Anti-semetic posts enrage jewish moderator on Holla Forums who promptly shuts down the thread.
POL mod goes berserk
Oy vey!
Based imkamfy
I literally got banned from there for defending free speech. What a cesspool.
Yes the only reason we don't post there is because we can't stand to have our views tested.
Oy vey!
You're surprised that Rach spergs out?
I just the same guy evading bans and spamming the same debunked shit over and over. Of course he was banned. You guys don't seem to realise that if these sort of people aren't banned, 8pol will turn into cuckpol.
lol he took an hour out of his day to do this for free. He considers this a worthwhile use of his time. He thinks it's really important to silence dissenting opinions on a barely-functional Sri Lankan finger puppetry appreciation guestbook.
It looks kinda like they're trying to look good for the media now that they've become an open sore that's oozing spaghetti for the Chump campaign. Sorta like how Lauren Faust visiting was used as the pretext for the Scruffening on Halfchan's talking pastel horse enthusiast BBS community.
That pic again is a justified ban. The problem is people not lurking before posting, and people who post with arguments that will have been debunked or refuted already. We just don't want constant shitposters or retards. The constant Trump stuff is annoying but it could help him get elected, who knows, so I let them do their stuff.
Imkampfy posting on Holla Forums? For real?
They're doing this because Holla Forums is a front to reabsorb the youth into American conservatism and Christianity bashing is unacceptable for that purpose.
If this is true, then Holla Forums has truly lost its way. This is jewish behavior.
it's acutally disgusting how they defend american conservatism and christiantiy on Holla Forums
what a bunch of shills
Remember the early days of 4chan and the whole chan community? How people shilling for morals was censored and shamed and there was this feel of anarchistic freedom to it, where the "lulz" was the main reason for doing anything?
Then stormfront and CIA started their neo-con campaign and all kids eated up that now shilling for western morals was actually being inmoral and against PC. I was so dissapointed at how people that seem to have a similar background and interests were so easy to cuck for the nazi cause.
But now we have this place, and the nazi stormfronters are being seen for what they are. Dare I dream a *chan community retake? A nazi purge? A DDOS and hack of stormfront? Seeing how Holla Forums is rising every day and how focused this board is, maybe I will let my heart harbour that hope.
Jokes aside, I hope the same shit won't happen to us…
Oh, they have to come up with a new tactic, it wont be SO easy. But they have the means and it would be safe to assume at least a few intelligence operatives are reading Holla Forums and taking notes on how to counter-inteligence us.
Top cuck.
You do realize that this board bares a strange resemblance to a fundie canard, right? Posters reject religion, believe that everything is a spook, that morality doesn't exist, and that having children is a waste of time. I'm really starting to doubt the sincerity of the anons here, because it is all getting too ridiculous.
Is this real life?
don't worry, I've screencapped a ton of their merchantposting.
We're not a hivemind, Dolfy.
Tell that to Christian Socialist and Islamig Gommunism
The pix of him sucking himself off are ironic now?
It not perfectly mirroring yours doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't recall it ever being brought up aside from a few snarky comments about Natalists. Them and about the REEE9k/polyp overlaps that are NEETsocs because they think they'd be issued pure virginal 8/10 waifus instead of being gassed or used for medical experiments if there ever was something like a Fourth Reich. I'd want kids if it weren't for how miserable the system makes everybody.
Cuck JIDF MAGA COINTELPRO reddit my wife's son CTR how's the weather in Del Habib Schlongmo degenerate dildo puffin go prep your bull good goyim :^)
Jesus is literally considered the Messiah and Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are literally canonical.
can you post a not shit image next time, the weak quality is making the reds texts hard to tell apart
I hate Holla Forums so much. I mean, Brit/pol/ is okayish, since they're mostly just a racially mixed bunch of anti-globalist brocialists. They're even fairly welcoming of trans people which was a positive surprise to me.
Jew's don't have a messiah.
Jesus was a Jew, yet he founded Christianity, introduced salvation, forgiveness and the resurrection, ideas that are absent in Judaism.
Jew's don't recognize the new testament.
Just an atheist correcting ignorance about religion.
How old are you?
Why do Holla Forumsyps always come here when they get banned? And not literally anywhere else.
They want attention.
Because this is their version of gulag.
because they're obedient little bitches who always do as they're told, and people tell them they have to le go le back to le leftypol.
Brit/pol/ is just a mess of shitposting, autism and pathetic whining. As for their politics, they have a cringeworthy chauvinistic attitude to Britain and a naive attitude to the Thatcherite aspects of UKIP.
No, I got banned as well and it was just for having an unpopular opinion. And the real issue with Holla Forums isn't the moderation (although the moderation is disgusting) but the closed-mindedness and hostility to dissent shown by the user base. The atmosphere there is absolutely suffocating.
You know Holla Forums's issue with Jesus is his "race", because they hate Jews "as a race", right? Religion barely has to do with it and its only relevant insofar as it can be used to talk shit about Jews, because "their race is evil".
yes they absolutely do, they're all about waiting still for him.
Jew's don't recognize the new testament.
Are you really this retarded?
Jesus was considered to be a the messiah by a number of contemporary Jews. Christianity literally began as a splinter Jewish doomsday cult.
and this is coming from a former Catholic
Did you expected anything different from cuntservative people?
Do you mean /britpol/? Brocialist? How the fuck does that work?
It wasn't always so unbearable. People used to go to Holla Forums to learn and to debate; now they go there for reassurance. The ethos is the polar opposite of what it should be.
how is that in any way related to judaism? the mod is mad because they're making fun of christianity.
I guess it makes sense within its own internal logic; I remember reading a wiki blurb about some AH where Operation Seelowe succeeded (somehow) and Moseley refused to lead the puppet government and joined the resistance. Logic being that he was fash, but pro-Brit fash.
Jesus was a jew and christianity has semitic roots.
Quite a lot of fascists didn't like Hitler, I remember reading about one South American government/party calling him out for being a racist, next to a picture of a load of black/white/latino blackshirts waving a flag.
It appears to me Holla Forums has become more ant-Christian in the past 2 years. Has the cuck meme contributed to that?
That board is gold, why have I never heard of it before?
Abrahamic religions are the worst.
and that's why hitler started the gypsy genocide
Why was that a ban?
Because imkampfy got butthurt.
LMFAOOOOO 10/10 user
The split with the libertards was the big reason.
Christianity comes with a lot of baggage due to having a hundred years of poison shot into its veins. They're forming a new identity.
There goes your user base
Please associate Trump more with nazis
keep up the good work and put links all over to the web to Holla Forums
I watched that movie
The more"intellectual" bigots looked down on the typical Holla Forums scum
What else is new?
Looks like someone removed Imkamfys posts from the thread.
He probably got banned for jewing up another thread.
tell me why again nazi fags don't get an instant ban?
Because we are le beacon of enlightment and tolerance :DDDDD
good boy, mommy must be proud of your reading skills
good goyim!
oh jew
there is no contradiction, and you got it wrong
ML is the only successful way
that by the way put faggots of your kind into camp or to death :^)
It's called a racist joke. You must not be familiar with those in your ivory tower.
Remind me what happened to the soviet union again? Didn't it show how totalitarian communism really is? What about China and Cuba? Didn't Castro say communism doesn't work? You didn't even need to conquered, you failed all by yourself.
Soviet Union 1917-1991
Nazi Germany 1933-1945
That's ableist though. Don't discriminate! Equality! Communism is freedom!
soviet union build under ML used central planning and shrunk the sphere of commodity production to a minimum, this trend was meant to be continued for economic success as it was established by stalin
revisionism and social democrats taking over the party after murdering stalin reformed towards "market socialism", decentralised planning
and took 40 years to overthrow the soviet order
meanwhile this world power was build upon 2 revolutions, interventionist war against 14 states, 2 world wars and a cold war
fascism got smothered by the red army merely a decade after this cancer arose
Sounds about right.
for the working class
not lumpen
unproductive scum of your kind gets purged out of society
I don't speak slav, sorry.
it was real socialism
ever heard of nuance tho?
are you really this desperate for making a bad argument that you deny the very well known fact that the economy was turned against what was laid out by the ML program?
nice job displaying what a retarded lil boy you are
Lumpen ist deutsch, Hurensohn :-)
Isn't that french for bullshit?
It's all hebrew to me.
are you still making a "joke" aka "pretending" to be retarded?
show me where the soviet economy had a uninterrupted development of industry following ML then
i noticed
I still can't get over the fact that someone is a communist in 2016
quick question, since you're an expert on soviet economy
what are MTS?
What's retarded? Communism or you? Both
let's see who's retarded
answer the simple question, that's beginners level
Here's a question for your question: why would I give a fuck about an economy that failed so bad that people had to build a wall to keep people from leaving?
Why would I give a fuck about an economy that failed so bad it couldn't be sustained without perpetual warfare in Europe?
yeah, thought so
funny that you're even too retarded to google it and pretend you know something
that's just pathetic
Germany spent ten years without war and it worked damn fine nigger.
The jokes write themselves.
1933 to 1938-39 is at best a six year period, you dumb savage, which was spent building a war economy that would have collapsed immediately thereafter without war to sustain it.
gee, i wonder who's more competent
what a child
People still use the Autobahn today, just as the Appian Way was used throughout the Middle Ages. Infrastructure building under any pretense lasts longer than fucking breadlines and commie excuses for an inability to satisfy demand with a overly centralized planning system.
Can you read that in reverse?
i did, it's concentrated autism
funny tho that you think arguing against someone calling you an uneducated idiot by saying "you didn't read something you don't like either" is getting you anywhere
you really are a retard
and apparently proud on your lack of education
why don't you go kill yourself? i'm feeling vicarious embarrassment
there's non-sequiturs and then there's this
hey, let's see if you read Mein Kampf yourself
simple, basic question
name 1 race for each category:
yeah, thought so
Not they guy you responded to but I'll give it a go
Slavic, negroid, mongoloid,
Haven't read Mein Kampf, but in lower secondary school a treacher translated these as "creating races, non-creating races, and destructive races.
Is this somewhat correct? Can google it later but too lazy right now.
Yeah, mass producing weapons for profit is totally sustainable without a war to, you know, use them in
yes, very good
"culture creating"
second isn't "non-creating" but rather culture bearer, as they carry a culture brought upon them by the creators
So you don't think humans will ever get technology advanced enough to make money, class and work redundant?
It was only a few hundred years ago that in England, common men would work from dusk to dawn 6 days a week for gruel, turnips and the occasional piece of bacon and suet his lord will abide him, let alone any consumer goods like jewellery, books or paint.
How can one be so naive and accept that this will be as good as it gets?
Breadlines and famine are sporadic in decentralised capitalist economies too.
I got banned for mentioning the Jewish mafia on both 4chan and Holla Forums Holla Forums.
It's suspicious as fuck.
Seriously, can anyone explain this bullshit.
Another thing, I smell either threats or blackmail to that mod.