A US intelligence officer has just confirmed that it was NSA staffers, who were fed up with the Clintons, that hacked the DNC.

Other urls found in this thread:


So, not Seth Rich?

I don't think they addressed his involvement.

He had to have done something to royally piss somebody off to get killed the way he did. Like it was a message to others.

Wow. Regardless of the lack of proof, just having someone in those 2 guys positions saying this is true is pretty damning. It is also implied that (((they))) are intentionally leaving Americans open to attack.

Podesta emails have one exchange in which Podesta suggests "sending a strong message to any potential leakers" even though they were not sure who was doing the leaking. The poor guy may have been killed for no reason to scare the rest of the DNC which is fucked up.

That is pretty fucked up.
That's Mexican drug cartel tier brutality.

Not even

Its bolshevik tier brutality

I absolutely love Holla Forums I read it here b4 I see it anywhere else.
News for the new millennia.

No different than anything Hillary and Bill has done in the past. They "remove" anyone in their way. Sending a "strong message" isn't that much of a leap from that. They don't care about anyone. As far as they are concerned, people are expendable pawns.

Ya do know that Holla Forums said this was the case almost a year ago. Holla Forums is always right, except for when it tries to predict the date something will happen/

So wait, were the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation a potential threat to the deep state? I really wonder what the fuck is going on at the top though, it seems like a bunch of snakes competing for the right to suck jew cock

If Holla Forums is always right, but can't predict dates, does that mean dates aren't real?

yes. Time isnt real in the way that most people think about it. Time is a quantum state that can not at this time be adequately described. in other words time itself is a meme

Yes I do know that and I knew all the BS about russians was just that.
I just clicked on CNN and they had the ghost on and were staying with the will we ever figure it out narrative.

I love Holla Forums, but Holla Forums isn't so great when it comes to discussing economics or women.


problem with Holla Forums talking about women is those threads get fucking flooded with shills using mgtow bullshit to derail.


Holla Forums's inability to be right about the markets crashing and shit ties into Holla Forums not being able to predict when something will happen. Also most of those threads devolve into anons having fun. Holla Forums being autistic about a potential happening is mostly anons just having fun.

I-I need to go eat something

Fucked up, yes, but surprising?
No. Not in the least.

Slaying an innocent goyim to serve Jewish interests is well within expected parameters.


Remember there were two DNC leaks. Seth Rich and Guccifer.

Guccifer is NSA defector.

Thank fuck there's someone else on this board who gets it. I have almost lost my mind trying to explain to normalfags that time is an abstraction which doesn't actually exist.

Do you have a link to the email in question?


All you need to know about women is that they need the exact right amount of headpats and bullying or else they will act out.


Seth Rich is the one who revealed the Bernie stuff, not who hacked the emails. Two different incidents, user

lel. What if the NSA hacked the DNC because they got a Foreign Intelligence SecurityA warrant because of all the communications between Hillary and certain Arabs.

> Time is a quantum state that can not at this time be adequately described.


Probably who hillary for america hired to do the hit.


Guccifer 2.0 was bullshit larper for the DNC. Left a paper trail a mile long that might as well have ended with "from russia with love." I'm not sure if he's the one you're talking about but here's some sauce for 2.0 being a dog and pony show.


more likely between Hillary and the Chinese, and the (((Chicom operatives))) in the US. remember, those retired NSA officials are old-school nationalist anti-communist warriors from the 70s and 80s



Kim Dotcom literally did. And everyone else, on Twitter.

I thought the Guccifer leaks were traced to Romania?

i thought an NSA official went on-air and said "we have the information; all the FBI has to do is ask" – does anyone else remember that?

that's plural, the singular is goi/goy

lol. so does goipussy = white wallets?

He said it before Kim Sitcom's drama queen nonsense.

I wanted to find it, but I couldn't… I remember seeing a clip, I think it was on Joe Rogan, wherein they talked about how they can generate a 3D visualization based on audio input alone.

Found this though.

Your timestamps don't indicate that to be the case. Looks like Kim posted ~10 hours before that story dropped.

user, the story is from August, Megaupload man's tweet is from October.

kek is speaking through your keyboard!

there are competing interests at the top. even within the group of globalists there are sub-groups with competing interests.
where the world ends up going is some average of the power-desires at the top,
with the term "power-desire" being as the combination of the end goal of the agenda combined with the power-level of the person pushing the agenda.

I don't want to get too autistic about the phrase here, but the "Holla Forums is always right" phrase isn't what it's supposed to be. It sort of evolved into that over time, but the actual, original phrase for Holla Forums and happenings and predictions was "Holla Forums was right again!" Any oldfags should remember that, kind of strange you don't see that phrase any more, it's essentially been replaced by "we're always right." Not sure when it happened, but it DOES make for a better pun.

…and we also get recycled shit from months ago that someone is trying to see if they can trick us into thinking is "breaking news". You know, like you can see from embed related from Fox News on 02 Aug 2016 (i.e. 7 months ago). Also here:

So now we know that Obama didn't give a fuck and gave out clearance to invade privacy like candy, what can we do to lobby/petition Trump to set things right again? Trump clearly does not believe the Federal Government should have this much power domestically over their own people, do you think he's already aware of this shit?

Its because these things are very easily memory hole'd and we need to be reminded of this shit. Because ((they)) are always trying to make us forget

Historically speaking, nobody cares about the exact dates of events, they're irrelevant outside of technical investigations and analyses, so Holla Forums is always right because we understand the collective (un)conscious better than anyone else.

That and we're now proven right multiple times every day now, so saying we're right "again" is redundant, we're in a continuous state of being proven right.

The point here is that the claims made by the guy in OP's post is the opposite of "new revelations" or "breaking news". This was in the fucking MSM 7 months ago, so let's not circlejerk too hard about being ahead of the bleeding edge for breaking news.

I'm sure that wouldn't result in a very accurate mapping.
MIT has already used regular WiFi to track people through walls and identify them with 90% accuracy two years ago. This is the real kind of the CIA is using. Hacking into an whole building's worth of cell phones and using them to accurately 3D map the entire building and identify everyone inside in real time. It's pretty much like that sonar scene from batman.

ever since Holla Forums became Holla Forums with politics it got alot harder to discuss anything

Holla Forums isn't even Holla Forums anymore and hasn't been Holla Forums since before 2007. anyone who was Holla Forums either went to SA, 9fag, funnyjunk or got arrested for cheese pizza.

Holla Forums has always been /news/ without the bullshit

The director of the NSA met with Trump some ways back so it is possible. I have to wonder also if this information reveal is the CIA/FBI trying to cover their asses.

excuse me
not Holla Forums with politics, but an older Holla Forums with politics
don't act like there isn't a problem with repeating digits and frogs and useless posts; the frog stuff should have its own containment board

Wanna know how I know you're from reddit?


This deserves a lot more attention than it's getting. Pretty huge claim coming from a former Senior Intelligence Officer, Lt Colonel. And the other former intelligence official didn't even bat an eyelash.

Heh, look at the alphabet nigger in the middle grinning at 3:30

Hannity's first redpill: Never trust a Mr. CIA Nigger.


Yup. Fags need to be told to cut that shit out. Giving future concrete dates on speculation usually means they are going to be wrong. It's one thing if an inside source predicts a planned event they are working on for zog, is another thing if they are making general behavior statements in complicated organizations and trading.

Check muh dubs

Folks, rev up those twitter and faceb00k accounts. Let's get this video spreading.

/pol is an eruption of quantum uncertainty manifesting in our universe, but the observer effect still applies. Thus, we may know THAT something is absolutely going to happen, but we cannot know WHEN that thing will happen.

Dubs of truth, or more precisely (((bolshevik))) tier brutality.

You should have taken your own advice, and not try to predict your own gets.

Agreed. This one is very normie friendly like the Lavin interview on Fox. Start spreading this shit.

maybe they thought Seth Rich did it and they had him killed

Sorry but I don't trust this shit. It stinks. I'll wait for more details.

banter gets banned as """d&c"""

I always assumed and knew about this shit but it is still disturbing to see it said this plainly and openly. Bloody hell.

holy shit, how young are you?

Welcome back Mr. CIA Nigger.

I got you

https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/792875315920048128

He even says he doesn't give a shit if it's the right person or not. Out of all the code words, the probably link to Scalia's death, and all of the fucked up shit in the Podesta emails, that is the one that requires no proof to show that at the very least Podesta is a shit person.


it's William Binney:

Bill Binney, the ‘original’ NSA whistleblower, on Snowden, 9/11 and illegal surveillance


" Bill Binney believes that 9/11 was preventable. A month after it happened, he resigned in protest from the US National Security Agency (NSA). Binney was part of an elite NSA team which designed and built an intelligence-gathering system to target and collect data on terrorism threats. He belongs to an intimate group of four whistleblowers, each of whom left the NSA after raising concerns about failures in the agency's intelligence-gathering capabilities. "

It was a deliberate failure, the real government wasn't interested in stopping terrorism because when people live in fear they can be more easily manipulated and controlled.


Wikileaks reveals CIA/NSA uses malware that gives the appearance that foreign governments committed their hacks.

Now claims that NSA hacked the DNC… You now realize Russian Hackers didn't start as a meme, but rather that Dems got trolled by the NSA.

Deep State is Deep.

DHS documents? Huh?

DNC, Kek.

Billy boy plays up that gee golly aww shucks Southern boy from Arkansas persona but don't forget this fucker has a mensa tier IQ. He's a rampant sociopath.

Of course it wasn't a fucking jew. This dumb fucking reddit meme should die. He was just killed in DC because that town is 90% nigger.

D…Did they?



But nice try Mordechai

haha the funny thread



William Binney is great. A true patriot. Everyone who's interested in what tools the NSA is actually using should watch his lecture at DefCon.

There's all sorts of narratives about the source of the DNC leaks. Just keep two things in mind:
1) still no hard evidence of sauce
2) the DNC was hacked with basic phishing. no state actors were necessary.

Sorry, this is his Hope9 lecture. But he gives a lot of talks and interviews. Watch a few for entertainment and education.

Here's another good one where he BTFO's the "russian hacker" bullshit.

You're not even trying anymore you fucking shill

Time is the effect of a field, you cunt. That said, it's effectively not real.

While that's the case, that's not the cause. Holla Forums is heavily monitored so if it predicts something accurately they change the plan knowing it won't work.

Underrated post

Seth Rich was never involved in anything. It was a dis-information tactic. The reason? Idk.

http:// nationalvanguard.org/2016/07/assertion-reassertion-and-victory/