VIDYA Arrest of Woman's March Organizer Outside Trump Tower
Women’s Day Organizer Linda Sarsour Arrested Outside Trump Tower

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I can't even tell what the fuck is their retarded chanting this time

I think they are addressing each other.

Hey Hey
Ho Ho
Donald Trump has got to go

It's cute how they don't even realize how shattered their own morale is

Oh look! It's a Mudshit. Unexpected.

OP, I…

Of course the organizer of a women's march is a hijab wearing moslem, got to have that cognitive dissonance full blast.

This comment deserves a medal tbh

Needs a loud "thunk" at the end.

What else can we find out about her? Let's see if we can find the precinct booking info
That nose.
Pics related

Tear the rags off their heads.


I seriously don't understand how Islam is a "women friendly" religion. I try to wrap my cranium around it but I can't get it.

she either believes islam would never harm women and doubt the quran when it says anti-feminist stuff and think islamic violence/oppression against women is fake news, or shes a cia agent or something

So independent she's not allowed to remove the rag from her head.

There is no logic behind, just repetition. They want you to show weakness because they're instinctively afraid of a fair fight.


It's because women want to be dominated. They want men to tell them what to do. Feminism was a giant shit-test, and the west failed by letting them have their way.

I somehow have doubt that thing is a woman

Wait, are they protesting right now? Why isn't there a thread on this?


Please let this bitch be a terrorist

Come on fam, post the original.

top kek

She has ties to Muslim Brotherhood and has shilled for sharia law, she's just on a cultural jihad.

you sure there ain't more to it?
after all, the CIA does have their fangs deep in alotta stuff

Muslim Brotherhood provides funding for jihadist, both violent and non-violent in nature. CIA just rigs European elections so (((they))) can let shitskins in.

Or put more honestly: vehement anti-white.

This is the same sharia law supporting dumb cunt that organized the inauguration day women's protest

Because as long as it isn't white, Christian, tradition and/or heterosexual, its good. Leftists operate from this mindset. Feminism is good because it hurts whites overall with massive spending, debt and massive decline of births. Its also good because the traditions of the past one thousand plus years, not even the ones way before Christianity, are shamed and ruined.

I think this guy is on to something when it comes to understanding the crazy of the left.

This fucking ISIS whore needs to be shot.


why would you do this

It's not. These women are brainwashed and lie constantly to support the muslim invasion. SJWs are so fucking stupid they team up with sharia / isis supporting muds because the muds lie and say they are feminists. The whole situation is retarded. The SJWs / feminists are dumb, and the muds are evil.

Needs some eurobeat.

They proudly wear burqas even though nasty right wing nazi's say they shouldn't!

Fuck you.

I have talked to some of these bitches and here is what they actually believe:

I actually took the time to talk to some of these bitches back in 2012, when they were campaigning to become a feminist cause and before they went full-on feral, and this is what they told me. Prior to this, 1st world feminists wanted to help win their freedom in the middle east but the ungrateful camel twats didn't want that.

Remember when Jay Leno's wife was trying to raise money to force Muslims to treat their women like human beings instead of farm animals? It was back then.

It's pretty much how I always viewed Islam: Feminism 2.0
If you think back then in their middle age, those rules would have made to prevent women harm, which morphed over time to women having to do it anyways just because.

Anyway, Islam is shit. Feminism is shit.

Liberals are right about one thing. Israel shouldn't exist. But then they are wrong again that Palestine ruled over by Arabs has no right to exist either.


see how he did that? 99% truth, but poison pills it with unquestioned support for israel. the father of lies 101.

Yup. It's their broken clock moment. Israel shouldn't exist, but not for the reasons they think.

Islam = Submission, Women crave dominance. It is literally that simple. Stop taking women's words at face value and start conceptualizing their words and actions in the context of female sexual instinct and it all makes sense.

Gee, where have we heard that before?

Same mental gymnastics too.


Post this on your female accounts and women's day hashtags.

get some good face pics, shoop them onto nudes, spread them around online, then let the males in her family take care f the rest.

That's exactly how it works.



This triggers my autism.

Considering white women mostly voted for Trump, just consider it fringe woman's march*

The red theme is definitely a commie psy-op

Stopped right there. Get this kike shit out of here you fucking faggot shill

Its quite simple really. In the western world, she is free to be muslim or not, shes free to choose to wear the stupid scarf or not, there arent muslim rape gangs or jihadist groups or whatever else who will stone her to death if she decides to not wear it one day or to not pray every 10 minutes, or who will attack/rape her if she goes out unescorted by a man shes married or related to, or any of the other shit the religion/followers demand.

So, in her warped view, she thinks its about choice because shes never been in the nations that are islamic, shes not FORCED to do these things under threat of violence rape or death. Ergo, in her mind, its a choice. And so she only sees that it "protects women from the *gasp* male gaze" and is therefore, to her, protective of women, but that she is still "free to choose" to follow it. She doesnt ONCE consider that this is because islam is a tiny minority in the USA and they don't have the physical or political power to FORCE compliance on her regardless of her own whims at any given point.

If she had to live in those nations for an extended period of time though, it would change her view because the day she didnt feel like wearing it or wanted to go out without a male family member escort, she'd realize she doesn't have a choice, she wears it and is escorted, or she gets beaten (she'd likely only learn this by watching such things happen to OTHER women of course, because she'll continue to delude herself thinking its actually "her choice" to follow it and not realize "ill get beaten/raped/killed if I DONT follow it.")

Of course it might not even have an impact on her then. She may subtly/slowly start to agree with them anyway, and start thinking those women deserve the treatment they get for "not making the right choice," and then never consider that it wasnt actually a choice to begin with unless one really does want to get raped/killed.

Basically, the freedom to choose to follow it or not which is entirely dependent on islam being a tiny minority in the USA, has deluded her into thinking its a "feminist-prochoice" life, because she's devalued western values to the point she considers them moot or non-existent, probably drank the koolaid and truly thinks the western world "stole" all its ideas from muslims or some shit, and so actually thinks "freedom/liberty" is a muslim thing or whatever else.

In short, she's a fucking moron who is divorced from reality.