Caitlyn Jenner is planning a nude photo shoot!

The gates of Hell are opening, lads.

His name is bruce jew.

He's a fucking 67-year-old man!

bigotry tbh

I feel bad for Holla Forums. They have to force themselves to masturbate to it when the pictures come out.




let's put the images on billboards in san fran, austin, dc, and the other progressive strongholds

fuck you OP. i'll be back in 30 after i wash out my mouth and eat again goddammit

There going to be posted here without spoilers.

Sage for >>cuckchan>> tier topic.

GTFO with this degeneracy.

I would guess they jack to trannies born after the Berlin wall fell.

What's up with all the tranny posts lately? You suck as much cock as Bruce OP.

I know some madman will do it. I just don't look forward to seeing it. It will be a grave day.


Why put it where progressives can jerk each other to it?
Redpill the masses
Put billboards of BareBruce in conservative/battleground states
Put BareBruce on the front and back of wheaties boxes
SuperBowl ads with BareBruce and a rainbow of gatorade dripping off his cock

Parents would no longer let whites attend liberal universities
just to drop out after fucking shitskins and going full libtard

Praise KEK

What a freakshow this guy turned into.


this shit pisses me off, who knows how many people are being encouraged to engage in ultimately self injurious behaviour when instead they should be going to a doctor to try and get a proper diagnosis. It's the same as the fat people wanting to be proud of it. society should not idolize the unwell, it should seek to help them improve. There is a difference between championing people with issues and making people with issues into champions. The former is a beautiful example of a community working together to get healthier, the latter is a fast track to dysgenics. It's like telling diabetics they don't need insulin, blood sugar is just a social construct. it does more harm than good

Absolutely disgusting



Can't wait till we take down Hollywood.

shit thread tbh

Don't freak out guys. Everything will be fine!

Doesn't he still have a dick? It's gonna be hard to call that 'her' after it's staring at you in the face

explain like I'm five how this 67 year old male degenerate does not suffer from a mental illness???

The thirst for attention is strong with this freak. So are we going to see some 60 year old dick ravaged by hormones and some big plastic balloons, or a weiner turned into a decorative, pretzel cunt? Might be the new tub girl. Can't way to spam normies with the freak.

North Korean nuke ftw! Or more likely an epic earthquake.

Fuck… at first I was having fun but now I kind of want to vomit.

Im not even sure how to respond to this real life horror show. You know what WW3 with russia doesnt seem like a bad idea now, only way to cleanse us from this is nuclear…

Pics related. What piece of shit rag would ever pay for that kind of photography, much less actually fucking publish it?!?!


oh god no