Be a proud strong independent womyn


Other urls found in this thread:


Shills don't have great meme war challenge coins faggot

My thoughts exactly
Today I am listening to radio, standard propaganda, we need to fight for women rights again muh opression.
Some communist degenerate movement even staged a protest in our capital! Then they interview the spokesperson and she basically said nothing but "minority muh oppresion, muh protest"
They really ran out of ideas. Leftists are ruined. Into the thrash they go

Need I remind you this was in central Europe. The protest curiously wasn't in Bosna or Albania for instance

this gives me hope, thank you

the sad part is their handlers know they are likely to get fired and they want them to so they can protest all day every day and travel to protest on the soros buses, they also want to create a strain on the local economy and thus a further strain on the entire community, someone may get pissed they didn't get their burger or coffee on time because muh protest womyn didn't show up to work and the shift is behind etc and end up crashing their car creating a fuck up on main street delaying everyone and everything.

the thread is unnecessary, but hardly shilling. i know anything I say is lost because you already got you .10 shekels and are gone.

Who are you quoting nigger?

you need to fucking lurk moar plebbit, you stick out like a nigger in a crowd of whites

You don't use meme arrows unless you are quoting someone newfig

This is important because today left was ruined.
I listened very carefully to see what they are "fighting" against or who exactly opresses them.
even msm ran out of ideas.

Now I wouldn't say they were protesting for some women in muslim countries who really are oppresed.

Left is ruined

Found the CIA shill, you may want to read this.

holy shit, do you really believe that?

No no, hes right. After all he is FBI.
The FBI would never lie to us.
…. right?

You're no different than anyone who bumped this, jew nigger.

I'm going to be 100% honest with you here, since we're all brothers and I feel like I can open up with you like this:
I'd like to give Big Red there (whatever her name is) the dicking of a lifetime. I've felt this way since the first time I saw her. Something about her makes me want to choke her, slap her, and ruthlessly plunder her asshole like I'm a Jew and there's seven shekels somewhere at the bottom of it.

Rachel Maddow is working today. Obviously whoever set this up didn't take into consideration the confusion and distress it could cause KGBTQRSTUV.

She's a feminist m8, she probably thinks washing there is patriarchy or something.

Tbh feminists act all tough but in bed theyre the ones asking the guy to choke her

Some user nailed it years ago when he said feminism is just a giant shit test
Every feminist I ever saw would turn right around if she found a man masculine enough who wanted her enough to put her in her place

test post in bumplocked thread

This was a post check to see what hotpocket IK was banning on the logs, given his behavior in the last few weeks. Nothing suspicious about this ban.