Is this shit gonna end up like "a day without immigrants" where they redpill the general population themselves by there being a sharp increase in productivity in buisnesses etc?

hope so

Everything that happened on a day without immigrants will on this one.

e.g. Absolutely nothing.

This will most likely manifest in a day without traffic accidents.

Nobody is going to notice the difference, except maybe an uptick in efficiency and productivity.

Anybody found any salt yet?


This will be glorious. Men will see how quiet and productive their day is without a bunch of bitchy, catty women around to fuck shit up. Less traffic on the road will mean less accidents. And if the bitches do go out they'll probably end up shopping almost the entire time meaning increased revenue for local businesses. If we're lucky the companies that these bitches work at will shit-can them and get decent workers. Parents will call for the teachers that "protested" to be fired/replaced with non-sexist counterparts. And slowly we will make America great again by using their dumb-ass virtue signaling to ostracize them from our ranks.

Win-win, I'd say.

I work in restaurant management and the industry is female dominated. You have no idea how emotionally unstable, as well as disorganized, cunty, most women are. Correcting a woman's mistake without triggering an emotional meltdown is like navigating pic related.

The funny thing about driving is that we all know women suck at it but we're supposed to pretend that it's not the case.

I'm at the police academy and it's divided into 4 blocks: hand-to-hand combat, driving, shooting and academic. The females all do shit at the physical stuff especially driving and shooting that they had to add a written test worth 30% of the grade to help the girls be able to pass those blocks.

And the instructors only give men shit that have trouble during those blocks, it's really transparent. I had on one side of me a guy who kept anticipating the shots and they were all down and to the side a bit from the bullseye and the instructors were all in his face yelling at him. Yet a girl on my other side was afraid of the gun going off that every shot after the first one started not even hitting the target… but nobody told her anything. I swear on the 25 yard line she shot my target.

Are you an NYPD-bro?

why don't we meme a day without white males (under the guise of showing how easily the world will do without them) into existence and watch everything go down the shitter



The problem with that is that white males understand their responsibilities, and even more importantly have pride in those responsibilities, and would go to work anyway.

No. Cop in the south. That's as much as I'm saying.

Watch what happens with this one, and see why that is a bad idea.

No wonder my commute took about 5 mins less time today

Please god let this happen.

Every workplace in the country will report massive spikes in efficiency if the fish market stays home for the day, guaranteed.


Are we seriously memeing woman everywhere losing their jobs?



A Day Without Women means A Day With Your Waifu.


I actually do, believe it or not but most of us have to deal with women every fucking day.

Is that fucking cop car a goddamn nissan altima? The poz never stops in NYC.

https:// townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2017/02/22/icymi-more-than-100-fired-for-skipping-work-to-attend-day-without-immigrants-protest-n2289059

It's nice that they didn't learn anything from their last failure.

Check the catalog, fagit

Happy end:

everybody gets raped, robbed

Good thing I'm a wizard who works from home.


Did we survive?

i know i sure didn't

It begins.

But everyday is a day with my waifu

Events like this are never as successful as the media portrays.

Nothing happened.

It had zero effect on society.

so…. what did they achieve?

What would happen if we made a day without men?

I noticed nothing at all different this day and I'm not even a NEET.

fuck finally, some peace and quiet

So basically, it's fucking nothing

Today I am listening to radio, standard propaganda, we need to fight for women rights again muh opression.
Some communist degenerate movement even staged a protest in our capital! Then they interview the spokesperson and she basically said nothing but "minority muh oppresion, muh protest"
They really ran out of ideas. Leftists are ruined. Into the thrash they go
Need I remind you this was in central Europe. The protest curiously wasn't in Bosna or Albania for instance

Why I feel this is important?
This is important because today left was ruined.
I listened very carefully to see what they are "fighting" against or who exactly opresses them.
even msm ran out of ideas.
Now I wouldn't say they were protesting for some women in muslim countries who really are oppresed.
Left is ruined

#adaywithoutjews when?

you would end up with The Purge

The only things Bosnianiggers protest for are gibs and cheaper cigarettes and čevapi, and the only thing Albaniggers protest for is a better kidney black market.