Hmmmmm I don’t see a pro Disney bias here.
Highest profile flop in Pixar history
It’s funny. there more Hispanic than blacks. It’s still a box office disappointment for Disney. Could this be a sigh of things to come for black panther?
How much money is it making and how is the budget?
I heard its making more money than JL domestically.
According to wikipedia:
Budget estimates are $175-$200 million.
You can search for tons of good movies and you won't see a single 9. This shit gets a good score because is about spics? Fucking hell.
that screen shot and poster look like the most generic things I've ever seen.
Hmm its not making more money than JL did in its opening weekend as I thought. But who knows? This shit might make up for its loss by the end of this run. Give it a month and people will forget it existed.
Hello there, fellow Huelander.
Yeah, say what you will about Book of Life's story, at least the visuals were great.
A lot of the articles are using sneaky qualifiers to make the hype around the movie bigger than it is. Coco did better domestically compared to JL in its second week. I wouldn't say the movie is a flop, but it isn't blowing the doors off of everything that has come before like these articles try to potray. Found some more decent info:
What a stupid fucking title.
Looks more like something from DreamWorks than Pixar.
I hear that they had to change the name because in brazilian Coco means shit. Anyways this movie is nothing special and I can't believe that is one of the most selling movies in Mexico despite being really mediocre while The Book of life was mean by a mexican and had more style but no one give a fuck but of course Coco has the Disney stamp on it so we have to suck his dick.
BR here and I can confirm that "Coco" literally means shit as well as coconut. Ironically, the title change also makes it even more of a Book of Life rip-off because its title here is "Sky Party", while "Viva: A Vida é uma Festa" means "Live: Life is a Party".
You can put a blank movie with the Disney logo in it, and normalfags of any nationality will line up to watch it and give it 10/10. Really makes you think, considering Disney attempted to trademark Day of the Dead and people flipped their shit. They rarely remember this today.
Remember that normalfags have the memory of a fish
Strange, I've read it's the highest grossing movie in Mexico, and Mexico isn't friggin small.
They renamed Moana in Europe because she's a porn star (go figure).
I can't remember Mexico ever being spoken in the same vein as China as a big blockbuster drawer.
No one wants to be that guy who says that appealing to foreigner cultures is a failure. You get lynched for speaking the truth out.
What about the dinosaur movie they did? Nobody shit talked them then, as far as I'm aware
I've never even heard of this movie until just now.
Because everyone was too busy sucking Inside Out's dick.
They did worse than shit-talk that movie, they talked absolutely nothing about it. The Good Dinosaur came and went with nobody discussing it.
You must have a shitty life then in your stupid little bubble without friends.
I have a feeling will see s Disney Shilling campaign to pay off critics exposes one day.
apparently Cars 3 also came and went and I don't remember hearing anything about it. I remember seeing the trailer for it but then I completely forgot about it until recently when I saw that it came out over the summer.
How bad they were anyways?
If they were truly bad, there would have been more threads shitting on them. They were just mediocre and forgettable.
That was user's point. Nobody says bad things about Disney's movies, even if they're absolutely awful
And the point I was trying to make is that between the mediocre and the truly awful is that the latter at least get talked about to death about how bad it was like BvS, while the former just gets forgotten in a ditch. Everyone will always remember the Martha shit and Superman dying at the end. Now try discussing any of the past MCU movies like nu-Spider-Man or Thor Ragnarok and they definitely qualify as mediocre like Cars and Good Dinosaur.
Critics don't need to be payed nowadays. They do it for free. I mean, I know this isn't Disney, but remember how they made up their minds about Feigbusters and gave it positive rating just to rub it in the fans' faces?
Same here, and I deliver shit to movie theaters all the time.
t. Yuropoor
Except that critics absolutely sucked off those movies. We're talking about critics' reactions, not our own. Critics will never ever admit a Disney movie is poor.
What's the point of critics anymore? it seems people care more about bashing them, then actually considering their advice legit.
That's because their advice isn't legit. These critics don't know anything. Really, they should be referred to by their proper job description: paid shills
clandestine marketing?
I hope so, Between the main nigger being pro blm irl and it focusssing to mush on "we wuz scifi utopia and sheeit with weapons" which if I recall goes very much against the comics, I want to see it fail hard.
Fake Reviews
Innocent sounding pr0n star names…
Did she end up pozed?
Holy shit.
In any case, seems like the Moana thing in europe is supposedly trademark.
Hey Holla Forums
Except they have the largest cineplex chain in latin america and the fourth largest in the world (the first two are american, the third is chinese). Hollywood knows mexico sells tickets like mad. That's why pixar makes a movie about spics. After the chinese they are the ones keeping hollyweird afloat.
Damn I didn't knew that… No surprise they'd make a movie for them after all.
So how do we get Mexicans to boycott American movies?
odds are its just fake news, last time i remember a big grossing movie in mexico was titanic.
good luck with that, my friend goes to the movies, always, it doesnt matter what movie is currently being shown he forced me to watch rogue one and the new hope with him, but i refused to go on the new star wars movie because i wont be seeing that shit even if he pay the tickets
The only way to stop tacos from spending pesos is with a new finance crisis we get those every few years
Hey now as a taco who loves movies you couldn't pay me to watch the new Jew Wars
her popularity reached its pinnacle and the best Italian TV anchors wanted to interview her.[citation needed] Stylist Karl Lagerfeld wanted her on the catwalk in 1993. Pozzi became so popular that she was a protagonist for an animated cartoon created by the famous Italian cartoonist Mario Verger, with herself co-directing.[citation needed] This film, entitled Moanaland (1994), aired frequently on Italian television in Blob (it), and in telecasts dedicated to the actress.[citation needed] Again Verger, by himself, dedicated to Pozzi another cartoon, I Remember Moana, 1995, that gained praise by film critics Marco Giusti and Enrico Ghezzi, and was transmitted in Fuori Orario.[citation needed] It also won a Special Mention at the Erotic Film Festival in the USA.[citation needed]
There are seven links in this paragraph that lead to nothing and not one citation. Are these strait up lies or what?
it is wikipedia, user.
I googled that film "Moanaland" and got literally zero results.
Disney should let it go…
How the fuck did that happen?
Dandonfuga does some great work.
No one gives a shit user.
Hey Holla Forums
He probably spent too much time at work.
Or too much time at home. One of the two.
who wants to watch a movie with a bignosed ugly spic?
at least make him a fuccboi like marco diaz
Fuck this user, I see you everywhere. Eat shit and die, fag.
Dont forgot to apply the cooling ointment on the burning area user.
Hey Holla Forums
ALSO: Expecting people to watch 20 minutes of a Frozen short to sell Christmas toys, thinking everyone likes Frozen.
There is literally no difference between the two now and there hasn't been for nearly half a decade now.
I don't know why, but I always irrationally assume that smug anime posters are amongst the most buttflustered anons there is.
Obviously that user wants to apply the ointment like the filthy little healslut he is.
Hey tumblr
Because its fucking disney and they dont want to offend mexican americans because muh border jumping politics, despite actual mexicans preferring book of life.
And it also pissed them off when disney tried copyrighting the name of the holiday.
unfortunately, no one outside of chans etc knows the KAAAAAAAAAANGZ meme, so they probably won't even notice it, and will think it is 'very imaginative'.
or 'a realistic depiction of egypt'
t. healslut who regrets his degenerate past.
As a taco I can tell you the only ones who gave a shit were little girls, feminist tacos and california tacos. Disney is really fucking popular but mostly with women. No self respecting male taco under 70 gives a shit about that Frida Kahlo cameo. An ugly unibrow commie whose claim to fame was drawing a shit ton of ugly self-portraits who ended up becoming a feminist icon and the basis for the stereotypical depiction of background female mexicans in fiction. Sure women are not perfect here, far from it, but stop shoving that ugly disgrace all over the place. Her husband was equally shit but he at least did more notable shit.
Steam was loaded with kangz memes when the last AssCreed game came out though.
I don't listen to autists.
I've only ever seen people remembering Frida's name when the person in question is just as if not even uglier than herself. Most women I know make the weirdest faces when they find out what she looks like.
Also plenty of super intelligent people become desperate degenerates, look at that failed porn star that coopted gamergoy. It's a mix of losing faith in God because your 'tism tips your fedora on its own and being extremely arrogant against all others who just want to live a quiet life, copying the lifestyle of Oscar Wilde.
Well, SW hardcore fans like ST hardcore fans are utter retards though, who think their holy grail is destroyed by new movies (which of course don't have the same background and history than their 70s counterpart, which are still iconic). Disgusting fat fucks who whine about shit while not getting their life together (Holla Forums in a nutshell basically?).
I don't know where you come from, but its obviously not here and you should probably be getting back there.
I don't want this place to devolve back into the anonymous tumblr that was Halfchan Holla Forums
Hi Mouse, no matter how hard you try you can't hide that snout.
I legitimately like Moana. It was a good movie about family values set in a low crime ethno-state where tradition and lineage are the most important. In fact, the entire climax of the movie is Moana realizing that her people need to lebensraum.
Reminder that fish people found Madagascar before Africans.
But that's wrong. The kangz stuff became a meme because many irl niggers actually believe it. Some of them are even payed to teach it at universities. Many people who have never heard of imageboards are aware of the negro paradox:
we already had a taco movie that i found better then wanna be book of life
How about you learn some proper English grammar, ya filthy spic.
Dia de los Muertos is not even that popular and it's only white people who have this fixation with it like its a huge facet of our culture. Similar to how Milan blew the honor thing way out of proportion for Chinese people. It's already been done 1000 times and anyone who falls back on it is creatively bankrupt and didn't want to take the time to actually learn what we're about.
Still, nobody I know of has heard of this movie.
The movie had next to no advertisements.
Whatever they did with their marketing budget it sure as hell didn't go towards marketing.
They seem rather familiar…
In Lovecraft lore or in real life?
What's that pic from user?
Must have been a pretty huge flop since I never even knew this movie existed until this thread.
So it seems none of you guys bothered to follow up.
Well what are you Mexicans actually all about, then?
More than just that one holiday. It would be like if Disney made a movie about Germans and focused only on Oktoberfest or something.
what ever you say, faggot.
Depends on how much the cost was. If the total worldwide box office is greater than cost it might do good even then there's probably stuff they aren't disclosing when it comes to cost.
You called it my prophetic man.
Can you be more specific, Paco? As far as I know other than Dias de los muertos or whatever it's called, it seems to me all Mexican history amounts to cavalry-based militarism, irredentism from Spain, Lucha Libre, greasy food, ancient aztec buildings, Baseball and having a musical style that is completely different from other Latin American countries. What else is there for you guys? The Catholicism?
There's the cartels, the pollution, the wall, the extermination of the Zapatistas…
none of which are Mexico's fault tbqhfamalam
Surrre. The natives just got oppressed all by themselves, right?
How about you learn some decent English, filthy spic.
And a wuddaa mu mumma wu na bix nood to you
Hey spic user, learn some proper english.
How about you learn some proper English spic.
Read the thread, faggot.
I'm sorry, Kaspar Hauser, did you just get let out of your box?
Watched a screen rip of this with my gf, this is probably my favorite Pixar movie at this point. There's a scene at the end that really struck close to home, so maybe I'm just blinded by that, but even without it I enjoyed this more than any Disney film I've seen it in at least 5 years.
Your gf? Tell us more about her, user.
I didn't know Paul Blart was into Pixarshit
Sure, we've been together for about 4 years now, living together for over 2. She's really sweet, hard working, but gets vindictive as all hell. She tends to only like animated "kids" movies though, and she will watch the same one over and over again for like a week straight. But she's my world and I wouldn't trade our movie nights for anything.
Is that an attempt at an insult? Because it's just the worst attempt I've ever seen at one. No context, just insert a bad movie and bam now it's funny, or at least you thought it was.
Fuck off, disney
God I wish, then I wouldn't have to work to support to support my home. You'd think after going to boards like this for 10 years I'd be used to being called a shill for liking something others don't, but it still surprises me every time.
New phone, fuck this keyboard
9/10 bait, you're doing pretty good.
Sincerely not bait, just wanted to say I liked this movie, this is why I usually just lurk at this point.
does not capitalizing the beginning of sentences happen to trigger you?
Not the same user, but it does sure seem that your keyboard needs a fixin.
Why the hell would it?
Its just a sperg trying to bait another sperg who's trying to get spergs like him to sperg out. Just report the fucker for derailing.
Hope you get cucked by a nigger.
No one gave a shit about the Good Dinosaur because it portrayed fatherhood and traditional family values in a good light and they were central to the story.
Wow was that movie actually good?
Book of Life even gave us dozens of perfect waifus. Can Coco say the same? Fuck no.
Why? For what reason? What lead to that development?
I think he means the fact that she "challenged" beauty norms because she painted a lot of ugly self-portraits of her ugly face, which is now considered a "stunning and brave" thing to do in an age where female beauty was "grossly misrepresented" by woman with actual good looks. Also from what I understand, she was supposedly a socialist, much like her husband.
She fucked Trotsky. There's no "supposedly", she was an actual communist.
I've never heard anything about her fucking Trotsky, but her husband was a huuuge communist and socialist activist and his wife shared most of his views and activism. But they also fought a lot due to some bullshit I can't remember.
The drunken deadbeats from Comedy Central
BigMex can be extraordinarily insightful on fighting game and character design when he isn't complaining about worthless shit like Fat Birdie being a "racist caricature".
And unfortunately that's all he does now.