FUCKING HAPPENING - Obama DOJ terrorist coverup

FUCKING HAPPENING - Obama DOJ terrorist coverup

BREAKING: Possible Obama DOJ Cover Up Regarding Terror Suspect Days Before Election


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Checked. Obama is a bigger fuck-up than Hillary at this point. My fucking word it just doesn't stop.

Also, I wonder if Trump will use this to declare an emergency muslim ban that is more expansive.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. They are going to uncover a ten mile laundry list of crimes commented by king nigger during his affirmative action administration.

You think the left is salty now? Wait until their prized nigger is being sent to federal prison.

King nigger is going to fucking jail.



This a level 5 happening?

Trump drew the line at Sessions. Once Flynn got ousted and they kept on with their bullshit Trump started arming the cannons.

What about those dozens of attacks?
There have been dozens.
Literally the worst president. Fucking hell, even Clinton would've done a better job, and she couldn't win with wire taps!

Watermelongate is going to get very messy.

Seeing all these happenings happen an inch at a time is frustrating. What I wouldn't give to know what's in motion behind the scenes.

Is this some kind of D&C to derail the thread?


Well Im sure its just 1 of many cannons to arm. The opposition only got just the "muh russian hacks" narrative. Imagine how much numerous scandalous shit Trump can shed light on ex-kang nigger. Nobody can just ignore this, not unless they were paid to or part of it.

I think the problem is now Trump is digesting the vault 7 release. So you have the deep state shit, the cucks within his own party, Obama and his wire-taps, all the other shit like pedos and so on and who knows what else. And has to come up with way to nail each one to the wall.

Prison? He should be the first president to face the firing squad. If this country wasn't so goddamn weak.

Get a nap, user. Nobody could do a worse job than king nigger.

I can't keep up with all these happenings anymore.

There was a 2 week period where the Whitehouse was quiet and they just took blow after blow and then the last few days there has been so many happenings at once it was like Trump said "fuck it, lets hang these fuckers".

Really wish Trump would space these things out more like you implied. Vault 7 is huge as well and is still on everyones minds. The Obama slush fund got almost no play and Hillary accessing nuclear documents when she was no longer SoS is possibly the biggest story of them all and 0 people know about it.

Checked for truth.

This drip of happenings is driving to the point of insanity that when I look in the mirror I want to rip my face off.

May have been misconstrued, talking about "Clinton" doing a better job than Obama. Im not sure though Obama racking up the scandals they could be tied soon.

I really fucking hope so. Even if it isn't broadcast to the public, you just know the footage will get leaked somehow. It will be fucking amazing.



Comments from the shitlibs brave enough to click the video are
Can these people be just sent to a chamber already? They can't be fixed.

Checked. I'd like to see some politicians arrested or at the very least see a manhunt for any of them that go on the run. The latter would be exciting as fuck (since they'd get caught either ways).

Obama already throwing Lynch under the bus on the wiretapping, place bets that he gets away while Lynch gets Lynched?

There will be too many scandals. These people are weasels and will rat each other out to get lesser prison sentences. It will all go back to Bengazi eventually and that will be Obama and Hillarys noose.

Maybe all those lawyers trump hired are gonna be special prosecutors?

Lynch might be the one who catches the noose for this, but the Obama administration has had so many scandals that it's impossible to dodge them all. Not to mention, as said, they'll rat out on one another if they aren't suicided before they can implicate their collaborators.

I really think there's everything short of a hot civil war going on in Washington. A solid week's worth of daily happenings doesn't just happen for no reason.

My bet is that we'll hear a few day's worth of "everything is Lynch's fault" in the media before they remember that Lynch has dirt on fucking everyone. If they go down they all go down together.

Those are the cannons he is arming that I mentioned before. :)

FriedChickenGate when?



Wonder how the WE WUZ would react to this happening

Just give us the word, god dammit! The bloodlust is reaching a peak here!

It'd create a lot of salt among the libs, but it wouldn't create as much delicious salt as say a mudslime up and allahu ackbar'd their commie champion, Boineh Senduhs

Looks like we gotta keep arming cannons of our own. Like this one for example, a 4 minute fox news video isn't enough to help us btfo the lefties on their "perfect" President.

I think some like Soros are hoping for a race war which will devolved into a civil war which will devolve into a world war with various countries whining about "injustices" and "atrocities" being done to various people in hopes of bringing about an American Spring. The only problem is that a lot of black people think Obama and Lynch are idiots for getting themselves into shit for the sake of some old white lady in Hillary. It's why a lot of them trashed Donna Brazile when she got outed for helping Hillary. I think the same thing will happen here. Liberals in general would be butt-blasted beyond belief.




It would result in nationwide riots. You might even get a few L.A. Riot situations, which like the L.A.. Riots, would further redpill normies on the kangz question.

You know I'd love to be absolutely shocked and stunned by this turn of events, but this is just par for the course when it comes to King Nigger.

He may not get it for this, but you and I both know he's pulled so much shit that one day he'll run out of fall guys and then it'll be his turn to wear the traitor's laurel.

Its all in Trumps hands now. America chose the soft coup direction instead of civil war, that was your guys choice.

Probably but the goal of American civil war is not to take America, they know this is 100% impossible. The real goal would be an American civil war as a distraction while they attack Western Europe, India, S Korea etc while Americans are busy killing black ppl and mexicans.

Chief Nigger and the (((others))) will throw eachother to the wolves in attempts to save themselves, only to have more shit open and come to light and have more of their ilk to throw at and take the blame. It's a downward spiral for (((them))). And it's quite a glorious sight to behold.

Isn't Obama in the sights of at least three or four major scandals, including this one? He can't have that many fall guys left yet at the rate he's taking hits

The Realnews Goldwater already covered this story. It must be real.

Trump is gathering energy into a righteous fury. Once the pins are set they will be struck down with a force that will shake the world for a hundred years.

We'll save yuropoor and nuke israel after it's all over.


Wow it's fucking nothing. Sage for shit thread.

Hi Obama.

Come on now, Trump. You have more than enough just cause to completely wipe the slate clean in DC.

He's probably gearing up for that. I wish wikileaks releases the rest of the stuff they have.


You're slipping CIAnigger.

Has anyone asked Terry what he thinks about all this?

Because I will know it has only just begun

I'm speechless.


checked and sentiment resounded

I love the smell of happenings in the morning.

He kept looking through some news article on vault 7, and refreshing Drudge, yesterday. He might have caught this news, but I'm not on his stream at the moment.

After Pizzagate i'm not shocked at fucking anything anymore. Literally the only thing that could surprise me at this point is if the Government is hiding Ayy Lmaos and Ayy Lmao technology.

Absolute nothing else can phase me, I mean i'm a Cyberwizard fighting an ancient international cult that sacrifices and rapes children for fucks sake.

I want to see heads rolling finally. The guilty must be put to death. The kingdom cannot be made strong so long as the foul and cancerous remain alive and in positions of influence and authority. Their reign must be put down now.

We finally have a man in command who just may do that.

The long, lonely and indistinct jumble of years spent alone will evaporate before the sheer joy of knowing that RaHoWa has finally come. Seeing my efforts at self-improvement going to a good use will be reward enough. Whenever it happens, it's going to be glorious.

Dubs confirm.

Also, the ayy lamos shit wouldnt even phase me. Im honestly ready for us to be hit with the darkest, yet illuminating revelations all at once at this point.

This is the test. We either break through the ancient lies, or we die by them

Time to take the Ayypill user.



Self checking this ENKI get


Nope. Reported for being an illiterate nigger. Fuck off.

fuck off CIAnigger

literal CIA nigger


How's morale over there at Langley Mr CIA nigger?

Was getting caught part of Obama's plan?

Possibly this, but it was inevitable. Yet ANOTHER example of human history that people chose to ignore.


I never asked for this.

I never asked for responsibility.

What matters is that you've got it and you'd better do a great job of it you marvellous faggots.


It's pretty bad. I've heard rumors that many a Mr. CIA Nigger asked for sick leave after the election.

Well, I'm sure you didn't ask to be a shitposting NatSoc magician-priest in the service of an ancient frog god of chaos. I know I didn't. Sometimes, we don't know what we're doing until it's too late, but that's never stopped us before and it won't stop us in the future.


Nice sage CIAnigger.

Nobody does. But we got to enact the will of a god. That's more than most people will do in their lifetimes

Praise Kek.

This is probably the same antifa fag we had come in here a week ago. He's slowly getting redpilled obviously.

Don't worry, in 20 years there'll be a documentary on it. Then, provided the jew has been ousted from the film industry, probably a few movies and miniseries. Maybe in 50 years the ghost of Oliver Stone will make a definitive 4 hour long directors cut documentary with Trump played by an ageing Colin Farrel.

Who got the holy trips

day of the rope incoming

the media takes direction from the government, so you know these fucks were told to ignore any hints that shit went down


In that case, I have some surprising information for you my dear user:


We are doing literal gods (kek) work user.
We must humbly accept the mission he has given us and remove the shekel and the shitskin, for they removed him from us

I remember when happening threads involved tanks, blood and explosions.

Don't over think it, user. Look at it like a game and this is the side you were fated to. Do everything in your power to crush your enemies and believe in your own ability above all else.

Do note that a lot of shenanigans attributed to Hillary were done during Obama's term, so he's also accountable for them.

Thread theme

wizard here. had a dream last night about a little goat named barry, he was being put out to pasture and was freaking out, crying and shitting himself. pretty sure king nigger is finished. when i woke up from this dream i looked out my window into the moonlight and saw a massive cloud on the horizon in the shape of a mushroom cloud. interesting times.

Not suprising. He is a radical muslim.


kek'd and checked. Didn't believe until I saw those digits.

fuck off bronynigga


That there isn't yet a scaffold built on the east portico of the capitol speaks volumes as to how emasculated we've become.

Lock king nig up.

you better bow up and broaden them shoulders up faggot

Has anyone else felt amped up these pass few days?

Hanlon's razor doesn't apply to shitlibs. They do it deliberately.

holy shit Karen Carpenter is scary as fuck

No time to waste, plus if you release everything you can build rage very quickly as opposed to a periodic drip of sorts. Think frog in boiling water.

And this is after the revised travel ban which omitted IRAQ. Top jelq m8

Feral* prison fwith nignogs and beaners. He'll fit right in.

Any nigger riots require periodic removal of participating subjects.

Obama needs to be roasted very slowly so the purge squads are effective.


feels like the ultimate happening is nigh

This was exactly what I needed to wake up to, jesus christ this timeline is going full anime.

Meanwhile dems are actually moving forward with their impeachment plans.

Impeached for what though?

Nothing. He's a shill.

praise kek = rapes kike
shadilay = lash a yid

Say it with me:


First, and last. :^)

I stopped being a NEET like 2 weeks ago when everything was boring and now I don't know wtf is going on

He's gonna lose his job just like the pizzagate guy.

Nothing will happen to obongo.

Richard Thieme..hmm never heard of him let's check his credentials - *opens wikipedia*

Thought so. Discarded.

this. At this current time Trump is playing multidimensional chess in multiple dimensions. Its meta-meta chess at this point.

I dont think its gonna be AYYYs. He has all of Teslas notes. Notes that the government discarded as gibberish and then did nothing with them. And thats on top of all the technology that has been suppressed by the government. This is why Trump is going to have a worlds fair.

2050 Academy Award for Best Actor goes to Colin Farrel for "TRUMP"

I fucking hope so!

Tell me Holla Forums, is there a realistically high chance that king nigger will actually get jailed for his niggery diggery? Will the kikes actually let any of their pawns get jailed? Need reassurance.

Sorry to interrupt guys, but looks like things are worse that we thought.

Even the ayylmao's have appear to have their own version of kikes.

Yes. His entire DOJ was corrupt as shit, and Gowdy wants to take him down. Randlet is on the committee that this is being investigated under. Get whispers of the frog god to him that he may yet be President Now if he capitulates and does us right by this. We also get the chance to expose McCain's faggot ass in this as well.

What do we know about Ron Johnson? Is he /ourguy/?

here are the two sides:

military / trump / americans


cia / international banking cartel / child rapists

Can only hope that Sessions is plotting their demise.

Thanks for the info. I don't know much about Ron Johnson at all. Why bring him up?

Also, I asked for reassurance because this CIA shit bothers me. Clearly these faggots should be removed, they need to be removed….but how the fuck do you remove the CIA? WHO the fuck could remove them effectively and in a way that they wouldn't just continue operating in secret elsewhere?

This shit is why I don't feel good about the DOJ situation. Yeah they're corrupt and need to be lynched as traitors, but CAN they be taken down?

Fuck this'd all be easier with a rod of god. Just lob it at the buildings of agencies needing kebab'd.


He's the chairman of the Senate Committee that's doing the investigation. He'll be the one directing who can ask what questions to whom during the proceedings.

If we can put pressure on Randlet and Johnson to ask certain questions that are GUARANTEED to produce lies in front of Congress, or questions that would lead to a discovery of other crimes related to the Obama Administration's DoJ, that would blow the case wider.


And yeah, they CAN be taken down. Easily at this point, which is why the WH hired 20 new lawyers for Jeff Sessions to direct. He's not recused from this investigation. The House also finished the Russia Probe, so this is fresh, hot and in front of everyone who wants a plate.

First will be Lynch, she will roll on Comey, who will roll on Obama and Clinton.

Just need to see if Hilldog rolls on Soros and thus Rothschild.

OK so we get them to lie and blow the case open….Clinton got caught lying as well, yet she's still walking around free (walking corpse mind you but hey whatever).

IDK man. At this point, everyone sane knows these people did wrong. I wish we could just scoop them up in a raid, line em up somewhere, and shoot them. No letting them skirt around the loopholes in the law or using their kike masters to keep from being jailed. Just a good old fashioned firing squad. That's all I want ;_;

Obummer coup when

Who knows, maybe that's how it'll happen to prevent the Media from getting the Blue Helmets involved.

But, just keep going. That's all we can do. Get cracking on that CIA toolkit, and if Julian releases more toys, we can run our own ops against the Jews ourselves.

Shitposters Sans Frontiers!


Please Satan don't tease me.

We win that fight CIAnigger. We have the guns. We have DHS. We have Mad Dog. We have the police and the DoJ. AND we have all the actual preppers and /k/ommandos.

Do you get it yet? We win the Civil War. I. Fucking. Dare. You.

I don't tease. I reason. I'm not satan, those were just the Digits Kek bestowed.

feels bad man

If dubs it must be memed

binky there user binky?

How'd you hear this?

He is playing his part perfectly. He's gonna get shanked in prison hopefully

Did that Fox Newd correspondent get lost on the way to a nightclub?

Hell yeah user , we won this shit

Kek-ing those dubs, Satan.

That user is referring to a shit thread earlier this week wherein Podesta was emailed a publicly available document from the DoE website which was a training document about what kinds of security clearance was needed to access what kinds of nuclear energy documents. It wasn't even about weapons.

I'm all for making these people burn but that thread was garbage and nobody bothered looking into the source – they just took the headline at face value and shit their pants.

But we stood up when the occasion beckoned and that is all that matters.

let's go easy on obama guys

The mongol societies sort of worked but that was more of a passing trade through allied lands kind of thing.

It died amd splintered into a million pieces the moment Chinggis' bloodline died and someone more greedy stepped up. It was unsustainable without a leader.


I imagine if they'd been able to establish more nationalism it would have lasted a bit longer.

Would you say that you are tired of winning user?


Thanks user!

I saw that thread and knew it was BS. I thought there was something else that had been "uncovered" - something with some teeth.

Oh boy. He done fuck up big time now.

It was firmly in the Chinggis family for three generations. It was his policy that didn't rely on nationalism which kept it alive as long as it did though. Once the ruler with a just image and a supreme army went out the window, people went their own ways.

People need to remember this. We're being fed disinfo all the time in the hopes we'll take the bait, then they can claim we're making shit up.

Lel imagine it w/ liberal framing: first black president the US has is executed for treason.



im surprised that that surprised you

we knew these kikes and traitors were psychopaths, and psychopaths have been doing this shit since prehistory

Also, I think it's a 100 times more likely that any ayys they may be hiding are actually just us. With nikola tesla's technology, we can make ufo's, and any "greys" or whatever could just be genetically engineered or some shit

March of the Frogs

Well you better pick up the pace. It has only just begun

I still feel like we were baited into this rabbit hole. Baited to pilot eva This shift was a long time coming. We were on a path of certain destruction. Now it's near-certain. Slightly better.

It's do or die now. National socialism or death. If we don't win, we can at least die valiantly. None of us asked for this. hell most of us would be happy with the liberal outlook on life if it were true. But it's blindingly obvious it's not.

So by your birthright you must take this struggle up. Nobody said it was going to be easy.

You need to lay off the herbal jew schlomo. Even your shilling is suffering.

What part of that was shilling?

why am I not fucking surprised?

When is the nigger getting arrested? Has it not been proven enough by this point that he abused the absolute shit out of his position and power? I mean come the fuck on, whats it going to take to get this nigger locked up, spied on opponents (not his DIRECT opponent, but someone opposed to his agenda that had taken place) worse than nixon, used his powers to literally control information and prevent information from getting out that would help his opponents, let the DoJ and AG run fucking rough shod on police departments and refuse to do their actual jobs, ran fucking guns into mexico and "oops, we lost track of them"…

Actually on that last note, I wonder how long until it comes out that fast and furious wasn't REALLY just a colossal fuck up, but was in reality a weapons trade/sale plan to arm cartels in mexico? Any bets on if thats somewhere in the long list of shit we're going to be finding out in the coming weeks/months?

I had a dream where I was taking through this theme park/carnival that was also torturous to the people. Was run by a computer.
He gave me the option to continue this charade of games. I said "it all meant nothing without family". Then it exploded and I found myself in valhalla.. or something.

Seems to fit tbh.

Eva is shit
It's not even the best mecha show the studio made.

I preferred Gurren Lagann


Eva a shit and Anno is a gommunist

And those are just the ones out in the open. Just wait til the full truth comes out about benghazi, that it wasnt just giving arms to the enemy it was intended to, and did, provide chemical weapons to the enemy and those chemical weapons were used on syrian civilians.

I'm apparently guilty of treason because I communicated with a Russian once. God help this country.

I'm all for loyalty but I'd get the fuck out of there and live to fight another day. Although if he had we wouldn't be talking about him right now.

You fuckers need to learn where you're posting.

For a Roman service does not end.

Pretty much. I can't think of anything else from that administration that wasn't an intentional ass fucking for the American people.

These times are like the chinese water torture of happenings, just a tiny steady drip

Welcome to the club. You are a bit late but welcome nonetheless. Eventually you will come to the realization that that 'could' is really 'does'. The next realization is that this isnt just about obamas administration.. It isnt just about an evil conspiracy that goes back to 9/11. If you were to make a diagram like something that detectives use tracing (((problems))) that are behind the current events of the world they go back roughly 160 years. But that is just tracing the immediate causes. This shit goes back hundreds of years. The memory of human history was destroyed, one can do little more than make an educated guess at what happened.. Was there a hyperborean civilization? Did it fall? etc etc.

And thats just tracing back history on a 1D plane. If you go back and look at the development of technology in regards to the development of civilization. Like our bodies civilization and tech undergo their own evolutionary cycle. The evolution of technology outpaces the evolution of civilization until a new technological epoch is realized. At which point it is incompatible with the state of civilization and civilization undergoes a violent spasm revolution to evolve and catch up.

It is no secret that the kikes have been controlling which technology is supressed and which is embraced for quite a long fucking time. By embracing certain tech and then subverting the civilization in a certain way they are able to control the evolution of humanity to fit their designs. Last time someone resisted that control we developed the technology needed for leaving the fucking planet within a decade. That tech was then captured by them and controlled so that all it amounted to was getting a vast array of surveillance equipment into low earth orbit. If it werent for them we would have massive factories in space developing novel new materials that can only be made in microgravity which would be the solution for creating materials for building space faring vessels. We would be on pace for colonizing the solar system in earnest within the next several decades.

Trump could change this. But, as ridiculous as it sounds, Holla Forums old Holla Forums not these newfags that refuse to lurk is quite possibly just as, or moreso, important as he is.

I myself have been doing this in canuck land. The first three were removed within a day no doubt having triggered the fuck out of people being placed in front of leftist hangouts/makerspaces.
I made myself a Kek themed gasmask for use in this endeavour.

Truly a CIANigger.

Lords work. Wanna really piss them off.. make it extremely difficult to remove the flyers. Use Gorilla Glue.

He must be smug as hell, he's probably using the only OS not infected like an african gorilla's dick.

In areas where I might be caught I've simply been using a staple gun which is pretty much legal however the one you see on the pole I attached with silicone caulking. It's in front of a prominent LGBT makerspace filled with fag enablers. And I don't mean "upstanding white normal man who likes dick"; I mean purple haired fags and faghags.
I plan on placing shittons of these as a form of meme warfare. Shit isn't bad enough yet to warrant harming people.
I want my people to wake up calmly and naturally.

Need to put "protection" sigils everywhere too.
Assuming that is what they mean.

What is the symbolism of this?

Seems like Trump is trying to strip King Nigger of all his luster in the left's eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing came of this, but I expect more dirty nigger laundry to air as we build up to The Final Happening: Traitors Hang Edition.

Use wheatpaste


Rune tree of life, the (((counter-culture))) peace symbol is the inverted tree of life which makes it a death symbol, so as I read.

Meant to be a nordic protection rune.
The upside down rune is death.

.. though that might be just a meme like it being the rune for "peace" for the hippies when upside down.

This is getting almost no attention.

It's as if (((they))) knew exactly what they were doing.

Listen here buddy,

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Sorry, I simply forgot. Considering how many faggy peace symbols they put up using something like this could even hold memetic/magic significance. Thanks, user. I'll print out some as stickers which can then be easily thrown down.

Also resembles Poseidon's and shiva's trident, or hades pitchfork.
From wiki on "Tridents":

So I can use it as a symbol of Aryan pride? This is good. I may make an image combining this with the Kek hyroglyph.

Shiva is also connected to snakes

Notice how snakes and tridents are associated with the devil nowadays?

I can't wait for some free Funz to cap from the Diversity Division.

Kike religions also had a focus on negroidic hatred for female goddesses and male sexuality. Notice how in most Aryan pantheons male gods generally are propelled by honour, beauty, art, and lust whereas female gods signify rebirth, beauty, and destruction? Kike gods are inhuman, nonsensical, and greedy.

I read they were matriarchal originally actually.

Also as a pantheist the male and female quality of god is blurry to me. There is a duality, but also a monist nature to things.

Of course I should say Christianity is not entirely terrible. Until recently it still encapsulated many positive aspects of western culture and the new testament and Jesus were very western figures. The strangest honestly is how little classical portrayal of life, death, and rebirth is in the bible.

The Cyber Police backtraced him

yournewswire. com/obama-former-president-felony/

chekt and rekt

They would not be affected at all by blacks showing their true colors because they will only ever think of blacks as their pathetic surrogate children that need their constant help and pity

I've been trying to get my old truck running all week. Had a mental breakdown and lost my job on monday, blew a head gasket on tuesday. Litterally no normie knows what is going on.



I'm not even old, no family, no irl friends, stuck in a liberal state. I am a product of this god damn system. This fucking sucks.

Okie dokie
as if if if if if if if if if if


I have been having similar thoughts. It's not a computer. It's not an AI. It's the demiurge.

at long last
I was so hungry for so long that I ate the last remnants of my pity and commiseration a long time ago
and now they drip blood
I can smell it

He's trying to figure out who is worth keeping and who is worth blackmailing.

We have to remember that these politicians are feckless SOB's who have sold their souls out to the highest bidder for power. If Trump takes them all down then there will be a massive power vacuum that could possibly result in a new generation of globalist politicians getting elected to fill the shoes of the old ones.

Trump truly has a shit load of power at his disposal right now and has yet to wield it, at this point the only thing legitimate the left has on him is "muh tax returns!"

The media is still trying to figure out how to spin this and I really don't know how they can anymore because shit is moving so fast.

The fall guys only take a hit for those in power, Obama ain't in power anymore. If I were Lynch or Holder I would just be honest and save myself from King Nigger's "legacy".

The whole thing ought to just be ripped out by its roots. You can hand temporary control of foreign intelligence gathering to the military while a new civilian one is organized.

Strangely cute

Holy shit that show is hilarious


This will definitely be time-consuming, but another thing that has to be considered is how the public will take in this information and the time needed to make them believe it, since something as big as the president being arrested will absolutely be reported on. People don't trust the media, but the media is ubiquitous enough and has been around long enough that people still aren't sure what to believe due to multiple outlets being united in their stories against Trump. All of this information has to be delivered directly to the public so that the message isn't twisted by the media, and it has to be presented in a way that they will actually accept the information as true instead of lies. Anyone who's tried to redpill someone IRL will know how difficult that can be if the presentation is bad. If the public doesn't understand exactly how Obongo and crew undermined the country and why it was bad ("LOL ok, so Hillary didn't secure her email server, so what? It wasn't hacked!"), then they will just assume that Obongo is being discriminated against and will not accept him being put on trial and found guilty. With tensions as they are, niggers might even use this as an excuse to riot against Whitey for putting the only black president in jail. Developing this presentation and executing it well will also be extremely time-consuming.


I, too, would be shocked to discover that it wasn't all a psyop which utilized implanted memories and human/animal hybrids to distract the goyim from the fact that nazi antigrav tech was plundered from Germany in ww2.

I didn't ask for anything, and I got more than I could ever ask for.

Is this the source?

No pressure or anything.

only black president

If Holla Forums was from TTGL, we'd easily be Kamina.

Of what, may I ask?

How fucked would you feel is devil and demons are real and worship of these actually gave you powers and foresight.
And all the people in power worship the devil.

What are the chances that something will actually happen about this? I mean, damn it, Hilldog is still not in prison, Pedosta is still not in prison, is there really a chance that Obonobo will hit the bars?

I'm just losing my fucking mind waiting. I want them all dead so badly it makes my teeth ache.

Good thing they aren't real then. Hillary is busy trying to find the bottom of her next bottle of vodka right now. They're all fucked but their death is going to be long, slow and drawn out, the thrashing is still ongoing. They're caught in the slow moving gears of the internet hate machine and they're being slowly torn apart.

Things are going to happen that nobody has ever seen in living memory. Can't you feel it? The tension in the air? The kikes are trying to direct the conflict towards open civil war so the USA can be balkanized. We're trying to direct it to mass arrests, prosecutions and death by hanging. This is the great game, user, and we're playing a huge part.

Over three months into a head failure here. And the fucking thing still won't start. In the middle of a faggy liberal state that's nothing but Chinese restaurants and title loan scammers. And despite knowing more about cars than anyone around me I'm still a fucking idiot who can't get a single cam 8valve car working.

I thought I'd escape the Obama years with at least a little of my dignity left, but I guess that was too fucking much. Starting to wish I was dead.


Is there a virus? is this the source? die?


Trips confirm Mickey loves us and not to be demoralized or burnt out.


"But it will bleed if you rip the cancer out!"

"Then bleed."


Is this s bot?


no, I just suck at pasta

They might be, I think they are, but I don't feel fucked. On the contrary, I know God is on my side, and evil is powerless against Jesus.

Rev up that bible user.


He's being a smug motherfucker because he knew CIA niggers were nigger monkeys all along for all these years while they called him crazy

what do you think all of those corporations are doing in Antarctica right now


Speaking of sessions, did the kikes' plans to wreck him with the "lied under oath about russian connections" scheme fail yet, or is it still ongoing? is there any update to this?

This story is not getting the attention it deserves.

What the fuck is up with this thread?
What?! This is literally what we've been waiting for.


This sentence is not only intellectually dishonest, it's an outright lie meant to have a double connotation.

First, it's meant to both look like Trump has the ability to manipulate the media in to KEEPING the media from reporting on terrorist attacks, as if to say "WE WANTED TO TELL YOU GOYS, BUT DRUMPF WOULDN'T LET US!"

Secondly, it concurrently means that there are or were NO terrorist attacks that occurred that the media covered up and "this is another ploy by Drumpf to discredit news agencies he doesn't like."

I'm so fucking mad, I'm calm. That's how fucking angry I am. I have no more rage left because I have ascended rage into it's most purest for imaginable.






I feel what you're saying user, it'll be hard for Trump to maintain real law and order amidst all this growing chaos.

I hate to say it, but RWDS seem like the only logical option moving forward because the media sure as hell won't be on our side and still has a massive amount of influence over most liberal normies.

Trips checked, hope you anons are ready to literally fight for your country.


GOSH, what could his real name be??



Checked for truth. Everyone should have a guardian shadow. I know I do, and it's awesome.


Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Ticket was free. Everyone who didn't an hero bought it.

In all seriousness the training, funding and arming of ISIS was legitimately treason in every sense, considering at that point we knew they were AQI and officially an enemy. Obongo should be keeping his head down.


So good. I know every generation believes their music was the best, but fuck that is hard to top.



Aww shit niggas, we stewin' now. Consequences will never be the same.

Isn't that Sorcha Faal disinfo?


youve got the right idea




I still manage to fug it up

i know this feeling well. tried red pilling my father who is blue pilled into oblivion, but part way though i kinda just shut my mouth. i sounded ridiculous, and it was spontaneous, so no infographs or proof on hand

Sorry Jim, get a new look. Can't take you seriously.


GL is mediocre too. Go watch Dougram

I've dehumanized myself, and the mental image of artillery and firearms firing at cucks is better than the best waifu's breasts. Listen to some Carpenter Brut, close your eyes, and imagine rifles blasting to the beat at a crowd of antifa coming to trash your town. It's 10x better than jerking off

This is true we are not far off from a full on global right wing revolution. Its gonna be one hell of a battle though. What have we done?

God speed anons


Trump-San needs to slow the fuck down so we can meme and research enough to get the normies on heat.
I just hope that his tactic is to fuck the fake king nigger and the crone, then drag the slush fund and the nuclear secrets in as part of the prosecution.

Lets uncover some Bush crimes too. Same fucking lizard people after all.

Firing squads are for soldiers.
Criminals are hanged.

Don't mean to make you even more angry but you must also remember that they mean "white terrorism," as if Trump is working right now to scrub the OK city bombings from the books. Islamic terrorism is merely workplace violence!

That's it. Trump is doing a lot of shit, taking all the media and dem time, while the wikileaks dump and DOJ crap gets sorted out. He can't rely on tge worker bees in govt right now because they are covering their asses.
Plus, he is getting some stuff done.

to be honest, the first time will be trying. I cant imagine how much nervousness and anxiousness I'll encounter. I cant begin to sense the gravity of the moment, what I'm about to do, and what it's about to mean for the world around me

But in the end, this is what I've been praying for, so to battle we go

This is, in a nutshell, why I love Trump. I'm the kind of guy that doesn't roll over when people make an enemy of me. I don't have the power to beat all or even most of them, but I fight back, expecting to lose, expecting to hurt my prospects, because I have to. I'll probably be fighting losing battles 'til the day I die.

Trump fights back and wins.

Do what I do. Fight back with petty inconsequential shit that can't be traced back to you. I inadvertently caused a divorce that way.

This means nothing, we know a lot of dirt about Hillary and she still isn't in prison.

I don't doubt Trump but I doubt everyone else in charge until that hag is sent to jail.

we'll fight the good fight, user

we'll fight the good fight





mediocre game, but feel soundtrack

user, people do not wake up then say to themselves I'm gonna be a hero. All of us have been thrown into a position where we do some heroic feat for what we believe in or die like a silent coward. Those who were before us did not die in vain, they fought for something magnificent, grand, they lost their lives for that purpose. They chose that path so we could see what happened, to show us how much they loved us even though none of us were around in such days. Their deaths are only in vain if we fail and falter, there is a long road ahead for all.



Obongo is too big to be jailed. It's like to trying to fight a level 81 boss when you are level 15 or some shit.

Obama's new home is brick and concrete, and I bet you the safe room is under that terrace.

Fuck you. We're gonna win and we're gonna win and we're gonna win.

He's far from un reachable.

who trapped him in a PS1


Poseidon says:


They're totally real, but so are all of the other pantheons. You'd better believe Odin is pissed.

He was doomed. He did his duty anyways.

We are what we do in the dark

History textbooks will be fucking gold in 20 years.

Think of it as Trump is fighting a war right now, a political and legal war. Do you let the general public know your marching intentions before the operation?

I salivate to think of how hard Trump's legal team is going to slam these shadowkikes. The court proceedings will last years, but my sides will leave earth for an eternity. Think of it like this. His opponents both break the law, and do so egregiously and horrifically, and do so with the presumtion that they will never get caught because they are arrogant, AND they are incompetent because they're using the same war manual from ww2 and never upgraded to the internet era. There's a paper trail a mile long and a yard thick. But putting the attack together takes time, calculation, and spotting the precedent and citations. What we're seeing is the kike infantry galavanting around in the citadel like they're safe and secure while, behind the line of trees, Trump's team is building the siege engines. It's a subtle form of smugness but if you aren't grinning ear-to-ear every second of the day, you aren't following. Sun Tzu: The battle is won or lost before it's fought. Right now, the shadowgovernment and Trump are putting their soldiers in formation, and the kike camp is lounging or panicking or picking their noses while Trump's team is scouting the landlay and sharpening the gladiuses. It's gonna be a fucking slaughter in slow motion disguised through legalese. I, for one, fully appreciate this timeline. There will be kikes throwing themselves from buildings like stock investors after black friday.

Obama is no doubt a muslim savage

Not to mention the hundreds of MANPADs supposedly "stolen" by Ansar Al-Sharia during the raid (in reality of course they were illegally given them by CIAniggers) :

Surprising we haven't seen an airliner shot down with one yet, maybe they figured they were all needed on the battlefield.

That's the home of someone with a guilty conscience. Tiny windows, brick, steel, concrete. He bought himself a fucking prison lol.

That's a nice fortress.

Would any absolute madmen be willing to sacrifice their life to kill Obongo?

Would it even be a good idea or just make him into a martyr?

Trump was not a soft coup. What the left is trying now is the soft coup. The left doesn't want a hot war they can't win, once trump consolidates power it's over for them in the short term. Not that they may not get a civil war anyway, since the backers focused on money rather than straight power know how to profit from it.

We have the guns and /k/ommandos, but cops could swing either way depending on who is paying their pensions, what looks more dangerous, etc., and DHS and DOJ are only nominally ours. Trump looks like he's working to make sure the military has his back, and I was confused at Pompeo's position at CIA but it may be to make sure the defense and aerospace industry and all their money don't throw in against him.

This has always been my timeline but sometimes I'm still a little surprised at how things turned out.


So what has happened with this story? I would have expected it to pick up some traction by now, if only in the alternative media.

Session laid off about 50 ppl from DoJ




What the fuck happened in that thread, it's like reading babby's first shill, OP using reddit-tier memes






Of complications caused from anal tearing. He'll love every minute of it though.



You ok user? Your programming seems to be on the fritz.

or we will spend a decade pretending to hunt you down
t. CIA

The ZOG took the Ayy tech that crashed in Roswell.

some seriously weird shit happened there, and it sure as shit wasn't a swamp-gas powered weather balloon reflecting the light from Venus.


Quite interesting. Peace is docile and pacifistic submission. It is surrender. Which is ultimately, death.

He is surrounded by jews and literally confirmed Pissrael to be Greatest Ally.

Far from off the hook.

The peace symbol is a flag motion for N.D. which means nuclear disarmament.

how's the coffee in your office?

I can't wait until we're back to regular hours

An airliner has been shot down, it was Russian and shot down over Egypt in 2015

So the new Fast and Furious trailer is out and it seems quite topical

http:// www.imdb.cum/list/ls053181649/videoplayer/vi1498461721?ref_=hm_hp_i_3


If about 50 million deaths, the most in any conflict in human history, is considered "working" than sure.


What a bunch of faggot sissies. I'd love to line them up and shoot them all. They're probably all pozzed nigger lovers.

Not being off topic, was a little drunk so the vagueness made more sense to just me. I'm talking about how the villan can control cars and it just so happens the CIA is getting caught for the car things. yeah

I tried so hard not to cry watching this and here I am posting with tears running down my eyes.

And we're surrounded by feds, so what does that make you?



i wouldn't say mice are like kikes. mice are really cute

rat symbolism, son…

Equal public execution for all trader kike pedophiles.

either you misspelled TRAITOR or you made a wall street pun.

in either case, you posted a picture of a evolved nigger.