"While the romantic numskulls of Nazi Germany are dreaming of restoring the old race of Europe’s Dark Forest to its...

"While the romantic numskulls of Nazi Germany are dreaming of restoring the old race of Europe’s Dark Forest to its original purity, or rather its original filth, you Americans, after taking a firm grip on your economic machinery and your culture, will apply genuine scientific methods to the problem of eugenics. Within a century, out of your melting pot of races there will come a new breed of men – the first worthy of the name of Man."

What did he mean by this?

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irrelevant shiting is good and pardos are the ultimate race

He wanted eugenics to be practiced to progress towards a new man, one who bred to be the best regardless of his race.

So yes he was advocating for Eugenics.

so how many socialists are for eugenics?

Not many.


So basically genetic engineering instead of "dude marry someone with a prussian nose and danish hairline"?

Didn't Nietzsche promoted a full radical mixing of races ???

No, he was for irrelevant shitting. You got it right the first time.


he's talking less about race in racist terms than "human race" on a new stage, that of classless society
if you read it in context, he's talking about the economic and ideological backwardness of the USA and how communism would bring change and give a massive development boost
bringing up nazis "class unity" faggotry glossed over with racism, he's drawing a counter-image

but of course, trotsky is such a fucking stupid fag, he worded it so poorly that he yet again becomes a lolcow for nazis


mhm, that's what she wants you to think

Sweden practiced eugenics when it was semi-socialist. This was most likely because as opposed to the other leftist countries, it was developed and didn't have industrialization to deal with.

if you had actually read it you would see nothing but gushing about how advanced the US is.

learn to read, dipshit, he says the exact opposite
he's talking about how advanced the US WOULD be under socialism
no fuck off you stupid faggot

"Rich Soviet America can set aside vast funds for research and invention, discoveries and experiments in every field. You won’t neglect your bold architects and sculptors, your unconventional poets and audacious philosophers.

In fact, the Soviet Yankees of the future will give a lead to Europe in those very fields where Europe has hitherto been your master. Europeans have little conception of the power of technology to influence human destiny and have adopted an attitude of sneering superiority toward “Americanism,” particularly since the crisis. Yet Americanism marks the true dividing line between the Middle Ages and the modern world.

Hitherto America’s conquest of nature has been so violent and passionate that you have had no time to modernize your philosophies or to develop your own artistic forms. Hence you have been hostile to the doctrines of Hegel, Marx and Darwin. The burning of Darwin’s works by the Baptists of Tennessee is only a clumsy reflection of the American dislike for the doctrines of evolution. This attitude is not confined to your pulpits. It is still part of your general mental makeup.

Your atheists as well as your Quakers are determined rationalists. And your rationalism itself is weakened by empiricism and moralism. It has none of the merciless vitality of the great European rationalists. So your philosophic method is even more antiquated than your economic system and your political institutions.

Today, quite unprepared, you are being forced to face those social contradictions that grow up unsuspected in every society. You have conquered nature by means of the tools that your inventive genius has created, only to find that your tools have all but destroyed you. Contrary to all your hopes and desires, your unheard-of wealth has produced unheard-of misfortunes. You have discovered that social development does not follow a simple formula. Hence you have been thrust into the school of the dialectic – to stay.

There is no turning back from it to the mode of thinking and acting prevalent in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."

where in all of this does he say anything about the US being advanced at the point he was adressing it?
he's talking about a SOVIET AMERICA that'd be advanced
you fucking idiot
shut your stupid whore mouth and suck a big load of dicks instead of fucking talking back to me when you have no fucking grounds
you stupid cunt
fuck you
fuck you
and fuck you
you stupid fuck
fuck you

He's advocating eugenics as a means of advancing the human race into a better version of itself. Eugenics has a bad connotation today (for some valid reasons), but if he were alive today he's mostly likely advocate for genetic engineering as a better alternative.

He's talking about how easy building socialism in the US would be due to how rich it is.

Oh god what the fuck am I reading

Race purists love to use the example of dog breeds and how dog breeds would disappear if all dogs tried to interbreed. The problem is this: Dogs don't care about breed so long as they can bust a nut in another dog, and they have no reason to because of heterosis, ie, hybrid vigor.

A race of men not based on he races of their ancestors will in himself constitute a new and stronger race wherein the strongest traits of humankind will come to flourish as a result of fitness itself.



Two million years of field tested brilliance and eugenics retards think letting Monsanto fuck about with us will be an improvement.

As expected

He's advocating eugenics not based on racial autism but vitality.

The non-identitarian left needs to rehabilitate non-racial eugenics tbh.