Drumpf got EPIC btfo so badly that even Holla Forums is admitting his defeat


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Gonna need sauce on that.

go look at 4chans Holla Forums right now

What even happened? I didn't watch the debate because lol anargy

Hillary baited him and he fell for it every time and got owned

What the fuck no one on leftypol should be using such an unfunny joke.

It's not a joke. It's his original last name before he changed it

Guess Holla Forums will have to shrink back to Blacked so the jews can force them to watch their daily hour of cuck porn.

This. It's kind of amazing to me how hard people have fallen for this ruse. Trump has always been a democrat type. He only this election cycle started saying all kinds of crazy shit that appeals to conservatives

I strongly disagree. He hammered Hillary at the beginning and he drove home his message that a) America is going down the shitter and b) that's partly Hillary's fault. These are the things low-info voters remember.

i did and they're all saying Trump won. what the fuck are you people talking about??

I have to agree I watched it and she had some strong moments but overall he dominated her, even though I disliked his stupid shit about say cutting taxes for the wealthy, Hillary really had no room to argue against him because she's right-wing as well except for the idpol trappings.

The race part of the debate was a soft-ball pitch intended for her and I wouldn't say that she did that well.

I really don't get why people are saying this was a blowout for Clinton. I don't see how Trump could have done any better. Like how is this a let down for Trump supporters?

He was a public disgrace a few months ago and he seemed at least competitive today. Trump hammered her on *hard* on NAFTA, her pandering to Obama, her hawkishness on Russia, he spoke intelligently. Clinton just smiled the entire time and I couldn't tell what her strategy was besides seeming high and mighty.

It's hard for me to declare a winner, but if this is a win for Hillary, then it's smoooooth sailing for her here on out.

They're actually complaining about him losing, and describing how they feel let down. Amid some chirps of CRT infiltrating their board.

No he didn't, he sounded like he was in a bar during this stump. It completely killed it. Especially with her remaining calm about it. This isn't about his base support, or even the progressives. It's about the middle class college voters who historically voted Republican who are scared of a crazy Trump. All he needed to do was remain calm, and the fucking idiot couldn't even do that.

Who the fuck stays calm about NAFTA? I would have loved if S█████ hammered Hillary like that on NAFTA. Trump is a fucking moron, agreed, but it doesn't take a genius to make an argument about the effects of NAFTA.

Trump couldn't have done any better than that, they started with the one topic he's a populist on (trade)


That was righteous anger, it came across well. Blue-collar whites will have loved it.

yea, I'm a blue collar white and I loved it. Hillary was full of empty phrases and nice sounding stereotypical soundbites. Trump sounded angry and real. I'm angry. The country *is* going down the shitter. I'm not voting Trump, but apart from his psychopathic statement on wages and something else I forget, he was winning the debate for those who think our country isn't doing well.

As Trump said, Hillary is there as a representative of the last 8 years now acting like we finally have to do something big, and it's so transparent.

Wait why are you on this board if you're voting for Trump?

This is a leftist board

I said I'm not voting Trump, re-read it


ok then I'm not a leftist, who cares? It's just a work I. don't. want. more. of. the. same.
I. can't. afford. anything.

I'm also not voting Trump.


Yeah, I guess he should have said positive things about Hillary instead, that would be the leftist thing to do.

He did it in the last couple of elections too, where he championed the northern movement.

Birther. Sorry, on mobile.

I see you bent the knee for the Shill dog now?

It wasn't his best debate but it wasn't terrible either.

Trump, for all his "realness" about the deplorable condition of our economy, will only make things worse.


Yeah after that debate I'm definitely voting for Hillary, Drumpf is done.

On one hand, I can't help but agree that nothing good will come of him. On the other hand, he's something of a bumblefuck moron, but Hillary knows how to manoeuvre and get shit done in the halls of power, and I can't help but think that when she wins she'll be putting through some of the worst neoliberal reforms we've ever yet seen.

With Trump you at least have the hope that he could turn out to be an impotent figurehead.

Yeah, but to trust that someone is going to do something you have to see that they acknowledge that there's a big problem. You also have to know that they weren't one of the politicians who let our economy get like this.

Look, CLEARLY Trump was the populist here. He said a few psychopathic things about wages that lost me (Trump never had my vote), but if I were sitting there wanting to watch someone speak truth to power, I would have said this was a tie or a win for Trump.

No need for that, you could just go to the GG threads on Holla Forums.
The threads are now just Holla Forums lite.

Trump campaign has revoked babby Donald's phone muh privileges to crank out a string of platitudes, but more importantly, to delete many of his old tweets including the infamous 2012 "climate change is a Chinese hoax" one.

What kind of limp wristed doddering feeble elderly cuck gets their phone taken away from them by his children and his statements retracted under their authority? What a numale beta faggot.

I don't think you know what that term means.

Nigger how the fuck is Hillary not the poster girl for neoliberalism?

I'm all for communism, but the people on this board are lunatics. Conspiracy this conspiracy that muh they aren't far left enough.

I would love a communist president but Hillary will have to do to stop that nutjob from reaching power

Yea… everyone who's against what you say and the status quo narrative is just crazy, and "conspiracy theorist". Sure.

Clinton and Trump go hand in hand, and the whole media theatre surrounding them is a complete fraud, that's one. On the point of her being a "neoliberal" (pretty much just a regular capitalist), how you can even try to say that she isn't (and Trump would be as well), is the really 'lunatic' part, here.

That type of gaslighting (lunatics! conspiracy crazed!) that you're doing here is dependent upon a massive audience that isn't well versed, nor too informed, on any of the issues being portrayed (or a shitload of fellow shills to make a false consensus, on the board or forum you're trolling at).

That isn't the case, here.

Oh shit, you got me. I actually thought you were being serious for a moment. Well played, I guess.

is this really still a thing?

You're famous 'user'.

holy shit lol
they linked a temporary site, what fuckin retards

that guy probably wrote the comments himself. nothing triggers 4pol more than the "shills" and "cucks" that "invade" the board

"Real" has become PC for retarded.

ok cool, thanks for sharing my views Ben Collins, could you also not consfuse the phrase "suspect Russia" with "believe Russia"

Trump was actually right on that, we don't have proof the Russian government hacked the DNC. And Hillary's Russia rhetoric is fucking scary as hell, pushing us into another cold war. Also Trump is an idiot.

Quote that you liberal hack.

I'm watching it right now, Trump has the oratory skills of a 15 year old. No wonder Holla Forums is on suicide watch

leftycucks useful idiots for hillarys dogs

Confirmed because of:

It's time to Stop Holla Forumsyp go back to your containment board >>>Holla Forums or do yourself a favour >>>/suicide/


who is that semen demon in the middle??

Uraraka Ochako, from Boku no Hero Academia.

I don't normally spoonfeed, but I'll make an exception for good taste.

you swallowed the wrong bill comrade

True believer, Not Socialists had socialist in their name for a reason, mother russia &c.

People who actually work for a living aren't allowed on Holla Forums

bad meme



wait, does the article have leftypol in it?

oh fuck, they actually fucking linked to Holla Forums. well hopefully nobody will click on it… but this means we have actual fucking Hillary shills browsing right now.

can we not. pls?

man I'm tired of being right.

In his defense, he was probably abused as a child if those pix and quotes about Melissa or whatever the fuck her name is are any indication.

Hi Palmer. Shove your florid ramblings and overblown metaphors where the sun don't shine pls.

Future so bright we won't need eyes to see it.

To shill. Duh.

I don't do smartphones, is the interface so cucked that users can't turn off autocorrect?

I wish you would reconsider.

Yup, it's a conspiracy and not recorded fact that she supports the TPP whenever it looks like it's not going to crash with no survivors. It's a conspiracy that we think she is Idpol cancer, there are definitely not multiple recordings of her that prove this. Go home CTR, you're drunk. if you're pulling my dick, good one

Oh shit son, a pic of somebody getting their ass kicked and three buzzwords! You sure told me!

Right, that's why when some master trole started a thread asking if we actually did any manual labor, he got btfo in a flood of affirmative responses.

Not to mention
I think this entire thread is just The Daily Beast.


I knew that CTR was behind the recent growth of this board.

That's literally untrue, this is reddit shit

Its just clickbait and lies, like all leftists spew

Trump won on all the polls. How does that feel?




nice logic

No, that's Krillcen. He's a rightard.

I watched the debate it was retarded. Trump actually focused on the issues and Hillary couldn't shut the fuck up about Trump. Fuck this two party system fucking capitalist zionist stooges.

Donald Trump didn't change a fucking thing. Trump's ancestor from 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) fucking years ago literally centuries before the USA itself existed changed the family name from Drumpf to Trumpf and retarded liberals thought this meant Donald himself changed it. In 1910 his grandfather changed Ellis Island'd the name to Trump (Trumpf is literally the German word for Trump) as required of Americans of the era.

It's just unfunny stupid shit and that makes anyone who uses it look equally retarded.

We're not saying Hillary won though. Fucking hell.

It doesn't matter who you vote for either way. Mark my words, even if Trump wins, nothing will really change. Nothing short of actual full blown revolution by the proles will change anything.

Obviously, nobody cares about 8ch Holla Forums enough to have paid shills spamming immediately after the debate ended.



So OP is a libshit from dailybeast?

Went to Holla Forums

This is the first thing i see


This is leftypol, you are suposed to troll in pol you moron


As if they could. Hillary might have won in peoples eyes if she actually shut the fuck up about Trump and talk policy like Trump did.

Fuck off with this shit. This entire election is garbage.

You sure showed us.

Stop bumping this thread you nigger.

pepik stop trolling

I'd rather vote for Trump because wtf is he gonna do. Hillary will enforce those free trade agreements on you guys that literally surrenders executive and judiciary power to some corporations for good.

As an European I'd also not want to have millions of refugees because some crazy hag royally fucks up the middle east. Also, Europe and Russia are complementary, and constant transatlantic intervention to stop us to become friends with Russia is driving me nuts.


Should have lurked more before you started shitting up the board.

>>>/reddit/ is that way


How does it feel to be a racist Trump supporter?

Is Clinton left of Trump? She threw out a couple of ideas aimed at S█████ supporters, something about sharing profits created by labour and taxing the rich more. But you know she's absolutly full of shit right? Clinton's first month

100% guarantee this.

Bad meme.

All you have to do is look at all the money Wall Street is spending on her to realize that she's just bullshitting about her tax policy.

You can at least argue that *strategically* Trump is better for the left.
You can't argue anything for Clinton, only against.

This is why he won't win. He'd be too ideal a target for real lefties. He's Shillmaster Number One. He is the spectacle. With this election, you get Obama 2.0 for eight years, and a riled up quasi-fascist segment of the population. This is ideal for a new era of permanent unemployment.

Clinton won't live another eight years.

The "politics" of the this election are so polarized that I can't even imagine the type of person who is still seriously considering Trump or Hillary, instead of having made up their minds months ago and not changing it no matter what.

All they have now are polls they're rigging

It's sad

holy shit

Imagine if a US politician was photographed beside a picture of Stalin

so he did change it then

Census records his grandfather as "Drumpf" in the 1920s

Last I checked he wasn't 106 years old.

Reddit called, they want you back



So does anybody actually want to post a reputable, non-tinfoil source supporting one or the other story?

I really don't give a rat's ass either way tbh and am doing this in hopes that we can discuss something else after one or the other side gets btfo. A turd by any other name still smells as shitty.

fuck off attention whore


you fucked yourself in the ass, i will tell all the boards on my hub.

No you dummy, OP is literally a shill from thedailybeast





I genuinely don't understand why Trump supporters think he did bad.

Trump supporters are complaining Trump was rambling, sometimes incoherent, and unprofessional during the debate

HE'S ALWAYS BEEN RAMBLING, OFTEN INCOHERENT, AND UNPROFESSIONAL JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, and usually much worse than during the debate, like this was a high mark for him (doesn't say much)

And on the other side of the coin, Clinton did and said basically nothing.

What a shit article.

Because this debate wasn't intended for those whom Trump or Clinton have already won over, but for those whom they didn't.
It's all about which of the two shits are you willing to eat.

And in that case both Trump and Hillary managed to drop the ball. Trump couldn't even follow through when he landed good points (like trade) and Hillary basically did poor apologetics for Obama.

Gosh, if only there was a way to get rid of liberals and capitalist sympathizers…

she pretty much avoided confrontation and kept talking about her policies (pre written script) despite Trump handing her the rope to hang him on many occasions.
she could've crucified him on his tax evasions, literally ruine his campaign on that one, but she didn't.
her staff must've been pissed

But don't most Americans have more positive than negative emotions about Obama? Because this is all about emotions, opinions are mostly the thing of the past at this point.

What a time to be alive.

>But don't most Americans have more positive than negative emotions about Obama?
He is personally well-liked, but the great majority of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. That makes it very dangerous for Hillary to be the continuity candidate. When she links herself to the current administration she reinforces Trump's message that she is offering the same old failed policies.

Holy fucking shit lmao

they're on hardcore damage control

how do you like this hot new meme I found on the Holla Forums front page?

It's terrible, just like all mspaint strawman arguments.



The only reason taxes on the wealthy are so high percentage wise, is because they're so easy to get around.

Trump didn't make the rules, he just plays the game - you cannot succeed at his level without tax time chicanery. It's a simple reality and the result of capitalist competition.

No doubt he wants lower taxes on rich, but part of his platform is simplifying the tax code and closing loopholes.

Sounds like Barron wants to allahu ackbar.


memes are the way of the future to communicate ideologies to the lumpenproles

they are not going to read philosophical treatises

it's the reason for the 'alt right' and SJWism, you have no reason to be principled

No he explicitly says he wants lower taxes on the rich

The problem is that Holla Forums(and far-left in general) does not understand the nature of memes, that is, what makes them spread and become successful. For example, the picture in contains too much information(too many jokes) which makes it unfunny. Now look at those two strawman pics from counter-signal memes. The pictures do not focus on multiple subjects and thanks to that, a contrast between the two opinions is sharp, which is what makes such pictures entertaining,

theyre still shit though

You say this and use two far-right circlejerk memes that are virtually unknown outside of the edgy reactionary teen sphere of 4chan, Holla Forums and the fascist facebook pages.

That image is definitely unfunny because it tries too hard. I'll give you that, at least.

Incredibly unfunny. Anarchists, while infantile, don't wine about not being able to get a job (their entire goal is to abolish working for any master, including employees), so there's no exposure of any doublethink whatsoever. I like a few fashy goy memes, even if most of them are shit and the creator is a stormfag, and I really think you could have picked a better example because these are straight horseshit.

The second pic, while Stirner may be a meme philosopher not worth much attention, basically defeats itself if you have any knowledge of his philosophy whatsoever.



Do you expect people liking counter-signal memes to have anything but meme tier understanding of a philosopher?

you LITERALLY got meme'd on kiddo


How's this then? I know it's shitty because I made it with a clitmouse in three minutes but that's sort of the point isn't it

Forgot to add: I'm not saying that they are funny, but what makes them appealing for people with right-wing views and therefore having less contact with left-wing opinions, theory and such.

Joke itself is definitely fine, but I'm not sure why is Trump a snake.

It's probably easier to draw.

Well, there you go. No normie is ever going to find a fashy goy meme funny. Maybe some of them, if they're already the basement dwelling kind to browse Holla Forums to look edgy and watch LeafyIsHere on youtube, but that's it. In that regard it's the exact same as leftypol memes, except pol memes appear comparably more popular than they are (there's just a _really large_ amount of neetsocs, rather than a large amount of non-neets becoming Nazis) because pol goes in hard with the shiling outside of image boards (fashy foys on fb, the_donald on reddit, etc.).

That's also true, but for some reason I feel like Holla Forums memes are less exclusive, not requiring a lot of political knowledge, probably because hardly anybody on Holla Forums reads theory, but that might be also the reason for such memes being more popular.

I've already told you I agree that the drawn out style of not really exposing quick double think but going for obscure, tryhard jokes is pretty unfunny but really, at the end of the day there's hardly a difference in susceptible audience. There need to be more quick doublethink revelators like pic related.

Holy fuck

I'm laughing, but it hurts

Its both, they compound one another.

One can condemn the system without condemning the people who try to make the best of the system. Although Trump is admittedly a huge hypocrite.

But user, communism was once the world's most successful meme. It spread so quickly over such vast expanses that an egghead called it "the new Islam".

But then again, the fact that it fizzled out and may never recover rather reinforces your point.