It's happening: French mayor name drops #GreatReplacement and gets fined €1,800

Daily reminder that keeping statistics on people’s race or religion is not permitted in France.

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France only has a small amount of time left before it gets worse than Sweden.

if israel had no jews, would it still be israel?


Honesty will get you in trouble if you're white. Sad state of affairs in the west

Wonder (((who))) could have prohibited this

I like this, because the left is going to have to finally come out and admit they have no problem with the entire country becoming Islamic. They are going to have to confront an actual choice between converting to Islam or being a racist.

Wonder how they'd sweep France becoming a caliphate under a rug. You know they will try.

That would be so fucking insane because sweeping it under the rug is a tacit admission that Islam is bad. But thinking Islam is bad is racist. So ignoring it is actually racist (according to their standards of course).

is this channel blocked in europe?

It's so easy to understand why they're doing this that I'm more amazed that white people across the world have just ignored it. The most obvious is to cover up the crimes to keep the illusion the left created alive. The more esoteric reason is to cover up the displacement until the time where it's deemed too late to do anything about.

They actually believe their horseshit enough to think that once it's too late then somehow we're just going to go away as if we wont be in perpetual civil war at that point.

why didn't he just say "91% muslim population is not diverse in any sense of the word."

this hurts

All of Europe doesn't share internet-related laws and blocklists, so, probably in Germany, but not in Second-world slav lands.

If you observe the MO and take an interest to see how Islam is similar to a virus or some sort of plague, you understand that the process works from top to bottom in a sense ta they convert/subvert the elites and that spread throughout the population.
The point of the matter being, when people realize there's a problem, it's already too late.
What is so incomprehensible about socialists/communists converting?
Their nihilism leaves then with no 'escape valve' since they fight Christianity.
Islam + Communism/Socialism have been coupled together since Arafat and other KGB plants, if people complain, you'll just see a bunch of ISIS videos already being manufactured in french.
France is lost, in that particular sense, same goes for Sweden andd perhaps Germany.


that* and*

Because he is, like I am, sick of the lying and beating around the bush to be politically correct. That argument relies on the premise that diversity is good, and takes place on leftist terms. Fuck that. The population of Earth should have 0% mudslimes.

And yet they're 1,7 billion.

Also, because pointing out leftist hypocrisy never works. It's the same as DR3.

Don't forget this one

no such thing legally as "ethnic french"

Also, let me add some comfy French canadian music.

Exactly. Fuck this pozzed earth.

Oh well. If Le Pen and the inevitable last stand revolution of the French doesn't work out, you're welcome in Hungary. Literally. White Europeans who are sick and tried of the pozzing in their native European nations are welcome to come to Hungary as legally recognised refugees. From there you can work together to retake Europe by forming a new Hungarian Empire minus Pozztria.

Stop voting in these governments.

It isn't hard.

Daily reminder that paternity testing in France is banned too.

borrow from the US

say the indigenous people
the indigenous population of France

I think a lot of Whites are under the impression that all that's happening is that other people are coming to live in their countries. They don't know about the low birthrates for whites or the fact that Fatima and Ali have 7 kids in their late 20s and don't plan on stopping until she hits menopause. They think there are always going to be as many whites as there ever were and this is a huge mistake.

that chart is inherently inaccurate though

Channel is suprisingly not blocked in Germany.
There are even people reuploading their vids with subtitles.

They will never admit wrongdoing. Not until a shitskin rapes their wife/daughter or beats them senseless. Even then, it's not guaranteed.

No, user, the true believers (tm) on the left will simply move to another country/area and claim that the new area isn't progressive enough, repeating the cycle

What's up with Europe fining and imprisoning people all the time for just talking? It's goddamned despicable. When are you people going to wake the fuck up and start hanging these authoritarian shitheads en masse?

I think you're right on that. It's this illusion that I probably myself once believed but can no longer remember a time when I didn't. Probably why the white libtards who are a minority in their own party don't see how they're being pushed out. Either they see themselves as always leading it or them always being relevant. Both of which are incredibly short sighted.


We should encourage abortions for non-whites in every way possible, and discourage them for whites in every way possible.

Never. They gave up their weapons a long, long time ago.

Disarmament is a mistake you only get to make once.

And make sure you put 110% of the blame where it belongs: on the military and the police. It's very easy to blame "socialists" or "jews" or "international aid organizations" or "the media" or "academia", but none of these things exist without the sanction and safety of the military and police – who could wipe them all away in months.

But then you wouldn't feel "threatened", would you? Then you wouldn't need them around so much, would you? Then they wouldn't be able to shake you down for a new round of defense spending, would they?

There isn't anything you could ever achieve with trying to massage social policy like that at this point.




>tfw playing Georgia (the Caucasian country)
>invade America as early as possible
>long bloody war ensues between very small colonial force and natives
>use native conscripts to fill out my army because don't want to go grab troops from the mainland
>tfw genocide timberniggers with timberniggers
They fought valiantly though. Took various territories back before I could build forts. Sage for offtopic.

Fucking THIS. It's this that many on Holla Forums don't seem to grasp. While yes, I get mad at normalfags for not realizing it too, you can't expect most people to have delved to places that we have. You must understand that most people are kind of like your 81 year old grandmother who doesn't understand why you have married a nice girl yet… come on, you're almost 25! The thing is though, she legitimately does not know just how bad things are. She lives in a different world that no longer exists, but is the one she knows. She doesn't have any clue what Tinder is, she doesn't know that many girls have taken half a dozen cocks by the time they've gotten to college, etc. These people do not think in a big picture way, and they've never had to. Why take care of your phone? You can go get another one for a relatively cheap price. Why have kids of your own? Gurdeep will have six and they'll support me when I'm older because reasons.

You'd have to be legitimately stupid to not see the situation:

>their offspring and their offspring have progressively been breeding less
>"Gee, how could this possibly turn out?" never even occurs to them because they've brainwashed so much into not even having thoughts of self-preservation because "one race hurr, the human race durr"
>other stupid thought of "The world is overpopulated" -DOES- occur, however, except these people who aren't breeding are the only ones who care, but are so cucked that they dare not tell Jamal, Priya, Jorge and Ahmed to stop shitting out half a dozen dependants

You're basically describing what Americans here say about Commiefornians.

>"I l-love m-my Mexicans, but I'm going t-to move now" Ranchero blasts in the distance
>"Fuck this, I'm moving to Canada!"
>"W-what do you mean t-that I have to learn Mandarin n-now? A-aren't they all lumberjacks up there still? N-norway is still whi-… I mean safe, right?"

Jesus Christ, I didn't realize my rant was that long.

I want off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

You can get off, only when we win. Otherwise, we are accelerating forever.


This is incredible that French people are waking up and speaking out despite their draconian "hate speech" laws, which means even more people feel the way this guy does but keep silent so they're not fined thousands of dollars.

Once it becomes politically acceptable to advocate explicitly white identity politics and criticize immigrants not for being "illegal" but for being non-white, there will be hope for that country's future. I am very excited about Trump and what's going on here in America, but we have yet to reach the level where the term "American" is consider synonymous with "white" as opposed to just someone with legal paperwork.

I must have been a real asshole in a past life.

That can't be France. That looks like an inner city ghetto

thats some crazy scary 1984 shit right there

Pour les negres qui parlent actuellement Francais…

It's not only kikes, Bubba…French(goyims) leftists are fuckin ridiculous, the worst in the world…

it was a good read regardless of length

This is just proof of what a marxist dictatorship looks like, where an active genocide is happening and any attempts to uncover the truth is shut down hard.

Maybe, but I think it's worse than that. Most people think race doesn't exist, and all the shitskins will magically start behaving like white people, and that it's inevitable, and it doesn't matter if all whites disappear because we're all the same.

Of course, the chosen land will always be for the chosen people. That will only be different once there are no chosen people left to cry about it.

Daily reminder that the number of 7 millions mudslimes in France is ridiculous…they're between 15-20 millions.

He didn’t imply anything, he stated a fact. People work well with facts and this is why truth tellers are so punished, should he be talking absolute nonsense he wouldn’t be. Are people that for example who hold conferences warning of impending extra terrestrial invasions arrested for making false implications. No.

We must continue to tell such truths. It is working. Never apologise, never back down.

For the last two years I have been telling my friends (all unmarried and without children) that they must marry and have three children. It is working; some complain to me I have planted an “obsession” in their minds (as if reproducing, the most natural of desires were odd). It’s working, they now seek marriage and family life almost universally; to some it is a revelation.

We can undo the sickness that infects our people by talking in blunt terms like this mayor.

It comes from the (((revolution))).

Islamic califat in France


Subtlety at it's best.

Fuck you OP, I'm saging this for having a misleading thread title.

Its beautiful seeing those pretending to be a god trip themselves up, due to their inherit lack of ACTUAL divine nature.

a lot of whites are also being born infertile recently.
wonder why.


If you haven't already, you need to read 'Death of the West' by Pat Buchanan. It's about 16 years old now, but the whole book is based on demographics of the west vs. Africa and the east. Essential reading.


Highest French court declared that there is no French people.

And the Court of Appeal of Paris confirmed that the concept of native French "does not cover any legal reality, historical, biological or sociological."

Et la cour d’appel de Paris a confirmé que la notion de Français de souche «ne recouvre aucune réalité légale, historique, biologique ou sociologique».

Don't you wonder why that was never published in English?

Absolutely disgusting

First picture the saddest part is the fountain it looks like detroit.

Literal kebab removal

Anyone else feel like their real life off of this imageboard is being affected by shit like this? My job is getting fucky, my social life, family lives, etc… shit is getting strange and I don't know how I feel about it.

Wow. This makes my stomach turn.

What fountain is that?

Learn to live with normies and discuss bullshit they care about (Netflix, Kardashians, Instagram celebs etc.). Isolation is not a good idea at this point.


If you speak French this man is a poet.

Remove kebab.

I want you to leave immediately, faggot

How long do we have to wait until the frogs get cucked into fighting by their women again?

There was a podcast talking about this. Basically, all the statistics on race are disallowed, so the French don't even know how many non-whites there actually are.

However, only kids who aren't European get screened for sickle cell anemia, so you can infer the percentage of foreigners from that.

I have no idea paris and all of europe has 100's of beautiful fountains in all the major and many smaller cities.
My grampa took a picture of this fountain I snickered at it when I was a kid when he showed the slides of their trip.

That's Manneken Pis in Brussels. His name literally means pee boy.

The problem with the masses is they only believe in physical evidence in the here and now, not predictive models. It will literally take racial/ethnic civil war in the homeland of France for the French to realize what is happening. And if the French win this civil war, then the people who put them in that situation to begin with are going to be fucked for the rest of eternity. This would be the Frenchman's holocaust, and he will milk it just as hard as the jews have.

If you can stand these oblivious beasts, cool. I'm from France and I can tell you one thing: the fight is lost, now it's time to think about inflicting the maximum damage to the enemy before fleeing or dying.
If only you knew the potency and omnipresence of the subversion process here, you'd understand.


Feeling it here too

I didn't know that name but I know it is one of the most famous fountains in all of Belgium.
It is the kings son a prince who got lost in the city and when they found him he was peeing in the street, so why not make a fountain about it.

Xenoestrogens, radiation and soy

but fascism and communism are actually both socialistic types of government politically which is all that bar graph represents, which means big government centralizing the means of production, which is exactly what both governments did. The only difference is that the people were much freer under fascism than they were under communism. tradtitions and values have nothing to do with the political bar graph which is what we all know is the major difference between the ideologies as well. the 4 quad graph is absolute bullshit. being right wing has never been about large government or control of people, hence the term RINO.

Lolbertarian detected. Fuck off with that retarded horseshoe theory. Muh economics are meaningless we are not materialists I don't care about marginal tax rates but saving my race from being wiped out.

Mind your own business, we,'re going full fascism fucking lolbertarian.

It won't. Sweden will get worse faster, never to be outdone.

Reminder that none of this would have happened to Europe, if the USA had not won the war.

user., you're cowardly and stupid, the only thing you have going for you is that you don't believe in white globalism, but then neither do I and I believe that many French people practise a heretical religion.

Time to elect a woman, right? What a joke…


If karma exists the US population either has to get tortured to death by their minorities or fix the mess. Considering they are the nº1 kiked country on earth i dont see them fixing anything anytime soon.


Why are you so anti-white?

Yeah, I'm old enough to remember this. Fuck you hard. You dug this hole with your air of moral superiority.

I they need to be purged

East Germany should just leave and join Poland to form Neo-Prussia

I don't think so, Wojak.


Only one way to find out! :^)

I never actually thought when watching The Twilight Zone back in the 80's that the world would actually make telling the truth illegal.

user, shitskins are 100% "diverse" by the very jewish definition of this word.

Scotland is half Irish-Catholic.

THAT is why it's so low.

Same with Estonia/Latvia, which are 25% Russian.

And despite this, it is perfectly acceptable to claim shitskins are (((minorities))) despite no number actually supporting it.

Whites may just be a minority in France, we wouldn't even know.

user, the real Jews aren't in Israel. The real Jews are in Western nations and we need to send them back to their homeland.

Sweden may have the percentages but France has sheer scale going for it. It's going to be close.

You spelled xenoestrogens twice bro.

Look at the map once again. Ireland ain't half as cucked as Scotland is:

Exactly. Without lend lease the soviet jewnion would have collapsed.

No russians are commie cucks in the baltics

This. Baltic russkies are typically "muh great Stalin" commies.

It's more a matter of mindset, there are still a shit-ton of racist French left but pretty much all Swedes have turned into ultra-leftist faggots to the point that they have militant leftist groups that attack random people for supposedly being racist.

Someday someone's gotta make a better translation. This one is shitty


Fuck off, Holla Forums. There is only one group to blame. Kikes.

Europeans, Mexicans, Africans and Arabs and Asians have replaced the Native American Indians that lived in the U.S. and it's still considered to be America. So, I would have to say yes, it's would still be Israel.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Fuck off kike.

You have an overly optimistic view of people.

Many are smart enough to see this is going to shit. They just think:
"I don't want to get in trouble, I'll keep my head down"
"it won't get too bad before I croak"
"I couldn't do anything anyway"
"let's not think about it"

White people are not stupid. Willful ignorance is the name of the game. It isn't even necessarily cowardice. Many break down when faced with the enormity of this deliberate slow genocide, and retreat into a morose state where they withdraw from politics completely.

Makes about as much sense as reading the Huffington Post as the voice of America.

Good goy. You're old enough to have learnt nothing.

What we actually thought of America in the 80s: great cowboy movies. Lots of money and exciting things. There's a reason any skilled Frenchman who can speak English emigrated to America (and still do to this day, if they can get past the anti-white barriers).

Especially when they're obviously at fault.
All white people regardless of nationality must unite for the global jew removal or we will cease to exist.

Kek. Beautiful rant user.

How's this one? I saved it from here a while back.

The other day I noticed that the bums and trash spilled over from san francisco to my part of the bay area. I took a bike ride and saw dozens of homeless people and churches feeding them. Two years ago there were no bums or thugs, now every hour at least one car goes by my house blasting rap and bums congregate at the playground at the elementary school by my house. It used to be that upstanding white and asian parents would drop off their kids but now its mexicans in sports jerseys and thug niggers.
The "good intentions" of white people brought them in. (I'm white so I know, the biggest drawback to being white is our sense of empathy, thats why I own a cat even though I didn't want one) People insisting on feeding them and making sure they get benefits and medical for free.

Its all shit mate and its only going to get worse because there will never be a large enough number of people willing to try and change things. Its a slow decline until white people are the minority. Don't have kids, they will suffer.

The ride… The ride never ends.

If you faggots would have took your ass kicking like men in the Great War and not fucked Germany, none of this would have happened. Instead you whined to that cunt Wilson and got military gibs.
Again, fuck off. I was in Europe in the 80s. The attitude I described was the prevailing one. All you europoors do is blame others for your problems. Your as bad as niggers.

But it's the truth.