Rockwell Birthday!

TODAY is the birthday of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, honor this man by cooking a steak, celebrating National Socialism, pride in being White, and calling your neighbor a nigger. Here I have linked is a playlist to a series of videos about George Lincoln Rockwell that you can play throughout the day. Personally, I'm having a cookout with some edgy friends and I'm going to be blasting this shit like an autist so I can redpill the neighbors.


Have fun and always remember; “Life is a struggle. Even to stand up is a struggle against the law of gravity, and I think that the joy of life is in the struggle itself – not the victory – because if it were we’d all lose. We’re all gonna croak, we all lose the battle of life so if you can’t find fun in the fight to live, and to live to the fullest then you’re a failure already, before you even start.”

Other urls found in this thread:



One day, white Americans will realize that Rockwell was right about everything.

If you haven't listened to this mans speeches at least I don't know what the fuck you're doing here. He completely and fully understood the situation and threat we faced decades before it got this bad. It's chilling to listen to him describe everything that is happening now before my parents were even born.

Rest in peace

Rest in peace, Commander.


Happy birthday, Commander.

Obligatory video

embedding some of his speeches, all worth listening. His books are great too, I bought 'This Time The World' off Amazon a few years ago and it was an amazing read, he's a wonderful author and even better speaker.

A lot of his speeches at universities were very similar to each other, I'm sure because he carefully planned the content to be presented in a very articulated and organized method.




He may be the greatest American to ever live

And sadly no one knows about him.

Heil to the commander!

Happy birthday George, now I remember who that guy from baggage wars reminded me of




Hard to believe that equality nonsense was being pushed in the black and white days. Now, after all the destruction caused by niggers, no change. Separation through war is the only answer, unfortunately.

Happy Birthday Commander Rockwell!

What might have been.

Rockwell is attempting to reach us through the memetyk magyk flowing throughout the boards

All gets in this thread should be considered from the Commander's mouth himself

I agree. Let's get some GETS for GLR.



Such a strange coincidence. I just finished this pic after working on and off for a couple days. Posting story just for shits and giggles
Needless to say I started working to fulfill my end of the deal. I added the hat because it felt somewhat lazy to leave a bare Pepe with no unique features. Anyway, happy birthday GLR!
sage for unrelated.

And with that, GLR and kek have spoken.

I'd have left that shit near a dehumidifier or a bowl of rice but that works. Good work user

Rockwell always talked about how hard it was to get his message to the people. Still, he never grew disheartened. He continued spreading the truth until his assassination.
Imagine what he could have done had he the tools we have now.


Happy Birthday GLR

Nobody cared who you were til you put on the uniform.

William Pierce, who I consider to be my biggest moral/ideological foundation for politics, was an acolyte of Commander Rockwell's. Even though Rockwell's time with us was shorter than needed, the ripples of his efforts are still being felt to this very day.


Happy birthday, Commander!

May your dreams live on in us all. We'll see your dream come without lifetimes, I guarantee it. We won't even die trying; we'll make the other sonuvabitch die for his faggoty cause.


Happy birthday Commander Rockwell

Without you keeping the flame alive, we probably wouldn't have stood a chance.
Thank you commander and

Hitler would have had this yankee mongoloid dog put down.


Would someone really do that, go on the internet and lie for attention?

Don't reply to shill posters, you only bolster them to continue their retarded buffoonery.

Oh am I purity spiraling too hard for you TRShills? This man was a degenerate who went through several divorces and barely fed his children. He kept fathering children he knew he could hardly feed just like a fucking nigger. He may as well had been an animal.


Hitler was a cuckold faggot weakling and obviously didn't go far enough.

And what have you done for the movement lately, besides shitposting?

Actually the problem is that if you don't engage them, they build consensus and new faggots will actually believe what they say as there is no counter to it. Thus creating people who unironically believe that and will parrot it. That is the fate of cuckchan.
He's clearly lazily trolling but if you don't point it out then they win by attrition.

That's pretty funny chaim.

Anyways its best just to report so he won't derail the thread, as that is his ultimate goal.

Fairly good point, actually. The constant discourse and sharpening of argumentative skills is a cornerstone of this board. If we lose that we're no different than reddit or tumblr in terms of discussion.

Next year will be his centennial. We should do somethin' special.

Exactly, even if it's annoying, it actually makes us stronger.


We need to do a Holla Forums march or bring back the hate bus. Something that would really make the commander proud.

I like it! I wonder how much it would cost to skywrite "Happy 100th Birthday, Cmdr. Rockwell" over a few major Southern cities - Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, etc. Got a year to plan it.

No matter what the odds.

Do you have the video that image comes from ? I realized I don't have it.

It's a good idea, but sky writing takes money. Marching for white pride you can do with nothing but two good legs. Flags wouldn't hurt either, especially in case Antifa shows up ( they will ) and needs beat down.

So I decided to look for any books regarding GLR. This was the summary for one of the first results

Holla Forums is always right. Does anybody know of any non-kiked books about Rockwell? is such a thing even possible these days?

this tbh

Dubs confirms. March would be cool, but plz no costume nazis. Every event I've ever been involved with that involved dressing up was an absolute LARPy shitshow.

The dubs speak truth. The question remains what flag(s) do we fly and what shall consist of our uniforms?

No costumes, hell no. Looks bad, and when I say flags I mean AMERICAN flags. Unfortunately any display of the sacred swastika automatically makes us the bad guys. It's important we keep winning the PR war against the commies and their handlers.

Should coordinate with the American Nazi Party. After all, it is Rockwell's legacy.

Uniforms should be out of the question; unless they are worn by police, army or otherwise. The rank and file should try their best to look like normal people, clean, well dressed and groomed.

Might be possible- in fact, it would be best if we could get the ANP, the National vanguard, the NWF and every other pro-white, nationalist group to partake.

Just read the books he wrote.
"White Power and Collected Works"

I'm a little wary of this. PRfagging is what neutered GG and I'd hate to see National Socialism go down the same path. If anything we should modernize the Swastika. Mainly because I just wanted to post this. It also has the SS runes and Hitler dubs.

Unfortunately, last time I saw anything from the ANP they fell for the costume nazi meme (tbh rockwell kind of did for shock value, but he gets a pass).

Fundamentally, we are nationalists. Having great respect and reverence for Uncle Adolph and his movement is important, but we need our own symbols.

I like the flag, the eagle and espescially the fasces. The founders of the country liked the fasces with an eagle ontop.

thanks user

These are neat but you should make the same symbol more than just simple lines if you are artistically inclined to do so.

Already ahead of you. It's in the upper corner of

and I have a version here.

Fair point; but if we ever want to take it to the next level we need to take to the streets. We can't win this war online from the security of our own homes. There are lots of people who will support us, many more who would demonize us- but the step needs to be taken eventually.

But commander what about this 5th column of marxist scum within our ranks?

Tried and true, red white and blue.

Thats a kike flag and it always was.

America will wake up from its nightmare. We are fighting for its resurgence, and Aryan blood shall not perish from this earth!

The America you deserved is upon us Mr. Rockwell, I know you'll be proud of us. You all will be. Just give us your guidance.


Maybe with all 50 stars, but the previous versions were undeniably kike free.

I don't want to surrender the hakenkreuz. It feels like an important magical battle, and an important moral one. European peoples have been using the swastika since BCE 14,000 and before. One lost war is not enough to give anyone the right to strip it from us.

The point being is that it's normie friendly. If you want PR, use something easily understood and easily backed.
Otherwise quit being such a fucking little bitch and use the swastika and the confederate flag.

My bad for terrible reading comprehension. How's this?

Fucking kike. America was kike cancer since Jamestown. Educate yourself.

This, exactly. EVENTUALLY, when the movement really begins to swell- we can start flying our true colors proudly. In the mean time it's about bringing right-leaning normies in and making them rethink all the Jewish lies they've been fed from childhood.

Your flag is any better? I bet the country you're from has been under Jewish control longer than America has even existed. Now is not the time for bickering about silly things like this kamerad. Forward.

Not a contest, gentlemen. We have a common enemy; the cultural marxists and of course, der jude.

That is more like it, but I am thinking more european styled, something that looks runic.
Pic related. It doesn't have to be super embellished like this image, I'm just talking about the general design.

This. PR gets laughed at here because we're on the internet. PR means nothing for Holla Forums. PR is for real life.

I feel like the black sun is really the way to go.

I like the idea but I'm just going to out myself as a mixed race mongrel and maybe stop. It feels strange attempting to create a banner for a pure-blooded people when you're inherently defective.

The black sun is a good one, but I still think using American symbology is best. We want people to feel patriotic, maybe not to the current reality of America, but to the nation that is the home of their people.

Take this for example, it's the national guard symbol but it incorporates the eagle and the fasces.

Don't be so hard on yourself. But yes it is strange for non-whites to be trying to bolster white nationalism.

Nationalism is about more than just race… it's about pride, culture and identity. Keep fighting the good fight and take pride in knowing you're one of the good ones.

I like it. We have a lot to draw on. America is heavily influenced by the Roman Republic so it's not that much of a stretch to draw some Imperial themes and parallels from the Roman Republic's decline to its rise as an Empire.

Also, the American eagle symbol and faces are great and have obvious implications, I like it.

Mainly it's to see that no one else goes through the same racial schizophrenia I've experienced. Genetic predispositions conflict and counter constantly, never completely feeling at home in one tribe aside from your immediate family, and even then feeling somewhat alien. GLR really spoke to me when he talked about the misgivings of racemixing and the pernicious effect it has not only on society but the individual.
sage for blogpost.

That is actually perfect; it's just fascist enough but not overtly offensive to normies who have been brainwashed by Hollywood's Jewish agenda. I still think the stars and bars would be very good as well, despite it's … 'problematic' history.

Don't worry. Serve in our forward battalions, and we'll give you an honorable burial and you will be able to reincarnate as a human.

I wonder how much trouble we'd get in if we just used that symbol and started calling ourselves the national guard. The implications are brilliant and hilarious. We're not nazis, we're just guarding our country.

It's not your fault user, no one chooses to be born or how they are born.
I know several mixed race people who have confided in me with similar problems.
Your heart is in the right place, and as long as you understand the truth you have come to know then there isn't really anything stopping you from further pursuing those truths.
But again don't be too hard on yourself, in the words of Goebbels "Everyone has a cross to bear."

Well, half of that is true so it's not like we're lying. They just don't need to really know about the first part until it's too late. :^)

It would actually probably be in our best interest to go with that angle. We don't want to be carbon copy 1930 German soldiers, this is our own grassroots movement for our country.

Someone needs to step and protect our women from being raped. Someone needs to take measures to protect our streets from violent hoods. Someone needs to make the Marxist thugs at Antifa feel afraid again. We would be the true national guard.

Here ya go user don't know why you can't have duplicate youtube embeds.

It would be even better if we became acting members of the national guard. In this way we can serve our country without fighting and dying in Israel's unholy wars. To my understanding the NG is mostly disaster relief and so on. Also, this would make outstanding PR!


It's a good start.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll try to go forward with a celtic rune design after I've had some dinner.

Looks pretty swanky, but it seems better fitting for a seal, emblem, or banner than a flag.

Fuck right off, non-white. You shouldn´t be here.

Hitler regarded Mussolini as a great friend, and sent his best soldier to rescue him when he was captured.
Mussolini was certainly incompetent militarily but he did great things for Italy.

Indeed, Hitler even took inspiration from Mussolini's Fascist revolution in Italy. He wanted the same for Germany, and he just happened to do a much better job. While Italy was certainly not a great military world power during the war, this is certainly not the fault of il duce.

Also I have blonde hair and blue eyes; ancestors are mostly German and Irish.


It feels so good that I share a birthday with this man


Even though the man is gone, the message remains. It falls on us to build on the legacy men such as he left behind.

Happy birthday user, your gift is dubs.

Traitor to the white race? Italian?
Of course, in the context of the historical circumstances, he probably saw it a little differently than we see it today. White Genocide wasn´t a thing back then and the Italians were almost ethnically clean. But race is a substantial part of nationality, Hitler accepted citizens of foreign heritage and granted them all the rights of a citizen (except jews of course) but always valued the ethnical Germans more than them. He gave some the status "honorary aryan" which shows that he saw the opportunity to elevate oneself through hard work and dedication for the homeland to the status of a citizen, but ethnic citizens were granted this status per se. Shaping the nation and the people to make them as great as they can be involves ethnical purity.
The white race is something that needs to be kept alive.

In the modern context, this statement could actually have been made by Merkel.
"All are the folk!"
Bullshit. Non-Whites will never share the national pride of citizens, whose ancestors helped build the country and who lived in it and absorbed its cultural heritage.
When i see a nigger from the German national football team on Talmud Vision not singing the national hymn because
i see exactly this confirmed. You can be a pawn for a country, you can take pride in living there and dying for it, but you will never be truly one of its sons.
The feeling of pride is simply different. A honorary aryan is something rare and still a kind of sellout. He should be helping his ethnical homeland to greatness, not a different country.
Mussolini is wrong. And he is even more wrong in modern times, regarding white genocide.
Hitler was the visionary, who saw this coming and who saw the necessity of guarding the ethnical purity. Of Europeans, but mostly of heritage.
If you have national pride, you don´t racemix, you understand? Caucasians can marry caucasians, but everything else will dilute the genepool and weaken the country. You hurt your country in that way. Is that prideful? Is that what you should be doing?


Mussolini certainly didn't care about race, which is one of his weakest points, but to call him a backstabber is superfluous when he was actively trying to help Hitler.
Whites back then were 40% of the entire world population, as this was before the first world was feeding the third world en masse and allowing them to reproduce more than they would be able to otherwise.
Mussolini certainly wasn't right, but he wasn't a traitor to Hitler, maybe a race traitor but you didn't elucidate that in your first post. If you said that I would have agreed.
You made it sound like he betrayed the Axis on a political/national level and not concerning race.
Although in defense of Mussolini, he did have an entire Island of people off the coast of his mainland consisting of people who weren't necessarily white anymore. Mussolini was more so trying to restore SPQR which was never concerned with race at all, which is useless to us.

Yeah my wording was kind of bad. He was a race traitor, but a good ally to Hitler until he got imprisoned and shot.
I don´t think that the Romans regarded the conquered tribes as real Romans. They regarded them as useful pawns or allies, but never granted them the high status of a Roman citizen. Race-mixing was looked down on and seen as a threat to the glory of the Roman reich, race-mixed men were referred to as "hideous hybrids". I believe this consciousness was vital to their success.

"Writing around 120 A.D. the historian Suetonius records the efforts of the first Roman emperor,
Augustus, to combat racial degeneration:

Augustus thought it most important not to let the native Roman stock be tainted with
foreign or servile blood, and was therefore very unwilling to create new Roman citizens,
or to permit the manumission of more than a limited number of slaves. Once, when
Tiberius requested that a Greek dependant of his should be granted the citizenship,
Augustus wrote back that he could not assent unless the man put in a personal
appearance and convinced him that he was worthy of the honour."

The defense you brought up is noteworthy, but still not in accordance with the Roman spirit.

never rarely and under strict rules granted them the high status of a Roman citizen (children of freed slaves were granted that status, as well as foreign cultures who adapted to the Roman ways entirely after years)

Oh no the Romans themselves were certainly concerned with blood, but the later leadership didn't seem to care when they tried to assimilate other peoples and their religions. Christianity is largely Romanized Judaism.
Augustus was based, but it was another Emperor down the line that sealed their fate.
That is also why I disagree with the notions of Empires, because if you are trying to rule over large swathes of foreign populations than you are turning admixture into an inevitability if you aren't actively trying to prevent it by fostering a spirit of racial identity among those peoples, which is counter-intuitive in trying to become a unified Empire.
So ultimately I agree with you, but it was their failure to keep in mind the concerns of Augustus that had led to their decline.

Caracalla made all free men citizens, and he was before Constantine I.

Yes. "United we stand, divided we fall" applies to Empires concerning the ruling nation and the ruling race. This race has to be kept pure, its culture needs to be protected and its descendants need to be valued more (although citizens should be given the opportunity to achieve their status by adapting well). A united ruling culture and race can keep its power, but if small poles of cultural opposition grow larger and don´t get cut from the main structure through regulations, they will divide the people and weaken the Empire, which will lead to its downfall.

happy b-day george

One year from today, we march.

Do this and we will begin making history.

"We’re all gonna croak, we all lose the battle of life so if you can’t find fun in the fight to live, and to live to the fullest then you’re a failure already, before you even start.”

If we all are fated to lose the game than why play it? What gives us the right to subject children to this insane pointless suffering?

Top Goy.
Life and death are mutually necessary. As they are part of a yet unbroken cycle that we exist in on this earth and in it's current reality. If there is nothing after life than I have forever to be dead, that doesn't dimunitize what I have in life, in fact it makes what we do in life of utmost importance as it would be the only thing we have left.


Well at least I'm planning on celebrating Hitler's birthday with a friend of mine who's semi-redpilled

You don't need a woman to be NatSoc, you just need her to not be a total irredeemable degenerate. They naturally settle themselves upon their rock, and as a man that rock is supposed to be you.

Actually my bad, I misread that as "no NatSoc grill to be with" Kek

The acceptance of our truth not only burdens us with the responsibility that other men have shunned throughout history, it bestows on us a mantle of moral authority that goes along with the responsibility, the moral authority to do whatever is necessary in carrying out our responsibility. Furthermore, it is an acceptance of our destiny, an unlimited destiny, a destiny glorious beyond imagination, if we truly have the courage of our convictions. If we truly abide by the demands that our truth places upon us, it means that while other men continue to live only for the day, continue to seek only self-gratification, and continue to live lives which are essentially without meaning and that leave no trace behind them when they are over, we are living and working for the sake of eternity. In so doing, we are becoming a part of that eternity.
For some, our task may seem too great for us, our responsibility too overwhelming. If they are correct, if we choose to remain children instead of accepting our adulthood, if we continue the shortsighted approaches of the past, then in the long run we will fail utterly. The enemies of our race will prevail over us and we and our kind will pass away forever. All our sacrifices, and all the dreams and sacrifices of our ancestors, will have been in vain. Not even a memory of us, or our kind, will be left when the creative spirit of the universe tries, in some other place, in some other time, in some other way, to do what we failed to do. But I do not believe that we will fail. Because in working to achieve our purpose, we are finding our way once again to the right and natural path for our people. We are working once again with the whole. And we have a mighty tradition behind us.
Our purpose is the purpose for which the earth was born out of the gas and the dust of the cosmos, the purpose for which the first primitive amphibian crawled out of the sea three hundred million years ago and learned to live on the land, the purpose for which the first race of men held themselves apart from the races of sub-men around them and bred only with their own kind. It is the purpose for which men first captured lightning from the sky, tamed it, and called it fire; the purpose for which our ancestors built the world’s first astronomical observatory on a British plain more than 4,000 years ago. It is the purpose for which Jesus, the Galilean, fought the Jews and died 2,000 years ago; the purpose for which Rembrandt painted; the purpose for which Shakespeare wrote; and the purpose for which Newton pondered. Our purpose, the purpose with which we must become obsessed, is that for which the best, the noblest, men and women of our race down through the ages have struggled and died whether they were fully conscious of it or not. It is the purpose for which they sought beauty and created beauty; the purpose for which they studied the heavens and taught themselves Nature’s mysteries; the purpose for which they fought the degenerative, the regressive, and the evil forces all around them; the purpose for which, instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path; they chose the upward path, regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entailed.
Yes! They did these things, largely without having a full understanding of why, just as the first amphibian did not understand his purpose when he crawled onto the land. Our purpose is the creator’s purpose, our path is the path of divine consciousness, the path of the creator’s self-realization. This is the path which is ordained for us because of what we are, because of the spark of divine consciousness in us, and in no one else. No other race can travel this path, our path, for us. We alone must prove whether we are fit to serve the creator’s purpose. And if we are fit, if we once again heed the inner knowledge engraved in our souls by the creator, if we regain faith in the things we once knew were true without fully understanding why and if we now also teach ourselves why, then we will once again be on the upward path ordained for us, and our destiny will be godhood.

this. this is why Holla Forums isnt being ironic or funny when it speaks of genocide. it doesnt matter if we win the coming wars but dont finish the job. Somewhere down the line our descendants will forget that the others are subhuman and take pity on them, inevitably leading to the down fall of whatever white civilization is born from the coming struggle. Our victory must be final. it is the only way we will ever touch the stars. it is a burden, but it is the burden of those who have reached the truth ad love their people. given the same opportunity do you not think the african, the arab, the jew, the spic or the chinamen would not do the same to us?
the fourteen words are not just for the next generation, but for every generation to come.
japs are okay tho
as long as we dont racemix with them

also holy shit this

Happy birthday, Commander Rockwell. Truly a great man. Anglin has published a work of his today. http: //



Happy birthday, Commander Rockwell. Truly a great man. Anglin has published a work of his today. http: //



Well said and a great video, fucking saved.

The fact that future generations are bound to forgetfulness is a huge problem but I think as they forget, there will be those who will remember as we are now. Cycles don't end when they come a turn, usually they begin new cycles or simply start again. Our immediate ancestors forgot what their ancestors remembered, and we remember now because it is in our best interest to do so.
As the ancient pagan proverb goes:
"Bad times create strong men
strong men create good times
good times create weak men
weak men create bad times"
And so we are in the midst of a prolonged period of darkness, but soon we will bring forth the light. Kek returning is tied into this. It is so bad it became necessary for a god to return.
Total genocide I think is impossible, and if we did succeed in total genocide of non-whites, we'd have no one to sharpen our steel against, and we'd need to go to the stars to find something to fight or we'd grow weak and complacent and would descend into unending degeneracy. It is only in the face of conflict do we become stronger.

Then again, I didn't calculate it myself, some user posted that. I'm just now realizing the implications though.

biological weapons targeting non white genomes make it laughably easy
exactly, there will be some one to fight out there.
even if not, once the Galatic Aryan Empire gets to large, it will crumble and tens thousands of years from now our ancestors will fight each other, leaving the strongest to survive. In this way war and its victory will never result in the end of the white race, only its strengthening.

The inverse is equally easy, I am nothing but fearful for this path, as any virus created for this purpose would eventually reproduce itself with the probabilistic possibility of adapting itself as our species adapts itself to fight aliens. It would probably start to target us once it was evolutionary pressured to do so. And if those viruses could be so precisely engineered that this is impossible, than surely the technology would exist in which they could be counter engineered and thus ensuring mutual destruction of our species due to our (((opponents))) meddling with those viruses or germs.
And you also need to take into account the probability of there actually being other aliens, sure it's inevitable that they exist, but the timescale of finding them could be so long that the inevitable degeneration I spoke of could very well have annihilated the very nature we are trying to push forth into the cosmos.
We have to be very careful, we don't exist in a vacuum as nature abhors vacuums.

Happy belate Commander. You helped me see through so much and gave me a strong reminder on what a man is. Seig Heil until the end lad. 14/88. We will not let your name die in vein.

not if its being done by nonwhites.
And honestly all we have to do is wall off the white portions of the globe for 50 years or so, cut off contact with everyone else and atch the world burn and eat itself, nonwhite population would drop like a rock without us feeding them or buying the chinks plastic garbage. After that nobody would have a chance of standing against us, a non pozzed scientific community will have mastered biological warfare by then and bobs your uncle 100% white planet. please let sit for 5-10 years to cool

You are over simplifying things. Whites have ascended to where we are because of the hardships of our ancestors. If we make things harder on non-whites, they in turn become strengthened in survival. Life is extremely tenacious, otherwise none of us would be here.
I'm not saying we should make things easier on them, I'm trying to make to make it understood that things are not as simple as any one person can comprehend, and there are always unforeseen consequences.
The only reason white people are starting to awake now is because their very survival is in question, it is our adversity that is driving us, and it is important to remember that.

That's not accurate. Our ancestors survived because of already pre-existing traits that only reinforced emerging traits in the coming generations. Niggers lived in shit and they live in shit and so Arabs. They don't get better, they just start inbreeding and dying off.

I refer to my early statements.
Do you think every other nonwhite on this planet would hesitate to do the same to us? Not for one moment, they would jump at the chance. And whose to say that whites will wake up the next time we find ourselves in this situation, which we will if we do not purge the planet.

I think you are putting the cart before the horse on this idea. Obviously we all want a strong white race, but survival comes first. If we are all dead and the white race forgotten it doesnt matter how strong we could have been. Strong traditions and racial pride upheld by a natsoc/fascist government and the resulting frontier culture given by being able to colonize the entire planet will keep the white race occupied until such time as we reach the stars and master biological technology to strengthen the white genepool further.
only when its being push for shekels, like monsanto and the like. If it is being developed by a truly scientific community who is more concerned with being right and being safe than with profits, the risks are minimal.

because i have had this discussion so many times on this board with people who are too squeamish and dont realize the existential threat that non whites pose to white. I get tired of repeating myself and dont feel like writing a thesis every time the subject comes up. Anyone who has truly experienced the undying hatred other races have for us will quickly come to the only solution when they have been here long enough.

Many thanks


To be fair, the purpose of street demonstrations is largely so we can film it and put it back online to show people how much support we have, so it's not like having an online presence isn't helpful to us. What would really help is lots of local government positions being occupied by undercover Holla Forumslacks to negate diversity programs and favor whites.

That's not how evolution works, you yield those traits through natural selection. We survive now because collectively our ancestors had lived through those situations in which they were evolutionary pressured to acquire those traits. Niggers stagnate because Africa is plentiful in natural food sources and requires very little social cohesion for survival outside of being faced with extermination of neighboring tribes.

Most non-whites would certainly try to kill us, but as you said earlier they wouldn't have the means to unless whites engineered it, although that's not neccessarily true as the chinks are on their way to creating the first bio-engineered humans, which will open pandoras box, something I am advocating to avoid entirely.

No I precisely outlined how this works, you need to elucidate how exactly I am "putting the cart before the horse" as I explained in terms of evolution as to how we got to where we are. And what we ultimately seek is to better our evolution and avoid the pitfalls of eternal degeneration that certain technology can make unavoidable.
I don't see where you are going with that statement, we haven't died yet and it's the pressure of potential death that drives our evolution. You seem to ascribe to a notion in which we exist outside that evolutionary principle.


Reminder that while we could in theory have use for ostruppen in future events, you don't get to live in the thnostate and everyone shoud be aware of it, it's pretty clear a few of you are new so lurk more and stop promoting civic nationalism.

You see it's easy to say that, but that biological technology trumps the evolution that National Socialism is supposed to safeguard. Once you start delegating your own evolution then we will very much degenerate as we do in modern society as we are no longer developing in terms that are driven by our enviornment. Sure you could say we could be pragmatic and try to foresee as to exactly what we need to survive the stars, but any potential opponents will be doing this too, and presumably much longer than we have. It would be in our best interest to stay relatively hidden as it wouldn't matter how evolved we are if we encounter a species that has millions of years of sheer technological advantage on top of us. It's possible we will encounter civilizations that are fully dead in any biological sense and is only contnued by it's creations, mindless self replicating and adapting automatons that will continue whatever directive it was given before it's species died out from the lack of need of reproduction. That is a fate I wish to avoid. If the chinks start meddling in that, then it is unquestionable that they would need to be eradicated and have those advancements suppressed. If you offer the mere possibility of a biological replacement than evolution is out of the picture entirely, and our species would become deprecated in the face of whatever new horror that had been conjured.
Money in those terms is simply a transmutation of power, power is precisely why Kikes are obsessed with money, it's not because they are attracted to shiny coins, but what those coins represent.
I absolutely understand the existential threat they pose, but you don't seem to understand that without conflict there can be no improvement. Eradicating them would create the new problems I already outlined, the best possible solution for whites to continue into the stars, would be to quite literally go to different stars with only whites. The aliens we need to sharpen ourselves against could very well be far removed humans that had been uncontacted in quite a long time.
It's easy to say that "we shall eradicate all non-whites" and I understand your sentiment and where it is coming from, but saying it isn't easy is an understatement. And I don't think it is probably that it would happen. Whites have one weakness, and that is empathy. You might be ready to pull the trigger, but unless you or me or someone else like us become the one to pull it than it isn't going to happen. And until that opportunity presents itself, you should be operating under the notion that you still need to ensure your own survival without ensuring that your enemies need to destroy you.
The only reason we aren't all dead right now, is because in total nuclear war, no one wins. But if you aren't concerned about that, and have a "If I can't survive than no one can mentality." than you make it inevitable that you need to be removed as the threat you had made yourself to be. Case in point, the Israeli Samson option. If we don't get rid of those damn kikes we might all very well die, but if we make it necessary for our enemies to annihilate us, than it becomes inevitable for them to try.
We should learn from the mistakes the Kikes are making.

While I agree in principle, there is another factor you might not be considering. By taking to the streets we are making ourselves visible and showing that we have nothing to be afraid of. I was also thinking it would be excellent to engage in community outreach programs, specifically trying to help whites. Clean up trash in white neighborhoods. Bring food to poor white families. This is what Golden Dawn is doing in Greece and it is working quite well for them. I think for most of us getting into local government and law enforcement will be difficult if not impossible in the current paradigm. Armed Forces and National Guard might be another matter.

Just because I said it's about more than just race doesn't make me a filthy civic-natioanlist. I was responding to a mixer who was feeling down trodden because of his lamentable genetics. I believe in a pure white aryan land, but I am open to those who are willing to lend a hand.



I do some work at a soup kitchen to try and help poor whites out. I also pass out redpill fliers.

Niggers can't evolve into humans within a few years, and that's all the time we'd need to wipe them out with bio-weapons. The only danger in that situation would be some jew giving away our tech like the rosenbergs did with nukes in the cold war. Which is why we remove them first.

I missed this year, but I bet in 363 days a lot more people will know his name

check'd, it's amazing how similarly he describes his times to the way we see ours.

can't argue with those digits


You don't have to do it, just meme correctly. We made this and our enemies did the propagating for us, even major media sites would put it on pages. (I don't organise folders well so I can't find any of mine). I wouldn't go putting it on an armband if that's what you meant. Then again, the one from man in the high castle would be a conversation piece

Rest in peace

GLR touched on this himself, the upper echelons of the military are utterly pozzed by affirmative action, he quoted 40 percent at the time of the recording, I don't even want to know what it's at by this point. The army is pretty much the worst place for you if you want to make a difference. Don't get me wrong, we'll need practised fighters, but you'll never reach a position of power, and all the indoctrination is going to lose us at least a few good men.

Charity is one hundred percent the image we need to present. Public outreach and a marketable brand is what it's going to take if we ever want to do this seriously. I'm not saying go full muh PR, but at least some people are going to have to like us since we'll need votes to navigate the democratic system. Grab low ranking positions in the local government, build a group around yourself, don't just participate in charity work, arrange it yourself. Support for the party will have to come from support for the members, at least once the reveal happens.

It's like the jews recognized how dangerous he and his ideas were that they decided to not even portray him a le evil American Hitler, just bury his memory. But not anymore.

Even when Dr. Pierce was redpilled by GLR, he always clashed with him over the Nazi LARPing. But Rockwell's reasoning was that the LARPing was to attract attention and send the message across faster.

The charity thing is what the militia fags always try and it never works. It looks disengenuous and usually is. Go do guy shit, teach people to shoot, be a volunteer fireman, kick in some antifa teeth, whatever. Spread the message to those guys and then you don't have to worry about PR, you have a group. This is the hearts and minds thing, which is wrong. What is important is 'legitimacy.' Think of how much legitimacy we gained just from helping get trump elected. Most people follow whoever is winning, as we win more and more victories, we gain legitimacy. If you don't start cucking or weakening your message, or destroy your own groups, now you've got power.

military is definitely a terrible choice

That's a solid point about legitimacy. But keep in mind we're not a party yet, but rather individual actors. Being successful matters, but it doesn't give us the same access to recruitment of normies. Since we're going to need those bodies to crack skulls to earn the respect needed to get those bodies that we need to crack the skulls that..

Even when we all have groups I have no idea how we're going to tie this shit together. Some circlejerk is going form and drive this into the ground more likely than not. Maybe we can just force some gormless eceleb into the worthless big seat and then just continue running the party as a decentralized blob as we always have. A perennial problem of user schemes.

This, it's gay shit that never works and usually backfires, like with the KKK and the Rosa Parks Highway thing.
IRL mischief, pranks and guerrilla trolling is the way to go (see HWNDU or the Dailystormer fliers).

FUG i forgot, i'm sorry georgie

maker of /glr/ general here, hope you're all doing well and spreading redpills

I didn't figure we needed a party, look at what happened with the LP. They demoralised rightwing libertarians for years until Trump rolled around, and it's been a breeding ground for leftists. Not sure an ANP or anything is worthwhile here. I think we would just spend all our time fighting each other and open ourselves to being easily subverted.

Anyone have a high res frame-able portrait of Commander Rockwell?



Heil Hitler.