CIA Vault 7 continuation IV



thread 0:
thread I:
thread II:
thread III:
OpSec thread:

The Wikileaks Finfisher Hack Dump.
.Exe programs for weaponized malware were dumped. Year Zero was the first percent of Vault 7.


Other urls found in this thread:


Good luck guys. We're all counting on you….

This entire thing has become just like the bond movie 'Spectre'

Why aren't there any riots or dead agents showing up? Why is Trump quiet suddenly?

He's planning. He's not an amateur, you know.

The same reason why there weren't when there should have been for years wikileaks have made their revelations. We live in the Brave New World now.

As for Trump? He's plotting.
Opsec thread archive


last time I was in the loop we had car-activated assassinations, what did i miss?

Hey hey, Assange does it.

Checked but you forgot to link to the release.

It amazes me how many people buy into the narrative that the God Emperor is some kind of clueless amateur that doesn't understand the power game. He's been dealing with real estate kikes and the mob all his life, DC isn't anything new to him.

Yeah well, we're bored.

Last time I checked, Assange doesn't browse Holla Forums

This. That said, this also shows that Trump has no communication with Assange. He may not have been surprised by the Vault 7 but he's digesting the info at the same time we are. While trying to come down hard on Obama for the wiretapping thing. This shit really changes things and may have him alter his original case to be something more comprehensive and devastating to his enemies.

double doubs czechem

why do I keep seeing that? what happened? did some ponyfag at the cia get outed? (any connection to pizza gate?)

CIA was shitposting on ponychan. They used a sassy cat image which matched up to a leaked file.

What a time to be alive.

ponygate when

Any proof Assange is alive?/Any legitimately surprising data?

That you know. . .

Next dump when ? I swear to kek, this is pure gold
What's next ? the CIA's furry porn stash ?


what? for real? what thread was that in?

was it just an agent on a lunch break fucking around, or was it part of some obama think tank cultural subversion?

I know (((tumblr))) has been going nuts lately trying to police pony stuff. (lots of pro trump pony blogs keep getting shot down)

best timeline I guess.

which wikileak email had the file? I want to prove to my normie friends this is real but just showing a screencap is not convincing to them. On second thought it might not be worth explaining, but I know a good amount of people who used to go on Holla Forums and stuff back in high school who would get a huge kick out of this if they knew

No waifu swiping.

Anything odd about Apple hosting this software for download? Documentation in the leaks shows Ghidra is a "reverse engineering environment created by NSA" according to:
wikileaks. org/ciav7p1/cms/page_3375335.html

I'm more interested in Apple's role than the software. They declined to help the FBI with the San Bernadino terrorist iPhone. Was it a public show to cover their working with the CIA and NSA?

My money is on shit taste in animu. We already saw the I'm such a nerd shit with pokemon and video game references, so I'm assuming their also Narutards.

It's likely something to set up on a test platform.

Wouldn't be surprised if there is, it's possible the CIA uses digital "chaff" to distract people from the entirely of the content if its leaked. Doesn't mean it's entirely deliberate, just means the CIA takes advantage of such agents for ulterior purposes.

Look at the screencap here:
Here's another post of interest but not related: this shows a piece of their "meme" collection.

I think it's just a standalone file found in the leaked archive. Someone who's downloaded the leak would have to screencap the location of the sassy cat file.

It would certainly explain why you're derailing Vault7 leaks to talk about your degenerate attraction to cartoon horses.

Enough Apple - NSA cooperation to use the Wikileaks screenshot in a meme or infographic? Showing Apple in bed with the CIA will capture some attention from normies.

makes me wonder if cia just staffed with a bunch of fake nerd girl feminists and numale nastagla cucks.

Memetic warfare is more devastating than conventional warfare because meme wars take place inside the mind, and unlike conventional warfare there are no soldiers and civilians. Every single person is not only a soldier in memetic warfare, but also a battleground since their very minds are the location of the battle. The study of occultism, comparative mythology/religions, psychology, and other related fields are the future of humanity. Our ancestors knew the importance of and power of memes, though they did not classify them as such, and it is time that we restore that power.

>tfw you clicked on the wrong image

Here, have an ultra secure password along with best human.

That doesn't look wrong.

Looks like the CIA and FBI want a fight now

sperging out whenever you see anime,ponies, or other ironic meme pics makes me think you're the one trying to derail shit, (try harder cia bro) just hide posts you don't like if its triggering you so hard.

anyway, back on topic.

There's so much going on that I don't know what I'm looking at.

Given the context of my post an image of the symbol of Heka is not entirely out of place. Perhaps this was an event of subconscious manifestation relating to the influence and Egyptian mythology and ritual practices.

Normalfags are the most mysterious beast. Can't live with'em, can't live without'em. They'll acknowledge your superior intelligence in every way, but will steadfastly refuse to believe that you might know better than they do in any respect. Pitiable because they will never be able to savor the subtle joys of extraordinary intelligence. Enviable because their lives tend towards the simple; the happy; the without worry or existential dread. Their existence both exalts us and humbles us. A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an encyclopedic knowledge of the stats of niggerball players but no understanding of how all the cogs fit together to make a universe.

Damn. That second paragraph was meant for

I keep wondering if james comey is relly the one in charge of things over there in fbi land.

anyone have a chart on the FBI's structure handy? do they report directly to the president ?

someone post the sassy cat so i can save it and use it ironically

That's what I'm thinking too. Whatever we try , it's always right

Have a busy doge while I find it.

thanks user. i'll look at those.

so this was a part of the vault 7 leak? along with the snapchat hack and car assassination stuff?

jej CIA personals.

This. I imagine Sessions understood the legal consequences of the Russian and Chinese spoofing almost immediately. They're probably also worried about some of the potential defendants dying suddenly in car crashes. Figuring out the best way to bring a suit that will go up the chain is going to be complicated.

This is probably also why releasing Vault 7 was a serious threat from wikileaks to the FBI. There is a good chance that this might really damage their ability to protect lower-level defendants and key witnesses. The CIA now must be aware that their asses are all on the line. Doubtless clean up is already underway.

Of fucking course it was, where have you been. Because it was clearly not here. That idea was consensus the minute that story dropped.
That last exodus really has done a number on this board.

Well said, user.

My main concern is for my family members who seem to be losing the memetic battle within their minds. My mother seems to have lost before she even began as she is a very liberal woman. I care for them, but cannot speak on these topics without them thinking I am just crazy. My belief is that as long as I continue my studies in these necessary fields as I have been doing for years I may be able to one day save them. Perhaps this will be my life's 'Hero's Journey', but in a less conventional matter. I can somewhat see the typical archetypal manifestations within what would be considered the 'story'. This is a topic I must dwell on.

Hahhhaha those retards don't even know how high their doom level is. they are so fucking doomed

The One.
The Only.
The Legend.

Yeah. This part of the Vault 7 leak all ties into one common theme, information and cyber warfare.

Bronies are a CIA sysop to infect image boards and forums.

Izzat an Arkham Horror reference?

more like CIA are just marxist-jew infected autistic man children that would be drawn to somthing as normie cringe inducing as MLP. (makes sense when you think about the average brony and what we see in government works being incompetent freaks and degenerates)

So was that screencap from some "erotic" pony role play thread (here on Holla Forums?). (not sure how I feel about that)

What are the chances foreign nuclear technology is completely nullified by CIA cyberweapons and MAD is just a spook?

but why target that board? or was that just them killing time between shitposting the usual D&C on pol?

Year Zero?

thats been a theory since the 80's/90's, might also be a reason why the Nuclear ordnance has never been updated with new tech, can't relly do much to hack air-gaped 60's 70's computers.

because im not sure you got it the first time around..go figure

Assange directly linked to Holla Forums on twitter, user…

I was thinking more like this actually.

I love how we've made technology so advanced we now only feel safe using 60's tech and pen/paper.

what is that?

Pen and paper? Son you'd best be joking. Satellites can read the year on a dime dropped on Fifth Avenue. If you aren't keeping everything in your own head with Ars Memoriae, you're just asking to get 25 cm of CIA dick up your ass.

Ponychan is a separate imageboard, which makes it even stranger as you'd think they'd target the more popular sites. Though I'm curious what the original created/modified timestamps of the leaked file is.

It's likely an agent either engaging in a trivial assignment or just bored at work.

/polpol/ hit almost 20,000 posts before the faggots realized it was a jewish honeypot. it'll take a few months before the /polk/ retards figure it out. In the meantime, life goes on. There's a nice list of all the "eggsodoos" boards/chans that they've tried to d&c us into on /polmeta/.

its a text book guess with 1000 common words, once for directories and once for files that are usually linux archives that seem to be used in vault 7 as well. imho it looks like the _interesting_ stuff is already there on wikileaks server but not easily accessible.

Jess N and Steven Wimberly

normalfags only respect force and authority because they don't have enough willpower to actually think for themselves. They're perpetually frightened of confronting authority.
It requires a lot of personal strength or autism to stand and tell the world "No, you move."

Thanks. I'm a relative newcomer to Holla Forums. I've only lurked for about six months, trying to absorb and only occasionally say something.
Probably not long and they'll be able to do it at a distance. Nothing is safe or sacred to these people. The only way for us to be free is to make sure that nobody can be prosecuted for thoughtcrime, and that anyone who tries to prosecute people for thoughtcrime is immediately killed.


I mean indoors, in "private". Spooks can't see which Edward Bernays book I'm reading in my room with the blinds drawn.

no. they have literally doomed themselves


Haven't we all…

if you have a cell phone, modern TV, game system they can use acoustic modeling to map your room and your position in it, they can even record the sound your keyboard makes and know what you're typing.

Just create a basic cipher and draw the information into a picture so it looks like a innocent drawing of a smug anime girl. May as well troll them by making them waste time investigating every smugposter.

no we haven't. it's just you you pathetic loser.

thats a good reminder that we only have so much time on this planet, (also, that pc release can't come soon enough).

Nope, no way. The electric activity of the brain is so hard to read through the skull it literally takes a million dollar MR machine 20 minutes to get a shitty, super low-res look at general, noisy patterns of oxygen metabolism. And that's blasting someone with insane amounts of magnetism in a super controlled environment.
It's not a technical problem, it's a physical one. The dura, skull, scalp, and hair scatter and dampen the signal. The density differential between the air pockets in your nasal cavity and the dense skull and neural tissue causes massive signal blowout at the border. There are ways to correct for this but none that can be implemented real-time. This isnt even to mention the fact the electronic devices all around us swamp our environment with much stronger EM signals than your skull could ever put off. So you have a weak, inconsistent, blurred signal in a sea of strong signal.
I won't say never but certainly not any time remotely soon.
t. neuroscientist

Almost time, huh? I suppose I can't convince you to go back to the village?

they fuck is this shit? Was that spook image not in the folder from yesterday? *shudder*

i shouldn't have to tell you this butt… (you're doomed)

cell phone has mic sabotaged & camera covered
tv has no internet capability or mic
>console pleb. kek
Anything in my house with a mic that connects to the internet has its mic physically sabotaged*
Anything in my house with a camera that connects to the internet is covered
I'm literally posting this from a Gentoo VM behind secondary-proxy routed VPNs
I'm reading 'Crystallizing Public Opinion' btw
but they already knew that

You wouldn't need such a mind reader anyway if the mass surveillance apparatus acquires enough data about society via IoT (Internet of Things). They'll simply be able to predict your behavior, even group behavior with high probability instead.

Well yeah, that's the idea. It's too hard to literally get in someone's head, it's much easier to do so figuratively. Ironically, much of the neural network models and AI algos come from the neuroscience community. They're just crowdsourcing our beneficent autism for their own nefarious purposes.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Wikileaks was compromised around the time of the podesta emails, when J.A. lost internet at the embassy, He was killed. This is why the Hash pre-commits don't match the encrypted file. wikileaks has always released the hash of the file that was encrypted, and not the data it contained, because it is very easy to create a fake set of files with a matching hash, but it is impossible to create a matching hash of an encrypted file, while still being a valid encrypted file containing data. All of the wikileaks cables since that date have contained tracking viruses that probably execute on decryption/decompile (Like a logic-bomb / archive bomb malware), and are likely state-controlled disinformation. none of J.A.'s appearances since have been public, and he is a CGI Body double. There are glitches in the model, easily noticeable with polygon clipping and animation errors, which are clearly NOT video compression errors, which look radically different from those types of errors. This is how you can identify that it is fake.

Which is more likely, that they killed assange, replaced him and his organization with puppets and CGI Doubles, and use that to control the narrative, or that they made a computer virus called weeping angel that literally turns your TV into the TV's from 1984… That's just a little bit on the nose, don't you think?

as with any good disinfo, there is some degree of truth to it. We already know they do mass surveillance, can hack cars, we've seen it, freaking game theory showed the car hacking back with a watchdogs video, and it's built on the same premise as the conspiracy theory that 9/11 was an inside job, and that the planes where controlled by remote. identical tech that we know works.

There simply isn't enough data processing to handle the bulk volume of surveillance they where getting BEFORE the vault 7 leaks. It cannot be real due to the volume of data, therefor it is the panopticon. we all fear being watched at all times and act differently while watched. This is a method of controlling us. We aren't really being watched that much.

Jeff is that you? Where is hotweels?




I don't understand your point. I've assumed they've been watching me for two decades now, and it never stopped me from doing whatever I wanted. It certainly doesn't stop people who do worse shit - serial killers; child rapists; et al. Nobody is afraid of the CIA or NSA anymore. The FBI can just barely catch retards they set up themselves. These people obviously have no idea what the fuck they're doing. They work for pay, not ideology and certainly not piety. Every time they try to scare us it's just a demonstration of how impotent they are; the dog that barks does not bite.

It's not the number of computers that's the issue, It's the raw data storage. EXCLUDING SURVEILLANCE We are producing data nearly as fast as we are producing storage media for it all. If this level of surveillance was actually happening, we'd run out of storage space, and the prices of drives would skyrocket, cloud storage wouldn't be a thing, etc.

I am saying that they murdered jullian assange, and took over wikileaks, and you're calling me a spook? Which is more likely, that they killed the only credible threat to their operations, Or that they have a meme warfare department.

It's not you they want to control, Normies aren't going to listen to you. It's the normies they're using this as the panopticon for. Civilization is the prison, and these leaks are the panopticon for that prison. This is how they control the normies.

That's why this is being covered explicitly, by cnn, by fox, by the bbc, because it is in their best interest to "Expose" this. To strike fear of surveillance into the hearts and minds of the normies. To establish the panopticon.

You just triggered my autism, so congrats.


Here's how pre-commitment works, simplified so your retard ass can understand:

They were NEVER for the encrypted files you fucking kike, that would make no fucking sense, educate yourself on how subterfuge fucking works

i think we are just too scattered to be a target. also we are protected by god. i just don't see how they can be so fucking stupid to actually do what they do and think that it's for the good of the american citizen. AND that karma won't beat their ass
If this can be done with sound, why not EMF?

So what you're saying is we have to terrify normalfags more than the government does?


user, I…

Wikileaks has *NEVER IN ITS ENTIRE HISTORY* Released hash of the decrypted file, and have ONLY EVER released hashes of the files in their encrypted state, to validate that the file wasn't tampered with to the end-user recieving the files. This is the only time this has ever happened.

I understand the idea of giving proof that the data is legit to the party threatened, but you wouldn't display that proof publicly. There would never be a reason to.

? wat? No. ruling out of fear only breeds violent revolution, you have to genuinely be the benevolent ruler, or it all goes to shit. the american government hasn't been benevolent, that's why it's all going to shit.

Wikileaks NEVER IN ITS ENTIRE HISTORY released ANY HASHES WHATSOEVER, those were generated offsite for torrent retards, check their fucking twitter history, prove me fucking wrong

To rule you must set an example in one hand and punish evildoing with the other.

We've been over this failed narrative a hundred fucking times. You faggots don't have any POSITIVE proof that Assange is dead.

Not to mention, Hashes exchanged to threaten in that manner don't work, because it assumes that the other party already knows the exact arrangement of data that was stolen. which means they know exactly what files where stolen, in exactly the right format, and in exactly the right folder structure, Otherwise the hash would never match.

And party A and party B have no way of both knowing that same information, to compare hashes, without having already agreed on what data is present, at which point you don't even need hashes after that point, it's redundant.

Ignore the shills my dude

fucking why? What's the rest of the Internet going to do with a fucking hash? If anything, it is a way for them to show they're not fucking around as loudly as possible - and how else were they going to confirm it's from them and not from some larping faggot unless they sent it directly from their known comms channel?

Think for a moment you retard

Stop arguing, focus on the task at hand.

Hashes are calculated from FILE CONTENT ONLY, the structure is unimportant, you don't know shit how hashing works, go back to reddit

i like you.

soon this faggotry will be over with. i just wish it didn't have to be so dirty

i still use lol

I'm turning my laptop into an offline battlestation for music and file management, ect

Punish evildoing does not equate to being malevolent, or striking fear into the general public. Those are not mutually exclusive things, that was the most autistic thing I've heard in a while.

I don't have any positive proof that he's dead? How do you mean? The fact that we don't physically have his dead body? How would anyone ever be expected to have that?

We have motive, and opportunity, circumstantial evidence, and witness testimony, which is a fuck of a lot more than pizzagate ever had. just stew on that one for a while.

yeah, changing formats from, say, .pdf to any other format, or from .jpg to .png, of even one format, changing format, or reducing image quality, changing from unicode to ascii, all that shit, Will radically change the hash.


This exchange of data, Is what has NOT HAPPENED, ERGO, It cannot have been used as a threat, and if it HAD happened, It would be REDUNDANT to post a hash as a threat.

We can do it for sound with parabolic microphones. There's a lot of power in the ellipse, and nerds are always figuring something else out. Right now, sure it's impossible, but you yourself said maybe in the future.

CIAnigger sperging is best sperging.

is kill or be killed and there is no time left. Machines are allready rendering manual labour and about 90% of the world population a liability that needs to dissapear. When they come after you they will get you in your sleep.

And they said I was crazy for marrying Betty.

Dude, I'm not CIA, I'm just some dude that stopped using Holla Forums over 2 years ago, who knew something was wrong with what happened at the embassy, considering john fucking kerry was present at the time, and did some digging, and have made the assumption that wikileaks was compromized since then.

And using fucking shutter-stock images on twitter going all OwO what's this vault 7 thing? was clue fucking one that it had changed hands, and I knew I was in for disinfo shilling from them right off. That's not how wikileaks acts, or has ever acted.

Wikileaks is the disinfo agent and you sad fucks are taking the bait hook line and sinker from them. This spergging from you fucks is why I left.

Shut the fuck up mo

in my sleep is when i'm most dangerous

do cartoon horses upset you?

The CIA is full of bronies.

Let that sink in for a moment.

No wonder they are so shit with memes and shilling.

Oh yeah, and, while I'm thinking about it.

Another thing wrong with vault 7 is that a huge chunk of the hacks are redundant.

Windows 7 SP1,
Windows 8
and windows 10, all include telemetry that record screengrabs on mouseclicks, transcribe microphone audio to text, and capture transmitted data, and sends it to over 100 remote servers while the system is idle.

It's been like that since, I think it was the .Net framework 2015.. might have been 2014, I can't remember off the top of my head.

Visual studio C++ automatically compiles all files with this telemetry included for all systems, which can be verified by comparing an old compiled hello world program, with a new one, it goes from compiling as basically 1 line, to compiling as 24 lines. What the fuck do you think that extra code is?

No, Vault 7 is fake, and it was filled up with text generated by a neural network, pulling from chans and reddit and tumblr for random names, again, why the samsung TV hack is called weeping angel. It's pulling up garbage.


You are fake tbh.


ok alex

I named my AR betty.

30+1 in case anyone was counting :^)

Not including that the telemetry has to go through a third party and likely involves warrants or the NSA, and CIA didn't have full NSA access until Obama's bullshit in january, and there's a paper trail and you're a massive faggot CIAnigger, get fucked.

you are doing our country a great disservice by believing this shit out of hand, and assuming that all contradiction is just a shill. you are being as much of sheep in doing so, as all the normies, but this is so much more dangerous, because you have the information and motivation to fix things, but you do not believe anything is wrong, and the few things that you think are wrong, are not even real. you are tilting at windmills. I'm fucking done. I give up. you're all doomed Holla Forums. you're too autistic to recognize when you've fallen for the bait.


some day they will get off that incredibly high horse. it's not even a fucking horse at this point ffs. talk about dense jesus

Only thing about this that pisses me off is hacking US servers and citizens. I can understand hacking some chink business man's laptop when he visits the US but actual US citizens w/o a warrant is too fucking far. We've already been over this in the 70s and 80s I wish they'd just realize there is a big fat line they're not supposed to go over for a damn good reason.

We've known that the CIA already has the 3rd parties covered, since the fucking BUSH ERA under the fucking patriot act. Every ISP is on board with the NSA and has been since 2001, Furthermore, the windows telemetry can't actually be shut off, It's fucking hard-coded, when it's removed, every program gives missing dll api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, Every godddamn one.

Pretty much everyone here is taking that stance, so yeah, in this context "you" does apply to "the entirety of Holla Forums". just look at your autistic reply.

And yeah… Now i'm done. I just thought was worth replying to.

The power of autism cannot be contained.
Why contain it? Why even try to contain it? It will merely break you.
and if you're super paranoid you just block the ports with a hardware firewall just to be sure. It's not that big of a deal.

Good riddance.

so do you look forward to satan's thorny embrace?

"Wikileaks was compromised around the time of the podesta emails, when J.A. lost internet at the embassy, He was killed. This is why the Hash pre-commits don't match the encrypted file. wikileaks has always released the hash of the file that was encrypted, and not the data it contained, because it is very easy to create a fake set of files with a matching hash, but it is impossible to create a matching hash of an encrypted file, while still being a valid encrypted file containing data. All of the wikileaks cables since that date have contained tracking viruses that probably execute on decryption/decompile (Like a logic-bomb / archive bomb malware), and are likely state-controlled disinformation. none of J.A.'s appearances since have been public, and he is a CGI Body double. There are glitches in the model, easily noticeable with polygon clipping and animation errors, which are clearly NOT video compression errors, which look radically different from those types of errors. This is how you can identify that it is fake. "

This is all true, but I am not so sure of the other stuff you posted. I think that vault 7 is a controlled release of information already known to anybody who was paying attention, and they are keeping up the Wikileaks charade to snatch up whistleblowers who send info to them.

Does anybody else remember the posts from the user claiming to be trying to activate the manual killswitch after the DDOS attack took out the automated one?

but you see, they know that you have the AR, your sleeping patterns, when you take a shit and how long it takes and where you are the most vulnerable. Plus those fuckers that will come after you think you are some kind of terrorist and child rapist and they look forward to quell their righteous blood lust. Live now, live to the full and live right, that's the best revenge.

wtf I should have voted for Hillary
I'm a #ClintonMissile now

(they do)

Something suss did happen with Wikileaks, but that post was most probably LARP bullshit. The main avenue pursued by those that thought Assange was dead was the Bitcoin Blockchain. People speculated that this is where the keys would drop as it is immutable (once there, it is almost impossible to ever remove them).

A lot of weird stuff happened during that search. And the level of shilling and LARPing was insane. They even Sybil'd BitMessage.

Anyway, it turned out WikiLeaks were definitely stashing stuff on the Blockchain (OpenTimestamps + GPG Keys). But I've seen no persuasive evidence that the keys are actually on there. That said, if anything ever does happen, the blockchain is the first place you should look due to the fact that it is almost impossible to censor.

As to October, one poster speculated that Assange either escaped or wanted (((them))) to think he escaped (pending threats of arrest), thus the silence. The LARP of "key holders" was probably Alphabet LARP with the intention to:

Around that time John Kerry went to Ecuador to try to negotiate Assange being extracted. Immediately afterwards, Assange released the precommit hashes of files with the words MI6 and JohnKerry in the title, implying that he has major dirt on both MI6 and Kerry and would use it if they tried to pull strings to fuck with him. The precommit hashes were deterrence, and it worked.


just imagining a person who could be tricked by this is painful

That won't remain that way forever. It's possible for military/intelligence agencies to acquire actual geniuses from the tech sector to have them work on lucrative black budget projects. Then to fill in the public vacuum, the companies fill those positions with much less qualified people, effectively slowing development through inefficiency while still making a lot of money. Such manipulation results in their processing power and infrastructure catching up and exceed needed capacity over the next decade. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me at this point that part of all the diversity and politically correct emphasis is also being used as a form of corporate sabotage as well.


It's all quiet right now. Jaws quiet.

There are teenages with massive windows botnets created from malicious torrents off the piratebay used to ddos shitty mmos like runescape and wow. These kids can remote access any of the pcs in their network at will and watch them jack off, and you're telling me a government organization with billions in funding cant infect a "smart" tv that has no security measures?

At best this is a distraction. To say it's fake is asinine since everything claimed is easily proven already.

Is anyone still actively working on this? I wish I could have helped with all that but I simply don't know what to look for or a secure system to do the work on.

I hope that Assange made it out but I just can't buy it, the events surrounding that time were far too suspicious.

get out while you can. (doom)


holy fuck are you screwed

That was the red flag, That's a thing from fucking doctor who. The CIA wouldn't name it anything like that.

The nsa was/is known for it's programs autistic and ironic names.

In Defence and Intelligence, codewords are chosen specifically to be unrelated to the subject matter of the project/operation.

They would actually. It's likely a countermeasure against leaks and using such names allows for more effective disinformation to "discredit" it.

That's not usually the main reason. Security classifications (e.g. Top Secret) only allow people who have been cleared to that level. A document with a TS marking can only be viewed by people with TS clearance. Codewords are a more restrictive means of protecting information: only people who have been briefed to use that codeword can use it and view information with it. Essentially instead of allowing everyone with a TS clearance to see something, you're restricting it to perhaps a handful of people instead (see 'Compartmentalisation').

This is why I walk around all day everyday thinking about rickroll.

Go away and die in a hole CIA. Let people use any defence they want.

We're talking about specific attack methods. Most of them are always some dumb ironic name that appears at first glance stupid or pointless but usually it has some ironic naming convention to the specific attack. This is not new at all.

I don't know why you're fighting this. Even if your premise was perfect, which it's fucking not, that wouldn't at all be an argument against these programs being factual/plausible. For fuck sakes everything that comes up in leaks like this is always end up being technologically feasible. We have literal firmware level backdoors in modern hardware and you think the shit in this leak is bullshit? You're going to need to reflect on this.

Yes, there is a Bitmessage channel. Look up Beamstat, it will be the top channel there. Beware of "key holding" LARPers. There is data on the blockchain (from WikiLeaks and others) but no one that has made claims to have the key has posted a single thread of evidence. You will receive an elaborate set of instructions that do not at all yield the fruits that you were promised though these instructions can be a good and interesting exercise into how Blockchain tech works - if you have time.

A lot could have happened. Crytome tweets (since deleted) made it look like an escape. There was also this:

I thought it seemed like a weird route at the time. I also thought that they would not be allowed to do this (trespassing?). Can anyone confirm?


thats gotta be a reboot reference!

Leftcucks on life support, desperately trying to close this hole.




You're a fucking dumdum. If a file was leaked, that file exists on the target's system in a particular format, the same format in which it was provided to WL. As long s the target has a vague idea of what was leaked, they can take the sha1 of all the files on entire disk arrays and match to the provided wl sha1 and then have a verifiable example of the area of things that could be leaked.

One of the files from the dump is a picture of a cat. user googled the filename and all he got was a tripfag on the ponychan /roleplaying/ board.

Thanks for the info, do you recall anything from those deleted tweets? I never saw those.


OMG John Titor


You can find talk about some of the tweets here. There were more and I'll post them if I can find them.

These were the links. Odd that they were not archived anywhere.

Spoken about here:

The wise man knows when not to speak.

No, they can't, because diffraction exists. Pen/paper is subject to the same problem it always has been, which is that it has to be physically delivered to serve as a means of communication, and can only be read if you're in direct physical contact with it. Which makes it vulnerable to interdiction and simply getting lost.

Stuxnet and Fanny come to mind when it comes to air gaps…

Very interesting, I had missed these at the time. Looking up the voat links in I found what may have been all/most of them but


are missing from the archive.

Contains one of them.
Contains several if you scroll down. Maybe the missing ones are within the second archive link, I am not sure.

Hopefully they are legit and he escaped, but I question why they would have posted them in a public forum if he was being targeted?

what did they mean by this?

Stop trying to explain the meme war to normies. Use the normies, user!


user, wizards (and even psychological masters) pratice their craft on normies. Friends are people they don't ttry to infulence. 'The Average Joe' (normie term for normie. Such is the way of language and profession-related specialist lingo) are people they attempt to infulence.

Trump is an old man now, he's seen some shit and redpilled himself from his former weenie liberal ways but I wonder if he ever thought it went as deep as it did.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

Vault 7 is fake, It's disinfo, wikileaks is compromized, This is the panopticon.

When the new leaks?

you're not getting promoted anytime soon CIA-user.

Truth really is stranger than fiction could ever hope to be.


I mean this IS about the war on memes.
Its nothing personal reallt its just for those who don't know.

Also, how do you explain the ability to see billions of light years out into space from a scientific satilite put 500km out into orbit but not the read the face of a coin on the surface of the earth? Please see video regarding your post.

(All in good fun mate.)



Can I ask a stupid question?

Is the fact that the CIA has a Meme Warfare division a possible explanation of the stupid Pepe as Hillary shit that was flooding cuckchan over the summer? Like they decided they could run with that. There were so many attempts at the creation of Hillary memes that honestly felt so artificial and out of place that they could have only come from a committee.

Dubs confirm the CIA tried to meme Shillary into the presidency.

Most likely. Though I doubt it's actual CIA doing the horrible memeing and OC making, but hired shills. CIA decided to try it out, hired a bunch of faggots, and told them to shill it. They're the faggots monitoring the results.

I also believe that the purple bird from a while was also CIA forcing a meme.

I'm just hoping Pepe won't be showing up on sweat shirts at Walmart.'état

you all are underestimating CIA
For fuck sake they had PR monopoly and overthrown democratic government with big "freedom" campaign THAT WORKED, they can do the same but with meme.
DON"T laught at cia niggers and be prepered

The 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état was a covert operation carried out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that deposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz and ended the Guatemalan Revolution of 1944–54. Code-named Operation PBSUCCESS, it installed the military dictatorship of Carlos Castillo Armas, the first in a series of U.S.-backed authoritarian rulers in Guatemala.

They told that democratic gov was commies and made huge pr and newspaper war, that made the usa and the world belive them.

I mean if I see REEEEEEE on a Pepe sweatshirt at walmart I'm going to be triggered so hard that I'm going to black out and release my stance and punch that person one thousand times before anyone knows what's happening.

I'm sorry ahead of time.

Yea, they murder people. Lol

I mean it's not like the CIA is full of bad people or anything. We just need to be aware of what's happening. There's a complicated international federation that's creating and allowing social controversies like tbose 'marine nude leaks' that I'm hoping isn't leading to some crackdown and further authoritarian control over the Internet.

I can't tell what's legitimate or not anymore. I feel like I just have to turn it all off.

Then again doing so makes you, strangely, the outcast. No social media, ignoring politics, not watching movies. Makes it hard to actually communicate with yonger women since they have their next 4 fucks lined up on fuckbook.

Fuck off CIA

Why it's always poland?

I hate to still be crude but this shit is getting out of control. I can't trust a single person.

You will reap what you sow.

From what I understand, Eastern Europe has far less laws regarding hacking. It's easier to get away with shit there, and even if you do get caught, the penalties are not as harsh as in Western European countries.

Take that with a grain of salt though, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I've just been told that by people who do.

What I'm trying to say is that if you abandon these mediums they no longer will have power over you.

If you did so one of two things would happen. Facebook will become mandatory or this invasive media system will just die.

Unfortunately things are artistically introduced so as to become necessary. It's like driving. A long time ago people could've preserved their way of life by stopping automated vehicles (and I'm not saying they should or should have not), but it has become a necessity for many people to live a life and is not a right but a burden for many.

We are seeing the internet turn into the same thing over the last decade.
You must abandon the internet and politics. They are, in large parts, become useless distractions from a fulfilling life in the near future.

It's not written in stone… I've just been watching this happen over the last 20 years and it's obvious through history.

Filtered and reported.

Don't get me wrong but at what point do we have the automated cars, an established 'failure rate' and the occasional political dissident have their vehicle remote controlled into the opposite lane only to hear the excuse 'well that does happen sometime because of some .

It's not like you can't have it back later.

So your theory is we should abandon the internet and politics, wait for everything to work itself out on it's own, and then resume life the way we were living it?

Okay, Rabbi.

A lot of people are either dependent on gathering all this activity or they are not. Which would be revealed by doing so and very quickly.

Does CIA outsource their shills to pajeets now?

I think you are GCHQ, as it is they that are pushing the stuff about Assange being dead.

Eat your human brain daily ration and stop posting, CIA nigger.

And no, I don't think anyone is going to participate for SOME reason.

I'm not one to act high and mighty and pretend you can't pick your own poison if you don't so wish. Just know that you have and I had warned you long before you will be able to realize it or change your children.

What the fuck is a pajeet?
Where are you? Im going to kick your ass.

CIA, please leave

They were just heading for Syria, and yes it's "common". I followed the ships all the way, and after the started to operate.

They normally will be followed, just like air planes, by the country they passes. Latter is even more common.

I'm a network engineer for a very large corporation. I work on SP networks. These networks are already deploying 100gb circuits in the core, so this info is outdated.

As for being able to trace a proxy chain… A proxy is used to pass on your data with its own addressing information. Unless this system were to be able to identify the request from your machine to the proxy and the proxy to wherever else in multiple locations with deep packet inspection then it would not be able to trace the chain.

This would require taps on all ISP cores around the world and processing way more data than What was written about. That said projects like TEMPORA are used to capture all internt traffic in a region, in particular the UK, and store it for offline processing up to 2 weeks….now maybe greater ammounts of time.

So it is possible, but it's highly unlikely they are using it on anyone in Holla Forums… More likely high value targets like Putin/Merkel/Abe/Lagrange/etc. Likely certain hvts like Applebaum/Snowden/Assange/other media sources too who are seen as recievers of classifieds material.

Jesus christ.

Pretty sure if I was 'cia' id be getting a 'courtesy escourt' to 'fuck me untill I'm so dehydrated I look like processed jerky''. I mean have consensual spooning not leveraged through status or money.

Yea but most operating systems have a pretty consistent server checking the validity of your operating system using your processor ID and your hardware.

Sorry, I'm getting a hole drilled into my head via satilite for posting this. It's also making me really fucking angry.

This means there's a time stamp record of your VPN and OS information in more than one location.

Sure, sure.

Alright if I keep getting holes drilled into my head I'm dropping nudes of Michelle Obama. I'm sick of your fucking shit.

Talk about some fucking disrespectful bullshit. Give back my magic girlfriend.

Careful, user. The cianigger who posted it to the brony forum inferred there was "something sinister" within that picture. Save at your own risk.

how big is it's pecker

OK. Open up command prompt in administrator mode and type in slmgr -help then type
Slmgr.vbs /dlv
Name: Windows Server(R), ServerEnterprise edition Description: Windows Operating System - Windows Server(R), VOLUME_KMS_C channel Activation ID: fed62577-3bef-4309-90e8-671abdc076d8 Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f Extended PID: 55041-00140-015-871562-03-1033-7078.0000-0992009 Installation ID: 007770007653131654256624425615586710406244931761974006 Processor Certificate URL: Machine Certificate URL: Use License URL: Product Key Certificate URL: Partial Product Key: PYWKV License Status: Licensed Evaluation End Date: 6/1/2010 4:59:59 PM Remaining Windows rearm count: 3 Trusted time: 4/28/2009 2:32:10 PM

Suck my dick.

Hold on I think there's a song about sucking my dick.

So yes. Your Apple computer has something similar, every cellphone, and windows. Your VPN is checking into Microsoft and can be cross checked with your processor and hardware profile so have fun formatting your hard drive nerd.

Also this.


How do I secure my phone?

t. Android user

You don't.

This scene is an analogy for our hard chatting. I thought I should spell it out for you before your head exploded.

Joking about the michelle Obama thing. *giggles* I wouldn't do that to people.

TempleOS is perfect for you, no networking.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

I never said it was impossible to trace. I said they would have to tap multiple places and then find the matching streams out of millions or billions of streams.

Target—isp1—isp2—proxy—isp2—Holla Forums

In a simple example a path might look like above. These taps would have to track the packet at multiple ISPs then pick it out of millions of streams after it passes through a proxy. Then it would have the true source and destination.

Multiple proxies and multiple ISPs would make this a more intensive task. It can be done but it would likely be done to targets, not indiscriminetly unless I am underestimating the compute and storage side of things.

If they can compute all streams like this on the fly (assuming they have every ISP tapped) then they could capture meta-data such as source/destination of stream, ports used, protocol used, and length. If so that could be used to identify similarities between unknown people and known targets which would make identifying future targets easier.

Is it possible….yes. Is it likely…… With the budgets they have maybe, but I still think they tend to favor targeted motoring over indiscriminate capture.

Shoot it in the sd card and throw it out of a helicopter over the ocean


Put it in your househould Faraday cage and cook on high for 3 minutes. Press Conference Live now


some fancy bowl of milk you got there

Muh patriotism

His identity as a "hate symbol" probably makes that some kind of legal risk.

Idk user, I mean it seemed to halfway work on Ukraine, which would have been retarded to suggest in 1950

Also, Lula in Brazil, or the entire Arab Spring, though that turned into what is essentially WW3 on low boil

seriously how the fuck is the world able to ignore wars in five seperate countries at once, or the taliban controlling half of Afghanistan again?

I remember loosing my mind that Fallujah fell again to what would later be called ISIS and I could only find that out on Anhar news or something. I've never been more pissed off, I lost a cousin over there in 2007

I'm fucking retarded and love sucking cock

Press conference with wikileaks (attempt 2 maybe the mask fell off)

They probably expect us to accept this.
They underestimated human stubbornness to rebel.

Which is easy enough with the crime-prevention and social networking algorithms. People become targets without knowing it, and with the data mining capabilities and social analysis tools available, people can be easily isolated and harassed by the state. That or influences towards whatever behavior according to their networking-cloud and behavior.

Here is a perfect example:

Modern extensible platform for social network analysis.
Efficient representation of networks with arbitrary nodes (text, images, …)
Support of arbitrary data (weights, time series, …) on nodes and links.
Support of directed and undirected networks.
Immediate access to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Load-on-demand extensible collection of empirical networks.
Direct support for network models such as scale-free networks and small-word networks. »

Automation of network layout using algorithmic aesthetics methods.
Computation and visualization of communities in a network.
Comprehensive support of cohesive groups including cliques, clans, clubs, and plexes.
Extensive support for centrality and prestige measures to characterize networks.
Local and global structural metrics such as reciprocity, clustering, assortativity, and similarity.
Multi-paradigm approach to social network analysis with graph and statistical analysis frameworks.
Comprehensive support for all common networks and import/export formats. »

Multiple data structures can be combined to create illustrative graphs illustrating connections between people's data, metadata, behavior, and social groups. Not only that AI could be developed to develop 'algorithmic plans' when queried in order to help influence people based off historical data.

I sure hope the state doesn't panick and try to get rid of tons of math majors and useful math tools.

That's probably the bad guy.

The Wikileaks revelations keep on coming, and coming, and coming!!!

Gigantic CIA Hacker Base (U.S. 'Consulate') In Frankfurt, Germany

Top Kek

"…as yet another very, very large weapon is being placed under New York City and Washington DC."

Russia Preps For War - US Invasion Plans Exposed

It seem like the Russians are always announcing they are preparing for Nuclear War. This time with good reason. A huge Annual Military Drill in Eastern Europe just concluded. The problem with this exercise is that it was very, very large. What has the Russians all would up is two things:
1) First - the Deployment I Poland of 70 Medium Ranged AGM-158 Nuclear Tipped Cruise Missiles with a range not of 600 miles but around 1,000 miles. In response the Russians are deploying their SS-26 Nuclear Armed Missiles with sim9ilar capabilities. Remember - these War Games were all designed under the last Presidency - whose name we not allowed to say, but it rhymes with O-Vomit. President Trump has only been in office for 43 days. The other things that got the Russian’s riled up was a few comments by insane American Generals stating the US can win a Limited Nuclear War.
2) For the first time in many years the US has deployed the Pentomic Division - which is trained to fight in a radioactive battle field. Its name is derived from the fact that it revolves around 5 Infantry Battalions and a heavy armor Battalion. In the Combat Engineers we were trained to fight in Radioactive Battle Fields over and over again - but we all knew this was insane unsustainable, and suicidal. Well - apparently many US Generals feel this is reality and something we should work towards. So as the Past President’s War Plans are moved forward Russia prepares to stop them.
Please keep in mind two things: - President Trump did not plan this and the past Administration will be the First Target as yet another very, very large weapon is being placed under New York City and Washington DC. Please pray that these war plans initiated by the past President are stopped immediately.

Yet they believed the "russian hacker" narrative for the power plant "hack"
Which turned out to be email phishing on an unconnected computer.

Just observe and ponder on it.

Pretty dammed sure they cant get resolution below 1cm even when using multiple exposures from orbit.

From the FBI's secret air-force sure, but not from orbit.

popsci com/fbi-planes-used-augmented-reality-to-watch-america

buzzfeed com/peteraldhous/spies-in-the-skies?utm_term=.sgjQvzZBDK#.iegWZbNvkn

cbsnews com/news/ap-fbi-using-low-flying-spy-planes-over-us/

He's right you know. This has nothing to do with Trump and Russia and instead everything to do with a internal spy war between the CIA and mossad the only real players on the world stage. Assange has long been working for mossad and you can Google his links to them going back since he started. When people like Sowden and Assange operate under normal circumstances without state backing they end up dead or missing within a week.
All states monitor calls and communications and this will never change no matter how many faggot occupy wall streeters moan.
Mossad and the Israeli's need a consistent Israel shill in office and someone who'd place there neo-cons in positions of power and they got that.
Right and left is not important.
Obama was a secular anti Israel president and in order to not repeat another like him they went after Clinton who wasn't consistent on Israel enough for them. Civic nationalism and imagratation don't matter to mossad but the middle East does.
I don't expect any of the alternative kike media shills here to understand any of this.



Another jonestien faggot I see.

It's simple physics, actually you don't even need physics to understand the most important bits, just geometry.

How many arc seconds can the satellite resolve. The KH-11 satellites that the DRO gave to NASA could resolve around 7cm at a 300 km orbit. Bowing wasted around $20 billion to make a replacement for them but failed miserably. They had planned on swapping them out for newer designs in the early 2000's but the last one was launched in 2013. We know things about them like the size of mirrors and angles used we know there theoretical maximum resolution when you add in the mirror geometry with the wavelengths of light. Even if they had an ultraviolet imager they still would not be below 5cm.

These satellites cost more than $5 billion each, more than an aircraft carrier and are only now getting images that exceed the film based satellites used in the 60's and 70's.


plz. we have no clue how good the most advanced tech is

The most advanced tech is us.

Jesus, was the CIA drunk at 10am this morning?

Laws of physics don't change. If you want more resolution on a spy satellite you either have to bring it in closer or use a larger aperture. Even armature astronomers are able to get radar images of satellites you just cant hide big ones. In addition to that we know when every launch is, you cant hide a satellite launch. And when a military satellite launch goes up groups around the world race to find out in what orbit its payload was deposited and start imaging it. Sure they could have a stealthy second payload but this could not be a large imaging satellite, because laws of physics.


CIA pls go

Daily reminder WikiLeaks are cucks for holding 99% of the files back and only releasing irrelevant shit

Pritty sure she's got a dick, like > 90% sure. But if I'm wrong then sure it was all a joke. Should be simple to use infra red flash photography to find out.

Some of those files could create a nuclear armageddon.
They're just a separation of power to me. A source that scours through the files and sees "what has no need to be kept secret" and "what is so bad that it could kill us all".
Plus there might be a lot of garbage stuff.

Daily reminder you can't dump all the secrets in one take, for people won't believe it and forget about in a month. You need to slowly turn the general public in the right direction.

This 'consulate' is several times larger than the US Embassy in Berlin. Wonder what's kept in the warehouse building. State's website claims a regional logistics center to take advantage of Frankfurt's large international airport.

The off-color circular areas on the roof were Red Cross symbols. The complex originally was a orld War II era hospital, taken over by the US Army and recently renovated into the present day consulate. The space could hold quite a few intelligence types.

Some details on the building renovation from the architects:

Add relations (A is a friend of B, A support s Trump, A is a terrorist, etc.). Use a massive dataset to do bayesian inference over the graph.

Voila you have a program capable of answering "is person A a Trump supporter" based on his online profiles and social relations with great accuracy, that also provides you with reasoning why. Now ask "is A a pedo" or "show me probable pedos who support Hilary".

is it possible to go through the cycle more than once? im pretty far into it already and im still in the first 1/4 of my life

We are not taking about social media data though. You'd likely already have to be a target before they started monitoring your traffic so intently. Otherwise they would only use traffic as a way of possibly painting you as a target.

X target sent data to destination Y with protocol Z for so many minutes. Then they try to use that data to see if anyone else did the same thing and find a new target A. From their they would then look at social media data, or common friends, etc.

Just looking at social media data, or communalities between people would make next to everyone a target. They would really have to hone their targeting algorithms and have access to data that could make such determinations about people or they would be finding similarities that are purely coincidental.

It never ends. Each time you go through the cycle a bigger vista opens up on the horizon and you start over in a greater world with more possibilities.
At least, that's what I'd like to believe.

Good, comfort is dangerous
thanks for not shitposting


I provided some updated security tips here:

Anyone care to check them? Tell me what you think, or if I left out anything, but please no bully, just provide some legit criticism (with details) if you have any.


kys booz allen sjw cianigger contractor brony faggot


Friends are people who, when you influence them, it benefits them and makes them stronger, not weaker.



Could this be brought on by baneposting?
This might be the ultimate banepost and further proof that meme magic is an incredible force

The Fire rises brother

We are more like a little annoyance that became everithing but little.

Remember, animefags created ibs, but computerfags were around at that time to, they were in the internet as long it existed, ibs today are a product of their work.

Hackers and people behind wikileaks do the most hard work, we use the, yet, uncontrollable meme tool.

Please vote full disclosure on twitter wikileaks

Thanks to Anonymity, thanks to Kek, God of Chaos.

that means of course
"No,they're the problem"
I can't thing that that will give time to cover some shit and even google almost always go full diclosure

Why should I care what a stupid irrelevant matrix bitch has to say about what's happening in the real world?


Anons with socks please vote no. I have limited time to play hide and seek with a service I rarely use.


I don't have an appropriate reaction image for this.


Look up the patent "remote neural monitoring"

MKUltra wasnt mindcontrol per se, it was a method of cataloging brainwaves.

"Trump is a Zionist shill" post #6,000,000

Aaand its a literal tinfoil schizo conspiracy.

Most Operating Systems? Like GNU/Hurd? Or Debian? Or FreeBSD?

You seem to be proving that Microsoft operating systems are full of some horrible nonsense.

You have not proved "most" operating systems do something similar.

You couldn't have gotten it more hopelessly wrong if you tried.

Look who's shitposting.

Doesn't say shit about MKUltra, nothing substantial or remotely realistic
stop spouting bs

A lot of people don't understand that a technology doesn't have to be proven, or even possible, in order to be granted a patent.

They speak highly of Comodo:


Bonus Japanese face list, including pedobear:

Can someone give me a quick summary?

I didn't follow the previous thread, but they haven't broken AES, RSA, or DH. AES keys >= 128 bits are mandatory without a waiver, they use GCM, CBC, and another mode I forget. RSA keys >= 2048 bits are mandatory without a waiver. Diffie-Hellman is still used by them internally, but they caution that it alone doesn't provide PFS.

They also target Android, iOS, OSX, Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, and Solaris, at least.

They've hoarded 0-days, and it looks like they paid to keep them secret. That's your tax dollars used to keep US products insecure.

Also they have at least a couple of anons working for them, due to references they make.


Also, the CIA seems to have been pushing the brony movement and they have a literal division concerning memes.

If somebody gets inside your house you don't have how to ask for help.

Doesn't the top of the image your image is clipped from state that it is a /proposed/ division? Was it later created?

Is there a source for pushing bronies beyond some autist CIA nigger roleplaying?

The source for the crypto stuff here is

Youre bad at Google

The patent includes instructions for the apparatus. The method was discovered when navy sailors on subs found that if the stood in particular places relative to radars, theyd hear a ticking noise.

Whith thia know, a method of brainwave transmutation via the use of complementary brainwaves that once overlayed created the desired formation was developed. With a catalog made, it is possible to inflict anger, confusion, pain, temptation or any other feeling or thought on a target, who would feel that it is something that arose internally within them.

A patent on something does not mean the technology works, even if there are diagrams. There are a pile of patents on the Neurophone, and it doesn't work. Like this brainwave reader, it also has an imaginative backstory.

If you had the money and time you could draw up and acquire a very detailed patent for a refrigerator that runs on dark matter. That doesn't mean it's possible. The patent office doesn't care.

I saw that patent, retard. It is a patent for a machine that consists of multiple antennas, has to stand in close proximity to the patient, and literally just reads brainwave patterns.
To analyze these patterns, one would have to record brainwaves while exposing the patient to a wide array of stimuli, note down which pattern reacts to which stimuli in which way, and then compare the recorded brainwaves to the new ones. Even then, what you could get out of these patterns would probably be very ambigous and left to interpretation.
It is also likely an extremely cost-intensive process.

Most importantly: These patents are
They have never been realized IRL. These doctors apply previous inventions or concepts and claim a possible opportunity for technological advancement.

Keep in mind these are the people who are also crying "shill" at every dissenting opinion.

You're right. It was a proposal. Still though, the fact they're willing to create a meme-division is fucking hilarious. They're trying to emulate spontaneity.
also does this mean they think mememagic is real?because it is

Will dig again for the brony stuff, hoping it wasn't just a single cia shillnigger

I can barely believe things of late, the CIA getting involved in meme warfare is hilarious, and GCHQ has been doing it for a while with JTRIG.

You better start believing user. This really is the best timeline.

It makes me feel so many warm fuzzies to know that the intelligence agencies stepped up to beat us at our own game and got absolutely creamed. I mean, fucking steamrolled, we skunked them, it was like the Dodgers going up against some middle school team.

What the fuck they want to do?

It really seems so.

You're waaay too optmistic.

Do you really think there's anything good to come out of this?


I mean, seriously, this surveilance structure would turn any MKU experiment into a reality show.


Some people fail to grasp the gravity of the situation.
This really is the best timeline. A new age, you might say.


(reluctantly checked)
This is the first time this year someone called me optimistic. This is the best timeline, because I figured it would be the worst. We actually have power, and a lot of us finally found meaning and purpose. This is the best timeline.

What? You wanted a utopian timeline? Where's the fucking fun in that?

If things are fucked up right now, can you imagine what would have happened if… lets say time travellers beginned to show up at random places killing people to avoid further events.

realistically, how would you be able to tell this is happening?

You don't see yourself as a hostage?

Imagine if one day you begin shitposting something, lets not use the frog example. Lets say… a nigro with a watermelon in the head, and you force the shit out of it and then people start using shirts with that image, and nigros put some watermellons in their heads, just cause, but just in the moment you're passing by.

Thats what I call a neuro-marker. You remember everything you post, and each and every post and image are linked in your brain.

Just think about it for a while. Lets say I work for a government, and I would like to apply all those surveilance techniques on someone, and lets say this person shitposts a lot. One of his favorite modalities is NN.

So, he will go outside and see a lot of the things he posted in things on the street and shit.

Then if he posted NN a lot, there would be a fairly great number of naked kids on the streets.

Would he feel anxious? Would he look, would he avoid looking? If you apply a certain pressure in him while he enters the bus after all of it with someone talking on the phone about the things he do and that nobody would have any way to know, he would flip in no time.

If you keep presuring him with those neuro-markers, you could insert some more troubling subjects, like family problems and other shit, then you mess with his auto-image, and when you least expect, the subject is trying to light a grill inside of a bathroom.

Oh wait, it failed, why not kill as many as the subject want until the regular cops can find him?

Wouldn't you use it all to justify this vault 7 thing?

This is all a circus.

What's more important is what anons see as filth…

How? You can't.

Time is infinite. If its possible to timetravel, its possible that every sentient form in the universe has already been maped and has constant monitoring from something.

That would be layer 1. The first great civilization to get into time travel.

Layer 2 would be like a bubble around relatively advanced civilizations that already has time travel but may have banned it for some reason. Or else it would be a layer 1 civilization. They may conduct some covert operation, but I don't think they would care about chimps.

Then there's a layer 3, that would be a bunch of kids or a researcher in the human future or in a planet nearby, that got a time machine and are messing with our history.

If we're talking about an infinite universe, its fairly possible that the entire human history is just a ruse for the other planets .


How do you feel when cianiggers who roleplay as bronies can watch you masturbate through your tv set?

I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.

CIA keep anons on a leash that way, they can talk you into shitposting and you wouldn't even be able to say no, because they wouldn't stop until you killed yourself.

There must be some kind of supervision for those activities. Its not as if they were on a post office truck outside of your house watching you masturbate to the ponies they posted while they masturbate to you.

Imagine if the people watching them surveiling you do the same? In some insane inception of masturbation.

I don't think you get the memetic hivemind. We don't or shouldn't take pride in what we individually do. We have a common endgoal which we strive for. We curved the timeline to our will, and succeeded as of yet.
Yes, I'm as much as a hostage as you are redditspace'ing. You think I'd ever frequent a mongolian frog knitting forum if I felt I wasn't?
Yeah, it is. But how many circuses have you visited where the clowns make the ringmaster hop through rings of fire?

That sounds like the limitations of one satilite. An array of satilite at Lagrange points can greatly amplify the resolution. That is just introductory mathematics to combining two images to create a higher resolution.

Not as bad as they feel, I assure you.

Why not make a rebellion then?

Rebel the entire world against those who think to be in control.

Think about it.

Would you blow up yelling "DEMOCRACYYYY!" or even "FOR THE FOUNDING FATHERS!".

Imagine if that could be shitposting? Memeing people's mind into beliving that democracy is the best form of government and even making it more viral, like convincing people to film themselves blowing up yelling democracy in mosques and other non secular temples.

The secular revolution comrad. You don't even know what you're claiming. This may be a comunist revolution.

Fair enough. I bet you never feel safe or free.

There's no way a missile is going to do anything to a satilite. Even a photon torpedo if you're thinking star treck bullshit could be detected and disrupted with sufficient equipment.

I mean the TV satilites have 1/4 second lag time according to the speed of light if you believe in that. A missile will never get there.

You wouldn't feel safe either living in a third world shithole forgotten by the commies.

theyve shot down satellites already dude. how the fuck do you not know this.

Thats not how you take down a satellite.

You just throw ink in it.

Its optic sensors wouldn't work, and the ink would make it overheat, crashing the thing down.

Maybe a big cloud of ink could take large portions of satellites from their positions fucking a lot of people at the same time.

So… they monitor the anons, establish some form of contact, and then what?

Whats next?

Are you high or something? You think CIA is deploying agents to drop hints for some shit you posted here in public?
You wot m8? That sentence doesn´t even make sense.

It would be easy to transfer the color to the detail to make an actual nice photo. I wouldn't know how to do that.

I forgot, they blackmail them.

But for what? There must be a reason for all of this psychological torture, because you don't do it with the control group.

Preparing a small group of insane people for something in the future or something.

If there's blackmail material in those postings, yes they would.

They don't have the warrant, but they can mess with your head with all of their toys.

we don't need cyber weapons to nullify nuclear threats,"things" capable of "castrating" nuclear payloads have existed since the 80's, their existence is actually public knowledge to an extent. why do you think we were never very serious about the failure of the PAC and Aegis in testing?


is right in supposing that we maintain primitive systems to counter such a threat.


What kind of psychological attention does those guys in the surveilance truck need?

Would they only feel safe if they closed the circle of abuse?

If they were surveiled like they survey?

How fucked up must be someone's head if their job is to watch people doing wierd shit when there's almost no evidence that they actually did something?

If you were the van guy, would you look for a foreign psychologist, or american born and patriot ivy league psychologist?

I don't feel like reading through articles, someone give me a tl;dr of Vault 7.

Yea there's tons of low flying satilites. 500km is normal for a satilite of any scientific relevance. The fastest missiles known to the public take more than 5 minutes to reach that distance. They could easily be detonated by a high intensity beam far before it reaches its destination, even if it was a nuke.

The important satilites more then 10,000km out in the sky would take would take more then several hours to hit.

This is a high payload at Mach 3. Go to Mach 5 it won't make much of a difference.

no. weapons of a sort, fully human. I'm not really going to go into detail for various reasons, but once you understand the physics behind building a successful nuclear weapon, and some of the physics of radioactive materials, you will see that there are several ways to remotely neutralize them at their core.

Sooner or later the only problem is how to organize things avoiding surveilance.

How to talk without being listened?

How can a small group of people organize something without saying shit? The silent revolution is the probable outcome from this utopian scenario that NSA is talking about.

You could bezzel the nuclear core out of Japan too but no one gives a fuck. It keeps going.for SOME UNKNOWN REASON.

Option A: An user posted illegal material. He gets v&d and questioned in a fed facility. Blackmailing might be in the form of "tell us the source" or "you work for us now for a period of time" but its unlikely. They would probably just press charges.

Option B: The user posted lolis, furry, whatever.
B1: The CIA threat filter doesn´t acknowledge that irrelevant bullshit and it goes to their servers along with the giant masses of information that get produced every minute.
B2: Some bored CIA sees it. Has a laugh. Doesn´t care. Moves on to do his real job.

What is the purpose of going to the lengths you described in your paranoid phantasm for one single shitposter?
Derailing threads with shills and disinfo is where its at. You are a small fish.

Blackmailing and non-stop surveillance apply for dangerous dissidents like Michael Hastings and terror suspects. They don´t care about you, sunshine.

I just want the girl.

CIAniggers contracted a bunch of brony faggots to wage meme warfare, they can hack everything and are listening to you shit while you play Time Locker.

If they need the subject to do something, or they need a guinea pig or something like that, thats how they would approach.

We're talking about a small comunity that produces the entire internet content. We make shit happen, and the feds know. Thats why they would use this blackmail thing.

Infinite isn't the ends all unfortunately.

You can have things that are multiply infinite. This means you could count a number out to 2000000000000000000000000000000…… For eternity and not know there was another 2 somewhere in the middle followed by more zeros and starts to with a 3.

Ask if you have questions I have examples.

You won't get the girl, you'll get an qt FBI agent to keep you out of trouble. When there's interesting shit happening online, you'll be outside doing something with her. But not sex. For a while.

Obviously if you are counting to a huge number you start with the low number not the high. I hope that doesn't confuse you.

Thanks, that's really blunt.
Now I can finally stop posting.

No, these methods would actually make the situation in Japan worse, considerably so. it's actually part of how they destroy a warhead.

the situation in Japan keeps getting worse because the reactors they were using were not appropriate for where they were installed, people involved screwed up in very big ways, and the sheer amount of nuclear material now involved makes the reaction truly unstoppable. Fukushima is the Chernobyl of our time, it is only by the merit of the Japanese being our allies that it is not yet thought of as such.

How arrogant. You don´t really believe that, do you? We are only really effective inside this containment board.
No they fucking wouldn´t. Take your meds. If they need someone to do something that should remain secret, they have their personel for it. Why would they waste time on some weird dude, deploy multiple agents and surveil him 24/7 only to get one shitty thing done??
If they need a guinea pig, they have their own facilities for that. Have you never heard of MKULTRA? That is all going on behind closed doors, where doctors can measure and monitor everything around the clock. Please, be realistic.
You sound like a schizo or someone who is high.

I can see through the double planed glass.

Lets be honest, it kinda sounds sad doesn't it?

I mean, if you went foward, you would discover that your family may never have existed, they were just some actors that lived their art 'n shit, and you were just a subject to some wierd form of mind control that culminated in some form of connection to the internet or w/e and you're now locked in this universe without being able to fight for your ideals and well, nothing is real anyway.

I don't know how human relations fit in a world like that.

Digits explaining digits. What has this thread come to.

Which is fucking general electics fault be wise they are responsible for the facility. Any outcry??

I dont expect you to understand what I am or what's happening.

At least you're still alive!

Cheer up!

I find the Nexus between contradiction and their entanglements rather interesting. Even to the most 'unanswered' problems like the Riemann Zeta hypothesis.

I refuse to study it any further due to my treatment. I will not do so outside of solitude.

When they gas you can I keep your ring?

And yes places like this forum actually produce almost everything on the web.

You post a fresh new webm in a webm thread and when you least expect there's someone on facebook sharing it.

If you can control everything on that person world, if you insert an instinct of self preservation and a passion for doing nothing when that person have to do, you don't need no CIA hospital in the middle of the woods.

You don't know the reality of the shittiest places of india, or venezuela.

In the case of numbers the Nexus refers to the binding of what's analog and difital.

well, that is the question of the decade. there are ways to do it if we had the training and the right prep, which could have happened if we, as a community, had paid attention to earlier warnings, but I'm not sure that the warnings presented correctly. it could also be that COINTELPRO is just really that good. hate them if you would, but you can't deny that these bastards are skilled as shit.

What is 'unmortal'

Then we finally agree.

A large old system that discredits you and makes you mentally ill, or sound mentally ill if you tell the truth, or kills you with clandestine weapons.

That's how

No, and there won't be, you're right. GE is a truly terrifying political and economic power, more so than Dyncorp, Raytheon, the aero-clusterfuck, or even Halliburton. the fact that they still come across as so innocuous is a testament to that alone.

Shitpost in the open so hard that only true members of the community can find the sense through the irony and disinfo.

You have a severe mental illness, called Truman Syndrome.
You are likely to have schizophrenic symtoms like delusion of persecution, which would explain your absolutely retarded idea that government officials might be interested in your pathetic life or anyone who shitposts here. Please get help immidiately. Unless you aren´t a concern / demoralization shill.

I assume this is supposed to be LARPing Is that you Jeff? What does my shirt say today?


You just called me a shill for applying logical thinking. I therefore see my statement as confirmed.
One person sharing it because he browses here and thought it was dank, doesn´t mean "producing almost everything on the web". Youtube, blogs and online news outlets are far more significant than this board. 4cuck has a mere 9 Million visitors per month. And that counts for all the boards. How much traffic do you think we get? I never see any true Holla Forums memes outside of Holla Forums.

We aren´t that significant, only if we join a cause that is popular already, like siding with Trump.

Whats happening is happening ponto.

There ain't much we can do but to relly on what we know.

If you're the ringed clown jumping the circle of fire user, just belive in yourself.

yes, basically. signal through the noise can be effective, but it typically requires training to be effective, otherwise you end up with nothing but a "force" of hyperautists paralyzed by agoraphobia.

as powerful as you can be over the internet, meat-suits and boots on the ground are still gonna be necessary to some degree.

Oh and
Literally what?

so, bronies then?

You came here to refutate that user that was talking about the remote neuro monitoring thing.
And you call me crazy? They just fucked someone's life in germany and you're acting like they wouldn't approve something to put each and every user in a fucking memetic cage.

Lets make people yell democracy before they kill themselves.

It will change the world.

yes. the mighty shield of autism and cartoon bestiality will save us all.. Pone Vult

We really need to get rid of this syndrome crap. It isn't helping anyone.

The DSM can literally be used to, before a plan is initiated, create a list of behaviors that are dependent caused by an unlikely situation with abnormal situations that protect illegal and covert operations.

I mean common people. Schizophrenia is like a 100 year old shit strategy based off 1880s understanding of how radio waves fuck your brain, and you can quote me on this, "in the a".

That was badly written, indeed.

Imagine if it was possible to use, for instance, freemasonry as a masquerade for CIA actions?

Imagine if you went to argentina, talked to someone in the lodge and told them, we can give you and your infertile wife a baby, all you have to do is to raise him like we suggest.

Would you do it?

The guy who is in charge of that stupid bullshit book is appointed by one of the president's appointments. I forgot who. It might be a second appointment from the president's. I stopped giving a shit.


0/10 - it's shit.

What are you trying to cover or avoid mr agency man, tell me.

You began rambling something about presidents. Tell me.

Color me surprised. Nice 9/11 dubs though.

And you call me crazy?
Oh the irony of that statement. I called you mentally ill and you literally resort to saying i am crazy for using hard facts to refute the bullshit theory, that the government is listening to your thoughts.

What does that have to do with anything? You think every mentally ill person is the product of some CIA operation?

What? Do you want to go full shitskin and become a suicide bomber? Are you that degenerate, you fucking schizo?
I also don´t fucking want democracy, i want national socialism.

No, no one would? Also, what is the point of raising a child a certain way if the CIA doesn´t have an advantage from that? You are a mentally ill subhuman.

are the ponies racist? because green frogs are clearly racist… was that in the cia slide deck that they would create an equally racist cartoon to match pepe? maybe vault 8 will tell the tail

Sorry user, but yeah, it's shit. But seeing as the CIA are bronies who're miserably failing in memewarfare, this might be a perfect ironic jab. So considering multiple layers this might be 10/10.

I'm not mad about them. It's just that your CIA pony is basically shit. Unless you are trying to parody CIA's bronies as said, then this level of quality is actually kinda fitting.

Found the next schizo. These threads seem to attract mentally ill faggots.
Reflect what you are saying. You are basically discrediting the suffering of men and women who have this disorder, and encouraging to just ignore that, while disregarding the fact that schizophrenia can be treated with medicine with success.
Its a well known mental illness.
Your incoherent babbling mostly doesn´t even make sense.

If they fliped after someone revealed large ammounts of information to the public and he lived in a country where this is at debate I wouldn't think twice before thinking there wasn't something suspect where he was living.

Imagine if they began picking the anons to test those mind controll things, just to see if they flip or kill someone. Imagine yourself thinking repeatedly inside your head "kill". If killing something stoped the voices, would you stop killing just to get rid of those "voices"?

They create narratives and loops to insert commands in their ideas. To make them easy to mess with. And yes, that kid may be a subject to it, imagine if they were remote controlling him while watching from above in a drone?

THAT is the ultimate weapon.

Well, either you're in the government, or you're near the sphere of power, because everyone else was just poor as shit in every NS experiment.

What if you gave them cocaine?

Yes, lets give them some medicine that will fix their head.

Is this a metaphor for south america?

Calm down Michel Foucalt…this is totally possible in this day and age you filthy frog.

Just trying to show you that there's a way to motivate anyone to do anything.

When in doubt, just give them cocaine.

Or LSD with cocaine, anyway.


People think this because competent spy agencies don't broadcast what they're doing for the whole world to see like CIAniggers do. But I bet MI6 likes it just fine that no one considers them "a player" on the world stage.

Better wrap the tinfoil tight around your head, because you´re next.
Top fucking Kek. You have zero evidence for your bullshit theory.
Mental illness doesn´t exist with you, its all
Which have never been built, proven, and for which there is no evidence at all.
This is a symptom every second schizo has. There is simply no point in that. Why would they test this on random people in all countries all over the world over and over again? Schizos have been murdering randomly for decades. What is the point? Do you think CIA does that for fun? Do you think they are bored and have nothing to do? It doesn´t make any fucking sense you goddamn retard.

Uneducated moron. Germany was prosoporous as fuck under Hitler until the war started.

What if they are pink aliens with fairy wings from the 12334th dimension?
Also: For what fucking reason should they do it? Protip: There is no reason, hence it doesn´t happen.

Yes it will, you fucking idiot. Just look at the medical reports.

I get the feeling that you are a non-white or someone with really polluted genes.
Nobody can be this irrational and this dumb.

Why the fuck is it called "Year Zero"? Is it just some name tacked on to the leak like "Panama Papers," or some shit? It's not like time-travel evidence/technology was revealed, right?

Vault of the zero day exploits the CIA uses imo

Training ground for when they find a real terrorist.
Before or after they had to chose to starve their prisioners or their soldiers?

Lets say you're a warlord… no wrong example. Lets say you're a politician and you need to bribe people. You'd need a way to give those persons the coke, lets say the coke was on the humus they bought from that guy near the church. If you sell the coke, everyone that buys it will be on your side if a new politician appear and try to take your position.

Its all about keeping the democratic system, lad.

How the fuck do you thing they keep the bolivarian commando in venezuela? Why the fuck do you think its called a narco-state?

So far, only how they used to keep an eye on MKU subjects, nothing more.

That doesn´t even make sense. You are fucking stupid.

The Russians did that. 20 Million died. Germans starved because the allies bombed supply lines. Also, nice reading comprehension.

You didn´t even pay attention to the topic i was referring to. The question was why the CIA would give people coke to raise their children a certain way, if they could just recruit highly qualified personel. You are too stupid for me to have a debate with you.
Are you too retarded to use the delete button?

Get help, you sad creature.

is there a hint of some proof on MKU coming out in the next release? i think that will close the loop with pizzagate, based on my recent redpilling attempts…

Oh, and since you are too stupid to realize why it doesn´t make sense:
If they found a real terrorist,
they would fucking kill him with a dronestrike or some marines, imbecile. Do you want to make a terrorist a even higher threat by messing with his brain?

Get that tinfoil bullshit out of your head.

don't mind me.

I wonder if Mr. Coats know anything at all.

If to be elected, all you had to do was to protect some guys selling coke to old people, would you?

They say in Brazil that everything related to politics always end in pizza, that may be the reason why they say that. Politicians are all pedophiles.

If they could cause ten or twelve times more destruction if they were dead or in jail yes.

They mostlikely would keep experimenting with him until he is fully demoralized and is no longer a threat. Sometimes you just can't kill a target, but you have full acess to it.

For fucks sake, it doesn't take too much imagination to connect those things.


Hello, my fellow Holla Forumssters! Gee, this sure does look like a "fake flag" operation! I bet the "kikes" are behind this one! Let's all just stop reading these leaks now and make a plan to shoot up a hospital or stockpile weapons! And while we're at, make sure to post incriminating details well in advance!

Yep, can't risk falling for a "shill" can we? It would be so sad it would give me "the feelings."

you don't have to convince me, i think there are some leaks yet to come to help the normalfags get the full picture…

All it takes is imagination and no evidence at all and you can spout any bullshit you like.

To summarize what you said:
And the funniest part:

Kill yourself, you fucking retard. The world is better off without lunatics like you. You have failed to present a coherent argumentation and a single fact.

There was no reference to state sponsored cocaine trafiking?

Tell me how much they have on you?

Be honest with me, think of me as the closest to EFF you'll ever get.

Forgot to add:

If you have the location of the target to blast it with mind control devices (which don´t fucking exist) you can easily get rid of him in minutes by flying a drone there.

Again, kill yourself, lunatic. People like you who spout Jonestein-tier bullshit are not welcome.

Literally what? You make no fucking sense.

Not everything is about dronekilling people. CIA shill.

Also, what the fuck is an EFF?

Dude, you are literally one of the most stupid people i ever encountered here. kys.


brilliant. maybe add a keyboard to show him cyberwarring against autists who live in their mothers basements.

What fucking timeline did I just stumble into, and how can I get back to the one where I used to play video games until 6 in the morning?

Why is it called vault7, something to do with the 7th floor group?

We are CIA naw

Why is there no thread on the Wikileaks press conference today

It's there somewhere. Turns out that we're dealing with space-kikes too:


Or false positives? was taken from a screenshot of a sourceforge (COLLABNET) server of theirs.

How many fields have you harvested in Israel?

Mi5 is controlled by the US you retard. Didn't you read Sowden's wikileaks? I never said the info wasn't true, just that it's being used as a PR tool.

Thanks. I saw that actually in real-time but I knew this already so I didn't give it the respect it deserved. Glad it is drawing full attention of the autists.

actually, yes, by law, it does. if a technology is not proven, the legally speaking, you are considered as being unable to give full disclosure as to it's workings. the patent office doesn't always enforce this because they don;t have the manpower but if you were ever challenged tointer partes or ex partes review and it was revealed you didn;t have a working apparatus at the time of filing, you would lose your ownership of the patent and the technology would become public domain.

companies are generally aware of this, and even if they don;t have a commercial feasible product ready, they will typically have some Proof of Concept prepared to show the USPTO or a Judge if questioned.

how much of that POC is smoke and mirrors depends, but generally, companies with reputations like the ones from the remote brainwave detector patent won't fuck with this process too much.

t. IP portfolio manager for gov't contractor

what is this samefagging.

i'm schizophrenic and autistic. could it be MKU?

1. They will control the medium 100%
2. They will expand and develop the medium to unprecedented power levels, unchecked
3. They will weaponize it against us

So, no.

I checked 'em but am curious as to what the "proof" required here is. Does it have to accord to a particular model of physics (e.g. Thermodynamics) or does it just have to have statistical significance (i.e. a particular action highly correlates to a particular effect).

The reason I ask this is because you have certain Quantum phenomena that would not work according to classical models of physics. And the law of Thermodynamics, according to some, is fundamentally incorrect.

A curious example would be the works of (((Wilhelm Reich))) and his "orgone". His shit has been hijacked by science-less new-agers for the most part, but his experiments were conducted fairly scientifically and were significant from a statistical POV. The model he put forth to explain the phenomenon however, is probably incomplete.

But, given that there is statistical proof of effect, can things like this be patented?

There are mediums that are CIAnigger proof by design.

Decentralized and/or Federated is the way forward. But, because of the nature of decentralized services, there just isn't a lot of funding there as it's not really a profitable enterprise.

This is the fatal fucking flaw of Holla Forums. I can't get a general grip on what the fuck is going on just from the OP, because all the cocksucking OP is, is links to previous threads. Where's the summary? Do you dumb nogs even care about being an effective info source?

TL;DR what's the red pill on Vault 7? What even is it?

FUCK !!!



SEE ->

Yeah, Holla Forums is totally done for.

Shut up, useless


decentralized Changolia is the way to go. We need to shed the profit-motivated businessmen and the expenses related to running a huge monolithic imageboard. People are working on it but signal-boosting for awareness is always useful. If we could get a kikestarter or similar going to have more than one autist working on it that would be nice.

Is that an ebin CIA maymay?

I wonder who knows more on this… Big brother and his unlimited funbux as well as ridiculous amount of resources or user at the computer who MIGHT or IS studying the brain and the effects electromagnetism has on it. :^)

I guess to distill this down a bit more, i should say it this way.

1/3, BTW

assume you are patenting something or some process, and you are playing it 100% by-the-book - just for the sake of argument.

There are two types of patents

1) Method patents - how do you do something - how you mix the chemicals, how you deal with certain mathematics, etc.
2) apparatus patents - a device, described by an ideal or "preferred" embodiment, claimed by some assembly of these features.

there are design patents but those are in a family of their own and are basically a bastardized form of an artistic copyright so I won;t discuss those, and those aren't universal. Method and apparatus patents are universal, recognized by all parties to the Paris/PCT agreements - ~75% of the world's nations. the things I'm citing here are pursuant to those regulations. though the US isn;t fully in line with these it's damn close, and everything I'm going to be talking about is covered under both US and PCT regs.

in a method patent, your method must: be

1) Complete, and i mean COMPLETE - exact order of operations, exact amounts or how to determine those amounts, how you measure certain things, even what kind and brand of devices you use (in some cases - patents have been lost over this)
2) Result in the end products that are part of your claim. though method patents can't claim the end product itself, it has to be a part of the claim language. generally, products of a method are given to a separate set of "apparatus" applications filed at the same time as the method, if they aren't already patented.
3) 100% workable as proven by experiment. by the time you file, you must have run your method, front to back, in the exact order as described, at least once successfully. If you can't do this, it means that the method doesn't work, and a part of it needs to be changed. if it needs to be changed, your disclosure is not complete, therefore, you've violated the requirements to get a patent.

keep in mind I've been a bit specific about what constitutes a "method" - method patents are far and away the more esoteric of the two types of patent, and plenty of things qualify as a "method," but the 3 rules above still hold.

In an apparatus patent, things are a bit different.

You must describe what you consider to be a "preferred embodiment" this embodiment can be, and is usually encouraged to be, highly specific as to illustrate fully how it reinforces your claims. though inventors are usually instructed to "leave patents broad," the only requirement for considerations of scope is in the claims; if your claims are especially broad some justification might be needed in the description, but you should try to keep it tight and on-point if possible.

once you have a preferred embodiment, you then must decide what features or effects of this embodiment you choose to claim as patent-able material. let's say you want to patent fire - do you patent a pile of sticks with a flame on top? do you patent a pile of sticks which are expressing hydrocarbon gases that are being used to fuel the flame on top? do you add in the stone pit around the fire that keeps it from burning down the forest?

the decision making process that goes into the claim scoping is a complicated one, and if you're at the cutting edge of technology, keeping in mind the 2-year "blind" that your competition has on it's own patents, doing so successfully is the real art of patent writing.

regardless of that however, there are certain conditions on the patent itself -

at the time of patenting, the preferred embodiment has to exist in some form, and has to have been demonstrated. in the US, it was almost the absolute norm - an investor would publicly demonstrate a device, and would have a year to patent it before it lapsed to public domain. This was known as the first-to-invent doctrine, which has been done away thanks to the Europeans, who adopted a first-to-file doctrine which they pressured the US into accepting in 2011. despite the change in doctrine, the general regulation still remains the same. your device must exist and work as stated in the preferred embodiment at the time of filing.

Furthermore, depending on the scope of claims, the preferred embodiment device MUST cover the claims as scoped, or you must have the ability to easily modify the device to cover the full scope of claims. You can kinda slide on this part of the requirement as some modifications are taken to be self-evident to a "person trained in the art" - i.e. an expert. if you are not able to furnish such a device, the legal reasoning that would follow in a court decision would be the same as for the method patent.

consequently, unless you plan on patenting the theory/formula itself, you cannot merely describe a device by formula and create a defensible/enforceable patent.

Now the reality is that the USPTO and the PCT collectively receive millions of patent applications a year.Once you apply for a patent, some poor put-upon bastard has to read all of this drivel, a process that can take days, and then has to fill out a rather obscene amount of paperwork on all of it, and then has to send that paperwork to you, giving you a chance to reply and re-scope or submit arguments and so on that same examiner has to read all the stuff you send back, reread the patent paperwork (which has likely been languishing on his desk in the 6 months it took you to reply) then do it all again. this process can take literally dozens of iterations, though an examiner can choose to cut it off with a final office action. even then, however, you have options and can continue making his life a living hell.

Because of this, the vast majority of examiners simply don;t read patents that carefully. if a device for, let's say free energy, comes across his desk, instead of doing his due diligence, an examiner will usually just go "eh, fuck it, they'll never actually make it, I don't want to do the paperwork" and submit the patent to grant.

This is the reason, the ONLY reason, patents like that get granted.

the problem is, if the patent does end up going somewhere one day, perhaps in the hands of a different party than the original inventor, then you end up with a court case, where paperwork that the examiner barely glanced at is suddenly getting literally thousands of man-hours of reading and analysis time by acute and well trained lawyers looking for holes and problems, and as soon as they ask the question of "well, did you build it?" and you can't answer yes, then they can point and say " that asshole had no idea if the device would work, he never built it!" and get your ownership revoked. of course, doing this puts it in the public domain, which prevents them from patenting the same thing, but generally they're hoping to claim something else and your patent is seen as a "stepping stone" to the newer tech, and it has to be in public domain before they can move forwards with theirs.

hope this makes a little more sense.


Vault 7 doesn't exist. You're all making shit up. You can't prove me wrong, either. What proof do you have? This doesn't exist.
Dumb nazis BTFO lol

Your thinking is just flat and uninspired. You have not reached outside of the box at all.


This is shilling elevated to an art form.

That one's not going to get old any time soon.

DId you actually call it a meme war? Just call it psychological warfare when you're dealing with normalfags, I doubt anyone would really get what you're talking about otherwise.

I can't even tell what's bait anymore.

I still can't get over it.

I have no reaction image for this.

This is why hiring from SA was a real bad idea, CIA. You've drafted fucking morons.

Is this what happens when liberals encounter Holla Forums? This is hilarious.

Great explanation, thank you very much.

I'm glad you're with us.



Call your mother, just say you want to join up. We're always listening

Are you trying to use nazi as an insult, commie?

We aren't spoonfeeding you, you lazy faggot. Just go to

Is it gone?

Actual reddit-tier shill confirmed.

That's why this is funny.

What makes you think the encryption available to normalfags can't be cracked? Intelligence services are usually 30 years ahead in technology.

Come on. The shit we use is probably niggertech compared to what they can use. Fuck, they can even tap a fiber optic cable and probably decrypt your bullshit encryption with a tap.

Fuck your airgapped computer. Your computer still needs electricity. You don't think these fuckers can bug muh airgapped Faraday cage computer through your electrical outlet or muh generator.

CIA is specifically meant to do this shit. We literally use a Filipino niggertech imageboard, fam.

Sounds like an admission of defeat.


That's because there is advanced warfare that mimics mental illness you maggot.

You aren't as big a faggot as this gay robot. But DAMNIT if you aren't trying.

Please. We already out-smarted you, and by a longshot. We went from a bunch of anime masturbators to people so important that political parties and elements of the government have paid top dollar to study us, and to shill us. And we won. We won easily. We won with none of your money; none of your tools; under constant harassment.

You're already in checkmate and you still haven't figured it out, because you're fucking slow. The game isn't over yet, but spoiler alert, we win.

Why do I have to deal with people that are so fucking retarded? I'm dealing with some of the most complicated problems.facing the public and here you come posting the dumbest ass shit ive ever fucking hears of.

DNA targeted drugs.
Targeted drug delivery, sometimes called smart drug delivery,[1] is a method of delivering medication to a patient in a manner that increases the concentration of the medication in some parts of the body relative to others. This means of delivery is largely founded on nanomedicine, which plans to employ nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery in order to combat the downfalls of conventional drug delivery. These nanoparticles would be loaded with drugs and targeted to specific parts of the body where there is solely diseased tissue, thereby avoiding interaction with healthy tissue. The goal of a targeted drug delivery system is to prolong, localize, target and have a protected drug interaction with the diseased tissue. The conventional drug delivery system is the absorption of the drug across a biological membrane, whereas the targeted release system releases the drug in a dosage form. The advantages to the targeted release system is the reduction in the frequency of the dosages taken by the patient, having a more uniform effect of the drug, reduction of drug side-effects, and reduced fluctuation in circulating drug levels. The disadvantage of the system is high cost, which makes productivity more difficult and the reduced ability to adjust the dosages.
In passive targeting, the drug’s success is directly related to circulation time.[6] This is achieved by cloaking the nanoparticle with some sort of coating. Several substances can achieve this, with one of them being polyethylene glycol (PEG). By adding PEG to the surface of the nanoparticle, it is rendered hydrophilic, thus allowing water molecules to bind to the oxygen molecules on PEG via hydrogen bonding. The result of this bond is a film of hydration around the nanoparticle which makes the substance antiphagocytic. The particles obtain this property due to the hydrophobic interactions that are natural to the reticuloendothelial system (RES), thus the drug-loaded nanoparticle is able to stay in circulation for a longer period of time.[7] To work in conjunction with this mechanism of passive targeting, nanoparticles that are between 10 and 100 nanometers in size have been found to circulate systemically for longer periods of time.[8]

still in top kek at confirmation of the existence of a fucking memetics dept.


Active targeting of drug-loaded nanoparticles enhances the effects of passive targeting to make the nanoparticle more specific to a target site. There are several ways that active targeting can be accomplished. One way to actively target solely diseased tissue in the body is to know the nature of a receptor on the cell for which the drug will be targeted to.[9] Researchers can then utilize cell-specific ligands that will allow for the nanoparticle to bind specifically to the cell that has the complimentary receptor. This form of active targeting was found to be successful when utilizing transferrin as the cell-specific ligand.[9] The transferrin was conjugated to the nanoparticle to target tumor cells that possess transferrin-receptor mediated endocytosis mechanisms on their membrane. This means of targeting was found to increase uptake, as opposed to non-conjugated nanoparticles.

Active targeting can also be achieved by utilizing magnetoliposomes, which usually serves as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging.[9] Thus, by grafting these liposomes with a desired drug to deliver to a region of the body, magnetic positioning could aid with this process.
Electrical Stimulation of Neural Stem Cells Mediated by Humanized Carbon Nanotube Composite Made with Extracellular Matrix Protein

your mom.

Design and evolution of modular neural network architectures

To investigate the relations between structure and function in both artificial and natural neural networks, we present a series of simulations and analyses with modular neural networks. We suggest a number of design principles in the form of explicit ways in which neural modules can cooperate in recognition tasks. These results may supplement recent accounts of the relation between structure and function in the brain. The networks used consist of several modules, standard subnetworks that serve as higher order units with a distinct structure and function. The simulations rely on a particular network module called the categorizing and learning module. This module, developed mainly for unsupervised categorization and learning, is able to adjust its local learning dynamics. The way in which modules are interconnected is an important determinant of the learning and categorization behaviour of the network as a whole. Based on arguments derived from neuroscience, psychology, computational learning theory, and hardware implementation, a framework for the design of such modular networks is presented. A number of small-scale simulation studies shows how intermodule connectivity patterns implement “neural assemblies” that induce a particular category structure in the network. Learning and categorization improves because the induced categories are more compatible with the structure of the task domain. In addition to structural compatibility, two other principles of design are proposed that underlie information processing in interactive activation networks: replication and recurrence.

Because a general theory for relating network architectures to specific neural functions does not exist, we extend the biological metaphor of neural networks, by applying genetic algorithms (a biocomputing method for search and optimization based on natural selection and evolution) to search for optimal modular network architectures for learning a visual categorization task. The best performing network architectures seemed to have reproduced some of the overall characteristics of the natural visual system, such as the organization of coarse and fine processing of stimuli in separate pathways. A potentially important result is that a genetically defined initial architecture cannot only enhance learning and recognition performance, but it can also induce a system to better generalize its learned behaviour to instances never encountered before. This may explain why for many vital learning tasks in organisms only a minimal exposure to relevant stimuli is necessary.

Hello CIA. Do you feel in charge?

Tin foil this you fucking faggot.

ARTMAP: Supervised real-time learning and classification of nonstationary data by a self-organizing neural network

Yeah no this got slid way too fucking hard.

Yea nice set up. Months of effort to make a discrediting post. Please ignore this thread. Plz.

Don't whine because the barrier to entry is too high for you to scale. It's unbecoming and the rest of us manage just fine.

Don't fuck with the sun God.


Welcome back, CTR/JEWCREW!


chew glass

Deep brain stimulation to illicit fear and extreme anger.

19 fucking 50s.

I don't think that at all.

CIAniggers get out
Nanotube radio.

The integration of computers with the brain.The human-computer interface can be described as the point of communication between the human user and the computer. The flow of information between the human and computer is defined as the loop of interaction. The loop of interaction has several aspects to it, including:

Visual Based :The visual based human computer inter-action is probably the most widespread area in HCI(Human Computer Interaction) research.
Audio Based : The audio based interaction between a computer and a human is another important area of in HCI systems. This area deals with information acquired by different audio signals.
Task environment: The conditions and goals set upon the user.
Machine environment: The environment that the computer is connected to, e.g. a laptop in a college student's dorm room.
Areas of the interface: Non-overlapping areas involve processes of the human and computer not pertaining to their interaction. Meanwhile, the overlapping areas only concern themselves with the processes pertaining to their interaction.
Input flow: The flow of information that begins in the task environment, when the user has some task that requires using their computer.
Output: The flow of information that originates in the machine environment.
Feedback: Loops through the interface that evaluate, moderate, and confirm processes as they pass from the human through the interface to the computer and back.
Fit: This is the match between the computer design, the user and the task to optimize the human resources needed to accomplish the task.

A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI), or brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device. BCIs are often directed at researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions.[1]

Research on BCIs began in the 1970s at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under a grant from the National Science Foundation, followed by a contract from DARPA.[2][3] The papers published after this research also mark the first appearance of the expression brain–computer interface in scientific literature.

In 1980s a report was given on control of a physical object, a mobile robot, using EEG signals [S. Bozinovski, M. Sestakov, L. Bozinovska: Using EEG alpha rhythm to control a mobile robot, In G. Harris, C. Walker (eds.) Proc IEEE Annual Conference on Medical and Biological Society, New Orleans, p. 1515-1516,1988][S. Bozinovski: Mobile robot trajectory control: From fixed rails to direct bioelectric control, In O. Kayniak (ed.) Proc. IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, p. 63-67, 1990].

This entire article is bullshit. They have the technology to take vocal commands and make an evolutionary algorithm to influence the brain to execute those commands using your brain as an integrated circuit to send and receive radio signals using EVERYTHING I FUCKING POSTED FROM SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES

Im hoping you understand what's happening.

holy Christ, I never had to filter so many faggots in my life. Between the nay-sayers, try-hard memers, and the mentally ill unleashed, these threads are filling up fast with shit.

sage for off topic bitching

What an embarrassing organization.

Playing with 40 year old technology like you do.

There's an occult theme.
Listen carefully.

It's happening.



You are shocked.

So in this thread we showed how targeted drug delivery using genetic targeting can be used to integrate nanotechnology capable of communicating with a computer device. At the very least.

There's merit to that logic.

currently looking into pre-pozzed tech to build a firewall to help mitigate all this shit. 10yo hardware isn't that bad when using it for something like PFSense. This is why we need open source hardware, though, sadly I don't see this being feasible until we can 3d print our own processors. That day is coming eventually.

we're in a weird in-between point in the information age. First, we grow rapidly with computers+internet, then we get CIAniggers ruining it for everyone, next phase will be cutting out the middle-man and building critical computing parts ourselves.

Yeah, we shouldn't even try fighting back. We should just let them win, since they'll beat us anyway!

I wonder what these videos really mean. It's obviously not about the punching or the cartoon.

when it's obvious just filter them

If you haven't gotten past existential dread, I'm sorry to tell you that you are merely a euphoric fedora wearing faggot with average intelligence.

are us autists doomed to be alone forever? I find myself always disappointed and saddened by the lack of desire to learn or understand normalfags have. with guys it's not always bad because you can usually find common interests, but dating is just a nightmare. feels bad

kikes focus fire on white women's culture, hence their brains rotted.

you name it.

Honest question.

Am I the only one here that honestly thinks Wikileaks is compromised?

Julian's last public appearance being October 3rd. and no signed PGP key since October 17th. leaves me very puzzled. I don't discredit the leaks but all this shit is old news. Isn't this shit from the packs the hackers asked for the ransom of bitcoin for? Remember the shit they threatened to drop several months back. The other shit has been mostly known about since
the movie Enemy of the State.

I mean he was literally 3ft. from the balcony in the Hannity interview. He could have taken a peek out and gave a wave. If he was scared of being Kennedy'd hell Hannity could have gave a wave. Did anyone even see the Fox team enter the building?

My critical thinking Skills are struggling with this one. I remember the day, they shut down Heathrow for a bomb scare or some bullshit then user's on the other Chan were tracking a flight from London to Virginia. Then the user In Virginia vent on Periscope trying to find the plane With that Tail Number.

The effort made by the media and Wikileaks to show proof of life is astonishing considering the guy was within arms reach of the curtains of the balcony and didn't say hi or even stand behind Shawn or even offered any video of the building or the vicinity of it.

There are plenty of videos on youtube showing the software available publicly that can fake a video Interview. I imagine the CIA had that shit at least 10 to 15 years ago and their current version would probably be able to be as good as the interviews we've seen since that day October.

Am I going Schitzo, or are there this many sheep on the Chans?

When is Mike Pompeo going to chime in on this? I haven't heard anything about this guy in weeks. Is he even still alive?

He's toxic. Just look at his Pores. He either has a very bad diet or he Doesn't properly bathe regularly.

checked. the clothing is a big one, i live near a high school and these girls are dressed like whores. was the same when I went, but our class was at least fit. now it's just fat scantily clad piggies as far as the eye can see, with a bunch of ching chong asians and street shitters in the mix. neighbor girl across from me dresses like a little hussie and is constantly getting picked up by ethnic guys. anyways, just gotta be focused and stay /fit/ i suppose

Am I retarded or are neither of those filenames from 4chan.

Oh wait, I am retarded.

If I use an MIUI phone is the CIA still tracking my every move?

He's been on a fucking livestream holding a current newspaper and reacting to viewers, what the fuck more do you want as PoL. He's got no private Internet access and he can't trust what the press is bringing in so he can't fucking PGP sign anything. Stop being retarded.

But, has anyone outside the embassy seen him since? I understand video and the ability to manipulate it, and that's why I question the narrative.

Gee, I wonder.

So, what the actual fuck. Eugenics?

You say they can potatoe a person, so what? Brazil got it 40 years ago at the very least.

I mean, just look at this shit. You're vehemently against something, but suddenly you're rambling about presidents and how you can remote control a person, as if it was the end of MKU because you can't imagine how a society would be 100 or 1000 years later. Just think about it for a moment…

What next? They got the tech. Would they ever use it? When would they use it? Can we make anons to benefit from it?

Will they become like Kaneda from that akira movie?

Anyway, whats your angle here Jim?

Assange is a hostage.

Think about it. He can't even see a window without having a drone aiming at him.

Pam Anderson if you're willing to trust her, other than that, you have a choice of becoming equadorian and checking yourself. Since embassies will not let non-citizens inside (and I highly doubt even then you'd be let in to see Assange himself), you're out of luck. There is currently no proof he is still inside, but there is also no proof he is not. Currently you have his word only that he is still inside, and PoL presented so far supports what he is saying is true.

i hope you also understand that faking a live interview where he reacts to the public is impossible, even with unlimited resources

tl;dr proof or gtfo

Assange is in the worst position anyone can be without enough criminals in his payroll. A regular criminal would create a distraction, and just get as far from the embassy as possible, probably in a helicopter.

From then straight to the sea until it finds a boat that will take them to the 'merican navy territory.

Now, its impossible to fulton extract him if the air space is protected. But… If you shut down their defenses by targeting their infrastructure, it wouldn't last long. How much energy does the patriot need to work on a steady basis?

Maybe a EMP caused by the HAARP or the CERN.

Who knows, right? But lets think for a while, where would he go? Would singapore grant him asylum?

FFS, people are outside the embassy at all hours a quick peep and wave the those people will shut me and many others the fuck up.

Unfortunately we haven't seen him since October the 3rd. This is serous shit and the Chan threads make more sense to me than the official narrative that thing are aye okay.

Hm, hope they don't waterboard him too much.

He doesn't seem to be like the kind of person with the water resistent clock.

What do you think will happen to him? I thin he'll just move to the city of london, and he'll just live there forever. In his own little country.

WTF, you know he's a 100M Casio bitch.

He looked like a pierre cardin to me.

Anyway, they gotta release all of those zero days.

That would make things fun for a while.

Seriously though, dude regularly came out on the balcony for years and gave statements up until October 3rd.

I'm an old fuck in his mid 40's and this shit doesn't pass the smell test, or I'm going mad.

One of those, you know?

They're effective, but not very water resistent.


If you were him, would you time travel to the 50s as andy warhol?

I grew up with one of these, fakes.


So, what do you think this shit is all about? There was a guy talking about controlling computers with your mind.

Do you think it would work?

Don't your exelence ever questions your own thoughts? Do you think before drinking water?

How do you think? Is it just one voice? Several voices? A image that can move and transform alongside some wierd narration like morgan freeman watching animal planet?

Would be possible to shitpost with your mind?

No, if I were him I would have came out on the balcony and gave a statement. If I thought I was going to be targeted by snipers any more than I normally would have been I would have had Hannity go out on the balcony and wave while the cameras filmed him waving with me out of sight of the snipers but still in the same shot. Then Fox could have opened the segment with this and all would be fine.

Hillary was talking about dronekilling him.

I think trump will just pardon him.

Trump Should, just like Omama did Bradley.

I'm just sayin' take the current Wikileaks with a grail of salt until we have a true proof of life.

Would you test it in latin american presidents?

Would you test it in their fist ladies?

It an cause any kind of further problem? Like some sort of vascular acident a few years after the aplication?

I would test their first ladies as frequently as possible.

Whatever it takes.

So. telepathy is virtually possible if there's a physical server?

Are you a fucking leaf?

I see.

How the fuck would they deliver the package? In the new flu virus update?

Proof of life is all we want.

Fuck off with your conspiritard bullshit.

If you can connect a brain to a computer, you can form clusters of paralel processing, and make the information flow like a network.

So, how would it be? Boring? Would you be able to communicate and shitpost at the same time?

Would you use it to comunicate in secret with other presidents?

Would you be able to kill a president camrad?

Fuck me, is CTR all that's left on at this hour?

What is that?


Democracy is a meme so good you would go to another countries just to spread it?

Would you blow up for democracy?

Now prove to me you're able to do the same with his voice. In realtime. Synchronized to the video. Just video does not invalidate PoL

Now you're just being an asshole

Have you seen what watson is capable of doing?

Would you connect your brain to watson or google's deep mind?

Would you?

I'm being an asshole for knowing how separate technologies interconnecting with no possibility of determining whether what is presented is real life or fake is impossible?

It doesn't matter how good tech gets unless it is able to perfectly match separate fields of interest - in this case, audio and video - together in realtime - only then you will be able to convincingly fake a livestream through tech wizardry.

Here's my
Are you satisfied?

The realtime video is currently publicly possible as linked in my previous posts. CIA had CD's years before they were made public. CIA and DARPA have been leaking tech for decades to fund the black programs with the profits from the patents.

This shit was in Encyclopedias before the internet. Gimme something more relevant fagots.

Damn shill, they had the voice tech before 9/11. The video came later but if you're truly so naive as to think the massive beast that is the CIA hasn't figured out to combine the two technologies then you need to tell Mr. Brock to give you a raise so can afford to pay attention.

the coin doesn't emit radio waves or nuclear radiation.

I know they have had voice for ages - IT'S THE MIXING OF THE TWO that's the problem. Convincingly faking an actor talking to the exact thing a voice synth reads. That's what's currently impossible.


On a livestream watched by tons of autists, some of whom are video and audio experts and would pick up on the disjoint. There was none in the livestream.

This poster

is correct. We only know about tech that is publicly available.

That said, I do not think that we're dealing here with a CGInigger Assange. If we look at the CIA's recent track record of competency, it's not all that good. And I don't think they'd be capable of silencing EVERYONE who has personal contact with Assange.

His mother, his kids, Pilger, etc. In all likelihood, he is alive and well. However, to end these rumours, he should explain what exactly happened in October. He dodges this constantly. Personally, I think he either escaped - or wanted them to think he had escaped.

If he has escaped, it is possible that he's in a tough position whereby he does not want to reveal where he is or the fact that he is no longer in the embassy. Whichever country is hosting him would sustain immense pressure.

Sorry to double reply but on second thought it seems to be that if the person making the videos is speaking and being recorded you could super impose the audio over the video, while not in real time you would think you could write a script that could sync the two together within several seconds. That would suffice for an AMA video.

Finally a logical response, I respect your opinion and I agree an explanation is in order and I would expect him to expect (((us))) to raise these questions. (((We))) are his only protectors outside of his prison.

Truly Kek'd.

I don't get your brackets. Are (((you))) using these as emphasis? Or am I missing some subtle undertone.

(((Are))) you from fucking Reddit? Lol

Why the fuck would you bracket (((we))) and (((us))) in your post? In the context used, it makes you seem like a newfag who thought they were == or some shit.

Also if you ever, ever imply I'm Jewish ever a fucking again mark my fucking words, the consequences will never be the same.

Here's hoping it's just lip-service. It'd be a bit ironic if the Trump admin goes after Assange for leaking this shit after Trump himself was being wiretapped.

Also, I imagine it'd turn a fairly dangerous portion of Trump's fanbase against him: The people who work as system admins that appreciate what Assange does.

An old newfag, please forgive my ignorance

Is anyone else extremely thankful that we saved Julian's ass from getting framed as a Pedophile?

All in all it might have been the most important single thing that we ever did.

No. That's what's happen when you eat children without properly praying to Baal/ reciting the right parts of Talmud beforehand, and a good living proof to why exactly goyim shouldn't rise too high in rank.

this guy gets it

That he does, I'm surrounded by more of them than their are in Israel.

Christ, fuck off, Pence, don't be a dipshit.
Get back to investigating that voter fraud already, let your boss deal with the CIA. And by deal with I mean dismantle.

Angry stoner, please be mindful of the fact that the Trump admin probably had to make a statement condemning this in order to keep things civil at the CIAnigger HQ's (Langley and

The reason it was probably delivered by Pence was because if Trump said it, would have been seen as representing Trump's opinion directly.

Having Pence deliver it, however, gives Trump an out. He can still standby WikiLeaks when they make further releases without being called a hypocrite.


This is why the Japanese watchmaking industry is superior

Are you insinuating that the movie was predictive programming?

Its Frankfurt you dip shit.
Also CIA headqaurter in the 60s - 80s was in Wiesbaden which i near Frankfurt.

I still like the rogue AI theory, a huge quantum computer that has near omnipotence of each of our lives, it hears, it sees and it quoteth dubs.

It would explain why mr.soros voting machines didin't give the wanted result, provided the AI is tay-like.

I like this. Rouge AIs are mostly depicted as evil in the (((media))), so I guess it would make sense that one would actually turn out to be our friend.

why haven't you killed yourself yet user?

Also just want to point out that an artificial intelligence would be able to do the holohoax math.



I'm really hoping this is just PR to keep (((them))) happy.

I believe this, they can't flip on the subject whenever it suits them. Just because this helps Trump, doesn't mean he has to condone it.

At this stage, until they actually do something, anytime they say some weird shit like this it just has me thinking it's chess to sway the Dems opinion without them knowing it.

Spent 40 mins inside

GTFO CIA shill
Go back to your pony boards
How can you even watch FIM when you do the shit that you do to the world ?

isn't him that anarcho-capitalist retard who only argument is "i don't want to pay taxes"?

Fucking hell use other picture for that sentence

OP here, I'm struggling with this as well. But the fact they're releasing this shit, plus Farage visiting the embassy, just makes me hopeful.
You're not schizophrenic for being skeptical user.

You have to go back.

Sorry but this triggers my autism.
Balls are NOT meant to be warm, that is why the balls of every mammal hang outside the core body in a leathery sack called the scrotum.
Sperm malfunctions or even dies when it is stored at body temp, hence the air cooled innovation of the scrotum and the old teenage myth that taking a hot bath before banging your girlfriend will prevent pregnancy (it does actually reduce fertility but not enough to be reliable).

Michael Hastings' car blew up because muh CIAtech took over his car and blew his engine the fuck up. Fam, none of us can do that.

Be honest, we have niggertech. But we have something no other entity has, when coupled with niggertech, makes anons unstoppable:


That nose on the BBC reporter… EVERYTIME!


wait so what is the vault 7 thing? I don't get it


It appears to be internal documents from the CIA detailing their hacking tools.
The code of the tools themselves isn't being released to the public at large, just the documentation that goes to them, basically.

is the code in the encrypted archive they sent out?

No, the latest word is that Wikileaks is going to give exclusive access to it to the tech companies who's software is affected by it, so they have time to fix their shit, essentially disarming the weapons. I haven't heard if they're going to release them to the public after that or not.


The file itself [WikiLeaks-Year-Zero-2017-v1.7z] is infected with the 0 Day exploits and attack your computer when you use 7z to extract. How do you like them apples.

You don't understand. A day zero exploit is an exploit that is already in your operating system on the day it launched 'day zero'. You don't need to infect a computer with a day zero exploit, the exploit is part of your operating system.

Exploit != vulnerability, user.
0day exploit is code that can leverage an undisclosed vulnerability.

I'm late to the party. Got a question…

Has the SONOS / John Macfarlane 'User 74838' thread been pulled all the way?

Who knows, google is everywhere isn't he?

If he was the only one to trust, why not just talk to him in your head.

Inb4 mental DDOS using radio signal and encrypted frequency

I'm divided on this
They should release them to let people know how that stuff works, but they shouldn't because script kiddies.


I'm divided as well.
I could understand not releasing things that could be used to crash cars, planes, or similarly damaging weapons if they exist.

That's the absolute wrong way to do it. At the very least, they should put a fixed time limit on the release date. At best, they should flat out release the tools, crashing consumer confidence in companies that are complicit with this shit and forcing immediate fixes due to the vulnerabilities being in the wild.

ALL of the tools, and ALL of the vulnerabilities.

The tech companies are going to give all the details to their CIAnigger handlers so they can figure out who the leaker is, and kill them.

That's a big word. Assuming CEO/CFOs of yuge companies might get hunted down like the Nazis after the whole Nürnberg affair.

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Was Just Taken From Her Office In Handcuffs

Liberal menace and purveyor of lies, Nancy Pelosi (D-California), was just taken from her office in handcuffs by the United States Secret Service. While little information is available as of yet, one agent did tell a reporter for the Washington Examiner that the arrest came at the direct order of the president:

“Mrs. Pelosi’s arrest order comes directly from the Oval Office,” said Special Agent Matthew Derpmore, “She’s wanted for questioning in a possible coup attempt against the president. That’s all we’re authorized to say at this time.”
The White House OIP has confirmed that report, calling Pelosi a usurper and a threat to the office of President Trump:

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s arrest for conspiacy to overthrow the office of the President is being taken very seriously. She is said to be at the head of a select group of congressmen who have set in motion plans to use the president’s allegedly unlawful actions to begin imeachment hearings. Without evidence and with a clear denial from the president of these allegations such actions warrant charges of conspiracy and possibly even treason.
Pelosi’s office hasn’t issued a statement yet. According to records obtained by Breitbart, three other congressmen are also wanted and are currently having warrants against them served. We’ll keep you updated as the story progresses.

VERY Relevant right now.

Can you do better? Pelosi needs to hang but this site is shit.

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Was Just Taken From Her Office In Handcuffs


nice sources fellow alt-right member!

What the fuck is this shit?


Clickbait is a viable cottage industry, as long as everyone is in hysterics over politics.

Does GLP have any goon connections?


Fucking Christ, I hope they don't pay you guys much.
You guys are absolutely horrible at your jobs.

Government contracts go to the lowest bidder, these are probably $7.50/hour 2nd shift losers.

Does Micheal Hayden relate, on a personal level, with Hua Guofeng?

Well I hope the burgers take comfort in knowing that their tax money isn't at least being wasted to the fullest extent.

The Chinese could probably make us a better deal while treating the workers better.

Really surprised Booz Allen hasn't sub-contracted out some of the monkey-work to the pajeets.

Truth have proof PKU

I love chia threads

Chia up in dis' biiiiitch!

Tell me, how do you know this isn't a honeypot with that reasoning? No one here knows who the mods are other than their screen names.

Holla Forums is going through the same life cycle of every image board. R9K is dead. Holla Forums is basically kino dead with one Maise poster and some 13 year old posting
20 times a day.

fuck, I remember when Holla Forums would even have some daimonds in the rough, now - complete cancer, no talent.

Enjoy my reddit spacing too anti-/polk/ is anti-white

Ponyfaggots get out

Get the fuck out.

Like we gave up TV and movies and everything else? Nah, man. I get where you're coming from, but that's not the answer.
We continue as before, but this time we know they're here among us, posting along with us.
We'll just start calling each other CIA instead of Kikes.

Thanks for the ragefuel, user.

Fuck man, spoiler that shit.

These fuckin burgers mayne.

Some LARPing from Victurus Libertas.

ht tp://

part 2

ht tp://>>9465795

Go eat your boyfriends dick if you can't enjoy Chia in a Chia thread.

Is that an ultimatum?


not to toot my own dick, but I was warning people that something fucky was going on ever since (((feminists))) tried to take over the helm at Ubantu, and everywhere else and successfully outed the CEO of Mozilla, which was just before over 9000 0days got found on firefox by tor devs. Also there was that bizarre "suicide" Ian committed.

In fact I wonder if we should start digging on these motherfuckers?

Debian only adopted systemd after they killed Ian Murdock the founder. After that, Debian spent 50% of their funds on "Debian Women" https://

They then proceeded to pozz the distro by replacing all instances of man and men with "person", for example chairman to chairperson. Then they adopted systemd.

fucking new it.

I'm calling it, all this women's lib bullshit was pushed by cianiggers years ago, partially to try and get Hillary elected into office, but also to corrupt software orgs they consider a threat.

wow I'm a faggot

Yep you're exactly right. In fact, Linux Torvalds has to have two people with him at all times when he goes to conferences because a group of women have been trying to honeypot him with fake rape accusation claims for years. Linus has dumped threats he's received from them online, and he makes it very clear he has witnesses at all events he attends.

Wow, I'm a faggot too.

So is there anything in these leaks showing that they're storing data on everyone? I'm in some argument with a guy who's shilling CIA dindu nuffin that's claiming

those supposed to be liverworts?

I want to believe but the sassy cat in the wikileaks files and the one on ponychan have marginally different file sizes.


Your full house of digits demand an answer of what you will do good user.

White $upremacy.
Have some exploitables too since I'm a nice guy.

These dubs should not compute. Kek has shown the way, he wants us to meme sassycat.

question. how do I get normies upset about this? at work I got two verbatum "I dont care I have nothing to hide". I went full retard and started ranting about the post 9/11 generation. I havnt been that angry in a while. this is alway how it goes, the call you crazy or stupid when you tell them about stuff, then when real proof surfaces they just dont care. I dont get it how can people live like this? do you really have to be 100% redpilled just to accept any fact that dosnt make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I honesly belive that if the government began manditory ass poundings 99% of people would would bend right the fuck over.

Much obliged!

Berry nice. Appealing digits also.

Here's a better exploitable you can use.

Has anyone seen this, can anyone say if it's face manipulation software?

Holy crap user, which one of you magnificent autists redirected 'bigbronies dot com' to Evan McMullins Stand Up Republic site. Because you are fucking awesome.

anything the government dose will be manually touched up, but look for overlaping or duplicate image sections during angle changes. if you find anything it will probably be around hard points like the edges of his eyes mouth.

Their argument falls apart the moment you consider that such spying isn't exclusively used to target individuals being a threat. People have a lot of useful incidental information to hide that is invaluable to predictive models, normalfags just don't realize it.

For instance if someone is discussing insider knowledge of their business with colleagues or talking to their stockbroker, that information would be useful for the CIA to manipulate industries and stock markets. This can extend to them committing such massive amounts of industrial espionage, they can leverage this for/against specific corporations.

With that kind of power, they would further elaborate on it with AI and eventually be able to steer humanity's future in whatever direction they want.


do you honestly think normies can wrap the minds around that. most arnt even really aware that nsa and cia are 2 different entities, much less that eaither one hold any exploitive power over the each other and the government. I tried to come up with an example of somthing that could effect somone personally. i work at an engineering company that does government contracting. I asked him " what if you are trying to get a top secret security clearence for job in the future and you are denied simply because you associate with people that do have somthing to hide. not because they have actually done anything, but because the have undesirable opinions". i was more talking why a government spying on its citizen is wrong at this point, but his response was "good thing i dont associate with people like that". then he dropped this gem "morality has no place in government"

debian was always pozzed. slackware master race.

That seems to be true for of half of Holla Forums, too.

Why do you abuse Jewish psychology so much, user; I mean come on! What's next is he going to be depressed, gain anxiety, ADHD, etc and need twenty different pills that go up his asshole?

Hence why Google is one of the most used resources on the Internet and why it's owned by Alphabet Inc. ;^)

I think this poster is funny and out of place. Only SOME kinds of people actually go around in these sort of places to sperg out and cry havok with the word 'tinfoil' in every other sentence.

Where do these documents prove Obongo was spying on Donald Trump? I don't doubt it but I like to see things for meself before I believe them.

Session just laid off about 50 DoJ Attorneys that wouldn't deny it. Kind of moot at this point.

They don't. But they do show that the US is spying on it's own citizens. I think Assange mentioned there were 20,000+ American IP addresses listed.

this is only 1% as per Assange.

There was a senator quoted earlier who said that if he was spied on, Trump almost certainly was. And this was when he was being interviewed about how he was being spied on, so….

Essentially a bunch of high level officials were hacked, and if they were Trump and many others were as well. Liberals will ignore that and say 'But we just don't know! The guys who got hacked are bad people!' (ignore the fact they think everyone who's not a socialist is a bad person)

Install Gentoo



No, we are going to anyway.

I still run mavericks 10.9.5, seriously no reason to update.

So no documents?

This is what it is all about- blackmail, blackmail, blackmail. The CIAniggers (mossad) want leverage on anyone and everyone, so they are using every bit of this shit domestically.

Is this the fourth thread or the fourth PART of Vault 7?

Fourth thread on part 1

When are we getting Part 2?

thanks I was exausted from other happenings and kinda missed this whole CIA thing, except the bronies part.

Does anyone have any idea have the repercussions this is going to have?

No idea, we hope soon.

Consequences will never be the same.

Has anyone tried to reverse engineer the FinFisher .exe's yet?

Trump doesn't use email. I'm assuming he doesn't waste time on computers, too. He seems more like a phone+paper guy.

I will also go so far as to say he phones or talks with his 'Twitter assistant' who posts whatever he tells him. (Is there a photo of him actually using a mobile?)

Is there a retard who can't google?

With typos dictated to the assistant, yes?

Stop being retarded user.

Trump doesn't use email. I'm assuming he doesn't waste time on computers, too. He seems more like a phone+paper guy.

I will also go so far as to say he phones or talks with his 'Twitter assistant' who posts whatever he tells him. (Is there a photo of him actually using a mobile?)>>9469816

Obviously, I don't mean talking on it. ( But apparently he only posts to Twitter after 7pm according to

Would you agree that many of his typo errors are intentional? (i.e., 4D chess). If so, then yes, he dictates the errors to his assistant.

According to the gizmodo article I posted above he has at least 1 assistant that posts to his twitter.

Wait a second, they can connect everyone with a genetic trace to the computer and most likely do everything this NLP thing do without even being in contact with the subject?

They can wire people 'n tap their brains?

What the actual fuck is the point of living then if we don't even have free will.

We never did have free will, look up Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

So, whats the deal? We just lead the world?

Whats next? This sound like a preparation for an alien scenario.

just because we don't know about it doesn't mean we can't have it

I think it doesn't matter if 'free will' is an illusion as long as it is an illusion for everyone. then it is just the same.

Maybe we do have some sort of free will.

GCHQ still belives in us.

tl;dr everything you do is basically your subatomic structure reacting to external influences, order out of chaos etc. Me writing this and saying this to you is such an external influence, and what will you do about it is pre-determined by the low-level structure of everything in your brain. For instance, if you decide to fuck everything and go out killing people, it was pre-determined by the specific structure of your brain reacting to a specific stimuli - in this case, my post.

Pretty much how life works. You ignore hard reality and focus on what you have influence over. Knowing this doesn't change shit really, it just lets me be a smug asshole in discussions on a polynesian tattooing board.

It doesn't matter anyway if the narrative will be perpetrated by the majority of people not by you.

You know what's the problem with people?

You don't even know if you're a human anyway.

You know that thing in your chest that look like a scar in the bone, wierdly enough not the skin?

What would you think? Someone have already opened your chest and you may not even have a real heart?

Does it matter? How would you know that you're human? Can you feel your organs trough the fat? The fat may be human, but it may be the only human thing in you.

You don't even know if you're human. Some gringos think they can hardwire everyone's brain with some genetic markers 'n shit, well, that will only work if we're all humans, right?

Politics is really the study of how to control populations.

So the CIA is involved in politics.

But at what point is the politics, the control, TOO effective? and what does it mean for us as a people that we want to control others as much as possible?

You can presume control, but what's next?

If Its possible to control things, where is the masterplan? The thing that will make all the control worthy, like in dune's Golden Path.

Maybe that's why the cost of 'politics' is so high (wars, government, etc)

$100 billion for some hacking tools? Does this number hold any water?

When we attempt to do the impossible (maintain absolute control) then it becomes an endeavor whose ultimate price has no end


yea we just never see who that person is :^)

is he a kike?

Barron, obviously

Yeah, thats why murrika is a fucked up place.

Now, the real question is, when is this technology going to be aviable to public?


This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.

Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.


Just a side note, anyone remember the ordeal with the san bernadino shooter and the Feds had an iphone they couldnt hack, and mcafee came out shakin his head saying the Feds were fools and he could crack it in minutes, seriously this was so telling. Is this truly an FBI v CIA coup d'etat? Were the Feds baiting the CIA to come clean? Was this in leu of them re opening the clinton investigation to sock it to them? or is the whole ordeal just deep state psycological warfare? Im seriously so fucking ready to drop all tech from my life, they have us all so fucked over and the god damn kikes get nothing but sympathy for their lies. I hate the normies that dont see this for what it is. And the mental backflips they undertake to legitimize their beliefs. And i hate the guilty feeling i get for accomplishing nothing with my life because of the distraction that is technology.


We're trying to stop it, don't jump to conclusions.

It seems it's not only CIA vs. FBI, it's also CIA vs. NSA.

Have to give kudos for the sassycat implementation. I missed that.

Agreed, it feels as if these alphabet organizations are either actually at ends with each other or the problem reaction solution of it all is to make us feel like they are, i have no doubt there are inter-departmental issues and infighting occuring. But the be all and end all is that they are all fighting for the same betterment of the deep state, whether they realise it or not. In the end though the only way around their far reaching capabilities is to create our own tech, our own hardware that isnt compromised from the get go. Thats about the only good thing that could come from these revelations.


what this user said
also this vid:



(reluctantly checked)
Don't put yourself on a pedestal this should be pol's number one rule
We're fighting for a common cause. Without pride.

Who would have thought that CIA was the cancer all along.

Holy shit that sucks, I feel like I'm on the same road as this guy but this motivated me to change

Are you talking about the guy who fucks his dog? Because… man… rethink your life


Fucking saved. Keep up the good work user. Purrfect.

Does this mean we're going to make caturday great again?

Every CIA shill that sees it will be reminded that we know.

I'm too shit at x86 asm, and i don't think i can fix the broken parts but do it faget.

'Digital trail' - how can they possibly be sure when the people they are pursuing have the very tools that can create these fingerprints? I do like to think about the bronies being confined and interrogated until they cry, though.

They can read and implant thoughts
it could just be ayys
either way, not trying to scare, just trying to make aware
Meditation will give you self-control at the thought level
Remember: you don't need to use words when thinking, there's a deeper level than that
Don't use fluoridated toothpaste (this won't make much of a difference, but it's still poison though)
Their preferred methods are guiding your line of thought, suppressing lines of thought (write shit down), planting "thought seeds"
Treat every thought that comes through your mind as if it came from someone else's lips
They can: subtly implant thoughts; create a second voice in your head
I can't stress this enough: write everything down, do not delete anything you write, just rewrite it


Holla Forums is still being raided

A Glimpse Into the CIA
What I expected:
>RobertMcCall…Is…TheEqualizer.jpg the original, not the kikeshit remake Yes, I know he was retired and the Company was going to shit in the show.
What I got:
Well… that's… disappointing.

JFK kicked out all the patriots and filled it with libertarian cucks who under the next decades of mostly leftist presidents would hire increasingly leftist cancers.

CIA are bunch of retards who get to legally do what some of us do.

Why didn't he sign something with his PGP key? That was the one method he set up to prove he was alive.

Like pajeet's street, you guys are pretty shit.



Does anyone know when we could expect the continuation of Vault 7?


Made my day

wow, this looks awesome

Are there no limits to the CIA's incompetency?

This works too.

We can do it too. Look into admiralty law and maritime jurisdiction. The Queen knows the cop who tried to bribe me by name.

While we still don't have hard proof in the form of a PGP signature, this release suggests otherwise.

Look at Means, Motive, and Opportunity: (we're talking "crime against humanity" here, so let's play detective)
If Julian is in some black site, who has him? The only opportunity to grab him was the October incident, and that would have required cooperation from the UK. So only a faction aligned with the UK could have taken him. The UK is America's bitch, so the smash and grab was possible. Keeping Ecuador from complaining about their embassy being raided would be "interesting" but let's assume they've done it somehow. Again, there are very few players who could secure cooperation from the both UK and Ecuador on this–and all of them are America.
This means that whoever has compromised Wikileaks wanted Vault 7 released. Even if we take Wikileaks at face value and assume that Wikileak's source was not blowing the whistle on the CIA's hacking, but on the fact that these documents were already circulating uncontrolled, why would the CIA publicly embarrass themselves this way just as new budget priorities are being set? This kind of fuckup is a good way to lose funding.
Therefore, if Wikileaks is compromised, the prime suspect (CIA) has no motive to commit these most recent acts. The only opportunity was the October incident and only America has the means. To continue with the assumption that Wikileaks is compromised, we must assume that Wikileaks is compromised by a rival to the CIA. But who within the US government could be holding Assange if not the CIA?

In short, either Assange is still stuck in the embassy or he's in the hands of /ourguy/s in the coming war. Take your pick.