Happy women's day, Holla Forums. Lets appreciate the weaker sex today by having a womenpill thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gonna dump some stuff and start with some obvious redpills. First, women are masters of deception - where men were gifted with strength and intelligence, women were naturally talented with cunning/deception.



You know who the real problem is??
t. OP

Both are an issue. One is exacerbated by the other.



The problem is Jews. Then Jew women. Then women. In that order, only because the first two created the conditions for the third to be a problem in the first place.




Another kike.


Wait, stop, please don't go.

shit thread



I'll be honest I wouldn't be too made if she stayed as the 1st pic. At least she's not a fucking land whale. She also looks like she does anal and swallows, big plus.




The pill was the start of the problem

Someone meme Pepe onto the 1st image, quick.



What type of retarded WGTOW shit is this?

I think you mean


OC for user.

Thank you

This is a good start, now to put the Le Pen Pepe face over the God like house wife's face, and the Trump Pepe over the husbando face.

Has there been any good Twatter salt from nobody giving a fuck women didn't go to work today?

nah, you fucked up
want us to save you? get on your knees

As far as MGTOW goes, it's for fags. Completely disregarding women is wrong/counterproductive. However, the idea that women should be treated like princesses/spoiled despite being shitty whores 90-95% of the time is part of the cancer known as (((the modern woman))). (((Society))) is pushing the idea that women are the best thing ever and men are shit, no matter what. Once again Lurianic Kabbalism aka Judaism flipping everything on it's head. Women need to be knocked down a few notches at every chance possible. We are not equal and anyone with that state of mind is going to get cucked. I simply want anons to take the misogynypill. Misogyny is great - great for men, great for women. The key is you must truly be the superior for it to work, otherwise you're going to end up in jail/with a restraining order. It's about guiding/teaching/training, not being a dick for being a dick's sake.

I would love to treat my girl like a princess, I would love to treat her as if she was my little girl - but the truth is, the vast majority of women don't deserve it. So like Neil Young, I keep searching for a heart of gold and a hymen And I'm not gonna let some used up skank try to deceive me into thinking she deserves my love/guidance/protection.

If you guys ever look at normie shit to see what's being pushed into their brains, check out Broad City. It's the latest kike-fueled woman-destroying propaganda for "cool girls"
Tryhard women trying hard to be degenerates to be edgy and "cool". This is the shit we have to deprogram dumb fucking women from.


You'd have to be a low test fucking kike to try to influence women to wear make up

She craves the big white cock, look at her quote about how fascists are sexy

No one skipped work at my job today. I've heard the same from friends. Probably because all the women I work with have an IQ above room temperature.

Final version for you, user.


I have been thinking of memeing Man's day for tomorrow.

All we need to do is to claim it's international man's day and claim to be celebrating it.

It might become viral. Think of all of the salt this would generate. We don't need governments to create holidays, we can just claim it to be, and so it becomes

For turbo extra salt, make it Man's Week

I like it, but isn't every single day international man's day? It's a man's world after all :^)

That's just a joke/excuse.
It's not triggering.

If people were to outright commemorate, then it would trigger the fuck out of them.

Especially if we do it for a week

heiled, the digits speak.

Though, larping as MGTOW's kinda fun. I'll allow this thread given the day.

Not her.

dubs of truth

Anyone here a fan of the late, great, Patrice O'neal?

He was essentially my first redpill. The way he broke down women and relationships blew my mind. The man had insight.

Love how like controlled feminists are fucking silent on islam

Stayin denial.


Is that Natalia doing drugs?!?

Sooo shad up and take my money. I'll die for the cause.

What caused that second major drop in the early 70s?

I doubt it. Whoever it is though is doing some dank colombian

UIDF in action.
Hey you look alot like Natalia, let's do this:
Wear this uniform and pretend that you're about to rail this flour

Ask yourself which sane person would allow himself getting filmed while doing drugs? Especially a prosecutor

fucking feminists, used to call them feminazis - that is just insulting nazis in hindsight

This is a good rip of this.

Before I was redpilled I had a gf who was into the old fashioned housewife role. She wanted to cook, clean, serve me dinner when I got home and get a spanking. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for dumping her.

Look her up, mate.

Pure pottery.

Provide some decent evidence.


Holy shit this is great, thanks

Great caps. Here's a few more.

Just stop with the deprogramming/unbrainwashing bullshit. It doesn't work that way. Listen to Yuri.

this thread is bumplocked anyway

That suspiciously happens when ever we get too close to the truth on how to fix females. Usually some combo of the caps here

not true
it may not be easy or simple, but they can be deprogrammed most definitely