I am not Jewish, neither was my mother or father. Anyone saying that Jesus and his Jewish father had something to do with my birth, is a damn evil liar.
I am of Nature's Harmonic Time Cube - in which both word and god are outlawed. No plant nor animal speaks word, a fraud by evil adults.
~Gene Ray
William Smith
Holla Forums is a pagan board. gtfo
Brandon Morales
It is the only way to be. You have to understand the context. The god and word referred to by Gene Ray are the Jewish god and Jewish scripture, the ones predominant in America in his time and in present.
I am Finn so I can only understand you. My nation was raped by the Jew kings of Sweden as well as the Jew bolsheviks of Russia. (Remember Winter and Continuation Wars?)
Jew faiths have long since eradicated my culture and faith. Nowadays the jew faiths are duking it out with Europe as their personal battleground. (What is Islam but neo-Judaism?)
At least I have comfort in Gene Ray and his denunciation of Jewishness primarily in academia, in which they rejected his theories. Regardless, he's a good man, a white rebel against the Jewish status quo.
Ryan James
Once my father died, my fathers jew side alltried to steal our inheritance and I told them to fuck off or I'd get a restraining order. Fuck kikes
Tyler Barnes
Holla Forums is a christian board
Aiden Scott
It's neither pagan or christian.
Majority is Christian, but who the fuck even cares? The enemy uses that shit against us
Parker Morales
I wish I could say I know that feel, but I don't. My father's ancestry goes to Sweden while my mother's is in Finland.
But how can that be, when Christianity is neo-Judaistic? How can it be that a faith whose word is Jewish and whose god is Jewish be anything but a jew faith? I am aware of Christians diverging from Judaism proper, yet I'd blame the stupidity of Jews leading to their own sectarianism.
Nicholas Garcia
gene ray is a retard. i follow terry a davis. quit trying to deceive me and take me away from the high priest who continues the offerings, you CIAnigger.
fag. no christcuck is desu volting any time soon, schizo. go suck your kike on a stick's mutilated tiny cock
only if you include the fags from /christian/, who don't count bc they're pussy homos
Xavier Mitchell
Buttblasted is obvious gtfo
Aaron Morgan
Dr. Gene Ray's take on homosexuality from his perspective:
Then what is Holla Forums? What is the stance of Holla Forums, if not the opposition to Judeo-propaganda that is for instance mainstream Christianity?
I only brought my view to the politically incorrect board. You might not agree with all that I say as I might not with everything you say, but we agree on important key points.
Noah Torres
Christcucks are a small minority on Holla Forums.
Liam Ortiz
There is no hope into "restarting" either Christianity nor pagan. Religions die because the people do so, the faithfull, the zealots, the preachers, the warriors, they're all gone. Unless you find a mass-influx of all these castes, you can larp all you want, but it wont bring back your faith.
That being said, at least pagans acknowledge the contact between nature and man, while christianity denies it, and proclaims superiority. This, plus a couple of other minor issues, makes me say that it would be better for christianity to fade, and for europe to become pagan once more.
Cameron Reyes
What is with Deus Vult fags repeating 'Zeus wills it' in Latin?
You do realise your god is Jehovah, right?
Why are Christians so fucking stupid?
Leo Torres
that's me in a good mood. i know this is hard for you to understandely-doodely, flanders, but when pagans get angry whole tribes are exterminated. christcucks just bend over and invite more shitskins in
go away niggerlovingkikefaggot
Camden Ward
Christianity is doing fine, they do not need to restart it. Just Europeans stopped doing it. It is a religion of over 80% niggers and beaners at this point. Hitler said it was collective human failure in 1941 and would die in Europe.
Animist polytheism in Europe is actually doing quite fine. It is a minority religion sure, but it has actual growth within the European community in every ethnic group. These religions are not dead and never were, they were repressed as 'witches' from 1400+.
No one needs to LARP their own culture, you dumb fuck. Norse still use yule goats, celebrate easter (Ostara), and so on. You are an Amerifag, clearly. Do not go to Europe. Your culture is Burger King, they actually have real culture.
Cooper Walker
I know it's hard to read posts with that attention deficit of yours user, but please try in the future. But I suppose you wont read this either, but instead will grab your foam larp sword and shove it up your ass.
pic related
Joshua Allen
Lucas Lewis
Holla Forums is anonymous, shoo shoo D&C jew
Nathaniel Bell
Leo Brooks
I'm open to a pagan European religion. It just seems more appropriate. I'm actually getting more annoyed with Christians. I've been forced to side with them, due to the Left, and the fact that it's the "white religion," so-called. But their incessant defense of equality and the like is starting to really piss me off. Then you look at Christian girls and their "why do I have to be modest, it's not my job to stop mens' lust!" Fuck, the young Christian woman is turning into an early days fucking feminist all over again, as the old movement dies. Their feigned victimhood birthed from their neutered religion which no one forces them to follow. I swear, feminism as a movement if going to die, only to be rebirthed and carried on by Christian women. Christ, Christianity is becoming weaponized as a religion against us, the same way common rhetoric was. I'm not even a Christian, but I've had these dumb rats using Christian "teachings" against me in arguments, thinking it would one-up them. Honestly, I think it's about time that religion dies and is replaced by our cultural pagan religions, or, like me, the strong belief and loyalty to people–Nationalism. That's how I see it. You're either religious, or you abandon religion and fill the void with either Nationalism, or the Leftist view of government as god, abandoning all loyalty to people. I'm getting sick of defending Christians when the modern religion is turning into Cultural Marxism 2.0 as the old movements die.
Kevin Allen
It's an obscure kind of shame. Sage for shit thread.
Jose Jones
it wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many bible verses advocating various kinds of proto-cultural marxism, but there are. A lot of entrenched cuckservatism is a result of jews taking these verses to their logical extremes, but it wouldn't be possible if the verses didn't exist. In a way, Christianity has always been a time bomb. And it can't really be reformed, since the flaws come directly from its holy text and inherent worldview.
Christopher Gomez
No, but there's a good chance the mod team here is. Gas the Kikes >>>/polk/ migration now
Grayson Cooper
More like gay ray, amirite?
Nolan Fisher
Andrew Garcia
Dylan Barnes
The mods are no doubt an epitome of cubelessness. As dr. Ray says: "Cubeless Americans deserve - and shall be exterminated. Nature has no choice but to bring forth a hell upon evil cubelessness. Don't accept cubeless education that leads to apocalyptic doom, as it has led all past civilizations."
Nathaniel Ramirez
I always knew kikes had a fetish for that shit. check your /polk/osher board's sticky, faggot.