Losing control?
What game are you going to play today?
Losing control?
What game are you going to play today?
Sup fags, I'm really fucking bored
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
Castle is making a 4am picture. >>>/4am/1352 If you want anything to be in it or you want to discuss what the picture should look like, please leave a post for him. We also have a meta thread up. >>>/4am/1382 If you wish to discuss the board in general do it there.
I played more Planetside. Played a lot of yurobeat.
I've been waiting for this moment. Now it's finally here.
Europe is cuck'd and will be fucked by The EU. Come to the USA!
We have Cute Tomboys!
Bored? What? You can't be totally radical like your friendly neighbourhood shitposting avatarfag?
Morning everyone~
Sorry I missed the thread yesterday. 3 days of no sleep really caught up with me. Had yummy strawberry vodka and sprite then passed out and actually got 6 hours of sleep. Had 3 today so hopefully dont fall back into getting none again.
hey fags
well I don't usually come to these threads because they're cancer. However, I'm not getting any sleep anytime soon. How's it going?
Not sure. Maybe work on more Ys II. Need more money for armor.
Glad I live in the US and not the EU. Hopefully we can get Trump in and get that wall built.
Japan has the cutest tomboys though
So The trump rally i went to today was fun.
there was some pretty based spic's there myself included.
I'm going to listen to nature sounds until I'm asleep. And maybe I'll be able to regain some control this month.
A shitload of criminals just busted out of a prison bus and are now running around my neighborhood
How are you guys doing?
Yeah, whatever
I waited all day for this, don't disappoint me
Kiryu endorses The US.
There too. Kiryu endorses Nippon as well.
I've been experimenting with an Android emulator called Nox, what are some good games for Android, don't care if they're paid because I can get the APK.
Tried out Ridiculous Fishing and liked it
You seriously want the europoors coming here and raping our cute tomboys and cute chubby insectgirls?
I have't played a game in two weeks
My computer cannot come in fucking fast enough
Why can't you sleep user?
Your a nice guy user, thats why I'm gonna deport you last
Hope you got a gun!
Heard they had some big protest at the Albuquerque one. While I suppose the AZ protest may not have affected much aside from pissing people off (Trump was already pretty popular here), I do hope shit like that helps solidify support for Trump in NM if it's needed there.
enjoying my freedom after staring at gray walls for so long.
you sound like you've got a comfortable place. I'm sure there's plenty of food there too. where do you live
insomnia I suppose.
That sounds fucking hilarious. How do they break out of prison buses when they're chained to the god damned floors?
Read a book, or pick up a language.
hopefully he doesn't.
Also, why does everyone think X-18 is scary?
I hope it's either E3 related or related to the 10000000th post.
Looking for ps2 games to emulate.
Currently playing Onimusha 2 and Final Fantasy XII. Not sure if my laptop can handle Dynasty Warriors.
sup cancerfags
nice and new vidya threads to checkout
So this is the containment thread?
How'd that happen?
ahahaha I'll just go lift weights instead
What genres do you like?
Whatever works for you, man.
I don't want to get your hopes up for anything special. You're going to be disappointed enough by the time E3 is over.
I take it the atmosphere was great?
Sounds like fun. You should help round them up with a shotgun.
Truly the greatest of curses.
Thanks. I hope you continue to show us the light.
Holla Forums is getting worse and worse everyday
Doesn't have as much cancer as /r9k/, but I'd say it's as much as /ssft/
We talking like "can't sleep cause I'd rather stay up shitposting" insomnia or "I haven't slept in a week" insomnia?
Whos asking?
Jesus christ ritsu, even I think that's gay.
I don't understand this epin maymay
14 Branchland Court
Ruckersville, VA
Fight me cunt
Bus most likely crashed, or some guy managed to sneak in something to cut the chains
I've personally been enjoying the shitposting associated with the recent overwatch game, it's like a breath of fresh air of low-quality shitposts
Anything that isn't a puzzle simulator.
Non-linear level design is also a plus.
Drinks can't be gay. I'm not gonna miss out on delicious stuff just cause I'm worried what someone online will think about it.
More like "I don't have any purpose in my life so it doesn't matter if I stay awake for hours on end or go to sleep now because I have nowhere to be" insomnia. So I guess the first option would be more appropriate.
Daily reminder to watch Patlabor.
is it still full of niggers?
Buy a margarita at a run-down bar and see how accurate that statement is.
There's gay taste and then there's gay taste. Come out of the closet, Narnia is burning to the ground.
I made this.
Opinions? Just made it to see if i could make a good looking propaganda looking thing. think i did alright tbh.
I really want Overwatch but the last time I went in one of the threads it was visual Ipecac
Its full of worse things than niggers user
8/10 no face, make a face.
Will do.
I'll bring my buddies to tag along. It's going to be a long night filled with magic and bloody screams. from all the horror movies we'll be watching
If you live in a 2 story house you should hang out of a window and take potshots at them.
Says the man who drinks fruit flavored vodka. I may want fit men to fuck me in the ass but at least I have the self respect to drink normal drinks.
How long you been NEET?
Normalfags need to get out.
I'm fully aware of that. I used to live in C(wc)ville
there's no way that's possible. what could be worse than niggers?
A second post.
I prefer it without the face though
scratch that I'm fucking blind. I read your post again.
Chris is what happens when you lose control too hard.
Socialism without ultra-internationalism is the ideal.
Norway is doing fantastic.
Something like six years, it's starting to wear on me. I don't know how to go outside, though. I'm disgusted with myself. I don't want to be seen by anyone.
Ever just feel like offing yourself?
no its the megumin thread
even worse
black jews
Sorry I'm late. Tired as fuck. I hope I can stay up to deliver your pizza.
If you're going for that style, remove the solid outlines.
Niggers and jews?
Maybe Abos?
Face is better
What does drinking gross boring drinks have to do with self respect?
All the time. 6 years NEET here too so I know how it feels.
Been noticing I'm making up more and more excuses to not leave the house. Going full shut in is pretty nice.
I think my contact has gone to the back of my eyeball. Not sure how to proceed.
If you like flirty drinks you should try a white freezie or a pornstar. Both are pretty good.
Niggers have guns homoko. That's not a smart decision.
Jehovas Witnesses.
I beat Doom for the first time today
That boss was so fucking underwhelming
looks bretty good with the face if you ask me
A third post.
can you show me what you mean
How do I stop procastinating?
I ask myself that every day
It's fine.
Set tons of alarms and hide them.
all i've been doing is playing video games all day, i played Old Good STALKER - then some friends convinced me to get Ogrewatch and i had fun playing that - more than i thought i would at least
i think i broke OGSE anyways
What are those made of?
Figure it out tomorrow
Wouldn't that just make me procastinate by turning off the alarms?
b-but I'm american. ;_;
It was a huge protest and they had a walk of shame. it was crazy they eventually started throwing rocks and breaking windows and doors at the convention center i heard shots were fired crazy shit.
It was. the amount of people of all creeds showing up was incredible. I would go again.
Doom most likely. I have to do some housework first. Tidying up is quite important.
Wouldn't tassels be more practical at that point?
Because if you can only stomach flowery fag drinks you shouldn't be drinking. The same principle applies with coffee.
The ones that escaped from prison that are running around his neighborhood don't.
Put ice in a cocktail glass, add banana and raspberry shot, top with sprite or 7up. It's light orange in color but tastes just like a white freezie
Pour Sourpuss and Curacao into a shaker glass with ice. Add 7-up or Sprite, stir, strain, and serve in a highball glass.
Doesn't Josh run it, or has he moved on?
Never do today what you can put off doing until tomorrow.
jus b urself
Serious answers, though; Find something to live for and to motivate you, attribute value to your life and an overall plan that would end up benefiting you (spiritually) or otherwise, motivate yourself to find a gf through your escapades and that your work will end up causing a gf to magically appear, or finally bring forth a supreme anger at all leftist cucks who may or may not have a better quality of life than you and squander it.
That's one of the reasons why I don't wear contacts. The major reason is that I have a fear of getting anything even remotely pointy near my eyes.
I hope Josh moved on by fucking killing himself
Drink can be gay and you always drink the gayest ones.
Already started watching it, tomboy the cutest
I miss when the overwatch threads where all filled with porn, only good thing about it
Only bitches would drink said girly shit, listen to the gay.
I know he worked on the site, but that's all I know of his involvement.
Please, continue.
top lel. Good to see Notch still has a sense of humor.
You have to find your own motivation.
That's the thing I love about the propaganda against Trump is that despite how they all call him a racist a lot of minorities actually support him. I'm not sure in comparison but they're still there.
I mix this mocha mix with half and half into my coffee
I just fucking figured this out!
Gif related.
I just didn't know he had a wiki.
you know when in bootcamp you have the one guy who fucks up so the Sergeant punishes everyone else but that person? The idea there is to get all the other grunts to gang up on the fuck up and make his life a living hell.
The Jews murdered Jesus. God made the Jews the "Chosen People." History takes care of the rest.
Yeah sure. You totally knew his history.
Silly goy, everything is happening because people are shitting on G-d's chosen people.
The or original Doom?
I hope so.
Glad you like it.
Look up the Liquid Saga. Best shit. Look up The Father Call.
Just get a jar of moonshine and get drunk in the bathtub like a real American you fucking fags.
That's both incredibly gay and also really fattening. So have fun being a fat faggot if you keep drinking that shit.
Nah, from what I've played its a pretty solid FPS.
Fast gameplay, requires teamwork, no health regen, its like TF2 before it got filled with autistic 7-year-old bronies
Dont you start with coffee again. Coffee is perfect just the way it is with sugar and milk.
If theyre anything like half the people I went to school with getting the guns straight outta prison wont be a problem. Getting guns is only hard legally. Course if he has a gun, it could be a good old fashioned western shooter from the windows moment.
I can touch any part of my eye, including the iris at this point.At this point tho im just wondering if it'll wrap around, if it'll infect my eye and i'll lose it or if i'll die.
Im gonna stick with Ritsu here. Any drink can be good to drink. Some cocktails or mixes can be fucking delicious. No reason not to drink em, especially at home.
Have you played any good .wads yet?
This shit is way beyond me.
I'm mostly cutting out coffee these days anyway. Too much heartburn, too many caffeine crashes. I'm too old for this shit.
I'm not the only one who does this?
what is this faggotry
Not yet, but I have 100 of them waiting to be played
Yeah, in later games they become more like rare enemies. The Icon of sin and the Mother Demon work much better as final bosses. I never liked the Icon though.
From what I saw on Holla Forums, the media was saying how they've seen Trump supporters violence and the opposition is finally striking back, or something. Fucking lugenpresse.
I expect the ones that are here legally and went through the actual process are in full support of sending their illegal brethren home.
I'll probably get over my phobia eventually, but that would mean I have to work.
It's like it's your first day on the internet.
go back to guzzling your sparkling cum vodka.
The faggotry is in the drink.
Coffee in general sucks
All it does is just make me shit, no energy whatsoever
A fourth post.
You're not funny.
Finished They Live a few hours ago. Its a great movie, though the only problem I had was the main character trusting the chick that hit him with a wine bottle. I have to write a two page essay on why the movie shows carpenters view on the 1980s. It isn't that hard to write, but I have to find articles from the 1980s Los Angeles times that can be relevant to the topic for sourcing. I got time, so I don't really feel the need to rush.
I wish I could go to a trump rally, but I'very got classes during the only one I could reach.
Sugar and milk don't come with coffee you fucking heretic.
I actually don't. I just thought you meant I didn't know who he was. Guess it was my fault.
Don't be hard on yourself.
9/10 ixnay on the agflay
You say that now, but if I mixed a few drinks for you you'd love it. Theres nothing like a good tasting drink to get you fucking smashed while doing something fun.
Sounds hard but its really easy, specially with guestimations. For pornstars for example it's literally just adding in two different liquors and topping it off with some sprite. Over the next few tries you find the right balance for the taste you like and you're golden. Like Rum & Coke, all about trial and error.
Eh, working glasses might be better. Can be annoying getting dust in the eye on the contacts themselves. But really only way to beat the phobia is to face it. It's never as bad as you think.
Doesnt work for everyone tbh. It often gives me the energy I need but sometimes it'll just make you crash instead.
You might just need a heavier dose to be honest.
Back to Saturn X and both Scythes better be part of that 100.
Ill rather shit on u :^)
Im drinking beer fag
There was a Trump rally like an hour away from my house at one point
Problem was I was in Mexico
Irony isn't lost on me
The best part is that cum vodka would be really easy to make since I'm pretty sure all you'd have to do would just be put cum in a bottle of vodka and leave it for a good while.
I'm gay, but I'm not that gay
They better be ready for the day Trump supporters really are violent.
But I just sloppily mix rum and coke depending on how drunk I am/want to be instead of for flavor.
Just remember, if you don't drink the superior liquid that is water you should just shoot yourself.
I'm disappointed in you.
I like the glasses more. Let's me add some sort of fashion, even if I never leave the house.
I'm the one who shits on things here.
Just start pouring vodka into your coffee instead.
Amazing you the gay is the least faggot in the thread, again.
Yeah you faggots do tend to stick together.
Go get some "man cream" to put into your coffee, fag.
How far are you going to go this time?
Yes you are. Don't deny it.
What beer fag?
A fifth post.
A-Are you having a stroke?
I know. I'm hilarious.
How am I being hard on myself?
Thanks for posting on my board baby.
If it wasnt meant to be lil guy, it wouldnt be an american staple. You know im right. Just accept the superiority that is coffee with condiments.
Never know unless you try. Who cares what anyone tastes if it tastes good! You might even like it
Naw. Fuck the zombie open world simulator bullshit. The Walking Dead works in comic form, not a fucking video game. the Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Diddle looked like awful bullshit too. All the "zombie" games I've played are fucking awful. Anyone got any recommendations?
Next thing you're going to say how you drink appletinis or something.
they need to go back.
Wonder what will happen first: actual violence from Trump supporters, or the leftists going full DNC '68. The Democratic party seems to not give a shit what people think, since they'd already chosen their candidate.
At the very least this election's been entertaining as hell. First one I've really paid attention too; guessing they're not usually like this.
It's from spurdoland, I don't think you'll care
So I take it that you hate everything that's fun or enjoyable?
No, I'm not. Mixed drinks are too gay for anyone with a remote sense of self respect.
Oh for fuck's sake, why is everyone here such a faggot?
Theres nothing better than throwing a bottle of water into the freezer, getting it right up to the point its about to start freezing. Then having a super cold drink. So refreshing.
I've tried a few coffee mixes before. Never liked it.
I've never had one, but I would given the chance.
wtb friends 4 overwatch
Dead Rising 1/2, Left 4 Dead 1/2. That's all I can think of that isn't a walking simulator where you're having to worry more about people shooting you right as you spawn than actual zombies.
Of course.
t shower shitter
9/10 I am not having a stroke. Remove the flag, replace it with maybe something more neutral.
No man. I don't want to play that.
no fuck off shill
Speaking of shilling.
Lonely, depressed billionaire Notch is pretty funny. All that money and he isn't any happier.
Go home shill.
I'll probably add you when I get my PC
but no fuck off
Fuck off Belrose.
Feels good man.
Its about as hard as that anyway. I've made plenty of shit sloppily while drunk as fuck. You dont care as much either since you're already half in the bag.
Course if its just to get drunk why not drink straight from the bottle?
I've always liked the smaller sized glasses myself. Gives off a more intellectual vibe. What do you like user?
Dont make coffee lewd. That stuff is entirely different. Creamer for coffee is good on occasion tho. Especially when really tired.
I didn't enjoy Dead Rising. I've finished both L4D 1-2 as well. Stubbs the Zombie PC version is the only thing I've found and I can't download it.
I'm so tired right now that I'm not really sure what's going on. Eyes are bad today as well. So sorry if what I say is a little incoherent.
A sixth post.
wtb steam friends
Resident Evil
wew lad. I'll add you right away because I add everyone who posts their steam on an Taiwanese scratch board.
You're posting on this thread, m8. :^)
That's what I try to do however I don't have easy access to a freezer anymore.
What the fuck are leftists
Their party is such a mess I can hardly take them seriously anymore
I can't wait to see the liberals crying and committing suicide after their magic kike loses to Hillary.
Cause the more drunk you get the more tasty the drinks get.
Buy me a game and I'll let you add me again.
Belrose get out
How disappointing.
Do you have any ideas for that Zeek Haro?
I don't feel like playing those right now. Outbreak 1/2 is where it's at though.
No it doesn't. It drowns out the taste entirely as your senses all fade out.
I'm not fucking adding you again
Okay, but you're gonna have to accept my friend invitation.
Jesus christ bel, at least try being subtle. Nobody here wants anything to do with you, go fish for steam friends somewhere else.
Buy me several video games and we'll call what you did even
I will eventually
Making eggs for dinner, feels good
Fuck off, belrose!
You just drink coffee for the caffeine not the taste.
Mixed with alcohol is no different.
Just trying to make the coffee more suited to your faggotry is all.
>You're posting on this thread, m8. :^)
but at least we don't drink coffee with cream/sugar or girly ass drinks.
If the rumours about you using reddit are true you're the last one to judge.
Besides, how would you know if mixed drinks are good or not if you dont try? They can be pretty delicious and no one will know unless you got a girly glass! Live a little already.
That was of text description seems familiar.
Really? I've always just stopped caring once im drunk about the taste. When you're half done its all about going till you black out or pass out.
I'd honestly want Bernie to get the nomination
Because in the offchance Trump looses, its either Bernie failing economics, or Hillary throwing our country into multiple wars
Maybe once you get into completely smashed territory but thats not for a little while at least.
What game first?
Breakfast for dinner is fucking awesome. Its basically the only meal my mom can cook decently so I get it pretty often. Plus southern breakfast food mmmm
be my steam friend or I'll kill your bf
My current prescription is in a Servo XL 57 frame, and I like it the most out of the three pairs I have.
I know it had an original Xbox version.
Don't forget he unironically uses 4chan still and will link threads.
I wonder if the prophecy shall be true.
Are you serious?
Not even CM ants you here
is belrose the spider guy?
Dammit nigga! You did it again!
there is literally
wrong with child models
Alright, so who is this belrose person and why should I hate them?
add me on steam to find out:
Add him on steam and you'll find out
go back to >>>Holla Forums
oh. oh wait
Did what?
But I mix all kinds of crap into my coffee is its delicious too. Its half caffeine/half taste.
I don't get why you guys can't enjoy tasty things while drinking this stuff.
I'd rather the globalist shitheads keep doing their thing and pisses more people off than a self proclaimed socialist pushing this country farther to the left.
You'll see one day user
add him on steam and you'll wish you never found out
Spider is Wolf. Wolf is the guy behind the Steam Friends Threads, and is a pedo Holla Forums user.
Why don't you add him?
There are rumors about me using reddit? And no, I'd still never drink girly drinks. Anything that's both sweet and alcoholic is evil.
cute girls are cute
WE already have CP bots destroying our board, we don't need faggots like you destroying it more.
Just stop apologizing and you'll be fine.
Not the underage ones
I may like cock on occasion but im not a degenerate thank you. You sound like you like tea.
Not bad. Too big for my tastes but they look nice.
Best to learn by doing add him and talk for a bit.
I got an 18 dollar tip today. Blew it on feeding my 2 disadvantaged friends because their folks are shit. I thought I had bought myself some chicken nuggets, turned out to be gizzards or livers.
I suppose there are very worse things that could happen.
add me on steam and I will LITERALLY suck your dick
Underage for WHAT? For having a picture taken of them?
Gizzards aren't too bad.
You a busboy or something?
Okay, point taken.
Still no.
The problem is that I have to wear fuckhuge frames because I have a large head. Having to wear size 62 hats makes me want to die.
Add him anyway.
I'm saying they aren't cute
Let's try this again. Which game will I play tonight?
0,1 Battlefleet: Gothic
2,3 Dark Souls 1
4,5 Shovel Knight
6,7 Symphony of the Night
8,9 Modded Sins of a Solar Empire
That's enough to be put onto my shit list right there.
never do anything and wait for something to change it for you. that's the only way you'll ever get anything done.
Wolf didnu muffin. He a gud boy.
So I found Stubbs the Zombie a Rebel Without a Pulse. Issue is the uploader hasn't seeded for years so it's stuck at 50%.
I would have to run virtual machine and install Windows XP so the game itself is stable. Emulation wont work properly as these things are hardcoded the only thing you can do is trick it strongly. That's the wonders of VM.
Guess I'll pick up that DLC for Dying Light. Only zombie game in recent memory I liked. I could play RE but I want something a bit quicker paced.
Mixed drinks have a time and place, mostly for fancy dinner parties.
Drinking the girly ones to get drunk makes you a faggot.
.t Drunkard
Hilary would never have a chance against Trump with the amount of dirty laundry he has on her.
Bernie might because he is a commie bastard and college students are retards.
Thats because you don't have any self respect and can't understand others peoples self respect.
Top kek.
And I only drink vodka/bacardi/jagermiester or water.
Iced tea is nice on occasion
How is battlefleet Gothic, I have been meaning to get it when summer sale comes out.
I am Spike Vest Guy, Dishwasher Guy, Gold Bat Guy, One of the Gundam Guys, The DnD Guy who made 4 AM into a Merchant Guild a friend of Homoko and other things in this thread. Oh but yes today I was actually assisting the pizzeria. We made 54 dollars in tips. I earned a 3rd.
I need more wad recommendations.
If you can make it through the whole video without getting pist, you can have my blessing.
Well okay. It's a bird with tits. Who woulda thunk
Don't even remember when I played anything at all.
My life currently only consists of going to work and learning Japanese.
It's not that bad to be honest but learning Japanese absorbs so much time holy shit I just hope it's worth it in the end.
Worst case scenario, I become fluent in Japanese but don't give a fuck about games, anime or manga anymore.
I have cancer.
I apologize.
Going down is my favorite megawad ever.
Irish coffee can be pretty good on a bad day. Especially if that touch of the irish is rum.
You know, they used to say being gay was evil and the devil too.
Sounds more like you just hate sweet things more than anything else? Im guessing you're not big into sugar and sweets?
Thats gotta suck. Why not just not wear hats and wear shades only? Some frames can come with those clip on shades.
also, training and getting bigger muscularly can make your head look smaller by contrast
Not at all. Mixing drinks can be fun. Only people who worry it makes them seem girly are insecure people who arent masculine to begin with.
Prolly. I prefer Rum, Absinthe or Triple X if im drinking it from the bottle.
RIP BIg Rizzle.
I'd rather fuck a running blender.
We all have cancer.
I think part of it is the sheer volume of hair I have. It's still falling out like crazy.
It's really fun. Especially if you love
or naval battles.
Although last time I played it was prone to crashes and all sorts of issues. Not everything is in YET but they seem to be keeping to their development roadmap they set out so I'm glad for that. I think Spess Mahreens should be out soon now that you remind me.
Fug, I should've put the LOGH game on there now in hindsight.
You never did explain the golden spike thing.
NOPE. Not gonna be able to watch it.
Should have just started running them down, theres easily enough evidence to say you feared for your life there.
Think you could translate a doujin some time for me user?
What did you want to know about my spikes again?
I just have 1 last request.
I had eye surgery to remove a cataract in my left eye and to replace the lens with a plastic one. I was awake during the surgery when they poked around in there and pulled it out. It was an interesting experience.
Hey fellas been a bit. How you doing?
I'm fucking tired. Just finished seeing the cure at Hollywood bowl for second time. Was the most amazing time. Danced my ass off. Ssd that it's over though
It's just one of the villains from Cutie Honey. Tits are a requirement.
Thanks. Let me know if you have more.
Yeah, RIP.
Ye, most really sweet stuff makes me feel sick. I really like a lot of salty and bitter stuff like rye though.
What are they. And why.
Glad you had fun! Did he point at you and go "YOU AGAIN?"
Oh come on Homoko, you and Bel are perfect for each other.
Having Mound Makers as a main cov is pain.
Be wary of the "chocolate".
I don't know if I could be awake during the surgery if I ever needed it.
It wasn't obvious? It was the pic in that post.
All of them end up dead. Such a waste of weird creatures with tits man
Play GMOTA with Eternal Doom IV.
I guess I'll need a few more weeks for that, especially cause I lack the vocabulary for lewd stuff, my books didn't cover that you know.
It all comes together. You are just jealous you can't enjoy sweet stuff!
Add me on steam or somethin? Or just hit me up in the thread one night if you ever want to give it a shot!
Well, I can try. Do you want me to shave my ass first?
good night
Not of you faggot.
whats the point in learning Japanese if you are not doing it for the anime/manga/jVidya?
a waste of time and ruining decent booze if you have to make cocktails into girly shit just to get drunk.
Bacardi is a white rum, pretty great on its own or mixed with cola.
Wait LoGH has a game too?
And it does look fun just want more small details about it before I get it really.
Morning, long time no see.
If by "perfect" you mean "the worst possible couple you could think of" then yes.
Not really, all sweets do is make you a fat diabetic.
they cover one eye and numb the other one so you can't feel anything. It's mostly the psychological fear that gets to you. I tried to have the surgery while I was under anesthetic the first time, but apparently I vomited after the surgery and it shifted the plastic lens. I opted for live surgery the next time to avoid the same thing happening a second time.
Did you buy any more protein powder then Ritsu?
You mentioned getting some awhile ago.
Sleep tight pupper.
I'm not good enough for you?
Guten morgen.
Naw fuck you.
Ay mugi! Been worried about you, how you been holding up?
Aren't your family fat diabetics or something? Is that why you hate the sweet stuff and mixed coffee?
Who does he think he is? Akihiko?
You were here yesterday
Which materials are you using to learn Japanese? I am about to start studying next month.
So go for buzzcut imo. Mammoth hair can be a bitch especially when it really grows out. Worst case scenario is you look like a skinhead for a bit.
Good. Im prolly gonna die tho.
Yup that'd explain it then. Some mixed drinks can be bitter as all hell tho!
Though this does explain your hate for sugared coffee now tho. I bet you love brusselsprouts tho, theyre the best bitter thing ever.
Rye can be pretty good. Especially when you mix it with cold cuts and blocked cheese.
Nah haha sat all the way in the back since it was Hollywood bowl. Followed your advice. I asked that weeb girl if she wanted to go, but she said had work and school today. Oh well, I still had a shit ton of fun.
This is pic I took earlier
I know you want my Mcnuggies.
so what's so bad about mound makers?
Its rum you drink it not mix it into a bitch drink.
I go through a bottle every 2 days you think I have enough money for better shit?
He mentioned getting some awhile ago, if he does and starts lifting the extra testosterone might make him less faggy.
I haven't get the money for it. But wouldn't mind. Really craving some kind of milkshake and that stuff really adds to it.
Shame about weeb but hey at least you tried. She probably thought it was nice you asked. Also damn thats a nice arena.
Well, not worse than I usually do.
I finished Goldeneye for the most part and it's been great, fuck Aztec though, I'm not finishing that hellhole.
Couldn't come here because I overslept every day in the last two weekends.
Did you finish those cola errands, squidward?
Listen here you little shit. If you ruin this relationship you'll realize that you'll never find anyone as good as Bel again.
I'm just glad I don't really have any issues. Outside of being nearly blind when I first wake up
I'm not too worried about how I look, because I really don't leave the house ever.
If you get summoned, the host and whatever white/yellows they have usually just attacks you instantly on top of the AI attacking you, so you're having to dodge everything.
Most of my family are fat rednecks, only some of them are diabetics. Also I just don't like sweet stuff that much because the taste bothers me.
Did you really not have the time to type the "gh" so you don't sound like a nigger?
So you admit you mix drinks but you draw the line at mixing two different liquors with sprite? I dont understand the reasoning?
Shut up satan
And maybe, Satan, he will stop drinking shitty drinks.
Some things are just go too far man.
No, it's only 7pm
I can't. I'm too lazy to finish my work.
My memory is the worst! I'm going to set an alarm and go buy some today. Orange fanta and coke yes?
You were acting like a faggot. You needed the hardest hit.
I need to fap to my lovely one first, who is also a shipgirl.
So it's like this, I own this leather vest I bought almost a year ago after I had an encounter with a biker on the edge of my town. My job had let me go, my parents were brutal disappointments, my life was altogether very sad. But then I met this man named Sanders. Sanders was one these old dudes with nothing left and nowhere to go except the places before. Lost his wife to cancer, road on his old bike, had a dog with him, side car. And he talked me through some shit after that very painful night.
After that night, Sanders was the closest thing to an inspiration I had ever had. Even considered him my guardian angel. That is the story of my Black Leather Vest, now is the story of the spikes.
About September of last year, I was accused of being a thief by a local store owner. Posted my story in /tg/ and all that and even got moral support and fought it off. But, I was still made to look like a thief. The store is unimportant, I was a punished man who had been falsely accused so I got an idea in my head.
My whole life I had been shit-talked and badmouthed and been called an asshole and a monster but had never committed to an ounce of evil. So I took up the idea of punishment, and to me that came in the form of spikes. So I started adding spikes to the vest as a deterrent to people bugging me.
If I was going to be shit talked, I figure I should look like a person they should think about before doing it.
It's a lot of stupid reasons and a lot of personal ones, like my original surplus pun jacket I had forever and the like. I finally just moved onto something that was important to me, and I wanted to give it meaning. In some ways I consider each spike a thing I've done wrong, in some other ways a social failure. That is why I put spikes on my Vest. It gives me and it more meaning.
Sorry that seems so long-winded and needlessly complicated, but that's what it means to me.
Says the guy who says Ye all the time. You know ye is niggerbonics right? At least my slang is white people slang!
Gonna have to be careful then. Weight gain can sneak up on you if you're not careful if its in your genetics. I suggest weightlifting. Can be fun and keep you fit!
If you never leave the house why worry about hats then? Do you wear hats around the house?
probably being summoned with a white soap stone to help someone else in another world.
Even if you are being friendly they still try to kill you.
Make sure you lift with it otherwise it will make you fat.
Red invade orb/red soap stone gives you the shackle if you kill the host/enough phantoms when you invade as mound makers.
Can't you understand the difference between mixing down drinks and cocktails?
I'll try make him drink vodka and protein powder with me!
Sounds like you are living the life to me user
The horrible soul crushing comfy life
How do you even add a spike to a jacket?
this pic never fails to make me laugh. God bless whoever made it.
I'll contact you in this thread when I'm ready.
Do you already have a doujin you want translated?
I'm still interested in Japanese vidya, I'm just afraid that I might lose that interest by the time I'm fluent.
But I guess learning a language by itself is nice and it'll also improve my experience when visit Japan once again.
I'm sorry. You can have my mcnuggues as a peace offering.
Thank for reminding me it's already 5am.
Do I have to steal away his McNuggets?
I saw that thread.
Because hats are really fucking comfy.
That's what I ended up doing.
you're all plebs
Welcome back
Genesis a shit. Get some fucking taste pleb.
But I listen to Genesis.
It's not really worth the full asking price but if you can get for maybe like $20USD cheaper than go for it. I haven't played too much of the campagin but I played a lot of singleplayer skirmish during early access I only brought it after it released and it's fun but serious
They are fucking ridiculous with their increased dodge based on how fast they are.
It's a game released in 2008 and turned out there's been a whole series of games being released since the animu. I only really found this out after a Holla Forums thread.
The game itself is basically a retelling of the animu but taking hand of the actual fleet battles playing either Reinhard or Yang. Not that I could tell since it's still in nip. The core mechanics revolve around fleet tactics and formations with deliberately delayed ordering and shit like that. More about trying to tip the scale in your favor and keeping it instead of being able to make quick decisive kills.
Fug it I'm playing this.
Yeah, hopefully she thought it was nice. I just went with my bro and his gf and I was having a lot of fun anyway so it didn't bring me down.
Nice stadium. But lame crowd. They only cheered a lot for the really poppy songs. Probably no too many true fans there.
Time just speeds up when we're here
I feel like I'm slowly drifting away from 8ch, and I don't know where to go from here.
Every other thread devolves into shitposting, gets derailed by dubs/memes/drama, or dies out because everyone else would rather talk about how much they hate whatever shit is coming out but the retards will buy it anyways. We've had circulars for FO4, DOOM, Overwatch, and maybe this year's CoD?
It hurts seeing how far 8ch has fallen since the GG exodus. I miss Nel's server, the Ito poster, and /monster/ inviting us to see movies.
Eternal Doom IV is a separate megawad that can be used with this, correct?
Yeah, bird tits should be a force for good.
Please, if you will.
I blame reddit
It's at least interesting to see things go on.
I'm only here because I have nowhere else to go.
But you must.
I think I played the game where that's from. What's it called? I think I recall it being shitty.
The difference is slight at most if anything. Theres no reason not to drink a good drink you'd enjoy unless it'd kill you. Worrying about it being faggoty is ridiculous and reeks of insecurity. A man can be sure enough of himself not to care.
You should just be more confident and drink anything you enjoy! You'll be happier that way.
Not really. Theyre just good for keeping the sun out of your eyes when you go out during the day. Tuques are where its at if you need to wear something a lot.
Yeah this one. As far as I know only one of this guys doujins got translated and he has like 2 or 3 or 4 of them. I'll look around in the mean time and make sure someone else hasn't translated the others so you don't waste your time.
I think I mostly liked the pop ones tby
You have to take an awl or a leather punch, make a hole in the leather and add them each, by hand. You have to screw them together.
I am surprised by this.
It's always been this way, things will get better. Something, something cycles, something, something time heals all wounds, etc.
No. Also I realized my terrible mistake pretty shortly after I made it, I barely talked to him before I realized how dumb of an idea it was.
Only the exceptionally fat ones. The rest are just regular white trash fat.
last I checked tho was niggerspeak too.
Also I can't see how weight gain can sneak up on anyone, the whole "muh genetics" excuse is bullshit. You have to eat absurd amounts to gain weight. I have to eat more than I would left to my own devices just to not lose weight. The only way people turn into great fucking lard comets is from stuffing their faces constantly.
Well, to another topic.
How is the new Doom?
I've been disappointed about how shit the multiplayer beta was but remained a bit hopeful that the singleplayer might be OK.
I've seen a few videos on youtube about it and it looks fairly fun.
But I'm not trusting everyone on youtube and other vidya websites praising the game like it's the second coming of Jesus Christ as well not trusting Holla Forums's hateboner circlejerks and parroting in their designated shitposting threads.
Did any of you buy it and how is it?
Right. Eternal is a number of maps, and GMOTA is a gameplay mod. Not a megawad because it doesn't run a full 32 levels.
Oh and the artist's name is dresstrip
I fucking hate Holla Forums and its mostly underage userbase
Threads for shows I like on /a/ are few and far between
Holla Forums is shilled to absolute death
/k/ is slow as shit
I just stick to games and shows these days and barely browse the web.
i'm not enjoying my vidya
You sicken me
I sometimes skim /tg/ despite not really having much interest in the board topic.
He's the best guy you could ever meet.
I hate this maymay.
Than go watch a movie
Not really, I think my bf is infinitely better than bel.
At least you're not idly browsing Funnyjunk trying to find humorous pictures and avoiding the comments section like the plague.
yeah, i've been watching a lot of streams lately
I'm an expert on shit, and that's a crockload of it.
That's because you don't watch most anime.
Just give in.
Im pretty sure tho is a white person thing that came out recently ish. Just mobile slang due to the old character limit on text messages. Good to know you admit ye is niggerspeak too tho.
To an extent. Some people take a lot to gain weight till late 20s. My older cousin couldnt gain a pound unless he ate a ridiculous amount, like two full hamburger meat things put onto a massive pita bread and eaten during the day, he'd eat like 12k calories per day and not gain shit. Nowadays tho hes a chubbymonkey, but only in the belly, everywhere else is still stick thin.
By contrast if I eat too much i fatten up everywhere and I sure as hell cant eat 12k calories a day. Genetics does play a part, but it aint that tumblr bullshit where muh thryroid makes me fat. It just predisposes you to certain fat gain in certain areas and how easily it happens while youre young.
I aint on the border of russia thanks. I like my tuques. Theyre the best hat of all. Closely followed by beanies.
I miss the Superbus threads. I hope he comes back this Summer.
I think the cyclical threads for shitty games are Mark's ill-convinced solution to stop shill threads, but it just creates shitpost threads that stay up forever. I don't think the situation on Holla Forums is that bad, but it could be better.
The new Doom is shit. The shotgun which was one of the most useful tools in the original is worthless now. It takes two shots to down zombie/possessed in some situations.
I can't remember either. I saved the picture because it looked awful.
Got it.
Should always help with importanting jp vidya so you don't get the butchered version too.
I like casting bed of chaos while they are distracted and 1shotting them.
That or casting Iron skin and using the scared flame glitch to 1shot them too.
Just like Ritsu does
Smart man, they should all be genocided for being so degenerated and fucking the slut chaos god into existence.
So is the gameplay similar to Gothic? or more 3D in the control of the ships planes?
aka can make them attack from above and below too
wew fag.
e e
Did a lot today.
First I worked a few drawing while jammin' to some dope tracks. Recent sketch I've working on finalizing. Gotta get the gay outta my system…
Then, I played Nier. First time playing it after a friend reco'd it.
Afterwards, I made some progress on a vid for YT.
Overall, pretty productive day.
Well that's rude.
I'm not either, and I still can appreciate the headgear of the Russians.
I used the shit out of the Bloodlust. It's fucking awful but I still like me my edge.
That's a good ass looking burger.
It feels bad doesn't it?
I've abandoned so many friends over the internet. I feel kind of shit for it but it's how shit flies. Now I pretty much have you fags. Kill me. This is the low point isn't it?
Look at the bright side? Shit's going to look up with Codemonkey at the helm. It could drive us off completely or we might be able to wait it out until shit's looking good again. The Boston Salt party was a pretty great time for me.
I'm starting to believe I should start doing that now. The internet depresses me despite how much I love shitposting.
No 3D movement. It's hard to describe it but I could upload a webm later on or tomorrow if I ever bother to record it since it'll provide a way better explanation than I will.
Like a month ago, he used to hit on me in the threads a lot so we started talking on steam.
Someone should make a website. But actually make it good
I miss superbus so god damn much. I'd stay up for his thread each night bumping it and donated/won a ton of stuff.
Why do you think you're going to die? Not feeling well?
I'd probably shitpost on it, get banned because someone wanted quality posting, and then not show up again.
What did you win? I won Takeshi's Challenge, Front Mission and GunGriffon.
I go to voat sometimes now for news. But its layout is eye jarring. I dont know how people have discussions on it.
Rather than funnyjunk browse angryduck. its usually alright for funny shit.
You're the one telling me not to drink shit cause it makes me look faggy. I just call it likes I sees it.
Never been my thing. Looks too cumbersome to me. Like those redneck drink hats.
I got a call that my last alive relative got cancer.
I guess I'll play some melty.
You'll enjoy it a lot. Its hard to break out of that whole "mindlessly refreshing the same pages" thing but once you do, you'll realize just how much you've been missing out on.
Wish I had quit chans years ago honestly.
A good website would have designated shitposting streets.
I am so fucking proud of you.
I make faces too
Oh rip
Can anyone direct me to the designated shitting shower?
You know that's the official Reddit imageboard right?
I would hope so.
I've no idea how bad it is to have a contact behind my eyeball but I imagine its not good. So unless it somehow wraps back around I dont see it going well for me.
You two close?
Sounds pretty fun. What are you drawing, anyway? Looks like an altercation in the making.
ouch. But is it terminal?
You should probably go get the eyeball thing checked out dumb ass
Hard to decide what your user base is without being an overbearing bitch.
All members of my family are rather old and very prone to cancer. I'm quite afraid I'll know that feeling sooner than later.
The big guy's torso looks a little stuff. Otherwise, it's pretty solid besides the blatant faggotry.
Shut it, whore.
Bels house
Then it's a shitty imageboard cause its not like one at all. If it was I might browse it more than a half hour a day for news.
I couldnt see reddit browsing there. Seems to racist for their liberal selves.
My god. You dont actually wear those do you?
Meh. I had a good run.
Well at least you are edgy
If you can be bothered get a webm and post it in tomorrow's thread
A gay even called the drinks faggoty.
And the only one who brought up insecurity is you.
A flaming faggot is still secure in himself and would drink said faggy drinks.
I always wonder what I could of achieved if I spent less time shitposting.
But then I would be even more dead inside without it.
Cancer runs in my family as well.
Happy birthday!
It doesn't help I rely a lot on the internet for my work and etc. I could give it a go I suppose although I need some motivation since I am fucking terrible at sticking to what I want to do.
It might solve my procrastination problem but knowing me I'll probably replace it with vidya or animu knowing me since I seem to hate being productive.
Canadian here, you're fucking doing it wrong.
You're supposed to wear a sweater.
you are making me hungry.
You're really new aren't you?
I do what I can.
Yeah, it's my mom.
My entire family died to cancer and it's kinda shitty because they are all looking forward to getting well and they never do.
I heard she'll need a better examination or some shit, and that only will happen in few weeks.
That's depressing. Are you alone? I mean, without any extended family? What's that like?
I tried a lot of shit, the nip learning thread has tons of learning resources, although some of them are objectively shit.
But it depends on what you personally want to achieve, also some people prefer some methods over others so I can't tell you what's best for you.
If you have absolutely no idea though do this
1.Learn Hiragana and Katakana. (I recommend reviewing them until you can read them in a decent speed)
2.Get Anki and the deck from the Anki startup guide. (might not be the best deck in the world, but it gives you at least some words you can work with)
3.Get started on grammar check out Tae Kim
That's what most do, but you could also use the yotsubato anki deck, it contains all words needed to read the first yotsubato manga (around 700words) that way you can put your Japanese to some use after only a few weeks.
Like I said there are tons of resources and it's up to you to decide what you prefer, I'm currently reading through Japanese the Manga Way, which could also be interesting for beginners, but I just started reading it so I can't recommend it at this point.
Maybe you segregate them heavily. Or go full dictator mode.
But what if
you are already dead inside?
Don't do this to me. I thought we were friends.
I guess it's better to not think about it and hope for the best. And eat healthy and stuff.
I know the feeling. I watched my mother die of cancer for about a year. Gets to a point where you know it won't get better, but you just can't quite admit it to yourself. At least that's what it was like for me.
I know that feel. My family is prone to heart attacks and cancer. As well as alzheimers, on the offchance we live past a hundred, which happens if the former two dont kill us.
Yeah but that gay hates sweet things. Besides hes a bottom. Bottoms and tops like different things. It is known.
I pointed out you were on account of your "only fags drink those kinda things". You obviously care too much about these kinds of things and how they'd make you look. It'd explain the overabundance of half naked women you post. How deep in the closet are you catbra man?
Would have to care enough about them to figure that out. Youre the man with all the answers on reddit. I wonder why that is :^)
Jesus Christ.
I'll try get it done tomorrow. I would do it now but I'm listening to music.
Just a word of warning, the game's fucking boring early on until you start collecting up more fleets since the game is all about commanding multiple fleets together.
They lurk. I've seen people browse here just to see what the whacky Holla Forums's doing or like what happened with the Boston Salt party, lurk to ruin our fun.
Fuck man. That just downright saddens me. Getting your hopes up like that only to be taken down.
Hey replacing it with games and anime isn't a problem in my opinion. Better than doing nothing, which is what browsing imageboards really is. Just delete any chan bookmarks you have and don't open that browser!
I mean if you are slacking off while working thats fine, but in your free time do something else. Anything else.
You need to know how to combat it in order to generate more salt.
You tried forcing your ass in my face. You have made an enemy of the Yakuza!
I will pray 4u.
Perhaps I'm seeing the world through rose colored glasses but I really liked Layton.
He didn't seem like an SJW crazy like Mulcair seems to be revealing himself to be.. or as shallow as Trudeau.
I have an aunt but she's kinda far.
I've been living mostly alone since I turned 15 as my mom had to work in different city. I'm 18 now.
It would be worse if I had no friends, but they bug me enough for me to not feel lonely.
But you asked him to do it.
Well thats not good. My condolences user.
I heard you're "working" more :^)
Man that should be a traditional yearly thing. That was the funnest shit in a while. That and when the ashely maddison shit got doxxed. The salt was real.
Sounds like excuses to me!
The only acceptable excuse to go to reddit is to spoil them on vidya or something else equally hilarious.
I think I will still browse a few things where am I supposed to find new cutie pics of me waffle? but taking a break from most community or just user discussion would do a whole lot of good.
I actually threw a shit fit when I saw the whole level editor shit in MGSV and I'm not even a MGS fan so probably a good call. I'll probably still visit these threads because I need to socialize with at least someone that aren't the typical plebtards.
I had a great grandmother who lived to be 102 years old. Shame that isn't the more common outcome huh?
I forced nothing upon you. I was simply attempting to fill your request for an ass on your face. Is that so wrong?
Layton was good, he actually cared. His policies were fucking retarded, but he cared. He would've realized his mistakes halfway through his first year, and would've done better than any of the other assholes currently.
Sad about his passing.
The thread's dying down. Peace my nuggets.
What did you think I meant by generating salt?
No, I asked to get a nice animu girl if he could.>8
I'm literally in the same boat.
I want to watch so many shows but I rarely find time because I'm wasting it reading low quality bait posts and other bullshit.
I already am
I always have vodka there for me though.
Top kek.
the only one repressing anything is your refusal to accept that some cocktails are faggy.
Aka the sweet "yummy" ones that ritsu was drinking
I won't get it any time soon probably, maybe get it off a summer sale its on there.
want to play Gothic first, not sure if I want to exterminatus on the unclean, or WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH everything.
Isn't it worse to slack off on chans while working?
Oh I forgot something.
Don't use Romaji.
Don't do it, it'll most likely fuck you over sooner or later.
No seriously don't.
I know many books use it, but do yourself a favor and try to avoid it.
hiragana or katakana first?
It's true.
Sounds about like the way I browse these days. I check a handful of boards once in the morning. Maybe once in the evening, and I post in this thread. Thats about it.
Cya user
Follow my advice too then! Push your chair back far enough way from your computer where you won't habitually click on the pages and watch your shows!
I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.
How do you know I'm not an anime girl?
I bet
Take care my nugga.
Just do both. Use multiple screens or multiple windows.
Because you always said you were a guy. What girl would catfish as a guy?
It's true, just like my cancer.
Hiragana is more important for now, but you'll need both at some point.
Why are you doing this?
It's totally not falsified
I wanna hug akarin
Like your cancer.
Happens often in my family. Its almost always the women tho isnt it? Not sure if its good its a common outcome tho, due to the alzheimers. Probably better to die before then.
Ah, I see. Carry on and make me proud then.
Good to know you could have a curly haired guy if you wanted I guess? Im not talking about his head
No all the catbras shows you're overcompensating! Like the dudebros who end up as fags when their parents die. I got gaydar dude, and it's going nuts when you're around. Just sayin.
I started my studies with 4chan's /a/ djt general.
I know
but the pasta they have explains everything you need to know to learn japanese and it has a lot of sources for learning stuff.
But don't actually browse the thread, it's either full of demotivational posts or just shitposting.
I had a too much fun in the Steam forums and editing in 2.0. Too bad I missed the majority of the first round.
Orkz are amazing if you get within 6k range because of that fucking tether and the weapon inaccuracy is negated by being in close range. Too bad they wreck my shit because most of my tactics as the Imperium revolve around ramming and getting close range as well.
Every now and then I decide to roleplay as an Imperium admiral for the keks and you'll be surprised how many people will respond in kind. Shit like this that I love about 40k.
You know what, screw it. From this point on I'm going to do what I previously stated starting tomorrow morning because I'm tired. Shit's been getting to me and it's only intensified with SJWs, plebbit, internet regulation and all this fucking shit ruining the internet for me.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Cavalier" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine sword spider in Menzoberranzan for 4 platinum tricrowns (that's about 20 gold lions) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even climb vertical walls on the back of my sword spider.
Drow spider breeders spend years taking care of every single sword spider and feed them up to million rats to produce the finest mounts known in all of Faerûn.
Sword spiders can move thrice as fast as horses and can leap ten times as high for that matter too. Anything a horse can trample, a sword spider can trample better. I'm pretty sure a sword spider's sharp leg could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why humans never bothered conquering Menzoberranzan? That's right, they were too scared to fight Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier and her sword spider mount of destruction. Even during Siege of Menzoberranzan, Scoured Legion targeted the drows with sword spider mounts first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier is simply the best cavalier in the history of anime and manga, and thus, requires better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier:
Sword Spider Mount
Monstrous Hunting Spider
CE Huge magical beast (augmented vermin)
Init/Senses: +5/darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft. (unlimited in web); Listen +1, Spot +1
AC: 24, touch 13, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge (–2 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural, +2 armor)
HP: 69 (10 HD)
Resist: evasion
Fort/Ref/Will: +11/+12/+3
Speed: 150 ft. (30 squares), climb 30 ft.; Fleet of Foot, Run
Melee: claw (piercing) +15 melee (4d6+8 plus poison) or
trample +15/+10/+5 melee (2d6+4)
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats: Fleet of Foot, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Run
Skills: Climb +23, Hide +8, Jump +25, Spot +16.
Female human
CE small humanoid
Feats: Protagonist
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +20
Now that seems a lot more representative of the destructive power of Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier in Yuru Yuri, don't you think?
tl;dr = Akkarin, the Spider Cavalier needs to be
more powerful in d20, see my new stat block.
do you think it'd be beneficial to get a Japanese keyboard? I mean, I know you may be able to configure windows to output Japanese characters through an English keyboard, but maybe it'd be better to get the Japanese one and then replace it with your normal one?
Konichiwa, watashi wa Tor desu
Your gaydar must be broke since it is picking up on your own faggotry instead.
Ramming people is why I want to do the Ork's, thinking I could use the Imperium for proper tactics like the mini warp drive they have.
And is it text based chat to the other person? would be fun typing lik da Boyz nd daka all da sinkn humies.
Windows IME will be enough.
I know it is for me.
did you actually modify this yourself
y tho
These threads are half gay. Makes sense to me.
Takes two to make an inferno.
It dies seem like it happens to women more. I'd kill myself if I started to get the signs of Alzheimers. Had an aunt get that once. Started to hit me because she didn't know who I was.
They're characters I'm planning to do a comedy, slice of life thing with.
You have Nathan (on the left) who's a stoic "normalfag" and huge weeb dweeb Kyle (on the right).
So, I'm gonna have fun clashing their personalities together.
Thanks, but yeah, I'll fix the torso.
Also, I'm mostly gonna downplay the faggorty and make it feel like two guys doing bro stuff. Occasional gay shit, like hand holding and what not, but yeah.
How are you feeling after special times with Joey?
I found it on a mostly dead imageboard in a thread that wasn't posted in for about a year.
The fire rises
2.0 wasnt bad, but it lacked the amazingness of the first. We were all fired up too cause of bethesdas fucking constant shilling. And I mean goddamn constant. I forget a lot of shit browsing here but I remember how there were always 3 fallout threads in the fucking catalog. It was ridiculous. Then we had the porn spam and we started spoiling the ending everywhere. All the oc that was made for it was incredible too. That was an amazing few days.
Nah buddy. It's ok if you like hiding among your clothes and laundry. Just saying, I know you're in there. One day those catbras will be futa flavored. I see it coming.
Akarin is a lewd slut!
You have my interest. I've already found better images.
You probably think they have some special keyboard that makes typing in Japanese easier right?
That's not the case, it's just as good with a normal keyboard.
Going to dream of the waifu.
On second thought, never mind.
If Kek wills it.
Good luck!
Get out
Night yakuza~
Enjoy sweaty waifu dreams
I hope he wills it via doubles on this post.
Well, no, it's just that maybe if I configure my keyboard in some way that I get used to, that it will be harder to unlearn some bad configuration or something. I don't know if that makes sense.
quads my mang
I guess he doesn't want the fire to rise.
Entirely text.
Me and my friend we go 2v2 with both of us as Imperium. He specializes in long range with all the upgrades on his prow lances while I'm the one with all the upgrades to his hull and give a power ram to all my ships.We both act like cocky admirals, purging in the name of the Emperor.
We had two good days but after that it just sizzled. I was ready for more but everyone just kind of lost interest sadly enough. We needed to organize ourselves a bit better and pushed in all directions.
Night fag. Marie still best girl. :^)
Thanks. I'm going to need it with my lack of self-restraint.
Fuck you, we played video games and cleaned out an old shed
Yeah my grandma has had it for the past 15 years. At this point she barely remembers who she is or much of anything else really. She thinks shes 15 again and can barely speak english now, just french. Its sad to watch happen. I'd rather die if it happens to me. Just go die to a bear in the forest somewhere when it starts. Better to die a man than to waste away.
Oh god, you like lolis?
Nite yakuza, nice quads there.
Well, I'm leaving.
See you in a week, or two, or three.
Luckily not too burnt, but enough to give it that bitter flavour that I was not aiming for.
Was it just video games and cleaning out the shed?
Nah. But at least it isn't as cancerous as 3D
Yes, I beat him in Mario Kart and Dark Souls
The problem with 2.0 was it didnt have the anger behind 1. 1 was full fury due to bethesda, 2 was like traditional fun and just enjoying ourselves. In the end the hottest fire is anger. Im sure bethesda will shill the fuck out of the next elder scrolls gain and well push their e-shit in for it. Which will inadverdently be free shilling for them on accident as we start fires on the internet in anger
Will be a fun few days tho to be sure!
I didn't even know that was in there, sounds pretty great too will get it when I see it goes on sale since I am poor.
What other game modes are there then?
It was totally just shed cleaning and video games. Totally not lewd times.
Pretty much. I'm not sure what it would feel like having it all slowly slip away.
pictures of you are mom?
Later bushybrows user.
But 3D can be fun sometimes.
You ever clean out that garage?
Fuck off, no gay shit tonight
Pictures of you
Soon. I'm told we're going to start sometime early June I think.
No lewds, we played video games, that's it
I refuse
You had tons of lewds didn't you?
That's exactly what I used. I also got a recommendation to get some basic Japanese school textbooks after I cover everything from the pastebin.
I was playing Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Got raped on the boss in the fourth dungeon and lost a whole bunch of shit including weapons.
Wrong, we had none
I need to get around to starting to learn Nip. After that, I'll learn Russian for shits and giggles.
So you're used to things being so lewd that what you did wasn't lewd? Holy shit.
Come on now, don't be shy
You do have a point. When they do try shill their game I'll try be there to join in on the fun. I'll probably get a bit "creative" again like in the 2nd salt party.
There's 1v1 + 2v2 matchmaking.
In the game you're randomly picked an objective which some of them are plain imbalanced to a certain play style.
I think there's Cruiser Clash (Deathmatch basically), Transport (Attacker has to kill 2/3 of their transports before they get to the other end of the map), Intel something (Flag ship has the intel and has to warp out before the enemy destroys the ship it has and warps off with it or board it and steal it) and breakthrough (Hold a few platforms and if they blow them up prevent them from escaping through the off end of the map).
Apparently they are going to release elite skirmishes later on which are larger fleet battles for solo play but that's all about it.
I assume you know about the ships being persistent right?
I see you didnt say no. Say no more lil buddy.
Hope you two had fun tho
Yeah that seems like the worst part. Where you feel "yourself" slowly slip away. All the memories that made you you. Not sure i'd be down with that. At least if its just physical you're still you, just weaker. But mentally, thats not the same.
Nice. Sounds like a fun bonding exercise!
It's gonna be fun!
What'd you do?
There isn't that much to actually move, so I wont have to do much. It's mainly sorting.
Your brain is you, and that's all that matters in the end. It would truly be a fate worse than death.
Just remember, you are nothing more than a brain and a bunch of nerve endings. That means you're inside of a skeleton, not the other way around.
Pretty cool modes so far, hope they add more types in if they think of it.
And by persistent you mean you level them up to upgrade them right?
So why not do it this week and be done with it?
Exactly my thoughts. Once your personality and memories are removed you're not really you anymore. Thats what worries me most about it. Even if you live afew more decades the real you is gone and replaced so can it really even be considered you anymore? When everything that made you you is gone?
We're going to do some other shit as well, as a surprise for some reason. Don't ask me.
Hope you see this, cya mugi! Good luck with everything!
I think there's more gamemodes but I can't really entirely remember and yeah, that's what I meant by persistent since they still follow the same rules as the campaign.
They recently finally put in private games so I'm pretty glad about that.
I honestly can't wait for the relaunch of the miniatures again. I'm probably going to pick a few of them up.
I did a video.
Did a quick research and I guess I was wrong, they have a slightly different keyboard that allows faster typing.
To explain it, there are Hiragana like か (ka) typing k+a will make that character show up, Japanese keyboards only need one button press so they could theoretically type twice as fast.
I never heard about anyone using a Japanese keyboard before though, but I guess half the button presses to write words is not insignificant.
I didn't know that before, so sorry for the wrong information, but let me tell you it really works fine without a Japanese keyboard.
Skeletons aren't real idiot.
I don't know really. Why we have a concept of a soul maybe, so we'll always have something to hold onto. Maybe a cure will be found in your our lifetime.
That's what they want you to think.
Of all the lies you've ever told, this is the silliest.
Just imagine an animated nervous system
I see they already got you.
Oh, sounds exciting. Maybe its a car?
Sauce? I do remember one video during 2.0 but cant be sure.
Well I like to think we all have a soul. Certainly better than thinking we just die and degrade into nothing. Also no soul disproves most of the supernatural which would be pretty depressing if were all that there really is. But even if we did have a soul, your memories still make you you. It's like talking to someone who has amnesia or got their memory wiped. Are they really the same person anymore if their personality, memories and values are all different?
Guess its a case of the Ship of Theseus question.
It's just paint touch up around the house.
Imagine having to fight a skeleton, an animated nervous system and an animated muscular system
I hope you're not implying that I'm really a skeleton trying to convince others that they aren't real.
I suppose if we could prove the existence of a soul then it would all depend on that. If you were to die, but had a clone that was just like you, would you still be you?
I really do have too much Tamamo.
It's probably the one you're thinking about since I don't remember any one else doing a video.
I was going to do a second one but since everything died down I abandoned it.
I know your secrets.
No such thing as too much.
Are you sure?
I was thinking of giving Hungarian a try afterward because I believe history will repeat itself. We always had close ties to Hungary.
You can't have too much of a good thing.
Serbia stronk
Well fuck.
But specifically Fate's Tamamo. I do need some more MGQ though. I'm surprised by my lack of MGQ Tamamo. Why are all Tamamo's such cuties?
Don't worry, I'll let you borrow my 30 round clips.
But thats not a "surprise". What do you think the "surprise" is?
I say no, since it isnt even the same person. It'd be like in MGSV if you gave venom all of the boss memories and personality, if theyre not the same person theyre not the same person. It takes your memories, experiences and actually being there for it to be you. It's also why if teleportation ever existed i'd never do it
What about you? You still think you'd be you?
Yeah, might as well save all that energy for the next raid! Gonna be fun on a bun! Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later. These group activities are always great.
I don't think it counts as a surprise either.
I got another one for you.
See thats actually a clip. The other one was a mag. And I know you know the difference.
If thats the surprise its a terrible surprise. Hopefully its a trick surprise to hold the real surprise.
I can dump what I have. It's not a lot because not a lo care. No porn.
>Why are all Tamamo's such cuties?
It's the ears. And the smug.
Thanks man.
I agree. I don't think the copy would be you any longer.
All a ruse. I'm actually a skele.
You sure it isn't a clip for one of those high capacity tactical assault weapons with the shoulder thing that goes up?
If you're really lucky, you might get a Zero.
I can only hope.
Well the good thing is that depending on what we got I have half of the next one done. I might actually get a little more into video editing since I found it quite fun if exhausting.
If you want. I can probably find some myself if I dug around some boorus for a bit. I really need to create a script/program for scraping all the images.
I do have an obvious bias towards the ears.
>you will never be raped by a qt fox gril
this is it for me. Im gonna go back to playing vidya. Yall have a good one.
I dont believe you!
Oh my mistake. You're right. Its one of those very dangerous tactical AR-15s only crazy republicans use. Truly hillary will save us from these weapons of destruction!
Most likely the fox parts and what he said
Otama is actually Tamamo.
There ya go! Even an easy job for later. Especially if you make it a compilation of all the spoiled times we brought to reddit and twitch! Good times
You can always get a katana, because those are the superior swords.
>not raping the qt fox grill
Kill yourself
They hold the barrels, and those barrels let mass murders mow down thousands of children with a single bullet press!
OH, and the eyebrows too. Don't forget the eyebrows.
Ask hobo, he knows.
I know.
It's not what I want from life. Just wrap me up in them fluffy tails so I can die in comfort.
What a faggot.
With a name like that I'm not surprised. I am absolutely hopeless with my knowledge.
Thanks muh nigger.
This is the ultimate goal in life.
Different men have different tastes.
Great minds think alike.
I'm glad you understand.
Does Holla Forums take .ico files?
I bet you don't even like NTR you faggot.
You still have shit taste.
Don't think so. You'll have to put them through another file hosting site like catbox.moe or mixtape.moe or something.
You should read all of Foxy Rena, it's really fun.
Keep up that shit taste.
I try.
It's ok, not everyone can have the taste of gods.
I'm sure.
It's true.
It's on the backlog.
Whatever pleb.
This is all I have other than porn, and I'm not going to dump porn.
I swear this shit's gonna rivaling my waffle folder. Thanks I really appreciate it.
I was wondering why you were posting so many. Oh well I'll probably replace them later.
You should also check out some of the Setouchi Kurage stuff. Most of it is fully censored, but I like the plots they have.
I'm going to upload one of his recently translated works later today.
I can fix this. All i need is time.
It's too late.
Shit, what did I miss
Now with this much Tamamo and my English going to shit I think I'm going to bed. Night you faggots.
I'll be on the eye out for it then. You might actually get me into reading manga.
Fluffy tail.
Have a good night. Shame most kemono manga is untranslated. It's one of the reasons I am going to start studying moon runes.
I'm officially out now.
Well shit, the thread died
Dream of Tamamos.
I know you are, but that am I?
You were cuter with chens tbh
Foxes are cuter. Everyone should post them.
I'm not going to dump 2000 something Chens for you.
No. Girls are cutest of all. Even more than foxes.
No of course not. You only dump chens for ritsu
I don't dump for anyone anymore.
Only cause Ritsu NTR'd you.
Late pizza.
I was going to have him make do with nuggies.
I have to meet my post quota for today.
thread you should be made when I get up not before that
Just what is your post quota?
Wait til me make our cyclical one.
Around 20 posts.
The quota thing was a joke. I just don't post much these days.
I don't believe you. Who threatened you?
You don't look very happy.
The guy in that picture is just playing doom.
I usually smile when I play doom. That Aliens tc is surprisingly intense. It would be great to get a group of people together to crate a squad of marines like in the movie. Don't know if it works with zandro.
I remember reading about something about spawning additional marines, but I assumed they were just talking about AI.
Doom friendly ai is shit. I want to do it with real people. Would be fun.
That would be great. Here is what the readme says:
guys, i fell in love with someone i'll never see again
MY GOD, checked.
At least you got quads.
What happened?
This is pretty much the only site I can call home since virtually every single one is either reddit/tumblr tier, or just simply boring as shit. I stick around for drawthreads and stuff, but even those lose their charm.
Every single attempt my friends made to cheer me up failed, be it lewds, deliveries, etc.
That's terribly dreadful, user. My heart goes out to you…
…and you. At least you got to love someone.
I'm a retard who needs a gf and thinks he has a chance with every woman who smiles at him, this girl started a conversation with me, and i don't know, she seemed interested from my point of view, still, i'll probably never see her again.
It's not what you think, i don't have anybody to love, i haven't had anybody to love for real for 5 years now.