem to be getting bolder regarding X men outfits but probably not. That and in the pic she looks to tall and her body is actually feminine looking

Imagine if they gave her the comic book costume, that shrinks into a collar when she wolfs up?
I always thought that was pretty risque, I mean canonically is her fur really supposed to cover her nipples? And her hoo-ha? And when she's in full-wolf form, every time she raises her tail her teammates must get an eyeful.

Then they fuck that furry ass.

This sentence right fucking here. It perfectly describes the exact sort of bullshit that made most comics just too goddamn goofy for me to get into.

/ca/ pls go

maybe steven universe is more your speed.

So, what kind of stories do you like?


she looks even younger here than game of thrones.
how? is she aging in reverse?


That's why I said I doubt the picture was her. Because she's a munter.

there have been more dramatic body transformations (christian bale comes to mind)

the "gollum" pic makes me think it is her, and somehow she got toned and tight. Shame about her face still looking the same, it seems out of place on the skinnier body.

the role she was born to play

user your shiftkey is broken.

Why would we need to wait anyway?

user, your shiftkey is broken.

Hey Holla Forums

fucking hell

just report him, he'll stop after three years or so