New Hillary
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Who cares? She lost and she'll just die from not eating enough children within 8 years.
Top kek
Women cut their hair whenever they feel emotionally unstable
Bitch clearly isn't drinking enough baby blood these days.
wew indeed
I Think Trump add another 10 years on her face.
lack of fresh blood
Senile grandma is looking senile these days.
I care because it's funny, and it demonstrates that a women who is having an emotional breakdown will alter their hair as it's the only thing they can control
Haha she went for the Muhgyn Kylly look
This. She is stressed the fuck out. Wonder whats going to happen in the not so distant future?
She still has that crosseyed thing going on.
Nah, it's the easiest thing a woman can control with the least effort. Hair is what a woman changes when she's too lazy to make a change of any substance, but wants to feel like she did.
She looks worse than ever. Is it because of her childrens blood withdrawal?
Praise fucking Kek.
Is it weird that these are the most humanizing images I think I've ever seen of Hillary? Assuming she didn't focus-group the decision to cut her hair, it's bizarrely "normal" of her.
How badly have we broken this woman…?
Not badly enough yet.
Of course she did.
Yeah, she still looks sick. Needs to rest and get her affairs in order, not try to embarass herself more in public spectacle.
There's no going back for her. Chomping on fresh fetuses is just about the only way she can prolong her life.
That is clearly a fucking wig.
i couldnt look that crazy if I tried
She's got that heavy medication water bloat face from nerve painkillers like gabapentin or painkilling anti depressants. Hair looks better than the last style tho.
edgy as fuck
anyone have the picture of the nigger with the diazepam pen?
Confirmed member of the JUSTice league 2017
Does she think she looks good? Does she have autism? What's wrong with this thot?
Jesus. She's trying for sex appeal. Holy shit. She's fucking trying for sex appeal after abandoning it entirely for the last 35-40 years. Top fucking kek. Praise you, frog god of chaos. Praise you for the gifts that you shower upon us.
You know she went to a stylist and said "Make me look like Melania and Ivanka". So funny.
thank you user
Actually, I think this theory deserves more attention. She's a evil demon host but nobody has ever accused her of being stupid as-such - doesn't she allegedly have an IQ in the 130s? Could explain her poor hygiene and total inability to relate to human beings.
Has a losing presidential candidate ever been this involved in opposing his/her opponent after an election? WTF is going on?
Yes. Last time resulted in a little curflulfle between industrialists with bank support against agrarian reformers. Blue and grey and all that.
this meme will never get old
It's a woman, of course she's going to be spiteful and vindictive after losing to a man.
I'll check these meta dubs :^)
Dubs confirm.
Likewise the stylist is now nervously laughing and growing particularly depressed all of a sudden.
Fuck it up
but shes white guys shes pure as snow and as innocent as they come. look at that pure white skin. mmm im going to worship her white girl purity
Go "research" more gay porn, commonspic.
im white u fucking faggot
Spics aren't white.
i think i jerked off to your mom then
negro im fucking 100% turkish and iranian. u dont get whiter than me
Do you want to talk about it?
I am rightly pissed she in not in jail for the Clinton foundation
This fam. We need to put her in jail.
Fuck her, David Brock and Soros.
I understand that these things take time, especially when the suspect is as powerful and slick as the Clintons, but if they don't fucking end up in a cell so help me god…
I'm reminded of Megan Kelly… No idea why tho ;^)
the taxidermist didn't get the eyes right 
Someone get the raid, there's an uppity turkroach on the loose.
who wore it better "it" being a human suit
men do it too
or at least I did
I kind of want her to drop dead in an embarrassing way and leave Bill and her daughter holding the bag.
Edgar definitely.
Edgar was at least passable from some angles.
She's still beautiful
A pants shitting seizure death at a public speaking event would be epic af fam.
Fucking bitch supported human organ traffickers because Soros told her so (coal and rare metal deposits in Kosovo)
Remember that!
No, she looks like my mom
Just a reminder to everyone on Holla Forums
Be proud of yourself.
You stopped this corrupt monster and her 1WORLD GOVERNMENT in her tracks.
You should be damn proud of yourself.
We still need to lock her up, but I'm damn proud of you all. We might argue, sometimes go for eachoether's throat but in the end we do the right thing
The arguing is the best part imo fam.
Real friends are the people that will call you out when you're wrong, or just being a faggot.
How does it feel to be a Middle-Eastern sort of Mestizo? Does it hurt to breath?
It's still not over yet.
You know what guys, when this is all over, when we finish saving the world, I'm going to throw every single computer I own away, I'm going to move into the fucking woods and never touch another piece of electronics for at least 30 years.
It hasn't even started.
Whenever there are lulls in our winning I just feel so tired. We need some more winning stat.
She is planting the seeds of craziness to escape justice.
We still have shit to get done. But in the end, you know that what you did was tremendous.
i love you guys
I've never really thought of it like that.
It was just something that had to be done.
We are the ushers of a new era. We do what is right for the people. Even in a broader sense. Someday other races will understand
I didn't do shit. I doubt my colourful shitposting here did effect much.
Spoiler that shit you fucking faggot some of us are eating here.
In all likelihood, you hold A LOT more power than you think you do.
It hasn't even really begun.
Me too. But what we did is we changed the course of history.
Centuries from now, people will say, look at what those guys did! They saved the human race
I feel at home in this timeline.
How many more desperate abducted virgin blood transfers do you think she can absorb before she finally turns to soup?
It is never good to get power drunk but it is always good to take a moment to sit back and look at what you achieved. From now we are growing stronger.
If that was the case, they would not spam pol as heavily as they did
Kek just confirmed my message to all of you. Never sell yourself short. What you did was epic
Is… Is she really banking on a 2020 run?
This. Where's the hairline? I wonder if her real hair is even worse.
This is some really good material for nofapfags. If you get the urge, just look at these.
yup. that's what she's doing. She's decided to go for a soft rebrand so that she can set up a run and potentially a soft coup to go with the soft reboot.
Well, she sure makes me soft.
Should've gone under the knife.
When Jones calls them energy sucking vampires, he's speaking metaphorically, but then again they do probably drink child blood.
seig kek
user, you better sit down for this.
Oh okay let me pull up a chair I've been standing up this whole time :^)
Jokes aside, when normalfags hear him say that on Rogan's podcast, they'll probably just think "OMG LOL ALEX JONES IS CRAZY XD ALL CONSPIRTARDS MUST BE DUMB" and not consider that he could be speaking metaphorically. I wouldn't expect them to believe that elites drink child blood, because it's hard for a normalfag to fathom someone being that evil
Trips confirm Shillary is bald and wearing a wig
he covered this with eddie bravo,
ever see the movie vile? where people have to torture each other t extract the chemicals from their brains to make designer drugs?
well that's almost what they do, they torture and rape them for days on end then lift them up feed them clothe them again tell them mommy is coming then torture and rape them again until their blood is full of adrenaline dopamine enzymes etc then kill them and drink the blood.
ever hear about cultures that think the more pain an animal goes through the tastier it is? well….
A lot of them get away with it simply because they're so over-the-top evil bond villain that normalfags just dismiss the accusations instantly because they sound too far fetched.
The sick, sick, sick witch had a crash, just like that CNN bitch.
Man good thing she will be dead before 2020, she doesn't have long left.
It's a flashlight. He shines it into areas where the lighting's low because she's an old lady with vision and balance problems.
It was good propaganda during the election, but it's not something you need to believe anymore.
she's looking even worse than when she conceded
If you didn't get outside and vote (for Trump) and all you did was shitpost, you have no fucking right to stake to our victory. If you failed to vote, you are just as bad as Shillary for riding others' coattails to the finish line. If this is the case, you probably know what to do; kys
Is nobody going to check this?
Holy fuck, dude.
Should I still workout? If I go to sleep I'm never going to wake up.
Just speculation, but maybe a wig due to brain surgery?
than why are you still shilling this shit?
You know it's significant when (((snopes))) writes it off as "unproven"
Why are you?
I guess the truth doesn't really matter here.
fuck off we had at least 50 threads where we went through the different images the nogs identity (a special secret service officer fmr DR) the side effects almost all of which hillary had plus the only people saying it was flashlight was ctr snopes and hillary (your in good company)
Fuck she looks absolutely sickly.
Who wants to bet that she'll be dead within the next 3 years?
Yeah, okay.
Did you though?
this is your argument? how much do they pay you these days? I would fire your ass
No, but check these dubs.
How did you know she fucked up your ballot?
I vaguely recall a /newsplus/ headline during the election season that said some doc said she has
That's totally a wig, my grandmother has one just like it.
How come you get to check your own dubs and not get screamed at, but then last week I saw plenty of guys checking their own dubs and trips that went unchecked, were screeched at autistically?
Kek was agreeing with them about shitskins and how autistic beaner children don't belong here, so I' assuming the negative reactions were from shitskins getting angered they blindly try to worship kek as they do with Christianity yet don't understand adopting another god from another culture will not lead to said God acknowledging you in the slightest. For me, when I see non-whites praising Jesus and God and such, it's just ironic on so many levels when God made it pretty clear they're all going to die die anyway.
Kek is a humble servert of our big man up stairs, the Pepe to God's Wojack if you will. Perhaps Pepe is the third part of the triforce being the physical/memetical representation of God's power via KEK. Also side now you talk kinda gay, with the what you did was epic shit, really gay and you talk too much without actually replying to anyone, like you're talking to yourself.
You're not one of those beaner kids are you?
This place got shilled so hard that possibly flawed as it is it was the only information place where Rostchild resources couldn't reach.
Using supply and demand logic means this place has a huge strategical importance.
Don't fall for the old "Napoleon utterly alone and without an army almost conquered the whole europe russia included".
God damn she looks fucking retarded, even younger Birb bitch looks like someone fucked her skull with a ball peen hammer till she started screaming MuhUhubGggUHH!! and just sharted everywhere.
Quite frankly, she looks like a massive kike, she has that fucked up head shape that reminds me of a rotting potato spud on top of that overblown forehead, fucked up overbite, kike nose, fucked up receding hairline, eating children, participating in blood libel, etc.
She's a disgusting individual inside and out, and I can only imagine what horrors Bill went through that made him try to escape his fat by fucking random kike whores in the white house instead of being forced to do whatever disgusting pedo shit I'm sure she threatened bill with. But alas, he is not innocent either, but I'm sure he regrets ever meeting this stupid yuppie kike bitch, that's for sure, on top of Birb's lack of personal/vaginal hygiene.
Sauce dude…
interesting fact, both hillary and bill clinton's parents were major crime bosses and they both worked for the CIA
Holla Forums isn't one person, user. The fact that we have a consensus on anything is miraculous in itself.
I am become Kek, the destroyer of girls
She looks even worse than before, like she's somehow aged 10 years in the course of a month. How the fuck is this hag aging so goddamn quickly?
Also tangentially related to this thread:
Someone recently set up a recreation of one of the presidential debates with the twist being that Trump was played by a woman and Hillary was played by a man.
Apparently the cognitive dissonance of watching a woman speaking Trump's lines and making tons of sense now that the lines weren't coming from a 'straight white male' and of watching a man speaking Hillary's lines and sounding like a complete douche were so bad that people broke down into tears.
Not sure if this got posted as an OP yet. Not posting from my rig so can't webm it either. Full vid already got shoah'd.
Anyone have the one about how women change their hair after emotional trauma?
Why is this old bag of shit still twatting? She's completely irrelevant.
I don't have this one, would like to add it to my redpill folder though. Seconding the request.
This needs to become viral in the normiesphere, holy shit
Jeez… imagine that thing sucking your dick. Or on it.
She's certainly got the official haircut
She is definitely not going to survive the first term.
bill hicks is one of the most over the top actors I've seen
A lot of the kikes are starting to age really badly all of a sudden. The prevailing theory is that they are losing access to fresh victims.
plus the sheer stress of the goyim knowing
Why would I?
Well isn't that somethin'. Wew.
I can't say I expected this.
I never understood why people thought anything would ever happen to her, her husband was president she is ABOVE the law
Fucking lol.
I think it's more that he's coordinating things. The second one of them gets arrested the others will try to leave the country. By appearing to back off a little he's lulling them into a false sense of security. It's the calm before the storm
She looks like my aunt that left me at the state hospital and move to another town, ditching me
Exactly, he WAS.
And not, she isn't.
She would be safe if Obongo or another ZOG puppet was still in charge, but thankfully, this isn't the case in current year+2
Wow. She actually posted these herself thinking she looks good? On absolutely nothing but physicality alone it looks like shit. Add on about the 10 trillion evil things she's done and it really does indeed look like she is going to die before the end of Trump's first term. I'm giving it 2 years, tops.
Praise Kek.
hahhaha isn't that the picture she tried to get her goons to scrub from the internet? god she looks haggard
Yes, full pic here with exploitable, just for fun.
she looks like one of those insane old cat ladys you see rambling to themselves on the streets of major citys
Has here spirit cooking invitation been revoked? Was that the penance she owed to Lynn Rothschild?
back then she was pretty fucking hot
i would've fucked her, tbh
Holy crap it's the Angela Merkel haircut.
Woefully underchecked dubs.
And she like this
And, of course, the curse we've been putting on them 25/7 for the past 2 years.
Thanks user, your post made me laugh hysterically and scared the shit out of my cat. I needed that.
Googled it and found this:
So liberals tried to make Trump supporters look sexist but they ended up realizing that they were sexist. This deserves its own thread
Any other autists scrutinizing the picture backgrounds for clues?
the memes are getting too strong
There's no such thing.
this is true, please forgive my heresy kek
All these kike elites are what are known as Liches, their spirit has been bound to a mortal body through dark magic. The body, being only a mortal vessel, requires separate rituals to keep alive i.e. drinking the blood of children. Now that some of the pedo rings where the blood is acquired are getting shut down, a lot of the liches are going to start looking even more like zombies and most likely going to start dying one by one.
as fun and larpy as it is to talk about /x/ tier stuff, they don't actually benefit from drinking children's blood do they? I wouldn't say it's out of the question that they follow occult rituals, and maybe actually believe in it, but that these rituals and performance arts actually do make someone healthier or keeps them alive just sounds ridiculous
I always thought of the occultism and EWS stuff just to be another tool of control and psychological manipulation of their own people
It's real. All of it, motherfucker.
Schizoid personalities go hand in hand with being one of (((them))).
Studies have shown that pumping the blood of young animals into old animals makes the old ones appear young again and live longer while pumping old blood into young animals makes them appear old and die quicker.
our bloodlust for the blood of the wicked being brought to justice must only be a tiny fraction of the emotion felt by these demons thirsting for the blood of the innocent.
i believe trump is the antenna, receiving and amplifying the desires from millions of anonymous autists, and channeling it into the machine of washington, turning the gears and levers of oppression into the mechanism of justice. praise kek.
spoiler that shit, I see that face in my nightmares
same with neurotic behaviour, I could see that their perception of a lack of child blood being bad could be made manifest subconciously. essentially a psychological addiction with psychotic undercurrents. the mind can have a powerful effect on the body
and now I will never donate blood ever gain, jesus christ. I hope none of my blood went to one of these cunts i have o negative though so it probably did
lad the worst part about the occult is it doesnt matter if its real or not
they only have to believe its real to do the horrible things they do
you can't into catalog?
The above is a setup for a long con where she runs again adhn says 'see! It's just a flashlight!'
this game is not complete without (1) a deck of cards with graphic child mutilations to increase your (((power level))); and (2) a deck of the clinton kill list (which is about 52 confirmed)
Is that an ayy lmao in black face?
yeah but then you look like this
that creature is older than it claims lad
bill gates does alot of blood stuff
I wish, very much, to make it clear that this is true only when you add the word "short" to it.
Women cut their hair short when they feel emotionally unstable. Women cutting their hair is normal, women cutting half of their hair off is not.
Unless she's very specifically targeting women who have no reason to keep looking good, she has not focus-grouped this. Women, as a group, are INCREDIBLY judgmental about appearances. Ever noticed how fat women (usually) have excellent hair? It's because it's the only part of their appearance they have any real control over, so they obsess over it. Unless her focus group hates the shit out of her or is staffed exclusively by straight men/insane dykes/people who just don't know shit about hair, this was her own decision.
Do you need a hug user?
I don't know what you two are talking about, but there is a book called "Rapunzel's Daughters" that I was forced to read in a feminism class that IIRC contains a statement to this effect, although it's phrased in a much kinder way. (Probably something like "Women change their hair for many reasons, including X, Y, and during periods of emotional transformation.")
that guy in the background tho
forgot link
it is frighteningly so
It's been far too long
mien gott
average Holla Forumsitician
It's totally normal user, just get in shape, look OK, and go find someone.
This one dissapeared fast, never really got the attention it should have. Could use a few 10sec clips pulled out.
Yes, this should have another thread.
Feels bad man.
Mind you that I consider an embrace intimate contact, to say nothing about hand-holding or intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
I want to believe that we'll all make it Uncle Addie, but I guess I'm just getting jaded.
dubs confirm
remember we will all make it, you get out what you put in
She despises it the most because it's a photo of a time the demon that is Hillary lost control of the host corpse revealing the immature nature of a stolen life. It reminds her that she's not really all powerful and there's little a demon hates more.
You're both saying the same thing essentially.
That's such a weird phenomenon, it's even shows up in my mongolian cave paintings, so it seems to be common amongst women.
I can die happy now tbh.
1488% worth it.
it's like you don't even try fam.
It never ends. You'll miss it.
I don't feel alive anymore unless I'm being shot at tbh.
We're pretty big guys
I'm surprised you'd get Hitler dubs on a post like that fam; from my understanding he hated lewd jokes.
Then again nobody disagrees with you on that either.
i've said it before.
The white man would find a way to synthesize these chemicals without resorting to bloodshed. The kike is just lazy and cares nothing for anyone but themselves.
Yeah, nah. Even the euro-anons helped in this election. It was full blown autism, and as the man who doxed the first would-be assassin of our Godking, that faggot Thomas Dimassimo I will blatantly namefag to tell you to show some fucking respect.
dubs confirm you do 88 sets of 88 reps fam.
Do I really need to explain Dale Carnegie "How To Win Friends and Influence People" to you user? He's essentially jerking us off and it feels good fam. Why yell at the person jerking you off?
All humans are creatures of feels. Feels are all that matters, feels overrides even logics though we recognize the need for more logics to get more feels we cannot override our primal need for feels.
Everyone wants to feel important because everyone knows they are worthless.
well you were 35 at the time, kek.
seriously though she sounds like a cunt
Her spirit has been dashed upon the rocks and utterly shattered. There's no way that she'll recover from the savage schlonging that Trump gave her throughout this election
We're all gonna make it, Anons.
And you didn't tell Holla Forums? The fuck is wrong with you?
They truly look suicidal.
It's on Drudge, we made it fam
I told you faggots many times.
There's just been a lot of happenings going on.
Still a long long way to go until everything is fixed and unfucked. Feels tiring man.
May as well tell it again.
No need to go into excessive detail, a tl;dr bullet point list will suffice
Naw, its what I call old ww1/2 feldbluse's, don't know why though.
That's about it.
Also the CIA is probably coming to finish the job because I doxed a few of their agents, but fuck it at this point tbh. My brain is so fucked up I can't even get out of the bed somedays. 10,000% autism fam.
>"Women know how much men love their hair, and so when they cut it all off they are effectively cutting men off, from their beauty, from their attractiveness to them, to their love. It's a clear gesture of defiance, or dissatisfaction, or despair, a spiteful kind of emotional kick in the balls."
Joke's on these broads, I've always found short and tidy haircuts attractive.
Go get the Masterrace Sword and defeat them (((Kings of Thieves)))
That's fucked user, hope your autism recovers.
Short hair only works on girls with cute faces. In a way, it's the best way to determine if a girl is worth having children with.
Short hair is like no makeup, find the grills that can pull it off and still be cute and attractive.
You know what's unsettling about that picture. There actually is the Keck school of medicine at USC.
The sooner she dies, the sooner we get a new argument that simultaneously vindicates ourselves for getting Trump elected AND triggers shitlibs
Reminder this bitch could have been President right now
Just knowing she isn't in Hell right at this very moment galls me.
I can only imagine what bill must be going through right now.
No one ever said that doing the right thing was easy.
She looks like a 6 year-old boy.
Black people are all dieing of aids.
You should never see white of the eyes above the iris of a normal human being. Even when she's knitting sweaters Hillary continues to be a massive psychopath.
I'll never forget election night
It's certainly such a simple little thing to do, but yields such amazing results. Switch the genders of the candidates. I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. Further reinforces my belief that women should not be allowed in politics in any sense because they have an inherent value that men don't (childbirth) which easily spirals out of control into absolutely insane levels of pussy-pass bullshit.
Nice, gonna go check that thread out.
This is an interesting phenomenon. Why do women cut their hair short when they are emotionally traumatized? And what to a woman is an emotional trauma? One thing I know about the female brain is that they constantly rationalize in order to make sense of the world or their actions in it - that is they lie to themselves constantly. Next is that I think an emotional trauma to a woman is any time at which she feels she is no longer desirable or no longer has the sexual marketplace value that she thought she had. When this realization begins to make itself slightly known in the mind of said female, instead of face it head on and realize she is in decline, she will chop her hair short in order to lie to herself and say that the reason she was traumatized (rejected) was because she was too strong, too good, and her new haircut reflects this.
So in another sense, women reject their femininity in order to preserve their ego when they are placed in a position of rejection.
Now the question that brings up is this: are women today all acting like bitch dykes because they aren't pursued by men as much as they should be?
Although certainly a valid reason, this is not even a majority of the emotional trauma that women experience. After all, Hillary is emotionally traumatized because she was rejected from a leadership position by the entire nation based on her corruption; she is not emotionally traumatized because she was rejected by her husband (otherwise, she would have looked like this two decades ago.)
It's part of a positive feedback loop which might be initiated by any number of things. It's more accurate to say that a lack of male attention enables women acting like bitch dykes (why would you care about improving your almost-zero chances of finding a man to almost-zero?), which is spurred on by other factors.
It was pure, unadulterated joy. I stayed up until like 2:30 in the morning that night, reveling in the fantastic achievement we had accomplished.
Put his face on her body, user.
Good point about her being traumatized by losing the presidency to Trump and not from the things Bill has done.
So maybe she placed all of her value on her political power, and once that was gone, she became traumatized.
Or maybe it's just the Trump effect. I'm trying to find the biological realities here. Trump is basically the alpha male of the country right now, and by beating Clinton he basically put her in her place.
But honestly whatever. The real takeaway which we all know is that women are unstable emotional wrecks and don't need to be anywhere near politics.
Varium et mutabile semper Femina.
On top of wearing a wig, she's trying to be sexy? I don't know whether to laugh or be sick. Here's hoping she goes even further in her quest to be sexy.
Watching in real-time as the enthusiasm of the Clinton crowd morphed into terror and weeping was probably the high point of my 2016.
Maybe that's what she could afford to eat?
a young latina's love tunnel
This is spot on. The inherent nature of women is that of insecurity and neurosis, stemming from the biological fact that they are physically weaker than men and nothing they do will ever change that.
A perfect example of this is some bullshit thinkpiece I've seen circulating on goybook recently:
As well as when Hillary's infamous Weekend at Bernie's 9/11 spectacular was used as an example of "strength" by leftycunts because she was so sickly a mundane task was incredibly laborious and difficult for her but she did it anyway.
Similar to the /fit/ analogy of men wanting to climb the mountaintop while women want where they are to be declared the mountaintop, women are so constantly self doubting and socially centered they will save face at all costs to the point they will try to rationalize weakness as strength and failure as victory rather than admit they are the submissive sex.
Tl;dr- The female mind is a giant inferiority complex.
I forgot to emphasize that article was the most
thing I've ever fucking read.
Good things come to those who wait, and trust in Kek, our lord.
There's also a Keck Observatory that's over 9000 ft above sea level
I spent last weekend watching "The People vs. O.J. Simpson" on Netflix, and there's a whole subplot about this very thing. It goes on for like three episodes, and she (the prosecutor lady) gets very triggered whenever someone mentions her hair.
Guys, what if Trump isn't appointing a special prosecuter for Hillary because he she'll die soon?
You son of a bitch… I was drinking coffee!
I was ready for you.
You don't get me twice with your spicy memes.
Anyway typical cunt thinking a fucking haircut = a comeback.
When she was younger, she actually looked decent…
Moloch worship truly does destroy you
And what does this tell us about Urkel's health?
Meme it, fam! I already have the Saddam deck and will pay generously for a Killary deck
I meant if you are American.
Vile twat.
Blyat, we must push her to Check'em
I member.
stay safe and I hope you get well, user
It was a magical night.
Me either although I fucked up and kept watching fox news when I should have watched msnbc or some of the others and watched them go into total meltdown panic mode.
"Post-Trump Cuts" became a very real thing. I witnessed a co-worker do it. She butchered off half her own hair to try and give herself a punky side-shave sorta thing. She's been wearing her "pussy hat" more and putting all those stupid "resist" logos on her stuff.
This is how lefties deal with emotional trauma. They make themselves hideous and then they play pretend that they are righteous rebels.
It was amazing.
It took a couple weeks for it to stop feeling surreal.
You are very wrong- it's definitely true that when women become unstable emotional wrecks, it's very visible. However, there are women who appear to be doing good work in political fields - Marine Le Pen being the best example currently.
if you think of everything in terms of breeding, you are going to have a very hard time wrapping your head around anything worthwhile. Not everything is best explained biologically; Clinton's actions are best explained by a crazy thirst for power and inability to empathize with those below her on her perceived chain of command. Although she has a vagina, and although certain instances of her behavior are explained by that, it's not the driving force behind her. After all, if you reduce Clinton to "just another woman," then why doesn't every other woman go suck banker cock to try to become president?
if y'all'd've done some research on hillary you'd know she and her husband are both deeply fucked up people. The podestas too. It's practically weaponized trauma. The psycho look is real.
This is not ideal and only because no one else wants to answer the call. In the end, women shouldn't be in politics. I don't see how highlighting a case that is the minority somehow disproves what is a common and visible trend.
Wew lad
Yes, you are right. When Trump won, we were as excited as you were. It means as much to us as it does to you Americans.
Hope you get well soon!
We've broken her completely. She looks utterly insane.
try being a social autist from birth, it was just exasperated upon red pilling.
That looks like a wig.
More like a 2020 crawl
Forum avatar version.
So happy that she is not the president, every time I see her it reminds me of that.. but I think we know she is planning something, this is all opinion engineering, they are creating some kind of emotional attachment to her without actually having any important policy.
She got triggered so badly, her hair fell out.
Oh? You're married, as well?
You guys are badass
Proud of you all
And damn proud to be part of this
Last time I had sex was on New Years Day, 2014. Thanks to this, I can count down to the day the last time that I had sex. Three years, three months and twelve days.
I will never get you people. Saying you feel feels just shits on the face for those who never got it in the first place.
Speaking of which last time you posted you were on the brink of homelessness from your head injury and medical bills, what happened? You still facing the same situation?
We ruined her beyond repair, haven't we?
looks like she pulled that wig from the discount rack, I guess that means those Clinton foundation shekels are drying up,
No, she looks like >>9457925's mom
No, she looks like 's mom
disregard pls
Your mom is an uggo
It's a wig. She is wearing it because she has a brain tumour, and is going through chemo.
Weakness, loss of sensation or numbness:
This is a sign of pressure on (or damage to) a specific part of the brain and can also be manifested through walking unsteadily or lack of coordination (ataxia) or muscle weakness on one side of the body (hemiparesis).
A seizure is abnormal electrical impulses in the brain, causing sudden involuntary changes in movement or function, sensation, awareness, or behaviour. A first time seizure in an adult is often investigated.
not cancer but kuru, parkinsons and brain damage from the plane crash in iran.
Blah blah blah is she suffering in excruciating pain and frequently aspirating her own drool or not? I want some sweet schadenfreude.
That image….glorious, brother.