Cozy reminiscing thread

Does anyone else just sit back in awe of how far we've come in the last couple years? I mean back in 2013 we had almost no hope and were just waiting for the final happening so we'd at least have a chance to rebuild a better world. Now we figured out how to do magic, got the president of the united states elected, fucked over the CIA 3 times, exposed a massive social engineering conspiracy to fuck up Gaming, exposed elite pedophilia, and summoned an ancient god of primordial chaos.

How in the fuck did this happen? Could you honestly tell your past self 4 years ago that the President would actually be a good guy?

2013 was such a shit year

At best I hoped the NSA would be canned for mass surveillance.

I'll do that when the fight will be over, which I doubt It'll ever be.

Every years until 2016 was a shit year.

Every single one.

Pretty good bro, although I also believe that there are other forces beyond our control that are shifting things as well, but that doesn't mean our pal kek hasn't done his bit.

Something very strange has happened, and I do believe that the trajectory of our universe was becoming too lopsided, it's been getting that way for many decades, if not longer, and I do believe that we have at least a few avatars who may not even know they are - doing the work of unseen forces to redress the balance.

We're doing our bit by invoking kek, who is a component to the chaos, but yeah, we're living in truly crazy times. If you also take into account what Terence McKenna has said about novelty and memes, basically we're on a path moving toward absolute novelty, a singularity of everything, but on the way the band narrows like a road losing it's lanes until it's just a strip of pavement so small you can't even see it.

As the band narrows we progress faster and further toward absolute novelty, and the more weird and crazy the universe gets.

We're all along for the ride and I must say this is a pretty awesome time to be alive.


Ease off on the salt there partner.

Come on user, relax and tell us a story.

It's been a strange ride, and regardless of how much influence we have, we've witnessed the development and nature of people from a new perspective. Not a single person in history has subjected them self to information saturation the way made possible today. Humanity entered a new era with the abundance of easily accessed information, exponentially accelerated by the internet, and we've located the cusp of it all.

I sometimes wonder if the 250 period of civilization doesn't apply to the current Western civilization. A civilization falls when the native elites stop governing and start fucking around and try to maintain themselves through establishing absolute control.
But the Western elites weren't Western to begin with. They're almost an entire different class/culture/civilization at this point. Kikes, masons and others. I think that the 250 period is happening to THEM, to the shadow government.
250 years ago was at the time of the French revolution. Mayer Amschel Rothschild started it's scheme in late 18. century(became a court jew in 1769).

I think that the shadow NWO government will fall spectacularly on the hands of Trump and European nationalists and Western nations will get another Renaissance.

Haha classic Tony Soprano.

The real reason he left the dinner table is because he'd already eaten all the gabbagool

Don't ignore the role that imageboards will play. I personally believe that if we weren't shilled half to death, fucked over by mods, and had ways of applying our hurtbox to projects that we would eventually take over the Intellectual and Entertainment worlds.

We could one day utterly rule the Noosphere, it could belong to us.

Technology and fiat currency has created artificial stability, albeit stability nevertheless.

And yes, I do agree, that their time seems to be running out, it is a lot more difficult to destroy the infrastructure of the western world than it is to maintain it, the parasites that have been manipulating the course of society and politics however are being subject to this influence.

I pretty well agree with everything you have to say only I believe the Renaissance will only happen after an extremely ugly dark spot in western history. Well, dark is subjective, but it's going to involve neighbor vs neighbor combat and inevitably marching a lot of non-combatant ideologues to their death.

It will be like the white terror on steroids, and then, then we shall have that renaissance. The left will never allow us to have it so long as they draw breath.

Checked, and yes, we have much to look forward to.



Yeah I did not see that one coming.

I wish I was back during the zimzam case. Never has or will Holla Forums be that good again.

Can someone TL;DR a newfag?

Those were amazing days man, those were absolutely the halcyon days of cuckchan pol.

Great memes, great community cohesion, trolling news outlets, salty liberals.

Basically everything we have now, but with less of a cynical awareness that we're living in dangerous times.


Trump did more than I ever thought he would, that's for sure. For anyone complaining about him I doubt you thought he would fulfill even a fraction of the shit he promised just like the past pussy presidents, including me. He sure shut me up, that's for sure.

Yes user, I do. That's why I've moved on to >>>/polk/

Let's take a look at our successes…

How soon times change, even here on Holla Forums, I'm so old I remember when this board used to be against total jewish control.

Fortune has been good to us these past couple years. Hopefully she continues to favor us. This will be a long fight. F for all the fallen user and hurray for Holla Forums.

>>>/polk/ lad. National Socialism hasn't died, it's just migrated.

Fuck you.

Have a look there kiddo and decide for yourself. I'm not the BO, just a man committed to National Socialism. It is not for me to make your decisions. Only to show you the light.

That's odd, when I popped on polk a few days ago I was banned from there for inquiring just how it differs from all the other forums that have now been compromised by jewish shills, after asking why the threads were mostly cheering on Republican neo-cons and killing arabs for isreal.

polk is just another jew controlled steam vent that champions jewish neo-conservatism and killing all of isreal's enemies in their endless wars for isreal.

Why the need for polk if all it does is promote the same as all the other kosher conservative steam vents?

This is all complete and utter bullshit and you know it. Any slide threads, kike subversion, nigger loving, pro faggotry, cuckchan tier memery will be removed immediately. National Socialism has no place for any of these.

Aspect raito.

Whether you realize it or not, you're a sliding shill right now.

I got banned 3 days ago for daring to talk about Trump in less than glowing terms.
The rest of it was rabid jewish hasbara insisting we kill all moozlims and every other MeMe or zionist shill talking point that you would find on Pam Gellers GatesofVienna or Breibart disqus commentary, and now the DailyStormer, and all generations of Holla Forums and most other so-called jew-wise websites.

The guy that orchestrated the banning was a regular team leader of jewish hasbara shills that frequents here in groups calling for his team to report and filter all criticism of kosher conservative false nationalism, he complained of my use of language that he recognised from here of using "ZoG", "counter jihad" and "hasbara".

It was the Le Pen general#1 thread if that helps.

Do you know where you are?