Marxist protest in Argentina

You americans may have your stickman but we have our flagman.

Today on Argentina a huge crowd of feminist reunited against domestic violence, misogyny, and the usual stuff. Most of this groups, besides being feminists, held a communist stance, and are also anti-fa.
So, this isn't the first time feminists march in Argentina. They did it several times before, and usually vandalize some of the most important historic monuments, like the Cabildo, where the first Argentinian government was formed, or the Argentinian cathedral. This is the most important one in the whole country, and represents its faith.
So, a group of Christians decided to protect it, circling it. When the vandalism started, these marxist groups started with the Cabildo, painting it all over. Flagman ran there, trying to stop it, and after a taking a feminist's spray can, a mob attacked him. (pic related).
Hurt but not defeated, he run to the cathedral, where the anti-fa started lighting a fire while asking for free abortions. Flagman stood there (the rest of the catholics were behind the black fence) with the Vatican's flag while receiving another beating. (vid related)
Media all over the country reported the aggressions the marxist groups did. Now thanks to this man, for the first time, and even though it happened before, people are talking about how marxists, feminists and anti-fa are vandalizing and ruining our historic monuments.

Other urls found in this thread:

Argentinian here, saw him on the news. Didn't know about the whole Cabildo thing tho.


kek, we stopped doing that in the 70's

Can't you just unload into the crowd and escape? Or is your police force competent?

Our police force is beyond cucked so anytime there's a protest going on they disappear. Can't unload either because this is a no fun allowed country.

Choose one and only one

Fucking kikes, I swear this shit is everywhere


So no cops at the protests? Don't you beans have a vibrant black market?

I'm sure you could make due, do it for Pinochet.


Same protests happening here in Tacoland, just a (((coincidence))) I guess.

So when are we going to see inquisitor?

Dude Pinochet is chilean. You guys need to know more about Julio A. Roca, the injun remover.


This despite what happened in Brasil. What happened in Venezuela. Marxists need to be lined up against the wall and shot.

The funny thing is Latin America is supposed to be all kinds of Patriarchal, yet they allow these stupid cunts to run wild. So who isn't putting them in their place?


The "white" parts of Latin America (Uruguay and Argentina) are full of marxism. Kikes don't like whites anywhere.

We are full of Marxists/communists/anarchists, feminism gets taken like a joke by most of the people, but the governments take it seriously.

So basically only the brown ones. If this doesn't prove genetics then I don't know what does. I was under the impression that entire soup bowl was one and the same with how they go on about it.

You mean Machismo is big in those places, Saudi Arabia is patriarchal but not latin america.

You can call niggers niggers and nobody cares, hell some of us call each other nigger sometimes.

Nah dude, It's amazing, only the countries with a important percentage of whites gets cultural marxism. In Paraguay, for example, which is full of brown people who are erasing the whites in Argentina through massive immigration, hitting your wife is totally normal. Same as Bolivia (with an identical situation as Paraguay) where raping women it's not seen as something bad.

There's no such thing was cultural Marxism or white genocide, cattle person. I don't even know what you're talking about. Stop being such an antisemitic, racist, sexist, transphobic bigot.


nowadays I'm just angry with society letting these histrionic snot nosed cunts with daddy issues engage in violent behavior like that and not do anything at all


Do the inquisitions include the cruel torture from
That would be neat.

This is how you do it.

Resistance. IDEALLY non-violent resistance if you is the best, because of the enemies position versus ours.

Non-violent resistance is how they gained power, we can do the same thing.

You mean kicking and screaming, condoning violent extremists and underhanded tactics every chance they got.

Jew, Stop it. We're not gonna sacrifice anyone to Moloch, this includes you, even though you're wanking to the thought of being ovened. Get fucked with a rented cock, kike.

these guys should get a flag t-shirt. Cheap, can be taken off easily enough and wont be taken away.
At the same time if someone grabs it then you can fight back because it'd legally be assault.

Thanks to this, media has been defending him. If you can resist non-violently, you make sure no one's going to be against you. Or at least most people won't.


Today, Argentinians get to be white.

But only today.

but what will the U.S. media say about it?
will trump say anything about it?
will the media lie if trump puts something about it on his twitter?

Isn't this where that famous picture of the guy cheesing out while getting bitched out by a whole herd of angry feminists comes from? Pretty sure it was a banner at one point.

They're grabbing onto him like fucking sirens, except instead of hypnotic music they're singing him a slightly more repulsive tune.

When are the cops just going to throw the book out and do pic related?


This happened today, just a few hours ago.

Probably nothing, doubt it will ever reach you guys.

So, he stand and get beat up like some kind of Gandhi?
What a courno.

If the media is siding with him then he's doing something right. Makes you wonder what would've happened if he started punching those cunts.

For many catholics, it won't sit well to see those bitches trying to tear off and pulling the Vatican flag.

I know this guy, i have him on facebook, he is one of us, he has some alt right friends.
Maybe he is on this thread.

Right Wing Rape Squads for feminists when?
Ugly as feminists should get the green falcon but cute ones should be used like breeding cattle, fucked until impregnated.


Cities are fucking disgusting. Breeding grounds for violent, retarded, helpless bugmen

That was in Brazil.

And that was the first mistake of many that's led your country down to this.

Can't say you're wrong

Never, the whole "cops are our on side" red team planning larping is horseshit. Cops are on the side of the elites and those that pay them.


This story checks out.

A spics a spic

you're right

now I know why my tripcode never catched on. I should have punched a feminist
Btw how many whiteargies are in this board?

be honest
we all fucking wink at each other and even the fucker blaring about how feminism is srs bsns when that stuff comes up. Government in Argentina is no different, anyone worth a shit is busy trying to not get fucked by… well, everyone.


Hero's from all nations will arise.

One here at least. The guy from the news is a Holla Forumsack too

I LOVE how the only way antifa "fights" is when it's 45 vs 1 lonely person.

That's not why a lot of cops are just starting to quit in the west. They're not all mindless drones and the good guys don't get promotions. It's the sheboons who pepper spray white women who are strapped down to a restraint chair get the promotions.

Argentina is 70-80% white, which is a meme but is also quite significant and flies under a lot of anons radars. Argentina should probably be viewed with the same lense as south Africa, a colony of whiteness in a sea of uncivilised brown

You gringos underestimate how fast our countries are being overrun with commies

You fucking ignorant


Reminder that this is why the MUH WHITE RACE is pushed so hard on Holla Forums, with any dissenting or "outside" viewpoints intentionally culled, slid, or shitposted to death (rather than merely ignored or naturally forgotten). Not because of a lack of actual white nationalists (durr), but because of the very real idea of an alliance of multiple different, independent nationstates all allied under the principle of national independence itself, fighting against the cancer that is marxism.

Almost every nation in the world is currently being besieged by marxist propaganda en masse- the US is being hit probably the least, as it's essentially still the "final boss" of the marxist march. So the influence on other countries and cultures naturally doesn't gain as much interest around here. However, its reign of terror is still very real.

I can't do much aside from offer condolences and support, so


Some WN movements are appearing in Argentina, and thanks to memes a lot of Latins getting redpilled. Also, a plus of living in this places, it's that we deal with fucked up shit, so most people don't give a fuck, and you can blame kikes for communism or call brown people "niggers" and no one cares. It's actually pretty common and accepted all around the country, so many are racists because it's a cultural thing.

Thanks user, we'll need it. Good luck to you too.


Eh, I'm pretty sure many on Holla Forums would be ok with non Whites pursuing their own Fascist governments. I like it when Iranians and Syrians and North Koreans fight against international capital. That doesn't mean I support Islam, Juche (Its ok to be honest, its not even fundamentally communist. All in theory anyway, what they actually do is something else) or see the Koreans, Iranian or Syrians as my people and think I should mix with them or they should move here en masse. I'd love to see a revived Japanese Empire to stomp out communism and cuckoldry in East Asia.
The main issue that a lot of anons have is that they don't want to go soft on other races by supporting other races struggles against communism. I think many of them over estimate the slippery slope in this regard at least here on Holla Forums but, I can't say they are irrational because I highly doubt the other races would give a single fucking damn if they lived in an ethnostate and saw us struggling against communism. I highly doubt the Japanese would aid Europe or America or South America in a struggle against communism. I can only really conceptualize Whites helping non Whites and not the other way around.

I'm reaching a point where all I want to do is cause physical harm to libtards

I won't just go out and start fighting kiddos, I'm not a psycho, but I am looking forward to a riot or something around here so I can give a good dose of the old Law & Order to these little faggellas

Its time to fuel up those choppers lad.


He did fucking nothing. I would have been cracking whores in the jaw. Shame on your people to leave him out there. ONE GUY? A teenager at that…

You do know who he worked with right?





i organized with a couple of friends to get some crusader armor and shield and defend the church thats close to my house on mothers day (the commies also riot on this day here in argentina for some reason).just fo the lulz and the triggering it will cause

THANK YOU BASED FLAGMAN, you will not be alone next time


how catholic is argentina?

I don't speak gaucho, help me out man

basically they making his name public and justifying the aggression cause he is aligned with a right wing party (bandera vecinal), and not only that but going, "he clearly wasnt punished enough"

Thank you, anything an American can do to help? I've spread the word to my friends and family. I'm sure our anti-communist and trump groups here would love some solidarity.



I normally get angry when the right lets itself get beaten to prove a point but those were some sick moves he put on the flag grabbers.

And then you wonder why you're not White nowadays…


of course deus will be vaulted

Well he was protecting one of the oldest churches in the continent, I'm sure a lot of christians would support that

Vid related:

That's the first one.

Second one. My fucking head's spinning for some reason and I can't really focus at all so I'm done translating this shit which was written by fucking idiots.


Brazilian here, good to know Holla Forums tendrils reach to argentina

Well, fuck me.

The whole link to bandera vecinal has been disproven, its all bullshit the leftards are saying on the internet to make this kid look like an evul natzi

I grew up hearing all types of shit on tv about not being a "machista" and that drove away from my father and gave all kinda of beta ideas.

I am so glad no uses that word anymore

I only translated the facebook posts.

Excuse me, the accepted nomenclature is neobolshevik

It kinda looks like that one girl around 0:36 is trying to fucking kiss him on the lips. If a man did that he'd be INSTANTLY jailed for sexual assault. That shit is ridiculous, the girl is literally raping him live on camera.

How the fuck did we go from forming swastikas with black men in suits in a children's online game to this?




Best thing international community can do is spread the video and make it go viral to show the real face of feminism

It's because Holla Forums has a european/north american user base.

If it were a South American imageboard I'm sure they'd be all 'fuck off gringo' or on Asians they'd be yelling about gaijins or whatever the fuck it is they call us.

I don't care what non-whites do in their non-white countries. I only care about what they're doing in mine.

can you show me the disproven proof, i need to the ammo to salt up commies

so we are finally bellow 4chan huh, why is our user base so limited while 4chan flourish?

tell me about bandera vecinal, what are the states or cities where they operate?

South american christians, the one continent that actually care about catholic church, get less attention from the pope than Europe.

just because europe is more of a target to jewish interests and Catholic church has become just a carpet for Jews.


the girl at 46 seconds looked like she was trying to kiss him.

That was in Brazil. He showed his dick to a bunch of Feminists during a Slut Walk, IIRC.

Man the communist feminists are fucking insane in south america. Truly a demonic influence.

He's a good goy of (((Patricia Bullrich))), faggots.

There's nothing good in sympathizing with Catholics. You should know how your nations were cucked by them for centuries much longer than cultural marxism.

Too many retarded beaners and half nigger, half beaner creatures have been flooding Holla Forums with nonsense that in my eyes gets viewed as slide attempts when we're trying to focus on shit that goes on within European nations and ethnic european daily lives.

When we have beaners flooding here looking like a bunch of mutated half-niggers, speaking beaner ebonics, acting like children spamming and the like, it further proves a point that your kind need to have your own website/board to not contiminate ours. Again, it's how beaners act, loud, retarded, childish always begging to be accepted by either ethnic europeans as 'white', or being as low as to emulate nigger culture to try and be 'masculine' when they're just a bunch of effeminate shitskins with IQs equal to that of their nigger compatriots, on top of the fact they love niggers so damn much to begin with.


They removed kike and kebab alike.

kek approves of his stalwart opposition to commie scum

Doesn't compute.


That would be pretty great

So, communism ruins venezuela and the solution is more communism.

Spics are fucking dumb, man.

fuck off, Brazil


Solid OP.


You are blessed and keked. It worked.

Now we only need an inquisition. Polish those crosses and frog statues. It's time to bring out the breaking wheel lads.

we sudamerica now

South brazilian here, I am glad you protray my white skin as the nigger who will impregnate our country, thank you based Rabbi.

yeah and yet americucks had a nigger for a president for 8 YEARS, why don't we also curtail them out like we curtail white Mexicans, white brazilians, white argens or white etc etc etc…


Shut the fuck up, their userbase might be larger but when it comes to online communities it's about quantity not quality and if you've ever been to 4pol or any of their other boards for that matter you'll it's a shithole full of normalfags who get unironically triggered when you say anti-feminist/racist things.

*you'll notice



In times like these I feel like we are going to find allies in strange places. All in the name of pushing back against the Jews.

If that's the best we can bring about…not that I'm saying the guy needs a celibate, but that seemed pretty clear to me.

point, which one is the brazilian

check mate cucks for BBC [brazilian black cock]

Meanwhile nothing is fucking happening in Aus. What gives?

you had some pretty cool crowd lynchings of muslims back before 2010 what gives?

Stay mad, monkey.

anglosphere cucks, cry harder.

Vaarg Vikernes browses pol?

the cop equivalent of the day of the rope won't ever happen.

Marxists need a good gassing. Also flagman is a hero. Keep up the good work against the feminist tyranny.

You're all too busy shitposting.




How nu r u?

You get that it's completely possible to be white in SA countries, right?

argiefag here,

Bandera vecinal has been a joke since forever. It's the definition of "controlled opposition". Having said this, though, if it helps the cause, so be it.

the only non-pozzed party (that names the jew, speaks out against globalists and banking cartels) is PSR ( http:// ) The guy has no chance in hell of winning due to a certain lack of charisma, but he has my vote anyway.

deus vault from white land here. the project its advancing quite well. the only problem for now its getting a good price bringing the armors from another city. and the in and out routes. it started as a joke form work, but we may do this. we are all pumped

That one bitch that grabbed his head probably wanted to fuck him right after that she saw how much baaallls he had

Do it user! One day you`ll have a army.

im not doing this for fame. the message and keks are enough for me. but its hard to find like minded people. there are a lot of crazy people that i cant control in the midst of battle and this people will fuck everything and im not planing on going to jail.
the planing its harder than i thought and getting a functional armor at decent price its hard as fuck. and trying to be untraceable doesn't make it easier.

thank user, any more info???

I am really drinking that info up. I met some traveling argies on Ilha grande [rio de janeiro] and most of them were pozzed, but they respected my opinion more than the opinion of their countrymen so I like to know that kind of stuff.