==NEW ZYKLON BEN CARTOON== GET IN HERE FUCKERS 757575757575757575757575 757575757575757575757575
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damn i fucked up the red text
Yesss goyim give more money to the heebs, and pay no mind to the USS Liberty.
They can have an opinion.
It's just a bad opinion.
But if they impede on the criticism through thought police then they need to be "shaken up a little" with some "fresh air".
No, they are traitors. They support an enemy of the United States. By advocating for it they are aiding it, and thus committing treason.
When you aid Israel, eg by advocating on its behalf, you're committing treason against the United States.
Where's the original with the kike professor and "fascists" instead of "israel supporters"?
Hence the fresh air
Zyklon B has been going rapid fire with these recently.
Fuck off cuckchanner, redtext seems to be a good way to make newfags easy to spot
You seriously expect him to go full fash? "Zyclon" Ben's got a wife and family to feed. He'll reveal his true power level when it's time.
What's up with all of the fucking shilling lately? More like Ben Goyrrison, amirite?
He's always been a retarded lolberg, supporting Trump doesn't mean he's changed.
No, I expect him to not fucking support Israel. If he can't condemn it openly then just don't talk about it.
You just had to mention the kikes didn't you, you fucking cocksucker.
reminder that Britain isn't set to leave the EU for another two years
Why do all the worst posts use TRSodomite lingo?
You can, if there is a fire.
Oh man those poor powerless israel supporters get bullied and oppressed so much :_:
i never understood why people would always try and start the fire AFTER, yelling fire…
Despite the fact that i love Ben Garrison, i only hope that nobody here will seriously support that Sodom-Egypt which is Israel.
Someone needs to debate him on the fact how much they want to expand into "promised land" to create greater israel and how much they control porn industry, and love it to the point when they show on television of their enemies pornography, and see freedom in it. Israel needed to be containment of the jews, not a country that dictates everyone what to do.
I forgot to start the text on a new line and it threw off the red text. Far from a newfag but I'm glad you think you know so much and can spot a newfag through a simple mistake. You're the same type of person to blindly call another user a shill.
Nobody here would support Israel unless theyre alt-kike shills, actual paid shills, or non-redpilled anons
But i am talking about Ben Garrison. Outside of all the memes the guy is completely blue pilled on the jewish question.
Someone made edits. Where's the original?
Just go already.
Where is the original? This was obviously made by the fake Ben
All I could find was this low res version.
Come on, Benny, you could've done better than that.
You had one job, faggot.
As I have said many times, "Ben Garrison" is controlled opposition.
His inclusion of support of "based Israel" in the list of right-wing beliefs is a perfect example of pushing a poison pill hidden amongst 99% truth.
Fuck this TRS shill.
That was not an accident, see
He isn't "controlled opposition", just a moron.
He is working for the same cohort as Daily Stormer, TRS, Milo, Renegade etc.
It's doubtful indeed that "Ben Garrison" is even a real person.
If you examine his statements, affiliations and work over the past couple of years it becomes pretty obvious, but I won't push the point anyway further, too many shill defenders and fanboys who can't see past "based Ben" meme.
Same goes for "Sam Hyde", Weed etc, they are tasked with subversion.
I could have sworn I saw the original mention holocaust deniers, I guess some joker changed it to "climate change" :^)
Real Ben Garrison is libertarian, and sees a danger in national socialism, as in authoritarian government. Probably also have few jewish friends. His blue pill on israel must be fixed sooner or later, i can't imagine Ben loving the other almost nationalist authoritarian government as long as its jewish.
The hypocrisy of a jew is a key to really redpill him.
Sam Hyde openly came out as nationalist, you can end this, shill.
He's a lolberg retard we've been trolling since /new/.
user Zyklon Ben isn't a liberal
There's a reason everybody calls it lolbergtardianism
I actually meant to change it, but forgot. It should indeed be "Holocaust Deniers".
You've got some nerve coming here yid, Hes a friend of my parents.
Here's the original
Come on /pol you are becoming lazy
Yeah, there is an actual piece of Garrison work in my parents place he gave em one Christmas. Maybe I'll go visit the old fart the next time I'm back home provided I can find the chunk of land he bought.
Even Ben Garrison laughs at Jews for turning libtards against them. You to admit it's funny.
I don't think "leftists are the real nuhtzees" cuckoldry is funny at all.
I also think there should be a distinction between those who hate Israel because it is full of jews and those who hate Israel because they love poor muslimes who dindu nuffin.
the whole right panel could've been a lot better.
It's fine as is. Ben knows how to handle these things better than you.
Thanks user. His last two have been difficult to locate due to our One Man Klan going innawoods for days at a time. My gut is telling me he's planning something big. Best start getting prepared, lads. You'll know it's too late when the originals start becoming as scarce as the zyklon ol' Benny is hoarding. Just be ready, that's all I'm saying on the matter.
Ben Garrison isn't exactly controlled opposition, i'd wager he is closer to a (former) True Liberatarian trying to figure out why all the internet people are so angry at everything with him starting to get angry in the process aswell but seeing natsoc or fascism as dangerous by default.
His "misterious" internet persecution started because he accidentally mentioned all the top jews in his rambling on the federal reserve. Likely asides from federal reserve cycle-sustaining jews he doesn't care about jewish question.
Explains why he has no problems in naming soros, ben bernanke and yeltsin but cringes in naming jew in general.
It's that simple.
Gas yourself
Oh look one those retards that appears in every iran or shia thread with their d&c.
Tell me one of the lefts anti Israel arguments you disagree with? Think carefully Yid.
This isn't halfchan and we actually have an ideology that happens to be consistent with most of the lefts arguments on Israel.
Head needs to be set a tad lower, user.
good work friendo
left head should have been facing the statue though…
If the head is facing to the right it looks like he's addressing the reader.
Either one could work but I actually like the right-facing head better.
That's the biggest problem with trying to redpill people through economics, you can get them fully on board with how and why the jewish system is ruining their country and that it should be replaced, but the second you explicitly clarify that it's jews doing this because they're jews, you run into their cultural programming and they cry about the holocaust.
Anyone got that picture of hitler putting on a cape with the caption
Is that book worth reading?
Goddamn it. It's the statue of liberty all over again.
Get your act together Ben.
What a horrific edit! I hope Benny doesnt find out people have been tampering with his work.
To give the children a head start.
It's what you call 'insurance', user. If anyone tries to call you a bigot, just remind them of the six trillion and report them to the ADL for triggering second-hand memories of when great-grandpa Moishe accidentally bumped into a German man outside a coffee shop in New York.
Now wait one fucking second
Are you telling me that leftists hate Isreal as much as we do? Why the fuck aren't we using this? Leftists and rightists should be teaming up against Israel. We already have the Fed hatred in common. We should really be using this.
They only recently started 'hating' Israel, as far as I can tell. Apparently it took them decades to realize that Israel is a self-interested, closed borders haven for Jews that would rather slaughter their neighbors by the hundreds and pass of blame to others than admit that they're doing anything wrong.
(((Ben Garrison)))
I hate to burst your bubble
The snowflake should have really been a six-pointed star. Missed opportunity.
I support Israel. Let's get every Jew to go home to the promised land.
Then we can enclose it in a giant steel cube
Replace israel with any country and jew with whatever race belongs in that country and you have any traditional nationalist country. Yes I understand the jew manipulates the conversation so that it becomes whats good for us is not good for you goyim. However to pretend like we are not trying to play the same game is retarded.
This post was also partially me coming to terms with the fact that zyklon ben is not truly red pilled yet
Ben is right again. Anti-Semitism on campuses is on the rise:
"Kolin is among the high number of students experiencing hostile behavior and backlash on their campuses for being Jewish. A 2014 study by Trinity College found that over half of Jewish college students have experienced anti-Semitism on their campus."
Snowflakes don't have 8 spokes, they have 6, like the Star of David on the Israeli flag.
It all makes sense now. I think.
Whoever made moonman is a Holla Forums hero.
should have replaced the snowflake with the star of david
just tell them about everything except the ethnicity and religion of the people who fuck up our world, get them to start digging and see the connection
yea but the eight pointed star is made when children fold a pice of paper and cut it.
He doesn't believe any of that shit, and you can bet he got his red pill on the Jews when it turned out that he was blaming "Nazis" for trolling him all those years and it ended up being a jew named "Jonah Goldberg." If you're a new fag, why the fuck do you come and post like you know a goddam thing if you don't? At this point, the Ben Garrison meme has gone far enough even kikebairt did a long story on it. you don't even take 2 mins to search, just spew fucking shit.
It was actually Joshua Goldberg, faget.
Nigger plz, most normalfags need a lot more than that to break out of their lifelong trance and start adapting. 9 months isn't doing shit, especially for Holla Forums where you deal with a lot more information than practically any other board.
Seems like you need to do that lurking thing too, m8.
so do the left hate or support israel?
Not as much as we do, but they certainly hate Israel.
It's mostly because they see Jews as white, and Israel is invading on muh POC safespace.
the hate Israel because of muh palestine, but they love jews because they are a oppressed minority
Hate, due to #FreePalestine.
Only good thing about the left was pissing off Israel, like Obama kept doing over and over.
Unfortunately, with pissing off one jew, he catered to the other one, which is the Hollywood Jew.
Trump basically flipped the tables.
That ignores that it is an entirely retarded argument as that phrase entered our lexicon as the result of a SCOTUS case about protesting the draft in WW1.
Why are you here asking retarded questions? It doesn't matter since the Jews control "the left." Yes, when some of the goyim get uppity and have the temerity to think the rules actually apply to G-d's chosen too, they start criticizing the Jew and this when hymie slaps them down.
Most committed oldfags here (at least I do) have a dedicated sock on twatter for rousing the rabble on the Left. I fucking have half of Palestine following my "free palestine, boycott israel" account from the last time the Jews invaded Gaza.
Not defending him really, but he has to virtue-signal to hymie to make shekels and sell his shitty cartoons since he was pretty much ruined. Not that he was that popular before, but most kikes probably still think he's actually the meme "zyklon meme." I noticed right away he didn't make the snowflake six points like a star of david since there are probably kikes who watch him.
The left's hatred of Israel was just to trick cuckservatives into being good goys. The Left has always been filled with kikes,
nothing to do with that. The kikes absolutely do practice apartheid, collective punishment, you name it. In their college years, some goys don't yet "get it" that Hymie is above politics and no cynicism of Israel is allowed. This was popular among the Swedes, who actually used to believe the bullshit liberal equality shit they were fed.