Holla Forums Tranny Deringer edition

Lads, thread hit bump limit, so here comes the second one! This time, we ask NI user to visit Elena's bookstore.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.es/maps/uv?hl=es&pb=!1s0x486108571f026c2b:0xc356cf8262a08f92!2m19!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4shttps://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=113905861871975698455&id=6322742116361032114&target=PHOTO!5sjustbooks belfast - Buscar con Google&imagekey=!1e3!2s-rSRhx8tTxfM/V77kdJwZ0bI/AAAAAAAAAUY/284a9qyafockZjb1SeOJxl_11iB2tP9XgCJkC&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5x4vVpcfSAhUiI8AKHdnTAgwQoioIcjAK

b u m b

Just for the lulz or do we have an actual plan?

Plan is that North Ireland user visits this bookstore.
google.es/maps/uv?hl=es&pb=!1s0x486108571f026c2b:0xc356cf8262a08f92!2m19!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4shttps://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=113905861871975698455&id=6322742116361032114&target=PHOTO!5sjustbooks belfast - Buscar con Google&imagekey=!1e3!2s-rSRhx8tTxfM/V77kdJwZ0bI/AAAAAAAAAUY/284a9qyafockZjb1SeOJxl_11iB2tP9XgCJkC&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5x4vVpcfSAhUiI8AKHdnTAgwQoioIcjAK
Here's the place, lads.

Trannys with guns thread?


Well i already knew they were spoiled middle class mentally ill kids.

They even have a FaceBook page!
It would be a pity if any user digged on them, am I right?

Is it all Holla Forums that is this stupid, or is it just their trannies? This is like the third tranny I've seen from them that likes to pretend to be hard by having a cop-killing assault rifle with a shoulder-thing that goes up.

They are all dumb subhumans, user.


do you even know what a subhuman is? I feel that most of you guys here are just larping teenagers, who have no German blood at all. Self hating non-whites that have daddy issues.

Come on really are you guys really that /r9k/ tier of "I have no gf" that you jerk off to a tranny isn't that degenerate? I expected better from this board but I guess not. Have fun I guess dumb repressed homosexuals.


How about you are a good boy and go back at your discord chat? Also, I recommend you to stop using thumbnails for pictures.
I do know what a subhuman is, here's a pic of two.

Get out leftypol, you're all self hating faggot whites being fucked over by jews.

This fag is ugly as fuck yet Im seeing everyone at leftypol sucking his dick. Truly leftypol is an endless source of laughter for the rest of the site

wow leftypol sure got here fast, it's almost like none of them have jobs and they just sit in their slovenly rooms all day and jerk off to tranny porn post about how they want a political revolution for an ideology they don't even understand.

But trannies are degenerate and subhuman, it shows that man is so depressed and effeminate that they fall in the delusion that self mutilating their genitals will transform them into the opposite sex. It only shows the state of decline of the current civilization.

>>>Holla Forums

t. man at work

are you sure? because that's what it looks like.

Fucking fag.

He's cute. Post more.

How about you go back to >>>Holla Forums?

Off yourself leftypol but yeah post more of the fag

Do they have more pics of this twink?

Fucking cuckchan-tier bait

>>>Holla Forums Looks like I found the triggered leftists. Tell you what, instead of pretending like you are going to do something, why not do something productive, like read a book, understand your ideology, and circlejerk.

But its okay I understand you want to hang out with the cool kids its fair, also is this one of those, everything I don't like is leftypol moments, because I lurk in Holla Forums and I see this autistic as fuck shit. I believe that you guy actually secretly like leftypol and without them you wouldn't have anything better to do.

Also just because someone sees what you really are and points it out, does not mean they are from leftypol. Now then if you want to keep sperging out and calling me leftypol go for it and waste your time, not like you edgy larpers have anything better to do.

what is this cancer and why is it still up?

I'm on lunch, I have some free time to make fun of communists as I eat.

You post just like them, and you immidiately sprang to their defence. You could not be from there I guess but you certainly aren't from here.

Nigger what? You're the one protecting a fucking degenerate. Don't pretend to be a Holla Forumslack you all suck at it.

Hi everyone, lets talk about tranny e-celebs. That's a great idea, right?

It ain't an eceleb.

Allying with other races as long as they stay on their own countries is fine, but this tranny shit has to go. They are degenerates of the highest order and a complete deconstruction of western values, they are walking abominations.

Nigga wat, by the time Holla Forums came into being most of us were already ancientfags

This here's no celeb, an user mined this from an invite only discord.


Why is Holla Forums so fucking degenerate? Stalin would've send them all to the gulag.

u wot m8?

not long enough, faggot

The fuck are you talking about negro, most of us were around prior Holla Forums's inception. Get out of here and go suck your tranny cock on the discord

This is not eceleb, it's leftypol attention whoring

No one answered my question: where can I find more pics of this guy? OP, can't you dumb everything you got from that discord?

Check the older thread you fag. Or just check the bloody facebook page I posted.

Didn't notice this thread had a prequel. Thanks for the pics.



Leftypol wouldnt follow the ideas of cis white males.

not enough passable qt3.14 sissies ITT

honestly after the boom in users from them when they were barely trailing off from Holla Forums I suspect that they're either inflating their numbers or most of them got members from users that are not from the Chans.

maybe that's why Holla Forums lately has gone to shit, because of these faggots inviting invaders into the entire site.

defenestrate yourself, homo.

Holla Forums is a group of closed liberals, some of them anarchists with wet dreams (of government support), who hate USSR for being "not real socialism", and call Stalin a fascist, or state capitalist. You can compare them to mensheviks of russian revolution, social democrats that want capitalism with the face of equality, because they fear deep in their soul that if communism actually hits them, they will be alienated because they never worked, practiced unhealthy sodomy and absorbed the /r9k/ crowd.
Eventually they will all die of aids.

It's like you're not even trying.

It's mainly redditors who use leftypol as their dumping ground.

your dubs are thrown into the trash…


CIA here.

You autists forgot about me, and frankly it's a little insulting to not see you all sperging out about me. Here's a timestamped pic of me just for you all to enjoy screaming at.

Also, please, go ahead and post pictures of yourselves in this thread and prove that you're a big guy. Tell me about yourselves, why do you use the vpn. Besides, appearences are not what matter in the long run. To make an entire thread focusing on this only proves even further that you fundamentally have no next step of your master plan.

You have done a fantastic job with this against special forces, however, you refuse to see that you cling to feeling that you have power over me just as they do. You don't fly so good just like they do. You have your safe spaces and they have theirs. You see, /myplane/ is not, nor has it ever been a safe space that shot someone before throwing them out of a plane. We encourage open discussion. This is the difference between the radical CIA as opposed to the big guys or the hired guns. I used to be part of the far right, I was born in it, molded by it. however i grew sick of the excuse making for the big guys and crashing planes with no survivors. That is why I allow special forces and Pavel on our plane and encourage debate. I am sick of hired guns with a lot of loyalty. Feelings are meant to be hurt. Masks are meant to be taken off. Fires are meant to be started.

a NI user here, can someone give me a quick run down on what's going on?

I like where this meme is going.

Everyone is gay for Elena. She's like Bridget of Holla Forums. You just can't resist from fapping on her face, belly and little penis.

Top kek! We found our new navy seal copypasta.

I'm sorry, but I like oppai.

By the way, talking about memes. Video releated. Russian leftypol is growing.

Can someone link to the original thread? I see a lot of people mentioning it, then I searched the catalog into page fucking 15 without finding a single goddamn thing. Manually searching, ctrl-f for keywords, and nothing to show for it.

Maybe if you're Communist. Stalin loved boy prostitutes.


Stalin wasn't a Jew

Always annoys me when I see an otherwise good infographic with errors in; it's not like there aren't enough Communists who were yids to fill it up

Now when you think of it, he killed 65 million commie kikes. Good man.


You can't be protected from propaganda that is specifically made with errors for opposing party to exploit on it later. I sometimes think some things get posted on Holla Forums to be debunked later. Especially things for mentioning which can get you banned.

Most of those were innocent Russians, lad.

Shit though he was, he was clever enough to realise that the Jews as an organised group were a threat to his power and got rid of some of them (which they still kvetch about), even though he used Jews to enforce Stalinist regimes in Russia

I hate Stalinism, but it is a much less Jewish ideology than Trotskyism or the pre-Stalinist regime (it didn't want to destroy the family and had limited aspects of nationalism, unlike Lenin/Trotsky who wanted to destroy Russia)

I have wondered about that too, because I know shitlibs love to point out minor factual errors in things and feeling smug that they've won the error; also if someone who is not already on our side checks it and sees something like that that is wrong, it will cause them to just reject the whole thing.

It is especially unecessary in this case since the Jewish/Communist connection is so easy to prove without making claims that are uncertain, like about Stalin

Max Weber was a German nationalist anti-Communist, not a Jew or a Communist

Shit picture

Delete if you have it

Learn to read, nigger.

Habermas was a member of the hitlerjügend and fought on the western front kek

You know, maybe I'm new for just figuring this out now, but I've realized that you can always identify the Holla Forums shills by how categorically unfunny they are. They do seem to put in an honest effort, but every attempt at humor falls completely flat and fails to resonate with anyone, including fellow shills. Like, it isn't even a typical kind of unfunny we'd get from newfags and cuckchan refugees, I don't know, it almost comes off as too unfunny; unnatural. It paints a target on their backs.

I honestly think their subversion would be much less detectable and more effective if they'd just stop trying to be funny.

It's because their attempts to be funny are always laced with leftist ideology. It's not funny because it's the equivalent of going to a bar for a comedy show and having the comedian unironically preach to you about surrendering to Christ.

cum town > mde

brony pls go

Ulsterman reporting in. Trannies in my province REEEEEEE!!

Disillusioned Holla Forumsack here. The mods are shit and I want the board to burn. They've all but admitted that they literally don't give a shit about removing shitposts.

How should we proceed?

Lad, now that you know where this bookstore is, give em a visit and record everything with a GoPro cam or some shit like that.

You should proceed by committing suicide for being a failure and belonging to an ideology of failure propagated by failures.

Suicide would be a good next move.

Well, okay, but what comes before suicide? Suicide can wait until I've run out of things to fap to.

an interpretive razor dance to the following score:


Browsing /leftyhugbox/ unironically.

Proceed as planned? Lazy mods have never stopped you before.

Break that political ideology catgirls drawfag's hugbox and give her stuff some good redlines and edits.

First of all get redpilled and stop supporting anti-traditionalist ideas that end up with slavery of your whole nation and destruction of nation's culture. Second - liberalisation of Holla Forums was only a matter of time, since not a single one of you were independed from capitalist luxury.
Become national socialist, and don't even hope for Holla Forums's support in unfucking your board, we aren't doing that.

That's at most a minor nuisance. It won't cause significant problems for the board as a whole.

The best solution would be something automated and widespread - not confined to a single thread.

Who said anything about unfucking? I believe my words were "I want the board to burn."

So you want your shitboard to burn. Does that mean you will fuck off back to Reddit?

Whom'st is this young intellectual?

That comic actually makes a lot of sense…

Just Books and cultural marxist political agendas


Nope. Hopefully the actual redditors who have infested it will fuck off though.

I dunno, with that lack of self-esteem you leftists are known for it may be too hard for you to change now, and I just don't think you have the effort in any of you guys.
Maybe consider killing yourself?

This is really terrible someone infiltrates our memes with disinformation. We live in the world where half truths rule the world, its easy to dismantle the ideology if you control the information they are receiving.
Its very unwise if someone will start saving the disinfo. Always question everything.

See, this is why we are national socialists. When your entire ideology depends on being the worst and most lazy human being possible, its should be no shock to find out everything is shit, corrupted, bureocratic and retarded. This is one of the major reasons why gommunism and its variants will never work, it is dependant of its adherents being self-destructive to perpetrate itself until collapse.

High hopes, you know they won't. We all know what happened with 4chins.

I don't actually think communism can work at the moment. I think we need to fix humans or remove them from the decision-making apparatus first before any ideal society could be built. Humans are fundamentally flawed creatures which are not fit to govern themselves.

I always knew jews don't identify as humans.

I am one.

I am not one.

Cat man makes fair point.

Then why do you promote an ideology that is ultimately unfit to work for the people/species it was designed for? Do you not want people to prosper and grow better with each passing generation? What's wrong with you?

They're not furries, but with the tumblr-tier artstyle they may as well be.

Even if there are redditors on it, you know that the vast majority of those you perceive as being from reddit are just the run of the mill faggots you choose to associate with?

The other user is right. You can either patch the cracks in your mind that caused you to believe in things that directly disobey logic, or you can fuck off. We aren't really in the business of helping the left.

You want the board to burn? It's burning. It's feeling the bern hard. It's filled with lefties and redditors (redundant, I know) so it's inevitable that it will fall further and further into disrepair until it is ashes. Now please go away.

Actually they identity as the only 'true' humans and consider the goyim to be non-humans

Read some natsoc material. Inherent flaws can be fixed via training, meditation and self-discipline, its really not that hard once you understand how "order" works. You view yourself too lowly and the irony amuzes you, so you perpetrate it by inaction. Overcoming your self-indulgence is part of a journey, an "inner struggle" if you will. Humans are perfectly capable of governing themselves in a well-adjusted fair and geographicaly limited homogeneous society, historicaly proven. AI is pure pragmatism and would not be fit to govern humans, it would be like a man trying to govern a group of zebras.

Humans will always govern other humans. Those are leaders and government is needed to keep people in the right direction. A shit ideology or "direction" like communism will only ruin people as it against nature and especially human nature.

National Socialism lets people to undo of those flaws with their own hands at their own time, some people will always be better than others and that's fine as we are not equal. Only a system of ultimate truth with nature in mind can be perfect.

You know what, you're right. I expected nothing yet I am somehow still disappointed.

That's a funny analogy to use. There's a reason domesticated animals aren't going extinct.

I miss the troubles tbh, Belfast was a much better place.

This is Britain I could literally get done for a hate crime and go to jail. Just surprised this even really exists in the province

a tldr for newfag gommie:

Your ideology will never work because you seek perfection, ours do because we seek improvement, perfection may or not be achieved and we may not even notice it when we reach there, its the principle of humility.

I want you to know that even though I hate what you think, I don't hate you user. I think you have a chance here, but it's not always up to the individual what they believe, else I would be able to just choose to be religious, for instance.
Regardless, good luck with whatever you do next, so long as it doesn't fuck us over.

Funny you mention that, give this a read en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_welfare_in_Nazi_Germany

inb4 kikepedia

Is farming and domesticating everything the key to ending extinction?

That picture is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Hurr durr laws don't exist either because they're not a physical thing. And race is an apparent fabrication we wuz all da same inside


(Nice triplets)
Of course they don't. Leftists resent the success of others, which is why equity is so appealing to them; they're the child at the playground back in school who would constantly cry at every game for being unfair because the other kids run faster, except they've never grown out of it. Usher people into a slave morality so you climb on the backs of others, that is they're only method of dominance.

Read up, it took me a while to find this article again.

Modern ideas of socialism don't want humans to prosper, but accept absolute forced equality, which end up with weird social alienations and punishments for those who are disobeying the masters who install thought control laws. Many socialists are masochists for leftist authoritarian government, while calling non-socialists authoritarian. They want the "masters" to prosper, not the people. And its all done through very careful, very slow brainwashing of young population.
But that's again - modern ideas. Marxist economy seems not appropriate even for socialists themselves nowadays (because jew apparently can't make profit of this system), and looked upon with doubt or no usage of actual theory. This ends up with capitalists and jews striving to redo and save the capitalism through new equality theories, and also protect themselves from real "radical" socialists who want to destroy the social democrats too, because of exploitations of labor.

So jew decides to do this to protect his place against socialists, while protecting himself from nationalists at the same time:
1. Infiltrate socialist communities and make them believe that liberalism is better alternative.
2. Make them feel sad for jews and crimes commited against them by nazis
3. Convince them that all previous forms of socialist government weren't "real" socialism, social democracy is.
4. Make them believe that all forms of right wing capitalism are inheretably evil fascism and trump is literally hitler
5. Make sure they also believe that liberalism is left wing socialism and brings love and peace to everybody, while hiding their crimes against humanity
6. Let them larp with communist flags and continue to support liberal ideas, degeneracy, unhealthy social behaviors and completely alienate themselves from marxist crowd, while willingly giving support for crooked capitalists like Obama and Hillary, because they cared for "equality issues", which are all part of complex identity politics

So its a very complex control of government opposition, that was probably building since CIA fought against KGB causes, and end up with the idea of liberalising all the commies in their country. Now the brainwashing is used to make sure american socialists still fight against Trump and don't look at corrupt DNC history, which is available through wikileaks, to make use of those "useful idiots".


The policies were regulating farming or domestication. Hitler reforested vast areas of germany in wich wildlife could and should exist freely. Domesticated animals were forbidden from being mistreated or having cruelty inflicted upon them. Farmers were under obligation to give anesthetics before killing any animal.

Belfast user from last thread reporting in.
I'm considering checking the area out tomorrow and doing some standard reconnaissance stuff. Casing the joint, but also try not to look autistic and get the fuzz on my arse for being shifty.

Turns out one of those prime Holla Forums tranny degenerates is from our neck of the woods and has been slinking around a commie bookshop around here.
I'd offer to co-ordinate with you but I'm paranoid about my OPSEC


This is something hard for leftists to understand, due to propaganda and decades of jewish social engineering.

They all see the world like this

And then they never study national socialism, or its effects and ethos. Here is something 99.9% of leftists dont know

Banning Nuclear and atomic weapons;

In 1938, two Germans scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, discovered that when they bombarded uranium with neutrons they could split the uranium atoms’ nuclei into two parts releasing energy and more neutrons (a process called fission.) Thus Nazi Scientists knew how to create energy-producing fission chain reactions as the neutrons from one split-atom plowed into surrounding atoms, splitting them also.

According to Skorzeny, the atomic Bomb was opposed by Hitler himself as early as in 1940 “for not converting this planet into a stellar object being consumed by Flames” After the sabotage action in Norway, “which had damaged the capacity of producing heavy water and also freighters transporting heavy waters were sunk”, he discussed the topic with Hitler:

Hitler, who had read an article of Heisenberg, said:” The effects would be terrible.. All kind of life, not only human life but also life of animals and plants would be exterminated for hundreds of years within a radius of 40 Kilometers …… No nation; no group of civilized humans beings could consciously bear such responsibility. From strikes and counter strikes the human species would exterminate itself”

Just saying, the guys who run the place know you're planning on showing up.

It's right in the city centre with hundreds of people passing by, how the hell are they going to know it's me? I'm not a trenchcoat fedora-wearer, user, the plan is to look like a totally normal person.

Just get some special /k/ brownies to pass out, lefties love free food right?

I love you guys
Keep it up~

Good bait

Just grab some paint spray and draw a huge PeePee PooPoo

Fag marriage never ever
Stay eternally mad

We all know you're gonna hang yourself soon.

I don't do it often, but I have to disagree with Hitler on that one.
Granted, given what he knew at the time vs what we know now, I can see how he would hold that view - hell, prior to US actually testing some of these weapons, they weren't actually certain whether or not their use would create a chain reaction that would obliterate the Earth's oxygen atmosphere… And yet the US, with kike approval, tried it out anyway.

There are certainly horrors which might be unleashed by men undeserving of such authority having such authority.
I would argue the issue is that those same Jewish social engineering efforts implanted the idea in their heads that those weapons ought be for killing ourselves, as opposed to killing our enemies - but, since leftists don't view modern hominids sanely, instead choose to view them as 'one race, the human race, maaaaan', its no surprise they see weapons designed for eliminating ones enemies and view them as 'stuff to kill ourselves'.

Satan confirms, stop being a degenerate while its still time

Forgot my image.

Show us your surgical axe wound or gtfo.
There are no trannies on the internet.


How about stopping being a faggot, undying your hair, trowing away your shitty hormones, selling your shitty vidya collection and start wearing male clothes and being interested in girls? Are you sure you want to die of aids or kill yourself out of depression, when your female mentality will conflict with male body?
There's a beauty of strenght and family building in being a strong mentally stable man, and you are trowing away the gift of being a male, you can't even dispose of it fully and this shitty sex driven desire will kill you.

I'm the maker of that picture.

That's debateble. Firstly information about Stalin's family is shrouded with secrecy. So all information about his heritage is basically gone 90 years of white washing and historical revionism by the communist government, jews, and the modern russian government which still wants to hold onto communist nostalgia.

What we know is that Stalin was working for Rothchild during his labour union days. In the book Young Stalin the author discribes Stalin hearing that he gets hired by Rothchild and he gets exited. So he knew who Rothchilds were, which was pretty fringe knowledge even with anti-semite circles during that time. It wasn't like they were advertising themselves as the master mind behind Jewish revolutionary force We have hard to understand how bottled up the information was just because illiteracy was very high, and there was no internet. So getting to know who the Rothscilds were ments you needed to be in the Jewish loop of information or have some business contacts with them. To avarage goy the Rothcilds were just a family banking business, and most people didn't even have a bank account let alone a back account in Rothchilds bank.

There is a good case made that, Stalin if not a jew, was very much hanging around with them and getting to know their reach of power.. What people don't understand that most of the communist revolutionaries knew they would win in Russia. They got fresh new men, and they had the Jews running the communist underground, and it was linked with the Jewish underground and criminal black markets, Jewish criminal gangs, which had powerful international connection to Germany, Sweden, Britanin, France, Italy, USA, etc. They were running underground resistance against the Church and the Monarcs of Europe. This is crusial because understanding your reach of men, guns and money gives you an insight into the revolution. And because they knew they had more radical men, guns and money then the Tzar they were confident of their victory. They tried a revolution during the Japanese-Russian war, but failed. The thing is that to the communist this was just one attempt, and they were gathering more men and preparing for another revolution which came during WW1. The secret reason for WW1
probably was to get Russian troops into their borders and getting the economy to get reculated so it was easier for the communist to try revolution again.

The real hint of Stalins Jewishness is his last name. Joseph Djugashvili.. Djugasvili is poor translation georgia to russia and from russia to english. The Winston Ministery of Truth blog had two good articles about his name, but now that blog is down.


Reconaissance for what? You guys know that Holla Forums is reading this right? You could maybe stop fucking embarrassing us and sounding like a tacticool retard

He's fairly obviously being slightly humorous. And even if he wasn't caring about our image on a Chinese image board is silly.

Maybe I won't actually go user? Maybe I know they're reading and I'm just trying to scare the shit out of some commie fuckwits and make them paranoid all day that a fascist is going to show up at their doorstep.
Or maybe I will?
What do I give a shit? What do I have to fear from communist trannies and numales?

You are going to completely ignore arguments about Max Weber, Bertolt Brecht and Jürgen Habermas? And Dzhugashvili is not a jewish family name, but it only sounds in english like a "jewashvili". He's not named "Ebraelebishvili" or something.

Also "young stalin" is a very poor source for rothchild connections, why the fuck author calls Stalin "Red Tsar", that's fucking degenerate… oh wait
So the author of the book that accuses Stalin of jewish connections to Rothchilds himself is a jew, and placed obvious bait for nationalists. How funny.

You said you want to go there dressed normally and do pretty much nothing. I'm not sure how that's supposed to scare people. If you want to scare people, at least be threatening to go there with a couple of people.


Commies are petrified at the idea of fascists even existing, user. I'm not sure you've been paying attention for the last while.
Maybe I'll do more than look around? Maybe I should take a leaf out of the Donald's playbook and not publicly reveal my exact fucking plans before I carry them out?

Just saying user, chances are, you'll walk into a borderline empty building, you'll be the first person they've seen in hours so they'll know it's you, the place will be so tiny that you can't escape line of sight and then you'll have to walk back out again or risk taking action and getting a beating. Really, I just don't get what you're trying to prove by going there.

To be honest, I can understand why these fucks become trannies, they are already naturally low test, even as a "cis person". They don't even have to use estrogens to become a tranny.

Godspeed Satan

Taking a beating, from some deranged tranny… Is this lefty pol trying to dissuade a fellow ulsterbro from seeing their commie shop?

Excuse me kind user, you wouldn't happen to have any more dox on the fag in 2nd pic would you? I'm presented with an opportunity to relieve stress on Holla Forums


I'm speaking as a guy who has been to the place, yeah. And I don't think you realize that the place is usually populated by trade union men in their thirties and forties rather than tumblr trash.

Frankly, I don't mind if you show up. There's really not much for you to see beyond a couple of bookshelves, a few magazines, a shitty old computer and a coffee machine. Unless you're interested in seeing some Spanish propaganda posters.

Also fyi, they don't like Communists there. They're anarcho-syndicalists, it's a bit of a difference. So even if you do show up, maybe brush up on your insult lingo.

Guys guys guys
Why do you hate trannies
I determined myself unfit for reproduction

Probably a lefty/pol/ shill. Recce for youl find out what, how about that?

Have some pasta.

You're sick.
You need help. Instead of cutting off your dick or sewing your cunt shut, why don't you try, I don't know, taking some of the appropriate hormonal augmentation as per what you ARE, as opposed to what you FEEL LIKE as a direct result of your PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER.

Why is that trans people are so keen on altering their bodies instead of altering their minds?
Is it that you're afraid you won't be 'you' anymore once the problem is fixed, once your sickness is cured?
You don't have to be afraid.

Your whole argument falls apart from there - its not about changing your bodies to suit your mind, you should try changing your mind to suit your body.

We have technology.
You don't have to be sick anymore user.
We can help you, without any surgery at all.

You are sick.
You FEEL like something that you are NOT, and will NEVER be, BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK.
Instead of STAYING SICK and surgically/hormonally altering yourself to FEED INTO YOUR SICKNESS, you should get WELL, by taking hormonal augmentation that will OVERCOME YOUR SICKNESS and let you FEEL like what you ARE.

Face it OP…
You're just upset that people don't support you mutilating yourself for the sake of your psychological disorder, and instead urge you to take medication that will FIX THE PROBLEM.
(Its because you don't want to admit you have a problem. Like a fucking addict.)

are you speaking fucking english m8?

Hahahahahahahaha, get a load of this goy living in some 1920's working class fantasy. Trade union roughnecks, roaming the streets of Belfast looking for fist fights.

Why not just show up in a mask, trash the place and toss a few molotovs for good measure?
Seems a better use of ones time.

go on the leftypol thread there is a pic of the tranny's arse and dick, ofc you should just kill yourself for fapping to trannies

That's why at least 1 tranny communist frequents it on the reg and sets up online funding campaigns to save it. Right.
I'm sure

or you could just go to the old thread

Nice straw man m8. Why would they bother fighting? The point is that they wouldn't just go down like bitches if they got fought.

And if you don't believe me, fair enough. That's up to you, dude. Unless you're planning on showing up yourself, it may as well be a Schrodingers Cat situation.


it's degenerate
it's unnatural
it's impossible


Oh sweet summer child

Srsly tho I've never understood this
Why stop someone removing themself from the genepool? I bet you think suicide is a "sin" too~

I honestly don't hate the individual. You are someone suffering from a mental illness. In truth its very sad, and i hope you are able to get help and get better. But playing to your delusion is actually evil. It is a sign of just how sick and degenerate our society is, that rather than help poor people like yourself people would rather humor you. All the while you commit suicide at ludicrously high rates.

great taste user.

youtube .com/watch?v=JDqcKtxm8B8
youtube .com/watch?v=IRCBzsii4Uk

Jesus fucking christ I give up trying to embed either of these. One is urban, the other is outdoors.

Come check it out and see for yourself if you're that confident, user.

Because the world needs you as you need it.

nah i'd rather just make fun of you on the internet

Its not a matter of sin - you're sick.
And I don't want you to be sick. Because I give a shit, genuinely. I wouldn't want someone to have cancer and not try to treat their cancer because they 'feel' like a cancer-starved corpse either.

Why are you so selfish? What happened to you?
Srsly tho I've never understood this

Why keep being sick if you acknowledge you are sick? I bet you're just scared you'll stop being 'you'


No, I admit my mistakes. I did research from wikipedia jumping page to page, and ctrl + f "Jewish", "jew", etc. I was trying to gather as much Jewish communist in picture as I could. I found shit load of communit jews, but unfortunally they didn't have a picture that I could find from google. In my defence I was probably doing that image and gethering information 0300 A.M.

In the case of Max Weber I probably though the name was Jewish.

No… In the Winstonministeryoftruth blog it was stated that "Dzhu" meant a specific Jew from some ancient island from the cost of india or something. It apparently was majour trade harbour. It also made a case why The "son of iron" translation was not viable option. Unfortunately that blog is taken down. Nobody knows what happened to black rabbit.

The author of that book had direct lineage to the Rothchilds, and apparently that book was made from the information gathered from some rothchild archives.

Holla Forums, maybe you should stop?

This is how gamergate started.

You don't want to create leftypolgate, do you?

Shame. Could have been funny.

The ~s don't make you look feminine or sexy, and instantly outs you as a male and a tranny because you type like a bad ERPer.

My sides

The internet's a magical place, isn't it?

This is not the same at all Holla Forums shill, Zoe had a clique and cabal helping her, leftypol is full of nobody retards who know nothing about "state capitalism" and bio anthropology

What are these dubs trying to tell us?

See that's the problem tho, hrt is the only thing that stops the Actual symptoms (like seriously look in to this part, it's interesting. Lots of weirdness with like motor control and self-image).

In 20 years when the hubbub has passed and there's a blood test for androgen insensitivity or mirror neuron deficiency or whatever fucked up neurological disease causes the suite of symptoms, with an actual treatment to match, sure.

Medicine just isn't there yet user~
(Plus being a futanari is better than you know~)

>t. Tranny

leftypol are such fucking LARPers

Zoe is actualy female, for starters.

We already know Holla Forums is filled with tranny-craving degenerates, it would be like taking some common knowledge thing like "niggers are stupid" and calling it niggergate.

Its sick lad, it can't help itself it seems. Even it acknowledges that, despite knowing it is sick, it would instead prefer - motivated by its sickness, no doubt, for it is a sickness of the mind - to remain sick. As such, it is no surprise it desperately tries everything it can to pretend it isn't sick and that this is all just fun times and games.

But it is sick. And it knows this. It cannot unknow this. It undoubtedly tries not to remember that it is sick, tries to deny that it is sick, tries to ignore that it is sick.
But it knows it is sick. And it will always know that.

Either it will try to fix itself, or it will die. Seeing a person kill themselves this way, due to their sickness of the mind, is awful.
Whether it is someone strung out on meth, heroin, or hormones, seeing someone destroy themselves for the sake of their psychological illness is a saddening thing - perhaps, one might argue, beneficial from a Darwinian perspective, but only if one ignores that it does not need to be sickly in such a manner, and can stop being sick if it truly wishes such.

wasting dubs fucking degenerate

Sure it is lad. Keep telling yourself that.

why would you do this to your body user?
also why do you faggots always act like faggots?

Where do you get these spooky moral categories 'ideal' government? Who are you to 'fix' humans because they don't conform to your shitty ideology?

Nigger who said anything about wanting to fap I'm talking about terrorizing the fuck you sick faggot What the fuck is wrong with you, I'm stressed to the point I'm having those damn teeth falling out dreams I figure it'd be cathartic to whale on an actual faggot from Holla Forums or at least make him paranoid


Fucks sake

If hrt toward the thing you think you are fixes 'the symptoms' and leads to drastically-elevated probability of self-destruction, it is not a medicine, nor a cure.

And there is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest application of hormonal treatments in the opposite direction would not alleviate the problem.
You're sick. You know you could fix it via application of medicinal drug, but you instead seek to feed into the sickness by taking the wrong type of medicinal drug, bringing about the exact opposition result which you should be aiming for (wellness) in exchange for makes you feel good in your psychologically-sickened state (and drastically elevates your probability of self-destruction when that course of treatment fails to provide real results).

cat gonna cat, dog gonna dog, nig gonna nig, kike gonna kike. its their fucking nature dont question it

i just don't understand what compels a man to act like such a fucking faggot. they have zero self awareness.

And Holla Forums has leftist university professors (webm related) and jewish hollywood directors supporting them:

So when's the inevitable suicide, user? Plan it yet?

truly the elite globalist menace

granted, I don't think the movie was very good, but great award bait for liberals

We cuckservatives nao

Because they've internalized their identity, rooted in psychological illness, so far they fear that elimination of that illness will change them such that their identity no longer suits them, and they fear this. They fear it more than anything.

In truth, trannies are basically all just mentally-ill and full of terror - they're afraid they'll stop being 'them' if they get well.

Think about that Anons. Think about when they wheel out those studies showing "Application of electric current to the brain makes you less racist!", and how you fear that concept, because you know its basically a continual state of pseudo-lobotomy which robs you of truth and thus changes 'you', who you are.
This creature, this sorry mentally-ill beast and its ilk, it is afraid in the same way; but, whereas the electro-lobotomy changes 'you' in an obviously harmful fashion, bereft of any real benefit, this change to the sickened tranny is beneficial, in all conceivable contexts. As such, while it is perfectly reasonable for a 'racist' not to want to me mind-shocked to be rid of their 'bigotry', there is no justifiable motivation for the trannies not to wish to become well, except for fear.

They are afraid. But they don't need to be afraid. That's what we must teach them.

dubs of 3 confirm

If it doesn't want to cure itself then let it die or hasten it's death, preferably with a bullet think of it as mercy if it helps the fact of the matter is that it is a genetic defect with an affectation of the mind and unfortunately there are no studies that I know of indicating whether or not this neurological fuckup is genetic so it is best to remove the problem from the population until such things can be studied.

If it involved him directly, then yes, this is similar. However, I would not mind another GG in the slightest.

And if you think that image has mistakes, then please correct them.. Find new Jewish communist with pictures and put them on that list.

HINT: The russian wikipedia for NKVD is good place to start. There I found majour amount of the names.

My idea was to make an infopicture with Jewish communist to how case the argument that Communism was Jewish.

And nothing is so powerful then giving list of Jewish communist and give pictures of their faces.

One of the majour reasons for this whole project was to find and connect all the names.

ANOTHER HINT: Some of the alledged "non-jews" are actually Jews. For example Lenin is marked as a "Russian". Also most of those names are wrongly translated. You can't find them on google, and because all the names don't have last names or alternative writings it's shitty list.

There was another list of russian communist where the total number of communist leader was 7?? and 5?? of them was Jewish, but unfortunately I can't find it.

My theory was to prove that there were more Jews behind communim that we previously though, and that most of the "non-jews" were cryptojews.


Its better this way, we would become reddit, just as leftypol is becoming that. Quality vs quantity

Why kill it? Why not simply force it to get well?

I disagree.
In many cases, it may be genetically-linked, or it may be a nurture issue - but in either case, it can be fixed.

There was a guy in Legends of the Galactic Empire, an important character, the name escapes me, but he had a defect in his eye. In ages past, he would have simply been eliminated under the genetic purity laws, but with the advent of greater scientific medical advances they were able to give him a synthetic eye that worked just fine, and he lived a full life, and contributed a great deal to the efforts of great men to achieve great things.

So, when I see these misbegotten creatures, who we can fix, unlike the faggots who (if only due to extensive resistance, for similar reasons as the trannies espouse - fear-based, all) are not so easily treated, I say, why not fix them?
Do you think all children born deaf, not because of a genetic abnormality or failing necessarily but perhaps simply due to the conditions their mother experienced during pregnancy or what have you, should be exterminated? Even when we have cochlear implants that allow them to lead perfectly normal, happy lives? I don't support such.
Fix them. Boom, done.

These trannies, they can be fixed, easily enough at that. So fix them. What's the problem?… The problem, my dear user, is they are resistant to being fixed, just as the sad creature in this thread has demonstrated.
The question then becomes: Why?

Fear. That's why.
They are scared of losing 'themselves', because they don't know what it'd be like without that in their life. Drug addicts often express similar sentiments - they know the drugs are killing them, but they can't imagine what their life would be like without the drug in their life, and so, given that the drug makes them feel good, and the rehab would make them feel bad, and might make 'them' cease to exist in a way that frightens them, they resist treatment.

If you want to force treatment upon them, by all means, I support this - but I also urge them to fix themselves, which, sometimes, does work, in that, sometimes, they do fix themselves. Just like drug addicts.

I don't want to be openly endorsed.

About a year ago at this point;
Like I do not even have time to validate everyone but I'm Flattered I so many flustered responses with basically zero effort.

For real like I can't hazard a really accurate number but more than half the trannies I know (and it's weird it's like, automatic friendship with a lot of them like the gayest fraternity) are delusional and half the remainder are fetishists.

Like if someone makes it part of their outward personality fine, but for real if someone is hiding it at All, theyre aware.

I honestly feel terribly sad talking to someone like you. People like you are a big part of the reason that i have become an actual fascist. The sick fucks that pander to your mental illness, and that take advantage of mentally ill people like you in order to score political points and to advance a wider agenda breaking down traditional roles and values need to die. i honestly and absolutely believe those people need to be killed, and if there was a political party that i could vote for or productive action that i could take to have those people executed then i would. But there isn't. Please consider going to church or something, they are generally very wholesome and good people. (Protestants only, not kiddy fucking papists)

We hate you for ruining yourself instead of seeking help. You're maybe removed from the gene pool but you are sure as fuck wasting a lot more by just living.
You're sick and no amount of self harm and pills will help, add the fact that you purely became a "woman" simply because girls have it easy and get more attention. You're fucking weak and the people giving you attention only went to stick their dicks into your shithole, you just want be uselessly used.

Trump has thanked his "internet people" in rallies for investigations done by Holla Forums.

You do want this. You're just afraid to accept that you can be helped. You're afraid you won't be you anymore.

You're afraid, and I understand, and you're sick, and I understand that too.
But we can help you. You just have to want to be helped. Until you do, you're just another sick person.

He doesn't need a church, user, he needs a doctor. A REAL doctor, who isn't going to pander to political correctness and his fee-fees.

Appropriate hormonal replacement would cure him entirely within a year. Guaranteed. But, like all addicts, he must want to be helped for help to be given - and in his state, well, as with drug addicts, often convincing someone, or rather, getting them to convince themselves, that they need help, is a very daunting task.

Solid point.
Wouldnt it make sense for a male who feels like he should be a female to take testosterone? And likewise for a women in the inverse to take estrogen?

Personally I do not feel bad for the adults who do the tranny shit, they need to be destroyed. But I do feel bad for the little children who are convinced of it by their terrible parents. Because they are goddamn kids and dont know better. Kids say they wish they were a tyrannosaurus rex, so that doesnt mean we give them t-rex surgery.

What fucking year is it

Better to read bible yourself and pray to Christ for its understanding. All religions are there to control, profit and exploit, Christ never taught about religion or theology, its all systematic nonsense that appeared to be part of the government thought control.
Also there's a lot of pro-homo churches and other heretical shit nowadays, some lies are well hidden away behind the dogmas.

I judged that the odds of him getting a doctor willing to treat him, or wanting to go at all are low.

I'm not a christian in any way other than cultural, but i can recognize that they are often some of the nicest and wholesome communities that you can get involved in these days.

I remember when I was 16

If it is genetically linked you'll be allowing that genetic mistake to continue. And conflating a genetic defect which affects the eye or ear to one which destroys the mind is extremely disingenuous. Such defects are cybernetic augments not a lifetime of therapy and medicine which will be a burden on society just to make a man realize he is a man. But allowing even the chance for a genetic defect destroying the mind to propogate is a terrible risk to take just for an act of kindness to a creature so overcome with fear it refuses all reality.
ip changed so new ID

Lmao that was the wrong fucking image


Watch out for that zionist control mechanism,
Don't let anyone change you Holla Forums

Arn't many pro homo churches in ulster thank god. They are still failing to subvert that particular institution over here. Not long ago we had a fairly mainstream pastor in hot water after he was preaching about how "Islam is of the devil" "Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell!"

How about you guys stop giving It what it want's (attention) and just ignore it's post.

from the logs it obviously feeds off of attention and being a la-la homo with no sign of treating it's disease.

it'll commit suicide anyways because It'll never be a Woman no matter how hard It tries and probably hit the wall once it reaches it's late 20's and then jump off a bridge.

Why the fuck did my shit auto-correct to reddit spacing, what the fuck.

See, point proven. You're only mutilating yourself for attention.

Yes, pretty much. Not in so simplistic of terms, mind you, biochemistry is exceedingly complex, but in essence? Yes - appropriate hormonal replacement therapy can, and does, alleviate many of the symptoms associated with these dissociative disorders.

You should. Just like you should feel bad for heroin addicts.
Doesn't mean you should give them unlimited leeway, mind you, but should you pity them? Most assuredly.
Most didn't just fall into that position, it was a long and drawn-out ordeal that lead them to that place, and it likely was not a fun ride, regardless of how they might claim to remember it.

They're sick. You pity the sick, and cure them where able. These tranny fucks can be cured, and instead of just constantly telling them they are shit and need to die, I frankly think we should be telling them they COULD be awesome and SHOULD get well, so that they can be awesome.

I'm sure this deranged tranny fuck we're talking to could do some really great stuff. He could turn it all around, and in 10 years, have a family, looking back on the horrors he almost pursued to fruition, and ya know what? I wager he'd thank those who tried to help him.

A fair assessment, no doubt.
But, sometimes at least, that a fight cannot be won does not mean it ought not be fought.

Big 'if' there. And, in any case, its already continuing to emerge - whether genetically linked or not, we should treat it. And you aren't going to get much research, legitimate research, into the origin unless you remove the stigma of studying it.
How do you do that? Recover that which would otherwise be lost, and demonstrate what the alternatives are - consider, if these people are continuing with their insanity in many cases due to fear of losing themselves, and then they can meet and speak with someone who was like them and can assure them that they will remain themselves and feel better, how many more will pursue a cure?

I disagree - they are, in both cases, physiologically-derived illness, which can be cured, in theory at the very least.

Who is to say? I'm sure maintenance of cybernetics is a constant upkeep, and requires lots of medicinal assistance to avoid rejection. But, we're just splitting hairs here.

As it stands, you have no choice, and your capacity to achieve the state you imply a desire to see is only lessened by your approach.

If you honestly want to approach this in a Darwinian mindset, fair enough, but I reiterate that you won't get much in the way of research, the research needed to derive a source (ie, if you could identify as genetically-linked, then you could perhaps fix it via gene therapy prior to birth - or, at the very least, you would have some credence to your stance as opposed to a whole bunch of 'if's) so long as you approach it in the manner you have been, because that is not convincing to those who you must convince - which is the sick.
The notion that you would approach, with a threat, a being who exists in a constant state of terror, and who responds to their fear by gripping more tightly to their sickness, and think that would achieve a positive end, is silly.

They are sick.
Make them well.
When they are well, they can aid others to become well.
When becoming well is accepted instead of stigmatized, research can be done.
If research identifies a genetic origin, you can fix that.
If research identifies some other origin, you can deal with it as necessary.

As is, you've got nothing but questions and 'if's, and that's not going to fix anyone or anything.

I think you're afraid to talk to me anymore, because I hit the target as regards your mindset.

Believe me when I say that you can be well, user. You don't have to be afraid - you will still be you, nothing can or will change that.
Get well. We're rooting for you. You can do it.

Fucking swear, every time someone uses the term "arbitrary concept" or something similar there is a good 90% chance what they are saying is bullshit

If you were in a spaceship orbiting the earth would you see language? Going by this wokeologist's comic I'm supposed to believe that a very useful method of communication is bad because it has no material value.

If Satan himself said, than it shall be done.
trannyfag will hang himself in the next month.

This is disgusting. 2 threads already and the second one w/ 230 comments all to flirt with a fucking Tranny and use Discord. This is >>>/cuckchan/ tier faggotry if I've ever seen it. You're doing nothing but breaking your opsec using Discord and for what? What's the end goal here? You claim to troll a tranny but in essence you're actually fucking flirting with it and having a conversation. This is sick and sad and on the DotR you faggots will all be executed first. Your degeneracy is what's killing the board. Nevermind, actual National Socialists have already left because of this. This is now cuckchan 2.0
Congrats faggots.

I dont feel bad for them because they are militant about their "identity" and see fit to purposefully try to spread their bullshit. Just as if I wouldnt feel bad for a person with a disease who purposefully went around giving other people the flu, because they thought having the flu is woke.

I'll concede, since I have to leave anyways and you've made valid enough argument's however I leave with this. Perhaps it is better to treat them but only if they are to avoid the degeneracy of their communities first otherwise your arguments are no better than saying we as society ought to accept homosexuals so long as they are (((based))) or renounce it openly.knowing they'll keep it secretly Perhaps fags too can be treated, but once they've tasted degeneracy there is no telling if or more when they'll fall down the pizza-hole


Because they're sick, and there are those who seek to employ their sickness to nefarious ends.

But you SHOULD feel bad for those people.
If the 'flu' in question is driving them to those ends, is fiddling with their mind, and there are those (your enemies, no less) trying to employ this sick people to harm you, how could you not pity them?
That, would itself, be a sickness, albeit of spirit.

A heroin addict who goes around pushing for the legalization of heroin, who pushes heroin in the schools to get kids addicted so there's more push to make heroin legal, who is subject to a concerted campaign (by our enemies) to believe that being a heroin addict is perfectly acceptable as a lifestyle choice, is a broken creature. It deserves pity.
It certainly does not deserve unlimited leeway - you should oppose these efforts it pursues, in its derangement, but should you hate the creature itself? Seek its destruction?
I do not believe such is right, in any manner. You should seek its well-being and, as a consequence, the cessation of its activities, and of the activities of our enemies who seek to employ this broken, misbegotten thing - one of our own, by blood, in many cases - to their own nefarious ends.

Good post.
Best thing you can do with Holla Forums is to leave it alone. They just act like containment board for faggots and leftists. They can't do anything if you won't give them attention. Just forget about them and stop participating in personal life of faggots, who only wait for your attention.
Average faggot only wants to be gangbanged by fit nationalists, they are submissive as fuck.
This might end up becoming "HWNDU 3.0: Faggotgate boogaloo", and i don't want that.

I'm having problems regarding self discipline to the point my life is falling apart. Lack of will, suicidal thoughts, negativity, having a hard time in school, getting stressed to the point I'm getting headaches because of it, the list is endless For some reason I also want to engage in violence, since it takes away the stress and pain. What books do you recommend me, user? I give you in exchange a recommendation on films, movies and documentaries.

Am i missing something? I don't know what your talking about, i can see that some person got hold of some discord screenshots, but no one here is flirting with the tranny. Also who is breaking opsec? I honesty don't see what you are talking about. Are you mad not everyone immediately wants to gas a mentally ill person and feels sorry for them?

You continue to misunderstand, but I accept your efforts to grasp what I'm saying.
This part is the issue:
No. This would be the unlimited leeway I keep talking about.
You don't have to accept them. You don't have to say, "Its alright to be a faggot", because its not, just like its not alright to have cancer - if you can cure it, you should. The logic here should be self-explanatory, really.
What I'm saying is, you shouldn't come at trannies like, "YOU NEED TO DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTROUS FREAK DIE DIE DIE!" because that just pushes them further into their fear, and how do they respond to their fear? They cling more tightly to their illness. Exactly.

What you SHOULD do is push for them to get well. We have the means to achieve such, its not even hard - its actually quite a bit easier than what they do to pursue their illness. So urge them to get well. Easy enough, and much more effective, on all fronts.
It is not acceptable to remain ill when you could be well. So don't accept it. Urge them to wellness, and through their wellness, they become an example of what can be achieved. When others see that example, they are more likely to follow it.
Certainly more likely than they are to respond to someone they don't know telling them to kill themselves.

Fags are another issue, IMHO, as I don't think homosexuality is a physiologically-derived illness, or at least, not so greatly physiologically-derived, or even further, not so easily treated in the context of physiological derivation.
IOW: Fags aren't simply fucked in the head in a biochemical context, they're fucked in the head because they got bad-touched and it fucked them up psychologically, which is more difficult to fix (at least, based on our current medical science) than fixing a hormonal irregularity or physiological issues derived therefrom.

I dunno man, we have to engage with people to a degree if only to stop the board going stale. Im confident our ideas are correct and will be perceived as such. Not that im advocating for freedom of speech, if we ever get in charge we need to suppress all sorts of destructive ideas. But in the context of a Chinese image board i think it works.

How about you stop giving it attention and it'll sort itself out (suicide)

Why are you trying to aid the opposition that wants our countries to be annihilated by outsiders and filth to contaminate the nuclear family?

Let it fucking rot and fester in it's own disease, it'll end up killing it and that's one less parasite on the world.

Man, I miss v4c…

Mentally ill people are victims, much more than they are perpetrators, im not sold that they can really be held responsible for their own actions fully.

It still exists fam.

Because its more valuable to us to fix it than to simply let it destroy itself and continue the cycle.

But… That's what YOU'RE doing. You're aiding the opposition by doing exactly what they want you to do - push the trannies further into their fear-based motivation to resist getting well. You're perpetuating the state wherein getting well in this context is stigmatized, and thus, little-to-no research - the research which would potentially allow us to permanently cure this malady - of value can or will be undertaken. You're pushing for these creatures to kill themselves, which will only make them martyrs for their fellows in illness, instead of getting well so they can represent an example of return from darkness which these others, similarly bereaved in their sickness, might follow - and thereby create more examples which might be followed, on and on and on.

One roach dying does nothing for the infestation, and sometimes even furthers it when the other roaches feast upon that which has dead.

You're angry, and I get that, and why, but you're acting entirely counter to your own stated interests and goals.

Not even going to comment on the trigger control, let alone the trigger discipline. I know he's a commie degenerate, but even the ira had some competent units for commies. He should be able to find someone to teach him something. Makes me laugh whenever I see the commies have guns too posts or kikebook groups for commie gun owners.

Too bad that pic is from a commie webcomic. Old as hell though.

They can be held responsible for their own actions, they simply should not be judged quite so vitriolically as some would espouse.

Trannies dying doesn't fix the problem. Trannies getting well DOES fix the problem, on several fronts.
That's really all there is to it.

It doesn't, site got taken down by the owner.

It is an absolute crime that real research on how to fix trannys and gays isn't being done, better spent than money thrown away on foreign aid, or on the dole. I really do think they could be made into happy healthy productive members of society.



Trannies are so mentally broken they don't deserve saving. Do you have any idea the amount of co-morbid disorders they have? They aren't worth the amount of time or effort to fix them as they are broken human beings. Evolutionary dead ends.

You just made my entire fucking month user, thank you, really.

I want to spend my life with Elena, suck on her clitty, and show her the error of her ways.

gl hf

Yeah for real
I got that And a 717 which is tied to your Christ if I recall. And now yours! Great numbers!

I am fucking positive there's a verifiable physiological source for this shit. Whether it's estrogenic pesticide/herbicide/whatever or plastic precursors like bpa or whatever else if environmental, or some sort of genetic fucking curse, an epigenetic response to overpopulation, whatever, I guarantee that once society gets the collective sticks out of their asses (everyone) and allows real actually worthwhile multigenerational studies, one or potentially several medications will be isolated that treat what we can agree is a very real Illness.

And like if you want to actually discuss real potential treatment plans I'm down, cause I'm right now it's like "kill yourself or do the next best thing" .

This will make it a matter of "ok take this pill every day to make your feels match your reals or take this other pill to make your reals match your feels" and THAT will be a whole other issue but that's later anyway.

Also advanced gene therapy is the ultimate goal one direction Or the other so by funding trannies Now you fund medical immortality Later

Fellow trans here… do you guys really hate us or only the commie ones?

stop being alive

Post pics.

Get out

Kill yourself

pick one
also move out of the U.S.A. if you live there

Sometimes I fucking love you guys.

Trannies are inherently communist

Kill yourself mentally ill faggot.

Gas yourself you degenerate mentally ill.

Fucking die you piece of shit.

Checked: Trips of truth.

Mark my words, male-to-female gender dysphoria is caused by androgen insensitrivity in utero and/or mirror neuron signaling deficiency in life which ca be related or can arise separately due to environmental stressors and/or potentially veritable genetic markers. Sterilization is an act of pity and still an accepted course of treatment long after a realmedical cure for each potential physical root cause is identified.

Set yourself on fire and jump off of a building.

That was supposed to say heritable but fukken check em~

This is attention seeking.
Please seek real mental help. Or some sort of traditional morality.

~can't argue with that now can we~

Yes we hate you, stop being a fucking degenerate and realize that you can't change your sex.

Kek wills it
Verify my digits

Then what's the fucking point of having a government at that requirement? Are you fucking retarded? Reported.

Is it not like with gays where tons of trannys just coincidentally turn out to have been sexually abused as a child?

Only the dead know peace from this blasphemy.

kek, never change anons, this is why i keep coming back.

to the user who wanted pics, i dont to upset the other anons but you can find mine in a thread somewhere in /trap/.

Not really, historically there are records of wannabe trannies in ancient rome, and i dont mean the gay bois. there was this small village where female equines would be used to harvest their cum and drinked as estrogen, i fucking kid you dont.

today we tend to go towards consumerism, and of the whole word is a commie place there would be no more hormones, or scientific advancement to upgrade them or even cute outfits to buy and shit alike.

Be wary user, there is publicity for everything, didnt you learn anything from gamergate and how easily info graphics can be misleading?

Mhe… remember that this is not a recent issue, asian countries or india and pre colonial trives from all america have tales and lores about 3rd gender, and i dont think any of those had to deal with contaminated food/water or estrogen boosted chickens… im not saying it doesnt affect, im saying thats not the source.

A lot of you label us of mentally sick and buying into (((someone else))) ideas, food and propaganda, yet at the same time you want us to be checked at facilities from the same psychiatric industry is controlled by (((some brands))) in which according to them everyone is mentally sick…

do you believe in god? mentally sick, let us shut down parts of your brain and 'fix it'

you dont think refugees are welcome here? mentally sick!!!

you want something that is not accepted by society? mentally sick!!!

you want something that is accepted by society? mentally sick!!!

besides there are never real studies, today 'statistics' are a tool to be used not to reveal what current data shows, but to use any data to confirm anything you already support, and its used on any issue of any side, mostly of the time.

Seriously, end your life.

Kill yoursefl my man

What a stud B)

fuck i had lots of typos and missed words, oh well

And you can find mine somewhere on Google probably, I want to see if you're gassable or passable before I decide.

And he was never heard from again.

Anime could be one of the lead causes of transsexualism. It makes makes the user want to be and act like the prepubescent girls they spend so many hours every day watching. In other cases the users develop pedophilic fetishes. Anime on Holla Forums worries me, since its a gateway to degeneracy.


Oh boy, its D&C TIME!

Ah, I figured you would bring up le ancient rome maymay
The idea of gender being an arbitrary concept that can be changed is 100% a communist thought process. Your mystical "3rd gender" shit that marxist professors and the mentally ill always bring up is literally other language's translations for "girly boy" or "boyish girl". In other words, "pansy faggot" or "butch dyke". It's not a magical get out of jail free card for the mentally handicapped such as yourself.

I'm going to skip all the dialogue now and go right to urging you towards suicide.

I'm not going to /trap/. Your grammar really brings home the point that you are mentally ill.
Please, either fix your mental issues or off yourself, you tranny sped.

That doesn't hold up to examination you fuckhead! I mean, I read a LOT of old Batman comics and you won't see ME wanting… to be… uh… to be…


no, Satan, no!

stop messing with your crotch it isn't right.
you can't be a girl no matter how hard you try.

Please continue to verify my digits

Seriously I know spooks monitor chans

Investigate the angle I proposed and I stake my life on the result

Kill all the gays and the faggots.

This was a thread about leftypozz. You're letting the tranny derail it.

Seriously get real help, the suicide rate for trannys is horrible.
I think most people here if they were to honestly and seriously consider it would want you to be able to become a normal healthy person.
yes there have been people documented that sound like trannys historically, but there is evidence of mental illness throughout history also. It still is better both for the individual and society for it to be cured.
Again, please seek help. maybe go to a church or something.

Not just confused but also a degenerate attention whore. There are no chicks with dicks, just guys with tits.

Alpha mail.

Keep telling that to yourself, user.


Christ, there's a lot of Tranny homo degenerates, they keep on shoveling Shlomo's (((gay pride))) into their gobs. These people are absolute genetic dead ends and if they keep spreading their cancerous ideology to our children the white race will surly be dead within 20 years. Clocks ticking, boys.

Wtf 8ch
What happened to the nazi wizards?

It's a problem with their id. I fully agree with your statement.

No im serious… just look at how easy was for the media to use us for dristaction points. Everyone loose their shit, having 2 culminating points when jenner came off and the bathroom stuff.

we always wanted to be left alone in the shadows, just doing some show offs every once in a while, for anons browsing the chans boards you can see we were never a problem back in 2002 back in ko-chan, or futaba, same for 2006-2010 cuckchan, everything was Mhe-levels until the left picked us for anti critisism shield.

your hate for us only shows how efective lgbt is to cause chaos and endless replies where there is no issue… some user said White people just want to be left alone and do theit shit, well, we are no diferent.

Only in post-leftism places… it was never an issue on places like taiwan, tailand or some other assian countries (and while i know those countries are shit in terms of economy, if you go by life expectancy, its the same as the rest of their population).

I understand why you and others build a corelation of mental illness and depression to trannies, but thats because you only know them by forced social media…

buying into that is the same as buying into "every gammer is a fat neckbears with no friends, job, love or social skills, therefore videogames are evol…"

There are great trans persons out there the same way i know there are good people here, its just that we have grown used to seek the lowest common denominator of our "opposition" instead of looking at the individuals they are.

i think its the hour of the day… if you post around 11pm to 3am you see the memeagicians more often, yet morning and afternoon are filled with hard raging Christians.

Esoteric meme magic is cool to study, but there's a reason why Christianity refined and elevated Europe into a land of beautiful culture. If it weren't for Christianity, there wouldn't be the 3rd Reich that would've progressed from the German Empire, Germany itself being very Christian. If you want, you can call Varg to tell you need to kill yourself.

Dude fuck off. Stop saying we/us, you're a faggot and I pray to Kek you hang yourself. You're sick.

When one thinks he doesn't need G-d he quickly seeks religion elsewhere, such as in drugs or alcohol, distracting entertainment like video game addiction, sexuality, and is easily tricked into destructive fringe groups or ideologies such as communism and anarchism because he lacks direction. It is a neurotic person who abandons G-d because "lel the magic sky man doesn't real xD"

Talking about it, it was plan all along. Homosexuality, feminism, abortions, divorce - all those things lead to decrease of fertility among europeans.

Maybe if you were literally just contained in your little degeneracy bubble I would leave you alone as you say.
Since you can't reproduce, you do so by spreading your illness to children, that I absolutely cannot tolerate which is why you have to go.

You know damn well what we are going to do, user.

You are against nature. You disgust me. That's why I want to fix you, so you stop tainting mankind.

i disagree, masturbating to anime has given me a fetish for loving monogamous relationships

I honestly don't see how its any different than those people who honestly feel that they should be disabled, but arn't, so they pour bleach in their eyes and stuff. You believe that you are or should be something that you just physically arn't. Even if the suicide rate wasn't a huge problem (im not convinced about, and would need to look into that east Asian stuff). its still a mental illness, and i honestly believe we should seriously look into finding effective treatment for it that dosn't revolve around permanent mutilation. Those people who get surgery and regret it, make me very sad. and should make all enablers of their condition ashamed.

Also you can't deny there are definitely people who get into it only due to a sexual fetish. Its painfully obvious for alot that ive seen. It almost seems like legitimately autistic people getting into a horrible fetish way over their heads.
Is autism a big thing in among tranny's by any chance?
Also i wonder if, like gays there is a correlation between transsexualism and being sexually abused as a child.

The numbers in here are just Great~

Seriously you won't recognize a lot of it not being effected but trannies are the hot issue of the moment, and roughly equal amounts of shit go either direction. Seriously 10-20 years from now when everyone's calmed down it'll have a standardized medical treatment and everyone can go back to ignoring trannies

Mmmm what do you mean by this?

also, the screencap of POZ in your image are proven to be a long ass fetish and foreplay game.

and taking little random tumblr post as literally true is just as retarded as fox thinking anons can explode bans.

i hold no more influence in children than you or anyone else, if you are really that concern about them, You interact with them about the benefits of following your path by been the prime example of what that path can lead to, shuing away other peoples path and screaming to your children how thats a no-no, will only make their curiosity grow, focus on the individual user, not on the generalized idea.

How is that diferent to feminism trying to 'Cure' misoginy and bigotry?

i am no threat to any of you unless in your mind you persive it that way, but thats still doest make it true. im ok if you dont think of me as a grill or calling me a fagget, as long as you dont get on my way to HRT all is fine.

Im also sadden by the people who fight their hardest into Overcompensathing with macho manly stuff thinking this will go away only to finf out in their late 40's it didnt work and only make it worse for them to transition.
some think we are like this because we are over exposed to girly stuff but this is not the case on most situations, i agree its a posibility, but not the main source.

However, i do agree that if there is some sort of a pill to dont have those types of ideas then it must be pursuit and offered As an Option, same goes for gay people… Then i want individuals to be the ones who decide, yess i dont want to like cocks, i will take the pill… but not of selfish parents that want to 'cure' their children only because they want grandsons.

i dont deny their existance, but i deny their choices to be taken as a whole and be put as their primal example on how and why, DragQueens are the worse in lgbt, i dont know about others but i can testify i had a happy childhood in a small town with a conservative catholic stuff in a 3rd word country, there was no influence in those years about wanting to transition from the exterior and everything pointed the best option to keep been male since here we do have some preference in men over woman in a lot of stuff, but even in this embiroment i knew what i wanted at 4 yrs old… and back in 1990 there was no internet in this town to "corrupt me".

Do you seriously believe all gays are molested as childs? what about childs who are molested but still are stright? doesnt that break the narrative?

They aren't gonna be the subject of every headline anymore because their special interests groups won't get the same level of funding from Trump that they got from King Nigger. Face it. Trannies threw their lives away to be a political wedge issue in a political election. Sad.




I dont believe all gays were molested as kids, but its apparent it's much more common for them than the average. Also more likely to come from fatherless or divorced homes.

It's also pertinent to the topic to note that the first sexual encounter usually sets the stage for the rest. When that encounter is being sodomized by an older man or boy, you can imagine the kind of mental repercussions and the road it would lead someone down.

Tbh if this lad would've been placed on HRT about 2-4 years earlier, he'd have passed as a lass. I hate to say it but the traps that start therapy before puberty are sometimes indistinguishable from lasses tbh minus the feminine penis. It's just so unnatural and disgusting but my reptilian brain still sees these feminine qualities and tricks me into being slightly attracted to it smdh.

unfortunately there are nudes…

well for one thing misogyny and bigotry are natural

you ever hear of the term all x is y but y isn't always x

I disagree that if there was a pill to make people better they should be allowed to choose. The choice isnt for people with a mental illness to make. You dont get to choose whether or not to treat your mental illness, it best for society and for you if you are made better. society has a duty of care to the mentally ill, not to allow them to hurt themselves.

Well, then our subject is future second Brianna Wu.

guys i don't want to be a trap.

This is what you get for masturbating too much, and not working out hard enough.

Take it to /cow/ or /baph/, Anons. At this point it's CWC-tier. Anchors away


At least ban the faggot , or you look like you are standing on his side. And yes, thank you for anchoring, its useless thread anyway.

With the right frame, it just takes getting it before the End of puberty when the growth plates fuse if you have a year to basically put yourself in a cocoon.

While Seriously like starting around ~14 is ideal, it's better than it was.

I love you guys
Never change



You will die alone

You're unbanned, hurray! Nice dubs.

Die of GRIDS.


Holla Forums has been shilled into buying into identity politics over the past two weeks. I don't know what set it off but I was here a month ago, things were fine, then I came back and it was full-on idpol bullshit in every fucking thread.
It's important to judge people by their net contribution to the nation (nation in the sense of volk/race), not by their identities. If some degenerate donated $20,000,000 to white causes and kept their degeneracy private without actually harming others, then their degeneracy is irrelevant.
Degeneracy is as degeneracy does. If you actually spread disease, that's degenerate. If you actually harm children, that's degenerate. If you perform actions that actually harm the volk, like impoverishing them, causing them to self-harm, purposely getting them to castrate themselves or otherwise weed themselves out of the genepool when they otherwise would have been contributing members of the nation, those are degenerate actions.
The level of discourse has fucking plummeted on Holla Forums in the past few weeks and it's a tragedy. I don't know why we have all these rabid identity-politics obsessed faggots on Holla Forums all of a sudden, but they're here and it's the responsibility of every user to speak up and correct them. It's almost embarrassing how what used to be a fact based, logic using, reasoning culture was shilled into rabid sjw-tier identity politics in a matter of weeks.
Good god, Anons, what the fuck has gotten into all of you?


No exceptions, no excuses. They must hang. We must stamp out degeneracy from the face of the earth.

This is exactly what i mean… if you spend 90% of your life repressing yourself thinking those feelings down it will go away somehow, you force yourself into fitting into a society that loves to shape your individual that once the bubble burst the only way to keep living is going into a sick delusion of not only wanting to be a little grill but also trying to mentally regress yourself.

it has happened a lot of you already, trying to repress and deny yourself from having your ideal life with your ideal values has forced you to think more and more about the 'Final Solution'.

This may shock you but a lot of Holla Forumsacks are somewhat faggot themselves and have been in Holla Forums since it was /news/ on cuckchan.

im just sad that this degeneracy its nothing but your equivalent of white guilt, where you push the individual aside so a retarded ideal can came on top.

Look up the definition of "Fascism" sometime, user. It might blow your mind.

also lmao you think that Chris-chan was repressing his desire to be a girl

You couldn't be more obviously a shill if you tried.

You'll hairsplit until the only person left alive is yourself, you retarded power-hungry faggot.

Oh wait, it wasnt that one weirdo who leaved his family to be the 6yrs old baby of someo old couple? i just saw some hugly face and paused the video.


Most of these people are obviously not Holla Forumsacks, they don't have any logical foundations for any of their views, it's just constant shitposts autistically screeching to "KILL EVERYTHING"
I wonder if we have all the TRSodomite rejects who deserted their pozzed forums and wound up here.

You know who else breathed air? HITLER.
Kill yourself.

Well, I'm gonna take a deep ass breath of that shit then.


can you build more on that user?


U No It Bby ;)
I've lost weight and gotten taller. Those pics are both like 3 years old

But user that'd just kill you twice
Oh also some "dox", there's basically no information on there. The twitters are old, residence is wrong, etc. and it wasn't even done by folks on here it was done by someone who has a grudge against me

