Why does communist Russia hate free porn sites like www.xxxbonanza.com? I thought lefties love self expression? What does leftie pol think?
Why does communist Russia hate free porn sites like www.xxxbonanza.com? I thought lefties love self expression...
Sex is bourgeois.
this faggot is spamming Holla Forums too lmao
Yeah. True communists are celibate because sex is a distraction from the class war.
It's not spam, it's a legitimate philisophical question which needs to be answered by conservashits and commies (such as yourself clearly jk) alike.
It's already been answered. Only bourgeoise who have leisure time have sex. Any communist who isn't a virgin is a class traitor and gets the wall when the revolution comes.
you fucking idiot.
Im the "fucking idiot" ? You're the faggot from the irrelevant country on an irrelevant side of the earth no one gives a shit about. I don't care what your fucking opinion is you piece of commie shit.
Woah, go to hell capitalist pig ! You 're allready in one already! Fuck off seriously. This board is for seriousness olny. Make friends and be an adult or fuck off back to /liberty/.
Because Russia is neither communist nor leftist you tard
Then why did you ask the opinion of denizens of an openly communist board?
Your father should have been forcibly castrated to prevent your birth.
there was a reddit post on this earlier. Christ was a Marxist.
fucking ultraleftists
I bet you don't like Polpot and Based Adolf either.
nize meam
This is a literal spam thread. As in the OP is actually shilling a site. The site, named by url, in the post. Every reply should be a sage.
Because the kike sites promote anal sex as the best thing. You can not have babies when you fuck her in the ass and Russia is fed up with the deeply triggering and problematic, anti-children agenda. That is why. If you want to have have, there are enough woman to fuck you in Russia.
If you are talking about the Soviet Union, yes porn was legal, but you had to buy it.
Just about all Communist countrys have legal porn expect for the DPRK.