This Friday I'll have the pleasure of meeting with a man who was part of the Hitler Youth...

This Friday I'll have the pleasure of meeting with a man who was part of the Hitler Youth. From his recently published memoir, it seems that he wasn't a huge fan of the Nazi Party but also doesn't seem to think it was bad and defends it on a couple of points throughout the book.
I was wondering if Holla Forums had any questions they'd want to ask a relatively neutral (politically speaking) Hitler Youth. I don't know how long I'll get to speak to him as it is a sort of book signing type event, but I'll try to ask as many of your questions as possible.

Ask him what he thinks of pepe

Ask him about the Holocaust and if he would have thought that it happened at the time the post-war propaganda of the allies hadn´t reached Germany. There isn´t a single German that lived during the time, who heard of it until Germany was defeated.
I would like to know his perspective on that.

Obviously I would like to address the topic of the Holocaust but there's no guarantee. I'd like to get a feel for how he might handle that question before asking.

I would've been disappointed if this wasn't among the first suggestions.

For me it was this question.

Ask him if the Nazi party was mostly made up of undesirables themselves, sickos, perverts, degenerates as people like to insinuate.

That not being among the first would be totally impossible, not disappointing.

That's a good question. He grew up in a rural village of about a thousand people in the Ruhr, so he probably wouldn't have encountered much degeneracy if there was any among Party members. But it's worth asking


Just throwing out whatever comes to mind

Ask his opinions on modern Germany's political and social system of today, or if he agrees with the EU as an entity.

Also his thoughts about (((refugees)))

Ask him what are his views on the current invasion of germany and what where the real plans of germany for the soviet territories and poland if they had won ww2.

He makes it pretty clear that life after the war was a lot worse than people realize, even more than I had previously imagined. We all know what a horrible fate the Germans suffered in the areas the Soviets invaded, but over the entire country the German people were dying of starvation for a year or so after the war until Marshall Plan came into effect in 1947. He says:
"Rationing was hard during the war, especially for those with no spot of ground for a garden, but it was even harder after the war. The wartime proverb that went, 'enjoy the war because the peace will be terrible' certainly came true for most of Germany. For many, only the shooting and bombing stopped in May 1945; the dying went on."

His American co-author wrote in his section of the Forward:
"The German Red Cross was dissolved by the Allies immediately after the end of the war and relief agencies like the International Red Cross were prohibited from aiding the Germans with food and supplies. Even the Vatican was told not to interfere when an attempt was made by Catholic relief organizations to aid starving German children. Predictably, death rates rose among children to ten times that of pre-war Germany. The effects of the US-enforced starvation could not be kept quiet for long, however, and in early 1946 President Truman was forced by the public and their elected senators and congressmen to allow relief organizations into Germany. By this time, the entire population was on the edge of starvation, not receiving that bare minimum just to stay alive. The years immediately after the surrender were much worse than anything ordinary German citizens had experienced during the war."

So unless you mean to ask how life compared before the war to at least several years after it, the answer is conclusively that life was infinitely better before the war.

I don't believe you.

Do you really think someone would just go on the internet and tell lies?

I'm going to rape your parents.

it wouldn't happen to be Herr Brockman would it?
i love that guy

No it isn't. Haven't heard that name before.

Its true, they got no food suply. They were dying of hunger and ate acon fruits and even fucking window putty. I thought thats common knowledge

I didn't know it occurred so long after the war.

I think they got more efficient year after year So around 1948 it wasnt that hard anymore. But its amazing how efficient they who grew up then are. They will never ever leave the smallest crumb of food on the dish even after 70 years, they never in their life showered over 3 minutes. Waste of resources is the biggest sin to them.

You should tell him to follow his leader and start advocating for the murder of Communists and Jews.



They wanted to castrate the Germans, but that would habe been an assassin army of millions and they did not manage to kill all the soldiers. Now they do it chemically since the whole white race is threatened and remembers what happened to their German brothers. They legitimized the horrible treatment of the defeated Germans with huge lies, and since they finally all fall apart, the truth rises. They fear that like nothing else, because once its common spread, its us or them like they showed us.

Gas the kikes.

Since you are unable to verify any of this without exposing yourself or your source, I can only assume you're larping. In which case, fuck off. If it's not the case, think of your own fucking questions, holy shit, be autonomous for once.

I have a few:

Not sure what you're on about m8. The book is called Hitler's Home Front: Memoirs of a Hitler Youth if you're interested.
I have my own questions. I'm taking anons' questions because they might not get this opportunity. The Hitler Youth generation is going extinct.


By that do you mean bumplocked?

go away