So I've come to realize something over the past few days. SJW's are communists under another name...

So I've come to realize something over the past few days. SJW's are communists under another name, and will act just as communists did in their heyday. We are what they called counter revolutionaries, if they win, and we lose, every single one of us is going to be rounded up and executed on the spot. Has this thought ever crossed anyone else's mind? I have severe doubts that we will be able to win in ALL countries, one country will completely succumb to SJW influence. This means that many of the people you are talking to now, will be executed a few decades from now. Isn't that a scary thought? You know, on some level I always thought this was a game. We are just memesters, shitposting and trolling leftists with memes and minor pranks. It's much more serious than that, this is a battle for life and death. We are first on the chopping block, along with TRS, and 4/pol/.

What do you predict will happen to us over the course of the next twenty years? Unfortunately, I am not feeling all too optimistic. Leftists have an almost complete stranglehold on how it is young people think. Must people below 18 are leftist or SJW in some sense. The generation Z meme is just that, a meme. It won't take much effort to convince people that executing "Nazis" extra-judicially is no different from what is now socially acceptable, punching a "Nazi".

It's time to kick it into overdrive.Our lives truly depend on it.



Do you really think they will allow those two to remain unmolested? You can cry and whine about how they don't exactly match up with your beliefs, but in the end, they are still against SJW's and white genocide which means… death.

What you mean Pewdiepie?

What took you so long? Listen to vid related.

SJW's always seemed too comical for me to take them seriously, I never imagined they'd be able to gang up and execute people.

No, you do not understand. Kill yourself, retarded blog posting.

Hitler wins this time, user. The hundred-million who gave their lives under the commissars did not die in vain. They warn us to take the enemy seriously, always.

In 1920, nobody could properly criticize the Bolsheviks. Socialism hadn't really been tried, and collectivism at all levels of society was a fairly new concept. People who should have been mobilized to fight were not alert to the danger until the first huge famine killed tens of millions, and even then it was blamed on those darn wreckers and capitalists.

We know better now, and we have the "benefit" of huge mass graves to testify to the evils of communism. We will conquer the kikes' favorite ideology because it has literally never not led to unimaginable horrors.

My prediction for current century is that, by the end of it, Hitler will be remembered as a great champion who was way ahead of his time, while communist/anarchist/faggotist ideology is as underground and shameful as the yids have made National Socialism.

Better days ahead, fam. We will see glory, and the world our children populate will be truly theirs, as will all of the other worlds they colonize.

Speak for yourself goy

Because you are a faggot. We've known that they are agents of an inhuman ideology since day one. They aren't the ones to take up arms, but they are paving the way. And call them what they are: Cultural Marxists. They are spreading Marxism.

No shit. What do you think would have happened if Hillary had won? Do you think she would have forgiven and forgotten the frog that stuck in her throat?

Nigga I'm ready for a civil war right fucking now.
I would kill people. Do you understand? I'm not afraid to die anymore!

Some stuff to drive the point home for OP. This is nothing new.

Anyone have that screencap of some user posting a slowpoke three years after a retarded post like this one?


Hey, doesn't anyone here not like blacks? And what's the deal with evil people with big noses?


You conveniently leave out all the pictures of thuggish looking cholos and niggers. And it doesn't even matter if they are intimidating, so long as a few generations grow up under leftist indoctrination, then even "normal" people will fall in line with this stuff.

No. A death with head held high is better than watching your people suicide quietly.
Hell, the only reason I haven't killed myself is out of spite. The kikes aint gonna beat me down.

thanks user

Jesus Christ man! We may be in a bitter death match with the entire existence of our race on the line against an implacable and nearly all powerful foe that would rejoice at our utter and complete annihilation, but that's no reason to commit suicide!

Srsly though, SJW vermin are not as massive a threat as they want to seem. If somehow they managed to take power, yeah. It would be a bloodbath. Chaotic, disorganized, inefficient, but it would certainly suck.

But they lack discipline and leadership. It's the Jews and the normies that frighten me.

I believe that we will win but I am still worried about a determined resistance funded by Israel & billionaires and staffed by the die hard useful idiots.