So much this.
I arrived at NatSoc ideology from the Left, unlike most who come from the Right (Lolbertarians, etc.)
I was a hardcore Marxist, so I understand the actual 'evils of capitalism' more than most do.
It felt really powerful to call your enemies 'Capitalist' and 'Fascist' as if they were the same thing.
However, I eventually realised several things:
1. Marxism is an empty ideology
2. 'Fascism' is NOT Capitalism; upon studying it, it's not even all that terrible!
3. Hitler didn't do anything wrong–in fact, he cared about a lot of the things I care about (like economic fairness and the environment).
4. The only effective way to curb Capitalist excesses is actually through Fascism, because it instills a love for one's 'folk' and nation.
5. Marxism/Communism is synonymous with Judaism (and I never cared much for Jews!)
I had begun to say to myself that
once I analysed those involved:
(((Mises))), (((Rand))), (((Friedman))), and (((Rothbard))) as well as (((Marx))), (((Trotsky))), and (((Lenin))).
After I realised that this was said by Adolf Hitler, everything finally became clear, and I finally understood that I had been lied to my entire life. The 'villains' in history were pretty much all actually the greatest heroes!
I felt angry, but also motivated.
I had finally found my 'third position.
I realised why the 'Communists' that I respected, like Muammar Qaddafi, were all really Nationalists, and that the people of a country are much more important than its economics.
No, it can't, and as a former Leftist, I probably understand why it can't better than most.
However, we'll let you, like Christopher Cantwell, call yourself an 'Anarcho-Capitalist' as much as you want, as long as you stay out of the way of the new Reich.
This. Back in my Marxist days, I found Das Kapital very insightful and inspiring, and the Communist Manifesto was pretty much my bible. However, when I read the Manifesto again recently, I thought, "what the hell was I thinking? This is advocating to tear children away from the 'oppression' of their parents and make them all wards of the state!"
I will have to take a look at your insights and think long and hard about them. What you're saying basically boils down to saying that even though Ayn Rand and Vladimir Lenin would have hated each other outwardly, they were both aiming to put in place the same agenda.
It's something that I've suspected for awhile, but found difficult to prove.
The main thought I've had that correlates with this idea is that
whether or not it is the 'Marxist' kind or the 'Objectivist' kind–it makes man into nothing more than an automaton, a machine, devaluing the spiritual element, marriage, the family, one's race, nation, culture, and even one's gender as nothing more than 'Social Constructs'.
On the other hand, Objectivism/Libertarianism/Anarcho-Capitalism does the same thing in different ways–a great example is (((Stefan Molyjew))) and his 'Defooing'.
It is my opinion that Socialists make the best National Socialists, since they can understand the Leftist tactics the best.
Remember that Mussolini was once a Socialist.
The moral of the story is not to give up on your family, friends and colleagues, even if they're filthy leftists.
I'm sorry to inform you that Kikes created Capitalism, too. Just as it was disheartening for me to learn the truth about (((Communism))), this pill might be difficult for you to swallow, but it's still true.
Capitalism wouldn't be possible without moneylenders, usury, etc. Whether Celts, Druids, Vikings, or Catholics, I can assure you that the traditional Europeans were NOT Capitalists.
Nice try, Shlomo.