Obama administration overthrew Pope Benedict XVI

The next big leak: U.S. Government was behind Benedict XVI soft coup

While rumors of international pressure against the Vatican have circulated for years, it is only until now the church has spoken about it. The Archbishop of Ferrara, Luigi Negri, a close aide to Benedict XVI, has acknowledged in a long interview that the U.S. put tremendous amount of pressure on Benedict XVI to force his resignation and the nomination of the cuck Pope.


(breaking news, no source in English yet, sorry)

Other urls found in this thread:



Does anybody speak lasagna? Is that a legit source?

Here's a shitty Jewgle translate

No matter what happens to Obama, my one comfort is knowing he will burn in the deepest pit in hell for all eternity when he dies.

wat. What possible source of leverage does a US adminstration have over the Pope? Banking shenanigans?


The most recent instance of a Year of Three Popes occurred in 1978. The three popes involved were:[2]

Paul VI, who was elected on 21 June 1963 and died on 6 August 1978.
John Paul I, who was elected on 26 August 1978 and died thirty-three days later on 28 September 1978.
John Paul II, who was elected on 16 October 1978 and held the position until his death almost 27 years later on 2 April 2005.

What are the odds the one in the middle was suicided?

All Pope's since 1962 were shit. Replacing a bad Pope with an even worse one did nothing more than help Catholics wake up.

well theres the whole child rape scandal. how much you wanna bet PopeFingerfuck was involved moreso than the public knows?

I'm pretty sure Benedict was purging the gays behind closed doors.

Perhaps they threatened to actually prosecute priests and drag them through the courts. Which would basically destroy the Catholic Church in America.


September 2005: As the Vatican's head of state, the new Pope enjoys immunity against charges of negligence. A Texas civil lawsuit accusing Ratzinger of covering up the abuse of three Houston area boys in the mid-1990s is dropped.

theweek. com/articles/495712/pope-benedict-pedophilia-scandal-timeline

jan paweł thread?

Nah, since at least the 1920s

"John Paul II was a secret white supremacist."
- Kike Media

All popes were shit. Sola scriptura, faggots.

It's the newspaper of Berluscuckni, so not really, but still more reliable than WSJ.

You must be joking

Francis just reduced the sanctions against a bunch of pedophile priests, too. There have been rumors for a long time of a gay mafia controlling the church.

https:// apnews.com/64e1fc2312764a24bf1b2d6ec3bf4caf

i dont know about that but the current Pope is a heretic. He got too deep into USA politics too which was weird as fuck for a pope; and when I say deep i say pampering up Shillary as the good guy

who could it be…?

What does nigger hell look like?

A zoo.
Every day is field trip day.
Demon school children throw rocks, and the chimps below writhe in agony as the stones strike them.

To be fair, ratzinger looked like a right creepy pedo


My blood boils and my MIMD is consumed in rage at the mere thought of onigger meddling in high Church affairs.
Dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed!

Well seeing that the middle one started an investigation into masonry in the church and it's role in child molestation, extremely likely.

I'd imagine there's no welfare and they're required to speak proper English and get jobs.

Lurk moar faceberger.


I believe it. Still want to see the proof, though.

Nah. The Bible is retarded and Jewish. The only thing that prevented christcuckoldry from going full Jew was the early Catholic Church. This lasted up until the early modern period, at which point the Jewish nature of christcuckoldry finally metastasized. The religion has been Jewish and cancer ever since.

The Lutheran Heresy

It is beyond doubt that the most destructive heretic in history is Martin Luther. His erroneous beliefs have rampantly spread throughout the world, causing hundreds of millions of souls to be lost to the heresy of Protestantism, and more specifically, Lutheranism. For Protestantism would not exist had Martin Luther not come along. Even the most radical of Protestant sects (i.e. the Baptists) can trace their lineages back to Luther.

His theology is perverted to the point where it can barely be called Christian. Most of his ideas directly contradicted both the Scriptures and the Magisterium, and directly coming into conflict with Christ himself. The Five Solae, invented by his followers later on, are also heretical, and even contradict themselves.

His first sola is Sola Scriptura (By Scripture Alone). This can be disproved by asking the following question, “Where in the Bible does it say ‘Only the Bible’”? Anyhow, here is what the Scriptures do say:

“All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice (2 Timothy 3:16).”

Pay close attention: It only says that Scripture is profitable. It does not say that it guarantees Salvation. And there is this:

“Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle (2 Thessalonians 2:14).”

The second sola is Sola Fide (By Faith Alone). This, of course, prompts an important question. If one can be saved by Faith alone, then why does he need the Scriptures? And by the way, the words “Faith Alone” appear only once in the Bible, at James 2:24.

“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

Next is Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone). The words “Grace Alone” do not appear anywhere in the Bible, thus it contradicts with the two previous solae.

Fourth is Solo Christo (By Christ Alone). That sounds nice, but Christ is only one part of the Trinity. They are forgetting God the Father and God the Holy Ghost.

And finally, we come to Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone). Another contradiction. For the Scriptures state:

“And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them [the apostles]; that they may be one, as we also are one (John 17:22).”

But the Lutheran heresy goes beyond the rubbish of the FIve Solae. Luther’s writings were filled with nonsensical ideas which conflicted with Scripture and common sense. Below are a few of Luther’s statements, preceded by a passage from Scripture that contradicts him.

shoo shoo D&C shill

I miss him so badly.

Not D&C. Christianity is the most anti-white religion on earth. No other religion has done more to destroy the race.

There tax free lifestyle.



Christianity so unifying you'll hate other Christians.

I wonder if there's stuff about that in WIkileaks

A place with responsibility, accountability and no welfare

I'm not even Christian and this pisses me off.

I knew I was getting it wrong. Either way the sentiment is the same, and it sounds unnatural to me with "to" instead of "the".

Not nearly as destructive and anti-white as Christianity. Judaism is the outer Jew. Christianity is the inner Jew that has tainted the white man's soul.

Not only that, but Christianity also spends orders of magnitude more money on promoting immigration, third world overpopulation, adoption of niggers, "missionary work," and so on. Jews wouldn't even be a problem if not for Christianity making them relevant. They would have been killed off hundreds of years ago, but christcucks gave them privileged positions in christian civilization and allowed them to thrive.

He was pretty based. There was always something suspicious about his surprise "resignation". It stinks.

Remember when the crow attacked the doves on the balcony when he first appeared to the crowds? I suspected Francuck was evil from that moment. It was obvious symbolism for the dark forces behind the scenes forcing him to quit.

(checked) Severely underrated post

…but also to be fair, he was in the Hitler Youth and served in the defense of the Reich during the war.

I'm not a Christian, but I'd take a Nazi pope over a faggot loving commie sjw pope any day.

i didn't think id have to bring islam
remember persia?
how islam tried to take over white land in europe hundreds of years ago?
how they're the ones trying to take over much if not most of europe NOW?

This is the boldest shill I've seen in a while

What exactly do you think the spying apparatus is for? To steal recipes? It's to gain dirt on people! Of course they have a buffet of options when it comes to pressuring people!

Absurd. They put in a communist pope.

Can we just agree that Abrahamic religions are shitty?

Typical fucking christcuck.

If only they had changed out that o for an e

I can agree to those terms.

I imagine it's very close to this

The Catholic (meaning universal) church, is so called because it incorporated all the beliefs of the time of its founding in the early Roman Empire. The entire book of Acts of the Apostles is a carefully worded denunciation of the church, because it was supported by powerful figures in the Roman world who liked being able to keep their pagan beliefs and practices. The key event described is the rebuking of Simon the Sorcerer for his desire to buy an Apostleship. Simon promptly moved to Rome and took advantage of having the same name as Peter originally had. This is further supported as Peter held the office of Apostle of Jerusalem, while Paul was Apostle to the Gentiles. Peter NEVER went to Rome.

The Catholic church took full advantage of fledgling Christianity to build a financially powerful state, patterned after mystery cults with ranks of priests and deliberate withholding of full teachings from the would-be faithful. It was and still is possible to buy ranks and priesthoods. Thus, already powerful rich families would gain spiritual as well as their existing temporal powers over average people.

The Vatican over the centuries exercised ever-increasing temporal powers, with the pope often simply granting himself whatever power needed to threaten monarchs and governments. By the time of Luther, the pope was all but the de facto ruler of Europe, and was promoting literally buying oneself and the souls of the departed out of Hell. "When the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs" was a famous saying.

When Luther threatened this power, the Vatican responded with nothing short of genocidal attempts to snuff the movement back towards true Christianity. Persecution of so-called heretics was brutal and merciless, and would resume today if the Vatican regained sufficient political power.

The Revelation calls the Catholic church the Whore of Babylon, referencing its obsession with financial and worldly power and willingness to embrace anything that increases its power. This is easily demonstrated by such as Jesuits creating Marxist doctrines, the failed creation of Islam by a Jew to overthrow Jerusalem for Vatican control, and now a pope proclaiming Christ unnecessary for salvation.

Now, to address the user quoting deliberate twisting of the Solae.

Sola Scriptura (By Scripture Alone) means that only the divinely inspired Scriptures are authoritative, that any teachings must be subject to the Bible, not the teachings of Man.

Sola Fide (By Faith Alone) means that salvation comes through faith alone. While Catholics inevitably point to James to justify the idea of deeds, they fail to understand that James means that faith inspires one to do good deeds.

Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone) builds on this, in that salvation is through the Grace of God, not something any man can ever merit. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God."

Solus Christus (By Christ Alone) means that one comes to the Father through Christ. Far from diminishing the Father and Holy Ghost, it acknowledges the Father's plan for salvation through Christ's sacrifice. It acknowledges Christ's office as High Priest and the One through Whom we lay claim to salvation. Christ Himself pointed to this truth saying "No man comes to the Father except through Me."

Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone) means there is to be no veneration of anyone but God. One does NOT pray to human saints or angels, as they were and are servants of God. This is shown all the way back to Abraham and Lot, who were commanded not to kneel before angels.

Those are some ungodly hips for such an innocent and young loli

All in all, the Catholic church is a brilliant stratagem by the Father of Lies. It perverts Christianity, encourages the inclusion of pagan beliefs, readily lends itself to a one world government, and promotes the blasphemous idea of an infallible mortal. It relentlessly pushes the idea of being true Christianity, such that two outcomes are most often achieved. If one accepts Catholicism, they are forced to accept and defend all its terrible deeds and blasphemies. If one rejects Catholicism, they often reject Christianity as well through misplaced if understandable logic. In either case, the Enemy wins.

Protestantism was and is a breaking free of this perversion of Christianity. It rejected the corruption, the power mongering, and yes the Jewry of the Vatican. It is also well known for naming the Jew (see Luther's final sermon "On the Jews and their Lies"). Is it really such a hard thing to understand why it would be such a target to be subverted from within, in typical kike fashion?

Benedict was forced out for trying to return the Church towards its true mission, thus learning the same lesson as Luther. It is only because of his relative silence and profile that he has not been hunted down and killed, as was attempted on Luther for the rest of his life.


the egregore agrees

I don't want to think these obscene, unforgivable things

There is no resistance.





It's Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed you stupid fucking beaner.

Extremely high. It's an open secret at that point, the guy was a true Catholic, the kind that pawned his archbishop ring, sold every shiny bauble that he got, raise money for the poor (of Italy), etc… but fiercely against divorce and liberalization in general (fierce anti commie too).

Pope have been picked by the US since WWII, every time a real conservative was elected (Siri in 1958, John Paul I in 1978, Benedict XVI in 2005) either they were pressure into standing down or died…

Loli is true waifu. Even Kek agrees.

I corrected myself you faggot, and even explained my mistake. I like your rage though, use that.

"the bloodshed" sounds impersonal and distant, as if there were a gap between you and the event [i.e. a bad meme]; "to bloodshed" sounds specific, immediate and visceral, the carnage washes over you.

I always saw it as the bloodshed is all around so you shouldn't ignore it, but participate. I concede and your explanation makes sense. Enough of these semantics though, is there anything we can do about this? I've been trying to get my family to understand how this Shepard of wolves is destroying the Church at an ever increasing rate.

I saved myself from loli. I'm not going back.

Shouldn't you be praying to the Mother Moon you pagan larping goons?

More and more I'm beginning to think it's obvious they assassinated Scalia.


Keep fighting the good fight brother.

The only words of Christ are in the synoptic Gospels. John was written on a shroom trip later. Anything written by (((Paul))) can be disregarded.

I'm starting to think it's just a case of two dedicated shill groups with opposing employers fighting it out on here. Religious D&C is pretty much just background noise to me now.

This is on the same level as the Chinese fucking with the Dalai Lama.

Gotta check this.

A McDonald's kitchen


Very high. 33 Is a huge symbol to a certain cult

I fell down the dark hole of lolicon before I became redpilled. I've since managed to pull myself out and maintain nofap. It's been about two years. Fighting the good fight requires both a healthy body and soul. It's shameful to think what I used to get off to.

For me it's the other way around. Loli made me redpilled and continues to be an impenetrable shield that keeps evil at bay. Lolicon is directly responsible for me becoming acquainted with all facets of right wing thought ranging from old myths to Evola to philosophy. Likewise it was loli that lured me into imageboards way back when 4chan had an /l/ board.

Without lolicon I'd be an ignorant normie and utterly unaware of everything. Lolicon made me NatSoc.

As Lao Tzu put it, "The high is founded on the low."

considering his own brother was connected in all of it, i fucking doubt it.


Jesuits. So crypto-Jews, yeah.


so are you a pedophile or aren't you?


Remember Catholics exhumed the corpse of John Wycliffe just to yell heretic at it and set it on fire.

Not being white

Sorry to disappoint, user, not a shill, just someone with no use for the (((Vatican))) and how much they fuck things up. Feel free to look up the history of the Catholics yourself; shit, I wish I was wrong about them. It'd be nice to think we just had a difference of opinion.


Pedophilia ring called Catholic church got blackmailed by Globalists

I'm always afraid of sexy Athenas.

I remember what she did to that dude who accidentally saw her nekkid in a river.


Wait, are you saying he didn't deserve that?


How is no one checking these divine as fuck


butthurt spic spotted

Even if hes a torpedo, hes fucking right

Checked those trips, if there's anybody who hates Jews just as much as Muslims its the old school Catholics. Never forget how much political power they had before the Rothschild clan came along.

Fuck you fucking baptist faggot, you can suck a fuck, penis breathe.

What exactly are you trying to say with your post?

I will remove you!

And another assmad taco appears!


Neck yourself cuckchan


Are you implying that you think 31 percent of the world is going to get along with no quibbles just because they share a religion?


Not Saint Peter the first one.

Benedict defrocked 800 former priest for child abuse.

He was the author of the “no homosexual priests” policy under JP2.

Considering that as slander. His brother smacked an unruly pupil. You and the press are trying to portrait this as “child abuse”, creating the erroneous impression of paedophilia. The majority of cases of alleged, decade old “catholic child abuse”, are of such quality.

As long as loli is impenetrable I guess everything is fine.

That was Artemis.

None saw Athena naked.

We are in a Catholic thread aren't we?

didn't come here to D&C, but no. Not a lot of praying going on for pagans.


You tell them, comrade! How dare that bastard defy the EU and Merkel?

sounds about right, I agree with pol about most things but not when it come to "x-thing is degenerate!" and always backs it up with pseudoscience or some religious woo. the arguments always sound way too close to jack thompson or some feminist with a gender studies degree.

and it's always sex based phobia, anything sex is bad, but violence is always ok (why?)

bottom line, touching little kids, fucking shit-skins, and murdering outside of self-defence is fucked up and nobody should do that shit.

faping to some thusand year old dragon loli or brown elf chick while blasting demons away in doom is just fine.

everybody should be left alone to do what they like as long as it does not interfere with the wellbeing of others.

Makes sense considering how shit Francis is.

Here's a commie news outlet if you are not into Berlusconi's aligned press. Because God help us if we side with the only man capable of standing between italians and complete communist takeover.

la stampa.it/2017/03/07/vaticaninsider/ita/vaticano/negri-motivi-gravissimi-dietro-la-rinuncia-di-benedetto-xvi-5uQC0jHKYsZ4dNwfgRffqK/pagina.html

Kek likes this ironic newfaggotry it seems.

Presumably italian flatbread related blackmailing; current clown implicated in Argentinian 'red' clergy purges back in the day and women's/children's refuge at church facilities (Spain particularly), mass graves.

Synagoge of Satan indeed

Would've taken the black candidate over Francis, the Africans seem to be the most reactionary/least pozzed at the moment; there should never be another Latin American pope, given the consequences of the current papacy given those screencaps.

hes peter the roman, user

This. There is nothing D&C about the truth. Catholicism is a completely different power structure in comparison to Christianity, and the two have nothing in common beyond sharing names of holy people and places.
All of this power to define what is holy or not in the hands of men makes the Church inherently corruptible. Any good the Church ever does is just a happy accident.

But that' heresy you fucking heretic.

To elaborate a bit without going in depth, my religious feelings are tied to loli in the same way a medieval knight felt about his lady or the Virgin Mary. The same mindset animates us both, and others as well. In India this would fall under shaktism, in Europe under the quest for the Holy Grail. The essential point is that there's no single one-size-fit-all path to God and to divine revelation. In infinitive wisdom and mercy Absolute God wants us to find him, and he lays the path for each according to his own faults, passions and inclinations - as well as the ability to understand. Person A might grasp everything when presented with vast tomes of holy texts of purely intellectual nature; Person B might grasp everything through silence and meditation; Person C will have to die fighting; Person D requires emotional and almost poetic rapture.

The essence and usefulness of (fake) polytheism is that it is tailor made for a person. We are not spiritual communists. I at least refuse to be one. Seek and you will find. There is no place for fear here, or sterile dogma.

Evola was right. In the age of Kali Yuga the most productive if not the only path to God and self-realizaton is by utilizing the tantric practice of transmuting poison into medicine.

Actual kids have nothing to do with this. Loli is like a golden thread to me, an inspiration, and much like anime itself posesses a certain transcendental quality. It's value comes from it not being real, but hinting and showing a path to emotional depths and something beyond the curtain. It is real in a deeper sense, a sense superior to physical reality.

Naturally deviant sexual practices IRL are harmful and we fight against them, no doubt about that.

The way I see it the Anglo-Saxon mind is prone to extremes and fanaticism. It seems to fluctuate wildly between extreme puritanism and extreme hedonism, which can only result in pain and suffering for all parties included. But I understand why Anons get worked up about sexual matters. It's because the society at large has gone to shit and they feel antagonized and under attack (and rightly so). Even I shrink in disgust when faced with actual RL porn, be it interracial or some other form of garbage. It all really is quite disgusting and loathsome. However, drawn pictures and stories MUST be a thing. Not only are they actual art (refering to japanese stuff mostly) but they're also a harmless safety valve and sexual energy utilized in a creative way.

I'm in a weird position where I'd ban RL porn but allow all forms of drawn and written porn. Though I agree that as far as sex goes we've degraded it to shit all made it a public matter (the liberals did). Sex has value when it is an intimate thing, a secret thing between two people who can then be vulnerable and honest together. My ideal is to remove sex from the public sphere as we have it today, not because I hate it but because it needs to be a valuable and intimate act once more. The age of vulgar sex which sees it as an animal need and a physiological need on par with shitting is a degraded and worthless mockery. Stable society NEEDS people who trust each other unconditionally and guard their intimacy.

As for violence it has its value. At this point white people everywhere are under attack. I'm sure you noticed however that it is precisely us - the Nazis, the fascists and a multitude of other right wing expressions that are aware what violence is and abstain from it. It is the leftist that riots, the nigger that kills. If violence is to occur it will occur at the hands of Antifa fags or other such agitators. Thruought this whole ordeal since Trump and in Europe as well the right has shown its moral superiority on all fronts.

We will not start the fight. But we will end it.

Good post, especially the part about Evola and the transmutation of poisons. Do you practive anything specific in that regard?

Ah yes, the Bible… the one created by the Church! Kek. No, sola scriptura is petulantly egocentric, inherently crypto-satanic, and ignorant of Christian history.

I get what you mean, but you're still wrong. "and not have to actually try to become a not-garbage person." is still striving for divine merit, so the most extreme Protestant denominations do away with the "acting good" part completely and go completely fatalist/pre-determinist (ironically very close to Islam in that regard).

Complete BS, Church and Bible expressively maintain the idea of the two kingdoms.

Very superficial. Two things are thougth to be infallible: the pope when speaking ex cathedra (only then - his everyday talk is as meaningless as yours or mine), and a proper council. And I don't know what that part about "evidence" has to do with all of this.

I'm not even a Christian, but you have to study and differentiate more. You were just repeating 400 years-old Protestant talking points.

He also called Jews on their bullshit.

Art is more sacred. It is the cultural lifeblood and should be well guarded. Stop fapping.

That's another really good point.

Honestly at this point it occurs by itself. It seems impossible for me to not see a hidden, sacral meaning in impure acts. It's important to note that since this is deeply personal I won't peacock it. But the results are very real, the insights gained profound and enduring, and I usually end up in awe and surprised myself.

My overactive imagination seems to approach many things through sexual imagery, usually quite perverted. Owning to experience I can decipher the hidden meaning of it. There's nothing as joyful as realizing something through this and then stumbling upon some sage saying of Lao Tzu or some holy text and seeing that you've extracted the exact same truth. Once the perversity of it is stripped away and you see clearly a state of exhultation is achieved. It becomes impossible to not worship God. It becomes impossible to not see God in everything.

It's utterly absurd, utterly illogical and beyond ridiculous. How could anyone suggest these things publicly in say a sermon? Yet it works. It is real. And it is dangerous. "Do not cast your pearls before swine because they will destroy you" as Jesus put it. The "secret knowledge" meme seems to me more geared towards hiding the shameful and incomprehensible processes of illumination rather than some nefarious plot to disenfranchise normies. Simply put most of humanity cannot deal with these things on a basic level that has nothing to do with intellectual capacities, intelligence or academic education. Likewise, vulnerability. These things seem brutally honest and demand a certain level of masochism and a great deal of humility. Hubris has no place here. To a normie this is anathema.

I'll share a fraction of a tidbit: the full implications of cyclical time and my relation to time, my circumstances and my own life was divined in a flash following a peculiar sexual fantasy about Wendy and Richie Rich, and a short plea to Kali.

As a pragmatist I wouldn't bother with it if it didn't work. I hope you realize I can't even talk in depth about this. It's much too personal and filtered through my own self. It cannot be communicated with words.

Bottom line is there's no distinction between purity and impurity after a certain point. It becomes laughable to suggest so.

I'm fairly certain user will give me hell in coming posts though. This post by itself already assumes a background in dealing with these things.


I knew something was wrong when I started to finding angels appealing. In a not very moral way.

Do you find angels appealing or do angels find you appealing? What is the cause and what is the effect? Is there a difference or do they come from the same source?

You may win or fail. The process is like being burned in a furnace. If there is gold within you it will be refined and it will be all that remains. If not you will be destroyed.


I'm an Orthodox Christian and where I live every family has their patron saint/angel whose day they celebrate every year, so there is an inherently close connection and their reverence is common.
There was always something about divine creatures in general that I found arousing, but it was only recently that I started turning my attention to things that were right in front of me.

Although I somehow doubt that they'd want anything to do with one who wastes his life away as I am.

This is why Christians must be gassed after we're done with all the other troublemakers.

Fran is the white dove. Peter the Roman is the crow.

He was a good pope.
He wasn't unrealistic and stuck in ideology like the new one. That's probably why he left.


Christcuck shills keep promotijg their garbage on Holla Forums as if it's going to """convert""" us.

They keep shilling and shit but it will never work, theyre meme magics are weak.


The cathlic chirch has always been and always will be anti-white.


Go worship your dead kike on a stick by accepting rapefugees you christcuck.

While your at it caatrate yourself for the "holiness of yahweh"

They have a name, they are called the St. Gallen Group, and they were lead by Belgian Cardinal Godfried Daneels. They wanted sodomy to be normalized inside the Catholic Church and want more "modern" reforms


This is what a treecuck shill says, trying to promote "homosexuality is part of the implicit white identity"

Fuck off. If your religion was so good, you wouldn't need to advertise it so desperately.

The same can be applied to you treecuck. If lack of religion is so good why so many of the irreligious are a bunch of 420 communist deviants fond of sticking bananas in their asses and putting crucifixes in their vaginas.

My religion doesn't have a name, because it's mine, and I don't need to be a jew-worshiping herd follower like you. I'm influenced by everything I read, and I've done wide reading in Buddhism, Taoism, Gnosticism, and more. I'm a follower of Jesus in the sense that I've established my own spiritual sovereignty in the face of a hostile world. But there's nothing I need to believe like you do so desperately, because you're the religious equivalent of a cuck. Can't think for himself, can't stand for himself. You faggots even admit it. Oh Jesus, please come save me! Save me Jesus! I'm a big ol' faggot and I'm not good enough for anything on my own. I belong in Hell and only your nine inches of jewish man-meat can save me!

Get fucked.

That guy paid Ghadaffi to sink nigger rafts going to Europe and keeping it hush-hush. Plus bung-bunga, parties, he's okay by my book.


You're surrounded by niggers and only niggers for eternity.

The catholic church is full of grown men who fuck little boys

>my totally true special snowflake religion has more credibility than your widely established, formerly anti-muslim belief with more than a billion followers
At least go for the religion with Kek, the chaotic frog god we worship.

Oh, Kek and Ammit definitely have a place at my table. My point is that personal spiritual growth and unfoldment is the objective of religion, not following anything, not begging a messiah of any kind for external salvation.

Ready to lose again christcuck? Like youve done in the last ten fucking threads.

The mods can only delete our posts for so long and shill for christcuckery for so long before it breaks. We keep deligent archives of every thread vefore you delete our posts anyway.

The kikes have never been known to suck the penis of small children, whom have had their dicks cut to ceate a bond with their jewish "god".

Jews have been known to slander their enemies, the aryan pagan gods and empires for thousands of years. Going so far as to kill a historian and rewrite his history after he was dead to serve the jewish narrative.

Kikea suck cum and conpose the vast majority of faggots today, and christianity is inheritly a jewish religion with pedophilia built right in to its practice and has been for thousands of years.

Cuckoldry, Pedophilia and Castration are inherit to the doctrines of Christianity

Fuck forgot photos.

The kikes say odin sucks semen, when kikes are the ones who suck babydick in metzizah b'peh, circumcision ritual.


I guess jumping into fires is also standard Christian practice

Holy fuck, how can someone be that much of a cuck? My god…

Thank you. The Christianity D&C is the most effective one they have. The best thing to do about anyone talking shit about it for no good reason is just ignore them, and I wish more of Holla Forums would learn that.

Anyone can read the bible now. That pandora's box is open and won't ever be shut again.

America in 2012

It can't be real, can it?

Allright, I'll bite. Your religion is bad because it is weak. You do not advocate for the warrior, nor the warrior king. You put jesus above all else, as the king of kings, when he never fought any wars. It's absolute nonsense even at it's core. The only thing that is right, is might. If you do not inspire your followers to become strong in body and spirit, you are worthless. If you inspire your followers to become sheep and apologists, you are evil.

I have sad news for you.

Yes it is. And christianity inheritly teaches that race doesnt matter and fatherhood of children by fucking a woman isnt the best kind. (Probably because joseph is a cuck).



Fixed. The catholic church was infiltrated by "converted" jew over the years, of course it's cucked. Same is true for many other churches. It doesn't mean the faith itself is at fault if the man fails to use their faith properly.

Youre aware jesus is jewish right?

Catholics yes(met quite a few spic catholics who have named the jew while white protestants worship the jew), Muslims….not really, they just hate "Zionist jews"/Israelis for illegally occupying Palestine. Remember that in Islam christians and jews are "people of the book" and still have a chance at salvation unlike those apostate muslims, heathens and occultists. Also the jews living in Iran have more religious freedoms than actual Sunni muslims which goes to show you jews are born pathological liars.


>Being so retarded that you can't even make a simple google search to make sure if the information is accurate. >>>/reddit/

If Christians are eunuchs and boy-lovers, we learned it from the pagans.

>Two different accounts of the death of Attis were current. According to the one he was killed by a boar, like Adonis. According to the other he unmanned himself under a pine-tree, and bled to death on the spot.

Χριστός is eternal and universal, a δημιουργός σωτήρ

Salvation from the god of abraham, an infamous jew.

pls cite in NT where yahweh is mentioned, all i've read is a bunch of prayers to a universalized πατήρ, κύριος, θεός. The First Principle of Being and the Last; the alpha and omega.

"But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine."
Matthew 22:31-33

JPII was King Cuck (see Assisi Day of Prayer), JPI was whacked.

Matthew was a jew right?

Why do conspiracy theorists always try "the glove doesn't fit you must acquit" rhyming when the people they're quoting didn't speak English?

It's always tragic watching a Christian's fried brain try to rationalize their beliefs. In the end they always fall into pilpul bullshit because they are incapable of escaping their beliefs.

I thought it wasa well known face JP1 was killed, this isnt tinfoil level or conspiracy level stuff but accepted happenstance

I'm pretty sure the concepts of "the last shall be first" are unique only to Christianity and Marxism

Not even close

What are you even talking about? The first female monastries started around 400 years after Rome adopted christianity. And aside from that their dress code wasnt inspired by anything in the bible or the middle east but rather from contemporary (rather poor peoples) female atire.

Always this complete ignorance about history. European fashion is middle eastern now!


Why do orthodox christians call hindugods demons but believe their own protectorangels are not demonic?
You practize similar things but act prejudiced because their angels are not of semitic origin.


Hitler approves of this loli


I'm getting really tired of these raids by /christian/ its time to shut you down for good. I've tolerated you as a mild irritant for the past few months of raids, but now you're gona get sent to heaven to be with Rabbi Yashua Bar Yosef

What a bunch of kike bs.
Ratzinger resigned the day before Interpol would have busted his Pedo ass which would have brought down the entire satantic (((catholic church))). They couldn't allow that (who would lead the lambs to the slaughter if they were gone??) , so (((they))) struck a deal. You keep quiet, and we get another pedo leader.

Obongo my ass.

Niggers get sentenced to nonstop hard labor, but in the icy subsection of hell

when I see a nice loli in a series sometimes im reminded of Idunna
its a reminder really that European man had a goddess common in all his pantheons
a young beautiful virgin girl who remained pure of heart and body for all time

Tiresias did, you're thinking of Actaeon. Although I think Tiresias coming across Athena bathing is one of a few different stories to explain his blindness.

I actually believe this. Obama is quite the figure in the global communist regime. The Catholic Church is still quite influential and they needed someone as the face of it to push for more shitskins to flood Europe. So why not help oust the previous pope and get a gay commie in there?

Oh you
least they werent the guy who saw Zeus naked in his unbridled form
though I guess it was quicker and less graphic than Actaeon's demise

True, nekkid Artemis + getting torn apart >>>> ubridled zeus + obliteration


That wasn't so much the issue. The issue was that Francis didn't know the rights of the Order.

John Paul I was suicided, absolutely.
In the second attempt on John Paul II's life, the spanish priest who tried to kill him in Portugal said the Pope was a Marxist agent


She technically killed the last potential SA candidate when she OK'd a big CIA push in Paraguay's coup (the CIA normally does this kinda shit on its own, so you know there was some crazybad shit going on behind the scenes if it got the official signature, shame we'll probably never find out why, it wasn't in the email release that I could find so I presume this was an in-person boardroom style decision) so that could have some pull on top of the usual Vatican shenanigans. He was a red but was also Red in the right ways. (push out (((US))) exploitive business, welfare-to-work instead of plain welfare, money to legal citizens for having kids, that sort of thing. Was probably how Bernie would've looked if he were being authentic and not a slick house-swindling conman.)

a mime is indeed a terrible thing to waste.

I'd rather be burning your churches with a ski-by napalming.

employment office



Doubly so.

I'll tell ya why, it's pretty simple. They're not just the ideal girl but the ideal woman
Look at the most popular lolis, what two things (sometimes even both) do they have in common?
"Mama Bear" protection instincts and a caring maternal nature. (both of which activities are expected to be encouraged and grown from a tot onwards so they're ready to start their own families)
So cast adrift without a positive model of either sort to look towards since Shatney Spears dropped her hick sprog (just flip on any (((Nick))) or (((Disney))) school show) you wind up finding only those wholly yet untouched by the televitz exhibit these qualities. (Or media made for such a public themselves)
Hence, loli, gravure, and japan to the rescue. You have to take up clog-dancing and fluegelhorn to find that shit in the west.
Sometimes some lolis do get missed by nature of being in a non-loli show though. Probably the best example I've seen of both qualities is Rihoko Amaha from the Witchblade anime, her mother, the witchblade holder, is essentially a slutty japanese hick. They're homeless due to her being a complete fuckup in every way, can't hold a job, spends what little she gets on her own on booze, sleeps around, so it's her daughters job to "be her own mom."
She does the cooking and cleaning when they find a place to stay, keeps track of their finances, and chases off boob-hungry grifters that want an easy lay.
Modern womyn who have daughters as slutty as Masane actually seek out these old perverts to sell their own kids rather than rein their teenagers' libido and tomfoolery in.
This disciplinary defensiveness is completely just gone from the west outside of tiny rural communities.

See this loli here for instance, at first your average bluepill shares this image going "aww how cute, loli learning to cook."
Then he notices his own looks like a Vietnamese piglet and dresses like she's trying to win the blue ribbon prize. Then he notices his wife refuses to cook. Or clean. Or do laundry. Or even let the fucking dog out so it doesn't poop in his office again.
The simmering has begun, the blue will now begin to be boiled red. The more loli you watch, the more you recognise even IRL kids the same age being degenerate slutbags, coached on by mommas who were too fugly or fat or deformed to be considered desirable at that age themselves, and a few that were that slutty (usually ex pageant queens themselves) and found the experience insatiable back then but now want to introduce their daughter to it. (Lawdy the amount of mom/daughter strip teams there are…)
So you take this hastily kitbashed freespirited example of empowyrd womynhood and put it next to young girls named after a variety of colours, foods, and kitchen implements, good at chores, that may or may not fight evil in their spare time and understand what TRUE and HONEST love really is.
Congrats initial-loli-user, you've glimpsed the promised land, that which ceased to exist in the mainland and the Americas.
For a bluepill not born 100% a masochist, this is completely irresistible. Especially if these blokes had fail moms/grammas of their own so they 100% never saw a girl or woman act this way in their life.
They just can't help but stop and gawk at this wondrous unicorn, and then to learn there is supposedly a country full of them. Cue the weeb-out and waifu pillows.

Project, project, project, it's all they really know.
It's somewhat unfortunate the euros didn't divide the peasant classes as well as their elites, because their projection wouldn't work otherwise. Unfortunately, from the serf to the modern day high school, instead of being a regimented caste system we see letting things be a popularity contest doesn't work out. Just because you're popular does not imply intelligence, or competence. Jews recognised this failing quickly, and have been a thorn ever since. Probably the one thing the street-shitters got right.
By letting pure money and land determine commoner standing, all they have to do is 'gift' someone with enough of it to get their patsy into court life.