Looks like the commies over at MIT are trying to encourage 'civil disobedience' by promising a sweet cash reward.
With the amount of federal money that MIT receives, for them to propose something like this is ludicrous. They have a submission box on the page. You know what to do, folks(pic related)
That's us whether or not they believe it to be, how do we collect? just spoil part of the link like so [spoiler][/spolier]archive.is/WJgK3, spoiling the whole link doesn't work at all
Alexander Peterson
Jayden Fisher
Brandon Diaz
MITniggers can't even figure out JIT compilers and they want to change the world nice one.
Justin Edwards
the Berkeley riots were "non-violent", user
Jason Rivera
Someone needs to send this Terry's way and let him know MITniggers are being retarded again.
Charles Rivera
Imagine what the not "alt - right" could do if we got the kinda funding the "left" gets. I'm fucking pissed.
Dylan Perez
Aaron Swartz.
Jacob Gonzalez
Lurk for 5 years before posting
Ian Jones
Jesus christ, cuckchan.
Thomas Gomez
Wow just wow user, don't you know that violence = power + prejudice + conservatism??? Like, wow, it's literally 2017! Leftists can't be violent by definition! You're talking about reverse-violence which doesn't exist! Educate yourself shitlord, and be sure to check your privilege!
Noah Watson
This is an excuse to pay a friend. They already know who will receive the money. the contest is just to make it look legit.
John Gray
Nicholas Turner
So should I be Expecting Synthetic Viruses and Tranny Mutants soon?
Nicholas Murphy
Grand prize is given board ownership over Holla Forums
Matthew Allen
prizes should be simple things like the traditional greek olympics.
Jackson Moore
Making commie asses burst into salt pinata should be prize enough by itself.
Sebastian Richardson
Off topic, but stop using spoilers, and just use italics. It's the cleanest way to break a link that doesn't make me want to punch my monitor (link is in full, and you can see the entire URL).
this is true, and it's the best way tbh. the idea is that if lefties figure out there are nazis giving prizes for say, "flyering an entire campus with hatefacts" it would be extremely triggering.
Nathaniel Hall
(checked) A bad goy gaining control over Holla Forums would produce more salt. But you're right, though. Doing it for free is best.
Christian Perez
Couldn't this easily be a scheme to funnel money to a predetermined group while bringing them extra attention?
Camden Richardson
Luis Mitchell
WHY ON EARTHIS PUTTING A SPACE BETWEEN THE HTTP:// PART OF THE URL SO HARD?!?! https:// [insert space here] archive.is/WJgK3
Henry Martinez
(Checked) >consistent with a set of key principles. These principles include non-violence, creativity, courage, and taking responsibility for one’s actions. OP is a faggot.
Justin Perez
(heil) The funding, support of the legal system, freedom from constant censorship…
Thomas Davis
Nathan Perez
reported for being a cuck
Samuel Campbell
It told you niggers universities would become literal think tanks for cummies. This will be the ultimate level of organization for leftists. Universities will be the squatting communes for cummies soon, Pentagons for future cummie intelligence operations and action.
Aaron Lewis
It's supposed to be idiot proofing.
Juan Jenkins
I think its clear who the faggot is here
Adam Baker
By their rules shouldn't collectively using meme magic to influence the election and keeping Hillary out of office be eligible for the prize?
Caleb Cox
Safe lands for my children’s children to live and prosper within was and shall remain the only reward I desire. I hold no interest in material goods or selfish desires, the leftist and the globalist can’t understand this.
Easton Perez
I'm gonna have to go ahead and check them dubs of confirmation. They're righteous
Tyler Foster
Breaking the link with a spoiler is more convenient to copy/paste. nigger.com
Chase Powell
I want to add we only do it for "free" in accordance with kike definitions, not in accordance with our own internal and personal, yet not uncommon, ethos. We are definitely doing for payment,and that payment is the better tomorrow.
Adam Wright
Universities and to a lesser extent community colleges have been a staple in left wing activities. Fortunately, their influence is starting to diminish as the college degree meme falls apart. I've identified several ways we could fuck with them. Our two primary vectors of attack will be via financial pressure and physical direct action. Financial: 1) Start a campaign to discourage high schoolers from enrolling in a four year university. We already know any non-STEM degree is pretty much worthless, as is only used to pad resumes for HR fags. We can recommend going to trade school instead, or, if they really are set on getting a four year degree, going to community college instead, where the poz is somewhat less and helps drain funding from 4 year schools. 2) Encourage boycotting university sporting events. Discourage fans from continuing to support universities finacially by breaking their addiction to sports. If they can't totally break them, limit the amount of ad revenue generated for the universities by recommending pirated streams. 3) Nationally and at the state level, we can lobby the government and break the HR mafia by making it illegal to unneccesarily discriminate against those with 4 year degrees over HS/2yr degree or unneccesarily require 4 year degrees for employment. An entry level job shouldn't normally require a full 4 year degree. 4) Nationally, start putting pressure on the government to stop issuing student loans for unneccesary degrees like the arts and the like. 5) Form student advocacy groups independent of leftist or campus associated groups specifically targeting the lack of jobs for four year degrees. Use language like "you lied to us!" or "we want our money back!". Ties in with point one, but on a larger level. Targetting a school's finances is the most effective way to destroy these institutions.
Now, we have several options for direct physical action: 1) Create as many Mizzou style D&C operations as possible at these universities. Leftists busy fighting us on their own campuses are off our streets. It has the bonus of finacially crippling the institution as well if it gains enough noteriety. 2) Target administration and staff with protests. Put physical pressure on admin and campus police (who act as mercenaries for universities), as well as important student body organizations like student government and such. On the more extreme end, we have some more physical options: 3) Damage school property whenever possible. Yes, it seems petty, but leftist really value property so long as its their own. 4) Launch campaigns of personal defamation against college staff and student organizers. 5) Protest and disrupt sporting events and other financially important school activities. This is tricky because you'll be playing with normalfags' favorite pastimes. See point one for tips on how to do this indirectly instead. 6) Hacking or disrupting online university activties. Things like acquiring dox or shutting down online campus utilities should send a message to college officals. On the very extreme end, and should only be reserved for DOTR or riot situations and should not be done normally: 7) Start riots and use those oppurtunties to cause massive damage to campus buildings. Things like arson or water/electrical damage should be employed in these situations. 8) Physical removal of key staff/student leftists. I don't need to elaborate any further on this.
Undertaking the above activies is something that is long overdue in the West and we should start to coordinate activities that help put the above into action. We cannot allow these colleges to remain under leftist control if we wish to change society to our liking. I'll add more if I think of additional methods.
Jeremiah Sanders
Adam Bailey
I'm dead serious
Nolan Walker
Did someone accidentally hit that building with a car or something?
Michael White
That solution isn't effective against universities. You need to make them either self-destruct or financially implode. Save that pic for things like media headquarters.
Something like that.
Matthew Walker
Said that the original name is /polpot/ and meme this.
Aaron Perez
I wonder what would be more effective. You blow up their headquarters in a few locations and they're scared to go to work. You kill two dozen in random assassinations and they're scared to leave the house.
Angel Fisher
Yes, the driver just wanted to hand out copies of a novel. I think it was called The Hunter Journals or whatever.
Leo Wilson
Neither. These organizations are for the large part immune to actions like that. There are several thousand colleges, but only a few media orgs. One will be more prone to the reaction you describe.
Either way, you sound fed as fuck.
Luke Morales
I'm C(Chinese)IDF, actually.
Xavier Stewart
good shit. we should start gathering redpills about student debt, employment after a 4 year degree, what percentage of students get useless degrees, how many people are currently in debt(its got to be tens of millions by now), how the government influences education at these universities, relationsships between the government and education, who profits from selling shit education.
user, the left have proven themselves over and over again to do that shit to themselves. all our guys have to do is show up on campus and the whole town gets shut the fuck down.
we should protest for free speech and make it clear thats what this is all about. keep it peaceful. and then the radicals will come out shouting with masks and expose themselves as the modern version of the maoist red guard aka antifa. the parrallels of maos cultural revolution led by students is very similar to todays extreme bernouts and their socialist multicultural agenda. they are using the same tactics.
the whole sector of college sports is corrupt to the core but i doubt itll be easy to sway the crowd away from muh game. but we could use the dispraportionate amount of black students in these scholarships to paint it as a modern version of slavery, which has a grain of truth. they dont get paid and they make universities millions of dollars.
dont start riots, they do that themselves. no need to give them the moral high ground.
Noah Hall
Ian Fisher
Sup my dude.
Zachary Wright
They really don't know who they're talking to, do they?
Kevin Sanders
(checked) I know. That's what I mean by physical action in point one. Somebody has to put the stickers and posters out though in order to trigger a reaction. First, people respond to strength. You escalate in proportion to what the enemy does. Stickman is an excellent example of what I'm talking about. The man is now a widespread meme across the normalfag internet. People respect fighters. user, they get paid in free housing, free food, free "education", and free white pussy (if you don't remember the Baylor incident awhile back) and legal protection for raping said pussy. They're not slaves and they live as virtual kings on campus thanks to their feetsball influence. You start riots by showing up and challenging them. Riots are a destabilization tactic that work to cause public backlash. Lets not moralfag here. The enemy needs to be dealt with appropriately. If we can do that peacefully, fine. If not, there are other options.
Matthew Sanchez
Nah it was the OKC Bombing, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing
Polite sage for off topic reply.
Thomas Brown
Oh… Thought it was just a drunk driving incident or something. Thought maybe Paco had a bit too much tequila.
Justin Wilson
Carson Richardson
first prank is killing 100 leftists with ied… and GO!!
Christian Gray
Fuck off FBI.
Anthony Gomez
it is actually effective to physically remove the buildings. universites rely on students… no students no marxist teachers no brainwashed kids
Aiden Rivera
But the dubs user
Daniel Edwards
so tired of the fbi meme. i do advocate the murder of ALL leftists. i hope the fbi goes real rogue and forms death squads and starts it off right
Isaiah Parker
The FBI isn't the right entity for killing. You need CIA for that.
Samuel Murphy
Yeah, me too. Honestly you guys should go out and rape any woman that doesn't support Trump. Seriously, go do it. It'll be good.
Carson Jones
I hate this entire world. Selling out, going into finance. Deep Cover Pic related me in 14 and a half years.
Samuel Ward
The left doesn't care about freedom of speech
Nathaniel Edwards
The fact they have to pay cunts just shows how weak they really are. It's going to go to a Jew for sure as it will be 'voted' on by other Jews.
Blake Morgan
Yes they do. They most certainly do. They care that you have it. They want to put an end to that with 'hate speech' laws.
Anthony James
actually, the opposite. looks to me like MIT realized that the current protests (out of, especially, Berkeley - commie central) are extremely counterproductive and they're trying to put that money out there to "civilize" things. Think about it: every organizer is now going to be telling everyone "stay chill and don't attack anyone and we could win a bunch of money." this is actually much worse, much more insidious
Elijah Collins
We all post and make edgy memes on le super edgy nazi Trump supporting Burmese genocide pictograph form, where's all of our gibs and awards? That's civil disobedience if I've ever seen it.
Elijah Baker
Jordan Lee
leftists immediately disqualified
Benjamin Roberts
They need their funding pulled.
Logan Ortiz
my god, sometimes looking at my own people is the biggest blackpill. I made the mistake of clicking on imgur out of curiosity to see this shit on the front page. And you have Jewtube shilling CNN and feminist propaganda. The deep state is pulling all the punches. RoHoWa when?
Jaxson Harris
Don't give up hope, fam. The only thing imgur is full of is shills shilling shills shilling shills, and maybe a couple of thousand real accounts. Reddit is a fun little example; they cite around 350 million unique reddit users while only an average of 13 or so million are subscribed across all default subreddits. Of those 13 million that seem to be active, even anti Trump stuff and other garbage like that only get ~10-50k upboats, and never more than 10,000 comments.
The people that ACTUALLY hold and espouse these beliefs are such a small portion of the population, it's laughable. They have no idea how much of a minority they are.
Carter Murphy
Won't they be liable for this? It's basically calling for acts of terrorism.