
Meme carefully Ben.

Why are you posting the edited version?

Looks like the Emperor is sealing ex-king nigger in a literal oven. I think the original had some subtle flames and a temperature gauge.

The real Ben Garrison is slowly starting to show. By this April he'll be posting comics to celebrate Hitler's Birthday.

Oh, fucking meme it! I long for that nigger to rot in jail.

i can't believe the JIDF is still editing that poor man's cartoons. its really amazing he hasn't gone kommando yet. anyone got the original?

who's got the original ?


Zyklon Ben /ourguy/ confirmed

No, don't meme carefully !

why does obama appear as if an ape?

Dumb fucking question.
Why does Trump appear as if a white male?

Maybe a couple of hook-nosed heebs in the background as well

He he, awesome. Ben never fails.


Rhinoplasty is the NEW thing, everyone.



ps. will he be killed in a car crash or a plane crash???

He may commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 3 times and then jumping off a bridge.

cancer or something

death by remote controlled heart attack

Fuck you dubs man.

It's always so hard to find the original of these.

While handcuffed in a sleeping bag with cinder blocks attached to his feet.

Nicely done Ben. 7/10 on this one.

He will wait at his doorstep for the CIA niggers and blast their brains out. Fucking little stalkers.

Who here still thinks there can be a normal solution and a resulting scenario where Whites don't go extinct from our homelands in Europe?
What 2 - 3 generations and the damage is irreversible? The rapid intelligence drop alone will damage the civic body and the unemployment alone brought on by rapid automation techniques will collapse the economies. Yet globalist/international communists still think that the race mixing will stave off the truth. The Truth they fail to see, that the further that they darken their nations with africans and mudslime the more unrecoverable the situation. Have they no sense of what is going to happen to their children and their families children. Good god these people are dumb as fuck. I think they fancy themselves as visionary and building for the future. These fucking people can't go 2 minutes without chanting allah akbar or clogging up the street to pray in the middle of the day on their knees.

The collapse must happen this year. It cannot wait. If it is delayed any further - IT WILL BE TO LATE..

The Vaneer and distraction of this 100 year experiment has taken the true course of natural selection down the wrong path in that it has not allowed Natural selection to occur as it has normally operated. Strong nations and Ethno groups existed because of unfettered natural selection.
Natural selection WITHIN a society was a natural event and has been eradicated by these current modern cuck laws.

Competition must happen naturally and not be impeded else you have the weak ruling the strong and the nonworking getting paid the working mans earnings. I'm not saying its going to be fun or that it should be fun or that anyone should enjoy it but it needs to happen regardless of anyones feelings towards it.

Did Ben make it easy this time for us to make an edit or is it just me?
literally just replace Obama's head with a Happy Merchant head and replace the word "Vault 7" on top with something like "Gas Chamber" or "Oven" or something

its almost too obvious…

That's a fake, this is the original

antarctic white ethnostate when

Found the real one

I chuckled user

Thanks for the original.


We love you ben.


I used to be one of those people that thought a normal solution was possible, but the useful idiots on the left completely shut the door on that option and threw away the key long ago. They gave us no option or way out of this mess. They fucked every generation beyond them. The likelihood that we ever see things unfucked in our lifetimes is next to zero, so now we're trapped in their death cult world with no way out and nothing to lose.

They screwed up doing that and more and more people even buying the mainstream version of WW2 are still coming to the same conclusion. All of them must be removed when the lines get drawn and the bullets fly. No quarter asked, no quarter given. There will be no need for concentration camps. This last fight is to the death.

They should be praying an economic crises or something worse doesn't happen in their lifetime, but they're too stupid to see their own fate has been sealed.


needs a star on his uniform rather than a prisoner number. otherwise 9/10

Ben was kind enough to update the original


Yep. This is the original Garrison.


epic keks were had.

Thank you based Ben.

Fuck off /trs/

Genetic drift between the lumpen and triple digit IQ entails accelerates either way; the resulting caste system can be logos driven, or a merchant Bed of Procrustes. Their decadence guarantees eventually failure, but in the latter scenario the harsher selection pressures might make for a finer product, befitting a 'Hero Generation' in Bannon's 4th Turning waifu scheme.

The Montana Klansmen strikes again

Fucking sweet! Look at the belly also ahahhaha!

he was the 44th president you fucking autists.
