Shadow Government

So I saw a shitty thread about the shadow government and I thought I'd start a more productive thread where we can share some real information on the topic.

Posting the following interview bare with me I am converting mp3 files to manageable webms:
Whistleblower, former CIA Officer and Anti Terrorism expert, KEVIN SHIPP, joins The Power Hour
to discuss shadow government.
Check out Kevin's Books:
  * From the Company of Shadows
  * In From The Cold. CIA Secrecy and Operations. A CIA Officer's True Story

Other urls found in this thread:


When did this term pop up? I always called it the deep state.

So far I have seen both terms used interchangeably



Got a summary? Anything about banks or juden?

What this user said

found this dead board that has a bunch of resources on it


I've always heard it referred to as the shadow government in the conspiracy circles for decades. The deep state is a new reference to me these past couple years even though they reference the same exact thing.





I think I'll pass on the rest

thanks for saving me from wasting anymore time

I wonder if they'll ever realize how ridiculous "just gotta pray lol" sounds to someone who knows what their parents generation did to Germany.

3 is a duplicate of 2. I recommend repacking your source mp3s into a rar and sharing those because your webm-making skills are severly lacking, but its good stuff you shared. Its a good introduction into the deep state/shadow government.

people like you wouldn't get much out of quality, raw information like this anyhow.

short of death and destruction on a global scale, a pack of niggers rapes someone in front of them and jebus doesnt come down to save them, i doubt it. My grandparents are exactly like that.
They dont bother doing anything about liberals, mexican invasion, deep state still trying to ease most of my fam into the jews, because "its all in gods hands", "god has a plan", "god will reveal the truth". it angers me.

nigger i already know all this. Usually people that were inside the belly of the beast have a thought or two on resolving this beyond DOTR. I was looking for possible solutions and apparently his solution is to hope god will wave his magic wand and fix everything.

I've been hearing the same shit from whistleblowers for about a decade now a mafia controls the government/population racketeering/assassinations/luciferianism and it's not like he's directly placing specific crimes to specific names. It's reinforcing a narrative, it just happens to be one that we're in on.

OP did good by sharing this in webm format, it's a pretty cozy thread, but it's unfortunately nothing new, just another guy putting himself out there as a good guy.

This is the third webm that was accidentally a dupliucate.

yeah, but usually "deep state" is used in a more innocuous way, and tends to refer to entrenched bureaucrats, even in the SSA or EPA. "Shadow Government" is more insidious and generally implies jesuit/cia/fbi/oil-mercenaries/etc blackmailing Congressmen and shit like that. But, basically the same thing depending on how dirty you think they're being.

That's the blindspot that the right has to work with, but it's not like they would side with evil once they became aware of it (like a significant portion of the left who enable it out of nihilism) in fact, the normie christian would be the first demographic to organize and start putting kikes in chains if they had the wherewithal to perceive things beyond jonestein and limbaugh.
Their scope is widening right now, we're way further down the path than we were 4 years ago. have some faith goy

Jesse Ventura talked about CIA officials in permanent government positions at the state level. He also mentions a group of people who interrogated him after he won governorship trying to figure out why he won. That group refused to mention their names or their positions in government.


even after all the winning its still tough for me.
sometimes i feel like a kicked dog, too afraid to trust that im not gonna get hit again by that human that seems to be nice enough at the moment.

i have to disagree. they have been brought up theyre entire lives to believe that jews are chosen, jews are special, jews are just like us, jews will still go to heaven, jews are actually a little bit better than us, jews are just christians who dont believe in christ, jews need our help, jews are hated for no good reason and that nazism was the ultimate sin because they shoahed dah joos.
Seriously, i grew up in that kind of family and saw it all around me for more than a decade. It took me years to get out of it, and years more to have the hate i do now. I seriously doubt the average normie who "is christian", but really in name only, will ever hate the jews on a scale enough to make them a sizeable addition to any future RWDS/Eternal Reich

Why is OP always such a retarded faggot?

There are TWO (2) definitions of "shadow government":

1) the one where aliens/quatrillionares/etc rule behind closed doors… I won't be touching this.

2) The Shadow Government: In case DC gets nuked by muslim extremist/white nationalist/etc, helicopters (sometimes black) and other modes of transportation will pick important [surviving] personnel and attempt to keep law and order.
NOTE: this doesn't mean immediately marshal law (this would only result in more anarchy), but that's always an option.

I seen that term before… I actually like this term better, as calling it "shadow government" only begets laughter from someone who is educated about the government.

there's also the minority party officials lol yeah, i know this isn't GB but fuck you

didn't he say they threatened to kill him if he didn't "play ball">?

pls explain

also, btw, Bill Moyers called it the "Secret Government" back in '86, so you should probably check your retardation, kiddo, and learn some fucking history.

forgot link

crap… I should have said "key" rather than "important"

(doppels checked)
Agreed but I don't think the content is anything Holla Forums doesn't already know. Something like vid related has far more snippets of gold in it that I've never seen here but I'm not capable of cutting it up, and it's mainly about yurop. Griffin actually talks about solutions (moving to Eastern Europe and reconquista) near the end and there's bits about GLRockwell and jewish far-right co-opting as well. Sorry to semi-derail OP


I've never heard the surviving government officials during an emergency called "the shadow government" tbh, but someone could have called it that I suppose - esp. considering the use of that term in Britain. "Shadow Government" is almost exclusively used to denote some sort of cabal or network of entrenched government officials, usually involved in usurpation of Congressional authority, like I pointed out here: and like Bill Moyers was talking about here:

Deep STate is a more innocuous term they're substituting, I think, because it tends to have one foot in the conspiracy camp (secret/shadow government) and one foot in the more mainstream political science camp (entrenched/powerful bureaucrats). Either way, the point is to highlight the lack of democratic accountability and Congressional authority over policymaking.

"Shadow government" is an actual phrase the government already uses. Here are some recent mentions of that phrase that I recall:

_ In 2015, Obama wanted to talk with the people about how would the "shadow government" would be of use (context: in case of nuclear weapon in DC, key officials are transferred to secret location)
_ During one of the leaks last year, some fags on Holla Forums were hyped for finding the phrase "shadow government", but again the context was a terror attack
_ History channel (I think) did a program about a nuclear terror attack, and around 2/3 they were talking about "shadow government" (ie. getting surviving key official to some secret bunker).

I know of these three examples because I'm writing a book about nuclear weapons. Again, you can use the term, but it already exist to describe something else. I just tried to wiki that stuff, and pic related.

Read a book about history then.

kindly educate me then.
instead of doing a one sentence drive by you fucking nigger

Yes, but it's complicated.

While it's true some "higher ups" would have purposefully made different members in the intelligence community (I'm using this term very liberally) force-meme that word… there is always the issue about them being lazy (which happens).

Yes, but it's complicated.

While it's true some "higher ups" would have purposefully made different members in the intelligence community (I'm using this term very liberally) force-meme that word… there is always the issue about them being lazy (which happens).


those are the two (sometimes somewhat overlapping) definitions I just gave you, friend.

I do vaguely remember Holla Forums freaking out about that term or something like it being used in the way you speak or similar, but the real term is "Continuity of Government"

ctrl+f shows one article at the very end describing a "shadow government" that Bush put in a bunker during 9-11, but that's not an official term in the US government to my knowledge, I have quite a bit of experience in this. So, I mean, we can argue about whether a term has ever been used in any particular way, but the common usage of "shadow government" is what your pic shows (which is what I said) and "shadow government" is not a term used officially in the US government (though it is in the British government).

Maybe the same people on here who say "just meme it!" know the feeling

nonesoteric memeing is spreading a message, injecting your point of view into public discourse.
Praying is shutting yourself in a room and talking to yourself

CIA doesn't have a Prayer Warfare Center, now does it, smartypants?

Shadow government is a term I first heard from some dude names Jim Mars not sure of the spelling on Mancow's Morning Madhouse back in the early 2000's.

This Deep State term is something Ive heard said FAR MORE often lately than anytime previously.


lol retard


Im wondering if its an appropriate time to revive that dead board, and dump vault7 archives there. Along with the recent foia requests we got.

from what always thought, shadow government is a small group of unelected officials having most of the power, as opposed to those who are supposed to. (e.g. 7th floor)
deep state is many elected and appointed officials and groups that have a similar interest and work toward it, while resisting any change (e.g. intelligence community, large groups of pro-israeli congressmen).

The most powerful and elite people in the world obviously believe in it, makes you think huh?

The higher ups know its a shitpost. Im certain of it.

The gods love to shitpost too user

Why are you expecting that other people will drop a perfect solution into your lap? You're 100 times dumber that people that say to pray. At least they acknowledge the enormity of the problem.

no. no they don't and no it doesn't. no one - literally NO ONE - equates the Catholic/Protestant conception of Satan to Lucifer or Luciferianism. The one exception, perhaps, is the Church of Satan, which is a joke – A JOKE YOU FUCKING RETARD. LaVey was a perv and wanted to see chicks get naked and do weird shit. He figured he could do that by making fun of the Catholic Church because everyone hates going to church as a kid and, for some reason, Catholic girls are huge sluts (makes you think, huh?). Literally all their ceremonies are the Catholic Mass backward - a tongue-in-cheek joke.

Lucifer in the sense of Luciferianism, in my understanding, is generally equated more to the figure of Prometheus in the Greek mythological tradition. He's a figure that brings knowledge and power to mankind by tricking the gods. You are literally fucking retarded and you should kill yourself.

nice straw man.
I was looking for advice that have first hand experience in an area where i do not. Theyre not the same.
start arguing anytime
point out where i do not.

start arguing anytime.

seems like a good idea, there is a two month old sticky thread there so mod of board must still be active most threads are two years old though

Julian is just overloading everyone with the leaky bombs and not only that but nearly all tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists get vindicated in less than a few months. I'm not sure I can take much more.

Looks like a black metal album cover.

why has no one posted this yet

Yes I am one of them. I believe the Zionists we talk about here are the synagogue of satan, those who claim to be jews but arent, mentioned in Revelations.

Too many newfags.

here's the source, in case any of you fags (ahem, Kevin) need it. recent too.
from the HRC probe (RIP CTR):
https: //

p. 56 of part 04 in the pdf (HRC 303)
2nd paragraph for your very own screencap

damn shame






the t.v. series, the x-files, is probably the source which introduced the term "shadow government" into the common vernacular.
before that it was relegated to the conspiracy theorists.
the term "deep state" was attributed to assange, but i've seen comics and whatnot that are much older.