Let us get a coon bashing thread going lads, i'm also taking the chance to shill this video (not by me) of some chimpout. Post niggers being nigs
Nigger Hate thread
Nigger trait thread
Do the crime \
No dad????
What more? YOU DECIDE
Nigger Hate threads are a tradition of this board, it's not like a single thread can exist at any given time.
we dont need to get emotional about them. the statistics speak for themselves. low energy bait.
I was just browsing Kohl's and this is the front page. What's with all the subtle propaganda everywhere? Doesn't matter the industry. Doesn't matter the brand or store. What the fuck…
White women and niggers are both the easiest target to sell to with the highest disposable income(or inability to budget topkek)
It could be that in some instances, but not all. They do it on television shows with background characters, in movies, in commercials, in advertising. Hell, they do it on news stations and daytime television. How are people in these positions all united in this disgusting fetish to see white women with niggers? Even in that photo the white woman is "conveniently" looking at the nigger. It's insane how frequent it is. Makes it hard to even enjoy a lot of things.
the under armor symbol is a sideways vagina, vesica pisces, also represents "as above so below". the logo is fucked from the jump, so it makes sense for them to put a wyte wimmin sandwiched between 2 apes while promoting their shit product.
I wonder – What do we think this shit will do? Like, really what effect will it have on society?
I know why the companies do it. A (((narrative))) has been created in which it is a virtuous (and free!) bit of good publicity to cram niggers and faggots and fat trannies into every fucking thing. Corporations have no souls, so if it looks like good PR, they'll do it. If America got good and publicly racist tomorrow, they'd cut this shit out the day after. It's just shekels to them.
But what are we afraid of? That white women will look at these ads and decide to adopt a nigger baby instead of breeding whites? In B4 "women are children, dude! LMAO, that's why I'M still a virgin MGTOW!" Or will more people just be put off by how obviously (((somebody))) is pushing nignog models down their throats? I think shit like the automatic preference of niggers for everything that doesn't involve math just speeds up the necessary purge.
yes, most likely
Well I do see white women as simple. So seeing this mix normalized incessantly in all forms of media, I'm sure, will subconsciously open them to the concept of interracial dating. I've only ever seen white men point it out. I've only ever seen white women defend it.
That's because whores mistake black dick for the fathers they didn't have, user. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I really think most people notice this shit and assume it's just how things are, without any idea things could be different if we would just get off our fucking asses and kill those Jews.
We've been given NOTHING. 1% of the docs and zero code.
We don't "hate" niggers. We pity them for being slaves to a shitty genetic lottery that puts them at a disadvantage in regards to IQ.
Which also makes it very easy for Jews to take advantage of them and use them as pawns for their anti-white agenda.
Always remember that almost every race is used and abused by the Jews. We're all victims to their schemes.
So no, Holla Forums does not and never has been a consensus "nigger hate" board. Holla Forums hates no race (except for Jews) because we realize they're in the same shit (admittedly maybe not to same degree we are).
Nigger gonna nig.
Chinks gonna chink.
And even though Jews gonna Jew, they are the most hostile and their survival strategy is antithetical to our survival, so they must go.
Nice try Tyrell
TRS still doing pool parties?
Fuck off nigger.
NHT belong on halfchan whether you like it or not.
Agree, well said.
Just because you understand what is going on and the reality of races, genetics, and the use of brown races as demographic weapons, that does not exclude the possibility of hate. Do not presume that hate necessitates a misunderstanding or lack of understanding. I understand blacks and jews very well and I still hate them. I understand the polio virus very well. Does that mean that with understanding, my hate must be swept away? No, fuck polio. I hate it. Likewise, fuck niggers. They are a subhuman race that should have been wiped out during the colonial era. They have no business parasitizing off of western white societies that they had no hand in shaping. They are a scourge that must be eliminated.
Niggers are savage subhumans responsible for the rape and death of many of my people, so, yeah, I hate niggers. Go back to cuckchan.
Not sure where all the nigger lovers are coming from, but they should listen to some William Luther Pierce.
Yes, the kikes play us against each other to keep us distracted, but niggers are still subhuman and have to go back or hang after we solve the kike problem.
Gas yourself.
Hell yeah I hate niggers as well as jews of coursh. Pic very fucking related.
Why do niggers stink?
So blind people can hate them too.
Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
He doesn't know he's black.
What's the difference between dog shit and niggers?
Dog shit eventually turns white and stops smelling.
Englishman applies for a job with South African police. Inspector says "These are the best qualifications I've ever seen, just one test before you get the job. Take this gun, go out and shoot six niggers and a rabbit."
Bloke replies "Why the rabbit?"
Inspector says "Fantastic attitude, you've got the job!"
Did you hear about Ben Garrson's latest stunt?
He tried to jump 50 niggers with a steam roller.
Why are apes always frowning?
They heard that in a million years they'll be niggers.
Why are trees so close in Harlem?
Public transportation,
Pol dying. Seriously bleeding out. Nigger hate thread? Everyone everywhere just found out the CIA Nigger's been spying with their own personal unaccountable nsa.. and you want a nigger hate thread? Vault 7 just got released and this is what you want to do? Fucking Jesus Christ, you really are stupid goys arent you? Fuck. If humanity was left solely in your hands we'd all be living in Zio-world ten times harder than we are now. You fucking retards. You're apart of "muh master race" fucking act like it. Shills don't even have to shill.. you do it on your own. CONGRATS YOU'RE ALL FAGGOTS
*Pol's because i know you're autistic
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dbR2JZmlWo
kill yourself, also nigger detected, fuck off shitskin.
This is more like Nigger Appreciation
We don't need masturbatory threads, thank you.
damn dude looks like u forgot to take ur lithium today haha
Nigger hate threads are to Holla Forums as apple pie is to America. One of the first thing the lefty/pol/ molemod did on cuckchan was ban nigger hate threads.
To be honest I've always though these threads were to polarize us so that no one would take us seriously.
Being proud of your race doesn't mean being disrespectful to all other races. It means deporting them so they can develop at their own pace away from civilized people.
This is what a shill looks like.
Yeah because Hitler was well known for his rants about niggers.
We never had these early on in the first place, this board is not dedicated to blind hatred, it is dedicated to calculated hatred.
and by making x hate threads, or is x degenerate etc… you simply water down the board and its hatred.
Hitler was a politician, and french Moroccan rapes were a large part of nazi rhetoric, yes. Suggesting its not okay for us to hate on niggers as a race, when they are niggers, is D&C and should get you banned.
Says the shill.
If he had to deal with them like we do he'd have ranted about them at least half as much as jews. Not sure how much of a faggot cuck you have to be to have anything but blind hatred for these animals and what they've done to our country and its people since being desegregated.
Agreed, this tread is as unnecessary as it is obvious. I mean, what's next? Holla Forums having a xbox appreciation thread?
Youre not supposed to fill it with shitposting, youre supposed to fill it with all the fucking examples of niggers being niggers so people become more aware of the types of things niggers do, outside Holla Forums. Its a nigger propaganda distribution and creation thread.
WOW man that's a surprise
go back to cuckchan, i'm sure there's more than enough threads like these to satisfy your need.
You know naive people who watch kike propaganda don't know this about niggers because this shit is kept hidden. Notice how every time you see a nigger on talmudvision in a commercial or whatever they whitewash them and make it so whites relate to them so they end up voting in a nigger president and relaxing around blacks. More of these need to circulate so we can spread it. Fuck off shill fuck.
Weve gone over this. They banned them from cuckchan a long time ago because its one of the things that redpills people on how races are not the same, and niggers are brutal savages.
Are you new or something? Possibly a shill? This is where we post all the worst stories about niggers, and then they leak out where normies see them on FB.